Domino Biography – Dom1no (Gangsburg) – Heavy-caliber machine gun rhymes. Biography Domino Dom no biography

Dom!no is the true child of hip-hop. The absolute frankness of his texts made him special and unique. His music makes you think, music in which everyone finds themselves.
Without knowing the notes, he is the author of urban sadness, where every note is a drop in the ocean of recognition. His interests, behavior and lifestyle are killed by boring standards. His handwriting is a pulse line on a machine that monitors the beating of someone's heart...

Dom!no is an author and performer of his own songs. He has two full-length solo albums to his credit, which have become quite successful in Internet circles. Dom!no also works with other performers as the author of music and lyrics. The project is currently on hold for several reasons. Most likely the project will be closed.

History of the project "Dom!no": "To my Hollywood..."
How it all began? I remember how I started losing people. He did it boldly and without regret. Moved away. Dive to the depth of 5 oceans. They tried to catch me but to no avail. I'm in character. Later the image will replace myself. I will remake myself completely. I'll fall in love with my loneliness. This “isolation” will later be written off as my arrogance. But that's later. After the album “My Music Hypnosis”. Because before this album, by and large, no one gave a damn about me.

Everything that happened before “hypnosis” was preparation. I studied. Eminem inspired, Eminem was a guide. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t be in music. We are all the fruits of our idols. Everything.
Schools, lyceums - everything passes me by. With difficulty 9th grade, then freedom. Without work, I didn’t work much within the system, the money came on its own, I don’t know how, I can’t explain. Heaven cared. Thank you.

Didn't like clubs and their companies. I perceived them as “adult children.” Their maximalism, everything comes out. Pathos. I'm out of place. Became a black sheep for them. He did it intentionally, of his own free will. I could not write anything for two years, but they still talked about me. Usually in the negative. When you are better than someone, you must be prepared for the fact that they will not like you. This is not schizophrenia, this is the law. And even now some of them are reading this and want to teach me something. It was their choice, they wanted it, they got it. I'm tired of reacting. Sometimes they invented things that are difficult to comprehend. For example, that I wear old clothes for three years to match the created image, that I am actually rich and the list goes on... In fact, I just don’t care what I’m wearing. It's funny, they rented clothes to do a photo shoot. And that's how all this rap works. People are afraid to be themselves. But I was not afraid, and hence there is a lot of gossip and lies. I will not reveal this topic. They do it so well without me. Poor guys. I forgive, they will grow up and realize.

I'm wildly grateful to music. She saved me from doorsteps, unnecessary acquaintances, drinking and other list of teenage life. Of course, there was such a life, too, but I shortened it to the point of disgrace. I don't regret it. There was an overdose. Changed me. I still remember these 300 heart beats per minute and phrases from “friends” like “Nonsense, it happens to everyone..” This story taught me to love life. To truly appreciate, without bad habits, learned to speak beautifully, self-knowledge. Then I finally lost the rest of my friends. These constant conversations about drugs, and they could skillfully jump to them from any topic. It was funny, but quickly got boring. I think everyone stayed the same, I don’t hold grudges against anyone. Is it true. And you don't keep it.

He was not afraid to talk about himself in music. Don't make things up. No money, no women, no work - it doesn’t matter. It's stupid to hide. There were songs about money and women, but at the club they didn’t even have enough money to buy alcohol. Funny. I knew that there were too many people with my problems to remain silent about it. Some people come to music to assert themselves, I came to give faith to those who need it. You are not alone. You are not alone.

There were also producers. Scammers. It's all about money. No one will make an artist out of you except yourself. Unless, of course, you're willing to pay. I was not ready, and I had nothing. In normal show business, you create to make money; in our show business, you pay money to create. In the end, nothing worked out. I consider myself undeservedly unpopular in this country, this is true. And my fans often talk about this. But now I don't think about it. There are many listeners, three thousand, five thousand. What's the difference? I'm not a collector of people. Music for the heart, nothing more. Whoever likes him is with me. The rest don't interest me. A completely adequate position. It is not in my plans to destroy the world. It’s easier and more correct this way. Breathe and rejoice. Love and don't fool around. Live.

