Kuban studies lesson notes and presentation “You and your name” lesson plan (grade 1) on the topic. “You and your name” Synopsis of the world around you and your name

Subject: You and your name.

Tasks: 1. Arouse interest in the history of the origin of your name;

2. Arouse an emotional desire for search work on the history of the origin of names.

Progress of the lesson.

  1. Organized start of the lesson.
  2. Psychological mood.
  3. Report the topic of the lesson.

I hope you don't intend to lose your name.

“Of course not,” Alice said confusedly.

“I don’t know, I don’t know,” muttered Mosquito.

Just think how convenient it is to return home without a name. For example, you are called on in class. The teacher says: “Go to the board...” - and then she will fall silent, because you will not have a name and you, of course, will be able to pretend that the name is not you, but someone else there!

“Nothing will come of this,” said Alice, “and you will still have to answer to me, and not to someone else.” If the teacher forgets my name, she will say: “Hey, you!”, or “Hey!”, or something else.

*Do people need names? For what?

Try for at least one day not to use the names of friends and acquaintances in your speech. You will see. That this is impossible: either they will not understand you at all, or you will have to describe people in so many words that you will abandon this idea.

Topic message .

II The emergence of names.

  1. Old Russian names.

Wolf Tihomir Vera

Bison Dobrynya Nadezhda

Belka Svetlana Lyubov

Nekras Vladimir

Not good Lyudmila

Kriv Vladislav

Pervusha Lyubomir

*Read the names in the first column. These are some of the ancient names. Why do you think parents call their children such strange names?

* Where do you think the name Pervush, Tretyak could have come from?

Can you guess why the exchanges given in column 2 arose?

  1. Borrowed names.

Many names from the languages ​​of other peoples came into the Russian language. In this case, it is impossible to determine their meaning without knowing a foreign language. Such famous names as Igor, Oleg, Olga, borne by Russian princes, came from the north. These are the names Ingvar, Helg, Helga adapted to Russian pronunciation.

Igor Ingvar

Olga Helga

Oleg Helg

Many names came to us from Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. These names also have their meaning.

Alexander - (Greek) - protector of people

Anton - (Greek) - opponent

Andrey - (Greek) - courageous

Sergey - (Greek) - tall, strong

Irina - (Greek) - peace and tranquility

Maria - (ancient Greek) beloved

Akmaral - white fawn

Aigul - moon flower

Asel - honey

Arman is a dream

Alima - scientist

* Do you know what your names mean?

In linguistics, there is a special section that deals with the study of personal names - onomastics.

III Spelling of names.

Since a person’s name is intended to distinguish him from other people, to emphasize his individuality, in written speech proper names are distinguished with a capital letter.

Language games

* Guess the puzzles

Which words in the poem are pronounced the same but spelled differently? Why?

In sight of honest people

Luda is afraid to go down the hill.

And Sasha, and Sanya

The sleigh goes down the hill on its own.

* Make up sentences with pairs of words: Rose-rose, Roman-novel, Earring-earring.

* Now I will read excerpts from fairy tales, and you name the names of the characters mentioned in them.

A girl was sitting in a tulip cup on a green leaf. She was small - small, just one inch. That's what they called her (Thumbelina)

A girl, white as snow and round as a ball, says to the old people: “I am rolled up from spring snow, warmed and rouged by the spring sun. My name is…. Snow Maiden"

What is the name of the good doctor who treated animals, birds and insects? Aibolit

* Listen to Chukovsky’s poem and tell me how many girls are mentioned?

Natalia, Natochka,

Natasha, Natalenka,

Natulenka, Natusenka.

Ekaterina, Katenka,

Katyusha, Katerina,


Love, Lyubonka,

Lyubanya, Lyubasha,

Lyubushka, Lyubochka,

Maryushka, Marusenka,

Mashenka and Manechka

Let's run to the shop

And we bought gingerbread.

*How many names are mentioned?

IV Lesson summary

*What new did you learn in class today?

* What is a name?

