Svetlana Akhunova: “The heart is a very fragile thing: it beats. Svetlana Akhunova: “The heart is a very fragile thing: it beats. Research in OFD1 has contraindications

The Kazan scientific school contributed to the development of many areas of medicine, including functional diagnostics. The founder of the national school of electrocardiography, A.F. Samoilov, for the first time in Tsarist Russia, within the walls of Kazan University, recorded an electrocardiogram of the human heart and a frog. In 1908, at the university therapeutic clinic, headed by Professor A.N. Kazem-Bek, the first electrocardiogram of a patient in Russia was recorded. The legendary history of diagnostic research was continued by Professor of the Kazan Institute of Medical Sciences L.M. Rakhlin, who opened the laboratory of clinical cardiac electrophysiology; world-famous scientist, professor E.A. Ozol, who made an invaluable contribution to the vector theory of electrocardiography interpretation.

Currently, a successful successor to traditions in the diagnosis of heart diseases is the Department of Functional Diagnostics 1 (OFD1) of the Moscow Clinical Clinical Center. Svetlana Yuryevna Akhunova, head of OFD1, Candidate of Medical Sciences, functional diagnostics doctor of the highest category, speaks about the level of professionalism of the MIDC specialists, the capabilities of the diagnostic equipment fleet and the family team.

Svetlana Yuryevna, before your eyes and with your participation, the work of OFD1 began, the brilliant development of the department took place. How did the team manage to keep the bar high?

The Department of Functional Diagnostics of the ICDC was opened at the first stage of the launch of the ICDC on December 10, 1999. The department was equipped with modern equipment, and the best personnel were selected. OFD1 has become one of the most popular departments in the Moscow Children's Clinical Center and remains so to this day. The department works every day, including weekends. Regular updating of equipment, development of new technology, and introduction of new methods make it possible to increase the volume of research - almost 52,000 of them were carried out over the past year.

The MIDC team has formed as a team of like-minded people. These are specialists who came from different medical institutions, but are united by one goal - to create the best clinic in the field of diagnosis and treatment, scientific research, teaching work, and attitude towards patients. For example, in 2011, work on heart transplantation began at the Moscow Children's Clinical Center. This was a completely new stage in the history of our clinic. OFD1 doctors, together with cardiac surgeons, not only on weekdays, but on weekends and at night, went to different clinics in the city to examine patients. And the first heart transplant operation required continuous work throughout the day by a large team of doctors from the Moscow Clinical Clinical Center, including our department, since the information obtained using functional diagnostic methods was very important and necessary.

- Was the opening of the clinic the most exciting moment?

Certainly! It was a difficult and interesting time. Together with the builders, we completed renovations, arranged equipment and furniture, studied the capabilities of complex modern equipment, and mastered computers. At the same time, all employees were getting used to each other. Initially, the team consisted of 4 doctors, 6 nurses and 3 nurses.

Did you hear that the First President of Tatarstan, Mintimer Shaimiev, was one of the first to “test” the new equipment?

Yes, there was a funny incident. A large group of honored guests headed by Mintimer Sharipovich was present at the opening of the International Cultural Center. They walked around the department's offices and inspected the new equipment. Interested in the operation of the device for studying the function of external respiration, Shaimiev sat in the patient’s place and asked for a study to be performed on him. The young nurse was so confused that, having started to enter the patient’s data into the computer, she asked: “What is your last name?”

- What types of research are being carried out in the department at the moment?

We are currently conducting 14 types of research. Functional methods allow you to answer a number of questions. Firstly, based on the results of our methods, we can judge how the disease affects the function of an organ or system. Secondly, based on certain parameters, we can judge the compensatory capabilities of the body. Third, using exercise or drug tests, we help select the right treatment strategy for the patient. And finally, by conducting dynamic monitoring of the patient with repeated functional examination, it is possible to judge the effectiveness of treatment,, if necessary, carry out timely correction and predict the course of the disease.

We do the greatest amount of research, of course, for the departments of cardiology and cardiac surgery. Among the group of ultrasound methods, echocardiography is, of course, most in demand. I would like to note that in our department, for the first time in Kazan, stress echocardiography with physical activity and with dobutamine was introduced into practice to determine the viability of the myocardium. When our cardiac surgeons, led by Rustem Nailevich Khairullin, began operations, we began to conduct intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography. With our participation, under echocardiological control, together with doctors from the department of x-ray surgical methods of diagnosis and treatment, we mastered x-ray surgical methods for the treatment of congenital heart defects and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, as well as methods for assessing the results of these operations.