Didn't perform in clubs. It's funny. There are reasons and the main one is my breathing. There was pneumonia. Very daring and with complications. As a child, I climbed onto the ceiling - looking for air. This is literally true. My airways were closing and I was suffocating. Dying. What did we go through then! Later it affected my lungs, leaving me short of air. It's similar to asthma. The lung capacity is not enough to perform normally. Looks pretty creepy. Therefore, the speeches had to be deleted. They often invite me to different cities. Both for money and without. That's not the point. Air, that's all.

In general, the last thing I thought about was money in music. Is it true. Today I have to make a price list. Now everything is changing. Adult life, changing rules. Those who need it will use it. I'm not forcing you. People need to understand that I have someone to record with without financial issues. There are people who can give music as a gift without benefiting themselves. Or just write a text for someone. And I do it. The price exists for the rest. I will always support newcomers and simply talented guys. I listen to other people's demos whenever I have time and desire. And I’ll give advice or leave an opinion if they need it. But there are certain rules in music. And the price is included in these rules. Those who cannot understand this now will understand it later, I assure you. I know this from personal experience.

There was too much music. Hundreds of new bands and performers appear on the Internet every day. People pump out gigabytes of albums and mixtapes a day. This situation changed people's attitude towards music itself. They stopped appreciating her. Someone can download an album and immediately delete it just because they didn’t like the intro, for example. And indeed it is. Music is no longer valuable. The Internet has given freedom for promotion, but it has also weakened the value of the music itself. It's horrible. Remember how before, when you bought an album, you might not immediately like it, but then, listening to it again, you began to understand what the artist wanted to convey to you, and you fell in love with this material. The Internet killed this moment, killed it easily and without regret. Now you need to do something really unrealistic to get noticed. But you can be an offensively loud upstart, like most Russian rap artists, and then you will be noticed and listened to even without talent. Barking dogs are always attractive. It’s logical to put an ellipsis here...

And although people can now download my albums from my website for free, I leave the possibility of financial support for my project. I am an adult, and for many reasons, for the future existence of me as a creative person, for the development of this creative person, I need money. Expensive equipment, payment for studio work, payment for a website and a lot of other things that people simply don’t know or think about. For example, people often tell me about the quality of my recordings, but people have no idea how hard I work on it. Everything in Dom!no belongs to me. From the first note in a song to recording the finished composition on disc. I am very jealous of my creativity, so I am used to doing everything myself. And I will do it myself. So now I am providing an opportunity to support my project. Support him financially. You can download my albums for free and no one will blame you for it. The point is respect for the author, and desire for his further development. And by sending an amount equal to, for example, the cost of the same disk, perhaps this will encourage further existence. We need perspective, and I believe that my listener will understand this situation correctly, without any leftist thoughts about “easy” money, etc. Everyone decides for themselves.

I don’t tell anyone about my plans, I know that now no matter what I do, it will be put on the same scale as music. They will tell me what to do better. It's logical. Therefore, it is better for me not to say anything. Just do your life. Plasticine in my hands, experimenting.

And closing this monologue, I will not say goodbye. But I won’t give any hope. Whoever I am in your eyes, no matter what people say about me from the outside, know that when I wrote my music, I wanted to say that you are not alone.

The name "Domino" is used by several artists. This includes a West Coast rapper, a Eurobeat singer, an American rock group, and a Japanese girl group, DOMINO.

Please note that the correct name of the RUSSIAN artist: dom!No

1. Rapper Domino from Long Beach, California, in December 1993, independently recorded and released his first 2 hits, “Getto Jam” and “Sweet Potatoe Pie.”
3 years later, Domino released his 2nd album “Physical Funk”, but it was no longer so successful. In 1997 - the third album, entitled “Dominology”. The last, fifth, “D-Freaked It”, was released in the summer of 2001.

