Why do you dream of a gypsy woman with a child? Why does a gypsy dream: the meaning of the dream according to famous dream books

Among other symbols, a gypsy may appear in a dream. According to dream books, dreams of this kind are visited for a reason.

To understand why the gypsy is dreaming, you should remember in detail the dreamed plot.

What does it portend?

The specific interpretation of the dream depends largely on the actions of the gypsy, which she performs in night vision. If a woman is telling fortunes, this may mean disappointed expectations in reality. For a young girl, such a dream can also foreshadow an unexpected marriage, and for those who are already married, a successful marriage for their daughter. In some dream books, night visions with a gypsy in the leading role are associated with mistrust or intransigence in relations with relatives. The dream warns: be careful when communicating with loved ones.

If a gypsy in your dream steals something valuable from you, financial difficulties in reality are likely. This may also indicate the loss of a wedding ring, which will lead to separation from your loved one. A gypsy woman who appears in a dream with a child means the appearance of unusual people. The dream book does not specify who exactly, but new acquaintances are clearly not from your circle. Some people often dream of a gypsy woman telling fortunes with cards or by reading her hand. In this case, the meaning of the dream will depend on the nature of the prediction. You should not be surprised if the remembered phrases from your waking vision take on sacred meaning. Below are a few more interpretations of a dream with a gypsy:

  • Seeing a gypsy - in reality you need to be more reasonable. For a man, this dream can mean losses, and for women - a reason for jealousy;
  • You yourself in the role of a gypsy - good luck in all matters, including love, a happy marriage;
  • A gypsy curses you in a dream - sudden problems and even misfortunes;
  • Old gypsy - upcoming changes, future events will be extremely positive;
  • A pregnant gypsy is an opportunity to independently influence her destiny. All changes depend on you, it’s time to start implementing the plans that you have been nurturing for a long time.

Fortune telling by a gypsy in a dream can seriously alarm the dreamer. In this case, the dream book suggests being vigilant and careful, in particular when communicating with representatives of the opposite sex. Attractive new acquaintances may not be the people they say they are.

Gypsy in women's and men's dream books

The meaning of the dream in which a gypsy appears also depends on who is dreaming about it: a man or a woman. For representatives of the fair sex, such a vision promises dramatic changes in real life. However, nothing will depend on your will. If a gypsy tells fortunes to a woman in a dream, then marriage awaits her soon. An elderly married lady who saw such a dream will hastily marry off her daughter in reality.

According to the men's dream book, a gypsy is dreamed of for a reason. Such a dream, rather, is a warning for a man: one should beware of deception on the part of a loved one. It is likely that your colleagues will decide to set you up in some important matter, which will result in a crushing fiasco. A young gypsy in a man’s dream is a sign of an easy romantic adventure. Don't expect anything serious from this short-lived romance.

Dream about a gypsy according to Miller

As Miller’s dream book interprets, a gypsy seen in a dream foreshadows an exciting love affair. However, the feelings will disappear as quickly as they appeared, so don’t have high hopes for this relationship. Did the gypsy tell fortunes to you in your dreams? For unmarried women, such a plot promises a happy marriage, and out of love, and not due to circumstances. And for those who are already married, a dream can become a kind of signal that in your personal life you may be going too far, being unreasonably jealous of your partner. For men, Miller's dream book has prepared disappointing interpretations. Seeing a gypsy woman in a dream may mean the loss of some valuable thing, on the acquisition of which a lot of money was spent.

Gypsy in Freud's dream book

According to this source, a gypsy fortune teller in a dream can serve as a warning: perhaps in real life you are with the wrong person. If you dreamed of just such a plot, it means that the time has come for drastic changes in your personal life. The direction of activity is known, and you will have to make all other decisions yourself.

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Seeing gypsies - they will make you a business proposal that will allow you to quickly and easily improve your financial situation. However, you need to be on your guard: your business partners are smart people and can beat you at any moment.

Visiting a gypsy camp means you will meet interesting people who have many useful connections. You can get good benefit from this acquaintance, but you yourself will have to give something in return.

If a gypsy told you fortune in a dream, you will soon be told important information, and if you use it wisely, your affairs will improve.

