My leg hurts after the cast is removed. Getting rid of swelling after a fracture of the radius

After the cast is removed, life, it would seem, should return to its usual course - business, worries, running around. But that was not the case. Not only did the leg after the cast look like a pale thin stick sprinkled with flour with suspicious bruises here and there, but also when walking and in the evening it swells, begins to ache, and ache. What is this new misfortune?

Don't panic, an injury is an injury, nothing can be done. Besides, I didn’t know or see any air, soap, or physical activity. Therefore, it will be very useful for a start care for a freed limb - wash and scrub lightly with a scrub, apply nourishing cream, massage.

Physical activity after plaster removal

The second step to resuming former motor activity is strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations. And the doctor, as a rule, prescribes it as part of the rehabilitation course without fail. physical therapy .

Therapeutic exercise in this case is intended to restore the former mobility of the damaged bone and develop an overgrown callus. Your task is not to pay attention to the pain and inconvenience, but gradually, patiently and persistently, bring it back to life.

Leg exercises after casting

What to do after removing the cast? First of all - rotational, as well as flexion-extension. Joints that have been deprived of movement have lost their former properties, and simple exercises will help restore them. At any time when you are sitting, rotate your feet in different directions, bend and straighten them, collect your fingers, press your fingers on the half-deflated ball.

Exercise machines are very suitable for therapeutic exercises. “treadmill”, “elliptical”, “step”, exercise bike , that is, all those exercise machines that are available in modern fitness clubs. If you can’t sign up for a fitness club, you can just walk a lot, go up and down stairs, and jump off steps. Great if you can use it jump rope : It is advisable to jump for 10-15 minutes every day.

Foot massage

In addition, it will be necessary restore proper blood circulation in your leg . Due to intense stress, the leg naturally swells and hurts out of habit after a cast. Help will come here daily massage and intensive rubbing . After the load, the legs should rest in an elevated position, that is, above the level of the head. And before each new heavy load, it is better to bandage your leg with an elastic bandage in order to distribute the load and thereby avoid negative sensations.

Remember that movement is life! All our minor health troubles, and sometimes big problems that visit us, are largely due to fluid stagnation and insufficient load and work of muscles, joints and bones. The main rule here is to move as much as possible. And don’t spare any effort, time or yourself. Be prepared for the fact that sometimes your leg will ache after a cast, for example, during weather changes. But gradually the swelling will go away, the leg will straighten out, the main thing is to be patient and persistent.

After the fracture, when the bone has healed, the patient is removed from the plaster cast. It happens that after the cast is removed, the leg looks swollen. Don’t be too scared, the phenomenon is observed often, you will need to carry out proper rehabilitation under the supervision of a doctor.

Such swelling after a fracture does not pose a danger to a person; more often it simply causes discomfort and a feeling of inconvenience.

Causes of edema

There are two main reasons for leg swelling after plaster removal:

  • There is an increase in the blood circulation caused by the fracture.
  • Staying the leg in one position for a long time, lack of movement due to the presence of a plaster cast.

During human life, muscles and joints are involved in the processes of the musculoskeletal system and are constantly in an active state. Due to the movement of blood into the muscle tissue in a larger volume and at a higher speed, the number of oxygen molecules and nutrients increases.

During the period of plaster application, the load on the sealed area of ​​the legs is limited, often completely absent. As a result, without constant training, muscle cells partially or completely atrophy. During the treatment period, it is important to restore and normalize processes in the areas where the legs are damaged. The task is difficult, but by following the doctor’s advice and recommendations exactly, you will be able to restore your previous mobility in the shortest possible time.

Leg in plaster

Main tasks during rehabilitation

The doctor and the patient are faced with specific tasks, the implementation of which will help the person return to their normal lifestyle as soon as possible.

  • First of all, it is necessary to completely eliminate muscle atrophy and eliminate the changes that have occurred in the blood vessels.
  • In the damaged limb it is necessary to increase muscle tone and elasticity.
  • Carry out a number of measures to restore the previous mobility of the joints.
  • Eliminate congestion if present.
  • After a fracture and removal of the cast, it is important to develop the leg, increasing the maximum activity in movements.

