Tennis. How to place bets

There is a lot of tennis. Just think: about 200 tournaments are held annually in different categories! Grand Slam, ATP Masters 1000, ATP World Tour 500 and 250, WTA Premier Mandatory, WTA Premier 5, WTA Premier, plus a bunch of invitational tournaments for the best players on the tour, all kinds of Challengers and the ITF Circuit for players who have not yet proven themselves at major competitions. The selection of events is amazing, and this is attractive - you can bet on tennis almost every day.

What can you bet on?

1. Player wins the match

The simplest thing is to bet on a tennis player to win a specific match. There are no pitfalls here. It is worth mentioning that in a tennis match there cannot be a draw, so the probabilities and odds are distributed in a slightly different way than, for example, in football.

2. Handicap (handicap)

Imagine Nadal playing against a little-known tennis player. Naturally, they will give a very low odds for his victory (1.05 or so). You can't lift much. What to do? Get a head start.

For example, you can take Nadal's minus handicap -5.5 in games. The odds will be significantly higher than for a clear victory. The bet will win if Nadal's total advantage at the end of the match is 6 games (or more). Let's say Nadal wins in two sets with a score of 6:3, 6:3. In total, Nadal wins 12:6 in games, which means that our -5.5 handicap has passed, and we have won. If Nadal wins 6:4, 6:4, then the total difference is 12:8, and our minus handicap of -5.5 has not passed.

Similarly, in tennis you can bet on a plus handicap. It is beneficial when a tennis player is unfairly considered an outsider, but we know that he will be able to impose a fight and even if he loses, it will be without defeat. For example, Wawrinka plays against Djokovic and loses in two sets with a score of 5:7, 6:7. But we took a +4 plus handicap on Wawrinka, so we won (total score 11:14, the difference is only 3 games). The odds for a positive handicap will be significantly lower than for a clear victory, but the probability of this event is much higher. This means we will win money more often.

You can bet on a handicap in tennis both by game and by set. It works the same way. For example, we take a handicap of -1.5 on Djokovic - which means that to win the bet he must win with a difference of 2 sets (in 3-set matches 2:0, in 5-set matches it will be 3:1).

Another feature: there are whole (-1, -2, etc.) and multiple (-1.5, -3.5, etc.) handicaps. The difference is that with full odds, a bet return is possible. For example, you took Nadal with a -4 handicap, he won, but in exactly 4 games. This means you will receive a refund. To qualify, Nadal must win by at least 5 games.

3. Totals

Total betting in tennis is very popular. You can take the total number of games in a match or in a set, the number of games in a certain set, the individual total of one of the tennis players, the number of sets, totals of aces (serves to fly), double faults and many other quantitative indicators.

To bet on the total in tennis and win, it is important to understand how the match will go. Will there be a tense fight when the players go head to head and don’t let each other go for more than one game? Or, on the contrary, one of the players is in bad shape and will lose money?

Another point: the totals for 3-set and 5-set matches will be different. It is logical that the total for the total number of games in a 5-set match will be significantly higher than in a 3-set match.

4. Winning the tournament

If analyzing individual matches is boring or doesn’t work out, you can try the tennis player’s victory in the entire tournament. As a rule, it is more profitable to choose strong candidates from the second echelon, because the odds are low for established stars (Djokovic, Federer, Nadal), and they don’t always win. Take the Grand Slam tournaments from 2013 to 2017 - Murray won three times, Wawrinka twice, Cilic once. A big plus: you can bet on winning a tournament when several rounds have already been played, the tournament grid and the current form of the athletes are known.

5. Live

Live tennis bets are those that are placed directly during the game. You can bet on almost any event, up to winning one point in the game. This is a potentially very profitable segment, because before the start of the game it is not easy to predict its course, but from the first games you can draw conclusions about the condition of the players and understand who will win. If you watch tennis carefully and regularly, you can learn to notice subtle moments such as microtraumas of athletes that were not known about before the match. The bookmaker does not always have time to adequately respond to such subtleties, and you can play on this.