Name- a distinctive name, a designation of a person that is given to him at birth.

Among living people, no one is nameless at all:

at the minute of birth each -

both low and noble -

your name from your parents

receives as a sweet gift.

Someday you will all become parents and you will have to choose a name for your child. Treat this carefully so that it doesn’t turn out like S. Marshak

Mother wanted to make friends

To my blond daughter,

So I thought of calling it

Daughter by dictatorship.

Even though her family called her

Abbreviated as Dita

Was on my parents

The girl is angry.

Father was looking for another

The name is smarter

And he finally called

Daughter your idea

Names were mom and sister

Girl Idea

And the guys from the yard began

Call me Turkey

Let father and mother understand

What's with this nickname?

Everything will have to last forever

Inseparable for children.

(Wish for children)

You all have beautiful, sonorous names. I want your destiny to be happy with such names.

Subject: You and your name. Tasks: 1. Arouse interest in the history of the origin of your name;2. Arouse an emotional desire for search work on the history of the origin of names.

Progress of the lesson.

    Organized start of the lesson. Psychological mood. Report the topic of the lesson.
“I hope you don’t intend to lose your name.”“Of course not,” Alice said confusedly.“I don’t know, I don’t know,” muttered Komar.- Just think how convenient it is to return home without a name. For example, you are called on in class. The teacher says: “Go to the board...” - and then she will fall silent, because you will not have a name and you, of course, will be able to pretend that the name is not you, but someone else there!“Nothing will come of this,” said Alice, “and you will still have to answer to me, and not to someone else.” If the teacher forgets my name, she will say: “Hey, you!”, or “Hey!”, or something else.*Do people need names? For what? Try for at least one day not to use the names of friends and acquaintances in your speech. You will see. That this is impossible: either they will not understand you at all, or you will have to describe people in so many words that you will abandon this idea.Topic message . II The emergence of names.
    Old Russian names.
Wolf Tihomir VeraBison Dobrynya NadezhdaBelka Svetlana Lyubov Nekras Vladimir Not good Lyudmila Kriv Vladislav Pervusha Lyubomir Vtorak *Read the names in the first column. These are some of the ancient names. Why do you think parents call their children such strange names? * Where do you think the name Pervush, Tretyak could have come from? Can you guess why the exchanges given in column 2 arose?
    Borrowed names.
Many names from the languages ​​of other peoples came into the Russian language. In this case, it is impossible to determine their meaning without knowing a foreign language. Such famous names as Igor, Oleg, Olga, borne by Russian princes, came from the north. These are the names Ingvar, Helg, Helga adapted to Russian pronunciation. Igor Ingvar Olga Helga Oleg Helg Many names came to us from Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. These names also have their meaning.Alexander - (Greek) – protector of peopleAnton - (Greek) – opponentAndrey - (Greek) – courageousSergey - (Greek) – tall, strongIrina - (Greek) – peace and tranquilityMaria - (ancient Greek) beloved
Akmaral - white fawnAigul - moon flower Rope - wing Auez - voice, sound Asel - honey Arman - dream Alim - scientist
* Do you know what your names mean?In linguistics, there is a special section that deals with the study of personal names - onomastics. III Spelling of names. Since a person’s name is intended to distinguish him from other people, to emphasize his individuality, in written speech proper names are distinguished with a capital letter.Language games * Guess the puzzles

