What is intelligence more valuable than wealth? Master class "gold mines"

Long before the appearance of the first handwritten book, the Russian people created a high culture of the spoken word, a unique literature, which is now called oral folk art.

Manuscripts burned, libraries with poetic masterpieces turned into ashes, but no hard times of history could destroy the people's memory. She preserved and brought to us “Gold Placers”.

    A fairy tale accompanies a person throughout his life: in early childhood, our parents told us about them; As we get older, we enjoy reading them ourselves, and then we will tell them to our children and grandchildren.

    Fairy tales are different, there are fairy tales in which such heroes as Vasilisa the Wise and Baba Yaga act - these are fairy tales.

Tales similar to fables are tales about animals.

Fairy tales that deal with the life of pre-revolutionary Russia are everyday fairy tales.

The everyday fairy tale, as its content and its characters show, is the youngest. But the fairy tale originated so long ago that it cannot be said in a fairy tale or described with a pen.

* You, of course, know fairy tales well, and I think you will support me. I will read the beginning of the fairy tale, and you continue it.

1. At the behest of the pike

*At my request.

2. Sivka - Burka, prophetic kaurka

* Stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass.

3. The fox is carrying me to distant forests

* For fast rivers,

For the high mountains.

4. Goats, kids, open up, open up

* Your mother came and brought milk.

5. Who, who lives in the little house?

* Who, who lives in a low place?

5. Go there without knowing where

Bring something without knowing what.

6. Soon the fairy tale will tell

It won't be done soon.

    Fairy tales contain not only interest, not only entertainment. “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows,” wrote the great poet. Indeed, there is always a lesson in a fairy tale, but the lesson is very gentle, most often it is friendly advice. From the proposed proverbs, choose the proverb that reflects the meaning of the fairy tale.

1. Fairy tale “Porridge from an axe”

*Smartness is more valuable than wealth.

2. Fairy tale “The Fox and the Crane”.

* They pay for good and good.

3. Ivan is a peasant son and Miracle is a Yudo.

* Your own land is sweet in a handful.

4. Fairy tale “The Frog Princess”

* The beginning is not expensive, but the end is praiseworthy.

    Russian folk tale is the deepest source of education for a person’s spiritual qualities. To answer the question: “What do fairy tales teach?” we will grow the tree of Wisdom. And the tree, as you know, is red with its fruits. What fruits will ripen on this tree? Let's answer this question together.

I will name the fairy tale, and you will remember those best spiritual qualities of a person that are reflected in it.

    “Marya – beauty – long braid”

**Bravery, courage, love.

    "Cockerel - a golden comb"

**Loyalty, friendship.

    "Vasilisa the Wise"


    "Swan geese"

**Obedience and patience.


**Kindness and hard work.

Indeed, this is an incredible land of fantasies and wonders, teaching a person to be kind and sympathetic, honest and decent.

    The fundamental principles of the fairy tale - the life and ideas of ancient man - have long been forgotten. Now everything is different! Another life walks on Earth, but the fairy tale lives on!

Name modern objects that came to us from a fairy tale.

Gusli - samogudy -* record player.

Rejuvenating apples -* face cream.

Emelya's stove -* automobile.

Burenushka Tiny Khavroshechki -* washing machine and iron.

Feather Heat - birds -* electricity.

Miracle - mirror– * satellite communications and television.

Ball of thread -* compass.

Carpet plane -* airliner.

*In modern life, the principle has been preserved: in order to get something, to deserve something, you need to work hard and pass tests. Study, sports, and adult careers are built according to this scheme. Orthodoxy stands on this.

*Every day, like in a fairy tale, we are faced with a choice: what should we be? By conquering laziness, cowardice, selfishness, and impatience, we perform a great miracle - we become better and kinder, finding the meaning of our whole life.

    Thank you for your attention!

“The work of the school library” - The main directions of work on the formation of information culture. Use of ICT in school libraries. The main functions of a modern school library also follow from the main task of the library: Structure of the library collection. Sometimes school libraries are called media libraries. Determining the theme and main idea of ​​the text.

“Typology of libraries” - Typologies of the early twentieth century. Special libraries. Basic meanings of the concept “type”. The first scientific attempts to create typologies of library institutions. Offer. “type”, “typical”, “typology”. Types of libraries of the twentieth century. Types of typologies. Type is an essential, not a status or formal characteristic.

