A scene about France. Scenario for the French Song Festival

New Year's event scenario:
"Travel through New Year's France."
Prepared by the class teacher of grade 5b Klimeshina I.V.
Leading 4 people.
Music design: Patricia Kaas “France”, French New Year songs, Schubert “Ave Maria (mp3), song “Christmas” (Fidgets), Malikov “Snowflake”
Ved.1 Good evening!
Ved.2 We are glad to welcome you to this hall!
Ved.3. And today we will introduce you to France on the eve of the New Year holidays. (Greetings in French)
Ved.4. France is the official name of the French state in Western Europe. The capital is the city of Paris.
Each country has its own laws, its own traditions, its own favorite holidays. They are all different, unique, tied to certain dates and events. However, there is one holiday that is celebrated in all corners of the globe, by all peoples; a holiday that unites the people of our planet and gives them the expectation of a miracle, faith in a wonderful future. Of course, it's New Year and Christmas
Light the New Year's candles,
Light all twelve - one after the other!
May there be light this evening -
You and I cannot repeat it.
Let the midnight waltz spin,
The lanterns are blinding with pearly fire.
There's something in the eyes that's on purpose
I left that year, leaving forever.
Ved.2 New Year is a special holiday. Why? Yes because! On this day, a fairy tale walks across our planet in the most legitimate way. She makes a trip to the decorated Christmas trees, thunders with fireworks, and shines with multi-colored lanterns. Today we will go traveling with this fairy tale. For all participants of the competition, we have prepared a ticket for our fabulous trip to France.
Ved.1.France is a country refined in all respects. Imagine Paris - a modern city with a centuries-old history. During the New Year holidays, the city is transformed. The streets are decorated with shining garlands, shop windows shimmer with exquisite colored lights, most squares of the city have exquisitely decorated Christmas trees, and the famous Eiffel Tower shimmers proudly and uniquely over the entire city.
Ved.3. Contrary to popular belief, Christmas in France begins long before the end of December. The unforgettable traditions of celebrating the New Year in France are rooted in the distant past.
Ved.4. Christmas celebrations in modern France last for a whole month. Beginning on December 6, St. Nicholas Day, it comes to an end only on January 6, King's Day. This period is the most joyful and enjoyable of the year for both adults and children.

(New Year's French songs - background)

Ved1. On December 6, the French Santa Claus - Pere Noel - brings small gifts to children, and already on Christmas, celebrated on the night of December 25, he returns with large gifts.
According to the old custom, children put their shoes near the fireplace so that Father Christmas (Per Noel) will give them a reward for good behavior at night.
(children put their shoes on)
Wearing wooden shoes and carrying a basket of gifts, he arrives riding a donkey and, leaving the animal outside, enters the house through the chimney. He puts the gifts in shoes, which the children leave in front of the fireplace in advance.
(children stage Pere Noel's entrance)

Ved.2.Pere Noel is a kind of kind Santa Claus, rewarding with gifts those children who behaved well during the year. But there is also an evil image of Santa Claus - Per Fuetar, who punishes those children who were naughty in the past year. Fuetar is an angry grandfather with a rod who tells Per Noel how the child behaved during the year and what he deserves more - gifts or a spanking.

(children run out, and Fouétard runs after them with rods)
Ved.3. Another Christmas character is Petit Noel - the child Jesus, who also comes to houses where there are children with gifts.

