The host of the program is swindlers in networks. TV presenter Elena-Kristina Lebed talks about her relationship with the Deputy Prime Minister: “The end of the day has come in my soul”

The famous Ukrainian presenter Elena-Kristina Lebed was born in 1990 in the city of Kherson. After graduating from school, the future TV star chose the profession of cybernetics and entered the university for this specialty. However, she did not work by profession, but immediately began to pursue a television career. Elena-Kristina Lebed’s husband remains unknown to the public for now, since the girl does not like to discuss her personal life in public. She believes that if her fans are interested in something, they should ask her directly through social networks. In turn, the artist says that she tries to respond to almost everyone who is interested in her life.

In 2011-2012, Elena-Kristina Lebed was the host of the “Scammers” program. Then she hosted the show "FBI". In 2014, she began hosting the show “Scammers in Networks.” In 2016, she took up the sketch show “Adults Like Children”, in which she occupied two positions at once - one of the leading actresses and the director. Viewers remembered her precisely thanks to the “Scammers” program.

Elena-Kristina enjoys parachuting and watching science fiction films. The girl has a rather extreme character, prone to improvisation and impromptu. She likes extreme sports and adrenaline; without it, life seems boring and incomplete. In addition, the presenter simply adores dogs and considers them the best way to relax. She herself is also the happy owner of a four-legged friend.

Elena-Kristina's career is just beginning to gain momentum. So far, the girl is not very well known to the general public, since she has not been able to appear in rating projects. However, she does not lose heart and continues to hope that her professional growth has just begun. To achieve maximum goals, the presenter makes great efforts and gives one hundred percent in every broadcast. So far she appears on air only as a journalist, although she has no professional education. Her extraordinary charisma and determined adventurous nature help her on television. Nowadays, a talented girl can often be seen on Ukrainian television channels, in particular in journalistic television programs.

The personal life of Elena-Kristina Lebed remains a real mystery for her fans. The girl is proud that it is impossible to find almost any information about her online. She likes it, and recommends anyone who is interested in the details of her personal life to ask questions to her personally on social networks. The artist promises that she will gladly share everything that worries and worries her fans. As for the husband and children, it is not yet known whether the famous presenter has them. At least there is no official confirmation of her marriage, just as the fact of having children has not been confirmed. But Elena-Kristina has a beloved dog, to which she gives all her unspent love.

Elena-Christina Lebed

In the TV show “Scammers on the Net,” a fragile girl named Elena-Kristina experiences incredible adventures. Sometimes fans seriously fear for her health, but the TV presenter doesn’t even think about stopping.

- Many people probably noted your unusual double name. Is it real or is it an alias?

No, this is according to my passport, my real name.

What about character? I can imagine that working on a TV show dedicated to exposing scammers requires a pretty spunky personality. Is he the same behind the scenes?

I have had this character since childhood. That is why the parents, realizing what a “gift” they received, did not want to have a second child. (Smiles.) It was necessary to understand the instructions for use with this. And we are all fighters for the truth, it’s just that some people keep it inside themselves and cannot express it, but I can. And throw it out, and attack for the truth, if necessary. I did this quite successfully last winter, mentally confronting a dude in the parking lot who pushed a woman with a stroller. I piled it with a trash can - small, but quite functional for non-standard use.

-Have you encountered scammers yourself before creating the project?

I haven’t, but my friends and acquaintances have, and they are now also enthusiastically watching our program.

Before you started getting involved in dangerous situations, did you undergo training, maybe completed self-defense courses?

Didn't pass. Because I myself understand psychology, body signs and facial expressions. What helps to read a swindler in situations where he doesn’t even know about it. But in principle, I can rebuff a man if I expect an attack. If not, it’s easy to twist me with one hand. Mom’s cutlets still won’t give me the extra kilos to fight back, at least in bulk. (Smiles.)

- Are there situations when you are very scared on set?

Always! But I’m more afraid not of people, but of the fact that I’ll fail the scam. But behind this is the work of the team, and I have no right to make a mistake. For example, a fool cannot suddenly start talking about quantum physics!

