How to draw a sailing ship with a pencil step by step. Master classes with detailed instructions: how to draw a ship Draw a picture of how you imagine the steamship of the future

The Titanic is a famous human invention, which was proud of and attributed to it a great future. BUT nature had its own way, and already on the fifth day of the journey, the British transatlantic steamer sank, hitting an ice floe. Then many people died in the cold waters of the ocean. A film was made about this, based on the love story of the surviving girl. How to draw Titanic?

detailed instructions

In order not to get confused in complex details, we will look in detail at how to draw the Titanic step by step. Let's start with the body, but from which it will be directed to the right. The ship will be long. On the right it is limited by a high nose, on the left there is a border with a slight bend, in this part it will be narrower. From above we can start sketching the handrails.

In the center, but closer to the left side, we begin to build up the floors of the steamer.

Columns of pipes rise above them. There should be five of them, and their height should be on the same line. We add an antenna to the front.

Using a dark pen or black felt-tip pen, we draw all the boundaries, simultaneously detailing the elements. At the end of the ship we draw a spire with a flag. But we make four pipes, sketching their tops with a dark color. For realism, add waves.

Pencil drawing

Now let's move on to a more realistic picture and figure out how to draw the Titanic with a pencil. We turn it to the left. We draw the contours of the body: on the left it is tall, on the right it is half as big.

We hook two anchors on the bow on both sides in front. We draw circles on the fence. Immediately behind them we pull up a pipe with a round extension. Above the floors we draw the outlines of four pipes and a flag behind them. On the side we draw a piece of an iceberg, and the waves under the bow of the Titanic.

Let's detail the drawing. We go through the floors and finish drawing the windows of the holds, casting a shadow. We make the pipes dark on top and painted a light shade on the bottom.

Shading the hull of the Titanic.

Now we need to add coldness and threat to the picture. This can be easily done by creating dark clouds behind the ship and cold ocean waters underneath.

Titanic wreck

We looked at how to draw the Titanic at the moment of its triumphal procession, but how to depict it while it was sinking? Only the right part will be visible, which goes into the ocean at an angle. Therefore, we draw two rectangles that are connected by a common side.

In the middle we draw two rectangles of pipes.

We describe the foreground of the Titanic steamship. This will be a jagged figure.

From the foreground, using an oblique line, we make a transition to the opposite building. We limit the pipes and draw a strip at the top.

We return to the foreground again. We add two lines of different lengths in the middle, draw a rounded area at the stern, and extend the mast upward.

We detail the place near the pipes. There we draw volumetric cubes. Add a long line in the middle in the foreground. Below the nose we draw a few more elements.

At the front of the ship we add six rows of hold windows. The closer the row is to the bottom, the smaller the windows.

Now we add waves that eat part of the Titanic.

We draw all the boundaries of the ship and the waves.

We wipe away the auxiliary lines.

A steamship is a ship that is propelled by a piston steam engine. Children often ask their parents to draw this sea transport for them. This is very easy to do. In this article we will look at two simple methods.

How to draw a steamboat: the first method

You can draw a steamship with colored pencils, crayons, pastels, paints or felt-tip pens.

First of all, draw a wavy line on the sea on which your ship will sail. Above the water we depict the upper edge of the steamer's hull. To do this, first draw a straight line, then make a slight bend, and then draw a straight line further.

Now we designate where the bow and stern of the ship will be. This can be done with straight or curved lines. Draw a pipe where the top line bends. Next to it we depict a rectangular cabin with two portholes. On top of the cabin we draw a triangular visor.

We draw a boat behind the pipe, and add a small flag on the bow of the ship. We also draw an anchor on the front of the steamer and smoke coming out of the chimney. Your ship is ready.

Second way

To draw a steamboat in another way, you will need a simple pencil and an eraser. Here's how to draw a steamboat step by step:

  1. First of all, we draw the main part of the ship. To do this, we draw two parallel strips above each other. On one side we connect them with a straight line, and on the other with an inclined line.
  2. On the resulting figure, draw a rectangle and add another line to the base of the ship. This line should extend slightly beyond the main figure at one end.
  3. Divide the rectangle in half with a vertical line. Above it we draw a roof with a canopy and a pipe. On one part of the rectangle we draw a circle, and on the other another another rectangle, which we divide into two more parts.
  4. Add a waterline at the bottom and decorate the pipe with a wide stripe.
  5. We erase all the extra lines and finish drawing the water under the ship.

A steamship is a ship that is propelled by a piston steam engine. Children often ask their parents to draw this sea transport for them. This is very easy to do. In this article we will look at two simple methods.

How to draw a steamboat: the first method

You can draw a steamship with colored pencils, crayons, pastels, paints or felt-tip pens.

First of all, draw a wavy line on the sea on which your ship will sail. Above the water we depict the upper edge of the steamer's hull. To do this, first draw a straight line, then make a slight bend, and then draw a straight line further.

Now we designate where the bow and stern of the ship will be. This can be done with straight or curved lines. Draw a pipe where the top line bends. Next to it we depict a rectangular cabin with two portholes. On top of the cabin we draw a triangular visor.

We draw a boat behind the pipe, and add a small flag on the bow of the ship. There is also smoke coming out of the chimney on the front of the steamer. Your ship is ready.