3. The real name of Eurobeat singer Domino is Alessandra Mirka Gatti. Her career began in 1988 when her first song, “Fever,” was released on the Discomagic label.
In 1990, together with Dave Rodgers, Domino founded the A-Beat C label, and since then, she has released 2 albums, as many singles and countless single tracks, which made her one of the most popular and recognizable Eurobeat performers.
At the current stage of her career, Domino is more focused on producing music rather than performing on her own. She has written songs for A-Beat C artists such as Lolita, Go Go Girls and others.
On May 9, 2006, Alessandra and Sandro Oliva, who also worked for A-Beat C, opened their own label, Gogo’s Music.

4. Group from New York consisting of:
Vocalist Domino Kirke came to New York from England at age 12 and performed around the city until he was 15.
Jordan Galland, guitarist, from New York.
David Muller, drums. David grew up in Hong Kong and spent his youth practicing the drums, guitar and trumpet.
Sam Koppelma. Sam successfully auditioned to be a drummer in Digible Planets, but due to his young age (he was only 15 years old at that time) he was rejected.

The group's first album was released in the spring of 2007 at Mark Ronson's Allido Records.
Official page on MySpace:

5. Also, Domino is the name of one of the bands led by Tony Burrows in the early 70s. They only had one hit, called "Have You Had A Little Happiness Lately".

6. Indonesian group which includes:
Ifan (vocals)
Ade (guitar)
Izal (guitar)
Lucky (bass guitar)
JeJe (drums)
Official MySpace page:

1. Rapper Domino from Long Beach, California, in December 1993, independently recorded and released his first 2 hits “Getto ... Read all

The name "Domino" is used by several artists. This includes a West Coast rapper, a Eurobeat singer, an American rock group, and a Japanese girl group, DOMINO.

Please note that the correct name of the RUSSIAN artist: dom!No. Please correct your tags.

1. Rapper Domino from Long Beach, California, in December 1993, independently recorded and released his first 2 hits, “Getto Jam” and “Sweet Potatoe Pie.”
3 years later, Domino released his 2nd album “Physical Funk”, but it was no longer so successful. In 1997 - the third album, entitled “Dominology”. The last, fifth, “D-Freaked It”, was released in the summer of 2001.

3. The real name of Eurobeat singer Domino is Alessandra Mirka Gatti. Her career began in 1988 when her first song, “Fever,” was released on the Discomagic label.
In 1990, together with Dave Rodgers, Domino founded the A-Beat C label, and since then, she has released 2 albums, as many singles and countless single tracks, which made her one of the most popular and recognizable Eurobeat performers.
At the current stage of her career, Domino is more focused on producing music rather than performing on her own. She has written songs for A-Beat C artists such as Lolita, Go Go Girls and others.
On May 9, 2006, Alessandra and Sandro Oliva, who also worked for A-Beat C, opened their own label.

4. Group from New York consisting of:
Vocalist Domino Kirke came to New York from England at age 12 and performed around the city until he was 15.
Jordan Galland, guitarist, from New York.
David Muller, drums. David grew up in Hong Kong and spent his youth practicing the drums, guitar and trumpet.
Sam Koppelma. Sam successfully auditioned to be a drummer, but due to his young age (he was only 15 years old at that time) he was rejected.

The group's first album was released in the spring of 2007 at Mark Ronson's Allido Records.
Official MySpace page:

5. Also, Domino is the name of one of the bands led by Tony Burrows in the early 70s. They only had one hit, called "Have You Had A Little Happiness Lately".

6. Indonesian group which includes:
Ifan (vocals)
Ade (guitar)
Izal (guitar)
Lucky (bass guitar)
JeJe (drums)
Official page on MySpace.


