Game hour on the literary sea script. Scenario of literary entertainment for children of the senior group "trip to the land of books"

Goal and objectives of the game

  • to support interest in reading the works of classics of world literature among cadets, to promote a culture of reading;
  • activate and develop the creative abilities of cadets;


  • On the stage there is a picture of Library Country, an exhibition of books by classical writers, two tables (or two desks), chairs for the players. In the hall there are seats for jury members.

Musical arrangement

Any fun music that can be played throughout the game as intros.


Three teams of three people take part in the game.

Teachers, educators, and senior school cadets are invited to serve on the jury.

To conduct the game, three copies of the painting Library Country (to scale) indicating the travel route, cards with tasks (questions are selected in accordance with the literature program) have been prepared in advance. Blank sheets of paper and markers for completing tasks (or answers to questions are written on cards with tasks). Suggested game scenario for 5th grade.

During the game, spectators of each team also take part; the correct answer to a question brings additional points to the team and the spectator - a card.

The winning team is awarded prizes, other teams and active spectators (those who collect the most cards) receive souvenirs.

The game is conducted by the Presenter (the head of the library, educators, teachers can act as the presenter).

Progress of the event

The Presenter enters the stage.

Host: Hello!

Host: Today we will go on a journey through the Library Country, through the books written by the classics of world literature. Three teams will take part in our literary game, which I invite to the stage.

The teams take the stage.

The jury will evaluate our game ( presentation of the jury members). And finally, applause to everyone in the hall, these are not just spectators, but active fans.

Let's start the game.

Music plays (several bars).

Presenter: The teams are given a map of the Library Country indicating the travel route. Before you start the game, I suggest you name the teams. The players can confer, and I will tell the audience and the jury the course of our game.

The beginning of our journey is a spring of Poetry. Further, through the Strait of Proverbs we find ourselves in the sea of ​​Encyclopedias, we will go around the island of Fairy Tales, along the Epic Sea, through the Strait of History we will find ourselves in the ocean of Prose. We’ll take a break at Lake Fantasies, go around the Adventure Peninsula, and along the Sea of ​​Newspapers we’ll get to the Word Islands. Let's meet the storm in the ocean of Textbooks and land in the Valley of Dreams. Then we travel overland. Along the road of Stories, along the path of Stories, we will approach the Mountains of Diligence. The final goal of the journey is the pinnacle of Knowledge. This is all a joke, but there is some truth in every joke.

Music plays (several bars).

Presenter: Teams ":" , ":" ":" receive the first task. Spring of Poetry.

Exercise 1. Remember an excerpt from A. Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” and insert the missing words into the text.

Correct option

U: oak:; There is a green oak near the Lukomorye;
Golden: on the oak tree: Golden chain on the oak tree:
Both day and night: scientist Day and night the cat is a scientist
Everything goes along a chain:; Everything goes round and round in a chain;
It goes: - the song starts, He goes to the right - the song starts,
: - tells a fairy tale. To the left - he tells a fairy tale.
There are miracles there: there is a goblin: There are miracles there: a goblin wanders there,
: sits on branches; A mermaid sits on the branches.

Time to complete the task is 2 minutes. The maximum score is 3 points.

Music is playing.

Host: Time. Teams, please submit your task to the jury. And we are waiting for the first evaluations.

The jury announces the scores.

Presenter: Strait of Proverbs. Proverbs and sayings have become firmly established in our speech. Sometimes in a conversation we say a proverb and don’t notice it. The second task will show us how well you know our proverbs.

Task 2. Name proverbs about books and study. Three proverbs - three points, each next one - an additional point. Time to complete the task is 5 minutes.

Example of proverbs:

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

Live and learn.

Repetition is the mother of learning.

A book is a man's friend.

The book is small, but it gave me some insight.

He looks at the book and sees nothing.

Presenter: A viewers I suggest you remember the sayings. I will say the first words of the proverb, you will continue it. Simple sayings for all occasions. Each proverb is a point.

Host: I think the teams completed the task ahead of schedule. Please submit your work to the jury. Now we will find out the results of the task.

The jury reads out the proverbs written by the teams, announces the results of the task and the outcome of the game.

Presenter: “The guns are firing from the pier, They are ordering the ship to land.” We are on the Island of Fairy Tales.

Let's talk about fairy tales. Let's remember what we went through in literature lessons.

Task 3. Teams must answer four questions.

1. The name of the fairy tale hero who woke up his beloved? (Korolevich Elisha, A.S. Pushkin, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”).

2. What allowed the hero of the fairy tale “The Black Hen, or the Underground Inhabitants” to know everything without learning anything? (Alyosha received hemp grain), A. Pogorelsky "Black Chicken, or Underground Inhabitants."

3. What did the queen promise for the basket of snowdrops in the fairy tale "The Twelve Months" ?

(“We will give as much gold as will fit in the basket, give a velvet fur coat to the gray fox and allow him to participate in our royal New Year’s skating”)

S. Ya. Marshak "Twelve months"

4. What was the nickname of Filka, the hero of K. Paustovsky’s fairy tale “Warm Bread”?

(Filka’s nickname is “Well You”) K. Paustovsky “Warm Bread”

Time to complete the task is 3 minutes. Maximum score 3 points.

Music is playing.

Host: The teams answer questions, and I propose a question to the fans, which, in my opinion, is difficult. Whoever answers it will earn 3 points.

Question for the audience: “The guns are firing from the pier, They are ordering the ship to land.” What is the name of this work and who is its author? (Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan, his son, the glorious and mighty hero Prince Guidon Saltanovich, and the beautiful Princess Swan.)

Presenter: The teams are ready. Our “travelers” are smart, and this task is doable for them. Let's ask the jury to evaluate the players' knowledge.

The jury announces the results of the task and the overall outcome of the game.

Presenter: Along the Epic Sea, through the strait of history, we find ourselves in the ocean of Prose.

I think that more prose works have been written than poetry.

Task 4. Name prose works. The team that names the most pieces wins. The maximum score is 3 points.

I ask for silence in the hall. Team players are ready - let's start!

Prosaic fables?

Host: How will the jury evaluate this task?

The jury announces the results of the task and the overall outcome of the game.

Music is playing.