Which words in the poem are pronounced the same but spelled differently? Why?In sight of honest people Luda is afraid to go down the hill. And Sasha, and Sanya The sleigh goes down the hill on its own. * Make up sentences with pairs of words: Rose-rose, Roman-novel, Earring-earring.* Now I will read excerpts from fairy tales, and you name the names of the characters mentioned in them.
A girl was sitting in a tulip cup on a green leaf. She was small - small, just one inch. That's what they called her (Thumbelina)
A girl, white as snow and round as a ball, says to the old people: “I am rolled up from spring snow, warmed and rouged by the spring sun. My name is…. Snow Maiden" What is the name of the good doctor who treated animals, birds and insects? Aibolit
* Listen to Chukovsky’s poem and tell me how many girls are mentioned? Natalia, Natochka,Natasha, Natalenka,Natulenka, Natusenka.
Ekaterina, Katenka,Katyusha, Katerina, Kasenka.
Love, Lyubonka, Lyubanya, Lyubasha, Lyubushka, Lyubochka,
Maryushka, Marusenka,Mashenka and ManechkaLet's run to the shopAnd we bought gingerbread.
*How many names are mentioned?
IV Lesson summary *What new did you learn in class today? *What is a name?
Name- a distinctive name, a designation of a person that is given to him at birth.
Among living people, no one is nameless at all:
at the minute of birth each -both low and noble -your name from your parentsreceives as a sweet gift.(Homer)
Someday you will all become parents and you will have to choose a name for your child. Treat this carefully so that it doesn’t turn out like S. Marshak

Mother wanted to make friends

To my blond daughter,

So I thought of calling it

Daughter by dictatorship.

Even though her family called her

Abbreviated as Dita

Was on my parents

The girl is angry.

Father was looking for another

The name is smarter

And he finally called

Daughter your idea

Names were mom and sister

Girl Idea

And the guys from the yard began

Call me Turkey

Let father and mother understand

What's with this nickname?

Everything will have to last forever

Inseparable for children.

(Wish for children)

You all have beautiful, sonorous names. I want your destiny to be happy with such names.

Pedagogical workshop

Petrichenko N.V., teacher of gymnasium No. 10

"You and your name"
Lesson-creative project in 4th grade

The purpose of the lesson:

  • preparing primary school graduates for project and research activities at secondary level;
  • development of students' creative abilities.
  • ability to work with reference literature


  • consolidate the knowledge gained in the lessons of the Russian language, literary reading and the surrounding world;
  • introduce students to the organization of project activities:
  • create a reference book as a product of project activity (by all students in the class with the help of the teacher and family members).


  • computer version of the presentation;
  • video film;
  • reference book “You and your name”;
  • book exhibition

During the classes - presentations:

slide - Lesson presentation "You and your name"

slide - Journey into the past

1 leading - In our Russian Language textbook there is a section “Journey to the Past”. This school year she is talking about the origins and meanings of people's names.

2 leading - The textbook gives only a brief meaning of the name, and even then there are twelve names, and there are 28 of us! And we decided to learn about our names, but not just their short meaning.

1 leading - We have drawn up a work plan.

3 slide - Work plan

  1. Find out what the name means, from what language it came into Russian.
  2. Find out from your parents why they chose this particular name, what guided them.
  3. Make a family tree of your family's names.
  4. Collect information about people who bore or bear the same names.

1 leading - And when Nina Vasilyevna was given a list of her future 1st grade, we saw that next year six girls with the name Daria would study in 1st grade “B”, we had a question: Maybe there is a fashion for names? We decided to find an answer to this question.

2 leading - Nina Vasilievna asked all the students in the class to answer questions. Some guys started the work without enthusiasm, but over time they became interested in it.

1 leading - The first thing we did was go to our gymnasium library.

1st frame of video (against the background of N.V.’s footage) In the reading room we were given books on our topic (book display), but they turned out to be not enough for everyone, so we only had a very general introduction to the books. The guys tried to find their names, but not all of them were there. It was 15.04.

2 - video frame . The next day, which was Sunday, the guys went to other libraries, took books and gathered in groups at the guys’ houses. Working together is more fun and interesting...

4 slide - Directory “You and your name”

2 presenter - And the result of our work was a directory of names, which we made together with Nina Vasilievna and our parents. Today we present it to you.

5th slide

1 presenter - According to V.I. Dahl’s dictionary, a name is “a name, a designation, a word that is called, means a person.”

We are used to calling everyone by their first and last name. But the person’s name did not arise by chance. Years passed before ancient people came up with a way to distinguish one person from the crowd by addressing him by name.