How it all began? I remember how I started losing people. He did it boldly and without regret. Moved away. Dive to the depth of 5 oceans. They tried to catch me but to no avail. I'm in character. Later the image will replace myself. I will remake myself completely. I'll fall in love with my loneliness. This “isolation” will later be attributed to my arrogance. But that's later. After the album “My Music Hypnosis”. Because before this album, no one really cared about me.

Everything that happened before “hypnosis” was preparation. I studied. Eminem inspired, Eminem was a guide. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t be in music. We are all the fruits of our idols. Everything.

Schools, lyceums - everything passes me by. With difficulty 9th grade, then freedom. Without work, I didn’t work much within the system, the money came on its own, I don’t know how, I can’t explain. Heaven cared. Thank you.

Didn't like clubs and their companies. I perceived them as “adult children.” Their maximalism, everything comes out. Pathos. I'm out of place. Became a black sheep for them. He did it intentionally, of his own free will. I could not write anything for two years, but they still talked about me. Usually in the negative. When you are better than someone, you must be prepared to be disliked. This is not schizophrenia, this is the law. And even now some of them are reading this and want to convict me of something. It was their choice, they wanted it, they got it. I'm tired of reacting. Sometimes they invented things that are difficult to comprehend. For example, that I wear old clothes for three years to match the created image, that I am actually rich and the list goes on... In fact, I just don’t care what I’m wearing. It's funny, they rented clothes to do a photo shoot. And that's how all this rap works. People are afraid to be themselves. But I was not afraid, and hence there is a lot of gossip and lies. I will not reveal this topic. They do it so well without me. Poor guys. I forgive, they will grow up and realize.

I'm wildly grateful to music. She saved me from doorsteps, unnecessary acquaintances, drinking and other list of teenage life. Of course, such a life also existed, but I shortened it to the point of disgrace. I don't regret it. There was an overdose. Changed me. I still remember these 300 heart beats per minute and phrases from “friends” like “Nonsense, it happens to everyone..” This story taught me to love life. To truly appreciate, without bad habits, learned to speak beautifully, self-knowledge. Then I finally lost the rest of my friends. These constant conversations about drugs, and they could skillfully jump to them from any topic. It was funny, but quickly got boring. I think everyone stayed the same, I don’t hold grudges against anyone. Is it true. And you don't keep it.

He was not afraid to talk about himself in music. Don't make things up. No money, no women, no work – it doesn’t matter. It's stupid to hide. There were songs about money and women, but at the club they didn’t even have enough money to buy alcohol. Funny. I knew that there were too many people with my problems to remain silent about it. Some people come to music to assert themselves, I came to give faith to those who need it. You are not alone. You are not alone.

There were also producers. Scammers. All about money. No one will make an artist out of you except yourself. Unless, of course, you're willing to pay. I was not ready, and I had nothing. In normal show business, you create to make money; in our show business, you pay money to create. In the end, nothing worked out. I consider myself undeservedly unpopular in this country, this is true. And my fans often talk about this. But now I don't think about it. There are many listeners, three thousand, five thousand. What's the difference? I'm not a collector of people. Music for the heart, nothing more. Whoever likes him is with me. The rest don't interest me. A completely adequate position. Conquering the world is not in my plans. It’s easier and more correct this way. Breathe and rejoice. Love and don't fool around. Live.

Didn't perform in clubs. It's funny. There are reasons and the main one is my breathing. There was pneumonia. Very daring and with complications. As a child, I climbed onto the ceiling - looking for air. This is literally true. My airways were closing and I was suffocating. Dying. What did we go through then! Later it affected my lungs, leaving me short of air. It's similar to asthma. The lung capacity is not enough to perform normally. Looks pretty creepy. Therefore, the speeches had to be deleted. They often invite me to different cities. Both for money and without. That's not the point. Air, that's all.