“Library Day” - The National Library of the Republic of Tajikistan has a long history. Republican Youth Library of Tatarstan. In 2008, the library celebrated its 30th anniversary. Lost in the notes People without tomorrow and people without memory." Or concentrate - create the Great. In the silence of libraries, the most important work is going on. But only on January 10 (24), 1865, the city public library was opened.

“The role of the library in the educational process” - The main functions of the library. The subscription is always crowded. Great importance is attached to conducting library and bibliographic literacy lessons for schoolchildren. Celebration “Initiation of first-graders into readers.” Readers' Awards. Library readers take an active part in city competitions and Olympiads.

"Education of School Librarians" - Journal Evaluation. Library budget. Required courses for certification. Continuing education of school librarians. Certification program. Educational service centers. Certification of school librarians. Functioning of the library. Computer applications. Recommended sequence of program courses.

Sections: Primary School

Russian literature lesson in 2nd grade

1. Introduce one of the types of fairy tales - an everyday fairy tale.

2. Instill an interest in reading.

3. Work on expressive reading.

4. Develop speech, expand your vocabulary.

Lesson type: lesson of primary study and consolidation of new knowledge.

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment.

II. Working on reading skills:

  • independent reading;
  • patter reading;
  • expressive reading to a neighbor.

1. - What topic are we studying?(Folklore)

Name the genres of oral folk art (folk songs, nursery rhymes, riddles,

proverbs, fairy tales, tongue twisters, ditties, jokes)

Give examples.

re-enactment(2 students participate)

- Grandma, tell me a story.

What kind of fairy tale do you want, grandson?

Grandma, are fairy tales really different?

How would you answer this question? (On the board there is a support diagram)

I'm sure you all love fairy tales. What attracts you to them?

“A fairy tale is a lie and there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows!” (On the desk)

What can a fairy tale teach?

(The fairy tale teaches goodness and justice. Teaches you to understand someone else’s misfortune and always come to the rescue)

2. Let's check how you know fairy tales.

  1. What is the name of the device on which Baba Yaga flies?
  2. Who caught fish with their tail?
  3. Who said these words: “The fox is carrying me beyond the dark forests, beyond the high mountains, into distant spaces”?
  4. It didn’t lie on the window, it rolled along the path.
  5. The beautiful maiden is sad

She doesn't like spring
It's hard for her in the sun,
The poor thing is shedding tears.

(The teacher writes the students’ answers on the board)

There's another word hidden here. Find him.

What does the word AX mean? (Chopping tool...)

3. Primary reading.

Name the main characters of the fairy tale?

4. Independent reading.

Mark any words you don't understand as you read.

OBYVKA – short vacation

ROAD MAN – a person who is on the road.

SERVANT - military man, soldier

I BOUGHT - I regret it

NOTICED - noticed

WONDER - surprised

Why are there so many outdated words in the fairy tale?

Let's choose words that characterize the heroes.

How did these traits manifest themselves? Prove (Selective reading)

Who did you like best? Why?

What kind of fairy tale is this? Justify the answer.

Students are asked to draw conclusions about what is ridiculed in everyday fairy tales and what is glorified.

(!)In everyday fairy tales, laziness and greed are ridiculed, and the intelligence and ingenuity of ordinary people are glorified.

What lesson did you learn from reading this fairy tale?

What proverb can be chosen for a fairy tale?

1. Guess is no worse than reason.

2. Intelligence is more valuable than wealth.

3. A fool will turn sour, but a wise man will provide for everything.

(Work on the content of the proverb)


What kind of fairy tales are there?

Name the features of an everyday fairy tale.

Homework: (optionally)

  • expressive reading;
  • retelling;
  • try to compose an everyday fairy tale.

Money, from the moment of its emergence in human society, has firmly entered into our lives, which is why in Russian folk proverbs and sayings this subject wide open The most accurate, bright and understandable proverbs about money, about money we have collected on this page. A selection of proverbs useful for children and schoolchildren to do homework.

Contents [Show]

5 proverbs about money

  • Money is like water: it floats to no one knows where.

Proverbs about money

(from the collection “Schoolchild’s Dictionary. Proverbs, sayings, catchphrases”, author O. D. Ushakova)

  • The worst of all troubles is when there is no money.
  • The wind moves in your head, and emptiness wanders in your pocket.
  • There's a hole in one pocket, and it's time to fix the other one.
  • Move to keep the money moving.
  • Money is guests: sometimes it’s gone, sometimes it’s a handful.
  • Money is not the head, it’s a matter of gain.
  • Money without legs, but it will go around the whole world.
  • Money is like water: it floats to no one knows where.
  • It's frosty outside, but the money in your pocket is melting.
  • Money loves work.
  • Money loves the account.