Basic rehabilitation techniques

Swelling after a fracture lasts a long time; the leg can periodically swell, even when the plaster was removed a long time ago. There is no need to be afraid. The swelling goes away quickly if you carry out a course of rehabilitation measures. Measures include:

  • Use of external medications;
  • Physical therapy;
  • Massage;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Foot baths;

    Foot bath

  • Electrical stimulation of muscles;
  • Phonophoresis;
  • UV irradiation at the site of plaster cast and leg tumor.

When fighting edema, you should not get carried away; an excessive number of procedures and a large load as a result can worsen the situation, and a feeling of increased edema will appear. In some fanatical cases, excessive efforts lead to further injuries.

When the attending physician prescribes procedures, it is recommended to strictly follow the sequence; often one type of procedure serves as a preparatory stage for the second. Duets are distinguished:

  • It is good to use paraffin procedures, followed by electrophoresis.
  • Before electrophoresis, a visit to a massage therapist is sometimes prescribed.
  • Ultrasound is used after paraffin.
  • After a massage, electrical stimulation is often prescribed.

When carrying out rehabilitation measures, doctors are guided by the established rules:

  • After the first physical therapy session, procedures are prescribed that have a local effect. For example, massage or electrical stimulation.
  • After the second or subsequent sessions, general strengthening procedures are used. For example, baths, general massage, saunas, hydromassage.

Foot massage

During the recovery period after a fracture that occurred in winter, it is necessary to pay due attention to replenishing the amount of vitamin D in the body. Ultraviolet study courses are prescribed, which significantly increase immunity, the likelihood of being affected by many diseases is reduced, foods and vitamins are better absorbed.

Use of topical products

If the leg is very swollen after a fracture, it is advisable to use special ointments and gels that relieve swelling even in the heel area. There are a lot of drugs, divided into two groups according to the principle of action;

  • Warming - Finalgon, Nicoflex.
  • Cooling agents - Troxevasin, Lyoton-1000.

The latter options are more effective in relieving swelling after a fracture.

The main purpose of ointments and gels used after fractures is to improve lymph flow. If you do this treatment, in most cases, external agents are prescribed, which contain heparin, anti-inflammatory elements and ketoprofen-containing components.

Improving blood circulation and fluid outflow is achieved by using warming ointments and gels. For example, ichthyol or ketoprofen ointment.

Swelling will go away faster if you use special compression garments during the rehabilitation period; it is permissible to bandage the fracture site with an elastic plaster.

Traditional methods

To treat swelling faster, it is possible to use a number of not too complicated methods that offer folk recipes that have been proven over the years:

  1. Regularly apply a compress to the site of the fracture and swelling of the leg. There are many recipes, the option that has received the greatest number of positive reviews is: to prepare a compress you will need 55 g of pine resin or medicinal incense, a little rye flour and crushed larkspur root, and egg whites. A porridge-like mixture is prepared from the components, then applied to the site of swelling of the leg. The compress is kept for the whole day.
  2. A tight bandage will help strengthen the muscles and joints at the fracture site, especially the heel. An elastic bandage will work better at the site where the cast is applied.
  3. A decongestant compress can be prepared from comfrey root. The medicinal root is crushed and filled with water. The mixture is simmered over low heat for 20 minutes. When cooled, it is used as a compress on the site of swelling of the leg after removing the cast.
  4. A foot bath based on fir branches will help remove accumulated fluid in the tissues after swelling. The swollen limb is kept in a decoction of the product for 15 minutes, then additionally generously lubricated with fir oil.
  5. A good effect can be achieved with a compress made from a cake of blue clay. Procedures can be done three times a day, lasting up to an hour.

Blue clay

Home medicine offers a lot of different tinctures for internal use, compresses and baths; use should always be coordinated with your doctor. The doctor is able to realistically assess the feasibility of taking measures, anticipating possible consequences and complications. In some cases, the use of folk remedies causes complex allergic reactions, the treatment of which is much longer and more difficult.

Alternative Methods

Fractures vary in complexity, and complications also vary in characteristics. Treatment primarily depends on the nature of the disease. During recovery, many patients resort to medications and procedures; selected patients believe in the healing properties of a number of foreign techniques and methods of healers.

Whether to try an unconventional method of recovery or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves. The acupuncture method gives good results during rehabilitation. Some patients successfully combine the main course of recovery with rehabilitation techniques of oriental medicine, relieving swelling from the heel or other area of ​​the leg. First of all, a person must be guided by common sense and the recommendations of the attending physician.

