Sweet surnames for girls. The most beautiful surname in the world

Coming into this world, we do not choose for ourselves either parents, or last names, first names and patronymics. Initially, our mothers and fathers or other people do this for us. But what if you imagine for a second that everyone can call themselves whatever they want, based on their personal tastes and preferences? Here is some interesting information he provided on this topic. It was carried out taking into account the point of view of both sexes, and concerned male surnames.

"We do not care!"

This is exactly the reaction of the majority of young people surveyed by the strong half of humanity to the question of what, from their point of view, is the most beautiful surname for a guy. With a smile, they answered that they were quite satisfied with their relatives, received from their ancestors, and in general they had not given much thought to such a problem. “It’s not Pupkin and Pukin, it’s not Tsypa, so why split hairs!” - every fourth of the respondents answered approximately the following. Well, in their own way they are right. But there are other opinions about what a beautiful surname for a guy should be. Let's take a closer look at them!


Firstly, these are the names of ancient noble families. Of course, sometimes they do not amaze with their euphony, but the breed has its own, strong charm. Let's start with a really very prestigious and significant one - the Romanovs. It's a nice name for a guy, isn't it? Moreover, the royal one, because Pyotr Alekseevich, who is also the First, will be from this family and tribe! Its roots are connected with the male name Roman, and it, in turn, goes back to the Latin word, translated meaning “Roman”.

An equally worthy and beautiful surname for a guy is Apraksin, also ancient, noble, and famous. Its bearers loudly declared themselves back in the 15th and 16th centuries, and then worthily bore the glorious name of their ancestors in the history and culture of Russia. I also remember the Pushkins, Zavadovskys, Karamzins, Volkonskys and Bolkonskys, Obolenskys, Vyazemskys, Razumovskys. These are truly expressive and beautiful surnames for guys, the list of which can be continued for a long time.

From name to origins

Let's consider how and where some of the “nicknames” of which Rus' was once proud came from. For example, the Almazovs. Sounds great, right? It comes from the name of the village of Almazovka, and the mention of this noble family dates back to the 17th century. I also remember such beautiful male surnames as Aksakov, Lermontov. Firstly, they are of foreign origin (Turkic and Scottish-English), and secondly, both families glorified Russian literature throughout the world, giving our culture the most wonderful writers. The origin of the nickname Obolensky is interesting. In the Kaluga region there was once the city of Obolensk, which was granted for eternal use to a certain nobleman who distinguished himself in its defense. To emphasize his financial wealth, he began to be called Obolensky, giving rise to a new surname. The Vyazemsky family tree is connected with the toponym - from the small ancestral town of Vyazma, which stood on a viscous, muddy river. Geographically, such beautiful Russian male surnames as Onegin, Pechorin, Rostov, Meshchersky, Olenin, Polonsky, etc. were formed.

Connection with nature

Sonorous names, original, pleasant to the ear, were drawn by man from the natural world. For example, Orlov, Gromov, Zhuravlev, Lebedev, Korolev, Sokolov, Vinogradov, Morozov, Sobolev, Soloviev. Some of them come from the names of the breeds eagle, swan, crane, and wren. Three quarters of respondents agree that this is for guys. The Gromovs and Morozovs are associated with natural phenomena - the rampant thunderstorm and the onset of the “gray winter”. The musical surname Talnikov speaks of spring, the first thawed patches, snowdrops, mighty floods, the awakening of nature and life. The Vinogradovs, Travnikovs, Tsvetkovs are of “plant” origin.

Diminutive options

It is worth mentioning beautiful surnames for boys, Russian in origin. They are diminutive in nature, soft to the ear and gentle. For example, Orlik, Zaichikov or Kotenochkin, Kotik (option - Kotikov), Korolkov. This observation was made by the female half of the respondents. The men's did not give any intelligible answers to the corresponding question. This is apparently due to the psychological characteristics of the perception of the surrounding world by representatives of different sexes.

Distinctive features and their characteristics

There are so many people, so many opinions - this is completely convinced by the statistics of choosing which is the most beautiful surname for a guy. What's wrong with options like Serebryany, Serebrov, Serebryansky? All of them are associated with noble precious metal and are associated with jewelry. This is exactly what the people who cited them as examples noted. Moreover, preference, nevertheless, was given to the first option as more euphonious, refined, and pleasant. The surname Bogatyrev is also popular. According to those surveyed, she exudes strength, courage, and reliability. Associations with the heroes of ancient Russian epics, mighty knights who protected peaceful people from the raids of nomadic Tatar tribes are also natural. The famous “Derzhavin” sounds no less proud and respectable - from “power”, “country”, “state”. And the famous poet “old man Derzhavin,” who blessed Pushkin for his poetic work, also fits into the circle of analogies. This is how ancient antiquity comes to life in surnames, and hoary history is resurrected in faces!