From the collection “Russian folk proverbs and sayings”

(compiled by A. M. Zhigulev)

  • Labor money feeds the century.
  • Money is a piece of cake: blow on it and it’s gone.
  • Money is not wood chips, you can’t pick it up on the floor.
  • Labor money is always strong.
  • Righteous money lives forever.
  • Money without legs, but it will go around the whole world.
  • Money is not born: it will be born in winter.
  • Money comes and goes like water.
  • Money is not the head, it’s a gainful matter.
  • It also happens that you are not happy about money.
  • Labor money is a nuisance.
  • Money is not splinters, it is strong.
  • There was not a penny, but suddenly it was altyn.
  • Count the money in your pocket.

Proverbs on the topic “Money”

  • Thrift is not stinginess.
  • Penny by penny - the family will survive.
  • Every penny is added to the account: a penny saved saves a ruble.
  • What you save today will be useful tomorrow.
  • He lives needlessly who saves money.
  • Wealth is water: it came and went.
  • Good fame is better than wealth.
  • In wealth the belly is full, but the soul is hungry.
  • Wealth is with gold, and poverty is with joy.
  • Wealth cannot buy intelligence.
  • Tears flow through pearls, and tears flow through gold.
  • A rich man, shoveling money.
  • Rich, but crooked; poor, really.
  • He has no money and no chickens to eat.
  • The rich feast on weekdays, but the poor grieve on holidays.
  • A rich man would eat money if the poor man did not feed him bread.
  • If you want to eat rolls, don't sit on the stove.
  • Labor feeds, but laziness spoils.
  • The work is dirty, but the money is white.
  • Where there is work, there is plenty, but in a lazy house it is empty.
  • Go harder, the porridge will be thicker.
  • If you don't work hard, you won't get bread.
  • What is the profit, such is the living.
  • For work and pay. Money from work.
  • For money and work.
  • If you sow thickly, it will not be empty.

Proverbs and sayings about money

(from the collection “Russian Proverbs and Sayings”, author M. A. Rybnikova)

  • Money is like pigeons: where it settles in, it will behave there.
  • Money is like sparrows: it will fly and fly away again,
  • Money is like stones: it weighs heavily on the soul.
  • Without money, everyone is skinny.
  • Bread is measure, words are faith, money is account.
  • The friendship score does not spoil. More often the score means longer friendship.
  • They love money.
  • Labor money lies tightly, someone else's money stands on edge.
  • A labor penny is stronger than a stolen ruble.
  • There is rye in the barn - there is a penny in your pocket.
  • Save your money for a rainy day.
  • Anyone who doesn’t save a penny isn’t worth a ruble.
  • Anyone who doesn’t spare a penny doesn’t care about a ruble.
  • Money is a gainful thing.
  • I’ll be healthy and get money.
  • If we were there, there would be money.
  • The money is round - it rolls all the time.
  • Money is not in money, but in deeds.
  • The work is hard, but the money is white.
  • A kopeck saves the ruble.
  • And pennies are good money.
  • A nearby penny is more valuable than a distant ruble.
  • It's freezing outside, but the money in your pocket is melting.
  • We manage money like water in a sieve.
  • I saved up and bought the hell out of it.
  • People are everything, but money is trash.
  • The price is low - cheaper than steamed turnips.
  • They don't give nickels for a penny.
  • I regretted the altyn - I lost half a dime.
  • Go for the big one, don't regret the little.
  • Money, like sparrows, will visit people and fly to us.
  • Those who are chasing long rubles are mistaken.
  • Extra money is not a burden to your pocket.

Proverbs and sayings with the word “Money”

(from the book “Encyclopedia of Folk Wisdom”, author N. Uvarov)

  • Time gives money, but money can’t buy time.
  • Time is more valuable than money.
  • Money will give birth to money, but trouble will give birth to trouble.
  • Money doesn't care about laws.
  • Money counts, but bread has a measure.
  • Money is a guest: today it’s gone, but tomorrow it’s a handful.
  • Money is a gainful thing.
  • Money is iron, clothes are decay, and leather is the most precious thing.
  • Money is evil and it lasts a long time.
  • Money is the key to all doors.
  • Money is the best sedative.
  • Money is not rye: it will be born in winter.
  • Your money has become ours.
  • Money blinds the eyes.
  • Money goes to money.
  • Money clings to money.
  • Money doesn't smell!
  • Money is like manure, gone today, but gone tomorrow.

