New name: Ukrainian pop singer Luna. “There is no demand from women”

Adultery is an unpleasant matter, but a purely personal one. However, the founder of the group “Mushrooms” and part-time husband of the singer Luna, Yuri Bardash, decided to take the family squabble public and published a large open letter to the culprit of the discord - the singer’s sound producer Alexander Voloshchuk. The post became a real sensation; many users of the social network Facebook left comments to sympathize with the musician’s grief. Others accused Bardash of inadequacy and sexism. Read more in the “360” material.

The breakup launched a career

Luna said in many interviews that it was the discord with her husband that made her a singer. When Christina, which is the name of the star, met Yuri, he had already created the group Quest Pistols and successfully toured the country and abroad. The girl was 19 years old at the time, and he was 27.

After the birth of her child, Christina Bardash plunged into postpartum depression. Frequent quarrels began with my husband. Then the couple decided to take a break from their relationship and separated for six months. During that period, Luna said, she wrote more than 30 songs. She filmed her debut video for the song “Autumn” on her phone in her yard, edited it in a couple of hours and posted it on YouTube. The video had the effect of a bomb exploding: more than a million people watched it. They started discussing the moon.

Soon Christina and Yuri were able to restore their relationship. Luna claimed that Bardash was her support and support not only as a husband, but also as a producer: it was he who negotiated concerts and helped film videos.

“The fact that I cheated on my wife is our problem.”

On May 25, a video with an ambiguous caption appeared on Luna’s Instagram. In the publication, the singer said that a new stage had begun in her life, and called the name of the series “Islands of Freedom” symbolic.

On Thursday, June 7, a post appeared on Yuri Bardash’s Facebook account with a large number of obscene words and grammatical errors. It’s quite difficult to read, so let’s freely retell it briefly: Bardash turned to Luna’s sound producer Alexander Voloshchuk with the accusation that he forced Christina will cheat on him. Also in the text, the producer admitted that he himself cheated on his wife more than once, but he considers all this to be purely family matters. At the same time, Bardash does not throw accusations towards Luna, because he believes that “there is no demand from the woman.”

Photo source: screenshotpublications Yuri Bardash on Facebook

The publication instantly spread across the Internet. Luna herself also commented.

The post did not hang for even six hours: Yuri Bardash deleted the publication. After some time, he published another post, the meaning of which remained unknown to fans.

Photo source: screenshotpublications Yuri Bardash on Facebook

At this time, a photograph appeared on Luna’s Instagram confirming that the singer had left her husband for Voloshchuk.

The singer's fans supported her decision:

“For some reason it seemed to me that you seemed like two different people living under a roof. At first I couldn’t believe that you were married...”

“Christina, I want to sincerely wish you happiness and true love, and for the rest of your life. You are worthy, you deserve it, let all the bad things be quickly forgotten, and let the good things happen every day, wake up with your beloved and fall asleep with your beloved. And so on endlessly...”

“Love is free and pure! Even at the concert in St. Petersburg I noticed a spark between you and had long suspected your love!!! I'm happy for you! This is the best couple! I am only for you!

“He screams about a destroyed family, reproaching a child who should not be involved in these squabbles at all. However, when he jumped on some women, he was not stopped by the fact that there was a “beautiful wife with a golden child.” This is a boomerang for him for his disregard and treacherous attitude towards his family, which he did not value when he went to the left. All these whims on social networks are so stupid that you feel nothing more than pity. Christina, I am incredibly glad that you are now happy, loved and enjoying life. I wish you prosperity and lots of love, which you definitely deserve.”

“Everyone is urgently Googling who Bardash is”

A special spice of the scandal that erupted were the comments under the post of the offended husband on Facebook. During the short “life” of the post, a serious battle broke out in them. Fans of the union of Christina and Yuri were divided into two camps. Some saw sexism and inadequacy in Bardash’s words:

Photo source: TV channel “360”

Others suspected that in this way Bardash decided to fuel his popularity, and at the same time practiced humor:

On the birthday of singer Luna, the site recalls an interview with one of the most prominent Ukrainian artists.

