The curry is spicy. Curry: beneficial properties, recipes, uses

Curry is a popular Indian seasoning that is considered a true symbol of this sunny country. The popularity of the spice has long crossed the borders of India and today curry has become a favorite seasoning in many countries. And this is understandable, because in addition to the bright, rich taste and unique aroma, the benefits of the spice also include the benefits of curry for the body.

Curry Ingredients

Curry is a mixture of several spices. This unusual and original combination allows you to add a spicy, spicy note to meat and fish delicacies. The seasoning is also added to cold dishes, drinks and even baked goods.

Curry Ingredients:

· turmeric – improves blood composition, promotes the removal of toxins from the body;

· cayenne pepper – stimulates blood circulation, accelerates food digestion and fat burning;

· coriander – activates digestive processes;

· cumin – normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;

· cardamom – has an antioxidant effect, tidies up the nervous system;

· Basil – considered a natural antidepressant, improves sleep, has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.

The seasoning recipe and its ingredients may vary depending on the region of India. Ginger, fenugreek, cinnamon, fennel or mustard seeds, as well as garlic and nutmeg are added to the curry.

The calorie content of the spice is 325 kcal per 100 g. But since the seasoning has the ability to speed up the metabolic process and burn fat, it is recommended to include it in the weight loss menu.

About the benefits of curry

The benefits of curry for the human body have been known since ancient times. One of the useful properties of the seasoning is its unique composition - a combination of several spices in the right proportions gives an interesting, original taste that will perfectly complement almost any dish. At the same time, each of the ingredients has its own positive effect on the body.

Turmeric – improves brain functioning, effectively fights various tumors, and improves blood quality.

Pepper enhances the benefits of curry. It activates blood circulation, promotes rapid digestion of food, and normalizes stool. People who often use this healthy seasoning never experience constipation or diarrhea.

Coriander as part of the curry spice has a choleretic effect and normalizes the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. Regular consumption of dishes with this seasoning helps improve digestion.

Quite often, the aromatic seasoning includes cumin, which improves immunity and activates the body's defenses to fight viruses and microbes.

Cardamom is known for its ability to tidy up the intestinal microflora, accelerate tissue regeneration, normalize the functioning of the nervous system, and protect against stress.

Curry is ideal for people who want to lose a few extra pounds without much effort. This hot spice, due to its beneficial properties, activates digestion, as a result of which fatty tissue is not formed. The seasoning is also a natural diuretic, removing excess fluid from the body and preventing the occurrence of edema.

Dishes seasoned with curry must be present on the table of people suffering from frequent headaches and migraines. The herbs included in its composition have antispasmodic properties and help solve the problem without pills.

In India, it is believed that the hot spice stimulates the functioning of the muscular system, normalizes metabolic processes in the body, and removes accumulated waste and toxins. Due to its benefits, curry is recommended to be consumed regularly for the following diseases:

1. Bronchial asthma.

2. Flu and other acute respiratory diseases.

3. Arthritis.

4. Gout.

5. Rheumatism.

6. Tendency to bloating.

7. Alzheimer's disease.

Scientific research has found that the aromatic mixture activates the body's defenses to fight cancer cells. In addition, people who regularly consume curry dishes notice improvements in their heart function and the condition of their vascular system. The spice cleanses blood vessels of atherosclerotic plaques, removes cholesterol and prevents the development of thrombosis.

Can curry be harmful?

Despite the huge list of beneficial properties of the spice, it is also known that curry is harmful. Most often, the negative effects of the seasoning are associated with individual intolerance of the body or an allergic reaction to the spice.

Who shouldn't eat Indian spice?

· women treated for breast cancer;

· for kidney pathologies;

· after a heart attack or stroke;

· people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases;

· with obstruction of gallstones.

The aromatic spice has a strong effect on the process of hematopoiesis. The harm of curry is that it slows down blood clotting and also increases the likelihood of bleeding. Therefore, dishes generously seasoned with curry should not be consumed by hemophiliacs.


The aromatic spice can add a touch of oriental sophistication to even the most ordinary dish. But behind the original taste, one should not forget about the dangers of curry and its combination with certain medications.

The Indian spice is known for its effect on the circulatory system. Therefore, if a person is taking blood thinning medications, curry consumption should be strictly limited. Excessive consumption of spicy seasoning can lead to internal bleeding.