The group of electrophysiological methods includes electrocardiography, stress tests, Holter ECG monitoring and 24-hour blood pressure monitoring.

We conduct a study of external respiratory function using spiropneumotachography, a test with bronchodilators, a study of alveolar diffusion, and respiratory effort of inhalation and exhalation. Everyone knows that cardiovascular diseases occur more often in people who smoke. Many smokers suffer from atherosclerosis and hypertension, and they often have damage to the coronary arteries and heart valves. Therefore, if you yourself or someone close to you smokes, I definitely advise you to examine your heart and external respiratory function.

Despite the fact that modern medicine is based on high-tech research methods, uses computer technology, and is capable of identifying diseases at an early stage, the number of patients is not decreasing. And one of the main reasons for the high morbidity and mortality rates, along with an unhealthy lifestyle, is that Russians are extremely dismissive of the early diagnosis of heart disease. But, as the satirical writer Tsal Melamed said, “The heart is a very fragile thing: it beats.” Not even the best cardiologist will be able to provide qualified care to his patient if the diagnosis is made too late or inaccurate. That is why experts strongly recommend that a healthy person undergo heart examinations at least once a year. If the disease is detected early, there is a high probability of being cured of the disease and continuing to enjoy life for many years to come. Patients can contact the ICDC for screening. We have special programs for those wishing to examine the heart, blood vessels, and lungs.

Unfortunately, the pathology of the cardiovascular system is now much “younger”. Heart attacks and strokes are becoming more common among 25-40 year olds. Thus, one of our patients, 33 years old, periodically experienced transient ischemic attacks (this is what is popularly called “micro-strokes”). An echocardiogram revealed a benign tumor in her left atrium, a myxoma.

As it turned out, small fragments came off from it and migrated with the bloodstream to the brain, causing ischemic changes in it. The patient was successfully operated on, the tumor was removed, and the woman was completely cured.

- How reliable and accurate are the results of your research?

Our department is equipped with the most modern expert equipment. And, of course, the key to success is teamwork, including collaboration with cardiac surgeons. With the beginning of cardiac surgery, as well as with the advent of emergency cardiology and neurology, the number of patients with congenital and acquired heart defects, with coronary heart disease requiring stenting and coronary artery bypass grafting, increased at the Moscow Clinical Clinical Center. The requirements for the accuracy and information content of OPD1 studies immediately increased, since the assessment of indications for cardiac surgery requires the analysis of a large number of complex criteria and calculations. In addition, during the operation, surgeons objectively evaluate the reliability and accuracy of our research, so feedback helps improve the work of department staff. The professionalism of doctors and the capabilities of high-quality equipment make it possible today to present research results with high accuracy. Our research methods provide maximum information about the functioning of the heart.

- Are studies in OFD1 contraindicated?

Practically none, with the possible exception of stress tests. Functional diagnostic methods are completely harmless to the body, painless, non-traumatic, and do not carry radiation exposure. With their help, we can identify heart defects, myocardial infarction, and determine the cause of a stroke.

- Do you perform most of the tests on hospital patients?

Yes. Patients who come to the clinic with serious problems. ICDC is one of the leading institutions where patients come from all regions of Tatarstan, other regions of Russia, from foreign countries - from everywhere where they could not be helped. Department of Functional Diagnostics 1 has high authority among colleagues. In complex cases that require an expert collegial opinion, doctors from clinics in the republic and regions refer patients to our specialists.

So, we recently received a patient, a 54-year-old man, with complaints of shortness of breath. At his place of residence, he was diagnosed with acute thrombosis of the brachial artery. The patient was operated on, but a week later the shortness of breath did not stop, but intensified, and he was sent to the Moscow Children's Clinical Center. We determined that the source of all the problems was a blood clot that had formed in the veins of the leg. The thrombus migrated to the right atrium, and from there to the pulmonary artery. Pulmonary embolism was the cause of shortness of breath. In addition, it turned out that the patient had a congenital heart defect: atrial septal defect. Through this defect, the blood clot penetrated into the left side of the heart, and then into the artery of the arm, causing thrombosis. Echocardiography clearly shows a long thrombus stuck in the interatrial septum. The patient was operated on, the blood clots were removed, and he was discharged feeling well.

- Is it possible to conduct preventive research for organizations that care about their employees?

Many enterprises and departments enter into agreements to conduct medical examinations of employees at the International Medical Center. Thus, the Ak Bars hockey team regularly undergoes examination according to the KHL protocol in our department. Now our team is an active fan of our favorite team.