I don’t tell anyone about my plans, I know that now no matter what I do, it will be put on the same scale as music. They will tell me what to do better. It's logical. Therefore, it is better for me not to say anything. Just do your life. Plasticine in my hands, experimenting.

And closing this monologue, I will not say goodbye. But I won’t give any hope. Whoever I am in your eyes, no matter what people say about me from the outside, know that when I wrote my music, I wanted to say that you are not alone. “You are a person and that means someone needs you” (c)

Tags: domino, dom!no, domino

* specified by the site user

Real name - Alexey Kashtanov, born July 9, 1985

Dom!no is the true child of hip-hop. The absolute frankness of his texts made him special and unique. His music makes you think, music in which everyone finds themselves.

Without knowing the notes, he is the author of urban sadness, where every note is a drop in the ocean of recognition. His interests, behavior and lifestyle are killed by boring standards. His handwriting is a pulse line on a machine that monitors the beating of someone's heart...

Dom!no is an author and performer of his own songs. He has two full-length solo albums to his credit, which became quite successful in Internet circles. Dom!no also works with other performers as the author of music and lyrics. The project is currently on hold for several reasons. Most likely the project will be closed.

History of the project "Dom!no": "To my Hollywood..."

How it all began? I remember how I started losing people. He did it boldly and without regret. Moved away. Dive to the depth of 5 oceans. They tried to catch me but to no avail. I'm in character. Later the image will replace myself. I will remake myself completely. I'll fall in love with my loneliness. This “isolation” will later be written off as my arrogance. But that's later. After the album “My Music Hypnosis”. Because before this album, by and large, no one gave a damn about me.

Everything that happened before “hypnosis” was preparation. I studied. Eminem inspired, Eminem was a guide. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t be in music. We are all the fruits of our idols. Everything.

Schools, lyceums - everything passes me by. With difficulty 9th grade, then freedom. Without work, I didn’t work much within the system, the money came on its own, I don’t know how, I can’t explain. Heaven cared. Thank you.

Didn't like clubs and their companies. I perceived them as “adult children.” Their maximalism, everything comes out. Pathos. I'm out of place. Became a black sheep for them. He did it intentionally, of his own free will. I could not write anything for two years, but they still talked about me. Usually in the negative. When you are better than someone, you must be prepared for the fact that they will not like you. This is not schizophrenia, this is the law. And even now some of them are reading this and want to teach me something. It was their choice, they wanted it, they got it. I'm tired of reacting. Sometimes they invented things that are difficult to comprehend. For example, that I wear old clothes for three years to match the created image, that I am actually rich, and the list goes on... In fact, I Just I don't care what I'm wearing. It's funny, they rented clothes to do a photo shoot. And that's how all this rap works. People are afraid to be themselves. But I was not afraid, and hence there is a lot of gossip and lies. I will not reveal this topic. They do it so well without me. Poor guys. I forgive, they will grow up and realize.

I'm wildly grateful to music. She saved me from doorsteps, unnecessary acquaintances, drinking and other list of teenage life. Of course, there was such a life, too, but I shortened it to the point of disgrace. I don't regret it. There was an overdose. Changed me. I still remember these 300 heart beats per minute and phrases from “friends” like “Nonsense, it happens to everyone..” This story taught me to love life. To truly appreciate, without bad habits, learned to speak beautifully, self-knowledge. Then I finally lost the rest of my friends. These constant conversations about drugs, and they could skillfully jump to them from any topic. It was funny, but quickly got boring. I think everyone stayed the same, I don’t hold grudges against anyone. Is it true. And you don't keep it.

He was not afraid to talk about himself in music. Don't make things up. No money, no women, no work – it doesn’t matter. It's stupid to hide. There were songs about money and women, but at the club they didn’t even have enough money to buy alcohol. Funny. I knew that there were too many people with my problems to remain silent about it. Some people come to music to assert themselves, I came to give faith to those who need it. You are not alone. You are not alone.