If you dreamed that gypsies were begging, but you didn’t give them anything, your friends will treat you rudely.

Dressing up as a gypsy or a gypsy - you will be able to outsmart your competitors.

Hear gypsy songs and see gypsy dances - you will be captivated by a new interesting task.

Sing and dance yourself - you will be able to involve people in your business who will bring you good luck.

Imagine that you give good gifts to the gypsies, and in return they give you a horse.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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Seeing Gypsies in a dream

If in a dream you visit a gypsy camp, an offer of special importance awaits you, which will help you understand the true state of your complicated affairs.

If a gypsy tells fortunes to a woman in a dream, this promises a hasty marriage. If she is already married, she will be overly jealous.

If a man is having a conversation with a gypsy woman in a dream, it means that he is likely to lose valuable property.

In a dream, buying something from gypsies means losing money. The dream warns you: you should not attach so much importance to the material side of life.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

Seeing Gypsies in a dream

A dream about them invariably foreshadows troubles and material losses. After such a dream, you do not need to lend money to anyone for at least one year.

A particularly bad dream is one in which a gypsy (gypsy) woman will try to take your purse or wallet.

Talking to them in a dream means that you can do something very stupid, which will result in bad consequences for you and can destroy your happiness and well-being.

If in a dream you are surrounded by a crowd of gypsies, then beware of deception or some kind of trick from your enemies or envious people.

Gypsy songs and dances in a dream warn you that you should not trust false words and beautiful promises.

Buying something from gypsies in a dream is a harbinger of loss due to deception of partners or competitors.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What do Gypsy dreams mean?

A dream about a gypsy camp symbolizes the confusion of your intimate life. You will need a lot of strength to put your relationships with representatives of the opposite sex in order.

A woman who dreams that a gypsy is telling fortunes for her will marry too hastily. And if she is already married, she will poison her existence with groundless jealousy.

If you dream that you are buying something from gypsies, it means that in reality you will meet a beautiful, but insidious person, because of whom you will experience a lot of trouble.

A dancing gypsy foretells you a fatal love with a tragic outcome. For a woman, love for a gypsy, experienced in a dream, foreshadows loneliness after the treacherous betrayal of her lover; for a young girl - love for a person whom her parents will not approve of.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate Dream Book

Dream about Gypsies

Beware of deception from someone close to you.

Perhaps your work colleagues will decide to deceive you in an important matter, which will result in your fiasco.

If you dreamed of a young gypsy, the dream foreshadows a fleeting romantic adventure.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of men

What does Gypsy mean in a dream?

Gypsies dream of idle talk and deception,

Gypsy - to the danger of losing money,

Gypsy - there will be some damage.

Interpretation of dreams from the Big Dream Book

Meaning of the dream Gypsies

A visit to a gypsy camp in a dream foreshadows an offer of special importance that will help you sort out your complicated affairs.

In a dream, buying something from gypsies means losing money. Such a dream encourages you to pay less attention to the material side of life.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Gypsies

Seeing gypsies pestering you on the street in a dream suggests that in your relationships with loved ones you lack self-control, but have an excess of irritability and dissatisfaction.

If you agree to have a gypsy tell your fortune, it means that in reality your aspirations will not come true.

Seeing a performance of a gypsy choir or soloists in a dream means loss of property. If in a dream you were mistaken for a gypsy, in reality you will lose a large sum of money.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What does a Gypsy predict in a dream?

A particularly important offer awaits you.

If a gypsy tells fortunes to a woman, then she will soon get married.

Interpretation of dreams from the Universal Dream Book

What does it mean to see Gypsies in a dream?

A dream in which you visit a gypsy camp means that you may receive a very important offer. Do not refuse: thanks to this offer you will be able to understand the true state of your affairs.

A woman who dreamed that a gypsy was telling her fortune will soon get married.

If she is already married, then this dream should be taken as a warning against excessive manifestations of jealousy.

If a man talks to a gypsy woman in a dream, then perhaps he will lose property.

A dream in which you buy something from gypsies foreshadows the loss of money. In addition, this dream can be a simple warning: you do not need to attach so much importance to the material side of life.