- Do you remember your impressions of the first releases of the program? What surprised you most then?

That swindlers are suckers. Because they screw up on very simple things. And victims usually don’t notice this. Because I meet with a swindler to analyze, observe, think, calculate, and girls - to bathe in compliments, feel like a goddess, melt and lose their heads. As a result: I notice that the so-called influential lawyer (this is such a legend of a swindler) has the heel of his shoe torn off. But how can this be, especially if he came on a date? So he really wanted to make an impression? And the victim girl only notices how he shakes a wad of bucks in front of his nose, telling him how cool he is. At the same time, the backdrop has already broken the entire legend.

- Where do you get scammers to check?

We track down scammers on dating sites. And we catch them on my profiles in different images - as a student, as a glamorous fifa, as a girl from the village, and so on. For every bait there is a swindler. Of course, I’m not alone in the meeting with the scammer. There are usually at least fifteen people on set. Among them there must be four professional bodyguards. After all, there are really serious situations. For example, I almost shit my pants in an investigation with a biker when he waved a knife right in his face. And who did cut his cheek. But everything heals on me like on a dog.

- How to avoid becoming a victim of a love swindler? What should you pay attention to when meeting?

On the veracity of his legend. Since the legend is a lie, there may be a lot of inconsistencies. Like in my example with the “croaking” back of the shoes of a supposedly influential lawyer. And one more thing: swindlers always play by their own rules. That is, they offer a meeting place and time, where they will take you, and who will take you back. Your check can be simple: choose your own place, a time convenient for you, not for him! Come with a girlfriend, brother or thirty-three heroes, even if he insisted on coming alone. That's all! He'll jump off. They don't like it when their scheme is broken.

I would like to know how your significant other feels about all this? After all, not every man will take and let, for example, his beloved into the forest with bandits!

My man treats this like a job and completely trusts me and my team: since she has already gone to the forest, it means that all the squirrels there have already been recruited and all the stumps are wiretapped. (Smiles.) But even if not, then at least there are bodyguards nearby, who are not stumps, but real oak trees. (Laughs.)

- Tell us about your life outside of work. What are your favorite hobbies?

I love all active forms of recreation: driving fast, singing loudly, dancing energetically. I don’t do sports as such - I don’t have time. Although my temperament makes me live a sporty life. I don't walk - I fly, I don't take the elevator - I run up the steps to the seventh floor faster than the elevator, I don't stand in line at the supermarket - I dance.

Elena-Christina Lebed is a TV presenter, known to viewers from the program “Scammers in Networks” on the Ukrainian channel “New Channel” and on the Russian TV channel “Friday!” Previously, she was the editor-in-chief of the TV program “Scammers”, co-host of the show “FBI” (“Fantastic Prank Bureau”), director and actress of the project “Adults as Children”.

During the TV show about swindlers, she sometimes acted as a deceiver, revealing to viewers typical schemes for “divorcing” people on the Internet. But more often she boldly got involved in dangerous stories, skillfully playing the victim, and exposing scammers literally at the risk of her life. The fragile champion of truth was repeatedly beaten and robbed, but could not be intimidated or stopped. During the period from 2014 to 2017. she managed to uncover more than fifty cases of fraud.


The future extravagant and fearless presenter was born on July 10, 1990 (some sources indicate the year of birth in 1979) in the south of Ukraine in the city of Kherson (according to other sources, in the city of Balakovo, Saratov region). There is no information about her parents in open sources. Elena-Kristina is the real name “according to the passport”.

It is known that in 2014, her father was terminally ill (stage 4 cancer), and to help him pay for expensive treatment, she sold her own things on social networks. The girl wrote about him to her subscribers with great warmth and love: “Dad... one of those people of honor and justice who are almost never made now.”

In an interview, the actress admitted that since childhood she had a very lively and irrepressible character, and joked that for this reason her relatives did not dare to have a second child. As a result, she was the only and adored child in the family, who received the undivided attention of mom and dad.

After school, she acquired a serious specialty - cybernetics. But now, according to Elena-Christina, of the “cybernetic” manifestations in her life, she can only remember watching the science-fiction film “Terminator” with Schwarzenegger.

