Creative works on literature. Essay on the topic: Aksinya and Grigory in the novel Quiet Don, Sholokhov Grigory Aksinya love or lawless passion

(374 words) Love line in the novel by M.A. Sholokhov's "Quiet Don" is represented by two characters: Aksinya and Natalya. These women have a huge influence on Grigory Melekhov as the story progresses. The main character’s tossing and turning between them occupies one of the most important places in the entire work. Two women who sincerely love Gregory express radically opposing belief systems.

Aksinya lived a really hard life. She was raped by her own father, abused by her husband, and her life was filled with constant work and worries. She tries with all her might to find her happiness, and at the very beginning of the novel she finds it in Grishka. The heroine gives herself entirely to love, and in her passion she is relentless and selfish. To destroy the family, humiliate Natalya, disgrace her husband - she is ready to do anything to ensure that Gregory stays with her. Aksinya symbolizes the passionate beginning of love; it was her emotionality, sensuality and thirst for freedom, contrary to the patriarchal mores of the Cossacks, that attracted the chosen one to her. But, living solely by emotions, she, having received false information about the death of her beloved, cheats on him with the young nobleman Listnitsky.

Natalya represents precisely that same centuries-old Cossack way of life that Aksinya and Grigory hate so much. She sincerely loves her husband, although she was married to him according to an agreement between the parents of the families. Unfortunately, Grishka cannot answer her in kind. Gentle, but cold and sparse in emotions, Natalya does not attract him. The heroine tries to steadfastly survive her husband’s escape, but in the end she goes to Aksinya, begging her to return the man, and then unsuccessfully tries to kill herself.

It would seem that Aksinya won a decisive victory, but after her betrayal, Grigory, deeply disappointed, returns to his legal wife, who accepts and forgives him. It was during this period that Natalya reveals her true beauty. She is the embodiment of the family in the novel, and even though she cannot compare with Aksinya, Grigory and Natalya form a strong family, have children and live a truly happy life.

However, this happiness is short-lived. The empire collapses and civil war begins. In these difficult times, traditional values, such as family and brotherhood, crumble and are forgotten. Gregory, risking his life every hour on the front line, again cheats on his wife with Aksinya. Natalya cannot stand the repeated betrayal, curses her husband, has an abortion and soon dies.

Aksinya and Natalya represent two opposing concepts of love - mind-blowing, irresistible passion and modest, quiet family happiness. It is characteristic that Melekhov eventually loses both Natalya and Aksinya, which reminds us of the trials people go through during turning points in history.

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The purpose of the lesson: show how Sholokhov affirms the eternal values ​​of life: home, work, love.

Lesson equipment: if possible, show fragments from the feature film “Quiet Don”.

Methodical techniques: checking homework, analyzing episodes, identifying the author's position.

During the classes

I. Conversation

“Quiet Don” is a story about the grandiose Revolution, about the cataclysm experienced by Russia. But also a story about dramatic, tragic love. This love is tragic not only for Gregory and Aksinya, but also for their families.

How do the village residents feel about the love of Gregory and Aksinya?

Is their relationship love or “lawless passion?”

(This love surprises and frightens the residents of the village, who were ashamed to look Grigory and Aksinya in the eyes. Let us remember Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina. “If Grigory went to the poor woman Aksinya, pretending to be hiding from people, if the poor woman Aksinya lived with Gregory, keeping it in relative secrecy, and at the same time would not refuse others, then there would be nothing unusual in this, lashing the eyes. The farm would have talked and stopped. But they lived, almost without hiding, something big knitted them, not like a short connection, and therefore in the village they decided that this was criminal, immoral, and the village sank into a lousy wait: Stepan would come and untie the knot.”)

How is the love of Aksinya and Gregory different?