If you dreamed that a gypsy was telling you fortune, then in real life you trusted the wrong person. You have too many hopes for him, and he is not at all interested in you. For him, your relationship is just entertainment.

Interpretation of dreams from

As a rule, people do not particularly concentrate in a dream on the nationality of the person they see, naturally, if it is not clearly expressed or iconic. Only in some cases does this characteristic appear as the main theme of the night plot. Then it is about nationality that you should ask the dream book. A gypsy, for example, telling fortunes on the street, what does it portend? Do you think it's just a hoax? Let's look for interpretations in order to establish ourselves in such confidence or broaden our horizons.

Eastern dream book

This source indeed positions the Gypsy as a kind of collective image that predicts lies in a broad sense. This could be the betrayal of someone who previously received your unquestionable trust. It turns out that it was completely unfounded. However, it will be too late. After all, a person already has some secret information that he does not intend to keep secret. Do you understand what it smells like? You may become an object of blackmail from a former friend or lover, as the dream book says.

The gypsy tried to tell fortunes, offered her services? This means that all information received in the near future will turn out to be unreliable. Just don’t think that people will deliberately spread false information. They themselves may not be aware of the cunning intrigue. The puppeteer will not be at all who you think at first. It happens. Sometimes it takes months, or even years, to uncover such complex and intricate tricks. Meeting a cheerful camp in your night dreams means losing a significant amount of money in reality. Perhaps scammers are already interested in you. Be on the lookout!

Women's dream book

This wise source describes in all its glory what a gypsy woman dreams about for curious beauties. However, not everyone will like what they read. It says here that a gypsy woman in astral wanderings reflects the internal state of the dreamer herself. Namely, it focuses her attention on mistakes already made or upcoming ones. The fact is that, as a rule, representatives of the fairer sex turn to fortune tellers for fortune telling.

If the fortuneteller appeared in night vision, then there is no need to go anywhere. But you need to look at your intentions from the outside. After all, the dark-skinned clairvoyant appeared to point out the haste of actions and confusion of thoughts. To unmarried people, she speaks of a frivolous attitude towards building a family. They want to quickly get a spouse, but who he is, how life will turn out, what they will give to the children together are not of interest to hectic ladies. You can not do it this way. Did the lady dream of a gypsy who managed to create a happy union? This means it’s time for her to stop tormenting her husband with jealousy. This will not lead to good things. So, by chance, you will lose both happiness and a faithful life partner! Come to your senses!

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Deception and betrayal await those who are approached in a night vision by a dark-skinned fortune teller with a burning gaze, this source claims. It contains a special warning for lovers. Don't have your head in the clouds - treason is nearby. She is already ready to grab your heart with terrible black pincers. But there is still time. Try to surround the object of passion with an impenetrable barrier of care and bliss. Let the person understand that he will never feel so good with anyone else. Then the terrible heart drama will bypass your couple, the dream book wisely advises.

The gypsy predicts - remember every word. This is a prophetic dream. It should be taken “in reverse.” That is, if she invited trouble, then everything will be fine, and vice versa. However, if the fortune teller looked like a scary old woman and was as black as a moonless night, then don’t take her predictions to heart. They are a deception and predict a certain illness that will place a heavy burden on all family members. Usually the fortune teller names the name of the one who will be struck by a sudden and terrible illness. Sometimes you can make out a hint in her words. You should carefully analyze everything you remember. If you can guess, you will prevent misfortune, and everyone will remain healthy.

Russian dream book

This source also connects the appearance of an obsessive seer with matrimonial plans. If the dreamer himself or one of his loved ones is going down the aisle, then this decision is hasty and should be canceled, the dream book says. A gypsy appears in a dream when a threat looms over the family. If the seer flashed through the bright dreams of a young person, then they are trying to trick this person into the unbearable yoke of an unnecessary marriage.

When a gypsy woman obsessively demanded the attention of an older man in a terrible nightmare, he should look around - there is a young, inexperienced person nearby who needs protection. It is the dreamer who is entrusted by the Higher powers to save the unfortunate person from an unenviable lot. Starting a family threatens him with great troubles, if not untimely death. Be merciful, fulfill the mission assigned from above. For brave warriors, according to the dream book, a gypsy woman tells fortunes in a night plot in order to lure money. Therefore, men need to try to protect themselves from losses. This is a significant dream, you can’t brush it aside.