Preventive actions

Proper development of the injured limb will help prevent swelling of the legs after a fracture, especially the heel:

  • When the cast is applied, the leg is placed on a small platform, chair or cushion.
  • It is not recommended to stand on an injured limb without using support. It is possible to rely only with the permission of a doctor.
  • Before removing the cast, it is necessary to assess the condition of the joints and soft tissues. X-rays are ordered.
  • To prevent stagnation of blood and lymph when wearing a plaster cast, it is recommended to attend massage courses that keep muscles toned.
  • During the recovery period, it is recommended to wear an elastic bandage.
  • You cannot remove the plaster cast yourself, without a doctor’s permission and an x-ray.
  • Even after complete recovery, it is worth protecting the leg from sudden and serious loads.
  • During the recovery period, pay constant attention to the quality and quantity of food and fluid consumed.

A tumor after a fracture, even in the heel area, goes away without a trace if the correct treatment is provided on time. Measures to eliminate edema are carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Then the restoration of mobility and the removal of swelling will take place quickly and effectively.

Swelling occurs due to injury or tissue damage. Often it appears after a bruise or fracture, or removal of a cast. In order to speed up bone regeneration, it is necessary to promptly remove swelling. How to relieve swelling after a fracture? Doctors prescribe physical therapy, medications and ointment for swelling after a fracture. There are other ways to relieve swelling.

What follows a fracture

After injury to the limbs, blood flow is disrupted. Due to the large accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space, edema occurs. Along with this, there is increased fatigue and muscle stiffness. With the passage of time everything passes. Blood flow is restored.

In some cases, the swelling after removing a cast on a leg or arm is significant in size. In this situation, the doctor prescribes medications. For example, an ointment to relieve swelling after a fracture.

Causes of swelling

  • poor joint development;
  • decreased blood flow due to muscle atrophy as a result of plaster application;
  • decreased speed of lymph movement;
  • damage to the lymphatic duct;
  • improper use of bandages and plaster casts.

Clinical manifestations of edema

The swelling is visible visually: the skin is swollen, the leg or arm is heavy. A person feels a feeling of heaviness in the legs, especially in the area of ​​edema. In the swollen area, when you press on it, a dent appears. It doesn't straighten out right away.

How to relieve swelling after a fracture

Preparations and means for relieving swelling:

  • gels;
  • ointments;
  • droppers;
  • injections;
  • decongestants;
  • diuretics.

It is also necessary to limit the mobility of the swollen limb for a certain time. To do this you will need an elastic bandage. Swelling of the arm after a fracture is relieved by physical therapy. The most effective procedure is electrophoresis in addition to medications. In addition, the following applies:

  • electrophoresis;
  • muscle stimulation;
  • ultraviolet radiation.

Swelling after a fracture is removed at home using discs (magnetic, ebonite). They need to massage the fracture area for 2 minutes. The massage is performed twice during the day. Relieves swelling after a fracture.

Massage and physical therapy

Swelling after a broken arm can be relieved by massage, as well as therapeutic exercises designed specifically for damaged limbs. To do this, you need the help of an experienced exercise therapy specialist. The intensity of the exercises should be prescribed depending on the fitness of the muscles.

During therapeutic or massage procedures, the patient feels discomfort. If pain occurs due to an exercise, then you need to finish it and start doing the next one. Swelling after the cast is removed goes away quickly with these procedures.

How to relieve swelling after an ankle fracture? You need to use folk remedies. But before this, you should definitely consult a doctor. Swelling due to a broken arm is treated with folk remedies. Lotions and compresses are only an addition to conventional treatment.


One of the frequently used and effective means for relieving swelling is a drug produced in the form of an ointment.

  • Swelling after a fracture of the radius is perfectly relieved by Arnica ointment. It can be bought at a pharmacy.
  • Ketoprofen ointment helps relieve swelling of the foot after a fracture. Its principle of action is aimed at creating a warming effect, improving blood flow and lymph outflow. You need to apply the ointment twice a day, gently rubbing it into the affected area, achieving complete absorption.

Folk recipes

We use clay. A flat cake is created from it. Clay is applied to the fracture zone. The procedure is useful after severe damage or sprained joints. Fir oil will help relieve swelling after an ankle fracture. It successfully relieves swelling. Especially on your hands.

Compresses, baths

Swelling after an ankle fracture is relieved with compresses and baths. Arnica is effective in this regard. It is not difficult to prepare a medicinal bath. You need to take a liter of water, place 3 tablespoons of raw materials in it, and leave for 50 minutes. After this, the infusion must be strained.