Science is developing at an accelerating pace. How to keep up with technical progress and discoveries in the field of diagnostics? Keeping up with research on a huge number of patients and keeping up with the times seems like an impossible task.

The knowledge acquired in medical school is, of course, not enough. A doctor must constantly improve his level. Knowledge of the English language helps a lot with this, since many resources are translated with great delay. I, like many of our employees, study English, subscribe to various resources on cardiology and diagnostics in order to keep abreast of new discoveries and work at the same level as our colleagues in leading clinics in the world. We need to grow, improve, master new techniques, implement all this in the department, and raise the level of our research.

We combine the constant increase in the number of studies and the development of new techniques in the department with scientific work. 4 candidate dissertations were defended, 64 scientific publications were published, doctors make presentations and presentations at conferences and congresses on ultrasound and functional diagnostics, cardiology and cardiac surgery.

MIDC is the basis for postgraduate education of the Kazan State Medical Academy. My employees and I conduct practical classes and give lectures as part of the cycles of radiation and functional diagnostics of the KSMA, as well as for nurses of the Kazan Medical College. On-the-job training in echocardiography and Holter monitoring is provided for doctors from Russia and the CIS countries. Specialists who came to study at the International Clinical Clinical Center note: “We saw the work of a modern, world-class clinic and learned a lot. We really envy you, working on such equipment and in such wonderful conditions!” To better assimilate the material, the doctors of the department have developed methodological recommendations for various sections of functional diagnostics, and a significant amount of educational material has been prepared in the form of videos, photographs and electronic copies, which make the learning process more visual. Master classes regularly held at the International Clinical Clinical Center by specialists from leading clinics in the world have become a great help for employees.

Doctors of the Department of Functional Diagnostics are trained in leading clinics in Russia - the Central Clinical Hospital of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, the Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after. Bakulev, Russian Cardiological Research and Production Complex, Scientific Center for Surgery named after. acad. B.V. Petrovsky RAMS and others. During training, we try to adopt not only professional experience and learn new diagnostic methods, but also project onto our work valuable experience in the optimal organization of work and communication with patients. In the institutions where I was, I liked the working atmosphere, the democratic relationship between the head of the department and the doctors. I told myself that I would do everything possible so that we have the same environment, so that people feel comfortable, have the opportunity to develop and use all their abilities. Indeed, for maximum efficiency, the team must work as a single organism, and we have achieved this. We have a good relationship, and we enjoy communicating not only at work.

- Is it possible to combine the work of the head of the department with scientific activities?

My PhD thesis, defended in 2002, was devoted to the study of blood vessels in venous pathology of the lower extremities. The work began while working at the RKB together with Igor Mikhailovich Ignatiev. Ultrasound studies of the cardiovascular system were then very actively developing and became a real breakthrough in diagnostics. When I came to the International Clinical Clinical Center, I became most involved in ultrasound examinations of the heart - echocardiography, and the introduction of new techniques for examining our patients.

As far as I noticed, doctors in clinics cannot always use all the capabilities of the new equipment available. Mostly, probably, imported equipment is used, which is often not Russified. Is this the reason?

When supplying new devices, training is always carried out, which we try to use to the maximum benefit. In 2016, we received new ultrasonic equipment from General Electric. Doctors representing the company introduced us to all the options, and we will continue to be in contact in the future. Thus, this year a master class by the European representative of GE on three-dimensional echocardiography is planned. The Internet allows us to find many resources, and we do not feel cut off from world science and practice. We try to get acquainted with the new recommendations of the European and American societies of echocardiography and cardiology, modern protocols, and the use of new techniques for various diseases and operations. In the department, we conduct a series of training seminars on these topics and introduce the most modern methods into our work.

- What attracted you to the profession of a doctor? How do you balance your work load with your wife’s and mother’s to-do list?

My grandmother was a nurse. She dreamed that one of the children would become a doctor. Parents worked in the chemical industry - mother as a designer, father as a builder. My sister realized her grandmother’s dream by enrolling in medical school. I studied at a physics and mathematics school, and following my sister, I applied to the medical institute. Since graduates who graduated with a medal passed only one exam, after passing specialized physics with an “A”, I was enrolled in the faculty of “pediatrics” and sent to work in the archives of the medical institute. While others were puffing away at exams, I was happily sorting through dusty medical journals and was happy that I got in! Studying in the first years of medical school was not easy, classes began at 7.45, and ended late in the evening with practice in the anatomical theater. At the same time, I plunged into the vibrant student life and enthusiastically participated in festivals. I got married early, and already in my second year I became a mother. She continued her studies a year later. In 1989 she graduated from the Kazan State Medical Institute with a degree in Pediatrics. Upon completion of the internship, she worked as a cardio-rheumatologist at the children's city clinical hospital No. 3, then completed the “Clinical ECG” improvement cycle and combined the work of a cardio-rheumatologist with work in the ECG room.