6th slide

2 presenter - In 988, Rus' adopted the Christian religion. This religion was borrowed from Byzantium. Along with it, many Byzantine names came to Rus', which in turn originated from ancient Greek and Roman ones.

7th slide - Names pop up

Roll call of names (teacher leads).

Old Slavonic names: Svetlana is bright and pure.

Latin names:

Albina is white.
Valery is strong and healthy.
Valeria is healthy, cheerful, strong.
Sergei is clear, highly respected.
Julia - fluffy, July.

Hebrew names:

Anna - graceful, pretty, grace.
Maria is sad.
Yana is the grace of God.

Greek names:

Alena is bright and radiant.
Angelina is angelic.
Anastasia - resurrector,
Andrey is courageous.
Artem is healthy.
Yuri is a farmer.
Denis - belonging to Dionysus. (For the ancient Greeks this is the god of vitality)
Daria is strong, winning.
Diana is divine.
Catherine is pure, immaculate.
Irina - peace, quiet.
Nikita is the winner.
Peter is a stone, a rock.
Sophia - wisdom.
Alexey is a defender.

Teacher: While preparing for this lesson, some of you even managed to find songs and poems with your name. And they confirm the meaning of your names. The name Alexey comes from the Greek “protector.” Listen to the song "Alyosha".

A song is playing.

Teacher -

These are the sonorous verses with which the great old man Homer once spoke about human names. So what? Thousands of years have passed, but what he said still remains true.

8th slide

1 presenter- From the first days of early childhood, a person does not hear a single word as often as his own name. First it is used in its diminutive form, then in its full form, then the middle name begins to be added to it.

9th slide - (blank)


2 presenter - In the Orthodox tradition, the name was selected according to the calendar: the child was named after the saint whose memorial day coincided with or was closest to the baby’s birthday. Thus the saint became an invisible protector of man.

Teacher- In our class, only Angelina and Valeria were given names according to the church calendar.

Baptism was considered a spiritual birth, much more important than a physical birth. Therefore, it was customary to celebrate not a birthday, but a name day. And now some people celebrate name days, but also birthdays. The directory contains a birthday calendar application.

Nowadays, a child’s name is not always given according to the calendar. Sometimes the child is named according to family tradition, often in memory or honor of a loved one. It happens that the baby is named after a favorite literary character or some famous, respected person. Parents want it, according to its meaning, to endow the child with positive qualities in advance.

What guided your parents when choosing a name?

1 presenter- 7 of us got names because our parents liked the sound of them.

Diana, how did you choose your name?
What about you, Andrey?
What about Yulia Gerasimova?
Albina, how are you?
How about Irina?
Yulia Dityateva, how are you?
And you, Ekaterina?
And you, Nikita Maltsev? So, does that mean there is still a fashion for names?

10th slide -Fashion

A student's story about fashion in names.

2 presenter - But the largest part of the children in our class received their names in memory or in honor of a dear person, or according to family tradition.
Sergey, who were you named after?
Sofia, and you are 9
You, Yana?
And you, Anastasia?

3rd frame of video

Teacher I suggested that you make a family tree of your family's names. You did a great job with your parents. All your miracle trees are here. Only one thing did not fit in - Peter Circled on. Please tell us how you worked on it.

11th slide -(family tree)

The story of Kruzhilsha Peter.

Teacher Guys, the same names as yours were or are worn by famous people. Please tell us about them.

12-16 slides -(portraits)

Students' stories.

  • leading- It is widely believed that a name influences a person’s fate and character. Of course, if this influence were complete and decisive, then all Nikita, Yulia, and Petit would live exactly the same. Only this influence is different. There are no two identical people, no two identical destinies.
  • leading And in our class there are two Yulias. Maybe you will agree to tell us whether you are the same in character as your names or not?

And you, Nikita, won’t you tell us? Or maybe Petit? Thank you for your frankness.