How to learn to bet on tennis? Adviсe

When analyzing tennis, there are several key aspects to pay attention to.

1. Coating

The surface on which a tennis tournament is held is of enormous importance. There are 4 main types of tennis surfaces:

a) hard - courts with a hard surface. The structure of the surface varies, so the rebound and speed of the ball vary. Because of its rigidity, the hard court increases the load on the spine, legs and joints, and the lack of slippage increases the injury rate of tennis players. Hard is used in both outdoor and indoor arenas. The Australian Open and US Open are played on hard courts.

b) synthetic - courts with synthetic surfaces are considered the slowest, although here, too, a lot depends on the material (the characteristics of ball movement can differ significantly). Used mainly in indoor arenas. Shock-absorbing layers reduce the likelihood of injury.

c) soil (clay) - a very specific coating. The rallies here last longer, the game slows down, the bounces are higher, and it is more difficult to calculate the trajectory of the ball. Dirt is the most popular surface on the tour, and also the least dangerous. Roland Garros is played on clay.

d) grass - the oldest and fastest type of surface. The ball here flies at breakneck speed and bounces lower than on other surfaces. Not very popular, because... A grass court is very expensive to maintain. Wimbledon is played on grass.

The type of surface greatly influences how the game turns out. Before placing a bet on tennis, you need to inquire about the surface on which the game will take place. It is also important to understand that hard in India and hard in the USA may have completely different characteristics. It should be taken into account how a particular tennis player feels on this surface - as a rule, it is impossible to play equally well on all surfaces, so each tennis player has his own “favorite”. For example, Nadal won 14 Grand Slam tournaments, 9 of them on clay. It is believed that tennis players from Spain, France and South America specialize on clay, while Australians and Great Britain specialize on grass.

The table shows the difference between coatings. On clay, due to the slower pace of play, it is more difficult for tennis players to hold their serve than on grass. Total aces are more attractive on grass.

2. Playing style

It is important to know which style each tennis player prefers. The following are divided:

a) defensive. His followers defend themselves and play on the back line. Their goal is to repel the opponent's attacks and provoke his mistake. Often in tennis, the player who wins more points through his active actions wins, and the one who makes fewer unforced errors. Defensive players are distinguished by endurance, concentration and psychological toughness. Defenders are also different - some play exclusively on the opponent’s mistakes, some are more active. Defensive tennis players perfectly hold the back line, have a good serve and counterattack. Ferrer is considered one of the most striking examples.

b) attacker. There are different ways to attack in tennis. Previously, a popular attacking maneuver was a strong serve and going to the net, but now it is almost never used, since opponents have learned to dribble and throw with a candle. The attacking game has been modified, today a strong knockout blow from the back line was added to the powerful serve. A striking example is Raonic, who can serve at a speed of 250 km/h. The weak point of such tennis players is immobility. To hit powerfully, you need a lot of muscle mass, and its presence reduces speed. However, there are other players with an attacking style - for example, Djokovic, who does not have a strong serve, but is capable of powerful shots from the baseline.

c) universal. There are athletes who master all skills equally and perform all basic elements equally well. These are smart tennis players with excellent intuition, able to calculate the game several strokes ahead and adapt to their opponent. A prominent representative of this style is Federer, who quickly recognizes his opponent’s weak point and takes advantage of it.

3. Physical fitness

The most important factor in any sport, but especially in tennis. It is important to have an idea of ​​how tough a tennis player is in general. For example, Nishikori is not distinguished by physical stability, but Nadal, on the contrary, is a very hardy and tireless athlete. Some tennis players suffer from chronic injuries, and you need to be aware of them too. It is worth checking how the player spent the last time before the match, whether he participated in other tournaments, whether he made long flights, how much time he spent on the court in previous matches, how much mental and physical strength he spent. Tennis is an individual sport, so even the slightest physical ailment inevitably affects the result.