If your arm in a cast swells, after removing the cast, you should use this compress before going to bed for 20 minutes.

Removal of swelling after a fracture can occur through the use of calendula. An infusion of this plant is used internally and is prepared quickly. Add 1 tablespoon of calendula flowers to the water. Leave the solution for one hour.

In addition, swelling during a fracture is relieved by plants:

  • chamomile;
  • St. John's wort;
  • valerian;
  • sagebrush;
  • aloe juice

Simple 9% vinegar perfectly relieves puffiness. The napkin is moistened with vinegar. It is applied to the affected area as a compress.

Infusion recipes

  1. Wash the unpeeled oats. Fill it with cold water in a volume of 1 liter. The infusion should sit for half an hour. The infusion should be consumed during the day, 50 ml.
  2. Unpeeled oats with the addition of lingonberry leaves. Making an infusion is not easy. But it has one advantage: it is effective against edema. Oats and lingonberry leaves are mixed together. Brew the infusion with the lid closed in 3 liters of water. You need to cook until the oats in the water are softened. Corn silk is added to the resulting mixture. After adding, it is necessary to cook the composition for another 10 minutes. Pour water into another container and add lingonberry leaves. You can add rose hips. The second composition should be cooked for 10 minutes. We combine two decoctions with each other. Mix everything well. The medicine should be taken 4 times a day for a week. The tincture can only be stored in a cool place and for no more than 5 days.

Measures to prevent swelling

While in a plaster cast

  • The position of the leg is horizontal, the limb should be placed on an elevation
  • It is forbidden to lean on your hand while moving or in a standing position.
  • Do not remove the plaster for a predetermined time.
  • It is necessary to wear an elastic bandage after removing the cast.

After removing the plaster cast

  • When moving, it is forbidden to lean on the sore leg until it heals.
  • After removing the plaster, it is necessary to remove stagnation in the damaged area using massage procedures in order to enrich the muscles with nutritional substances
  • Avoidance of stress after limb recovery
  • Start doing a set of exercises specially designed for such cases

Prevention of swelling after limb injury

There are no special preventive measures.

Edema is a normal physiological process that occurs in tissues that are injured.

After severe injury to the limbs, swelling may not go away quickly. But you need to try to remove it. To do this, you need to rely on your doctor’s prescriptions.

After an ankle fracture, swelling lasts for about 2 weeks.

  • after removing the plaster, you need to make sure that your fingers are warm;
  • after removing the cast, it is necessary to move your toes, if possible, move around more, but do not lean on the sore leg;
  • if a plaster cast causes discomfort, for example a feeling of excessive compression, or rubs the skin, you should immediately inform your doctor about this;
  • in the first days after removing the cast, you should move with the help of crutches, but do it yourself: this will help prevent muscle atrophy;
  • after 6 days, you can begin to work out the diseased limb: first you begin to move your fingers, then bend and straighten your knees;
  • gradually the patient should begin to sit down and lower his lower limbs;
  • if a person does everything correctly, then the swelling subsides after a few days, gradually decreasing in size.


With normal treatment of a fracture, swelling subsides after a few days.

If swelling persists after a fracture of the femur for a long period of time, you should notify your doctor, as complications during the course of the disease are possible.

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In any case, you need to move more. This will help develop the sore leg.

It’s a rare person who hasn’t broken anything in their life; most often people are faced with a broken leg, which deprives them of mobility and their usual way of life for a long time. Those who have experienced such an injury know what swelling in the leg is like after the cast is removed. It not only spoils the appearance and prevents you from opening the legs, but also creates discomfort, increases fatigue, does not allow you to put on your favorite shoes.

To understand the causes of edema, you need to understand the definition of a fracture. This is the name for a skeletal injury, open or closed. It necessarily affects the tissues, muscles, and blood vessels surrounding the bone, which leads to the spread of blood and lymph. The most common injury is to the upper or lower extremities. Edema is especially pronounced in the lower extremities in case of fractures or in case of ligament damage.

To understand how to remove swelling after removing the plaster, let’s look at the reasons for its occurrence:

  • Damage to soft tissues, blood vessels and lymph nodes leads to the release of large amounts of biological fluid.
  • Trauma and a plaster cast cause poor circulation.
  • A fracture of an arm or leg leads to immobilization of the limb for a long time.
  • If a bone is displaced and a blood vessel or artery is pinched, a tumor may appear, making movement difficult and causing pain.