Teacher What do you think a person’s character depends on? Therefore, one can only compare what the character really is and whether it matches the description in the book. It happens that there are a lot of coincidences. I will now read to you the characteristics of one name, listen and think about who this name might belong to? He is good nature itself, gentleness. In childhood, he is a darling and a favorite. He is an intellectual; he will never bypass or destroy a barrier. He has an extraordinary artistic taste and draws well. Who could it be? How did you guess?

So, guys, you have answered all the questions in our project plan. Let's summarize.

17th slide - (Objective of the project)

Create a reference book to help children who are interested in this problem. Pyotr Kruzhilin was definitely interested in this problem. Maybe someone else? But next year you are going to 5th grade, but what about the “Handbook”

Thank you for the lesson! I wish good luck to you!

Lesson topic: " You and your name»


Teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 19, Novorossiysk

Target: Expand children's understanding of first names, patronymics and last names. Tasks:

Subject :

Introduce children to the history of the origin of names, patronymics and surnames, explain their origin.


Cognitive- formation of the ability to search for information, skills

Classify, develop the ability to analyze in order to identify signs, establish cause-and-effect relationships, and the ability to prove.

Regulatory – developing the ability to plan, control one’s actions, evaluate results, and mobilize forces.

Communication- ability to work in a team: debate,

plan educational cooperation.

Personal– developing the ability to communicate culturally, instilling the moral concepts of “tolerance”, “respect”, “love”.


to introduce children to the deep moral heritage and aesthetic richness of the culture of Russia, their region, their family; help the child discover the beauty and goodness contained in the depths of his home, family; to cultivate patriotic feelings: a sense of pride in one’s family, respect and love for ancestors, the past of our Motherland.

Equipment: reproduction of the painting “Three Heroes”; portraits of Ivan the Terrible, Peter I; multimedia presentation.

During the classes:

1. Organizing time.


In the last lesson we talked about pedigrees. Remember how interesting and rich your family trees turned out and how many names there are in them.

Guys, here is a painting by the Russian artist Vasnetsov “Bogatyrs”.

Let's remember their names.

Tell me, what is “Nikitich” for Dobrynya Nikitich? (Opinions are divided, seize on the incorrect answer “patronymic”, asking to prove it)

Actually this is not true. In Rus' at that time there were no concepts: names, patronymics, surnames. And there were mostly nicknames, which much later became surnames.

Guess what we will talk about in class today? What is the topic of our lesson? (Name)

SLIDE 1 (click 2)

Yes, we will talk about names. So, the topic of our lesson is “You and your name”

2. Checking homework.

Why do you think a person needs a name? (Children express their opinions)

The main purpose of a name is, of course, to distinguish its bearer from other people.

Since the beginning of human history, children have been given names at birth or shortly after birth.

– How many names are there in our class? (28 +1)

The grandfather tried for his grandson,

Picked it up from different places

A number of names that sound loud:

Tobius... Mucius... and Orestes...

The son-in-law decided during the debate

Turn the question around:

Let's call it more modern -

Helium... Atom... Cosmodrome...

Daughter caught up in controversy

Noisily getting into trouble

With a whole imported set:

Edwin... Melvin... Selvin... John...

Grandma to know the infidels

She doesn’t even want to

Contributes by looking at the calendar:

Dog... Sysoy... Kuzma... Foma...

Wise writing

There were four of us doing it.

We argued all night, and in the morning

The boy was named Peter.


How many of you know what your name means and why you were called that?

Help for teachers:

ALEXANDER – another Greek meaning “protector of people.”

ALBINA - Latin. "white".

ANASTASIA - Greek. "resurrected"

ANDREY – another Greek meaning “courageous.”

ANNA – other Hebrew "grace".

VALERIY - Latin. "strong", "healthy".

VERONICA - Greek. "bringing victory."

VICTORIA - Latin. "victory".

DENIS – Greek meaning “dedicated to Dionysus” (god of wine).

DMITRY - Greek, meaning “dedicated to Demeter” (goddess of agriculture and fertility).

EKATERINE - Greek. "purity".

IVAN – other Hebrew meaning “mercy of God.”