(takes the offended children by the hand and gives them gifts)
Ved.4. The French usually celebrate Christmas with their family. In cathedrals and churches, ceremonial services are held with unsurpassed illumination and the live sound of the organ. Of course, the best of them is in the heart of the French faith - the Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral.
Ved.1.After midnight mass, people gather for a festive dinner - Reveillon. Symbolically, Reveillon means awakening, awareness of the meaning that Jesus Christ was born.
Ved.2 Children in France sing the Christmas song “Come, Père Noel.” (song sounds, children dance)
Ved 3. (reads poetry quietly)
It's a wonderful Christmas night
The snow spreads its white cover
And, raising my eyes to the sky,
Kneeling down, little children
Before you close your eyes,
Reading the last prayer
Santa Claus
When you come down from the sky
With thousands of toys
Don't forget my shoe
But before you go,
You will need to dress warmly
You'll be cold outside
It's a little bit about me.
I can't wait for the day to come
To see if you brought me
All these beautiful toys that I dream about
And which I asked of you.
The sand merchant passed by
The children will go to bed
And you can start
With a bag on my back
To the sound of church bells,
Distribution of gifts.
And when you're on your beautiful cloud,
Come down to our house first.
I wasn't very obedient all the time,
But I apologize to you for this.
Ved.2. New Year's French cuisine
Each French province has its own culinary characteristics and preferences:
In northeastern France, the head of the table is usually a goose.
In Burgundy - turkey with chestnuts.
Brittany - buckwheat scones with sour cream.
In Paris - oysters, lobster, foie gras (usually in the form of a Christmas log) and champagne.
In Provence, Christmas dinner is symbolically marked with 13 desserts representing Christ and the 12 apostles.
(the children come out and take out the tree with fruit)
Ved.3 Not only the streets and squares, but also the houses of the French are full of bright outfits and festive decorations.
Ved4. Spruce is a tree that has long been an object of cult. As a symbol of eternal life, the spruce was an integral element of decorations during the Saturnalia. The tradition came to France from Germany, first spreading to Alsace, probably in the 16th century, and then to Lorraine.
(children get up from the table and decorate the Christmas tree with toys, then go backstage)
Ved.1. Once upon a time, spruce was decorated only with fruits, most often apples. In 1858 there was a very bad apple harvest. Then glassblowers in Lorraine created glass balls to replace apples. This is where the tradition of Christmas tree decorations came from.

Ved.2 The doors of the houses are decorated with mistletoe (the second most popular Christmas tree after spruce), the windows are decorated with multi-colored light bulbs. The French hang a branch of mistletoe over the door of their house, believing that it will bring good luck for the next year. And residents of France always decorate their homes with flowers - flowers are also placed on the festive table.
(the child comes out again and brings out a vase of flowers)
Ved3. Also an element of decoration are kresh - Christmas manger - a model depicting the scene of the birth of Christ. Usually the layout is filled with human figures - figures of saints - santons. These are figurines symbolizing the Virgin Mary, baby Jesus, Joseph and the Magi.

(children come out and build a crash: A girl, the image of the Virgin Mary, stands up and places the cradle with the baby on pre-cut straw from corrugated paper, a boy stands next to him, portraying the role of Joseph, other children come up behind them, portraying the role of the Magi and cover the entire crash from above with pine branches, the scene freezes)
Ave Maria plays in the background

(children leave on stage, children appear depicting a family (mother, father, two children), they have a log in their hands. The father pours oil on the log, everyone worships the log and puts it in the fireplace, the children watch and sit next to the fire, after which everyone sits down table and show the roll)
Since the 12th century, in France there has been a tradition on Christmas Eve to make a Christmas log - Bouches de Noel - from fresh wood in the courtyard of the house. It was believed that a tree trunk cut down had magical properties and could affect the harvest. With certain ceremonies, the log was solemnly brought into the house. The head of the family poured oil and heated wine over it, and the whole family offered prayers. Little girls set fire to the log using wood chips left over from the previous year's log (according to legend, the ash and wood chips obtained from burning the Christmas log protected the house from lightning and the devil's tricks throughout the year; therefore, family members collected them especially carefully and carefully stored them). Gradually, the tradition of burning Bouches de Noel died out, although today it is followed in houses with fireplaces.
In some provinces in France, it was customary to hide gifts for children, especially sweets and dry fruits, in the Christmas log.
Ved1.Today we want to present such a log as a gift to our school as a symbol of eternal prosperity! (children give the decorated log to the director)
Ved2. Currently, these traditions are observed only symbolically: in many homes, on holiday tables you can find figurines of Bouches de Noel. In addition, birthday cakes and rolls are baked in the Bouches de Noel mold.
Sweet bouches de Noel is a Christmas gift for our jury!
After the festive revueillon, it is customary to leave a lit candle for the Virgin Mary.
(The introduction sounds, a girl comes out with a candle in her hands, the children are already lined up for the song)
Song “Christmas” (take out a burning candle, slides with Mary and Jesus)
Dance scene!
After the song everyone goes backstage.
Ved3. In France, the New Year is called “St. Sylvester’s Day.” If Christmas in France is a family holiday, then the New Year is celebrated with friends somewhere in a cafe or restaurant. During New Year's dinner, people dance, joke, put on pointed hats with stars and throw handfuls of confetti or streamers at each other.
Ved4.On New Year's Eve, a mass celebration takes place on the Champs Elysees in the capital of France - Paris. On a festive night, it is as bright as day because of the many colorful light bulbs hanging on the trees.
And on New Year's Eve, you should definitely make a wish while looking at the Eiffel Tower. We invite you to make a wish for everyone now and let it come true! Turn your gaze to the Efileev Tower (a minute of attention), make your deepest wish...