(This is an out-of-the-ordinary feeling (compare with the love of Natalya, Daria, Dunyasha, Listnitsky). Moreover, the relationships of the characters are almost devoid of romance, in the usual sense: “Not with an azure scarlet color, but with a dog’s madness, a drunken roadside, late woman’s love blooms. From the meadow After mowing, Aksinya was reborn. It was as if someone had made a mark on her face, burned out the brand. The women, when they met her, grinned sarcastically, shook their heads after her, the girls were jealous, and she proudly and high held her happy, but shameful head.")

Is the revolution the background against which the heroes' love develops?

Is love a means to “humanize”, make more interesting and closer a novel about revolution and civil war?

V. Kozhinov believes that Love is the embodiment of the Revolution. Love changes and transforms both the characters themselves and the life around them (“in the village they decided that this was criminal”). The birth of this love was marked by a terrible thunderstorm that shook the Don.

However, a literal identification of Love and Revolution is unacceptable. The point is that a revolution is taking place both here and there; begins precisely in a love story. (Let us remember Anna Pogudko’s unconscious resemblance to Aksinya.)

Are Gregory and Aksinya victims of their love-passion?

(Yes, but they themselves make others victims (Natalya).)

What role does the contrast between the two heroines of the novel - Natalya and Aksinya - play?

(Natalya is the embodiment of the idea of ​​home, family. Her integrity, purity, loyalty, devotion are described by Sholokhov with love and sympathy for his heroine. Natalya’s feeling is transferred to children, to relatives. Aksinya has neither children nor relatives: “At least you have children there is, but I have him,” Aksinya’s voice trembled and became muffled and lower, “one in the whole wide world! The first and the last...” Aksinya’s love in boundless self-sacrifice, in transferring the center of his life to another person, is deep, passionate feeling. Grigory loves both Natalya and Aksinya. Natalya amazed him with “some kind of pure inner beauty.” She is all in the element of home, family, she is a selfless and affectionate mother. Love for Aksinya is stronger than Grigory himself. Her “vicious “defiant” beauty inexorably attracts him. This beauty is free, denies the dullness of equality. Gregory’s love for Aksinya is often described in rough colors: “Gregory threw her into his arms with a jerk - like a wolf throws a slaughtered sheep onto his backbone.”)

Why does this love evoke sympathy? (Let us remember Mitya Karamazov: “Beauty is not only a terrible, but also a mysterious thing. Here the devil fights with God, and the battlefield is the hearts of people”).

Aksinya’s character combines the earthly and the ideal. By the end of the novel, Aksinya is no longer a rival, no longer a lover, feeling the power of her beauty. She lives in prayer for Gregory, she caresses his orphaned children.

The unhappy personal life of the heroes, the death of Aksinya, when Grigory, “dead with horror, realized that it was all over, that the worst thing that could happen in his life had already happened,” are tragic. But life goes on. Last scene: Gregory stands “at the gates of his home,” holding his son in his arms. Here, in my father’s house, on my native land, all the beginnings and all the ends of life.

Love in the life of Grigory Melekhov

Every person almost every day has to overcome the tests of loyalty and betrayal, conscience and dishonor, justice, cowardice, friendship, responsibility. These trials undoubtedly force us to make our moral choices. One of the highest measures of humanity and morality is, of course, the test of love. There are many examples in fiction that convincingly prove the idea that sincere, honest, true love is the most important value in life. How can one not remember Evgeny Bazarov from I.S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”, Evgeny Onegin and Tatyana Larina from A.S. Pushkin’s novel, L.N. Tolstoy’s favorite heroes?! Mikhail Sholokhov, the author of the novel “Quiet Flows the Don,” also experiences love for his main character, Grigory Melekhov.

Grigory Melekhov... What does love mean to him? The greatest happiness or a heavy cross? What is his love - creative or destructive?