10.10.2013 zagadky 66 comments

A woman with a cart makes it easier for a mare.(The meaning of the proverb is that if you get rid of unnecessary people or situations, then everything will only get better.)

Grandma said in two.(The meaning of the saying is that a person explained the essence of what was happening in two ways and incomprehensibly, or stated the situation incomprehensibly.)

The master's request is a strict order.(The meaning of the proverb is that if you depend on a person, then it is impossible not to fulfill his request, since you depend on him.)

There is trouble in the village if there is quinoa on the table.(Russian folk proverb. It means that if there is quinoa on the table (this is a type of grass), it means there is a bad harvest in the villages and there is nothing to eat except grass.)

Poor Kuzenka - a poor song.(Previously, in Rus', a song with praise was sung to grooms in order to present all his virtues to the bride. If the groom was greedy, then at the wedding they sang a song to him not with all the praise, in response to his greed.)

The poor man just needs to gird himself to get ready.(Russian proverb means that it is very easy for a poor person to get ready for a trip, because there is nothing to take.)

Troubles torment, but teach the mind.(Russian folk proverb. It means that when trouble comes, it is of course very bad, but conclusions must be drawn from each such situation in order to prevent the misfortune from happening again in the future. Troubles teach a person to draw conclusions, analyze each of his actions, so as not to have more troubles.)

He ran from the smoke and fell into the fire.(Russian proverb. Means that if you rush and rush thoughtlessly in a difficult situation, you can only make the situation worse.)

He runs as if the earth beneath him is on fire.(Proverb. It means that a person runs very fast at a particular moment in time, or simply runs very fast in life, like an Olympic champion.) at the request of Alice.

Without letters and grammar one cannot learn mathematics.(The proverb means that if you do not know the letters, then it is almost impossible to learn mathematics, since letters are an integral part of mathematics, and without them mathematics would not exist.)

Without water, the land is wasteland.(Everything is clear here without decoding.))) Without water, nothing can grow and survive.)

A week without a year.(The saying is said when very little time has passed, or the age is very young.)

To live without anything is only to smoke the sky.(The proverb says that every person in life should do what he does best. If a person does nothing in life, then such a life is devoid of much meaning.)

Sleep better without money.(Russian proverb. It means that it is difficult for a rich person to keep his money; there will always be people who want to take it away. And if they are not there, then there is nothing to take away.)

I got married without me. (The proverb is said when a person was absent from some action or event, and others decided everything for him.)

Without science it’s like without hands.(A simple but very wise proverb. It means that if a person does not study, does not try to gain new knowledge, then he will achieve little good in life.)

Without trousers, but in a hat. (A saying about a person who puts on a new beautiful thing, along with old ugly pants, shoes, or other bad old clothes.)