Also, doctors do not advise combining the use of Warfarin, Clopidogrel or Aspirin with a dish that includes an Indian spicy mixture. This may cause you to feel worse and have other side effects.

Using curry for weight loss

The herbs included in the aromatic mixture contain huge amounts of antioxidants and folic acid. This means that it is simply irreplaceable for women's beauty and health. Curry increases sexual activity, improves skin tone, and stimulates rejuvenation processes.

Indian spice is also indispensable for people who want to lose weight. Thanks to its piquant hot taste, curry perfectly speeds up metabolism and activates metabolism in the body. As a result, the accumulated kilograms simply “burn out.”

Curry is included in the dish of the same name, which is considered an ideal option for quick weight loss. There are many varieties of it - with rice, lentils, fish, meat, vegetables, nuts and other spices. For dietary nutrition, it is best to use lean varieties of fish and meat, skinless chicken, tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini, corn, and bell peppers.

In addition, the spicy Indian mixture can be added to various meat, fish and vegetable dishes, rice, and aromatic broths and sauces can be prepared on its basis.

The harm of curry for weight loss is that such a diet should not be long-term. Regular spicy food will be a real blow to the digestive system and can lead to such sad consequences as gastritis of the stomach.

Herbs and spices are very popular in our cooking today, therefore, it is difficult to imagine preparing our favorite dishes without scattering bags of seasonings that smell so fragrant and give a simply unique taste to familiar dishes. Moreover, experts assure us that such a passion for spices and seasonings, especially if they are natural, is very beneficial for our health, since many spices have not only gastronomic, but also medicinal properties. You can read more about the benefits and harms of seasonings here.

Today we invite you to talk about one of the famous and favorite spices - a spice called curry, which is made from various seasonings. Learn about the history of curry, its recipe and, of course, how and why to add curry to your dishes...

Features of curry seasoning

India, like many other spices, is considered to be the birthplace of curry. At the same time, curry got its name thanks to the bush, the leaves of which Indians dry and grind into powder, and then use as a seasoning. However, such curry plant leaf powder evaporates essential oils very quickly, therefore, the seasoning quickly loses its properties - aroma and taste. So, if you are lucky enough to try real curry one day, remember that its use is limited, and this spice should not be stored for a long time.

Curry seasoning composition

After we have intrigued you with the peculiarities of curry seasoning and the fact that it has many recipes for its preparation, it’s time to learn about the most important components of curry, which must be included in its composition.

So, the most important component of curry is. At the same time, the seasoning should contain at least a quarter of the total composition. As you remember, turmeric has a distinctive aroma, but not a bright taste, however, in combination with other spices, it begins to “play.” Turmeric is moderately mild, aromatic and not spicy, and its advantage is that it can be added to many dishes. The next component of curry is, it can be from 20% to 50% in your version of the seasoning mixture. The curry should include: fenugreek, which directly replaces the leaves of the curry bush - it must be in the composition of at least 1/10 of the part, it must be present Cayenne pepper– content up to 6% is allowed.

These four main components - turmeric, coriander, fenugreek, cayenne pepper - are the basis of any curry. All other components can be contained from 40% to 50% and thereby give your seasoning mixture different flavors and aromas.

As an example, we can cite the data that in European versions of the curry recipe you can often find it, but in the Asian version of the curry recipe there is a sharper azhgon. Also, cloves, fennel, mint, nutmeg, different types of pepper are often added to curries...

So, if you buy ready-made curry and you have your own preferences, you can look for the version of the curry recipe whose composition suits you most.

How to make curry at home

If for some reason you are not satisfied with the store-bought versions of this spice, you can prepare curry yourself at home. To do this, you will have to stock up on all the necessary components of the spice mixture. World Without Harm offers to take you 3 chili peppers, 1 tablespoon each of coriander and turmeric seeds, 2 teaspoons of cumin and, 1 teaspoon of mustard, a few cloves of garlic, 3 cloves, 2 teaspoons of salt and a little cinnamon. Fry all the ingredients of our curry in a dry frying pan over low heat until a pleasant aroma and a delicate brown color appear. After this, mix them together and crush them in a mortar or grind them through a coffee grinder - in the latter case, you will get curry powder of a uniform, fine consistency.