From first names to last names

Many nicknames, as surnames were once called, originated from This feature was noticed by many of those participating in the survey. The following was especially often called: Alexandrov. It comes from the name Alexander, which translated from Greek means “protector of people.” It is believed that such a nickname imposes certain responsibilities on its bearer and cultivates qualities corresponding to a high purpose. Such names as Timofeev and Savelyev were repeatedly mentioned as beautiful male surnames. The first is associated with the name Timofey, which was also transferred to Russian soil from Ancient Greece. Its meaning is “God-loving, honoring his God.” Based on semantics, priests and monks were often given this name in Rus'. Subsequently, it lost its religious connotation and began to be viewed as of a general nature. The second goes back to the original Russian personal name Savel (“hard worker”), and it, in turn, to the biblical Saul (“asked for, begged from God”). According to third sources, Savelyev comes from the Latin word “Sabel”, i.e. “unpretentious”, “simple”. This name and surname were given, for the most part, to people from the common people, peasants. There were many Savelyevs among the barge haulers. Currently, according to statistics, it accounts for approximately a fifth of the total number of “nicknames”.

Foreign exotica

Our people are greedy for everything foreign. Therefore, in the survey, beautiful foreign male surnames were highlighted as a separate item. What did we get? Washington turned out to be one of the most popular. True, in addition to aesthetic parameters, it was associated with the first dollar bills and prosperity. For the same reason, another legendary surname was named - Rockefeller. What’s interesting is that both of them seemed attractive to both the male and female respondents. Further, such names that are exotic to the Russian ear as Lee, Gonzalez, Oreiro, Smith, Marshall are considered interesting. They are respectively of Chinese-Korean, Spanish-Partugal (Latin American), English and Australian descent. 8% of the guys who responded would be happy to change their own domestic surnames to Aldridge, Hoggart, Livingston, Morrison. The motivation was and was mostly expressed briefly: “I like it!” The personal names of idols are also attractive - stars of sports, cinema, show business: Cruise, Cage, Grant. 12% of people who provided statistical data were happy to have them or would like them for their gentlemen. The surname Farrell, Ferrari, Diaz sound beautiful. They have their own charm, yes! Proper names of German origin aroused interest. These include Fischer, Wagner, Weber, Richter, Schwartz, Lehmann. For the most part, they designate a person by occupation - fisherman, coal miner, judge, owner of a piece of land, etc. Or a shade of color.

Charm of France

French variants of surnames are especially popular among exotic lovers. They, like everything connected with this beautiful country, are not only euphonious, but also spectacular and noble. For example, Armand, Amadou, Dubois, Delacroix, Leroy, Morel, Benoit, Viardot, Caro, Curie, Reno, Rousseau, etc. Some of them are well-known thanks to artists: artists, writers, musicians. Others came with characters from books and movies. True, girls choose French options for their gentlemen to a greater extent than men do for themselves. Here are some interesting statistics.

Let's sum it up

What conclusion did the statisticians make based on the survey? Firstly, domestic surnames are clearly preferable to foreign ones. Secondly, sonorous noble ones are much more popular than those that were originally given to commoners. And thirdly, whatever surname you got from your relatives should be valued!

Almost every day we pronounce, read, hear and write the names of relatives, friends, and acquaintances. Every citizen of Russia has his own last name. They are recorded in birth certificates, marriage certificates, passports and other documents. But not everyone thinks about how their last name came about and how long it has existed. We perceive it as something given, but very significant.

Why do you need a last name?

The word “surname” itself entered our language quite late. Translated from Latin, it means “family”. The main purpose of a surname is to designate a single family name, which refers to the entire family, not excluding the most distant relatives.

A little history

Every person who lives in Russia has a first name, patronymic and, naturally, a last name. Of course, this was not always the case. First the name appeared, then the patronymic, and only in the 14th - 15th centuries did the first surnames appear. Naturally, the boyars and princes were the first to acquire them, then in the 16th - 18th centuries they appeared among the nobles. In subsequent centuries, they were received by service people, merchants and church ministers. Peasants acquired surnames only towards the end of the 19th century.

Origin of surnames

Most often, the surnames of the wealthy classes came from the names of their estates. For example, Zvenigorodsky, Vyazemsky, Tverskoy. Since the lands were inherited, accordingly, they were passed on from father to son and family name.

Many people purchased them based on their place of birth and residence. For example, Arkhangelsky, Moskvin and others.

The names of the clergy: Zvonarev, Popov, Molitvin and others. A beautiful Russian surname appeared based on the names of churches and church holidays: Rozhdestvensky, Uspensky, Trinity. In the names you can hear the origins of the Russian army: Soldatov, Cadets, Captains. Very often they were given by the name of the head of the family: Ivanovs, Pavlovs, Mikhailovs. In addition, Russian surnames are a real storehouse of history of life and professions, the meaning of which we sometimes don’t even know. For example, the Melnikovs, Bochkarevs, Telegins, Argunovs (“argun” - carpenter).