At the beginning of the novel, we see young Gregory: “half a head taller than Peter, at least six years younger, the same as his father’s, a drooping kite nose, in slightly slanting slits there are bluish almonds of hot eyes, sharp slabs of cheekbones are covered with brown, ruddy skin. Grigory slouched in the same way as his father, even in their smile they both had something in common, a little beastly.” Gregory's appearance reveals a hot, hot-tempered character. He warmly, truly fell in love with his neighbor Aksinya, the beautiful wife of Stepan Astakhov. Don's unexpected encounters awakened deep feelings in his soul, so he grew cold with fear when it seemed to him that Aksinya was drowning, and desperately rushed to save her from the cold, black depths. After Trinity, the Melekhovs go to mowing and take Aksinya with them. And here “Aksinya was persistently in his thoughts; half-closing his eyes, mentally kissed her, spoke to her from somewhere, hot and affectionate words that came to his tongue.” Aksinya, who did not marry Stepan for love, could not help but surrender to her feelings. M. Sholokhov, resorting to a vivid comparison, speaks of it this way: “A woman’s love blooms not with an azure scarlet color, but with a dog’s madness, a drunken roadside.” Love for Gregory regenerates Aksinya, and nothing frightens her: neither the gossip of the farm women, nor thoughts of her husband. “For the rest of my life I will fall in love with bitterness!” - he shouts in anger to Pantelei Prokofievich, who came to shame her.

Aksinya is selfless, selfless in love, and Grigory begins to listen to the opinions of others, obeys the will of his father, he is to some extent indifferent to Aksinya’s fate, at certain moments in him male egoism takes precedence over love. Aksinya asks him about the future, about how Stepan will react to their relationship, and in response - “how do I know”, “should I be afraid of him, you are the wife, you should be afraid.” Aksinya is ready to follow her beloved even to the ends of the earth, calling him to leave the farm for the mines. But Gregory is too attached to the house, the farm, the land and therefore flatly refuses: “Well, where will I go from the farm?.. I won’t move anywhere from the land.”

The first love in Gregory’s life became his great love for the rest of his life, and he, still young, inexperienced, frivolous, did not at first realize his happiness. Maybe that’s why the hero easily, without resisting, fulfills his father’s will, hopes to forget Aksinya and marries Natalya Korshunova, who was also captivated by the Cossack prowess, hard-working character, and Grishka’s external beauty.

Natalya’s devotion, sincerity, and purity do not find a response in Gregory’s heart. Marriage did not cool his feelings for Aksinya, he understands: nothing will make him forget Aksinya, break off their shameless, criminal, in the opinion of others, connection: “three weeks later, with fear and embitterment, he realized in his soul that he was not completely broken with Aksinya, only something like a thorn in the heart...”

The hero does not cheat, does not deceive, he directly, openly admits to Natalya that he does not love her. The conversation takes place at night in the steppe. Using the language of nature, M. Sholokhov conveys the mental anguish of Natalya - lonely, yearning, suffering from indifference. We see “an inaccessible star loan”, “a shadowy ghostly blanket of a floating ... cloud”, herbs that smell “dreary, deathly”.

Gregory, in search of happiness, leaves his home and leaves the farm together with Aksinya. The relationships between the characters are very complicated. Having learned about Aksinya's pregnancy, Grigory begins to doubt his paternity, and she withdraws into herself, they move away from each other. Grigory soon leaves for war. Gregory’s coldness and the death of his daughter finally broke Aksinya, and she, trying to get rid of unbearable loneliness, mental pain, “uncryed melancholy,” decided to have a sinful relationship with Evgeniy Listnitsky. So distrust and indifference again become a serious test of the love of Gregory and Aksinya. The hero returns to Natalya. She becomes the mother of his children, affectionate and selfless. The birth of a son and daughter, it would seem, binds Gregory to the house, awakens fatherly feelings in him, but some time passes, and he again goes to Aksinya.

Gregory's mental tossing emphasizes his contradictory, passionate nature. Natalya sees that Grigory sincerely wants to tear the feeling for Aksinya out of his soul, but little by little she becomes convinced that this is impossible. Aksinya desperately fights for Grigory’s love, and Natalya has to fight not just with this fatal love, but also with fate itself. It cannot be said that Grigory does not love Natalya. It’s impossible not to love her, because it’s women like her that hold the house, the family, the whole world together. Natalya is very faithful, devoted, and she amazes Gregory with “some kind of pure inner beauty.”