Host: I suggest a holiday at Lake Fantasy. Cadets love to read books about adventures with fantastic characters, detective stories, and horror stories.

Now I will ask a question for everyone, knowledge and speed of reaction will bring 2 points. I ask the jury to determine who will answer the question correctly first. Ready? Attention, question.

Question for everyone: In our library, on the “fantasy and adventure” shelf, these books are almost next to each other. The titles of the books have a common word; the titles of the books consist of two words.

Name these books. (“Amphibian Man” by Alexandra Belyaeva and “Invisible Man” by H.G. Wells).

The answer sounds.

If the answer is not heard, the words of the Presenter: It’s sad, I will name these books and advise you to read them.

Host: And now a question for the teams. The correct answer will earn the team 2 points.

Question: Name the hero who made a profitable deal and received untold riches, including: an apple (or rather, all that was left of it), a paper kite, a dead rat, 12 alabaster balls, a fragment of a blue bottle, a piece of chalk, six firecrackers.

(Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain, "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer").

Presenter: I ask the jury to tell you the amount of points for answering the questions and the outcome of the game.

Host: Our journey continues. We go around the Peninsula of Adventures, past the Word Islands we find ourselves in the ocean of Textbooks. Which you can't pass by. Question for the teams. The correct answer is 2 points. I ask for silence.

Question: How many textbooks did you receive this school year? ( answer - 14).

Presenter: Please, jury, add 2 points to the results of the “:” team.

Task 5. Teams need to answer 3 questions.

1. Gerasim’s position in I. Turgenev’s story “Mumu”.

(street cleaner)

2. Name the child heroes of Korolenko’s story “In Bad Society.”

(Vasya and Sonya, Valek and Marusya)

3. Who cured the hare in K. Prishvin’s story “Hare’s Paws”?

(pediatrician Karl Petrovich)

Host: We are waiting for ratings again.

The jury announces the sum of points for the questions and the overall result of the game.

Presenter: Hurray! Mountains of Diligence. Let's conquer the peak of Knowledge quick task!

What does the prefix mean? blitz. This is the first part of complex words with a very meaning fast (Ozhegov, Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language). Time to complete blitz tasks-minute, seven tasks per minute, each task - 1 point. The maximum number of points is 7.

We are “traveling with the classics,” so quick assignment questions are about the classics of literature, based on the works of the classics.

Blitz task:

What was sent to the Little Crow for breakfast? (piece of cheese).

Who told about the Borodino battle? (uncle, “Tell me, uncle, :).

Who "Still sings the same song, Still carries the same burden:" (barge hauler, N. Nekrasov “On the Volga”).

The name of the writer Chekhov? ( Anton).

For the heroes of V. Korolenko’s story, this item brought both moments of joy and moments of anxiety. (Doll, Marusya - joy, Vasya - anxiety, V. Korolenko "In Bad Society").

"The snow is still white in the fields,
A: in the spring they make noise -: "

Fill in the missing word (water, F. Tyutchev, "Spring water").

Main book of P. Bazhov: Malachite basket

Malachite bowl

Malachite Box

Please indicate the correct title of the book. (Malachite Box).

Presenter: The teams complete the task, and I propose the last comic task for the audience.

I have a book in my hands. Whoever accurately guesses the number of pages in the book will receive it as a gift.

The book is awarded to the winner.

Presenter: The time to complete the blitz task has expired. Teams submit their answers to the jury.

We are waiting for the summary of the blitz task and the overall outcome of the game.

Music is playing.

The overall result of the game and the names of active fans are announced.

Host: Great game! The following are invited to reward teams and active spectators:..

And I just have to add: “Thank you to all the team members for the interesting game, the audience for their support, the jury for their honesty and understanding.

Awarding the winners and presenting souvenirs to the second team and active fans.


  1. Literature.5 grades. Textbook - a reader for educational institutions in 4 hours.
  2. Compiled authors. V. Ya. Korovina, V. P. Zhuravlev, V. I. Korovin
  3. 7th ed., revised - M.: Education - OJSC "Moscow Textbooks", 2006.


Scenario of a literary and gaming program for children 7-10 years old

Decor: book exhibition “Book Bouquet of Summer”, route map, names of routes: “IslandReadings", "Bay of Verses", "River of Adventures", "Field of Stories", "Mountain of Fairy Tales".

HOST:Hello, young friends! We are glad to welcome you to our library. Today in this room, I really hope so, are gathered lovers of books and reading, who very often go to the library and have read a lot of books. Guys, you guessed that today we will talk about books. A book is the best thing that man has ever created. You will always find an answer to any question in it. Books, like good friends, introduce us to a wonderful world. By reading, we become smarter, stronger, kinder. Jonathan Swift, the author of adventures about Gulliver, said: “When I read a book, it seems to me that it is alive and talking to me.”

Among different hobbies

There is nothing better than reading.

Can't replace a book

Neither the film, nor the Internet.

More useful than a book

More useful than a book

There was no such thing in the world, and no.

After all, a book is a reliable friend,

Will comfort and help,

Always able to give advice

And it will always help.

Will be able to cheer you up

All doubts will be dispelled.

To you with a book, friends,

It will never be boring!

Guys, today we will go to an unusual island. It's called Reading Island.

You won't find it on the globe or map,

You won't read about him in your textbooks.

Only those guys get to the island

That we ourselves have read a lot of children's books.

Reading Island. Where is it? It is not mentioned in any textbook or index. It is not on any map. But children who love to read have no doubt that it exists. They can even visit it! What do you want?

(Children answer in unison: “Yes!”)

HOST: Tell me, what do brave sailors and treacherous pirates most often look for on the island?

(Children answer: “Treasures!”)

HOST: What do we need to find him?

(Children answer: “Cards!”)

HOST: The map is kept in the chest. But to get it, you need to answer the literary quiz questions correctly. You love books, don't you?

(Children's answers.)

HOST: Let's remember some of them:

● In which fairy tale did the girl fall asleep for 100 years? (Sleeping Beauty by C. Perrault.)

● In which book could a girl lift a horse? (Puppy long stocking A. Lindgren.)

● In which fairy tale did the girl switch places with the doll? (“Three fat men” by Yu. Olesha.)

● In what book did an ordinary boy from the 6th grade save a real wizard? (“Old Man Hottabych” by L. Lagin.)