Modern dream book

The definitions of this interpreter do not cause optimism. Troubles, misfortunes, and gossip await those who were unable to avoid communicating with a fortune teller in a night vision. The dream book sadly reports this. A gypsy in a dream is a sign of the onset of a dark streak. Luck will have to wait a long time if you listened to her deceitful speeches. Circumstances will develop in the most negative way. To minimize losses, you should stop business for a while, take a vacation and go into the wilderness. There, wait out the difficult moment, concentrating on nature, absorbing its life-giving energy.

When the dreamer has managed to get rid of the obsessive scoundrel, all his suspicions and worries will turn out to be a thin haze. They will be scattered by the powerful wind of luck, inflating the sails of true friendship, fiery love or stable partnership (choose what is more important).

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

The position of this author is interesting. This source takes a more optimistic view of the representative of an ancient family, who is often unfairly disliked by society. When a fortune teller of this tribe appears in a man’s night vision, one must prepare for fleeting joys. This is what the dream book says. A gypsy woman with a child speaks of a rapid and unexpected romance that will leave a bright mark on a person’s soul. The dark-skinned seer will bring dramatic changes to women. Resistance, the military says, will be futile. Try to quickly adapt to new conditions and circumstances. Moreover, they will turn out to be not just acceptable, but very pleasant, comfortable, warm, leading straight to life harmony.

Dream book for a bitch

It would seem that the very name of this collection of interpretations should be in harmony with the image in question. However, here too we encounter a negative forecast. The figure of a fortune teller from a gypsy tribe, her passionate speeches and burning eyes speak of the dreamer’s jealousy. This black feeling destroys not only his soul, but also the life of his beloved person. You should come to your senses before it's too late. Just understand: jealousy is tantamount to complexes; it is inherent in people who are unsure of their merits. Are you one of them?

If so, then you will instantly scare away the envious people with the collapse of your entire life. This is serious. The gypsy did not just appear in your dreams. It can be called the last warning to the Universe, disappointed that the individual does not want to grow up. By the way, do not refer to passport data. Both an eighteen-year-old girl and a sixty-year-old gray-haired husband can be in such a state of permanent youth with a negative sign.

Universal dream book

The name of the source hints at tolerance. Maybe there is something good in the appearance of a representative of an ancient tribe in a dream? Her visit to night dreams means that a person has a desire to immerse himself in the world of astral secrets and begin to study magic. Such an undertaking should not be dismissed. Take the image as a kind of hint. Maybe it’s time to study that spiritual practice that has long attracted, exciting the imagination? If among your acquaintances there is a person who has long been on this path, that is, a teacher, everything comes together. Gypsy is the last piece of the puzzle that, once completed, will change you forever. Just take the first step!

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you are talking to a gypsy, you are about to travel. You yourself are a gypsy - to a happy family life. You find yourself in a gypsy camp - expect to meet old friends. If they tell you fortunes, try to remember the words.

Dream Interpretation: Why does Gypsy dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Gypsy, a dream in which a gypsy tells you fortune, has the following meaning. You are going to respond to the proposal of a person who sees only benefit for himself in everything. You hope that he will care about you, but in reality he is not interested in you at all. ...

Dream Interpretation: Why does Gypsy dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

In order to make the right choice, you don’t need to listen to anyone but yourself. If in a dream you see yourself in the role of a gypsy, then be on your guard. Do not open your soul to anyone, do not share your experiences and plans with anyone,...

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Gypsy, gypsy woman

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The appearance of a gypsy or gypsy woman in your dreams symbolizes betrayal in love, and sometimes the birth of a child from someone close to you. Fortune telling among gypsies for men - to the loss of property and to stupid love, for women - to love with a hasty...

Dream Interpretation: Why does Gypsy dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dream that a gypsy intends to predict your fate, then this dream shows how much you are in a hurry to get married. If you have already gotten married, then such a dream means exaggerated jealousy on your part.