Arctic fox coat, Blood & Honey; Lycra tights - stylist's property

Our editors have been monitoring it for a year now. We met in September 2015. Christina Bardash (that’s Luna’s name in real life) had just played her first ever performance at Mercedes-Benz Kiev Fashion Days and was so organic in her simple lyrics about love, and her music was so reminiscent of “Guests from the Future” and Linda that we immediately reacted and wrote about it. I was the first journalist to interview Luna: Christina was nervous, twirled her golden hair on her finger, and said that she practices vocals every day and will produce herself independently (Christina’s husband is producer Yuri Bardash, owner of the Kruzheva Music company).

Exactly a year after our first meeting, Christina gives me an interview again, and I am amazed at how she has changed in a year: she has become more mature, tougher. During this time, Luna released her debut album “Ma-gni-ty”, which conquered Ukrainian and Russian music radio stations, and tickets for her first solo concert, held in Kiev in May, were sold out on the first day. Christina starred for the main glossy magazines - for example, Ivan Dorn spoke with her specifically for Interview Russia, and American Vogue called her the face of the Ukrainian musical revolution.

Silk blouse, Fendi; silk shorts, Frolov

Now Bardash is a real star. We meet at the Orca bar on Bolshaya Zhitomirskaya: it’s raining outside, it’s cold, and the first thing Christina does is ask to move to another table: “It’s windy here, but I’m saving my throat.” Luna takes my remark about how she has changed calmly: “I have become more mature. Previously, I did everything intuitively, but now I do it more professionally. At first I wanted to do everything myself: it seemed to me that if a team appeared, my aesthetics would be disrupted; I thought that I couldn’t shoot commercial videos because Luna’s soul would be lost. Over this year, I realized that a team is needed: it only helps to emphasize the point.”

“In the video for “Distances” I dance in my underpants. My husband saw it, called and asked to remove this frame: “I don’t want your butt to be on the whole screen.”

Christina Bardash was born in 1990: the nineties are her favorite time and the source of her inspiration. It was then that Luna’s favorite music was playing - Zemfira, Angelika Varum, Linda, which is where her habit of buying accessories at a second-hand store near the Lesnaya metro station came from: “My mother, sister and I can spend hours digging around there!” This season, the nineties are the main trend, but Bardash doesn’t have to make an effort to be in the trend: she grew up in it. “The girls at the camp loved Britney Spears, and I sang to Natalya Vlasova: “I have yours-and-their but-o-og, don’t say thank you-and-and...” Do you remember? I’ve always loved tearful music, and also Zemfira and Tatu.”

Wool dress, Stella McCartney; leather boots, Bevza

As a child, Christina, who today at concerts skillfully mixes MM6 by Maison Margiela boots with denim shorts bought at a second-hand store, like most girls, loved everything bright. Having earned my first money, I went to the Children's World on Darnitsa and bought a Turkish pink suit. “My parents were fashionistas and would give a lot for Levi’s jeans and Lacoste knitwear, and when my dad saw me in this suit, he swore a lot - they say, what kind of Turkish consumer goods did you choose?” Now Christina has reformed: she wears Opening Ceremony, Maison Margiela and Ukrainian designers - Ksenia Schneider, Anton Belinsky. She also dreams of having the costume for the video made for her by the creative director of Balenciaga and the designer of Vetements. “I’ll write him a letter,” Christina flirts.

Christina Bardash was born in 1990: the nineties are her favorite time and the source of her inspiration

The designer and singer have a lot in common: both love normcore, listen to Zemfira and are inspired by the new generation of urban youth: Luna in Kyiv, Gvasalia in Paris. Gvasalia likes to hold shows in unusual places - for example, in a gay club or a cheap Chinese restaurant, and Luna films videos in the same unexpected places. When she needs to concentrate, she gets into the car and changes the exemplary Lipki, where she lives with her husband and four-year-old son Zhora, to the Kharkovsky massif, where her mother’s apartment is located. Here, in a residential area built up in the early nineties with dull gray boxes, Luna retires and composes texts. Here, in the courtyard on the Kharkov massif, in the fall of 2015, she shot one of her first videos - a video for the song “Autumn.”