● In what fairy tale was a boy bewitched by a dwarf for being rude? (“The Wonderful Journey of Nils with the Wild Geese” by S. Lagerlöf.)

● In which fairy tale was the raven Abrahas? (“Little Baba Yaga” by O. Preusler.)

● In which book did the hero sow pasta and get green shoots? (“The Adventures of Captain Vrungel” by A. Nekrasov.)

● Which book tells how a huge eagle dragged the hero along with his house and threw him into the sea? (“Gulliver’s Travels” by D. Swift.)

● In which story a boy, fighting bravely, sang the song “They have blue uniforms and sabers at their sides. Ku-ka-re-ku!”? (“Gavroche” by V. Hugo.)

● In which book did the boy write “To the village to his grandfather” instead of an address? (“Vanka” by A. Chekhov.)

HOST: Now we’ll check whether you remember the names of the writers well. I will name the names of famous people, and you will have to clap your hands when you hear the name of the writer. So let's begin!

Pushkin, Stevenson, Uspensky, Tchaikovsky, Aivazovsky, Chukovsky, Mayakovsky, Kobzon, Mikhalkov, Dumas, Twain, Shishkin, Barto, Krapivin, Vivaldi, Belmondo, Dahl, Kipling, Krylov, Darwin, Bryusov, Bunin, Zoshchenko, Kasparov, Vern, Swift, Pogodin, Koval, Panteleev, Pugachev, Yemets, Newton, Yasnov.

HOST: Well done, guys! You answered all the questions correctly, and the chest opened. And here is the map! Look where you and I are going to visit: the Bay of Verses, the River of Adventures, the Field of Stories and, finally, the Mountain of Fairy Tales. First we find ourselves in the Bay of Verses. What children's poets do you know?

(Children's answers.)

HOST: I suggest you continue the quatrains and name their authors:

● The little son came to his father, and the little one asked:

What is good and what is bad"? (V. Mayakovsky)

● There lived an absent-minded man on Basseynaya Street.

In the morning he sat down on the bed, began to put on his shirt,

I put my hands into the sleeves, it turned out that these were trousers. (S. Marshak)

● Our Tanya is crying loudly and dropped a ball into the river.

Hush, Tanechka, don’t cry, the ball won’t drown in the river. (A. Barto)

● Who was sitting on the bench, who was looking at the street,

Tolya sang, Boris was silent, Nikolai shook his leg. (S. Mikhalkov)

Children, do you have favorite poems?

(Children read poetry.)

HOST: Guys, you have the opportunity to see a real writer and communicate with him. Our guest is teacher and writer Nikolai Frantsevich Dick.

(Speech by N.F. Dick.)

HOST: We have crossed the high-water Bay of Verses and are now approaching the River of Adventures. We need to swim up the swift current, where there are rapids, and you know how difficult it is! Find out the hero of the adventure book by the event that happened in his life:

● He worked as a doctor on a ship that one day crashed and was captured by little people. (Gulliver.)

● As the hero himself said, he managed to pull himself out of the swamp by the braid of his wig, flew on a cannonball, turned the evil wolf inside out and shot the mad fur coat. (Baron Munchausen.)

● This boy, as a punishment for impoliteness, was turned into a little man by a gnome and traveled with a flock of geese. (Nils.)

● The heroine of this English book ran after the White Rabbit, but then fell into a deep well and ended up in an unusual country. (Alice.)

●The only boy in the world who never grew up and managed to defeat the treacherous pirate Hook. (Peter Pan.)

And you coped with this task perfectly! And now I offer you 3 options for the name of the hero of the book, and you name the correct one:

● The good sorceress from the book “The Wizard of the Emerald City” was called: Selina, Villina, Marina;

● The owl from the fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit” was called: Pumba, Bumba, Ava;

● In Pushkin’s fairy tale about the Golden Cockerel the king’s names were: Dadon, Gvidon, Saltan;

● The correct name of Old Man Hottabych: Hottab ibn Durukhman, Hassan Abdurahman ibn Hottab, Hasan ibn Kegelban;

● The calf of the cat Matroskin was named: Timosha, Gavryusha, Vityusha;

● The tavern from A. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Golden Key” was called: Three Hunters, Three Minnows, Three Little Pigs;

● Prince Guidon, turning into a bumblebee, bit the nose of: Babarikha, Weaver, Cook;

● In the book “Alice in Wonderland” there is a hero nicknamed March. This:

cat, hare, wolf;

● A. Barto's poem about a crying girl is called: roar, ball, crybaby;

● Who stole the key from Barmaley: the dog Ava, the parrot Karudo, Aibolit;

●Whom did Peppy Longstocking call Mr. Nilsson: a horse, a parrot, a monkey;

● What object did Munchausen throw to the Moon: a gun, a hatchet, a boot;

● The bird on which Doctor Aibolit went to Africa: eagle, swan, raven;

● What the crocodile ate from the poem “Moidodyr”: a washcloth, a rag, an iron;

● What did Danila the master cut out of the rock: coal, stone heart, stone flower;

● What Dunno has not tried to be: an artist, a climber, a musician.

Here we are in the field of Stories that many authors wrote for children. But the most famous among them are Nikolai Nosov and Viktor Dragunsky. I think you remember their funny stories about Mishka, Deniska Korablev and other guys. Now find out what story this dialogue is from. (The children role-play reading excerpts from the stories of writers: N. Nosov “The Living Hat”, “Telephone” and V. Dragunsky “The Secret Becomes Revealed”, “He is Alive and Glowing...”.)

HOST: We have successfully crossed the field of Tales and approached the high mountain of Fairy Tales. Before we climb it, we must arm ourselves for the final obstacle with magic words. What magic words did the heroes of fairy tales say?

● Emelya (At the behest of the pike, at my will.)

● Ali Baba to open a treasure cave (Sim-Sim, open up!)

● Girl Zhenya, when she tore off a petal (Fly, fly, petal, through west to east, through north, through south, come back after making a circle, as soon as you touch the ground, in my opinion!)

● Ivanushka the Fool (Sivka-Burka, prophetic kaurka! Stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass!)

● The girl from the fairy tale “A Pot of Porridge” (One, two, three! Pot, cook!)

● Pinocchio (Cracks, fex, pex!).