Career development

The career of a TV presenter for an active, intelligent and attractive Kherson woman began on the M1 and ICTV channels in Kiev, where she arrived, taking with her from home a hot southern temperament and her favorite pillow, nicknamed “dumpling”.

In 2011, she received the position of chief editor in the highly social television program “Scammers,” aired on the Ukrainian “New Channel.” As part of the show, she, along with the charming presenter Anastasia Kasilova, Dmitry Summar and Denis Rozgon, not only gave practical recommendations on how not to become a victim of lovers of easy money, but also convincingly role-played various types of fraudulent schemes.

For example, they once showed how to sit in a restaurant for a tidy sum at someone else’s expense, demonstrated the “scam” of a taxi driver with whom Elena-Kristina rode around the city for a long time, but did not pay anything for the trip, and also told how you can steal an expensive necklace from a jewelry store right in front of sellers and buyers.

Scammers in networks. Cosmetic scam

Subsequently, the actors, of course, returned the money, bags and other things obtained by deception to the injured party. But all their brilliant “machinations” forced the direct participants and spectators to be more careful in the future.

The popularity of the program was facilitated by the participation of show business stars in it - Snezhana Egorova, Abraham Russo, Ani Lorak, Viktor Pavlik and many others. Celebrities talked about similar unpleasant situations in their lives, when they succumbed to various provocations, for example, recklessly believing nice people who turned out to be apartment swindlers. At each episode of the show, the presence of consultants was also provided: a representative of law enforcement agencies and a psychologist.

The next step on the path to journalistic recognition was Lebed’s participation in 2012 in a TV show on the New Channel called “FBI” (“Fantastic Hoax Bureau”). She became its co-host (together with Denis Rozgon). The previous project “Scammers” had to be closed, as the presenters began to be recognized on the streets, and it became difficult for them to carry out scams.

They invited couples to a new program in which one of the halves wanted to resort to playing a prank on the partner in order to wean him from some bad habit. In most cases, girls wanted to teach their boyfriends a lesson for leaving socks scattered around the apartment, and men wanted to teach their lovers a lesson for being unbearably jealous.

At the end of filming “FBI” in 2013, Elena-Kristina was offered to film the sketch “Adults as Children” and was appointed project manager. The show included 20 episodes, each of which consisted of sixteen comedy sketches. Their original sections became interesting and popular: “Repetitions”, where children from 5 years old funnyly pronounced the proposed words, “Rationales”, where they explained different expressions. For example, “feng shui” - according to the girl Asya (7 years old), this is her mother’s fur coat, and “living with curly hair” means living with sheep, according to her peer Misha. In the sketch show, Swan appeared in various roles, including a nurse, a driver, and a rival bitch.

Elena-Kristina Lebed gives advice on how to avoid becoming a victim of scammers

In 2014, Christina became the heroine of the “Scammers on Networks” program, where, together with the creative team, she began exposing scammers from buying and selling sites, marriage scammers, various charlatans, pseudo-healers, blackmailers and other figures engaged in dishonest deeds on the global network. They found them through publications on ad/dating sites in different images - a glamorous young lady, a student, a provincial girl. Investigations have proven that harmless online dating is often life-threatening and can result in loss of money and property, stress and deep disappointment.

Personal life of Elena-Christina Lebed

Charismatic and attractive, she carefully protects her private life from journalists. She noted in an interview that her man is not afraid to let her go even into the forest with bandits, because he completely trusts her, her film crew, and bodyguards.

Elena-Kristina loves her dog named Fedya and active recreation: driving fast, dancing energetically, singing loudly. She likes skydiving, fantasy films, smart men, clingy dresses, singer Britney Spears. She doesn't like autumn, mosquitoes and cosmetics.

According to the presenter, she does not walk, but flies, does not use the elevator, but runs up the steps to the seventh floor, overtaking him, does not stand in line at the supermarket checkout, but dances.