IGOR – other Germanic, meaning “defender” or other scand. "warlike"

KIRILL - Greek. "Mr."

MARIA – other Hebrew has several meanings: “bitter”, “beloved”, “desired”, “stubborn” or “mistress”.

NICHOLAY - Greek. "conqueror of nations."

NICOLE - Greek. from husband Nikolay

OLEG – other scand. "holy", "sacred".

ROMAN - Latin. "Roman".

SONYA - Greek. "wise".

YURI – Greek, meaning “farmer”.

From what sources did you get information about your name?

Help for teachers:

· Kharchenko

· Savenko

· Tkachenko

ABRAMOV – there are names in the calendar Abraham, Abraham, colloquial version - Abram. They have the same meaning: translated from Hebrew – “father of many nations.”

ALBOV is a surname from seminaries, artificially formed. Albus translated from Latin as “white”. Be Belov for a future clergyman, according to the concepts of those times, it was undignified, so they did Belova Albov.

5., Matveeva notebook on Kuban studies, grade 3.

6. Soviet encyclopedia.

7. Superanskaya of Russian names.

8. Superanskaya of Russian personal names.

9. and others. The secret of the name.

10. Sheshko name book.

Cuban studies lesson in 1st grade on the topic “You and your name”

Goals and objectives:

  • give a brief encyclopedic reference of the names of students and relatives;
  • to develop initial research skills among junior schoolchildren;
  • develop interest in the past and present of your family, family traditions;
  • cultivate a feeling of love for your family and pride in it, a sense of respect for your parents, pride and love for your native land.

Universal educational actions formed during the lesson.


Develop the ability to identify and formulate the purpose of the lesson; develop the ability to consciously and voluntarily construct a speech utterance in oral form;

2. Communication:

Develop the ability to accurately express one’s thoughts, mastery of monologue and dialogic speech in accordance with the grammatical norms of the Russian language; develop the ability to establish contact and organize interaction in solving a common problem in pairs;

3. Regulatory:

Develop the ability to control one’s behavior by acting according to the rules during a game situation;

4. Personal:

Forming a sense of pride for your Small Motherland; development of cognitive interests, desire to expand knowledge about the history and culture of the native land.

Equipment: computer software, projector, student projects.

During the classes

  1. Org. moment.
  1. Working on new material.

1. Introductory speech by the teacher.

Slide 1

– Today, you guys and I have an unusual lesson – a research lesson. The research that was carried out by each of you individually to study the names and by a group of high school students to study the names of the children of our school.

– Do you think a person can live without a name? This question will only make you smile! How then can we differentiate between people? How to contact them? Among many peoples, including Russians, the name given in childhood remains with a person throughout his life. Each name has its own origin story.

Slide 2

That a name is a sound dropped by chance,
Which has no meaning or significance?
Of course not. And there are secrets in names,
And the sacrament is naming.
And here we are, on our own
We realize at the beginning of the century:
It is not a man who finds a name for himself,
And the name chooses the person.

– Slavic names are the oldest of those that have come down to us. And now the names Svyatoslav, Yaroslav, Vladimir, Lyudmila are in use. What do they mean? We will find the answer to this question by listening to the sound of the words: Svyatoslav is holy glory, Vladimir is the ruler of the world, Lyudmila is dear to people.

During the times of Ancient and Muscovite Rus', many names were nicknames. A boy with black hair was born - they named him Chernysh. Blonde girl - Belyanoy. Often the name was associated with the height and appearance of a person, his character. (Mal, Glazko, Krik, Besson, Molchan).

Sometimes names were given after the names of animals and plants: Wolf, Hare, Bear, Grass, Branch. Scientists suggest that they are associated with the ancient beliefs of our ancestors, who deified nature.

After the adoption of Christianity in Rus', they began to give names from the list of saints placed in the church calendar.

II. Interpretation of names.

Slide 3

– Do you know why your parents gave you that name? Do you know its interpretation?