It is better to use the finished curry immediately, but if you have prepared a mixture of spices for future use, then you should store it in a porcelain or dark glass container with a tight-fitting lid, in a dark and cool place for no more than 3-6 months. After this period, your curry will lose all its gastronomic and appetizing properties.

Beneficial properties of curry

The beneficial properties of curry, of course, depend on the components that are included in its composition.

So, for example, turmeric - let us remind you that it is an essential component of curry, has an astringent taste, helps cleanse the blood, neutralizes inflammatory processes in the body and normalizes liver function, stimulates the process of protein absorption by the body, prevents the formation of gases and toxins. In addition, turmeric colors dishes brightly and brings us aesthetic pleasure from contemplating such colorful dishes.

If your curry includes mustard seed and cumin, then they have warming properties, improve digestion and have a diuretic effect. These properties are relevant for those who suffer from gout, fever and arthritis.

The presence of cumin in the composition will help cleanse the body of waste and toxins and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. By the way, the presence of cumin in your curry means that the spice mixture cannot be stored for too long, otherwise the curry will taste bitter.

Coriander - another essential component activates the processes of food digestion, ginger - improves blood circulation and digestion and helps to forget about constipation, fennel - gives the mixture of spices a sweetish taste, increases sweating processes and promotes lactation processes in the body of a young mother (read more about lactation processes) , black pepper contains a lot of chromium and it will be useful for people suffering from type 2. The use of shamballa (a classic Indian seasoning) means that curry will warm your blood and contribute to a surge of strength and energy. By the way, this composition of curry with shamballa is very useful for women. By adding a mixture of such spices to food, you can influence your weight, strengthen your hair, and enrich your blood composition...

Many people prefer to eat food that contains a variety of spices. Most housewives know about the purpose of the spice mixture called curry. But few of them are aware that curry is a seasoning that has a large list of beneficial properties. The most interesting thing is that this seasoning plays an important role in the diet of people who are overweight. After all, it allows you to get rid of extra pounds and fat deposits. You will learn about this and many other interesting things in this article.

Origin and interesting facts

The base of curry seasoning is turmeric. Essentially, curry is a seasoning of Indian origin. And the word “kari” itself is of Tamil origin. This spice was originally brought to Europe by English colonialists.

Murraya koenigii is an Indian shrub whose leaves are also called curry leaves. They are used as spices, but only fresh leaves have these properties. Outwardly, they look like laurel leaves. When fresh, they emit a strong odor similar to anise, but with notes of citrus and grass. Sometimes dry leaves of this bush are added to curry seasoning, but, unfortunately, they tend to quickly lose their aromatic properties.

Curry is a seasoning that can contain up to 30 different ingredients. The list of components depends on the place of production and the manufacturer itself. For example, in India, cooks prefer to cook curry immediately before use, and the composition of the seasoning depends on the taste preferences of the cook himself.


Before we talk about the use and beneficial properties of this seasoning, let’s take a look at what it contains. So, curry is a seasoning, the composition of which, at first glance, is not particularly surprising. These are turmeric root, red pepper, coriander, cumin, cardamom.

Additional ingredients include: allspice, black pepper, cinnamon, ginger, curry leaves, cloves, nutmeg, garlic and others.

The mixture has a bright yellow color and a strong aroma. As a rule, this seasoning has a not too spicy taste. But there is also a spicy version of this spice mixture.

An interesting fact is that the dried leaves of the curry bush are an optional component of the spice collection called "Curry".

Curry seasoning: use in cooking

Cooks usually use curry leaves to prepare hot vegetable dishes, soups and vegetable snacks. After all, this seasoning has an exquisite “burning” fragrance that can “warm” and enrich the taste of the first and second hot courses.

In Ceylon, as well as in India (its southern part), curry leaves complement vegetable and cereal dishes. They are also used to flavor soups.

If fresh leaves are used, it is recommended to initially fry them until a crunch appears. For example, people in India often fry the leaves in “ghee” - ghee, which is prepared with the milk of a female buffalo. Since the oil in which the leaves were cooked acquires the aroma of the seasoning, it is not thrown away, but used further.

Indians have a folk tradition: cooks add milk and coconut pulp to dishes with curry leaves. As for residents of the West Coast, they love to combine this spice with seafood and fish. Shrimp cooked in a sauce containing curry, coconut milk, ginger, green chili, and onion has a special taste.