“One day I came to my mother, took a small Japanese camera, put on pajama shorts, a sweater found at my mother’s, threw on my favorite red raincoat - and decided that I would shoot a video right in the yard. Zhora cried, did not want to go to the garden, and I took him with me. There were almost no people, so my son wasn’t shy and we got some cool shots: we were dancing, hugging. At some point he got tired, cried, and we went home.” A couple of days later, Christina showed the video to her husband, and he, seeing the footage of a crying child and Luna dancing in an empty yard, saw the hit. “Go edit,” he said. Christina sent her husband for a walk with her son, and made a video in two hours. Within a few days, “Autumn” blew up Ukrainian YouTube, gaining tens of thousands of views, and users started a whole discussion under the video about what is more in the Moon – early Zemfira or late Linda.

The success is easy to explain: Luna has a sincere story. “Do you know how I started writing songs? My husband and I separated, and in six months I wrote thirty songs – they just flowed.” (Later, these songs were included in the album “Ma-gni-you.”) For a long time, the texts lay on the table, and after reconciliation with her husband, Christina once came to visit friends and began to “rhyme some things on the go” with a guitar. lines." “The company was friendly, and friends said: “You can do it!” Bardash remembered that at the music school she was assigned a second soprano, came to the studio and recorded her favorite song - “Let's forget everything” by Angelika Varum. “It was so scary that I didn’t even dare to sing in minus - I sang in her voice, because I was afraid to hold the melody myself.”

Cotton sweater, cotton bomber jacket, all – Isabel Marant Étoile; corduroy boots, MM6

Now she is not afraid of her voice, but she still protects her world from random people. For example, her younger sister Alina films her videos: “She feels my aesthetics, and this is the main thing, and I taught her the technical subtleties.” Luna’s aesthetics are close-ups, grainy pictures, deliberately primitive texts, erotica (“In the video for “Distance” I dance in my underpants. My husband saw it, called and asked to remove this frame: “I don’t want your butt to be on the whole screen”). . Luna gives the impression of a DIY project, but at the same time there is an influential production house behind it. How does it fit together? “Yura and I are a super team. He supports me: he helps me shoot videos, assemble the right team, and arranges for security to be present at my performances. That's all producing. As for creativity, he did not make a single edit in our album “Ma-gni-you”.

“Do you know how I started writing songs? My husband and I separated, and in six months I wrote thirty songs – they just flowed.”

In October-November, Luna will play several big concerts - in Kyiv, Tel Aviv, Riga and Moscow. Bardash is a little surprised by the popularity that has befallen her, but admits that this is not a reason for narcissism, but rather a motive to work. “We rehearse three times a week, and I’m also at home every day, when Yura goes to work and Zhora is in kindergarten.”

After the interview at Orca, we head to the House of Artists, where Luna and her musicians - two guitarists and a drummer - are rehearsing. The musicians laugh: on her laptop, Christina shows them a cut of footage from the Soviet film “Carnival” with Irina Muravyova, where her heroine sings the famous song “Call me, call.” "Love this song. Let's do a remix?" – Bardash smiles.

Text: Daria Slobodyanik

Style: Julie Pelipas

Pianoboy, The Maneken, Ivan Dorn are proof of this. In addition, the production center "Lace", the founder of which is the husband of Christina Bardash - the same Moon - Yuri Bardash, has been actively supplying high-quality pop performers, musicians, photographers and producers for several years, many of whom we owe for the emergence of the phenomenon of the Ukrainian musical revolution .

One of these new pop performers was the singer Luna. The project has existed for two years, and in 2016, literally everyone started talking about Luna as a breakthrough in the Kiev musical underground - from the Russian Wonderzine to the Ukrainian glossy magazine, and now even American Vogue, which for the first time drew attention to Ukrainian music.

Journalist Liana Satenstein, specializing in the culture of the CIS countries and, in particular, Ukraine (she is the author of last year’s article about), writes that the music of the Moon “is a symbol of the changes taking place in Ukraine against the background of the political situation, war and an unstable economy.” Of course, it naturally suggests itself to compare Luna’s music with a similar trend in fashion - what people from the post-Soviet space and Gosha Rubchinsky are doing.

Luna herself characterizes her musical style as “soulful pop” - it feels nostalgia for the post-Soviet 90s and noughties, a romantic passion, as well as the current trend for “Gopnik fashion”, exported to the West by the same Gvasalia, Rubchinsky, and other designers.