Slides 4-28

  • Children's statements about why their parents named them that and did knowledge of the meaning of the name influence the choice of name?
  • Performance by a group of children collecting information about the meaning of male and female names.

III. Proverbs.

Folk wisdom, proverbs and sayings did not ignore this topic and did not remain “nameless”.

– What proverbs and sayings with names do you know? (children remember proverbs and sayings)

  • Each Alenka praises her cow.
  • Our Andrei is not a villain to anyone.
  • There is a saying for every Yegorka.
  • Ulyana woke up neither late nor early - everyone was leaving work, and she was right there.

IV. Poetry.

– Many poets dedicated poems to their children and rhymed names in their poems for children.

The word is presented to a group of students who have made a selection of poems. (There is a slide along the course of the poems)

ANASTASIA – resurrected, reborn to life - ancient Greek; female form of the male name Anastas.

Nastenka, my dear!
Look out the window.
There's sunshine in the sky
It's been a long time coming.
There are little birds in the sky
The little ones sing.
There are clouds in the sky
The blue ones are swimming.
There's a rainbow in the sky
She arched.
Nastenka, my dear!
Open the window.

SERGEY - generic Roman name.

Quick, quick little legs
Our Serezhenka's.
He runs along the path
Already a little tired
But still he runs, tries,
And, in general, it works!
Our boy is wonderful
Very remarkable -
He is healthy and strong
And he is very athletic!

V. Research.

Slide 29

– An initiative group of children from our class conducted a study. Here are his results(children performing):

There are only 1008 children in our school, 58 female names, 64 male names.

Slide 30

The rarest ones, i.e. One child at a time has the following names at school:

Female names:

Slide 31

Male names:

Slide 32

Most popular names:




Amount of children


Amount of children















VI. Do you know that…

Slide 33

Teacher's word

In Rus', all children were called Bogdans before baptism.

Pablo Picasso's full name is Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Crispin Crispiano la Santisima Trinidat Ruiz Picasso.

Christine's daughter of Arthur Pepper, the owner of one of the Liverpool laundries, lasted exactly half a day, because. the girl's initials alone made up almost the entire Latin alphabet. Her name was: Anna Bertha Cicilia Diana Emilia Fanny Gertrude Hypatia Inessa Zhanna Catherine Louise Maud Nora Ophelia Prudence Rebecca Sarah Teresa Willis Venus Winfried Zena Pepper. For short, the girl is usually called Alphabet Pepper.

At one of the Honolulu schools, the daughter of a local restaurant owner studied, whose name did not fit in the class magazine. It consisted of 102 letters and sounded in Hawaiian something like this: Napuamahalaonaonaanekawehk ehaalekesaonainainananiakekeoao hawaiikawanao, which means: Numerous beautiful flowers of the mountains and valleys begin to fill the length and breadth of Hawaii with their fragrance.

Slide 34

In some parts of India, there is a special custom for resolving a dispute between parents about the name of a newborn. If the father suggests one name and the mother another, then they light two lamps. Whose lamp burns longer will give the child a name.

Voltaire had about 200 literary pseudonyms, including the pseudo-Russian names Ivan Altov and Jean Plakov.

There are no two identical names in the Kachan tribe (Northern Burma). But when twins are born, difficulties arise, since according to Kachin beliefs, twins are one person in two persons. Then a special ritual comes into force: upon reaching the age of 9, the twins are asked to put their hand into a jug of rice three times in turn. One of the drawings is painted red. The one who gets it will bear the name. The other one will henceforth be called simply “Second”.

VII. The result of the work. Reflection.

Slide 35

- What names do you remember?

Show with cards (red, yellow, green): what grade you gave yourself for your work in class.


  • Kuban studies: Textbook for grades 3-4/Miruk M.V., Eremenko E.N. and others - Krasnodar, 2008.
  • Kuban Studies: Materials for lessons and extracurricular activities. 3rd grade - Krasnodar, 2006.
  • Internet site: The secret of the name - the meaning of a person’s name. names.neolove.ru