Finally - 3 more tips

First, always consider the motivation of tennis players. It is no secret that the best players in the world are concentrated on the most prestigious and expensive tournaments (Grand Slam and Masters). In other tournaments, as a rule, they are not so focused. This is a chance for young and promising players - taking advantage of the insufficient concentration of stars, they are able to win sensational victories and rise in the rankings.

Secondly, try live betting on tennis. It is often advised to take the underdog, who lost the first set, against the favorite, who is tired of a grueling fight in previous matches. The logic is simple: the favorite is enough for the first set, but accumulated fatigue affects the later stages of the match, and the odds for the underdog increases due to his failure in the first set. Of course, it is important to take other factors into account.

Third, actively monitor media resources. Almost all top players use Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and regularly give interviews. These sources can often provide important details that help in forecasting.

Tennis is great for forecasting, if only because there are only two possible outcomes of a match. If taken seriously, betting on tennis matches, games, sets and the like is guaranteed to be a good source of additional or main profit. True, you will have to study for this, and this requires time and your desire, because in order to make money, you need to know how to bet on tennis correctly.

The procedure for betting on tennis is no different from betting on other sports. After choosing a bookmaker, you need to register and identify yourself, since we bet legally. I wrote about the right choice of bookmaker.

After completing these simple steps, top up your account at the office, but do not rush to bet, because you are new to this matter. If everything is clear from a technical point of view and placing bets on tennis is not difficult, then choosing the right outcome is much more difficult. In this article we will analyze the main points of tennis betting, which will help you start making money in sports betting.

Types of bets

Match outcome- who will win.

Total– number of games or sets (more details).

Correct score– won sets are counted (more details).

In the bookmaker environment, tennis is a sport that is constantly given many options for the development of events. And there are a lot of events themselves, because the player’s rating directly depends on the number of matches played. Also, because it is an individual sport, it seems that the results of a sports competition are easy to predict. But, of course, this is far from true, because every tennis player cannot always play at the same level.

How to place a bet in tennis and not lose money? Here are some tips and recommendations from the site, which specializes in tennis forecasts.

Application of double rate

This strategic move is considered almost a win-win, which explains its popularity. Its essence is to bet on both players at the same time. If at least one bet passes, then the income will be zero, but there will be no losses, and if both bets pass, a profit will be made. In a situation of approximately equal chances of winning, bookmakers set the same odds (odds) for each player to win.

Handicap strategy (zero handicap)

Betting on games with a zero handicap is also allowed. But to win, the winning tennis player must have a one-game advantage. If the number of games won is the same, the bet will be returned. The main thing before betting is to study the strengths of tennis players. If the odds are low, a bet on a negative handicap can be placed on the selected athlete, when the tennis player wins by a specific margin. Such a bet is justified when one player is significantly stronger than the other.

Negative Handicap Strategy

A handicap can also appear as a negative handicap. This manifests itself in the case of a low odds for your protégé, for example, 1.3, when you will not receive much profit from his victory. And then a minus handicap is the only opportunity for you to win. To win, your athlete must have a minimum lead of at least four games. With such a bet, you have to count on a serious advantage of your player over your opponent.

Betting on breaks (games)

Tennis bettors quite often bet on the winner of a particular game of a match. These are the so-called Life bets. The odds for the receiver to win are often very attractive and range from 3 to 4. Success with this strategy awaits only those who are able to predict the course of the game in real mode. This bet is usually used only in tennis. If you are guaranteed to know that the tennis server has a bad serve, and his opponent, on the contrary, has an excellent technique and plays better, then this bet is for you.

The psychological nuance of the strategy refers to the situation when the server begins to fail in the match and everything goes towards losing the set or match. Few people are able to cope with this premonition of defeat, and it is precisely such moments that become prey for break hunters.

Focus on the player’s physical and psychological state

This strategy, like no other, relies on the ordinary human weaknesses of players, which bettors track. For example, during the period after a long series of victories, a tennis player involuntarily relaxes or simply gets tired, and this inevitably affects his mood or physical fitness. Or a player may not compete at full strength in a match if he is about to compete in a more serious sporting event.