Swelling at the fracture site may not appear immediately after the bandage is removed, but may also occur after a week or several years. This situation is dangerous to health and is called lymphostasis.

Consequences of swelling and improper treatment

If you do not pay attention in time to the appearance of leg swelling after a cast, it can spread and lead to the appearance of ulcers, fibrosis, and cysts. To avoid negative consequences and get rid of swelling as quickly as possible, it is necessary consult a doctor and get diagnosed. An X-ray will help rule out causes such as improperly fused bones, clamping of a vessel, and so on. After this, the doctor prescribes treatment for the rehabilitation period, which allows you to restore normal blood circulation and metabolic processes.

Strictly following the specialist’s instructions will allow you to quickly restore mobility even in the event of an ankle fracture with ligament rupture and return to a normal, active lifestyle.

Methods for getting rid of edema

There are several basic techniques to remove leg swelling after a cast. They are divided into traditional and folk methods. The first includes massage, use of ointments and medications. Folk remedies suggest using homemade compresses, baths and lotions.

Traditional methods of treating swelling

It is normal for the leg to swell after the cast is removed. The most important thing is not to cause swelling and consult a doctor in time. Most often, a medical professional prescribes complex treatment consisting of:

  • Massage– it consists of light, stroking movements on the leg. Under no circumstances should you apply pressure to the fracture area or apply too much pressure, as this can lead to the formation of a callus. The best solution would be to contact a professional massage therapist who specializes in rehabilitation after injuries. An important nuance is the direction of the massage. You should start massaging from the thigh and gradually move down.
  • Diuretic drugs– they will allow you to remove excess fluid from the body.
  • Mazey– the most popular are ichthyol, troxevasin and heparin. They help improve blood circulation and have a local effect. The use of ointment for swelling can be combined with massage. It is not recommended to use the same ointment for more than two weeks. To enhance the results, it is better to change the types of local drugs.
  • Gymnastics– it is designed to restore mobility to the joints and bring atrophied muscles back into working condition. It is recommended to do the exercises every day.

It is best to begin performing the listed activities while the limb is still in a cast.

This will reduce the size of the swelling and speed up the healing process. Along with the listed remedies, it is worth remembering the correct position of the leg. It is best to keep it in a horizontal position, as this ensures the best flow of blood and lymph.

Folk remedies

In addition to traditional treatment of edema, you can use proven home remedies.

  • Thermal treatments– these include various compresses, salt baths with the addition of herbs. It is better to immerse the entire limb to enhance metabolic processes.
  • Vibrating massagers, hydromassages and other physiotherapeutic procedures.

The first time after removing the bandage, you can apply special ankle restraints or bandage the fracture site with an elastic bandage (do not tighten it too tightly).


Even if there is no swelling in the leg after a cast, it is recommended to take preventive measures to prevent its occurrence.

First of all, it is necessary to comply load control. You need to develop your leg gradually, avoiding high physical activity. At first, it is better to move with a stick, which will take on part of the load. All exercises must be performed while carefully listening to your own feelings. If there is a sharp increase in pain, you should immediately reduce the load.

Performing therapeutic exercises in a warm bath will have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body and will help the muscles relax. The consequence of a fracture can be not only swelling in the leg, but also flat feet. To make it easier to move and perform exercises, it is recommended to put an orthopedic insole in your shoes. When treating swelling from plaster, you should not indulge in self-medication. If the size of the tumor increases or severe pain occurs, it is better to repeat consult a doctor and adjust the rehabilitation program.

Injuries to the lower extremities require comprehensive diagnosis and treatment. The most difficult and lengthy period for the patient is the restoration of function of the affected lower limb. After prolonged immobilization (immobilization), the muscles atrophy and decrease in volume.

In this case, there is a decrease in joint mobility. All this is due to a violation of the trophism of tissues under the cast. Such consequences of prolonged immobilization require additional attention from traumatologists and the patient himself.

Many people are interested in the question of how to start walking when the cast is removed from their leg, and how to speed up this process. For this purpose, various methods of rehabilitation after fractures are used.

When the period of wearing a splint or cast ends, patients ask what to do next after removing the cast from the leg. Traumatologists recommend moving to restorative treatment.