Playing with the audience.
And now we invite you to try yourself in the role of Per Noel and play the game “Frosty Breath” with us.
Ved.2 Two people are invited to the stage. Your task is to blow away the snowflakes, we start on command

(Before each Santa Claus, a fairly large paper snowflake is placed on the table. The task is to blow off your snowflake so that it falls from the opposite edge of the table. This continues until everyone has blown off their snowflakes.)
Ved.3 (summarizing) The winner is not the one who was the first to blow away his snowflake, but the one who was the last, because his breath is so frosty that his snowflake “frozen” to the table.”
Ved4. Our journey through New Year's France has come to an end and as a farewell we would like to tell you now: New Year is a time when miracles happen: sometimes incredible, but always very pleasant and joyful.
Children read poetry:
1 Thu. On New Year's Eve
Open the doors wide
Even though the blizzard is blowing
And the blizzard roars.
On New Year's Eve
Happiness comes to people.
Let it come to you too.
2Thurs. May the New Year come to your home
With nice mood.
And may you have a whole year in everything
Luck comes with it.
Let every day warm you with warmth,
And it will bring a lot of happiness.
And all doubts will be dispelled
New Year arrived at midnight!
“Snowflake” by Malikov (children sing and dance)

Millions of people dream of visiting France at least once. “See Paris and die” - you don’t hear that much about any cities. France is associated with romance, art, bohemianism and fine cuisine. If you are planning a party and want it to be unique and stylish, yet cheerful and romantic, perhaps a French theme is what you need.

A French-style party will be appropriate for a beautiful lady’s birthday, in honor of Valentine’s Day, on the occasion of New Year and Christmas holidays, etc.

Various narrowings of the main topic are possible. So, you can not only spend "French party", A "party in Parisian style". A theme can be chosen for a women's anniversary, bachelorette party or second wedding day Provence. In accordance with the chosen concept, the surroundings are formed.

French Party Venue Decor

If this is exactly Parisian theme, styling as a city cafe would be appropriate: cozy tables, striped or checkered tablecloths, cute bouquets, baskets and boxes with flowers, bottles of wine. The walls can be decorated with posters of Parisian cityscapes and an original menu.

For french style parties You can use mixed decor. Anything related to France will do: for example, images and figurines of the Eiffel Tower, the colors of the French tricolor, reproductions of famous Louvre paintings, bottles of wine, fake cheese, plastic grapes and much more.

As decoration Provencal style parties Lavender flowers, wicker accessories (vases, boxes, baskets), marine attributes, and a rooster figurine can be used. Lavender color can become the main color.

Don't forget to choose the music. Fortunately, there is plenty to choose from: chanson, jazz, rock, hip-hop and even rap in French. You can create a suitable playlist for any audience.

It would be more than appropriate at a French party photo props: glasses, mustaches, lips, hats, berets, etc. on sticks.

French-style party: refreshments

France is famous for its cheeses, so an abundant cheese plate is a must-have for a French party. Ideally, it is worth including the most famous cheeses in its assortment: Camembert, Brie, Roquefort, Beaufort, Comté, etc. However, more than 500 varieties of cheese are produced in France, so there is plenty to choose from, including inexpensive options.

In addition, for an appetizer you can serve a salad with any vegetables, cheese and olives, which is also typical for France, where Mediterranean cuisine predominates.

If possible, it is worth offering guests a treat such as fondue.

For hot dishes, onion soup and, of course, French-style meat with mushrooms and Bechamel sauce can be served. For dessert - meringues, croissants with sweet filling, profiteroles, eclairs, creme brulee.

Drinks - French wines. For those who do not drink alcohol, grape juices and Perrier mineral water can be offered.