Second way

To draw a steamboat in another way, you will need a simple pencil and an eraser. Here's how to draw a steamboat step by step:

  1. First of all, we draw the main part of the ship. To do this, we draw two parallel strips above each other. On one side we connect them with a straight line, and on the other with an inclined line.
  2. On the resulting figure, draw a rectangle and add another line to the base of the ship. This line should extend slightly beyond the main figure at one end.
  3. Divide the rectangle in half with a vertical line. Above it we draw a roof with a canopy and a pipe. On one part of the rectangle we draw a circle, and on the other another another rectangle, which we divide into two more parts.
  4. Add a waterline at the bottom and decorate the pipe with a wide stripe.
  5. We erase all the extra lines and finish drawing the water under the ship.

The article tells you how to draw a ship. The master classes presented here provide step-by-step instructions for drawing with a pencil.

Master class for the youngest artists

Children love to draw. But not everyone knows how to do this. Adult help is often necessary. Although you can offer kids such a master class. He will tell you how to draw a ship step by step. However, if an adult is nearby, explains, and directs the child’s actions, the benefits from the lesson will be much greater.

Now the child, and even the adult who is teaching the child, understands how to draw a ship with a pencil step by step. You can color the picture with watercolors, colored pencils or gouache.

Drawing is a way of understanding the world

When teaching fine arts, showing how to draw a ship, an adult should accompany the actions with explanations. In this case, the child will not only gain certain skills, but also learn something new.

For example, in step three, you should explain to the kids that the load waterline shows the place where calm water comes into contact with the floating vessel after it is loaded. This is an important mark for sailors, captain, boatswain and even cabin boy. The waterline must not be allowed to go deep into the water!

In step four, the adult explains that cabins on ships are the rooms where the sailors themselves, their management and passengers rest.

The sixth step should also be commented. “We will draw circles on board, since it is impossible to draw a ship without portholes in the hold. The hold is the location of the cargo compartment. There is fuel necessary for the movement of the ship and heating the premises, food, transported items, for example, goods,” the teacher or parent will say during the lesson.

The concept of horizontal projection

Older children should be offered images of objects in a horizontal isometric projection. Try to explain in as much detail as possible how to draw a ship. It is very important for children that the depicted object resembles the real one. How to achieve this? Beginner artists should pay attention to the fact that in the drawings - for greater similarity - the corners of the objects are slightly distorted. That is, a right angle is depicted as acute. This must be done because our vision perceives visual images in precisely this distorted form.

As a clear example, we can offer a comparison of two drawings. One was made without the use of projection, and in the second, the rectangles turned into parallelograms. And since it is impossible to draw a ship more like a real one without using horizontal projection, every person involved in visual arts should be able to apply these skills.

Master class “How to draw a ship step by step in horizontal projection”

How to draw a sailboat

Many children, especially boys, simply love to pretend to be sailboats. After all, they are all raving about sea adventures and reading books about filibusters. And even if not everyone likes to read, then almost every teenager has seen the film about Jack Sparrow. And many computer games have pirate stories as their plots.

This master class will tell you how to draw a ship with a pencil step by step.

The connection between drawing and other sciences

It is very important for an artist not only to know how to draw a ship with a pencil, defining its contour outline, but a skilled creator of images on paper using a stylus must be able to apply shading and indicate shadows in the drawing so that the object looks three-dimensional, just “like the real thing.”

Therefore, an artist needs not only visual talent, but also knowledge of many sciences. For example, geometry and stereometry will tell you how to use different types of projections while drawing. Knowledge of history will help you create a truly ancient sailboat. And so that real experts in shipbuilding do not ridicule the young artist, he is obliged to study this area of ​​science thoroughly. Even such a moment as the imposition of shadows on the depicted object is based on one of the directions of physics.

Shadows should be applied very thinly when drawing using the graphic technique. But when designing a drawing in color, it turns out that this skill is also important. Only small children color the entire detail with one pencil, pressing it equally. A skilled artist will use many methods to ensure that the drawing matches the natural object as closely as possible.

Good afternoon. In today's lesson we will draw a steamship. This lesson is very simple, even children can draw it. You don’t even have to read our descriptions of the stages of drawing the ship, since everything is drawn in the pictures very clearly, you can just pick up pencils and copy from our drawings.

All lines necessary for drawing at a certain stage are marked in red, this is done so that you do not get confused and draw the steamer correctly. Although this is not necessary, the lesson is very simple.

Step 1
Let's start by drawing the hull of our steamship. For now it will look like a regular boat.

Step 2
. We want to depict the ship in motion, and for this we need to draw waves beating against its side. But before we do that, we need to add a line dividing the body. This line is called the Waterline. With its help, we will later paint the hull of the steamer in two colors. Now you can draw the waves.

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Step 3
Now let's draw the upper part of the ship's hull, in which the captain sits, guiding it along the right course. My steamer has two upper tiers. You can do more if you want.

Step 4
All we have to do is add two pipes and draw the smoke coming out of them, as well as small ovals on the body - portholes. Remember that the windows should gradually become smaller: the further the part of the hull is from us, the smaller the ovals on it. Use an eraser to erase mistakes and extra lines and admire the result.

Step 5
Our lesson ends and what is left for us? That's right, paint our ship.

Now all that remains is to paint the ship

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