Each surname is a mystery, which is sometimes difficult to solve.

Original Russian surnames

Undoubtedly, the most beautiful surname in Russia should be sonorous, impressive, and memorable. And royal families, for example the Rurikovichs, are rightfully considered such. They cause a certain thrill in the soul.

The surname Vasiliev is no less sonorous, which means “king” in Greek.

Smirnov is the most common beautiful Russian surname. Why does it occur so often? Previously, there were many children in families, and the birth of a calm, obedient child was a rarity. Therefore, such children were called Smirny or Smirna. Gradually the church name was lost. Now in this surname the emphasis is on the last syllable.

Another equally common surname is Ivanov. Several centuries ago, the name John covered almost all men, especially among peasants. In fairy tales, Ivan the Fool always wins. Now some owners of this surname insist on pronunciation with an emphasis on the letter “a”. This gives the surnames a certain nobility and sonority.

The beauty of rare surnames

The history of each surname is unique in its own way. Sometimes thousands of people bear the same surname, and sometimes it is unusual for us to hear any surnames. Of course, there are relatively few of them, but they exist, and they have their own origin stories. For example, very rare one-letter surnames: O, Yu and E. There are also those that consist of one syllable: An, En, To and Do. Rare beautiful surnames are consonant with geographical names: Moscow, Astrakhan, America and others. Some surnames were obtained by merging two words. Some of them sound quite funny and make you smile: Dobryden, Zacheshirivu, Khvataimukha, Shchiborshch, Nepeyvoda, Eybogin and others. Perhaps the most beautiful Russian surname is the one that is considered legendary. For example, Pozharsky, Grozny, Karenina and other famous ones.

Another group of rare surnames that did not receive suffixes, but remained consonant with nouns, verbs and adverbs. For example, Frost, Magpie, Pan, Bite, Tron, Peck, Generous, Nothing, Sideways and many others.

Sounding surnames for men

The man is the head of the family. And it is through the male line that the surname is passed on from generation to generation. Naturally, each male member is proud of his last name, especially if it sounds beautiful. Beautiful Russian male surnames are associated with aristocratic surnames, that is, those borne by tsars or nobles. For example, Romanov. This surname comes from the name Roman (translated from Latin as “Roman”), and Rome, in turn, is an example of the great and lofty. Therefore, bearers of this surname can be proud. Aristocratic surnames include Pechorsky, Vyazemsky, Lermontov, Shuisky and others. Kostomarov - from the word kostomarov. This is how strong, big-boned and strong people were called in ancient Rus'. Some “animal” ones can also be classified as majestic surnames. Surely, surnames such as Lvov, Sokolov or Orlov were given to people with strong character and will, to those who were respected. The surname Vinogradov was highly valued in Rus'. It was not given to everyone. It went only to those who especially distinguished themselves. Another category of euphonious surnames is the military. After all, serving people always personify discipline, smartness, beauty, neatness and precision. Such surnames sound solemn: Mayorov, Gusarsky, Polkovnikov and others.

Sounding surnames for girls

Nowadays, a girl's last name is of great importance. Some even seek to change it. What beautiful Russian surnames for girls are the most harmonious? They can be found in "animal" or "bird" surnames. Zainkina, Zaichik, Zaichikova - the diminutive form of the word indicates that a person bearing a similar surname is treated with tenderness and well.

Lebedeva, Lebedushkina. Most likely, such surnames were given to people who distinguished themselves by their loyalty, grace and slender figure.

Kitty, Koshechkina - suitable for affectionate and gentle people.

The beautiful Russian surname also comes from the names of plants. Rozanova, Rozochkina - associated with the chic and graceful character of the rose. Berezkina, Topol, Topolek - suitable for slender, tall girls. Aspen - such a surname was given to modest people.

The surname, derived from Lyubim, delights without any explanation. For example, Lyubimova, Beloved.

Surnames for girls

Surely every girl is proud of her unusual or rare surname. Belenkaya - the surname suits blond girls. which come from female names. For example, Mashechkina, Anechkina, Tanechkina and others. Some beautiful surnames for Russian girls speak for themselves. These include the surnames Milaya, Krasavina, Dobraya. Blagaya - personifies a kind and sympathetic person. For girls, surnames such as Zhemchuzhina or Droplet are quite suitable. They sound quite unusual, but at the same time very cute and cute.

Beautiful combinations of first and last names

Many parents, while expecting a baby, choose a name for their child that goes with the surname. Indeed, it is worth thinking about whether the name is compatible with the surname. They should be harmonious and not hurt the ears. For example, the combination Adelaide Pupchik can cause confusion or a smile. In order for beautiful Russian names and surnames to combine, you must adhere to some rules.