French party clothes

The French style traditionally includes such elements as a beret, a hat, a scarf, a neckerchief and a “vest” (clothing with horizontal stripes). Girls can try on a corset. For men - a costume of a Parisian mime or a French sailor.

French party scenario: competitions, games, entertainment

Team competition: “French in spirit”

Party participants are divided into 2-4 teams. Both groups and pairs can compete (one pair = one team). Let's find out which team is more French in spirit.

Task 1. Presentation

Participants must say their names in the French manner (you can modify the name or focus only on the pronunciation). It is especially important to pay attention to grazing (pronouncing the sound “r” the way the French do). Next, the leader counts how many times the sound “r” appears in the names of the members of each team. Whichever team has more “p” gets 1 point.

Task 2. Abstract art

Most tourists coming to France strive to visit not only the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower, but also Montmartre, occupied by street artists. Any Frenchman, if he runs out of money, can earn a little extra money by painting tourists. If he doesn't have the ability, he will draw abstractions. You do not believe me? So you are not French! Or is it the French? Let's check if you can make a high-quality abstraction.

Each team receives a blank sheet of paper, finger paints and wet wipes. One participant becomes a sitter, and the rest of the team become artists. They must draw an abstract portrait of a model using their fingers as a tool. 3-5 minutes are given for everything.

The paintings are shown, discussed and kept as souvenirs for the sitters. Each team whose abstraction clearly identifies a portrait of the model receives 1 point.

Task 3. French lovers

The teams receive cards with the names of the French on them. Participants must remember their lovers and mistresses. Perhaps it was unrequited love or a strong relationship. Maybe the affair was extramarital. The person you loved might not be French at all. The main thing is that their names are firmly associated with each other.

Each name can be written on a separate card and teams can be invited to draw several.

1. Constance (Dartagnan)
2. Vanessa Paradis (Johnny Depp)
3. Quasimodo (Esmeralda)
4. Carla Bruni (Nicolas Sarkozy)
5. Napoleon (Josephine)
6. Vincent Cassel (Monica Bellucci)
7. Geoffrey de Peyrac (Angelique)
8. Pierre Curie (Marie Sklodowska-Curie)
9. Duchess de La Vallière (Louis 14)

For each correct answer, the team earns 1 point.

Task 4. Construction of the Eiffel Tower

Every Frenchman should be able to build the Eiffel Tower. Yes, yes, I'm not joking. They are taught this already in primary school. Now let's see how you deal with this.

Teams are given 50-100 paper cups with or without lids (preferably with lids). The task is to build a tower from them.

Whichever team finishes it faster, using all the glasses, wins, receiving 3 points. The team that completes the task second earns 1 point. Extra points can be awarded for creativity and originality if one team demonstrates these qualities when constructing their tower.

Task 5. Pantomime

Have you been to Paris? Then, of course, you saw Parisian mimes entertaining the audience. Every Frenchman should be a bit of a mime. How could it be otherwise, since France is filled with tourists who don’t know a word of French. We have to somehow get out of it by explaining the way to them.

The team chooses one mime. He pulls out a card with a task that contains 3-4 words related to France. Next, the mime demonstrates these words through pantomime to members of his team, and they try to understand what it is about. The presenter times the time. How quickly will all the words be solved?

At the end, the indicators are compared. The team that guessed the words faster than others gets 2 points.

Examples of words for pantomime:

  • Croissant
  • Eiffel Tower
  • Grape
  • Musketeer
  • Bastille
  • Cancan
  • Gerard Depardieu

Based on the results of 5 tasks, the results are summed up. Members of the winning team receive medals with the inscription “True Frenchman”. Everyone who took part will be awarded prizes.

After the team competition, you can have other entertainment.

Fun croissants

M+F couples participate. Ladies receive a very long and narrow piece of fabric. The men depict the filling of a croissant. The fabric is the “dough” with which the participants must wrap the filling.

First, the Presenter asks the men to come up with what kind of filling they are. Then the women quickly wrap their “delicious” men in the dough - so that it does not unfold. The winner is the participant who wraps the croissant faster than others.

The fun doesn't end there. The presenter brings to the attention of the audience the show “Dancing Croissants”. The music turns on. Men wrapped in cloth dance. The presenter sets the movements, inviting the croissants to show themselves in all their glory:
- show that you are curvy (dance like fatties)
- show that you are seductively delicious (stroking yourself erotically)
- show that you are hot (jump slightly)
- offer to eat yourself (use inviting gestures)
- show how anyone who treats you will feel dizzy with happiness (dizzy).