Elena-Christina Lebed now

In 2017, Elena-Christina starred in the show on the New Channel “Stars under Hypnosis”, an adaptation of the French entertainment TV show “Stars sous hypnose”. Having agreed to undergo a risky experiment under the guidance of hypnotist Vladimir Efimov, they did not even suspect what would happen to them during the hypnotic session.

Interview with Elena-Kristina Lebed about perverts

On February 20, 2018, the start of the new season of the TV show with the participation of Lebed “Scammers in Networks” is planned.

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Ukrainian TV presenter. Elena-Christina Lebed known to Russian viewers from the show “Scammers in Networks,” which she has hosted since 2014.

Biography of Elena-Christina Lebed

Elena-Christina Lebed born in Kherson (according to other sources, in Balakovo) in 1990. After graduating from school, the girl entered the Faculty of Cybernetics. For some time she studied science, but she always liked journalism, so she tried herself as a TV presenter on the local channels ICTV and M1. The girl went in for sports and was seriously interested in skydiving.

Despite the fact that the TV presenter very carefully hides the details of her personal life, it is known that in 2014 Elena-Kristina collected money for the treatment of her seriously ill father.

The presenter has a dog named Fedya.

The creative path of Elena Kristina Lebed

In 2014, Lebed began working on the “Scammers in Networks” program. She is engaged in exposing scammers who trade on the Internet. Together with the film crew, the girl uncovered more than 60 cases of scams, often risking her own life. She exposes marriage swindlers, online blackmailers, pseudo-healers, etc. Despite her bright appearance, Christina manages to hide her identity during the filming process.

Elena-Christina Lebed biography, married, have any children, photo?

    Elena Kristina Lebed interesting and cheerful host of the program Scammers on Social Networks on the New Channel since 2014. Before that, she broadcast on ICTV and M 1.

    Nothing is known about her personal life; it was difficult to find information about her age, she is 26 years old. Elena-Kristina was born in Kherson. She is proud that there is little information about her on the Internet.

    But we still managed to find something, about the love of parachuting, and about our beloved dog, Fed. Nothing is known about the children; most likely, the young girl did not have time to have children. But since information is so carefully hidden, maybe they exist.

    Here are the Instagram pages

    Elena - Christina Lebed is very popular today, she is the host of such a sensational program as Scammers. Since 2014, the girl has been hosting a program called Scammers on Networks, so she helps many people open their eyes to what is happening around them.

    Christina is a sporty girl. One of her amazing hobbies is parachuting.

    The interesting thing is that no information about the girl can be found on the Internet, even her exact age is unknown, one can only assume that she is a real mystery girl. Either she is 25, or 26, or maybe more. It is known that Christina loves dogs.

    She has a specialty in cybernetics, however, she did not work in it at all.

    Probably a lot of you watched the show Scammers, and later Scammers on Networks, and this show is connected by one famous person - Elena - Christina Lebed.

    Brief biography about Elena - Christina Lebed:

    • Initially she worked on the M1 and ICTV channels;
    • Has a cybernetics education, but does not work in his specialty;
    • She works as a TV presenter on the New Channel channel, and hosts the very popular program Scammers in Networks;
    • He loves and considers it his hobby to be extreme sports, such as: skydiving;
    • She has her own pet, who waits for her every day from work - the dog Fedya;
    • My favorite dish and at the same time my signature dish is pancakes and cheesecakes with cinnamon.

    Photo by Christina:

    Elena - Kristina Lebed was born in Kherson, with a degree in cybernetics.

    She was the host of the Scammers program in 2011-12.

    Host of the FBI show - 2012

    And since 2014, he has been the host of the show Scammers on Networks.

    Elena - Christina loves parachuting.

    Elena - Christina is very proud that there is no personal information about her on the Internet. If anyone is interested, you can ask her a question directly, as she writes everywhere.

    According to official information, which may not be very reliable, since the girl hides her personal life, but however, Elena-Kristina does not have children or an official husband, since it is still difficult to hide a full and real family.