In order for us to safely bypass all obstacles, we need to complete interesting tasks. I suggest playing the “Yes-No” game:

● The clattering fly at the end of the fairy tale married a spider. (No, for a mosquito.)

● Winnie the Pooh's head was stuffed with cotton wool. (No, sawdust.)

● The evil tiger Sherkhan from the fairy tale “Mowgli” was afraid of a red flower. (Yes.)

● In the fairy tale “The Snow Queen” there was a letter written on dried fish. (Yes.)

● The most terrible enemy of the steadfast tin soldier was the rat. (No, a snuff-box troll.)

● Prince Guidon turned into a mosquito, a fly and an ant. (No, in a bumblebee.)

● The sorceress Bastinda was afraid of water. (Yes.)

● A magic book helped Princess Elsa save her 11 brothers. (No, shirts made of nettles.)

● Piglet Funtik escaped from the evil circus director. (No, from Belladona.)

HOST: Guys, here we are, undaunted by difficulties, and have successfully reached the wonderful island of Reading. Its main treasure is books, from which you can learn many more interesting stories.

(A review of books is being conducted at the book exhibition.)

HOST: Our meeting with wonderful writers and their books has come to an end.

Let there be fun around

Let a faithful friend be nearby,

And every book binding

Leads to a wonderful land!

I wish you to continue to be friends with books and the library. We are waiting for you and your friends at the Children's Library named after. A. Gaidar. See you again!

(Showing a cartoon based on the story “The Boy and the Frog” by N. Sladkov.)


1. Galaktionova, A.F. True friends / A.F. Galaktionova // Read, learn, play. - 2004. - No. 1. - P. 57-60.

2. Gorshkova, L.V. What are they? / L.V. Gorshkova // Read, learn, play. - 2004. - No. 7. - P. 56-57.

3. Dick, N.F. Fun class hours in grades 2-3 // N.F. Dik.- Rostov n/d.: Phoenix, 2007.- 331 p.- (I give my heart to children).

4. Tungulukova, S.A. Visiting literary heroes // S.A. Tungulukova // Read, learn, play. - 2008. - No. 1. - pp. 4-5.

Compiled by: I.V. Ivanova, head library named after A. Gaidar

Host: Today, guys, I want to invite you to travel to the amazing land of fairy tales. It is generously populated by various good and evil heroes: gnomes and trolls, sorcerers and goblins, Baba Yaga and Koschey the Immortal, Ivan Tsarevich and Elena the Beautiful. Getting there is not difficult, you just need to close your eyes for a few moments and imagine that we are flying on a magic carpet far, far away, across seas and oceans, forests and steppes. So he sinks lower and lower and, finally, we are standing on an unfamiliar street.
Zhenya: Hello, guys! Nice to see you all. Do you remember the fairy tale spell?
Fly, fly, petal,
Through west to east,
Through the north, through the south.
Come back after making a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground,
To be in my opinion led.
Of course, this is a spell from V. Kataev’s fairy tale “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik”. In which fairy tales do flowers appear and what kind? “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik*” will help us answer these questions. (The flower petals are made of colored paper, on the back of which excerpts from fairy tales are written.)
Now I will tear off one petal at a time and read an excerpt from a fairy tale. You must indicate the title of the fairy tale, and if there is an author, then name him.
1st petal:
“A wonderful rose was taken out of the casket.
- Oh, how nicely done! - the ladies-in-waiting said in one voice.
“It’s not enough to say nice,” the emperor responded,
- not bad at all!
Only the princess touched the rose and almost cried:
- Fi, dad! She’s not artificial, she’s real!”
(G. H. Andersen. “The Swineherd”)
2nd petal:
in “On a green hillock there is a flower of scarlet color, a beauty unprecedented and unheard of, which cannot be said in a fairy tale or described with a pen. The smell of the flower flows and flows evenly throughout the garden.”
(S. Aksakov. “The Scarlet Flower”)
3rd petal:
“The old woman: “Well, have you rested and warmed up? You still need to run somewhere else.”
Stepdaughter: “Where is it, far away?”
Old woman: “Into the forest, for snowdrops.”
(S. Marshak. “Twelve months”)
4th petal:
“When all the roses were hidden, the old woman took the girl to her flower garden. The girl's eyes widened. There were flowers from all countries and all seasons. She played among the flowers until the sun set. Then they put her in a wonderful bed with red silk fluff stuffed with blue violets.”

5th petal:
“Run now to the human huts in the valley and take a piece of the red flower that they keep there. Then you will have a stronger friend than me. It is kept in small pots and all animals are afraid of it.”
(R. Kipling. “Mowgli”)
6th petal:
“The woman came home and planted a grain of barley in a flower pot. As soon as she planted it, the seed immediately sprouted, and from the sprout came a huge wonderful flower, just like a tulip.”
(G. H. Andersen. “Thumbelina”)
7th petal:
“To rest, the boy climbed out onto a large leaf of a water lily. He sat down tightly on him, grabbed his knees and said, chattering his teeth:
“Give me something to eat, frogs!”
(A. Tolstoy. “The Golden Key”)
Zhenya: Well done, guys! You did a great job.
Presenter; We said goodbye to the girl Zhenya and Tsvetochnaya Street, and now we will turn onto Novostroyek Boulevard. What wonderful houses, palaces and castles here! I wonder what fairy tale heroes live here? Sveta will tell us about this. And you guys, help her with this.
(Sveta is holding a book-house made of whatman paper or thick paper. On the first page there is an inscription: “Fairy tale heroes live here.”)
Sveta: “She slept in the attic, right under the roof, on a prickly straw bed. And both sisters had rooms with parquet floors of colored wood, with beds and large mirrors...”
(C. Perrault. “Cinderella, or Crystal
“But best of all the toys was the wonderful cardboard palace. Through its windows one could look inside and see the rooms. In front of the palace lay a round mirror. It was like a real lake. All this was so beautiful, but the most beautiful was the mistress of the palace, standing on the threshold, in the wide open doors.”
(G. H. Andersen. “Resistant tin
2. Zach 209
“At this very time the king was passing by. He saw the beautiful castle of the Ogre and wanted to see it.
- How, Mister Marquis! - exclaimed the king.
“Does this one really belong to you too?” I have never seen such lovely castles! Let's go into it."
(C. Perrault. “Puss in Boots”)
The door opened quietly,
And the princess found herself in a bright upper room; There are carpeted benches all around,
Under the saints there is an oak table,
Stove with tiled stove bench.
The girl sees that good people live here...
(A.S. Pushkin. “The Tale of the Dead Princess and
seven heroes")
“How cold, how empty it was in the white, brightly sparkling palaces! Fun didn't even come here! It was cold here, empty, dead and majestic. In the middle of the largest snowy hall, endless and empty, a frozen lake sparkled.”
(G. H. Andersen. “The Snow Queen”)
Presenter: Our journey continues, and we have approached Theater Square. The Izumrud cinema is located here. And today they show your favorite cartoons. Guys, guess who it is?
He always loves everyone,
Whoever came to him.
Did you guess it? This is Gena
This is Gena... (crocodile).
He is both cheerful and not angry,
This cute weirdo.
The owner is with him, the boy Robin And his friend... (Piglet).
For him, a walk is a holiday,
And he has a special nose for honey.
This is a plush prankster Bear... (Winnie the Pooh).
Presenter: So, our journey ends. During this time we visited Tsvetochnaya Street, Novostroyek Boulevard and Teatralnaya Square. We met many fairy-tale characters. We had to answer difficult questions. And whoever passed this test especially well deserves a reward.
(The guys determine the winners.)