A year later, it was time for my son to go to first grade. The offer to work in the clinic and hospital of the Shamovskaya Hospital in the ECG room turned out to be very opportune. I enthusiastically agreed. I managed to take care of a first-grader, work, and learn a new direction. Since 1993, she has worked as a doctor in the functional diagnostics department of the Russian Clinical Hospital, and since 1999 I have been working as the head of the functional diagnostics department at the Moscow Clinical Clinical Center.

I wonder if a female doctor, burdened with administrative duties and engaged in science, could have a hobby? Apart from your passion for learning English, is there anything else that interests you?

Oh, I could do a lot of things if the day were longer! I love to sing and play the guitar. During my student years, my sister and I performed at festivals. Then we sang with our son. I even managed to burn a disc.

- Incredible! In this case, I won’t be surprised if you say that you draw and dance, and also like hiking.

Yes, I like to paint with watercolors and oils, but this is all at an amateur level. I love sports and hiking. Every year my friends and I go rafting. It’s great to feel spring in the forest, when before your eyes, in a couple of May days, nature wakes up, the first leaves and flowers bloom, and the spring river roars.

I'm a lucky person. Everything is fine at home, and at work there is a special, warm atmosphere of a friendly and close-knit team. This is also evidenced by the fact that in all these years none of our doctors have moved to work in another clinic. During such interviews, you involuntarily think and look back at the path you have traveled. It’s hard to believe, but almost twenty years have passed since that clear and frosty December day when the doors of the MKDC offices smelling of paint and new furniture first opened.

- What do you dream about as a doctor?

Don't even know. Interesting work in a modern surgical clinic among talented and medically obsessed people, constant growth and development, expanding horizons, using the most modern techniques, working in excellent conditions, the ability to use the Internet, a rich library. What else could you dream of? I was very lucky; during my work at the International Clinical Center, a strong, professional department was created with highly qualified employees and expert-level equipment. We are all growing together with our rapidly developing ICDC clinic, and this is a real dynamic life. The life of a modern doctor.

Rozalina Musabirova

Mother's eyes

One young man and an old man were standing near the well. The young man boasted to the old man that he understood other people better. At this time, an old woman approached them and asked if a handsome, tall young man had passed by.

“He went to the river,” the old man immediately answered.

“But only a short elderly man with an ugly appearance passed by us,” the young man was surprised.

- That's right, but the woman asked about her son. And for the mother, no matter how many years pass, the son will always be handsome and young.

Chinese parable “Good family”

Once upon a time there lived a family. Not an ordinary family. There were more than 100 people in it. Are there many such families? Yes, quite a lot. But this family was special. No quarrels, no swearing, no fights, no strife. Rumors about this family reached the bishop himself. And he decided to check whether people were telling the truth. He arrived in the village, and his soul rejoiced: cleanliness and order, beauty and peace. Good for children, calm for old people. The bishop was surprised and decided to find out how the family achieved all this.

He came to the elder. “Tell me,” he says. The elder wrote something on paper for a long time. And when he wrote it, he handed it to the bishop. Only 3 words were written on paper: “LOVE, FORGIVENESS, PATIENCE” And at the end of the sheet:


-That's all?

“Yes,” answered the old man, “this is the basis of the life of any good family.”

When people fight

Once the Teacher asked his students:

- Why, when people quarrel, do they shout?

“Because they are losing their calm,” said one.

“But why shout if another person is next to you?” asked the Teacher. - Can't you talk to him quietly? Why shout if you're angry?

The students offered their answers, but none of them satisfied the Teacher.

Finally he explained:

- When people are unhappy with each other and quarrel .their hearts are moving away.

In order to cover this distance and hear each other, they have to shout. The angrier they get, the further they move away and the louder they scream.

- What happens when people fall in love? They do not shout, on the contrary, they speak quietly. Because their hearts are very close, and the distance between them is very small. And when they fall in love even more, what happens? - continued the Teacher. - They don’t speak, they just whisper and become even closer in their love.

- In the end, they don’t even need to whisper. They just look at each other and understand everything without words.