Long term rates

The basis of a long-term bet is the change in odds as the situation with the player changes. Initially, a couple of months before an important tournament, the odds are set by the bookmaker based on the current state of affairs. But the development of the situation can lead, for example, to an improvement in the physical fitness of a tennis player, which is why the odds fall. If the player meets the expectations of the bettor, a profit will be made.

Express bet with small odds

Many bookmakers allow you to bet on different versions of the same match result. For example, if you bet on a handicap, you can choose the safest one. The coefficients in such cases are approximately half as low. But in the case of a bet with a handicap on a confident favorite or when betting on a larger total with an opponent capable of resisting, such a bet is the right strategy. To increase your winnings, you can combine the outcomes into a common express bet, which sums all the odds into one.

Additional bets

When the balance of power between opponents is uncertain, the only option for bettors is additional bets. The calculation in them is made on knowledge of the abilities of each individual tennis player, the peculiarities of his game and some of the circumstances of the match itself. In this bet, luck awaits you only if you constantly watch tennis competitions and know the players well.

You will learn what you can bet on in tennis, what strategies will help you get rich, and where you can look at the forecasts before placing a bet. We will also tell you about the features of betting on table tennis and live.

22.05.2018 Sergey Glushkov

In this article we will talk about the types and strategies of tennis betting, as well as how to improve the results of the game using professional forecasts.

We will also touch on some of the subtleties and nuances of forecasting, knowledge of which will increase your chances of success and help you quickly move from the category of beginners to the number of experienced betters. We will also look at the features of live tennis betting and tell you what the features of betting on table tennis are.

Tennis betting is a good opportunity to make money

One of the most popular betting options at bookmakers is betting on tennis. This beautiful and spectacular sport has many fans all over the world. “Stars” are surrounded by crowds of fans, have their own fan clubs and literally bask in the attention of the media.

If you are interested in this sport or at least follow its news with interest, you have every chance to combine business with pleasure and make money on forecasts for matches and tournaments. We won’t promise that betting will become your main source of income, but an experienced fan is quite capable of withdrawing honestly earned money from the bookmaker from time to time.

There is no question of trying to make money without knowing the rules of tennis. So, you should know how many points a player gets depending on the number of goals won in the game.

For one served win, 15 points are awarded, for two - 30, for three - 40. The fourth ball won brings victory in the game if the opponent has less than 40 points. The rules of the game are quite complex, especially for beginners, so take the time to understand them.

Next, you will need to select a bookmaker. The most famous licensed offices are 1xbet, Fonbet, Baltbet. In addition to gaming markets, their websites contain tournament schedules and a lot of other important information. Without leaving the cash register, you will find out what games are scheduled for today, tomorrow or in the coming days.

The largest bookmakers offer bets on virtual tennis matches, in which not real tennis players fight, but computer characters controlled by an emulator program. It’s easier to bet on a “virtual” bet, but the casino principle applies here: the office will always win over the long haul.

Carefully study the internal rules of your bookmaker: how it settles winning bets, what happens if the match is disrupted due to the refusal of one of the athletes to continue the match

What can you bet on?

First, let's figure out what people actually bet on in tennis.

Let's look at the most popular types of bets.

The simplest type is a bet on the victory of one or another player based on the results of the match. You just have to guess which player will come out on top - no matter how many sets it takes him or what the final score is. This is the most popular type of bet, especially among novice bettors.

Handicap (handicap)

If one of the participants in the match has a clear advantage, bet on the outcome of such matches with a handicap - in other words, a handicap. The principle is simple: either the weaker opponent is given a positive handicap - additional points are added, or points are taken away from the match favorite (negative handicap).

Thus, for your bet on an outsider to win, even a loss is allowed, as long as his opponent’s advantage is not too large and it is covered by the declared handicap.

A separate type of handicap betting is the Asian handicap. According to its rules, if the gap between the result of the favorite and the outsider turns out to be equal to the handicap, the entire amount is returned to you in full, that is, you remain with your own.


If you don’t want to bet on the result, bet on the duration of the match, that is, on the total number of games in which the set will take place.