Literary game for younger schoolchildren

Literary and intellectual game for primary schoolchildren “Visiting Seva Chitaikin”

Kryazhevskikh Elena Viktorovna, primary school teacher, Lyceum No. 28, Yoshkar-Ola
Target: Developing a love and interest in reading books.
Tasks: 1. Check how you read the recommended list of books over the summer.
2. Develop such qualities as the ability to reason, draw conclusions, evaluate the actions of heroes; develop memory and attention.
3. Cultivate attention to words, respect for book authors, the ability to make decisions, listen to each other, and play as a team.
Equipment: Projector, screen, computer.
Age: The game is intended for students in grades 2 - 3 and will be of interest to primary school teachers and teachers of after-school groups.

For the summer, each first-grade graduate receives a recommended list of books for summer reading. I do this for the purpose of orientation in the variety of books, the formation of reader interest, and the ability to choose a favorite book. On the other hand, there is an obligation to read books, which is important for those children for whom the book has not yet become a friend. How to check how carefully children read in the summer? How to make it unobtrusive and interesting? This is what the game is designed for. All assignments are based on books from the recommended list, which I provide in the appendix.
Seva Chitaykin is a hero who sometimes appears in literary reading lessons. He is witty, reading books is his favorite pastime. He often poses challenging, thought-provoking questions to students.
The interactive game consists of five categories:
"Fairy tales"
"About animals"
"About children"
"Children's Writers"
Each category has 5 questions worth 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 points.

Instructions for use:
The class is divided into several teams. Division into teams can be done by drawing lots, in rows, if desired.

Slide 2 shows the playing field. The playing teams take turns choosing a category and number of points. The transition to the slide with the question occurs using the button with points. If the answer is correct, the team is awarded the number of points corresponding to the question. The results are recorded on the board.
Each question has a colorful slide. The correct answers appear with a click. Return to the playing field using the button in the lower right corner.
The number that was played disappears when returning to the playing field.

The playing field includes two buttons with points, which open not a question, but physical education minutes. In the "Animals" category, a choice of 10 points opens the "Little Animals Exercise" and in the "Fairy Tales" category, a choice of 20 points opens the "Fairytale Exercise". Physical education exercises perform all commands, points are awarded to the team that made the choice.
The team with the most points wins. It is necessary to think about rewarding the winners, and sweets for all participants.
I do not include all the slides in the summary so that the summary is not too cumbersome.

Category 1. Poems
10 points
Why did I stand against the wall?
My knees are shaking...
What was the boy from Sergei Mikhalkov’s poem so afraid of?
Answer: The boy was afraid of injections.
20 points
The lady was checking in her luggage...
Who is the author of these lines? What did the lady check in her luggage?
Answer: Poem by S. Ya. Marshak
The lady was checking in her luggage...
Sofa, suitcase, travel bag,
Basket, picture, cardboard
And a little dog.

30 points

In 1935, S. Mikhalkov’s poem “Uncle Styopa” was first published in the Pioneer magazine. This literary hero was loved by all children. What feat did Uncle Styopa accomplish?

Answer: Alive, healthy and unharmed
Boy Vasya Borodin.
Uncle Styopa this time
Saved a drowning man.
40 points
Guess the poem and the author
“The boy dreamed that his mother would buy him a bullfinch, for the sake of this he became obedient and polite, stopped offending girls, but when the bullfinch was given to him, he doubted whether he should continue to be an exemplary boy.”

Answer: Poem “Bullfinch”
50 points

If this medicine appears,
I would buy two packages.
No, not two, but three.
It is necessary, no matter what you say.
Remember what medicine is discussed in the poem “Wonderful Pills”?
Answer: A cure for laziness.
Category 2. Fairy tales
10 points
The heroine of which fairy tale said to herself: “rolled from spring snow, browned by the spring sun.” Who is the author of the fairy tale?

Answer: V. Dahl “Girl Snow Maiden”
20 points

Fabulous exercise
There is a hut in the dark forest. (we walk)
Stands backwards (turn)
There is an old woman in that hut, (leans)
My name is Grandmother Yaga. (turn back)
Crochet nose, (show nose)
The eyes are big, (show eyes)
Like coals burning.
Wow, how angry! (we shake our fingers)
Your hair is standing on end! (hands up)
30 points

Expression "Staying with nothing" has become a catchphrase. When do they say that? What does this expression have to do with A.S. Pushkin?
Answer: This is what they say about a person who has lost everything and is left with nothing, like the old woman in A. S. Pushkin’s fairy tale “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”
40 points
To which of Charles Perrault's heroes do these things belong: boots, a glass slipper, a spinning wheel and a spindle, a basket of pies, white pebbles?

Answer: Boots - for the cat from the fairy tale "Puss in Boots", a shoe - for Cinderella from the fairy tale of the same name, a basket - for Little Red Riding Hood, a spinning wheel - for the old woman from the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty", pebbles - for Little Thumb.
50 points
Many literary heroes become favorites for many generations of readers. This happened with this literary hero. Monuments were erected to him in Tobolsk, Astrakhan, and Ishim. Look carefully at the monuments and guess the heroes.