Christina Bardash is perhaps the most unusual face to ever become a symbol of a musical revolution,

— Vogue writes about Luna. In less than a year, 25-year-old Christina, thanks to her vocals, music videos recorded literally on her knees in the spirit of “new sincerity” and personal style, won the attention of music and fashion critics and just people who understand modern music - and fashion, which is important.

- Luna says, while Liana calls her face "elfin". After Christina and her team uploaded the first video for the song “Autumn” on Facebook, people began to distribute the video themselves, and within six months all the tickets for the Kyiv concerts were sold out.

According to Luna, the 90s and early 2000s are her main source of inspiration. And this is no coincidence, since it was precisely this period of minimalism, the flourishing and entry into the “big world” of various subcultures, feminism with its “new femininity” by Phoebe Philo, the era of supermodels, the peak of popularity and - most of all, modern fashion is of interest.

For Ukraine, the 90s became, according to Luna, “a time of revolution in the minds of people and the awakening of Ukrainian youth.”

In the article, Satenstein describes in detail the image of Christina Bardash during the interview: she was wearing a pink Roberto Cavalli minidress with buttons, which “would be more suitable for the wife of a Slavic mafioso,” but on Christina it looked absolutely organic.

My style depends on my mood, and the same thing happens with my music,

- says Bardash. And, indeed, before Luna had the opportunity to buy clothes in the Kiev boutiques Helen Marlen and Asthik, she - according to her own words in previous interviews - dressed in a second-hand store on Lesnoy (which, by the way, the same Liana Satenshtein calls in ranking of the best places for shopping in Kiev), since she invested all the money she earned in her favorite business.

Luna owes the lion's share of her popularity not only to her style and vocals, but also to her decidedly amateur videos - many of them filmed on a phone. Luna espouses an image of “new sincerity” that opposes commercial music and popular culture, which are slowly killing real, living culture and art. Bardash shot the video for the track “Autumn” spontaneously with a small pocket camera when she took her son to kindergarten.

I love Kyiv. It's a beautiful city, although some people are ruining the culture. But now there is a new generation of young guys who are changing the situation - and I am one of them,

Bardash says in an interview with Vogue. The phenomenon of the singer Luna lies in the fact that her music is, of course, part of our unique, so to speak, cultural code with its residential areas, dull pop music and infantile nostalgia for the past, which Christina Bardash transforms into a high-quality modern product that is interesting to the West. Thanks to people like her, Ukraine is gaining a new face and in a few years will cease to be associated with a poor, war-torn country, which is often shown in the news and in which something is always wrong, thank God.

Louna is a Russian rock band. Some journalists call it a “side project” of another famous rock band called The Musicians Themselves, however, they refute this definition in an interview. They insist that Louna is an independent project. The band gained popularity in 2010, when they released their debut album called “Make It Louder!” Immediately, the songs of this group topped the popular “thematic” charts.

Group name

It comes, as you might guess, from the word Luna. The final touch was the letter “o” added to the name by guitarist Ruben.


The genre of this group can be defined as experimental alternative music. Some consider it alternative metal. The team’s creativity is at the intersection of many styles and genres of recent times. The Louna group is one of the most unusual projects on the Russian stage today. In her songs you can hear echoes of an alternative line, which is the main one. At the same time, grunge notes are also heard (post-grunge - in the official version). It is safe to say that a genre to which the work of this group could be classified does not yet exist. Therefore, it makes no sense to build analogies. Attribution to a genre such as alternative metal is somewhat far-fetched. We can consider the work of this group an experiment that has already proven its worth. The Louna group has thoughtful, vibrant lyrics. They are aimed at combating various evils of modernity, including social injustice and religious fanaticism.

Composition of the group

The vocalist of the band Louna is Lusine Gevorkyan. She currently participates in 2 teams at the same time, also performing in the Tracktor Bowling team. Today, a large number of people believe that she is the founder of alternative vocals in our country.

The second participant is Vitaly Demidenko, who is better known as Vit. This is the band's bassist. He also competes in Tracktor Bowling. Vitaly has his own fan club.

The band's guitarist is Ruben Kazaryan. He is also a part-time author of texts in English. Ruben played in bands such as Ens Cogitans and Southwake.

Another guitarist is Sergey Ponkratiev. He has also been seen working with the two bands mentioned above - Ens Cogitans and Southwake.