The parable of the gloomy man

A gloomy man rides on a trolleybus and thinks: “There is nothing good around, just melancholy. Wife - grumpy, children- hooligans, boss- evil..." Behind him is a guardian angel with a notepad and pen. He writes it down and thinks: “Just melancholy, boss- evil wife- grumpy, children- hooligans...

It seems like it already happened... And why does he need to do this all the time? But once he orders - will have to perform..."

Family happiness

In one small town, two families live next door. Some spouses constantly quarrel, blaming each other for all troubles, while others dote on their other half. The obstinate housewife marvels at her neighbor’s happiness. Jealous.

Says to her husband:

- Go and see how they manage to keep everything smooth and quiet.

He came to the neighbors, quietly went into the house and hid in a secluded corner. Watching. And the housewife hums a cheerful song and puts things in order in the house. He just wipes away the dust from an expensive vase. Suddenly the phone rang, the woman got distracted, and put the vase on the edge of the table, so that it was about to fall.

But then her husband needed something in the room. He caught a vase, it fell and broke.

“What will happen?” the neighbor thinks.

The wife came up, sighed with regret, and said to her husband:

- Sorry honey. I am guilty. She placed it on the table so casually.

- What are you doing, honey? It's my fault. I was in a hurry and didn’t notice the vase. Anyway. We could not have had greater misfortune.

...The neighbor's heart sank painfully. He came home upset.

Wife to him:

- What took you so long? Have you looked?


- Well, how are they doing? - They are all to blame. But we are all right.

Bread with butter

The husband and wife lived together for thirty years. On the day of their thirtieth anniversary of marriage, the wife, as usual, baked a small loaf of bread - she baked it every morning. At breakfast, she cut the bread lengthwise, buttered both halves and, as usual, prepared to give the top half to her husband. But halfway her hand stopped...

She thought: “On our thirtieth birthday, I want to eat the top of the loaf myself. I dreamed about this for thirty years and deserved the top half: I was an exemplary wife, raised wonderful sons, kept the house in perfect order.”

And she handed the bottom part of the loaf to her husband. She had never allowed herself to do this in all the thirty years of their life together.

And the husband took the bread and said with a smile:

What an invaluable gift you gave me today! Since childhood, I have loved the bottom, crispy part of the bread. But I always believed that she rightfully belonged to you.

Fragile thing

Whether it was a long time ago or just recently, it doesn’t matter. Yes, a traveler just came to one village. And he stayed to live in it. He was a wise man. He loved people, especially children. And what golden hands! He made such toys that you won’t find at any fair. But the only problem is that the crafts are too fragile. The children will be delighted at the fun, but she will go and break. The children will cry, and the wise man will make them a new toy. And even more fragile.

“Why are you, dear man, giving such gifts to our children? After all, you are wise and love them like relatives,” the parents asked the master. ~ Children try to play carefully, but gifts break. How many tears!

The sage smiled:

- Time flies very quickly. Very soon another person will give your son or daughter his heart. Fragile thing! I think my toys will teach them to take care of this priceless gift...

Parable about a happy family

A young man came to the sage for advice.

- Tell me, what is the secret of your knowledge? Are you happy. They respect you, people come to you to learn how to make their lives better. I study a lot. And troubles are falling on me.

In response, the sage smiled and called his wife:

A couple of minutes later a beautiful woman came in. Her eyes were shining.

And then the sage asked:

- Darling, we have a guest today. Go put out the pie dough.

The woman retreated to the kitchen.

Soon she returned to the room and turned to her husband:

- The dough is ready, my beloved husband.

To which the sage said:

- Now add nuts, dried fruits and honey to the dough.

The wife asked:

- The ones I saved for our wedding anniversary cake?

“The same ones,” answered the sage. And the woman agreed unquestioningly.

Soon she brought a tray with a fragrant pie

But the sage was in no hurry to treat the guest; he said:

- Darling, I see how hard you tried, but take this pie to the poor.

The woman smiled. And she left the room.

The amazed guest exclaimed: It’s a pity for the pie!

To which the sage said:

- Did you ask how to become wise? Ask your wife to bake a pie.

He flew home as if on wings. Disappointment awaited him there. His young wife was chatting with her friends.

But the man decided to follow the advice of the sage:

“My beloved,” he began affectionately, “I want you to make the dough.”

The wife said displeasedly:

- I'm busy. There is food at home.

But the man did not let up.

With a grumble, the woman saw her friends off and went to cook.

Soon she returned and said:

- The dough is ready, but I decided to make cookies, not a pie.

An hour later, my wife brought out a plate of cookies.