Answer: This is the Little Humpbacked Horse and Ivan.
Category 3. About animals
10 points

Physical education lesson “Exercising small animals”
Once - squat,
Two - jump.
This is a rabbit exercise.
And when the little foxes wake up,
They like to stretch for a long time
Be sure to yawn
Wag your red tail.
And the wolf cubs - arch their backs
And jump slightly.
Well, Mishka is clubfooted,
With his paws spread wide,
Either two, then all together
He has been marking time for a long time.
20 points
Name the author of the fairy tale about a brave little mouse - a traveler.

Answer: Vitaly Bianchi “Mouse Peak”
30 points
Guess the fable. An excerpt from a fable performed by actor Oleg Tabakov is heard.
Answer: An excerpt from the fable “The Cuckoo and the Rooster” sounds
40 points
The proverb “The mind pulls a person up, and boasting - down” suits the heroine of which story by V. M. Garshin? Explain.

Answer: The proverb fits the frog from V. Garshin’s fairy tale “The Frog is a Traveler.” Cleverness helped the frog rise into the sky, but boasting and the desire to become famous almost killed the frog.
50 points

Which animal is not mentioned in G. Skrebitsky’s story “Ivanovich the Cat”?
Answer: The story does not talk about a rooster.
Category 4. About children
10 points

What magic word helped Pavlik fulfill his wishes in V. Oseeva’s story?
Answer please.
20 points

In one fairy tale, four evil wizards decided to regain their youth. All that had to be done for this was to find young lazy people and take advantage of their wasted time. After all, those who waste time do not notice how old they are. Who is the author of this instructive tale?
Answer: E. Schwartz “The Tale of Lost Time.”
30 points

Which wish of Zhenya from V. Kataev’s fairy tale “The Seven-Colored Flower” do you consider the most important?
Answer: The most important thing was Vitya’s last wish for recovery.
40 points

What miracles could be accomplished with the help of a magic ring in K. Paustovsky’s story “The Steel Ring”?
Answer: If you put a ring on your middle finger you will get health, on your ring finger you will get great joy, on your index finger you will see the whole world.
50 points
From which author's books are these characters?

Answer: The slide shows illustrations for N. Nosov’s stories “Gardeners”, “Steps”, “On the Hill”, “Mishkina Porridge”, “Telephone”, “Dreamers”.
Category 5. Children's writers
10 points
What is the name of Deniska, the hero of Victor Dragunsky’s stories?
Answer: Korablev.
20 points

Name the characters in Lyubov Voronkova’s stories “Girlfriends Go to School”, “Star Commander”, “Sunny Day”
Answer: Tanyusha, Alenka, Demushka.
30 points
Who came up with these wonderful heroes?

Answer: The slide shows the heroes of Eduard Uspensky: Crocodile Gena, Cheburashka, old woman Shapoklyak, Uncle Fyodor, dog Sharik, cat Matroskin, Khvataika, postman Pechkin, cow Murka, calf Gavryusha.
40 points
Find out V. Dragunsky's story from the illustration.

Answer: The slide shows illustrations for V. Dragunsky’s stories “My Sister Ksenia”, “He is Alive and Glowing”, “The Secret Always Becomes Revealed”, “Chicken Soup”, “Where Is It Seen, Where Is It Heard...”
50 points
This literary hero of Eduard Uspensky has become the mascot of the Russian Olympic team since 2004.
Answer: Cheburashka.



literary tournament “Journey to the country of Chitalia”

The material was compiled by Tatyana Viktorovna Bondarkova,

teacher of Russian language and literature



1.Video "Readers' Song"

Presenter 1

Not in reality and not in a dream, Without fear and without timidity We again wander around the country, Which is not on the globe, Not on the map, But you and I know, That it is, that it is, The country is the country of Chitalia.

Good afternoon guys! We are happy to greet you. Today we are holding a literary ring between two teams, which will consist of three rounds on certain topics.

2. Presenter 2: Before starting the literary ring, I introduce those who will take part in it. On the right is a team with a literary motto: “Fight and search, find and not give up” (students say it in chorus). These are the words from the oath of Sanya Grigoriev, the hero of the book “Two Captains” by Veniamin Kaverin, who dreams of finding the remains of Captain Tatarinov’s expedition. Dangers, temporary defeats, but the persistent, purposeful character of the hero help him keep the oath he made to himself in childhood: “Fight and search, find and not give up.”

(The book trailer “V. Kaverin. Two captains" library for youth in Shchebekino. )

3. Presenter 1: I ask the second team “Athos, Porthos, D’Artagnan and Aramis” to name their motto: “One for all, and all for one.” I hope you remembered the novel “The Three Musketeers” by Alexandre Dumas and the film “D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers,” which even features the song “All for one and one for all.”

A video is shown (against the background of footage from the film “D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers” the song sounds: There are four of us, we are still together. But there is a cause - and this is a matter of honor. Our motto is all for one. And this is our success.)

4. Now we introduce the captains. I ask them to come to me. Shake hands and wish each other good luck.

1st team: And we respect our opponents. We want to play honestly. Fight together in the ring, fight, search, but don’t give up.

2nd team: So we have a rival. We will fight him now. The main thing, guys, is not to be discouraged - Trying will help you win. Let's remember the musketeers - there is no other way: “One for all and all for one!”

5. Presenter 2: I hope that during the ring the teams will learn a lot of new and interesting things for themselves and no one will be a loser. The teams' answers will be assessed by members of the jury: Krasnolobova Irina Aleksandrovna, Portnykh Anna Vladimirovna, Novikova Natalya Apollonovna.

And we address these words, dear jury, to you (both teams say two lines in unison):

Let the smile without a doubt
Suddenly touches your eyes,
A good mood
It won't leave you for a long time!