    This lover of sports and extreme sports became famous because she began hosting on the New Channel a very relevant program for today, namely Scammers. It is worth noting here that although Elena-Kristina Lebed herself is not a journalist by training, it is in this program that her education helps her to master it; she is a cyberneticist. Plus an adventurous and courageous character and a tendency to open people's eyes to the truth.

    Swan takes her soul away from all the negativity through dogs, which, according to her, serve as an excellent antidepressant for her.

    All information about Elena Kristina Lebed on the Internet is mercilessly deleted, so it is practically non-existent.

    Lebed is the real name on the passport, not a pseudonym.

    The now famous TV presenter Scammers on the Internet was born in the city Kherson July 10, 1990 (26 years old).

    Is there a family, a husband, children - such information cannot be found, much less photos of relatives.

    Because Christina's work is dangerous.

    We have to play stupid, naive fools.

    From the biography it is known that Lebed has a higher education in cybernetics.

    But I didn’t work even a day in my specialty.

    Hobby: skydiving.

    Has a pet - a small dog

    Elena-Kristina Lebed, was born in the regional center in the south of Ukraine in the city of Kherson. Despite the fact that the person often appears on Ukrainian television channels, in particular as a journalist, in fact she does not have such an education, because she is a cyberneticist. But, with great enthusiasm and charisma, as well as a strong and adventurous character, Lebed was able to break into television presenter, where she is learning a new profession as a journalist.

    Since 2011, she hosted a program called Scammers, after which she switched to another FBI program, which, by the way, was not so popular, and since 2014 she has been hosting the program Scammers on Networks, which gained great popularity in the shortest possible time.

    Enjoys extreme sports, in particular skydiving. In addition, she is proud that there is no personal information about her online. According to her, if you have any questions, you can ask her personally.

    However, it is difficult to hide an existing family and, as many claim, Elena does not have children or a boyfriend.

    Elena-Christina Lebed is the host of the popular TV show in Ukraine Scammers in Networks on the New Channel.

    Christina is a very bright, charismatic personality. With its help, the most incredible aphors are revealed. It’s even hard to imagine how such a sweet, fragile girl is not afraid to expose real swindlers.

    But Christina is not a journalist by education. She's a cyberneticist. Christina was born in the city of Kherson in 1990. The fearless presenter is known to love extreme sports.

    Almost nothing is known about the girl’s personal life. You understand that with a job like Kristyna’s you shouldn’t reveal secrets about your family.

    Elena-Kristina Lebed has been the host of the Scammers in Networks project since 2014. Cute, light, attractive, elegant, with a well-defined tongue, is fond of parachuting. Born in Kherson, lives and works in Kyiv. But the presenter is silent about her date of birth, either March 22, 1988, or July 10, 1990, and in general there is silence about herself, about her personal life, about her family. She acts as a swindler, a victim, and extra information about herself can only do harm.

    On Facebook he actively posts his photos from regular filming with comments, you can’t take away your sense of humor):

    Concrete, sssabaka, cold)))

    But socks, of course, keep you warm)))

    Of course, this is a photo about pits)))

    (not about white pants)))) (sidewalk, street in Kyiv)

    She is a dog lover, loves her Zheka

    Elena-Kristina Lebed is the host of the Scammers program on the New Channel, previously worked on the ICTV and M1 TV channels. By education she is a cyberneticist, by vocation she is a TV presenter. An active, fearless, proactive, enterprising, lively, interesting, green-eyed, red-haired girl, very fond of extreme sports, for example, skydiving. Favorite pet is the dog Fedya. She loves making cheesecakes with cinnamon.


Christina does not like to talk about her childhood. Therefore, only a few facts are known about him. For example, the fact that her double name is real and is written in her passport. Her parents adored her, but the girl caused them a lot of trouble. This was the reason why the parents did not risk having another child. But Christina herself was quite happy with their undivided attention.

She studied well at school, and exact sciences were especially easy for her. Therefore, having received a certificate, she went to master the fashionable specialty “cybernetics”. When asked why she made such a choice, she throws up her hands, not fully understanding her own motives. However, she never worked a single day in her specialty.