And then, drawing more air into his chest, the man blurted out:

- Darling, I appreciate your work, but could you take these cookies

and give it to the poor?

- What more! - exclaimed the wife! - Found someone so caring! Only

translate products!

Every day she nagged him, mentioning this incident. Then he ran to the sage's house.

- You fooled me! I followed the advice. It got worse. It's unbearable at home.

The sage sat the guest down and said:

- You asked me how I became so wise and successful. Now you see that my beloved wife is the source of happiness. You spend more time swearing and fighting with the woman you love than studying. Is there wisdom here?

- Should I leave my wife and find another? - asked the young man.

The sage frowned:

- You are looking for an easy way. This is not true. You and your wife need to learn to respect and love each other. Go home and make your wife happy. Until then, don’t even think about books.

“I already do everything for her,” the guy continued.

- Is she happy? - asked the sage.

You chose each other to learn to love. But instead you read books, and forgot to take care of your wife, and she discusses you with her friends.

The man went home sad and disappointed.

On the way he met a grape merchant. The man had an epiphany: these were the grapes he brought to his wife when they met. His wife loved him so much. And he didn’t remember the last time he treated her. The man bought some grapes. But he could not please his wife: she was sleeping. There were traces of tears on her face. He decided not to wake her. He put a bowl of grapes on the table. He woke up from tender kisses. His wife hugged him. Then everyday worries took over both of them. Now they learned to be attentive to each other. The man did not touch the books. He remembered that he needed to restore peace at home. The wife also changed: she began to take care of herself, was affectionate and gentle, and did not stay too long with her friends.

After some time, someone knocked on their house.

The owner opened the door. A guy stood in front of him. The eyes were sad, the shoulders were hunched. He held books under his arm.

“Help me, wise man,” he asked, “a friend sent me to you.” He said you know how to be happy. I study the works of great sages. My life doesn't change. And the wife is getting angrier.

After listening to the guy, the owner of the house smiled:

- Come in, welcome guest. My wife was just getting ready to cook dinner.

The ancient gilded clock standing on the Hogwarts headmaster's desk struck exactly eleven times, disturbing the falling asleep Phoenix, causing him to wake up and purr displeasedly. The light from a dozen almost burnt out candles reflected on magical instruments and instruments, casting intricate shadows on the walls of Dumbledore's office. Despite the late hour, the Hogwarts headmaster was still in his dark burgundy work robes and receiving visitors. Today, Dumbledore was visited by the Minister of Magic Rufus Scrimgeour, who again asked to help the Ministry with advice on how to explain the cloud-dragon to Muggles, Alastor Moody, who came on business of the Order of the Phoenix, and the new head of the board of trustees - after Lucius Malfoy, no one could hold out on this position and five months. The most unexpected visitor was the last guest, who did not even bother to warn about his late arrival and, in a completely unknown way to the director, got right to the threshold of the director’s office.

Very rarely, Dumbledore's gaze was not kind and understanding, but stern, seeing through, not accepting any compromises, and this gaze was most often, in one way or another, associated with the Death Eaters. And now Dumbledore looked sternly, appraisingly at his unexpected visitor, who, for unknown reasons, decided to visit the director of Hogwarts.

“Good evening, Professor Dumbledore,” the late visitor greeted the gray-haired old man, sitting in a chair opposite the headmaster’s desk.

Good evening Konstantin. I admit, I’m surprised by your visit,” the professor tried to greet Voldemort’s son, who killed one of the Hogwarts students, as politely as possible. “I believe you cast a powerful deception spell on the stone Gargoyle, since it let you in without a password.”

No, Professor Snape let me in here. Believe me, Dumbledore, I’m not here to demonstrate my knowledge of magic,” Constantine answered calmly. - However, it’s worth noting that your Gargoyle really won’t be difficult to deceive.

Dumbledore, not taking his eyes off for a second, looked sternly at Constantine. Maybe he had been deceiving himself all this time, and the blood had taken its toll. In front of the professor sat a guy who looked almost like a copy of the young Voldemort, differing from his father only in the sincerity in his gaze and the charming smile that he inherited from his mother.

“You are probably surprised by my request for a meeting,” Konstantin began, keeping silent about the fact that he made this request after entering the director’s office, and Dumbledore had no other choice but to accept him, “especially since recent events... I because of them here, and not only because of them. I'm very sorry... Snape probably told you everything. I was forced to demonstrate to them the fourth Unforgivable Curse. My father was in Romania and saw that I applied it to my relatives, who committed atrocities against me throughout my life. “I know, I have no forgiveness, but I didn’t come for him,” Voldemort’s son continued calmly, but with a little bitterness in his voice, “I came to ask you for help.” Save my mother. Father too, if you can... You alone can help them.