But for the settlers of Sri Lanka, curry is a seasoning that they add to chicken and beef dishes. Also, the preparation of the vegetable dish “kotu-rotti” cannot be done without this spice.

Properties of curry

Curry is a seasoning whose properties are simply surprising. After all, there are probably no more spices that can have such a beneficial effect on the human body.

As for the freshly picked leaves, they are distinguished by the richness of their essential oil. True, its benefits have not been confirmed by scientific medicine, but it is successfully used by aromatherapists in the treatment of diabetes, to cleanse the skin and to prevent hair loss. Also, the leaves of this spice are especially indicated for those with sensitive skin prone to various allergic reactions and those suffering from eczema or flaking of the skin. In addition, curry leaves promote better absorption of protein contained in legumes and cereals.

They also say that if ulcers appear in the mouth, chewed curry leaves should be applied to these wounds. As a result of such a simple procedure, the ulcers will heal very soon and then disappear completely.

Beneficial properties of curry seasoning ingredients

Curry is a seasoning whose beneficial properties are found not only in the fresh leaves of the bush, but also in the components of the dry mixture. This means that each ingredient in dry curry seasoning individually has certain medicinal properties. Let's briefly look at some of them.

For example, cloves are characterized by a pronounced disinfectant effect and also resist infections.

Cinnamon is a natural immune stimulant and a means of preventing viral infections. This spice has a pronounced expectorant effect. But cinnamon in the form of essential oil is used as a natural tonic. If you regularly use cinnamon in cooking, it will help improve memory, help brain function, and increase performance.

And as another example, coriander. It is useful for diarrhea, it is used to treat mouth ulcers, swelling and tumors. It can help regulate blood sugar levels. Coriander can also help with conjunctivitis and anemia. It is also recommended to use it to improve digestion.

Some scientific research

In Oregon (USA), one university conducted research that showed that daily consumption of curry strengthens the human immune system.

But British scientists have shown through their research that some components of curry seasoning can support chemotherapy sessions, that is, they contribute to the death of cancer cells that did not die during therapy.

Swedish scientists (Linköping University) claim that eating curry at least twice a week can prevent dementia, Alzheimer's disease, which kills brain activity.

Curry (seasoning): where to add?

Previously, we got acquainted with the peculiarities of the use of curry by the residents of India, Ceylon, and Sri Lanka. But it is worth noting that in our country the Curry spice mixture is also very popular. Especially among spicy lovers.

Curry is a seasoning that is used in various types of recipes: meat, fish, vegetables, etc. But I would like to note the excellent taste of chicken cooked with this mixture of spices. No one can tear themselves away from such a chicken. Thanks to this, she becomes a welcome guest on the everyday and festive table. We invite you to familiarize yourself with a simple and very tasty recipe for spicy chicken wings.

Spicy chicken wings

So how do you cook chicken wings when curry is added? The recipe is very simple. We will need:

  • 12 wings (chicken);
  • 180 ml oil (vegetable);
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. l. paprika, cumin, turmeric, cilantro, coriander, lemon zest;
  • 2 tsp each chili pepper and curry.

If the wings were purchased frozen, they should be thawed first. If desired, make several small cuts (two recommended) in the thickest part of each wing using a thin, sharp knife. In a separate container (preferably not plastic), you need to combine crushed garlic and all the listed seasonings. Mix everything thoroughly. We season our wings with this mixture. Mix well. Leave to soak in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning we take out the already marinated wings and fry them in a frying pan in oil. A golden crust should form on both sides. Ready wings are served hot or cold (at your discretion).

A wide selection of seasonings and spices helps turn any dish into a masterpiece. The benefits and harms of curry are determined by its special composition and unique taste. The seasoning, which comes from traditional Indian cuisine, harmonizes well with meat, fish and vegetables.

Composition and calorie content of curry

Curry is a mixture of individual ingredients that have individual benefits, and has a very interesting composition:

  • turmeric is the main component;
  • coriander;
  • Cayenne pepper;
  • caraway;
  • cardamom;
  • basil.

Curry recipes vary from region to region in India. Some people add cinnamon or fenugreek to the main ingredients, while others prefer seasoning with the addition of mustard or fennel seeds. In any case, the benefits of the product do not become less.