  1. Beautiful rare names suit noble surnames.
  2. If the surname is long, then the name should be short. And vice versa.
  3. Maintain harmony of sounds for easier pronunciation (at the junction of a man’s name and surname there should be no combinations or a large concentration of consonants).
  4. Rare names do not go well with dissonant surnames (Gloria Kozlik).
  5. You should not turn a child into a complete namesake of famous people (Eugene Onegin, Ivan the Terrible). Often such children become the subject of ridicule.

There are also wonderful surnames that come from the names of military ranks and professions. Many people will like, for example, the names Generals and Kuznetsov. But there is no need to hide that in this case some incidents may occur. The surname Zolotarev sounds beautiful and sonorous, but its origins are, as they say, “with a scent” - it is a well-known fact that people like goldsmiths did what they did in Rus'. And someone may consider such famous names as Diaghilev, Nabokov, Tsvetaeva beautiful. No matter how much we would like to, it is simply impossible to mention all the beautiful Russian surnames in this article. We no longer mention foreign ones, such as Montmorency, Lamborghini, Poisson. This is a matter of taste and preference for each individual. We don’t choose our surnames, just like our parents. Unless a representative of the fair sex can be capricious when choosing a groom.

In any case, whatever your last name is, appreciate it and love it!

From time to time it is useful to update something, including your last name. A is a good addition to their appearance, which all men pay special attention to. Representatives of the fair half of humanity have an easier time in such matters than men - if you don’t like her last name or it’s dissonant, then the girl can change it when she gets married. But it also happens that a girl with an ugly surname marries a guy with an even more discordant surname. And this is a real paradox. After all, it is impossible to purposefully choose a husband with a beautiful male surname. After all, then you live with a person, and not with his euphonious surname... However, you should not be sad about this, you can always rewrite your surname to another one by going to the registry office (passport office) and insisting on this.

Let's take a look at beautiful Russian surnames for girls list

In the Russian language, probably like no other, there is a huge selection of euphonious female surnames. For maximum harmony, it is desirable that the girl’s beautiful Russian surname harmonizes well with her name and patronymic.

Women's surnames with a military-historical connotation sound very good - Kutuzova, Suvorova, Nevskaya, Brusilova, Zhukova.

Beautiful surnames for girls formed by adjectives - Beautiful, Queen, Magic, Happy

Surnames formed from male names are well suited for girls - Ivanova, Vladimirskaya, Maksimova, Pavlovskaya.

And from the names of beautiful birds - Zhuravlev, Lebedev, Solovyov, Sokolov, Snegirev.

Literary and poetic surnames - Goncharova, Akhmatova, Yesenin, Nekrasov, Pushkin

A truly ancient Russian beautiful surname is Bereza.

Beautiful foreign surnames for girls: list

However, you can also look for a new surname in a foreign language. This can also be unique in its own way.

Surnames from the film world carry elitism and flair - Lauren, Monroe, Audrey, Cruise, O'Hara, Jolly, Diaz.

Ukrainians and Poles also have excellent examples of beautiful surnames for girls - Kamenetskaya, Podolskaya, Khmelnitskaya, Vilyanskaya, Lyubminskaya, Dombrovskaya, Kovalevskaya, Lvovskaya, Warsaw.

And Bulgaria is making its contribution - Toneeva, Boteva, Vladlenova, Angelova, Stoyanova.

And here are beautiful English surnames for girls (they give the feeling of a true lady) - Tylor, Tills, Chisholm, Mills, Day, Stewart, Tudor.

Austrian and German listing. Such surnames are suitable for blond girls - Wald, Wichter, Ditter, Falzfein, Vetter, Liszt, Mittel.

Original variants of surnames with eccentric notes - Slanting, Fabulous, Love, Beautiful, Noble.

Inflexible surnames. They give a flair of individuality and rebellion - Forest, Bader, Cloud, Grass

Beautiful surnames for girls on VKontakte

It is very difficult psychologically to update your official surname in one motion. And with such a super selection of beautiful surnames, it’s difficult to settle on the final option. To get started, do a unique experiment - change your last name on the VKontakte social network. After all, social networks give you an excellent opportunity to “try on” a new beautiful surname. Plus, you will have the opportunity to virtually experience yourself in a completely different way.

When choosing a euphonious surname for yourself, feel responsible - after all, this is a really specific action. There is every reason to say that a beautiful surname for a girl and a change in her personal details are like the beginning of changes in her life path. Always think about whether changing your last name will offend your family. After all, your surname is a sign of your family!

The surname is the calling card of every person. Not so long ago there were times when she determined whether a person would be accepted into a certain circle of society and whether he could engage in one or another craft. Today, such public selection has already become obsolete, but beautiful surnames have reserved the right to present the owner in the best light.