Dumbledore's eyebrows shot up, and his gaze became his usual kind and understanding. This means that he was not mistaken in Konstantin and he is indeed much more humane and kinder than his father, who is incapable of either repentance or a simple understanding of the limits of what is permitted.

How and how do you think I can help them? They themselves, with their own hands, dug the hole that now becomes their grave. It’s only their own fault that they found themselves in the position they are in now, you understand that,” Dumbledore sighed, looking at Constantine in a fatherly manner, hinting at the atrocities of the Death Eaters and the retribution that they will someday bear. - But, apparently, something happened that I don’t know. Why did you come here, tell me, and I will try to do everything that depends on me.

Konstantin exhaled heavily and looked into the old man’s eyes with almost childlike hope for a miracle.

Dumbledore, my parents are in danger - they could be killed at any moment. It all started because of me, or rather because of the fact that I exist at all. Leistrange - Rodolphus and his brother Rabastan, knew nothing about me. The mother’s presence of an illegitimate child was like a knife in the back for Rodolphus, because he thought that his mother had never had a relationship with anyone before him, and carried her in his arms. When he found out about me, he almost strangled my mother. His father cooled his ardor - a couple of dozen torture spells and Lestrange gave up. I was introduced to the Death Eaters, and they know both Rodolphus and my mother. Of course, Lestrange was not without caustic ridicule, but people still openly laugh at him. The Lestrange family is disgraced. The Lestrange brothers swore revenge on my parents. They vowed to destroy them. It’s easier to kill a mother, but the father won’t hurt her because she’s the mother of his child. So the Lestranges decided to start with him. They, as his faithful people, knew about protection from death, you too, the professor, know that he has horcruxes. One of them was kept in the Lestrange safe - it has already been destroyed. They are now looking for other horcruxes...

Constantine fell silent and looked at Dumbledore almost helplessly, pleadingly, but the professor was in no hurry to react in any way to what he heard.

Dumbledore, understand, I never had a family, but I knew that I had a mother and father. I loved them, even though they hardly saw me and my relatives said a lot of offensive things about them. When I fell asleep, every night I dreamed that my parents would come to me and kiss me. Even if not then, but now, even if not in the way I dreamed of it, but I am next to my parents, and they, albeit in their own way, love me. We have breakfast together, read the Prophet, discuss different things, plan something... We are together. This is so important to me.

This is important for all children,” Dumbledore noted. - Konstantin, tell me, if you know about the Lestranges, what’s stopping you from punishing them yourself for their desire to deprive you of your family?

“Father doesn’t believe me,” Voldemort’s son sighed in disappointment. “He says the Lestranges don’t have the courage to go against him, because they know that he cannot be killed, and he is much more than just a man.” I think Rodolphus made himself a Horcrux, just like his father. I don’t know Rabastan, I could too... Rodolphus is generally aiming for his father’s place.

“It’s certainly sad, but it’s not exactly what I wanted to hear,” Dumbledore said thoughtfully. “I asked you what’s stopping you from punishing them, and not what your father thinks.” His thoughts are clear to me, but what is going on in your heart.

“I don’t want to kill them,” Konstantin breathed out, “I don’t want to kill anyone...

And the two cans that came, one to the school and the other to the parents of the Hufflepuff boy you killed. I think there was something there that once was a boy. I would like to see the boy alive. Or does your reluctance to kill only apply to Death Eaters,” Dumbledore asked Constantine sternly, but in a soft voice.

No, it applies to everyone...

Dumbledore asked his visitor nothing more and walked him to the school gates.

You know, Konstantin, our new potions teacher, Professor Slughorn, is completely unable to cope with his position, he has already become old, his health is not at all what it used to be. And besides, Severus Snape was a more talented potions maker. I think he will be happy to give up his position as Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher to the Dark Lord's son.

Constantine looked at Dumbledore in confusion.

Only students, teachers and families of teachers can live at Hogwarts.

Do you want me to become a teacher at Hogwarts and take Mom and Dad here with me? - Konstantin asked, not believing what he heard.

For now, only Bellatrix, and then only when a real threat comes for her, and only if she makes an Immutable Vow that she will not harm a single teacher or student. In the meantime, you can tell your parents that they came to me specifically and said a lot of pitiful things, so that I would take you as a teacher and you, Konstantin, would spy on me. And Harry Potter, you understand. I think your father should like this,” Dumbledore winked slyly.