For example, the bookmaker indicates the predicted number of games, and you bet either that the set will end faster than the bookmaker assumed, or that the fight, on the contrary, will last longer. The first type is called “Total Under”, and the second is called “Total Over”.

Victory in the tournament

When betting on winning a tournament, you are asked to predict not the winner of a single match, but the winner of the entire tournament.

The most prestigious annual competitions in this sport are the Grand Slam tournaments: Australian Open, French Open (known as Roland Garros, named after the sports complex in which it takes place), Wimbledon (UK) and US Open (US Open).

Number of sets in the game

This is a type of total, which we already talked about earlier, but only here your task is to guess the number of sets that the tennis players will play in order to identify the strongest. The maximum number of sets in a game is set by the tournament rules - either 5 or 3 sets.

Even/odd number of games

Another type is odd-even. The bettor is asked to predict whether the total number of games in a game or in a particular set will be even or odd.

How to bet on tennis - use strategies that work

Tennis bettors have developed many theories and strategies aimed at increasing the likelihood of winning.

We will focus only on the most effective and proven strategies that allow you to play with minimal risk, but we immediately warn you that there are no absolutely win-win tactics.

Double rate

The strategy implies that the player places two bets on one match at once.

As an option:

  • to “total over”;
  • for the favorite to win with a score of 2:0.

Select events so that the winnings of any of them completely cover the losses of the other.

In this case, if at least one of your bets works, you lose nothing, but if you are lucky and both work, you will receive a double win. You will only receive a loss if both lose. In the above example, this will only happen if the outsider wins quickly, and this rarely happens.

Bet on the favorite who lost the first set

Live bets that are made directly during the game. As a rule, before the start of a fight, bookmakers set extremely low odds (below 1.3) for a stronger opponent. There is no point in betting on such an odd - it is stupid to risk losing the entire bet amount for the sake of an insignificant win.

But if the favorite loses the first set, bookmakers quickly increase the odds for him to win the match to very attractive levels - 2.0 and higher. This is the moment you need to seize in order to bet on the stronger one!

The logic here is simple: if the player you are betting on is objectively much stronger than your opponent, then his defeat in the first set is most likely an accident. Perhaps the tennis player has not yet played out properly. A set loss will force him to pull himself together and show everything he can do. And you will receive your winnings at a high coefficient!

Strategy for “total under” in ITF tournaments

Another live strategy was developed specifically for ITF matches, where, as statistics show, it works well. The rules are as follows: if there were more than ten games in the first set, then you need to place a “total under” bet of 10.5 on the second set, that is, on the fact that there will be less than 11 games.


This strategy is based on identifying distortions in the odds for the same match at different bookmakers. A better bets on the favorite to win in one office, and on the outsider in another.

The main thing is to find odds that will allow you to make a profit no matter the outcome of the game. The strategy is almost a win-win, but there is a nuance - bookmakers do not like “arbers”. If you are suspected of such actions, they may lower the limits or even calculate the bet with odds of 1.


This strategy is similar to the previous one, but with the only difference that your bets do not cover all possible outcomes, that is, a certain narrow “corridor” of results remains, in which the probability of loss remains.

There are many videos online describing various strategies. For example, this video will introduce you to the basics of betting on tennis:

There are even entire sites dedicated to teaching the secrets of sports betting - for example, Dinat Gumerov's Tet-a-Bet site. True, we would not recommend unconditionally trusting an Internet guru.

Features of live betting

We have already described individual strategies for the “live” mode. Now a few words about the features and advantages of “live” betting compared to pre-match betting. Some advantages are obvious: for example, in the case of live, you don’t have to wait long for the game and results.

But what is even more important is that an experienced bettor who is well versed in tennis, watching a match online, is able to predict the further development of events based on the slightest signs. All that remains is to react in time!

Sometimes in live they insure their initial pre-match bet. Do you see that “your” player is clearly out of shape? Bet on his opponent quickly! Even if the victory of the second bet does not cover the entire loss from the first, expenses will be significantly reduced. It turns out to be a kind of insurance against the initial incorrect calculation.