Drummer - Leonid "Pilot" Kinzbursky. He is a talented drummer and longtime fan of the band Tracktor Bowling.

Create a group

The creation of the team dates back to September 2008. It was then that members of Tracktor Bowling, a Moscow alternative group, Vitaly Demidenko and Lusine Gevorkyan founded this band. They were also joined by guitarists Sergei Ponkratiev, Ruben Kazaryan and drummer Leonid Kinzbursky.

In the group's work, the emphasis was immediately placed on powerful sound, as well as on the intellectual content of the texts. Louna's songs charge the listener with energy and make him think.

First performances, first awards

On May 23, 2009, the group's first performance took place. It is considered the date of his birth. The performance took place at the Tochka club in Moscow. The young and not very well-known team won the RAMP Award in 2009, receiving it in the “Discovery of the Year” nomination. The rock band Louna subsequently gained great fame in the musical community. Louna has been a headliner at various rock festivals. In 2009 - at Extreme Girlzz Fest, in 2010 - at Metal Summer Fest" and "The Neighboring World", in 2011 - at "Invasion" and Kubana, in 2012 - also at "Invasion" and Kubana, etc.

Debut album

The band's debut album, "Make It Louder!", as we have already said, appeared in 2010, in the summer. Its release was made in the fall of the same year. This event was a turning point in the history of the team. The clearly expressed irreconcilable social position and non-standard music provoked the interest of the general public, as well as the media. Let us note that the leader of “Cockroaches!” took part in the recording of the debut album. (Russian punk band), as well as Ervin Khachikyan, keyboardist of the band System Of A Down.

Growing popularity

In February 2011, the team presented the single “Who Do You Trust?”, made together with the vocalist of the Lumen group Rustem Bulatov. In the summer of the same year, at the invitation of the organizing committee of "Invasion-2011", Louna performed on the main stage of this festival along with such Russian rock stars as "Alice", Gleb Samoilov, "DDT", "Kipelov", "Splin", "Lyapis Trubetskoy" , “Pilot”, “King and Jester”, “Chaif”, “Bravo”, “Bi-2” and others.

The composition "Fight Club", included in the debut album, was included in the rotation of "Our Radio" in January 2011. And a week later - and into the “Chart Dozen” (rock chart). This song rose to number two and managed to stay on the chart for 16 weeks. Later, in the summer of the same year, another song of the group - “Make it louder!” - within a month it reached the top of the charts and did not give up its position for 2 weeks.

The expert council of the "Chart Dozen. Top 13" (an annual award) nominated the Louna group to the finals in as many as 3 nominations - "Best Soloist", "Song of the Year" and "Breakthrough". In addition, the group was invited to perform at the award ceremony, which took place at Crocus City Hall on March 7, 2012. Louna became the winner of the award, winning in the category “Song of the Year” (“Fight Club”).

Second album

The group's second album, "Time X", was released in February 2012. The disc included several protest-themed tracks. In addition, the album included several lyrical compositions. In the same year, in March, solo concerts were played in St. Petersburg and Moscow, dedicated to the release of the second album. 14 new songs were included in it. The leader of the famous group took part in the recording, as well as Alexander Ivanov, the leader of the group “NAIV” (which broke up in 2009) and the current project “Radio Chacha”.

In an interview, S. Mikhalok said that he likes to collaborate with musicians from Louna. He noted that the bulk of duets in rock and roll and on the stage are created when producers want to derive some benefit from it. However, Louna is not a commercially driven project.

New assault on the "Chart Dozen"

The song “Everyone has the right” has been in rotation on “Our Radio” since February 2012. She stayed in the “Chart Dozen” for more than two months, reaching third place. The composition “Mama” topped the hit parade for three weeks in a row in August 2012. In total, she stayed there for more than three months.

June 12, 2012 marks the group’s performance at the “March of Millions.” Along with the main studio activities, the recording of an English-language album is also being prepared. The band, according to the musicians, has plans to perform at the largest rock festivals, including world-class events.

“People look up” is a song that started airing on “Our Radio” on November 16, 2012. A video was also shot for it by Svyatoslav Podgaevsky, who had previously made videos for this group for the songs “Mama” and “Make It Louder.”