Dream Interpretation: Why does Gypsy dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dreamed of a gypsy, be prepared for the fact that everything in your life will change dramatically. In this case, nothing will depend on your will. If a gypsy tells fortunes for you, this means an upcoming hasty marriage. An elderly married woman with an adult daughter suddenly...

Dream Interpretation: Why does Gypsy dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dreamed that a gypsy was telling you a fortune, it means that you are entrusting your destiny to the wrong person. The one on whom so many hopes are pinned is actually not at all interested in you - for him, your relationship is nothing more than another entertainment.

Dream Interpretation: Why do Gypsies dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A gypsy or gypsy woman is a sure sign that you will be traveling or traveling in the near future. If you dream that you are a gypsy, a gypsy, your marriage will be happy. Being among the gypsies is a meeting after separation. If a gypsy tells your fortune -...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Flowering?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You are a good specialist, if you haven’t been noted yet, then everything is ahead, try to wait it out. Seeing trees in bloom means good luck awaits you in the future. The work you are doing now will pay well, although you may have to wait for a while. One …

Gypsies - dream interpretation

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Who among us, at some point in our lives, has not wanted to run away from home and lead an unusual life of travel, meeting a variety of people around the world - perhaps your dream expresses a desire to get rid of routine and hit the road? Define your...

Dream Interpretation: Why do Gypsies dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A particularly important offer awaits you. If a gypsy tells fortunes to a woman, then she will soon get married.

Dream Interpretation: Why do Gypsies dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Rich gypsies wearing gold jewelry dream of good luck. The poor - to losses. Having fun and dancing gypsies dream of prosperity. Such dreams portend little good. Seeing a gypsy telling fortunes to you in a dream means getting married very soon and very successfully. ...

Gypsies - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dreamed of gypsies, then the dream warns that someone close to you will try to deceive you. These may be colleagues who want to set you up: you will not be able to solve the task assigned to you and will be disgraced. A young gypsy woman dreams of a romantic adventure,...

I have a dream about Gypsies

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A dream in which you visit a gypsy camp means that you may receive a very important offer. Do not refuse - thanks to this offer you will be able to understand the true state of your affairs. A woman who dreamed that a gypsy was telling fortunes to her will soon get married. ...

What does a dream mean - Gypsies

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A gypsy dreams of idle talk and deception, a gypsy woman - the danger of losing money, a gypsy child - there will be some kind of damage.

Dream - Gypsies

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A dream about them invariably foreshadows troubles and material losses. After such a dream, you do not need to lend money to anyone for at least one year. A particularly bad dream is one in which a gypsy (gypsy) will try to take your wallet or...

Dream Interpretation: Why do Fortune Tellers dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Gypsy, ancient fortuneteller - passion for esoteric fortune-telling practices; deception, doubts, internal contradictions; unexpected news, coincidence; positive event, parting words. Often dreams of a gypsy also signify fateful luck.

Dream Interpretation: Why do Fortune Tellers dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Gypsy, ancient fortuneteller - passion for esoteric fortune-telling practices. Deception, doubts, internal contradictions. Unexpected news, coincidence. Positive event, parting words. Often dreams of a gypsy also signify fateful luck.

If you see “Gypsies” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A visit to a gypsy camp in a dream foreshadows an offer of special importance that will help you sort out your complicated affairs. In a dream, buying something from gypsies means losing money. Such a dream encourages you to pay less attention to the material side of life. If in a dream...

Dream Interpretation: Why do Gypsies dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Deception, being deceived. Gypsy - love. If you dream about gypsies, then beware of any deception

Author of the article: website

Gypsies evoke different emotions in people. Some believe that they are endowed with special magical powers and can predict the future, others believe that they are charlatans who can use hypnosis. Meeting gypsies, both in reality and in a dream, often does not bode well. The meaning of dreams with their participation can be judged by some details of night vision.