There are strategies that are suitable for both pre-match betting and live betting, but they work better in live betting. For example, a bet on the favorite to win live and before the game. The result will be more reliable if during the first games you observe the form in which your favorite entered the court and wait for the game where he will serve.

A strong player in good shape, a favorite, and even in the position of a server - the advantage is clearly on his side: take advantage of this by placing a bet in real time.

Or bet on the favorite's breaks, that is, on the favorite's winning in a game when he does not serve, but receives. Of course, it is more difficult to win on the reception, but, firstly, you are betting on a stronger player, whose good form you have already seen with your own eyes, and secondly, the odds for such bets are decent - up to 3.0.

What to consider before placing a bet

Before you risk your money, consider a number of important factors.

The more points you take into account, the more accurate your prediction will be and the higher your chances of winning. Let's list the most important aspects of the match that are important to take into account in your predictions.

Type of coverage

There are four types of tennis courts - clay court, outdoor hard court, indoor hard court and grass court. The type of court and especially its surface has a significant impact on match conditions.

Statistics confirm that the greatest chances of winning on your serve are on grass (about 90%), and the least on clay. But break points most often occur on clay, and least often on grass. Take these features into account when placing your bets!

Current Form

Tennis players are people too, and nothing human is alien to them. Their game is influenced by both their psychological state (this factor is especially important in women’s tennis) and physical fitness. Even a brilliant athlete often performs well below his potential if he is not at his best, has not fully recovered from an injury, or is demoralized.

On the other hand, a strong middle player who is at the peak of his form, inspired by luck and highly motivated, is able to unexpectedly win against an opponent who is much higher than him in the international rankings.


The factor of motivation is closely related to the factor of physical fitness and psychological state of a tennis player. If a top star competes in a tournament of minor importance (for example, the Leon Challenger), her motivation to win is often not that great.

It is quite possible that she is simultaneously preparing for a more important tournament, but here she is saving her strength and not giving it her all. But her weaker opponent is bending over backwards to take full advantage of his chance to win.

Personal meetings

A better should be friends with statistics. If it is not the first time that two opponents meet, you must get acquainted with the statistics of their previous confrontations. It will help you calculate what to expect from your next contraction.

Playing style

Each tennis player has his own style of play. It is largely determined by his physical characteristics (in particular, whether he is right-handed or left-handed), but the “school” also plays an important role, that is, the influence of the coach on the athlete at the beginning of his career.

What about table tennis?

Table tennis, or ping pong, is not only entertainment, but also a full-fledged Olympic sport, which has its own international federation. Individual and doubles matches are also practiced here, just like in tennis.

In addition to the Olympic Games and the World Championship, other large-scale competitions are held in table tennis: the European Championship, the Champions League, Challenger and ITTF Pro Tour tournaments, and so on, not counting many smaller competitions.

And if so, then bookmakers provide everyone with the opportunity to place bets on ping pong, including live bets.

If you are already familiar with the system for making tennis predictions, then a lot of betting on ping pong will be familiar to you. Here, too, there are bets on a player’s victory in a particular set or the whole match, on total, odd-even and handicaps.

However, there are some peculiarities - for example, in ping-pong, to win you need to win in four sets, and therefore fights up to seven sets are possible. The set lasts up to eleven points. On the other hand, it is easier to analyze statistics here, since there is no need to make adjustments for different types of coverage.

Table tennis fans invent various strategies for this sport. For example, “total less” in live, when the underdog wins a set against the favorite.

This happens when a more eminent athlete saves his strength for the next fights. As a rule, after the outsider wins, the leader deals with him in the next set with a crushing score: the outsider is already exhausted, and the favorite is determined to punish him and, moreover, is not so tired.

Bet "total under 18" when the score is 11:6 or less and it will work. This is just one of many ping pong strategies.

Where to watch forecasts from professionals

Not every amateur bettor is able to track all the events taking place in the world of tennis, observe the development of the careers and dynamics of many famous tennis players, and correctly make forecasts for upcoming games.