Yes, he should like it... Thank you... for your trust and desire to help, professor,” Konstantin smiled.

Well, until Monday then. Your first lesson Gryffindor - Slytherin 6th year.

It's an amazing thing to teach a lesson to a crowd in a square.

Not for the hall at a teachers' convention, not at the stadium for teachers and children, but for the crowd walking past the stage in the very center of the capital's metropolis, in a festive atmosphere.

Not for colleagues at the teachers’ council, children, colleagues and the jury at the “Teacher of the Year” competition, but for a crowd of different ages that gathered spontaneously, without coming purposefully. As colleagues would say - an unmotivated crowd. That is, motivated, but clearly not for the lesson, especially geography

For a crowd in which, as it turned out as a result of a spontaneous “population census” conducted to general laughter, the whole of Russia was represented: from Kansk to Murmansk, from Crimea to Khabarovsk.

And build on a square of people (no, together with people!) a huge, across the entire width of Tverskaya Street, “living” map of Russia...

And teach a real lesson in the geography of the Motherland, based on the material from the film “I Walk Through Moscow,” beloved by generations. It would seem that the entire film is within the Garden Ring, what kind of Russia is there? But if you look more broadly, it turns out that the geography of the film extends from the Karelian taiga to the Kamchatka volcanoes and from Transcaucasia to the northern latitudes.

Questions that were asked to the public: how to watch, from what angle, from where and where, and with a transfer in what city was the main character of the film flying? Where are the creators of the film from? What geographical processes can be explained and illustrated with fragments from the film? How has Moscow changed over half a century? And even about the travel time of a sun ray to the Earth, and much more ​

It’s an amazing thing to be silent all together, even in the middle of a fun holiday, City Day, in memory of actors who have already passed away and sometimes forgotten. Lyubov Sokolova - a Leningrader, and then a Muscovite from Ivanovo, Alexey Loktev from Orsk, Vladimir Basov from near Voronezh, Gennady Shpalikov from Karelia, Ekaterina Melnikova - remember, Kolka’s grandmother, who buried all her sons? Bright memory…

And are still alive today. Only 30 seconds on the screen is freshman Irina Miroshnichenko. And now, right before my lesson, on stage - the People's Artist herself sings and communicates with the audience. By the way, she comes from Barnaul - also a point on our “living map”.

It’s an amazing thing to sing together with a crowd familiar songs from films of that time and find an absolutely geographical meaning in them, to remember together the first teachers almost on the eve of (what’s left?) Teacher’s Day years after graduation, just like that, suddenly, in the middle of Moscow. And sing together about the heart of a teacher.

A teacher's heart is a fragile thing

How can you protect it from cracks?

When I wrote this song ten years ago, I had no idea that it would fly across the Internet, that they would add lines to it, replace “teacher” with “counselor”, without thinking about the authorship. Singing it on Tverskaya is an amazing thing for everyone.

And build age-sex pyramids of people for the one from 1964 that conquered a country where, according to the census, the ratio of men to women was 4 to 6, and compare it with today.

And also, at the end, we all sing together not a song from the film, but a new, just written song about how we sing a song about how “I walk through Moscow”:

The June rain will pour down,

Scaring away walking couples...

But look, the girl is coming,

A guy is holding an umbrella over her...

And along the boulevard through the rain,

They walk, avoiding traffic jams,

They're wandering somewhere... It's raining - well, well

Normal, summer. And... short...

And I wave my hand: hello!

And I hum along the way

And I can still get through...

We are Muscovites - such a people

And joy in half, and troubles,

Giving gifts on New Year's Day,

And saluting Victory Day.

The colors of September are turning yellow,

And the domes of the temples sparkle...

We love the city, no matter what!

And the city pays in kind...

And I rush to this world,

And I hum as I run

Why am I walking, walking around Moscow(*)

And I can still get through...

But the rain fell and passed,

And everything in the world, oddly enough,

Suddenly it just felt good

And all the warring countries

They shook hands warmly,

And sitting down at the table like one of his own,

Jokingly, they poured it under the kharcho

In a cozy Moscow courtyard,

And with a guitar or two

They sang together to Okudzhava

And “I’m walking around Moscow”...(*)

...And just pride in the state...

(*) This line is sung to the original melody of A. Petrov.

It’s an amazing thing to see on the second day in the new “crowd” yesterday’s faces who came to sing and learn more. And suddenly the crowd turns into an almost familiar “class”, to which you want to return with something new, necessary and interesting!