Catching frogs

As you know, the French are not averse to eating frog legs. Now we will arrange a traditional French fun - hunting for frogs.

Volunteer hunters are called up - two people. All others remain in their places. The presenter walks near those sitting and distributes chips to them, each of which depicts a particular animal. Hunters do not see the contents of the chips. Only one of those present receives the frog chip.

At the leader’s sign, those sitting begin to make the sounds of the animals that they got in chorus. Some meow, some bark, some moo, some grunt, some bleat, etc. And only one of them croaks. However, this sound is drowned in animal cacophony. The hunters' task is to find the frog as quickly as possible and take it by the hand (catch it by the paw).

Whoever is faster gets a prize. You can repeat the hunt several times, changing hunters if the guests are interested. Each time, the chips are collected, shuffled and distributed again to the participants.

Louvre paintings

We need 2-3 pairs of guests. Either only men can participate (it turns out more fun), or mixed couples.

Each couple receives a printed image of a painting kept in the Louvre. The task is to reproduce her plot as realistically as possible (without undressing, of course). This is the old entertainment "Living Picture". Viewers rate which pair was closest to the original.

Examples of paintings to “revive”:

  • Reni Guido: Hercules fighting Achelous
  • Pico François-Edouard: Cupid and Psyche
  • David Jacques-Louis: Paris and Helen
  • Pierre Mignard: Madonna of the Grapes

Cupid and Psyche


This is a comic competition that can be held if several men came to a party wearing scarves. After all, the scarf is considered a typical French accessory.

So, the Presenter invites men with scarves to take part in the competition. But not a word about scarves! Eyeliner: “Now we will evaluate which of the men has the longest French dignity.” The men and spectators are slightly confused. After which the Presenter clarifies the situation: “We are talking about your French scarves! What were you thinking about?”

Take out a measuring tape and use it to measure the length of the scarves. Whoever has the longest gets a funny prize and a standing ovation as the man with the most impressive dignity.

French cinema

Participants are asked to guess the name of the film based on a quote from it.

Do you love painting?
- Yes very. I love Rafael.
- I like the other ninja turtles better.

What beautiful flowers. Can they be smoked?

These new Romans fly better. This is probably due to the more streamlined shape of the helmet.
(Asterix and Obelix)

Don't kill me please! I'm on vacation!
(Fifth Element)

He is a tree... a singing tree... Also in German.

These hieroglyphs all look the same.
(Asterix and Obelix)

- Boom, yeah, I got it.
(Fifth Element)

Sorry, my microwave is calling me.

You called me a dark killer. Me, such a cheerful, cheerful creature! Of course I love to kill, but I do it with a smile.

If I said "kill the goat", kill the goat!
(From Paris with love)

-...I'm in a position.
- What?.. How could I not notice this?!
- I've been trying to tell you this for 8 months now!

Take them away! And pour an aperitif to the sacred crocodiles.
(Asterix and Obelix)

©2014 Attention! The French party scenario was developed specifically for this site. Full or partial reprinting of material and its publication on other websites is possible only with the written consent of its author and the editors of the site.

HOLIDAY SCENARIO “What do we know about France?”

(9th grade)

Ved.1 : Bonjour nos chers amis!

Ved .2: Bonjour!

Ved .1: Nous sommes ravies de vous voir aujoirdhui a notre fete!

Ved .2: Qui a le titre “Nous connaissons la France!” Et vous? »

Ved .1: Je donne la parole a notre professeur de francaisNataliya Nikolaevna

N. N.: Bonjour meschers collegues! Bonjourmesamis!

Welcome to our French language celebration!

For a Russian person, France is a familiar country, even if he has never been there. For a long time, people in Russia have read, thought and argued a lot about France. France has always been a country of great cultural traditions in the fields of art, literature, gastronomy, and fashion. Everyone knows that knowledge of French in the 18th and 19th centuries was a kind of calling card in Russia, the main sign of a good upbringing, an integral feature of an educated person. Since ancient times, it was believed that the French language is the language of poetry and love. He is harmonious and pleasant to the ear, ready to express the subtlest thoughts from the simplest casual conversation to the most sublime lyrics.