General interpretation of dreams involving gypsies according to various dream books

Most famous dream interpreters agree that gypsies in a dream are a bad sign. The dream promises deception and trouble in the near future. Here is what is written about such night vision in famous dream books:

  • Modern. You will receive a tempting offer. The outcome of the case depends on your actions, so be careful.
  • Freud. You are trying to build a relationship with the wrong person. Don't waste your time.
  • Hasse. The dream reports unfulfilled hopes and possible deception.
  • English. You will meet a person who will turn your head. Because of this connection, many problems will arise in your life.
  • Esoteric. The dream foreshadows problems with money.
  • Tsvetkova. Your behavior is unacceptable. You terrorize your loved ones and relatives. If you don't want to see them turn away from you, pull yourself together.
  • Erotic. Some difficulties have arisen in your intimate life. You will have to spend a lot of effort to improve your relationship with your partner.
  • Female. A person you know will mislead you. This may result in the loss of valuable items or money.
  • Wangi. You will be deceived and wasted money.
  • French. Have patience and strength, because they will come in handy soon.

This is interesting. If the dream about gypsies was seen from January to May, then expect betrayal by a close friend or business partner. To dream from June to September means big financial losses; from October to December means illness.

If you dreamed that gypsies came to your house, then soon you will learn the long-awaited news that will shed light on a difficult situation

Who came in a dream: a gypsy, a gypsy woman, a gypsy child, a gypsy camp?

  • If you dreamed of a gypsy, then expect deception and idle talk. This is how the Mayan dream book interprets the dream. Vladislav Kopalinsky believes that the dream promises chaos in business. Something will really unsettle you, and it will take you a long time to recover from what happened.
  • Did you dream about a gypsy? Be very vigilant, there is a high probability of getting into an unpleasant situation. In the women's dream book, such a dream is deciphered as an imminent marriage. But the erotic one deciphers the dream as an intimate relationship with a stranger. There are potential consequences, so don't lose your head.
  • Seeing a gypsy child in a dream means the loss of a valuable thing, which will be found after a while. Gustav Miller believes that the dream promises proceedings with relatives. Disputes can lead to a big fight . The most offensive thing is that everything will be to blame for some little thing that is not worth attention.

It is important. If you dreamed that you yourself became a gypsy or a gypsy, then expect good luck in your amorous affairs. A whirlwind romance awaits you, the memories of which will last a lifetime.

Meeting a young gypsy in a dream is a sign of a crazy romance that will radically change your life

What does it mean if a woman or a man dreams about romals?

  • If a woman dreams of gypsies, then a showdown awaits her in the near future. A person from the environment will deliberately provoke a scandal. You need to control yourself and not give in to provocations. Gustav Miller interprets the dream as the presence of a rival, about whom you will have to worry a lot.
  • For a man, a dream involving gypsies portends deception. If your girlfriend or wife was in the image of a gypsy, then you should think about her fidelity.
  • For a pregnant girl, a dream about gypsies promises health problems. Take care of yourself and your unborn child.
  • For family people, such night dreams predict jealousy. There is a possibility that the spouse “walks to the left.” Take a closer look at your soul mate.

Actions in a dream: a gypsy wonders whether to come to the camp, talk, etc.

  • If an unmarried girl dreamed that a gypsy was telling her fortune, then the wedding is just around the corner. If a married woman saw a dream, then in the near future she will be very jealous of her husband. A man seeing such a dream means an affair on the side.
  • Coming to a camp in a dream promises an important offer, using which you can put your affairs in order. The erotic dream book interprets the dream as a chaotic intimate life, while the home dream book interprets the dream as a desire to let things take their course.
  • Talking with gypsies in a dream means loss of money or property. Be extremely careful and do not be deceived.
  • Being robbed by gypsies in a dream is a bad sign. If your wallet is stolen, then financial problems await you; if the ring disappears, wait for clarification on the personal front.
  • If in a dream the gypsies danced and had fun, then in real life everything goes on as usual. You are on the right path, and soon you will receive a reward for your efforts.
  • Did you dream that a gypsy cursed you in a dream? Expect troubles and showdowns; assault is possible.

Worth knowing. A pregnant gypsy dreams of making important decisions that cannot be postponed until later. You need to act quickly, and then luck will be on your side.

Seeing gypsies in a dream is not always a bad thing. Look for the answer in the details of the dream and in the interpretation of dream books. And remember that perhaps this is just a dream that does not promise you anything bad.