1 place

According to the results of the international research center Gallup, which conducted a corresponding survey among residents of many countries, earthlings consider the surname to be the most beautiful Rodriguez . Despite the fact that she is very expressive and has her origins in passionate Spain, many consider her to be quite aristocratic and worthy of the highest representation.

2nd place

The second most consonant and beautiful surname in the world is Romanov . Let this not be a reason for surprise, because it is no secret that the Roman Empire was once a powerful and great power. Therefore, the surname, which takes its origins from it, is considered beautiful and crowned. This is especially relevant for residents of Russia, because this was the name of the whole family of Romanov monarchs who led the Russian Empire.

3rd place

The top three most beautiful is closed by a charmingly romantic surname Francois , when pronounced, you seem to be transported to the ancient streets of Paris to the accompaniment of a classical orchestra, as if you are catching the aroma of freshly baked croissants and fresh coffee... However, this surname is popular not only among the native French, almost half of its bearers live far beyond the borders of France.

4th place

One of the most unusual surnames, which causes popular opinions, but remains in the top of interesting and beautiful ones, is Fitzgerald . It has original English roots, although its speakers can be found in every corner of the Earth. This surname has been glorified by writers, jazz performers and artists; it probably carries with it great creative potential and an inexhaustible desire to create.

5th place

Discreet and serious surnames can also be beautiful and appeal to many. This particularly applies to surnames Werner , which originates in the noble German family of Werner for more than eight centuries. The nature of German perfectionism and precision is most successfully conveyed by the consonant “r” and “v”, from the point of view of phonetic analysis of the word.

6th place

Another French surname has won a place in the top of the most beautiful - Beranger . It was recognized as easy to remember and beautiful to hear, however, its predecessor was a less pleasant form - Berenzon. The French craving for everything beautiful and refined did its job and turned a difficult-to-hear surname into one of the most beautiful in the world.

7th place

It may be surprising, but difficult-to-pronounce Japanese motifs have also made their way into the list of the most beautiful surnames. One of the most common and most liked is the surname Yamamoto .

8th place

A surname that many have heard at least once in their lives - Miller , having mixed English-German roots, ranks eighth in the top most beautiful surnames in the world. By the way, she became a leader among people who wanted to change their last name to a new one. This is exactly what Miller became.

9th place

King – the surname itself is aristocratic and representative, is included in the list of the most beautiful surnames and has been popular since the 18th century. Surely everyone has heard of famous writers, directors or scientists with this last name. Perhaps its “royal” sound accompanies good luck in the lives of its owners.

10th place

This top surname with a German character closes the top - Lehmann . An analysis of the psychological impact of this surname in the business sphere showed that it is capable of inspiring people to cooperate and trust, and is also representative and businesslike.

A beautiful surname evokes positive emotions, attracts attention and even helps to form a unique image. However, not all people have euphonious generic names. Funny and difficult to pronounce surnames become a cause of ridicule, which makes people want to change them. The legislation allows this to be done easily and quickly: you will need to submit an application to the registry office indicating your full name, pay a fee, replace your passport and other documents. The list of the most beautiful surnames in the world will allow you to choose a new one.

The most beautiful surnames in the world

The surname means “family” in Latin. This term is used to describe a hereditary name indicating that a person belongs to a clan or family.

Most surnames are derived from place names and activities.

A rating compiled by the international research center Gallup will help determine which surnames are the most beautiful in the world. This is an institute founded in America in 1935, specializing in the study of public opinion.

Based on the results of the research, a list of names was compiled:

  • Spanish - Rodriguez.
  • Romanov is a surname whose roots go back to the Roman Empire. In the old days, it symbolized power and greatness. Representatives of the family are the royal persons of the Romanov dynasty.
  • Francois - adds a romantic touch characteristic of France. Its representatives are found far beyond the borders of this country.
  • Fitzgerald is an example of an unusual surname that has British roots but is also common in other parts of the world.
  • Werner is a discreet option, the founder of which is a noble German family that founded the family over eight centuries ago.
  • Beranger - of French origin, the previous form is Berenzon.
  • Japanese - Yamamoto.
  • Anglo-German - Miller.
  • King is a chic aristocratic surname, which is borne by many scientists, directors and writers.
  • Lehmann is of German origin and has a businesslike sound.

The listed examples were chosen due to their euphony.


In Russia, identification using a surname began in the 12th and 13th centuries. The formation dragged on until the 19th century. Initially, medieval surnames were assigned to boyar and noble families. In the 18th century, they were received by representatives of the clergy, and then by artisans and peasants.

At first, a nickname was assigned to a person based on the names of his parents, occupation, character traits or appearance, and place of residence.