Nobody really knows how miraculously Christina ended up on television. Just one fine day, with a small suitcase, a southern temperament and her favorite funny pillow, Christina ended up in Kyiv, where she was quickly able to get to work on the M1.

The first years of her career did not bring the success and popularity that Christina so dreamed of. In addition, she did not have a journalistic education, and many simply did not take the fragile (only 45 kg with a height of 170 cm) young girl seriously.

But in 2011, everything changed when management offered her the position of chief editor of the “Scammers” program. Christina was so carried away by exposing deceivers that she completely immersed herself in this atmosphere. This brought the program to the top of the ratings, and made Christina herself recognizable.

Together with other presenters and professional actors, Christina showed how you can have lunch “on the ball” in an expensive restaurant, travel half a day by taxi and pay nothing, steal an expensive fur coat from a beauty salon and many other tricks used by real swindlers.

In addition, Christina talked with the stars invited to the program, who did not hesitate to tell how they themselves became victims of such scams. All cases were commented on by lawyers and law enforcement officers, telling viewers how to behave and where to turn in such cases.

The program was rapidly gaining popularity, but after a year the project had to be closed, as Christina began to be recognized on the streets and it became incredibly difficult to carry out scams in real conditions. Then she was transferred to a new project, “Federal Bureau of Pranks.”

However, the topic of “divorce” was more interesting for Christina. Therefore, when in 2014 she was offered to again become the host of the already updated format of the “Scammers in Networks” program, she happily agreed. Moreover, during this time she even managed to realize herself as the head of the “Adults as Children” project, which was a humorous sitcom.

Christina’s task in the new show about swindlers was to find them on social networks and show viewers what techniques they use to get money or achieve other selfish goals. It is interesting that in this project, sometimes Christina herself took on the role of a swindler, explaining in detail to the audience how they were being deceived.

Despite the fact that during the filming of the program, Christina was constantly accompanied by a support group of specially trained soldiers to ensure her safety, anything happened during the three years of filming the program. She was strangled, beaten, and almost raped several times. But even this did not make her give up her favorite project.

By the way, the film crew often handed over exposed swindlers to law enforcement agencies. This attracted the attention of criminal circles to Christina, and they began to intimidate her. However, the fragile girl has a completely different character. She continues to look for new stories for her program, believing that in this way she really helps people not get into similar situations.

Personal life

Christina also hides her personal life from fellow journalists in every possible way. She is officially not married, but she has a beloved man. Christina appreciates that he trusts her completely and does not ask her to abandon a rather risky project.

Many people wonder how she manages to keep herself in such great shape. However, Christina has no special secrets. She just leads a very active lifestyle. In his free time, he enjoys extreme sports, including skydiving. He walks his dog a lot, never uses the elevator, and perceives stress as a challenge and part of the job.

Christina does not like excess cosmetics, mosquitoes and autumn slush. Therefore, with the onset of cold weather, he tries to sit out for a month or two in warm countries. There she swims, lazes and makes her favorite cinnamon cheesecakes. She also loves watching science fiction films, but there is almost no time left for that.


The future extravagant and fearless presenter was born on July 10, 1990 (some sources indicate the year of birth in 1979) in the south of Ukraine in the city of Kherson (according to other sources, in the city of Balakovo, Saratov region). There is no information about her parents in open sources. Elena-Kristina is the real name “according to the passport”. It is known that in 2014, her father was terminally ill (stage 4 cancer), and to help him pay for expensive treatment, she sold her own things on social networks. The girl wrote about him to her subscribers with great warmth and love: “Dad... one of those people of honor and justice who are almost never made now.”

In an interview, the actress admitted that since childhood she had a very lively and irrepressible character, and joked that for this reason her relatives did not dare to have a second child. As a result, she was the only and adored child in the family, who received the undivided attention of mom and dad. After school, she acquired a serious specialty - cybernetics. But now, according to Elena-Christina, of the “cybernetic” manifestations in her life, she can only remember watching the science-fiction film “Terminator” with Schwarzenegger.

Career development

The career of a TV presenter for an active, intelligent and attractive Kherson woman began on the M1 and ICTV channels in Kiev, where she arrived, taking with her from home a hot southern temperament and her favorite pillow, nicknamed “dumpling”.