6. Presenter 1: We announce the first round. We devote the first round to an area in the country of Chitalia that a person has become familiar with since childhood. This is poetry. Poetry comes into our lives in very early childhood. We may not yet be able to read and write, but we already remember well simple lines from the poems of Agnia Barto, Marshak, K.I. Chukovsky. And we remember them, oddly enough, all our lives:

Geese, geese! - Ha-ga-ha! Do you want to eat? - Yes Yes Yes! Well, fly. - We are not allowed. The gray wolf under the mountain does not let us go home. This is lyrics illuminated by a smile. As we get older, we learn and read poetry ourselves. They sound both at home and at school holidays.

Why are poems needed? Who cares?
From rhythm, rhymes and other trifles?
- And you try to remember so much prose,
How many poems do you know by heart? N. Glazkov

But, unfortunately, many wonderful poetic works remain unread. But poetic lines make us more receptive to what surrounds us. Thanks to poetry that it keeps all the best that is in a person awake.

Teams are invited to warm up. Each team will continue the poem in chorus, the first line of which I will read. The distinguished jury evaluates knowledge of the text and mastery of choral performance. The team starts with the motto “One for all, and all for one.”

    Our Tanya is crying loudly, She dropped a ball into the river. Hush, Tanechka, don’t cry, The ball won’t drown in the river.

    The bull is walking, swaying, He sighs as he walks: “Oh, the plank is ending, Now I’m going to fall.”

    They dropped Mishka on the floor, They tore off Mishka's paw. I won’t leave him anyway, because he’s good.

For the second command:

    Fly, fly - clattering, Gilded belly. The fly walked across the field, the fly found the money.

    The owner abandoned the bunny, A bunny was left in the rain. I couldn’t get off the bench, I was completely wet.

    Tili-bom! Tili-bom!

The cat's house is on fire!

The cat jumped out

Her eyes bulged. Or: Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,

Aty-baty, to the market.

Atty-batty, what did you buy?

Aty-baty, samovar.

7. Presenter 1: Dear guests, we have all gathered in a kind of literary salon. Salon ("living room" in French) was a kind of circle around a brilliant lady, which united her friends from different walks of life. These circles were always created according to interests: some were fascinated by religion, others by politics, and others by literature, art and music. The salons were run by noble ladies and fashionable courtesans. Occasionally the salons were of an entertaining nature. There was no secular etiquette at them, but secular amusements were common: charades, puns, composing witty rhymes, staging performances by the salon participants themselves. Handwritten albums were in great fashion in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and the provinces. They were placed on tables in living rooms, taken with them to balls and, of course, on trips. The albums were decorated in every possible way, with sheets of pink, blue, yellow paper woven into them, and bound in scarlet morocco, green or brown leather with gold embossing, with gilded brass plates and clasps. Ladies and young ladies, young men and writers - everyone had albums. Without album culture it is impossible to imagine the salons of the Pushkin era. Secular upbringing required a young man of Pushkin’s time to be able to write a madrigal in an album, draw a flower or a landscape. At the beginning of the 19th century, small, elegantly decorated albums that could easily fit in a handbag came into fashion. In the album drawings one could find cupids, flowers, flaming hearts, landscapes illuminated by the moon, ruins, urns, tombstones, burial mounds. Dried flowers and strands of hair were placed between the sheets of the album. The works recorded in the albums were mostly poetic. Pushkin wrote about albums in the novel “Eugene Onegin”, offering the reader their unique typology: magnificent albums of secular beauties, an album of a brilliant lady and a “district young lady’s album”, Olga Larina’s album filled with poems and drawings by Vladimir Lensky, and also Onegin’s album, his a “sincere journal” that was not included in the final text of the novel. Secular upbringing required a young man to be able to write a madrigal in an album, draw a flower or a landscape.

We invite you to create a layout of an illustrated literary album in the style of the early 19th century. In it you will place love poems by famous poets of the 19th century, the lines of which are scattered - they need to be collected together and decorated. Members of the Jury can also participate.

Pushkin Alexander

I loved you: love still, perhaps

I loved you: love is still, perhaps,
My soul has not completely died out;
But don't let it bother you anymore;
I don't want to make you sad in any way.
I loved you silently, hopelessly,
Now we are tormented by timidity, now by jealousy;
I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly,
How God grant you, your beloved, to be different.


I remember a wonderful moment: You appeared before me, Like a fleeting vision, Like a genius of pure beauty. In the languor of hopeless sadness, in the worries of noisy bustle, a gentle voice sounded to me for a long time and I dreamed of sweet features.

8. Presenter 1: Dear fans, you must now take part in preparing the players for the next task. Your task is to choose a rhyme for the given words: window - dark, fibre, funny; jumps - cries, looms, that means; lightning - eyelash, dungeon, string;

Presenter 2: And now the teams will complete one more task of the first round. The last rhyming words of the lines of poems by famous Russian poets are heard, and the task of the teams is to remember and read at least one stanza of the poems from which they are taken within a minute, indicating the names of the authors.

The sail is turning white lonely

In the fog of the sea blue

What is he looking for in the country? distant?

What did he throw in the edge dear? (Lermontov M.Yu. “Sail”)

There is an oak tree near Lukomorye green;

Golden chain on oak volume.

Both day and night cat scientist

Everything goes on a chain all around. (poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila, A.S. Pushkin)

9. Presenter 2: I announce the end of the 1st round. While the jury is summing up the results, I ask you to pay attention to the covers of the books located on the shelf. Now you will listen to the music and think about which heroine of these books you associate with it . The romance “Hallowed be thy name” performed by Mikhail Averin sounds.

(“The Garnet Bracelet” is a wonderful love story, a doomed, martyr’s, but great love. Zheltkov and Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina. Based on the plot of the story “The Garnet Bracelet,” a film was made and performances were performed.)

10. Announcement of the results of the first round by the jury.

11. Let's start the second round. The music for the film “Deadly Force” is playing - “Let’s break through, opera” (video). I think it’s not difficult to guess that the second round is dedicated to the region of the country of Chitalia called “Detective”. Everyone loves detectives. But I am unlikely to be mistaken if I say that among all the characters who have the ability to unravel the most complex crimes, the most popular detective from the works of the writer Conan Doyle is Sherlock Holmes. Did you know that the author of the work was skeptical about his hero? He believed that stories and stories about him were short-lived. But the writer was wrong. Holmes became a very popular hero. Meticulous researchers sorted out his life and unearthed facts about the character that even Conan Doyle himself did not suspect.