Then peasant and noble families were formed. During this period, the families of the Kobylins, Travins, Gorbatovs, Trusovs, and Shuiskys appeared.

Church ministers were given surnames from the name of the parish or upon graduation from the seminary: Velikiy, Pokrovsky, Dubrovsky, Uspensky. But they could have been invented to achieve euphony. This is how variations that inspire confidence appeared: Dobrolyubovs, Dobromyslovs. Generic names associated with animals are also interesting. These are Zaitsev, Karpov, Medvedev, Sobolev.

Slavic surnames occupy a special niche. They are valuable because they are based on ancient names or deities of pagan mythology. After the adoption of Christianity, these surnames were banned. And the people who wore them were renamed as a result of the baptismal ceremony. Examples of such generic names: Dovbush, Dobrynin, Lada, Yarilo.

Ancient surnames are also important. They are based on words that have already emerged from speech. These are the names of household items, monetary units, crafts, and family nicknames. Today you can find such old surnames: Bandurov, Kalita, Kozhemyaka, Pryalkin. In former times, family names were changed to Latin variations. As a result, the Bobrovs turned into the Kastorskys, the Orlovs into the Aquilevs, and the Skvortsovs into the Sturnitskys.

Best options for girls:

  • Abramova;
  • Anisimova;
  • Belova;
  • Vladova;
  • Galaktionova;
  • Demidova;
  • Dmitrieva;
  • Dobrovolskaya;
  • Zotova;
  • Illarionova;
  • Kulikovskaya;
  • Menshova;
  • Merkulova;
  • Ostrovskaya;
  • Protasova;
  • Safronova;
  • Sofia;
  • Sazonova.

Female representatives can change their surname after marriage.

For guys you can also choose sonorous forms:

  • Vasnetsov;
  • Vyazemsky;
  • Kuznetsov;
  • Nikitin;
  • Potapov;
  • Preobrazhensky;
  • Prokhorov;
  • Christmas;
  • Chernyshov.

Sociologists report that surnames starting with the first letters of the alphabet are lucky. They increase self-esteem. Many successful people had such surnames.

Foreign (foreign)

Non-Russian surnames appeared at the end of the 15th century. This process was influenced by two factors: Russia’s interaction with the peoples of eastern and western countries and the borrowing of words from the language of Turkic peoples.


Many people are interested in different foreign surnames that can be put on VK or used to create a mysterious image.

These include variants of American origin:

  • Allen;
  • Adams;
  • Abramson;
  • Brown;
  • Watson;
  • Daniels;
  • Jones;
  • Cooper;
  • Clark;
  • Morris;
  • Turner;
  • Scott;
  • Smith;
  • Thompson;
  • Taylor;
  • Walker;
  • Harris;
  • Hayley;
  • Erickson.

Modern Americans create surnames based on two given names or using their own and family names. Some US residents use only initials. Male and female surnames in this country have the same shape. Among American generic names there are also Canadian ones.


Some European surnames are relatively difficult to pronounce due to the peculiarities of the language. These include French variations. Correct reading is only possible if you know the rules. Some surnames are based on proper names.

You can select the appropriate option from the following list:

  • Andre;
  • Harcourt;
  • DuBois;
  • Julien;
  • Michelle;
  • Aubin;
  • Richard;
  • Sorel;
  • Senier;
  • Freel.

Among the surnames of French origin there are pretentious and simple variants: Bernard, Bertrand, Lambert, Thomas. And forms descended from royal dynasties: Braganza, Montpensier.


The Japanese value family names very highly. She is considered more significant than her name. If it is necessary to write a combination of first and last names in the European manner, capital letters are used for the generic name. In the traditional version it is written first.

Anime surnames:

  • Asano;
  • Araki;
  • Asayama;
  • Wada;
  • Ishihara;
  • Kawasaki;
  • Kitamura;
  • Miyazaki;
  • Matila;
  • Maruyama;
  • Narita;
  • Oyama;
  • Ootsuka;
  • Sato;
  • Takeuchi;
  • Ueno;
  • Fujiwara;
  • Hirai;
  • Tsuji;
  • Yamashita.

The number of surnames reaches 100 thousand.


Female generic names in England do not differ from male variants. Exceptions are surnames with the suffix “son”, the translation of which sounds like “son”. But some female variations also contain it. But they end in "s". Common English surnames contain American roots: Blake, Harrison, Collins, Smith.

Also known:

  • Adamson;
  • Benson;
  • Blackshear;
  • Blomfield;
  • Wilson;
  • Dalton;
  • Clifford;
  • Carroll;
  • McAllister;
  • Oldridge;
  • Rider;
  • Richardson;
  • Spencer;
  • Taylor;

In England, the surname Law, unique to this country, is also found.


A common generic name in this country is Müller. Second place according to this criterion is taken by Schmidt, and Schneider completes the top three.