The fatal love triangle is shattered by life itself. At the end of the novel we see Aksinya, no longer a rival, no longer a lover with the witchcraft power of her beauty. The heroine prays for Gregory and caresses his orphaned children. But the war destroys both Aksinya and love itself: Grigory “dead with horror, realized that it was all over, that the worst thing that could happen in his life had already happened.” With his own hands he digs her grave. A feeling of terrible loneliness and complete indifference to the world covers him “He said goodbye to her, firmly believing that they would not be parting for long...” writes M. Sholokhov.

Gregory's love is sublime and earthly, bright and sad, joyful and tragic. For Aksinya, Natalya and the hero himself, their feelings are both the greatest happiness and a heavy cross, a tragedy. The life of Gregory, sometimes indifferent and selfish, sometimes unable to forgive or understand, was illuminated by the passionate, selfless, selfless love of Aksinya and the pure, devoted love of Natalya. Who knows, maybe he will be able to surround his son Mishatka with this love: “This was all that was left in his life, what still connected him with the earth and with this whole huge world shining under the cold sun.”

Rudskikh Anzhelika, 11th grade A

The relationship between the Don Cossack Grigory Melekhov and his beloved Cossack Aksinya Astakhova constitutes one of the main plot lines of Mikhail Sholokhov’s epic novel “Quiet Don”. The very nature of this love was initially very difficult, but the situation was further complicated by the fact that the heroes had a difficult lot - to live in a terrible time for our country, during the First World War and the Civil War.

The characters' romance begins to develop rapidly even when relative peace and tranquility reigns on the Tatar farm. Ardent and persistent Gregory with a “beastly” look and similar habits begins to actively court the married woman Aksinya, tempting her with his “persistent and waiting” love. A young Cossack woman realizes with horror that “she is drawn to a black, affectionate guy.” She resists her feeling for a long time, but living with her husband Stepan and silently enduring all the beatings and other bullying from him is unbearable for her, so she decides to open up to her love.

From this moment on, the heroes' lives change dramatically: a tempting forbidden relationship makes young people very happy and incredibly unhappy at the same time. The relationship between Gregory and Aksinya is destined to withstand many tests: separation and separation, hatred and jealousy of the legal spouses of each of the heroes, war, the death of a common child and betrayal. But, despite this, the love of the young people only grows stronger every day, and both of them realize that they cannot live without each other.

At the same time, the connection between Gregory and Aksinya breaks the fates of other people. First of all, the fate of Natalya Korshunova. Aksinya cannot come to terms with the fact that Gregory is being married to this “happy girl who has never seen the sorrow or joy of love” and therefore decides to “new dishonor, the same shame” and takes her Grishka away from Natalya. But Grigory himself is not averse to being in such a position, so he constantly rushes between his two women, until, finally, Natalya dies, trying to get rid of the child she shared with Grigory.

Aksinya also becomes a victim of her own love: the woman is killed by Red Army soldiers while she and Grigory are trying to leave for Kuban. The true tragedy of this situation lies in the fact that Aksinya dies precisely when, finally, after all the suffering that has befallen her, the heroine is reunited with her lover, and the unknown attracts her with “ghostly happiness.”

We see how a “quiet smile” never leaves Aksinya’s lips, how joyfully her eyes, “swollen from tears,” glow. The woman is sure that she and Grigory will finally find “their share,” but cruel fate deprives them of this chance. She takes away the man’s beloved, forcing the hero to “die” from horror, holding the dying Aksinya in her arms.

Now Gregory’s life becomes black, “like a steppe scorched by burning fires,” because everything dear to him is gone from it, and only children remain. It is to them, or rather, to the only surviving son, Mishatka, that Grigory ultimately returns, since only this can now betray at least some meaning to his “broken” life and force the hero to “cling to the ground.”

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