The first stage of rehabilitation is massage. Due to the prolonged presence of a limb in an immobilized state, a number of disorders occur: blood circulation and the flow of lymphatic fluid slow down, and metabolic processes also worsen.

Very often, patients complain that it hurts to walk after removing the cast from their leg.

During this period, it is necessary to select a rehabilitation complex to eliminate swelling and pain.

REFERENCE. Patients often ask why does the leg swell after the cast is removed? The main reason is a long-term disruption of the outflow of venous blood and lymph.

Therapeutic massage is well suited to normalize processes. Typically, specialists start with simple manipulations during the first two or three days. Light stroking and kneading of muscles are performed.

Helps reduce tissue swelling and reduce pain. The more time passes from the moment the splint is removed, the more intense the manipulations become (pressure on the tissue, twisting, rubbing and vibration are added).

This accelerates blood flow, relieves muscle spasms, improves the elasticity of ligaments and the mobility of joints.

For minor injuries with a short rehabilitation period, you can limit yourself to self-massage at home. However, to carry out effective rehabilitation after severe pathologies, it is recommended to contact rehabilitation medicine departments or rehabilitation centers.

Exercise therapy classes

Therapeutic exercise is an obligatory part of rehabilitation measures. A physical therapy specialist selects an individual physical activity program for each patient. The basic principle is a gradual increase in the amplitude and complexity of movements. This allows you to smoothly restore motor activity without the risk of complications.

Acceptable loads are walking with the help of crutches with a gradual increase in the distance of movement. Over time, crutches are replaced with a cane, and then walking aids are completely abandoned.

It is prohibited to make any sudden movements: jumping, quick leg lifts, deep squats, leg swings, etc. This can lead to re-injury of the limb and the development of negative consequences of varying severity: ligaments, tendon tears, repeated fractures, etc.

The best exercises for rehabilitation

Therapeutic exercise is used for all patients during the recovery period. It includes active movements (when the patient himself performs the movement) and passive exercises (when the work is carried out by a specialist or a special apparatus for kinesiotherapy).

It is important to note that exercise therapy always begins with warming up and warming up the muscles, which is required to prevent injuries.

In exercise therapy, the following exercises are used for motor rehabilitation of the legs:

  • a week after removing the cast, the patient can begin to make circular movements in the main joints of the lower extremities: hip, knee and ankle;
  • alternate flexion and extension of the legs in the indicated articular joints;
  • smooth leg swings (lifting the limb forward with a delay of 5-10 seconds);
  • exercise with support - alternately lifting on your heels and on your toes in the absence of unpleasant sensations;
  • cross swings in a lying position - help strengthen the muscles of the inner thighs;
  • regular walking with a gradual increase in distance and speed. Walking always starts from a minimum distance;
  • after a month of regular exercise therapy, stretching exercises are added to rehabilitation activities under the supervision of a medical specialist;
  • walking on toes, on heels;
  • swimming in the pool and others.

In addition, it is important to carefully monitor the general condition of the limbs. If pain occurs, you should stop the exercise or rest. If pain bothers you with any movement and does not go away with rest, you should consult a doctor for advice.

Physiotherapeutic activities

Physiotherapy has a positive effect on the patient’s general condition and speeds up the rehabilitation process. There is an acceleration of blood flow and metabolic reactions, which allows for improved restoration of damaged tissue. All physiotherapeutic measures should be carried out outside the acute period of illness.

The most common types of physical therapy: medicinal electrophoresis, ultrasound therapy, electrical stimulation of the muscles of the lower extremities, low-frequency magnetic therapy, UV treatment.

Each method has certain indications and contraindications, non-compliance with which can lead to the development of negative consequences of varying severity. Only the attending physician should select physiotherapeutic measures.

Possible complications

Negative consequences rarely develop. The most common cause of complications is improper application of the splint, poor care of the plaster cast, or allergic reactions to the plaster.

Undesirable conditions include: compression of nerve trunks, bedsores and maceration of the skin, a decrease in the intensity of blood circulation due to compression with a hard bandage, the addition of a secondary infection with the development of purulent dermatitis or septic damage to organs and systems.

Some patients may experience motor contractures in the joints associated with long-term limitation of leg mobility.

Treatment of swelling after removal of leg cast

With severe damage to soft tissues or disruption of the outflow of blood and lymph (for example, with a tight application of an elastic bandage), edema of the lower extremities develops. To reduce swelling, doctors recommend using medications, traditional medicine and physical therapy.