Student reading the poem “Moscow-Paris”

What is this poem about? Did you know that 2010 was the year of Russia in France and France in Russia? The beginning of ties between the countries dates back to the times of Kievan Rus, when the daughter of Yaroslav the Wise Anna became queen of France. The real passion for French began in the era of Peter 1

I would like to say that today 200 million people around the world speak and write French. Along with English, French is the only language spoken on all five continents. This language has the status of an official (or second official) language in fifty countries. It unites more than a quarter of the world's countries. In addition, French is the diplomatic and working language of international organizations such as the UN, European Union, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Council of Europe, UNESCO, etc.

Ved.1: Everyone knows that French as a foreign language ranks second after English, among the most studied languages ​​in the world.

Ved.2: Maybe the guys who study English won’t believe it, but this is a historical and, one might even say, linguistic fact. We are talking about the fact that in 1066, the French Duke of Normandy, William 1, conquered England. French is becoming not only a written literary language, but also the official language of this country.

Ved.1: In the 11th – 13th centuries, business correspondence and legal proceedings were conducted on it, legislative institutions used it, it was studied in schools, and some English writers wrote their works on it.

Ved.2: Only in the 14th and 15th centuries did English again take the place of the state language in England.

Study 1: Now I understand why there are so many words in English that are spelled the same as French. They just read differently. For example,base- base-base

Place- place-place

"> Table-table-table



Patience- patience- patience

Ved.1: So, why should you learn French?

Ved.2: I think, firstly, to make it easier for yourself to travel to France, as well as to Belgium, Switzerland, Monaco, Canada, where they also speak French.

Ved.1: We are studying French and, of course, we would like to visit this beautiful country. By the way, if you know, France is the first tourist destination in the world.

Ved.2: In the meantime, we take virtual trips and do it like this.

A story about France.

Ved.2: When you say the word “France”, what word do you associate it with?

Ved.1 : With the word “diversity”. Yes, yes, France is a variety of landscapes: the rocky shores of Brittany and Normandy, the endless beaches of the Atlantic, the volcanoes of the Massif Central, the small bays of Marseille in the south, the Mont Blanc peak in the Alps, which is the highest in Europe.

Teacher: Just a minute, dear presenters, let’s ask our teams about this.

Sample answers: France is the musketeers, Joan of Arc, perfume, fashion, croissants, the Eiffel Tower, baguette, frogs, ancient castles, Paris...

Teacher: Where do these words “Burgundy, Normandy, Champagne or Provence…” come from? I hope that you watched the film “D'Artagnan and the 3 Musketeers” with M. Boyarsky in the title role. Therefore, you should remember the words of this song, which was performed by the hero of M. Boyarsky - D'Artagnan?

Presenter 1: Burgundy, Normandy, Champagne and Provence are the names of French provinces. France is made up of 22 regions or provinces in the old way. Each region is unique and has its own charm, that is, charm.

Ved.2: So, travel around France with French: for example, go to Normandy! Everyone knows that during the Second World War, the French Normandy-Niemen regiment fought together with our people against the Nazis. The pilots were from Normandy, which is why the regiment received its name.

A story about Normandy.

Ved.1 And if the tourist is a romantic person and is very interested in history, for example, the Renaissance, which, by the way, is often pronounced in the French manner Renaissance, what can we visit for him in France?

The enchanting birthplace of the French Renaissance, the Loire Valley, with its luxurious ancient castles, is a favorite destination for travelers from all over the world who decide not to take a simple tour to France, but to touch history itself by visiting the famous castles of the Loire. In an area of ​​almost forty thousand square kilometers, where more than two and a half million people live, the strongholds of the former power of local lords who lived and loved, fought and died, intrigued and committed crimes rise proudly. The castles of the Loire are the very history of not only this region, where the literary language of the French people originated, but also the whole of France. The most popular castles of the Loire Valley, for which more than 4 million tourists annually purchase a tour to France, are the castles of Amboise, Chambord, Chenonceau, Blois, Azay-le-Rideau, Chinon, Langeais and Villandry.

Ved.2: When pronouncing the name of the ancient French province of Champagne, one involuntarily comes to mind the name of the drink without which it is unthinkable for our parents to celebrate the New Year. Well, for all people, including the French.