Important! 100 grams of product contains 325 kcal.

What are the benefits of curry seasoning?

The undeniable beneficial properties of curry are determined by the components included in its composition. It is thanks to them that it has certain properties. The exotic mixture is endowed with antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effects, can inhibit the development of infections and prevent bacterial attacks - this is its main benefit.

In addition, we can safely talk about the following beneficial properties:

  • turmeric in the product benefits the brain, as it improves its performance;
  • coriander has a choleretic effect and stabilizes the digestive tract;
  • if you systematically add the spice to different dishes, you can expect that the level of cholesterol in the blood will return to normal;
  • cumin helps remove toxins;
  • has the ability to purify blood;
  • prevents the formation of toxins;
  • improves liver function by helping to eliminate inflammatory and toxic processes;
  • the antioxidant properties of the product help fight free radicals that cause the aging process - this allows you to fight pathologies such as psoriasis, eczema, acne;
  • salicylic acid, which is part of the composition, gives the spice an analgesic effect - this way you can get rid of migraines.

The beneficial properties have made this product popular in Ayurvedic medicine.

Attention! It must be remembered that curry will provide significant health benefits if used correctly. Otherwise, the body may be harmed.

Is curry good for weight loss?

Spicy products from India are known to many as a good way to lose weight. This is primarily due to its ability to reduce appetite and cope with hunger. In addition, the benefits of curry boil down to improving bile secretion and the ability to burn fat. Exotic spice improves metabolic processes and intestinal motility.

When using curry for weight loss, you don't have to worry about its high calorie content. The fact is that a substance endowed with healing properties is used for cooking in minimal quantities. In such volumes it is not capable of causing harm.

During weight loss, a unique mixture can be a worthy alternative to salt. Unlike the latter, this healthy spice does not retain fluid in the body, but rather, on the contrary, has the ability to remove excess water from the body.

The use of curry in cosmetology

Beneficial properties are widely used in cosmetology.

Curry face masks

Widely used to prepare masks that help tighten pores and reduce the secretion of subcutaneous fat. It also has a whitening effect, helping to cope with freckles and age spots.

  • For combination and oily skin, you can prepare the following mask: 0.5 table. spoons of curdled milk are mixed with 1 teaspoon of curry. The resulting mixture is applied to the face. After 10–15 minutes, everything needs to be washed off.
  • You can improve the condition of oily facial skin using the following composition: mix 1 teaspoon of curry with the same amount of honey. Apply the mixture, mixed until smooth, onto your face for 20 minutes, then rinse with water.

Curry hair masks

Curry is used for hair growth. Products with exotic seasoning nourish the bulbs well. There are known cases of using curry for gray hair.

Mask for normal hair

Prepare a mixture of 1 table. spoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of aloe juice, 1 teaspoon of castor oil, 0.5 teaspoon of curry. The resulting mass is mixed and applied to the curls. Leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with water and shampoo.

For oily and normal hair

You need to take 1 teaspoon of honey, lemon juice, aloe and mix with grated clove of garlic and 0.5 teaspoon of curry. The resulting mass is applied to the hair and washed off with shampoo after 20 minutes.

Where to add curry for taste

Curry goes especially well with fish, meat and vegetables. If you add it to rice, it will give it an unusual color and a pleasant taste. You can add the spicy mixture when marinating the chicken; it will not cause any harm. Meat salads, soups and stews will also be in perfect harmony with the healthy spice.

It can also be used as a component in the manufacture of various sauces. You can flavor drinks and desserts.

Comment! In many countries, curry has been called the “seasoning of longevity.” And this is no coincidence: this valuable component is endowed with an impressive list of useful properties.

How to make curry seasoning at home

The curry spice, the benefits and harms of which have already been well studied, can also be prepared at home.

To do this you need to stock up:

  • 3 pcs. chili pepper;
  • coriander and turmeric seeds - 1 table each. spoon;
  • 2 tsp. caraway;
  • 2 tsp. fenugreek;
  • 1 tsp. mustard;
  • 2–3 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 pcs. carnations;
  • 2 tsp. salt;
  • 0.5 tsp. cinnamon.


  1. All ingredients are fried in a dry frying pan over low heat until they acquire a brown tint and a pleasant aroma.
  2. After this, they are ground in a coffee grinder or mortar.