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  • Figure out for yourself where the shore is, where the edge is.
  • Sometimes you don't need a scientist, but you need a smart one.
  • Happiness is more valuable than wealth; ingenuity will deceive both.
  • It’s not the intelligence that wanders, but the intelligence that leads others.
  • Not the fighter who overcame, but the one who wriggled out.
  • Guess is as good as reason.
  • Be aware of what people say.
  • You have a beard, and I myself have a mustache.
  • One blinks, and the other is already aware.
  • Every blind person thinks to herself.
  • He has no ingenuity, and his studies did not work out.
  • Sharpen your hearing and eyes: he who is brave and cunning will win.
  • Cunning and intelligence help to hit the enemy accurately.
  • Where you can’t take it by force, you need to grab it.
  • Whistle to a smart guy, and he already understands.
  • Ingenuity will help in any matter.
  • If you are smart and cunning, you will defeat your enemies.
  • Ingenuity in war helps doubly.
  • Smart and cunning - he wiped the noses of five.
  • To chop accurately, you need savvy.
  • In war you need toughness and ingenuity.
  • Not every ingenuity is a godsend.
  • Cunning and ingenuity are sisters.
  • The quick-witted soldier also has a grenade glove.
  • We need not only a scientist, but also a smart one.
  • A fighter with wit also fights with a stick.
  • The Russian soldier is rich in savvy: he can decide with his mind and back it up with a bayonet.
  • The savvy is three times stronger, he wins the war.
  • Where the fighter realizes it, the end of the enemy is there.
  • Forget about fighting, to move forward - you need calculation.
  • Take a bag, a bayonet, a gas mask and your wits in reserve.
  • Hone your hearing and eyes - the one who wins is the one who is brave and cunning.
  • Hone your skills - they will come in handy in battle.
  • Consider for yourself how much smelt is worth, and so is a small fish.
  • The tongue gives the answer to the tongue, but the head realizes.
  • Use your mind and you will take the enemy alive.
  • Be aware of what people say.
  • Intelligence and savvy are the best asset in battle.
  • The stupid man turns sour, but the wise man sees through everything.
  • Find out for yourself how much the smelt costs, then the small fish.
  • Just whistle, and I can understand it myself.
  • Where there is hardening, there is ingenuity.
  • If strength fails, ingenuity will help.
  • He who is smart is happy.
  • Savvy is a hero. (Yakut)
  • Wits is better than strength. (cargo)
  • Ingenuity stops water too. (Yakut)
  • Forty fascists, two of us, and some wits in reserve. (belor)
  • No ingenuity - no shelter. (Komi)
  • Where the ax does not take, ingenuity will take. (Yakut)
  • Although he is young, he is smart. (udm)
  • A savvy person will reel in another’s mistake. (Karelian)
  • You need to use reason where force won't take you. (ukr)

Tretyakova T.V.

(Altai region Russia

MKOU Berezovskaya secondary school

[email protected])

Ingenuity is more valuable than wealth


To clarify children’s ideas about traditional manifestations of goodwill and hospitality.

To develop social skills in children: sociability, the ability to cooperate, friendly behavior, the desire to share impressions of what they saw and felt, ethical standards.

Cultivate kindness, responsiveness, and the ability to find a way out of a difficult situation.


Manuals for didactic games “Character qualities”, “Neighbors”, “Fairy tale riddles”, multimedia. Cartoon “Porridge from an axe”

Progress of the lesson:

I. Introductory part.


Very often behind events

And behind the bustle of days

We don’t remember our antiquity

We forget about her

Let's remember Russian customs

Let's remember our old days.

Older girl:

According to ancient customs

Everyone wore long dresses

And they knew how to greet guests

They didn’t spare their outfits

With honey, surrounded by intoxicating

Bowing low to them

Lightly touching the floor with your hand

And smiling pleasantly!


Well, Nastenka, it’s time for us to meet the guests.


Guest come in!

We will not break traditions

And we’ll always drink tea

Everyone knows Russian hospitality

Hospitality and open house!


Good evening! And bow to you

Well, welcome guests:

Girls and boys,

Guys and girls

Neighbors and neighbors

If you call it so

Meet us at the door!


And now you are welcome to the house!

II. Setting up for the lesson.


Come in, have a seat.

We've gathered, we're going to talk

Good and foldable

And let's lead it according to the rules:

(Read the rules of the lesson at the stand).

  1. Peace and harmony, mutual respect.
  2. Speech smoothly, speak one at a time.
  3. Active participation in conversation and games.
  4. Instead of comments and praise, there are marks of good and bad behavior.
  5. Everyone gives themselves an assessment based on the marks they receive.

III. Main part.


I wanted to read you a proverb, but almost all the letters in it disappeared. So you will have to say only the part that remains.

******** – more expensive than wealth


Well, guys, let's solve the missing letters? And for this we will play a game.

Game "Fairytale riddles".



You need to solve riddles. Then, from the first letters of the resulting words, form a word.

(Children take turns guessing riddles).

1. Baba Yaga’s vehicle in Russian folk

fairy tales (Mortar).

2. What is the name of the Russian folk tale about kindness and politeness

No cold can freeze Nastenka. (Morozko).

3. In fairy tales, she is sometimes called a gossip. (Fox).

4.. In Russian folk tales he is called the Immortal. (Koschei).

  1. What was the flower that Nastenka’s father brought? (Alenky).
  2. Sister Ivanushka in a Russian folk tale. (Alyonushka).

7.What was the name of the hero of the Russian folk tale who loved to ride on the stove? (Emelya).

  1. Russian folk tale, the main character of which is a bakery product? (Kolobok).


What word did we get?