The Champagne region is located in northeastern France, and its main city of Reims is located 140 kilometers from Paris. Indeed, it was in Champagne that the popular champagne was invented, without which it is simply impossible to imagine any festive event today. Champagne is endless vineyards that are impossible to cover with a glance; they stretch from Epernay to Reims and resemble a calm sea, inspiring unaccountable peace and tranquility. By the way, Epernay and Reims are still arguing among themselves which of these two cities is the “cradle” of champagne wines. Champagne is also small towns and villages that have stood for centuries on the banks of quiet rivers, and ancient castles that are not subject to earthly time, and the gloomy Ardennes fortresses that have defended the borders of the country for centuries, and churches of the Middle Ages, stunning with their beauty and the tranquility that they inspire in the souls of people.

Ved.2: We also invite you to Alsace. Since this is the same history of the French Republic. This province is located in the east of France, on the border with Germany. During the Franco-German War (1870-1871), Germany captured Alsace. And he became German for 50 years. But for the inhabitants of Alsace, France has always been their homeland. Only in 1918 did this province become French again.

A story about Alsace.

Ved.1: Do you know that in Strasbourg, the regional capital of Alsace, there is the International Court of Human Rights, as well as the Council of Europe. Strasbourg is called the capital of Europe because the headquarters of the European Parliament is located here. It was in Strasbourg in 1792 that the French officer Rouget de Lisle wrote the French national anthem, La Marseillaise.

Ved.2: And about which city did E. Hemingway say that this is a holiday that is always with you?

Ved.1: Of course, about Paris. There is also a saying: “See Paris and die.” But I don’t understand why you should die after seeing this city - a beacon, you need to live, tell everyone how beautiful it is.

Every person's heart skips a beat when he hears the name of the city of Paris. Pictures of luxury and fun, bohemian life and exquisite fashion shows, love and happiness that literally permeated the very air of this, in general, small city by modern standards, immediately flash before your eyes. The area of ​​Paris, beloved by millions of people all over the planet, is only one hundred and five square kilometers, which are divided by nature itself with the help of the Seine River into the right and left banks. Traditionally, business people and the French bourgeoisie live on the right bank, while the left bank is completely given over to cheerful students, literary and artistic bohemia, and the intelligentsia.

Ved.2: Can you imagine how great it is to go to Paris knowing French? After all, you can read the inscriptions and ask what is where if you walk around the city.

Ved.1: “Paris is not a city, but a whole world.” These words were spoken back in the 16th century, but they can be safely repeated today, at the beginning of the third millennium. By the way, who knows how old Paris is?

Ved.2: Paris is already more than two thousand years old. We find the first mention of Lutetia (as Paris was called in ancient times) in the “Notes on the Gallic War” by Julius Caesar, a Roman commander who conquered in the 1st century BC. (58 -51) the territory of present-day France - Gaul, as it was called at that time.

Ved.1: The Romans built here, as in other conquered cities, their usual palaces, theaters, baths... Today we can touch these centuries-old stones - in Paris there are remains of an amphitheater built in the 3rd century, the Arena of Lutetia - they could accommodate 16,000 spectators; and the ruins of luxurious baths - thermal baths.

Ved.2: “The Cradle of Paris” is the name of the island of Cite, ancient Lutetia. Paris was born here.

It was on this small island that the Parisians lived (the name of the ancient Gallic tribe was preserved, as we see, in the name of the city). Paris grew around this island for two millennia.The city grew around its ancient coreIslands of Cite. The city blocks are located in the Seine valley, on the hills of Montmartre and Valerien. The bridged Seine with its magnificent shady embankments makes the city extremely picturesque. The river divides the city into two almost equal parts. The banks of the Seine are connected by 30 bridges.

Ved.1: From above, the Ile de la Cité looks like a ship. It is not for nothing that the symbol of Paris is a boat, and the motto is “It rocks in the waves, but does not sink.” On the Ile de la Cité there is a masterpiece of Gothic art - Notre Dame Cathedral.

Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral is an architectural monument of early Gothic architecture. It was founded in 1163 and took almost 200 years to build. For a long time, its 90-meter bell tower was the tallest in the city, and the thousand-pound bell can still be heard today on national holidays. During ceremonial services, the cathedral can accommodate almost 10,000 people.