It is better to use the resulting mixture immediately. But if you get a lot, you can pour it into a glass jar with a tight lid and put it in a dark place. Storage duration is no more than 6 months.

Harm of curry and contraindications for use

Despite the many beneficial properties, curry can be harmful in some situations. As a rule, this applies to cases of individual intolerance or allergic reaction to the components included in the composition.

To avoid harm, you should refrain from consuming this healthy seasoning:

  • women undergoing treatment for breast cancer;
  • patients with impaired renal function;
  • have had a heart attack or stroke;
  • people with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Harm can also be caused to patients with obstruction of gallstones.

Curry has a strong effect on the process of hematopoiesis, in particular, it can slow down blood clotting. Therefore, hemophiliac patients should exercise caution.

People taking blood thinning medications should limit their consumption of this spicy delicacy. If you use a spicy product in large quantities, there is a high risk of causing internal bleeding.

How to select and store curry

  • When buying a spicy mixture, first of all you should pay attention to the components. Everyone can choose the option that suits them best. The main thing is that there are 4 main ingredients: turmeric root, coriander, cayenne pepper, fenugreek. Only in this case can you count on undeniable benefits.
  • The color of the purchased product must be bright and saturated. The tarnished version should not be taken.
  • Buy only dry product.

Store in an airtight container away from direct sunlight. The mixture prepared at home is recommended to be consumed within 2 months.


The benefits and harms of curry have been well studied. Possessing a bright, rich taste and unique aroma, it is endowed with many beneficial properties. This valuable product has found application not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. Masks with this product are used for hair growth and facial skin improvement.

Without adding various spices, which are pleasant and give an amazing taste. This article will talk about the curry spice and its beneficial properties.

What is curry made from?

Curry is known to many, but not everyone knows about its composition. The main component is. It should be no less than a quarter of the total volume of the mixture. Turmeric has a very pleasant smell, it is mild and not spicy. The following components of the spice in question are , and cayenne pepper. These components are the main composition of curry seasoning. May also be present other additives, which will give dishes a different pleasant taste and aroma. This could be cumin, black pepper, and other spices.

Beneficial features

The spice in question can bring benefits for the body due to the ingredients it contains:

  • turmeric reduces the risk and normalizes absorption. Thanks to it, sugar levels do not jump sharply, and insulin sensitivity also improves;
  • the spice cleanses, normalizes function;
  • curry can reduce B levels and also prevent the formation of gallstones;
  • the mixture can remove heavy metals;
  • regular use of the spice in question is good;
  • curcumin, contained in turmeric, which is what curry seasoning is mainly made of, reduces the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, after which they may disappear completely;
  • spices contained in curry have a beneficial effect on the digestive system. Black pepper regulates the production of gastric juice and reduces gas formation. Bay leaf stabilizes the digestion process. Cinnamon and cloves help with vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach problems. Cumin and coriander can eliminate stomach pain;
  • fenugreek has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties;
  • ginger stimulates blood circulation.

Curry is often used for, as the seasoning improves metabolism. Scientists from Holland claim that by adding a pinch of curry (spicy) to regular curry, you can quickly get rid of it.

Possible harm

Before using curry, you need to know about the harm that seasoning can cause:

  • it impairs blood clotting;
  • A large amount of turmeric increases oxalate levels, which leads to the formation of stones in;
  • for stones in the gall bladder, the use of curry can cause pain, since the seasoning increases the contractions of this organ;
  • In case of illness, the seasoning should not be used, as it will only aggravate the condition.

Where can the seasoning be added and what can it be combined with?

Let's look at what dishes curry seasoning is used for. This spice is added during cooking. It goes well with, giving it a beautiful shade and a pleasant smell. Chicken is marinated in the mixture. It also goes well with stews and soups.
This mixture is used to prepare various. It is also added to and. Thanks to this yellow powder, foods acquire a beautiful color and a special taste and aroma.

How to make it yourself at home

Making your own curry seasoning is not difficult. To do this, you need to purchase the necessary ingredients, after which you can start mixing them.


  • chili pepper - 3 pcs.;
  • coriander seeds - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • turmeric seeds - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • cumin - 2 tsp;
  • fenugreek - 2 tsp;