Therefore, the proverb reads:

Ingenuity is more valuable than wealth


And to understand the meaning of this proverb, let's turn to a fairy tale.

Guys, do you like fairy tales?

(Children's answers).

And indeed, all people in the world love fairy tales. Magical, funny and even scary, fairy tales are always interesting. Read or listen, it takes your breath away. But there is not only interest, not only entertainment in fairy tales: “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.”

Tell me, please, what kind of “lesson” is this? What does a fairy tale teach?

(Children's answers).

And indeed, in a fairy tale there is always a lesson, but the lesson is very gentle, kind, most often it is friendly advice: how to do the right thing so as not to end up in a stupid position.

IV. Viewing a fairy tale.


But all this is a saying,

And the fairy tale will be ahead

Just listen and watch.

We turn off the lights and watch the fairy tale “Porridge from an Axe. You can listen to the soundtrack of a fairy tale if there is no other option.

V. Discussion.


  1. Did you like the fairy tale?
  2. Tell me, please, how do you understand the title of the fairy tale?
  3. What is fabulous in a fairy tale, and what could happen in real life?
  4. Who is being hunted down in the fairy tale?
  5. What is ingenuity? How did she help the soldier?
  6. What lesson or advice is given in the fairy tale?

(Children reflect and try to justify their conclusions).


The fairy tale teaches you to act kindly, to be friendly, so as not to end up in a stupid position. Try to find a way out of a difficult situation, be smart and resourceful.

VI. Consolidation.


Now let's divide into groups. To do this, I give everyone letters of different colors. Those whose letters are the same color are united near the table of the corresponding color.

(as a result, we get two groups of equal strength, composed taking into account age and individual characteristics)

Game "Character Qualities".


To reinforce in children the idea that fairy tales always contain wise advice on how to live, that the actions and desires of the heroes of fairy tales reveal different qualities of a person.


A set of canvases with fairy tale characters, a set of cards with different human qualities - patience, anger, friendliness, cunning, resourcefulness, pride, friendliness, etc., a set of proverbs: “No matter how cunning you are, everything will come out”, “The stingy locks tightly, let him treat you strongly” “Looks like a simpleton, but at heart he’s a cunning person.” “A stingy man makes boots from a flea”, “You can’t beg snow from him even in winter”, “If strength doesn’t take you, ingenuity will help you out”, “Intelligence and ingenuity are like brother and sister”, “Guess is as good as intelligence”, “Not a handsome guy , yes resourceful”, etc.

Progress of the game:


Well done! All qualities were explained correctly.

Guys, tell me, what kind of hospitable hosts should be?

(Children's answers).


And now the next task:

Game "Neighbors".


Teach children to express their attitude to the actions of their comrades and evaluate their qualities.

Develop observation and attention to others.


Paper model of a sofa, paper figures of family members.

Progress of the game:

We have a large sofa in our playroom; almost our entire family fits on it. Now look: here, too, there is a sofa drawn on paper, the seats of which have slits, and here are paper figures that represent all the members of our family. I suggest you “plant” yourself and everyone else as you would like.

(Children place the figures and explain why they placed these particular “children” next to them).


I see that you are good owners. There was a place for everyone in your home.

Tell me, guys, when we are visiting, how should we behave?

(Children's answers).


Yes, it is important to be polite, attentive, and be able to carry on a conversation. And most importantly, be able to thank and praise the hosts for their hospitality.

Now, let's stand in a circle, hold hands, and play a game.

Game "Praise in a circle".


Encourage friendly relations and awareness of one’s behavior.

Progress of the game:

We all take turns saying something good about our neighbor. He thanks, agrees or adds something about himself that seems important to him.

(After the game, it is important to ask the children the following questions:

What did they expect when they treated their neighbors politely?

What was more difficult: to say praise, or to wait for what they will say about you?


What I learned from this game is that you need to try to act in life in such a way that people have something to thank you for.

VII. Summary of the lesson.

This is where our lesson ends. And I would like to ask you a few more questions:


  1. What did you enjoy most during the class?
  2. What is the moral or lesson of the story "Axe Porridge"?

(Children's answers).


You are right, you need to act kindly so as not to end up in a stupid position like the old woman. Because Russian people are characterized by breadth of soul, openness, hospitality, and the ability to find a way out of any situation. Thank you, dear guys, for your answers and reasoning. They made me happy. And you worked according to the rules. Let's evaluate our behavior in class.