Bookmaker Fonbet live betting mirror. Bookmaker Fonbet

is one of the oldest representatives of the bookmaker industry. Founded in 1996 in the Russian Federation, it has long gained a good reputation for providing players with excellent conditions and an abundance of action on the line. The license was obtained for the island. Curacao. Bets accepts bets not only via the Internet, but also has 900 land-based betting points.

Review of the Fonbet bookmaker website

In general, the site itself is simple and even a beginner will find it very easy to navigate. But precisely in its simplicity lies a huge advantage. After all, people do not come to an art gallery, but to place bets and not waste a lot of time on it. The site has English and Russian versions. The decoration is made in light colors, creating a positive mood.

The main blocks are placed in the header of the main page. There you can read the rules, go to the mobile version, personal account, payments section, see match results and get acquainted with statistics. In the upper right corner there is a login or registration form. Underneath all this there are submenus: line, live, Toto, horse racing and financial bets.

Next, everything is extremely simple in terms of navigation. On the left you will see only the sports available for betting, and the rest of the space is occupied by a huge and conveniently presented line, which presents the upcoming live events.

Line, bets and odds on the Fonbet website

The bookmaker offers a huge selection of events in more than 20 sports with high odds. Fonbet is well known for providing the best odds in both the most competitive markets such as football and other less popular sports that attract much less attention. The bookmaker's margin averages 5-10%. One cannot help but say flattering words for the coverage of leagues and tournaments. So in football, bets are accepted on matches of the lower divisions, and in tennis, on Challenger series tournaments.

Betting fans will certainly find interesting markets for themselves, but it is not as rich and varied. The main focus is on football, where the priority matches are well developed and the lower ranked matches contain only liquid markets. Usually an extended list is available directly on the day of the matches. The situation is similar in tennis. The list ranges from several markets to bets on statistical indicators. In basketball, you can buy handicaps and totals; there is a list of quarters. Hockey is painted very well, perhaps the strongest direction of BC Fonbet.

This office can easily be considered one of the market leaders in accepting bets during the match. The line in this section offers bets on almost 2000 events daily! About 60 offers are constantly available to your attention. The service is stable and promptly updates information without stopping accepting bets. What is very important is that all events are not removed from the line until they are completed. The odds level is the same as in the starting line. Also, clients of the office can watch video broadcasts and listen to radio reports.

Limits on the Fonbet website

  • minimum bet size in BC Fonbet– 30 rubles;
  • maximum bet size on the bookmaker's website– varies;
  • The maximum winning amount is 3,000,000 rubles per month.

Registration on the Fonbet bookmaker website

The registration process is a matter of three minutes. All you need to do is fill out the usual form with your personal data and confirm your registration via your mailbox. After this, you need to log in - go to the site using your username and password. You will be taken to your personal account, where you can manage bets, receive prizes and withdraw money.

Depositing and withdrawing money in BC Fonbet

There are quite a lot of different payment methods in Fonbet, so you can easily choose the best option for yourself:

  • bank cards: Visa and MasterCard;
  • electronic payment systems: QIWI, Skrill, Neteller, WebMoney, Yandex.Money;
  • through mobile payments: Megafon, MTS, Beeline, Tele2, UTEL;
  • payment terminals.

Fast payouts are another undoubted advantage of the bookmaker. You can receive money to your e-wallet within 3 hours, and to your bank card within 3-5 days. Among the game currencies available are rubles, a number of currencies of CIS countries, dollars, pounds, euros.

Bonuses from the bookmaker Fonbet

There is only one, but very interesting, bonus. This is a "preferential express". This is an excellent chance for a player to “insure” himself against loss. The conditions are simple: the express must contain at least 6 events with odds of 1.6 or more. If the loss occurs due to one event, your money will be returned.

Mobile version of the BC Fonbet website

Mobile version of BC Fonbet available at address It works great on any gadget and is distinguished by good functionality and ease of use. Here you can perform all the same actions as on the main site. In the near future, the bookmaker will announce the addition of viewing video broadcasts.

Fonbet bookmaker support service

You can contact Fonbet consultants by phone +8007073238 or via email -.

In addition, there is an online chat that can be used for the most important “peak” questions.