Louna conquers America

In 2013, on January 25, it became known that the group's first English-language album would be released under the name Behind a Mask. The Red Decade Records label will take part in its publication. The song Mama was first heard on Chicago radio 95FM W.I.I.L. on March 22. After that, 138 Americans called into the air. About 75% of them said they liked the song. One even confused the Louna singer with the In This Moment singer. The single Business was released on March 26, followed by a high-budget video of the same name, which was presented to Western viewers. Also in 2013, on February 24, the group’s English-language website began operating. At the same time, the track list of the future debut album appeared.

Based on popular voting on February 24 of the same year, L. Gevorkyan was recognized as the best rock vocalist in Russia. She beat Helavisa, Zemfira and Olga Kormukhina. The vocalist of the group Louna won the “Best Soloist” award, which she received from the hands of a famous actor.

The band's first English-language album was released on April 30, 2013 (Behind a Mask). It received positive reviews from various online publications in the United States.

A tour of US cities took place in the fall of 2013. Louna played concerts in 26 cities in America with The Pretty Reckless, a US band, and Heaven's Basement, an English band. In 44 days, Louna traveled through 13 states. During the tour, in addition to live performances, the group gave numerous interviews, performed an acoustic set on a Chicago radio station and was received with great interest by American radio listeners. The group’s songs were in rotation on seven of America’s largest radio stations, and the song “Up There” took 13th place on the WIIL FM chart. At the American concerts, all albums and paraphernalia were sold, which indicates a high interest in the band’s work.

Album "We are Louna"

The albums of the group Louna replenished their list on December 1, 2013 with the appearance of a new one - “We are Louna”. It was recorded using crowdfunding, that is, with money from listeners. The fundraiser was recognized as one of the most successful in the history of music crowdfunding in our country. In the fall of 2013, a large-scale tour of the United States took place.

2014 in the history of the group

In 2014, work was underway on a video for the song “With You”. It came out on June 30th. In May of the same year, the group played two anniversary concerts for its fifth anniversary in the capital, and one in St. Petersburg. At the fifth anniversary, her friends performed with the group. Among them we can note Ilya Chert, Rustem Bulatov, “Cockroaches!”, “Elysium”, “Brigade Contract”, “Prince”, “Stigmata”, “Fantastika”, etc. A documentary film called “We are Louna” was also released. .


In 2015, the premiere of the composition “The Fighter’s Road” took place in the “Chart Dozen”. The song immediately reached sixth place, and a month later topped the charts.

In February the group returned to concert activity. Interest in it from the media also increased: the team began to be more actively invited to appear on various radio broadcasts. From January to May this year, the group visited 40 Russian cities, covering almost all regions. This tour, called “Even Louder!”, is currently the largest in the history of the group. Almost all cities of this tour were sold out. According to the unanimous opinion of metropolitan and regional promoters, Louna is currently one of the most popular rock bands in Russia.

On May 30, 2015, the discography of the Louna group was replenished with the collection The Best of, which includes the best songs. Bonus tracks - “The Path to Yourself” and “Freedom” (acoustic arrangement). “In Me” is a song included in the album in a version recorded together with D. Rishko.

Singer Luna (Kristina Gerasimova, at the time of her marriage she performed under the pseudonym Bardash) is a Ukrainian singer whose musical career, which began with posting songs on YouTube in 2014-2015, reached the peak of popularity in the period 2016-2018.

Attractive appearance, pleasant voice and nostalgic performance style, characteristic of pop music of the post-Soviet space of the 90s in modern processing, allowed the performer to gain wide popularity among an interested audience.

Childhood and education

Kristina Viktorovna Gerasimova was born on August 28, 1990 in the city of Karl-Marx-Stadt (now Chemnitz) in the German Democratic Republic. Her parents lived in this German city during the military service of the father of the family. After the reunification of Germany in 1990 and the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Gerasimov family moved to Kyiv.

The period of life in Germany had practically no effect on Christina, who was still little at that time, although she recalled in an interview her mother’s stories about joint walks through the Dresden Art Gallery or her birth in a boat sailing along the Elbe.

From early childhood, Christina strove for music and art, which was greatly encouraged by the girl’s parents. Their considerable merit was that Kristina Gerasimova studied vocals and piano at a music school.