Moreover, it is not enough to make a correct forecast - you also need to evaluate the odds offered by the bookmaker and choose the best option. You can go the simple route and bet on the winner, but it is smarter, safer and more profitable to use a handicap or bet on other events - total, for example.

The better will come to the aid of forecasts from sports analysts or experienced betters who are professionally involved in developing forecasts and recommendations. Such forecasts are available on specialized websites.

For example, the site will be a good help for a better. Here you will find many forecasts that not only give a recommendation (for example, “bet on the first player to win”), but also explain its logic.

The most valuable high-traffic forecasts are available only to registered users. Here users vote for their favorite forecast. The bet that receives the maximum number of votes is declared the “bet of the day.”

Another useful site is Here is a rating of forecasters with statistics on the success of their forecasts. Some of the forecasts on this site are paid.


In conclusion, we would like to warn you against the idea that making money in a bookmaker is available to everyone. To become a successful bettor, you need to love tennis, develop analytical skills, be good at mathematics, be observant and patient.

(2 ratings, average: 3,00 out of 5)

The strategy for betting on the favorite in tennis involves betting with odds from 1.45 to 1.65. This strategy is very easy to understand and use. We select matches in which bookmakers highlight a clear favorite and an outsider. It is not difficult to understand who is who even for a person who has a minimal understanding of this sport. Bookmakers, represented by their experts, have already analyzed and [...]

The opportunity to play according to the live-break strategy on the favorite is a good chance to win in tennis bets and make good money. Tennis, along with basketball, is one of the most difficult sports to make money. It is very easy to predict the victory of the favorite over the outsider, but for such an outcome you will get a coefficient of about 1.10. Such layouts will force you to either bet fabulous […]

The tennis betting strategy - arbs is a win-win strategy for betting on tennis in bookmakers. A bookmaker's sure bet is a situation where players who placed bets remain winners, no matter what the result of the match is. In other words, players place bets on different outcomes and receive a portion of the profits.

Today, many people around the world use so-called “corridors” to place bets in bookmakers. Lineout is the simplest and very effective tennis betting strategy that has become popular all over the world.

Undoubtedly the most famous and popular tournament in the world of tennis is the Wimbledon tournament, which brings together hundreds of the best representatives of this sport every summer. This is one of four tournaments that is included in the category of so-called Grand Slam competitions. For any tennis player, the most desired competition is Wimbledon. The schedule and grid of this competition are published on all sports […]

Tennis betting is considered the most highly profitable of all types of sports betting. There are two main types of tennis betting strategies: statistical and combined. With a selective approach, tennis bets can provide 15–17% profit from the amount bet.

One of the great ways to make money is live betting on tennis at bookmakers. Being one of the most spectacular sports, it has deservedly become popular among those who like to place bets in bookmakers. The reason for this is the regularity of tennis competitions, which provides the opportunity to bet on this interesting sport more than once a week, as […]

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Tennis matches are of interest not only to fans, but also to bettors. There are a lot of methods and betting strategies tailored to tennis in betting. Unlike team sports, the result in tennis depends on only two people, whose characteristics are easier to study. The Favorite project offers an exclusive column of tennis strategies with minimal risk.
Tennis, due to its continuous season, is considered the most popular game for sports betting. There are so many developed strategies that they are unlikely to fit all of them in a bettor’s head. Therefore, it is important to pay attention only to those tennis betting strategies that have been approved by the project experts. Great for betting on tennis, where all the popular championships are collected in a line.

Popular strategies for betting on tennis

Tennis matches annually cover not only Grand Slam tournaments, but also lower-ranking competitions. If a bettor cannot distinguish the significance of Roland Garros for Nadal from pre-season tournaments, where the athlete does not have extreme motivation, then the “Tennis Strategies” section from the Favorite project will become his reliable guide to the world of profitable betting.
Many theories for betting on tennis are also based on knowledge of the differences between challengers and ITF tournaments. Why waste time and look for strategies on your own, when the project team has long done the work for the user, collecting a unique collection of tennis betting strategies.