In 2011, she received the position of chief editor in the highly social television program “Scammers,” aired on the Ukrainian “New Channel.” As part of the show, she, along with the charming presenter Anastasia Kasilova, Dmitry Summar and Denis Rozgon, not only gave practical recommendations on how not to become a victim of lovers of easy money, but also convincingly role-played various types of fraudulent schemes. For example, they once showed how to sit in a restaurant for a tidy sum at someone else’s expense, demonstrated the “scam” of a taxi driver with whom Elena-Kristina rode around the city for a long time, but did not pay anything for the trip, and also told how you can steal an expensive necklace from a jewelry store right in front of sellers and buyers. Subsequently, the actors, of course, returned the money, bags and other things obtained by deception to the injured party. But all their brilliant “machinations” forced the direct participants and spectators to be more careful in the future. The popularity of the program was facilitated by the participation of show business stars in it - Snezhana Egorova, Abraham Russo, Ani Lorak, Viktor Pavlik and many others. Celebrities talked about similar unpleasant situations in their lives, when they succumbed to various provocations, for example, recklessly believing nice people who turned out to be apartment swindlers. At each episode of the show, the presence of consultants was also provided: a representative of law enforcement agencies and a psychologist.

The next step on the path to journalistic recognition was Lebed’s participation in 2012 in a TV show on the New Channel called “FBI” (“Fantastic Hoax Bureau”). She became its co-host (together with Denis Rozgon). The previous project “Scammers” had to be closed, as the presenters began to be recognized on the streets, and it became difficult for them to carry out scams.

They invited couples to a new program in which one of the halves wanted to resort to playing a prank on the partner in order to wean him from some bad habit. In most cases, girls wanted to teach their boyfriends a lesson for leaving socks scattered around the apartment, and men wanted to teach their lovers a lesson for being unbearably jealous. At the end of filming “FBI” in 2013, Elena-Kristina was offered to film the sketch “Adults as Children” and was appointed project manager. The show included 20 episodes, each of which consisted of sixteen comedy sketches. Their original sections became interesting and popular: “Repetitions”, where children from 5 years old funnyly pronounced the proposed words, “Rationales”, where they explained different expressions. For example, “feng shui” - according to the girl Asya (7 years old), this is her mother’s fur coat, and “living with curly hair” means living with sheep, according to her peer Misha. In the sketch show, Swan appeared in various roles, including a nurse, a driver, and a rival bitch. In 2014, Christina became the heroine of the “Scammers on Networks” program, where, together with the creative team, she began exposing scammers from buying and selling sites, marriage scammers, various charlatans, pseudo-healers, blackmailers and other figures engaged in dishonest deeds on the global network. They found them through publications on ad/dating sites in different images - a glamorous young lady, a student, a provincial girl. Investigations have proven that harmless online dating is often life-threatening and can result in loss of money and property, stress and deep disappointment.

Personal life of Elena-Christina Lebed

Charismatic and attractive, she carefully protects her private life from journalists. She noted in an interview that her man is not afraid to let her go even into the forest with bandits, because he completely trusts her, her film crew, and bodyguards. Elena-Kristina loves her dog named Fedya and active recreation: driving fast, dancing energetically, singing loudly. She likes skydiving, fantasy films, smart men, clingy dresses, singer Britney Spears. She doesn't like autumn, mosquitoes and cosmetics.

According to the presenter, she does not walk, but flies, does not use the elevator, but runs up the steps to the seventh floor, overtaking him, does not stand in line at the supermarket checkout, but dances.

Elena-Christina Lebed now

In 2017, Elena-Christina starred in the show on the New Channel “Stars under Hypnosis”, an adaptation of the French entertainment TV show “Stars sous hypnose”. Having agreed to undergo a risky experiment under the guidance of hypnotist Vladimir Efimov, they did not even suspect what would happen to them during the hypnotic session. On February 20, 2018, the start of the new season of the TV show with the participation of Lebed “Scammers in Networks” is planned.