Among the medicines used are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (“Ketorol”, “Ibuprofen”, “Diclofenac”) that reduce inflammation, diuretics (“Furosemide”, “Torasemide”) help to more quickly remove excess fluid from the body, “Trental” is prescribed to improve tissue trophism. .

When answering the question of what to apply to the leg after removing the cast, doctors recommend ichthyol ointment or gel with ketorol.

REFERENCE! Doctors know well how to relieve swelling after removing a cast after a leg injury. For this, it is recommended to use diuretics. Before using them, you should definitely consult a specialist.

Traditional medicine suggests preparing diuretic decoctions from juniper, lingonberry and cranberry leaves, and applying blue clay or fir oil to the site of the former fracture. It should be noted that folk remedies do not have evidence of their effectiveness and safety, so their use is possible only after consultation with a doctor.

Diet and recovery

Adequate nutrition contributes to the rapid rehabilitation of the patient. The daily requirement for proteins, fats and carbohydrates is calculated for each patient.

The diet must include lean meats (chicken, turkey, steamed fish), vegetables, herbs, etc. It is not recommended to consume fatty, spicy, flour, sweet, and alcohol.

Increase the proportion of foods rich in calcium (any fermented milk products - cottage cheese, milk, kefir, yogurt, sour cream, fermented baked milk and others), silicon (sesame, persimmon, cabbage, raspberries, pear), vitamins B, D, E. Nutrition should be varied to obtain the required amount of macro- and micronutrients.


Injuries to the lower extremities that require wearing a cast are very serious pathologies that should be paid attention to not only during the treatment process, but also during the recovery period.

Rehabilitation after removal of the cast can take several months, during which patients need physical therapy, massage and additional use of medications. To undergo rehabilitation measures, you must contact the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine or your attending physician.

Very often, after a fracture and a long stay of the limb in a cast, swelling occurs in the damaged area. In order for the damaged bone to heal as quickly as possible, it is necessary to get rid of the swelling. To do this, they resort to various medical physiotherapeutic measures, as well as traditional methods.

Edema of any origin is an excessive accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space.

Swelling after removal of the cast occurs due to impaired blood circulation and lymph circulation in the damaged tissue. In most cases, there is no pain with swelling; only muscle stiffness and fatigue occur.

Swelling of a limb (arm or leg) after a fracture may go away on its own without special treatment as blood circulation in the tissues improves and their gradual recovery. But if the swelling is very significant, auxiliary therapy is necessary.

How to remove swelling after a fracture

As a rule, doctors prescribe gels or ointments after bone fractures, which improve lymph flow and blood circulation. If necessary, you will need to limit the mobility of the limb for some time and undergo phonophoresis with various medications or electrophoresis, electrical muscle stimulation and ultraviolet irradiation.

At home, you can try using magnetic or ebonite discs to massage the swollen area for a few minutes twice a day to improve blood flow and restore mobility to the injured limb.

An obligatory part of rehabilitation therapy is massage and gymnastics, as well as the development of the affected limb. An experienced instructor can help you create individual exercises depending on the location of the injury and its severity.

Take blue clay and make a cake out of it, apply it to the fracture site. This is very useful especially when the joint has been damaged and the development of arthrosis needs to be prevented.

To relieve swelling, it is useful to rub the swollen areas with fir oil every morning and at night.

You can also try making baths or compresses with a pharmacy tincture of arnica or an infusion of this herb. The infusion can be prepared as follows: pour one liter of water into two or three tablespoons of raw materials, leave for one hour and strain. The compress should be applied for 15 minutes before bedtime.

Calendula infusion, which must be taken as a drink four times a day, will help relieve swelling and pain after a fracture. To prepare the drink, you need to place one tablespoon of flowers in a thermos and pour 500 milliliters of boiling water over them. After an hour, the infusion can be consumed. You can also mix chamomile, St. John's wort and valerian in equal quantities (one tablespoon each). Brew this mixture with one glass of boiling water and leave covered for 15 minutes, then drink throughout the day.

It is very effective to use wormwood against swelling. Pour one glass of boiling water over two tablespoons of wormwood herb and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. After this, leave in a warm place for two hours and filter. To prepare a compress, take half a glass of aloe juice and a glass of the resulting infusion. Moisten a napkin with this mixture and apply it to the swollen area. Renew this lotion every four hours.