Now you will have to become detectives for a while, like Sherlock Holmes, and decipher the letter you received.

N...m st...l... ...s...stn..., u v...s,


Pr......x...t s...ych...s,

...v...d...t r...b...t et...x, and m...l...x.


P...v...r...t them with...l...!

(We learned

What a holiday you have,

And we are interested

Come now

See these guys

Smart and cute.

Test their knowledge

Test their strength!)

(Book characters)

12. During execution, a trailer for the film "Sherlock Holmes" (2009) starring Robert Downey Jr. is shown.

13. Many different things came into the finds room of the country of Chitalia. Great detectives! We need to find their owners, provide their name and address. The address is the title of the book, the hero of which is the owner of this item. (All things and objects are shown on the screen in the presentation.)

1) Microscope, lancet, bag of frogs.

2) Perfume in cut crystal;
Combs, steel files,
Straight scissors, curved
And brushes of thirty kinds
For both nails and teeth.

3) Newspaper "Vest", printed gingerbread, greasy cards.

4) Beautiful pear-shaped pearl earrings, a notebook converted from a prayer book, bound in velvet, attached to a thin Venetian chain.

5) A magic mirror that can speak.

6) A magazine abandoned by the owner with diary entries beginning with the story “Taman”.

7) Little glass slipper.

8) A manuscript that doesn't burn.

9) Broken trough.

10) Disgusting yellow flowers.

14. You know that every self-respecting detective had a special file cabinet where he entered information about people of interest to him. I have such a file cabinet too. This box contains verbal portraits of characters from books you know and interesting facts from the lives of writers. I'll introduce you to a few. You must name a literary hero by his verbal portrait, determine in which work he acts, who is the author of the work – in the first two questions. And the 3rd and 4th are the full name of the writer in question.

(The presenter reads passages to the teams one by one.)

    Haircut in the latest fashion,

How a London dandy is dressed -

And finally saw the light.

He's completely French

He could express himself and wrote;

I danced the mazurka easily

And he bowed casually.

Why do you need more? The light has decided

That he is smart and very nice.

    “... huge, like a hog, black, like soot or a rook, and with a desperate cavalry mustache...” “...Now he had a white tailcoat tie in a bow around his neck, and on his chest, mother-of-pearl ladies’ binoculars on a strap. Moreover, his mustache was gilded..." "...why did you gild your mustache? And why the hell do you need a tie if you don't have pants on?.."

    And this poet left Russia in February 1920 through Odessa, through Constantinople, Sofia and Belgrade and ended up in Paris, where he settled, spending the summer in the town of Grasse, in the Maritime Alps. For him, it was all over with “great Russia” after February 1917. He decisively and categorically rejected the Provisional Government and its leaders, seeing them as pitiful figures who could only lead Russia to the abyss. He resolutely did not accept the Bolshevik leadership, and called his short stay, first in red Moscow, and then in red Odessa, “Cursed days.” And yet the best has been written about Russia, but outside of Russia. He was the first Russian writer to be awarded the Nobel Prize.

    And this poet seems to take all our worries upon himself, answers our questions, calms us down, and teaches us, and instills hope. Front-line soldier. Born on May 9. He died in a military hospital near Paris in 1997. During the funeral service, priest Father George said that this man’s poems could be read like psalms, because in almost every one of them one can feel the thirst for kneeling and soaring. His “Prayer” was repeated by thousands of people who had never known how to pray and had never discovered the Gospel. Who is he?

“Prayer” by B. Okudzhava is playing (video clip performed by Zhanna Bichevskaya).

15.The 2nd round has ended. While the jury sums up the results, the presenter says: Aristotle was once asked: “How can students succeed?” “Catch up with those who are ahead, and not wait for those who are behind,” he quickly answered. And he was, of course, right. So, be bold, catch up with the first, so as not to be the last. While there is such a possibility.

16. The third round of our ring is called the “blitz auction”. Of course, when traveling to the country of Chitalia, we cannot help but look into fairy tales. It is for team captains.

1st team

1. Scientist resident of Lukomorye. ( Cat)

2. The profession of the old man who caught the goldfish. (Fisherman)

3. What part of the face was damaged after the bumblebee bite? (Nose)

4. Whom did the prince save by killing the sorcerer with an arrow? ( Swan)

5. The worker began to “twist the rope and soak the end of it in the sea.” Who came out of the sea after this? ( Demon)

6. What did the beggar Chernavka throw into the princess’s hands? (Apple )

7. Magic liquid, it can be alive or dead. (Water)

8. Everyone in that city is rich, there are no huts, only .... (Chambers)

9. What object brought the queen and her son to the deserted island? ( Barrel)

10.Who asked the Shamakhan queen as a reward? (Sage)

2nd team

1. Which island did the trading people sail past? ? (Brawler)

2. Weaver, cook, matchmaker... (Bavarian )

3. How many warrior brothers wooed the beautiful princess? ( Seven)

4. The most modest wish of the old woman who lived by the blue sea? (Trough)

5. Who was ordered to “take the princess into the wilderness of the forest and, tying her up, alive, under a pine tree, leave her there to be devoured by the wolves”? (Chernavka)

6. What did the talking head keep? (Sword)

7. Who tried to save the princess while the heroes were hunting? (Dog)

8. The sorcerer bird killed by the prince’s arrow . (Kite)

9. On the same day he began to reign

And he called himself: Prince... (Guidon)

10.Which tree was decorated with a golden chain? (Oak)

17. Summing up the results of the literary ring. Presentation of certificates and prizes.

Quiz “Who flies what?” (available for fans)

She flies on a broom (Baba Yaga) And he flies on a cannonball (Baron Munchausen) A motor on his back (Carlson) He has even been to the moon (Dunno) He will always fly on the carpet If only his beard were dry (Hottabych) And this one, if he flies , From all heads she burns with fire (Snake Gorynych) She flies on a swallow, Saved from a terrible wedding (Thumbelina) His balloon carries him To his cherished goal - this is honey! (Winnie the Pooh)

She would fly and fly whenever she opened her mouth. (Frog-traveler) And this one became so small, He flew astride a goose. (Nils) She flew in her house, And not alone, but with a faithful dog. (Ellie with Totoshka) Her intelligent spaceship is leading the superfuel. (Alisa Selezneva)