The list also includes:

  • Becker;
  • Wagner;
  • Hertz;
  • Kles;
  • Mayer;
  • Kaufman;
  • Krieger;
  • Lehmann;
  • Neumann;
  • Rieger;
  • Sommer;
  • Ergard.

The most desirable surnames for German citizens that bring good luck. One of these is Hoffman, whose meaning is “yard owner.” In Germany, there is an opinion that feudal lords bore this surname.


The Caucasus is inhabited by several national-ethnic groups. Chechen and Dagestan family names have Arabic roots.

Surnames also have Muslim characteristics:

  • Akhmedov;
  • Abdurakhmanov;
  • Dzhabrailov;
  • Ibragimov;
  • Kadyrov;
  • Kerimov;
  • Magomaev;
  • Makaev;
  • Radjabov.

The Chechen people have eastern family names with a Turkic or Georgian imprint: Aleroev, Dudaev, Maskhadov.


Frequent surnames in Spain are variants of family names containing the suffix -es. These are Gonzalez, Lopez, Ramones, Fernandez. Colombian surnames also have this form, which is explained by Spanish colonization.

Also found:

  • Alonso;
  • Blanco;
  • Calvo;
  • Duran;
  • Gallego;
  • Lozano;
  • Ortega;
  • Santana.

Spanish women, changing their marital status, do not take their husbands' surnames. But they can add it to theirs. Children are assigned the first surname of their father and mother.


The typical form of family names for citizens living in Ukraine is a surname with the ending –enko. These are Butenko, Guzenko, Leshchenko, Pisarenko.

But many surnames coincide with Russian and Belarusian family names:

  • Aksenov;
  • Buteyko;
  • Burlachko;
  • Batechko;
  • Geico;
  • Geletey;
  • Glebov;
  • Kalatay;
  • Shcherbakov;
  • Osokin.

Separately, mention should be made of the surnames that arose on the basis of Cossack nicknames: Golota, Kuibida, Likhoded, Novokhatko, Stodolya.


The Australian continent is inhabited by people from Scotland, England and Ireland.

This left an imprint on the generic names of its inhabitants:

  • Brown;
  • Jones;
  • King;
  • Kelly;
  • Martin;
  • Robinson;
  • Williams;
  • Harris.

There are Australians with a Greek or Jewish surname.


In the Argentine Republic, generic names of Italian origin are common:

  • Bernardello;
  • Billia;
  • Bianchetti;
  • Janetti;
  • Gentiletti;
  • Callery;
  • Lucchetti;
  • Migliore;
  • Mascherano;
  • Passarella;
  • Rulli;
  • Sabella;
  • Forzinetti.

But there are Spanish options: Gallego, Gallardo.


Some Italian family names end in “I”:

  • Avancini;
  • Bernardi;
  • Guards;
  • Dorigoni;
  • Degasperi;
  • Colombini;
  • Christelia;
  • Mattevi;
  • Franceschini.

There are also wonderful variations: Colombo - dove, Marino - sea, Pelaratti - rats.


The appearance of surnames in Africa is associated with the period of colonization. Before this there were only names. In Morocco, a surname is assigned when you move. The name of the tribe is used for this. Residents of West Africa receive the name of their great-grandfather and the name of the village or city in addition to their own name.

Popular options:

  • Bikilu;
  • Mbia;
  • Nkono;
  • She is on;
  • Semoko;
  • Traore.

The surnames of the Hausa people represent the names of Muslim prophets.


Residents of Korea have short surnames containing one, rarely two vowels:

  • Moncut;

The number of Korean generic names does not exceed 250.

Cool for VKontakte

A third of social network users use fake - fictitious variations - instead of last names. This is explained by the desire to emphasize character strengths, place of residence, nationality or status. A pseudonym helps to hide personal information, for example, dissonant surnames.

Fake youth options for VK for boys:

  • Auer;
  • Bitner;
  • Burkhard;
  • Vlah;
  • Hirsch;
  • Hartwig;
  • Ghislain;
  • De Jong;
  • Kirchner;
  • Langen;
  • Mauthner;
  • Pearl;
  • Zipser;
  • Diamond;
  • Vortex;
  • Needle;
  • Prince;
  • Scythian;
  • Queen;
  • Yartsev.

Top for girls:

  • Alpina;
  • Wang;
  • Krams;
  • Lantsova;
  • Miller;
  • Masterson;
  • Ogun;
  • Preobrazhenskaya;
  • Rosenthal;
  • Romenskaya;
  • Tatara;

Fictitious maiden names will help emphasize positive qualities. For a girl with a modest character, “Dobronravova” is suitable. Cool options can be formed by swapping the first and last names: Nastya Ivanova - Ivanna Nastina.

For VK they use gothic and vampire variations:

  • Azazel;
  • Hades;
  • Merlin;
  • Striga;
  • Tisifonov;
  • Faust.