Plaster is often used to immobilize injured limbs, not only for bone fractures, but also for serious tendon or muscle injuries. Temporary immobilization promotes gradual tissue restoration and healing, but after removing the cast, the arm will be very weak, insensitive and vulnerable for some time.

If you had a severe fracture and your arm had to be in a plaster “corset” for a long time (several months or more), the muscles probably had time to atrophy to a large extent - sometimes so much that the limb seems frighteningly thin and lifeless.

In principle, there is nothing terrible about this: in the absence of additional damage and a competent approach to rehabilitation, the arm can be developed over time, restoring its functionality to normal levels.

There are several repeatedly proven methods for restoring limb function after removal of plaster, in standard cases, always recommended by physiotherapists:

  • massotherapy;
  • special exercises (physical therapy);
  • acupuncture;
  • ultrasound and electromagnetic therapy.

The most pronounced positive effect is provided by the integrated use of all of the above methods. Exercises as part of a special course of exercise therapy (physical therapy) help increase the functional activity of the injured arm, prevent the process of degeneration in tissues and prevent further muscle atrophy.

Ultrasound and electromagnetic therapy improve coordination of movements and form proper muscle activity. Massage and acupuncture have a positive effect on soft tissues and nerve endings, reducing swelling that occurs due to prolonged immobilization of the hand.

How to develop your arm after saying goodbye to the cast?

So, the plaster has finally been removed, but it “hurts to look at” the hand - it looks so dry, pale and weak. This means it’s time to get down to business: the sooner you start putting your limb in order, the better, but don’t overdo it at first. The load on the injured arm should increase gradually, starting small.

Sometimes, at the first stage of recovery, it is difficult for physiotherapist patients to even simply hold small and light objects in their hands - a pencil, a ball, a notepad. It is with exercises on fine motor skills of the hand that restoration of limb function often begins.

First, the patient relearns how to bend the fingers of the injured hand one at a time. If he succeeds well in this, you can move on to other types of motor activity: bringing your fingers together and spreading them, tilting your hand in different directions, rotating it left and right.

At this stage, it is appropriate to use special exercise equipment in the form of expanders, sold in pharmacies and orthopedic stores. These can be either ordinary rubber rings (you need to start with the softest and most flexible ones, gradually moving on to more elastic expanders), or more modern exercise machines - for example, “Powerball”. To achieve a noticeable effect, you will have to be patient: you need to repeat each exercise at least 10-15 times, practicing several times a day.

If your doctor gives the go-ahead, move on to more serious strengthening exercises on your arm to engage the large muscles.

It is recommended to perform a series of simple but effective exercises every day, carefully listening to your own feelings - if a damaged and weakened limb begins to hurt very much, the intensity of the workout should be reduced.

An approximate set of exercises looks like this:

  • We move our arms down along the body a little to the side and describe small circles;
  • stretch an elastic bandage in front of you (and then behind your back);
  • we spread our straight arms to shoulder level, and then bring them together in front of us, closing our palms;
  • jumping rope - this type of physical activity puts a good and gentle load on the hands and forearms.

It is better to exercise (at least at first) under the supervision of a doctor, so as not to overstrain muscles that are unaccustomed to physical activity and to avoid damage to bone tissue. In addition, the doctor or physical therapy instructor can correct the patient’s actions if he does not comply with the exercise technique.

How does massage help develop your arm after the cast is removed?

Massage can help shorten the recovery period after a hand injury. Immediately after removing the cast, it is recommended to attend several sessions of drainage massage, which improves blood circulation in the injured limb, relieves swelling, and restores soft tissues faster. This massage is performed by a specialist: starting with treating the shoulder and forearm area, the massage therapist gradually moves on to the wrist and hand.

If you don’t have the opportunity to visit a massage therapist, do self-massage: this will allow you not to waste precious time and significantly speed up the process of restoring lost limb functions. To do this, with your healthy hand you need to massage the entire injured hand every day (from top to bottom, back and outer sides), starting with simple stroking and ending with intense rubbing.

It is also useful to massage your fingers. When your hand warms up, you can move on to daily exercises to develop your hand and forearm.

It is impossible to predict in advance how long the rehabilitation period will last: it all depends on the severity of the injury, the duration of wearing the cast, the age and physical condition of the patient.

Usually, the first improvements become noticeable after one or two weeks of regular procedures, but the complete restoration of the physiological functions of the hand takes at least a month, and sometimes up to six months.