There were also producers. Scammers. It's all about money. No one will make an artist out of you except yourself. Unless, of course, you're willing to pay. I was not ready, and I had nothing. In normal show business, you create to make money; in our show business, you pay money to create. In the end, nothing worked out. I consider myself undeservedly unpopular in this country, this is true. And my fans often talk about this. But now I don't think about it. There are many listeners, three thousand, five thousand. What's the difference? I'm not a collector of people. Music for the heart, nothing more. Whoever likes him is with me. The rest don't interest me. A completely adequate position. It is not in my plans to destroy the world. It’s easier and more correct this way. Breathe and rejoice. Love and don't fool around. Live.

Didn't perform in clubs. It's funny. There are reasons and the main one is my breathing. There was pneumonia. Very daring and with complications. As a child, I climbed onto the ceiling - looking for air. This is literally true. My airways were closing and I was suffocating. Dying. What did we go through then! Later it affected my lungs, leaving me short of air. It's similar to asthma. The lung capacity is not enough to perform normally. Looks pretty creepy. Therefore, the speeches had to be deleted. They often invite me to different cities. Both for money and without. That's not the point. Air, that's all.

In general, the last thing I thought about was money in music. Is it true. Today I have to make a price list. Now everything is changing. Adult life, changing rules. Those who need it will use it. I'm not forcing you. People need to understand that I have someone to record with without financial issues. There are people who can give music as a gift without benefiting themselves. Or Just This is how to write a text for someone. And I do it. The price exists for the rest. I will always support newcomers and simply talented guys. I listen to other people's demos whenever I have time and desire. And I’ll give advice or leave an opinion if they need it. But there are certain rules in music. And the price is included in these rules. Those who cannot understand this now will understand it later, I assure you. I know this from personal experience.

There was too much music. Hundreds of new bands and performers appear on the Internet every day. People pump out gigabytes of albums and mixtapes a day. This situation changed people's attitude towards music itself. They stopped appreciating her. Someone can download an album and immediately delete it just because they didn’t like the intro, for example. And indeed it is. Music is no longer valuable. Internet gave freedom for promotion, but it also weakened the value of the music itself. It's horrible. Remember how before, when you bought an album, you might not immediately like it, but then, listening to it again, you began to understand what the artist wanted to convey to you, and you fell in love with this material. The Internet killed this moment, killed it easily and without regret. Now you need to do something really unrealistic to get noticed. But you can be an offensively loud upstart, like most Russian rap artists, and then you will be noticed and listened to even without talent. Barking dogs are always attractive. It’s logical to put an ellipsis here...

And although people can now download my albums from my website for free, I leave the possibility of financial support for my project. I am an adult, and for many reasons, for the future existence of me as a creative person, for the development of this creative person, I need money. Expensive equipment, payment for studio work, payment for a website and many more things that people talk about Just They don’t know and don’t think about it. For example, people often tell me about the quality of my recordings, but people have no idea how hard I work on it. Everything in Dom!no belongs to me. From the first note in a song to recording the finished composition on disc. I am very jealous of my creativity, so I am used to doing everything myself. And I will do it myself. So now I am providing an opportunity to support my project. Support him financially. You can download my albums for free and no one will blame you for it. The point is respect for the author, and desire for his further development. And by sending an amount equal to, for example, the cost of the same disk, perhaps this will encourage further existence. We need perspective, and I believe that my listener will understand this situation correctly, without any leftist thoughts about “easy” money, etc. Everyone decides for themselves.

I don’t tell anyone about my plans, I know that now no matter what I do, it will be put on the same scale as music. They will tell me what to do better. It's logical. Therefore, it is better for me not to say anything. Just do your life. Plasticine in my hands, experimenting.

And closing this monologue, I will not say goodbye. But I won’t give any hope. Whoever I am in your eyes, no matter what people say about me from the outside, know that when I wrote my music, I wanted to say that you are not alone. “You are a person and that means someone needs you”