Mystical and scary surnames create an aura of mystery.


Popular options include not only Russian, but also foreign:

  • Alexandrova;
  • Bouquet;
  • Bonn;
  • Garcia;
  • Korolkova;
  • Leroy;
  • Romero;
  • Serebryanskaya;
  • Flores.

Sounding surnames are popular.


Original surnames attract many girls.

Therefore, you should consider what their options are:

  • Adrianova;
  • Almazova;
  • Balmont;
  • Bryullov;
  • Weiner;
  • Volskaya;
  • Goranskaya;
  • Demidova;
  • Elagina;
  • Zhemchuzhnikova;
  • Zapolskaya;
  • Insarova;
  • Ladygina;
  • Markelova;
  • Oginskaya;
  • Saburova.

Men also have plenty to choose from:

  • Almazov;
  • Block;
  • Witte;
  • Grabar;
  • Zlatov;
  • King;
  • Fire;
  • Struve.

Among the listed options, you can choose fashionable and cool surnames for social networks.


There are up to 500 common Russian family names.

But the following top this list:

  • Ivanov is a patronymic from the canonical masculine John.
  • Smirnov reflects the quality of character. Since a quiet, easygoing disposition was valued in peasant families, this trait was highlighted through the surname.
  • Kuznetsov comes from his father’s occupation.
  • Popov - formed on the basis of the word “pop”, which characterized an Orthodox priest. But it also acted as a nickname for a person who had nothing to do with the clergy.
  • Vasilyev - based on a proper name.

An interesting fact is that the English translation of the generic name “Kuznetsov” sounds like “Smith”. 4,000 million people have this surname.


A rare surname was preceded by a nickname, which characterized a person’s trait that distinguished him from the main mass. Then it took the form of naming and was assigned to his family.

Selection of rare surnames:

  • Astrakhan;
  • America;
  • Water;
  • Crusoe;
  • Moscow;
  • Pozharsky;
  • Razdobudko.

The list contains surnames that are consonant with geographical names and literary characters. Among them there are normal and strange forms for perception.


Short generic names consist of one, two or three letters. There are An, Ge, Do, En, Ye, Kim, O, To, Tsoi, Yu, Yuk. Some of them are based on foreign language variants.


Such surnames are rare. Their owners can be found in various countries. Arkis considered a long Russian surname. It belonged to a Soviet gymnast. An American boxer of Russian origin bore the surname Thrice of the Order of the Red Banner.

In the state of Hawaii lives Janice Keihanaikukauakahihuliheekahaunaele, and in Turkey - Aiyiltsikirmitsibayraktaziyankagramanoglu.


Famous surnames arose on a Turkic basis:

  • Bulgakov;
  • Kutuzov;
  • Karamzin;
  • Michurin;
  • Rachmaninov;
  • Suvorov;
  • Saltykov;
  • Tyutchev;
  • Turgenev;
  • Ulanov.

There are up to 500 surnames with this origin.


Noble family names belonged to representatives of the upper class. They indicate the aristocratic past of their owners.

The count and princely families bore the following surnames:

  • Apukhtin;
  • Belozersky;
  • Vyazemsky;
  • Vorotynsky;
  • Gavrilin;
  • Godunov;
  • Karamzin;
  • Minin;
  • Obolensky;
  • Suzdal;
  • Tverskoy;
  • Yusupov.

There are also double ones: Lobanov-Ostrovsky, Bagration-Davydov.


There is an opinion that the declension depends on the language that is used as the basis for the surname or on the gender of its owner. This is a common misconception. According to cases, surnames ending in e, i, o, u, ы, e, yu, and the endings -ih, -ih are not changed.

  • White;
  • Gramigny;
  • Kovalenko;
  • Loye;
  • Maigret;
  • Dry;
  • Ceausescu.

Forms with a zero ending cannot be declined: Bondar, Ponomar.


There are variations among surnames that make you smile:

  • Ram;
  • Flea;
  • Badger;
  • Fool;
  • Good afternoon;
  • Goddess;
  • Baygate;
  • Zashechimane;
  • Kostogryzov;
  • Sausage;
  • Hen;
  • Mozgoedov;
  • Netudykhatko;
  • Rzhach;
  • Grab it;
  • Kill it.

The appearance of dissonant generic names is associated with pagan beliefs. In the old days, people were convinced that terrible surnames would distract the attention of evil spirits from them and protect them from the evil eye.

Any surname emphasizes individuality. But not all family names are pleasing to the ear. At the same time, there is no need to fall into despair. Dissonant surnames can be changed to suitable variations. A list of Russian and foreign family names will help with this. It’s not difficult to find cute and cool last names for social networks. They will create a positive impression of the owners. For this purpose, take your own or random (random) surname.