By the singer’s own admission, the event that determined her desire for a musical career was a trip to Cuba in 2002. Finding herself far from her parents, Christina did not study, but only composed songs, enjoying the special Cuban atmosphere of freedom and joy.

In 2007, the future singer Luna successfully graduated from Kyiv school No. 53 with in-depth study of the German language. The next stage was studying at one of the Kyiv universities at the Faculty of Journalism. Although directing and music attracted the girl much more than the profession of a journalist.

The beginning of a musical career

In 2009, Christina met her future husband Yuri Bardash, a music producer, founder and lead singer of the hip-hop group “Mushrooms”.

Interview with Kristina Gerasimova

Relations with Yuri have never been easy. According to the singer herself, first her pregnancy, then postpartum depression ruined the relationship between the spouses, and in 2014 they decided to temporarily separate. It was during this period that Christina experienced a creative surge, wrote more than 30 songs and, having previously set music to the text, published compositions called “Moon” and “Vigray” on her YouTube and Soundcloud accounts. The new performer quickly attracted the attention of the audience.

According to Christina’s memoirs, in her childhood she was already interested in music of a certain genre and direction. Her circle of interests firmly included Zemfira, Mumiy-Troll, Linda and Guests from the Future. This greatly influenced Luna's own musical style in the future. Christina's songs belong to pop music, while the performer herself and her fans associate the specifics of her compositions with the nostalgic aesthetics of the musical culture of the 90s of the last century.

Quick take off

Christina consolidated her success on October 15, 2015 with a video for the song “Autumn,” which she filmed in the courtyard of her house. The simplicity and originality of the setting and the text itself aroused great interest among connoisseurs of popular music. The video quickly collected several hundred thousand views, and this success ultimately became the beginning of the singer's career.

Moon - Autumn

Christina’s first public performance took place as part of the autumn fashion show “Mercedes-Benz Kiev Fashion Days”, where she managed to captivate the audience with her simple love songs. It is noteworthy that in the following years the singer took part in this event more than once, leaving her mark even in one of the fashion collections, items from which were decorated with lines from Luna’s texts.

The period from the end of 2015 to May 2016 was entirely devoted to preparations for the release of Kristina Gerasimova’s first studio album, entitled “Mag-ni-you.” It was for its release that the singer took the pseudonym Luna. It was presented in full at the singer’s debut solo concert in Kyiv. A number of lyrical and memorable compositions (“Moon”, “Autumn”, “Magnets”, “Bottle”, “Distances” and “Boy, you’re snow...”) immediately captivated major Ukrainian and Russian radio stations. The album was produced by Luna herself.

Until the end of 2016, the main occupation of Luna and her partners was touring the CIS countries and Israel, and on November 3, the singer’s debut Moscow concert was a success. In parallel with this, on October 28, 2016, Luna released the mini-album “Sad Dance”.

Constant touring and separation from her son served as inspiration for Luna to create songs on the theme of love at a distance, which were included in her second studio album, “Freedom Island.” The release was scheduled for November 18, 2017, and the main single of the disc was the song “Free Love”, the video clip for which collected a record number of views for the singer on YouTube - 4.8 million. Soon after its release, the album reached 3rd place in downloads in the Russian-language section of iTunes.

Video making

In addition to some of her own videos, a striking example of which was the video for the song “Autumn,” in 2011 Kristina Gerasimova shot and edited a video clip for the song “Not By You” for the popular singer Yulia Nelson.

The video that Christina Bardash shot for Yulia Nelson

The successfully completed work gave the girl self-confidence; later, the list of Luna’s works included videos for compositions by the singer Inaya and the group “Nervy”. By the way, all projects, except for Yulia Nelson, belong to the Ukrainian company “Kruzheva Music”, the founder and owner of which is Yuri Bardash.

Luna's personal life

As mentioned above, Kristina Gerasimova married producer Yuri Bardash in 2009. While pregnant, Christina and her husband flew to Los Angeles in 2011, where their son George was soon born.

Moon - Light

All the latest news from Luna’s life can be found on the vocalist’s pages on Instagram and VKontakte, and you can get acquainted with her compositions and videos on the singer’s profile on YouTube.

It is known that on April 12, 2019, Cosmonautics Day, Luna will present a new, very personal album “Enchanted Dreams” in one of the clubs in Minsk.