Ved.2: Do you know that Paris is home to one of the oldest and most famous universities in Europe - the Sorbonne. It was founded in 1253 by the confessor of Saint Louis, Robert de Sorbon.

Ved.1: There are also about 60 museums in Paris, almost all in the city center, in the Seine area.

On the embankment of the Seine is the Louvre, a renowned art museum with a worldwide reputation. Its area reaches almost 200 thousand square meters. m. The halls and galleries of the Louvre contain about 400 thousand works of painting and sculpture from various countries and times. Such masterpieces as the sculpture Venus de Milo and Leonardo da Vinci’s painting “La Gioconda” are widely known.

The Louvre's museum collections consist of exhibits that describe the history of human development from ancient times to the 19th century.

About the Louvre.

Ved.2.: Previously, the Louvre was a fortress, then the palace of the French kings. The founder of the Louvre collection and art connoisseur Francis I probably could not have imagined how his collection would grow. It is in the Louvre that you can admire the mysterious smile of Mona Lisa, look at the Venus de Milo and the Nike of Samothrique.

Ved.1: Champs Elysees is the name of the most famous avenue in Paris. The Greeks and Romans called their paradise the word “Elysium”.

Ved.2: Walking along the brilliant avenue, you come closer and closer to the Arc de Triomphe of Place Charles de Gaulle. This majestic structure was built in honor of Napoleon's victories. In 1806, Napoleon himself laid its first stone.

Ved 1: I am sure that everyone, even those who do not study French like we do, knows which building is the symbol of Paris.

Viewer responses.

Ved 2: The world-famous Eiffel Tower was completed at the end of March 1889 - 120 years ago. Even if you have never been to France, you have certainly seen it hundreds of times on TV or on postcards.

The Eiffel Tower was erected in Paris for the 1889 World Exhibition, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution. The government of the Third Republic decided to capture the imagination of its contemporaries by building a structure the like of which the world had never seen.

But in the distantXIXcentury, the Eiffel Tower was terribly disliked by Parisians; Maupassant, Hugo and Verlaine were indignant, great cultural figures wrote long angry letters demanding the immediate removal of this “lightning rod” from the streets of Paris. Hugo even dined regularly at the restaurant at the very top of the Eiffel Tower. When asked why he was doing this if he terribly did not like the tower, Hugo replied: “This is the only place in the vast city of Paris from where it is not visible.”

During the laying of the foundation, a depth of up to 5 meters below the level of the Seine was carried out; blocks 10 meters thick were laid in the pits, because nothing could be neglected to unconditionally guarantee stability. Hydraulic presses with a lifting capacity of up to 800 tons were built into each of the four foundations for the tower legs. They were intended for precise adjustment of the verticality of the tower, the design weight of which was 5000 tons. The assembly of the Eiffel Tower required 12,000 components. Four elevators inside the tower's legs go up to the second platform, and a fifth goes from the second to the third platform. Initially, elevators were hydraulic, but already at the beginningXXcenturies they have been electrified.

The elevators designed by Eiffel worked flawlessly for half a century and suddenly broke down in June 1940, when German troops entered Paris. For four years, while the occupiers remained in the French capital, the tower was closed. Engineers specially dispatched from Berlin were never able to get the elevators working. As soon as Paris was liberated, the old mechanic only went down for half an hour - and the lifts, to the great joy of the Parisians, started working. The Eiffel Tower once again became the symbol of Paris, and it was the first to be crowned with the tricolor national flag, which flew over the French capital on August 25, 1944.

The fate of Eiffel's creation hung in the balance more than once. In the 90sXIXcentury, it almost came to dismantling, and the tower was saved only by the appearance of radio. It became the mainstay of antennas for radio broadcasting, then television and radar services. The tower houses a unique weather station, where daily fluctuations in atmospheric electricity, the degree of pollution and atmospheric radiation are studied. Parisian television broadcasts its programs from here. It has a transmitter installed on it that provides communication between police and firefighters.

The Eiffel Tower is a lightweight openwork structure 320 m high, consisting of welded metal parts, supported by four huge pylons with a cement base. The Eiffel Tower is divided into three levels: the first is at a height of 57 m, the second is 115 and the third is 274. On the first two platforms there are restaurants and bars where tourists can relax and enjoy a unique panorama. In particularly clear weather, the gaze can cover a distance of up to 70 km in radius.

The most romantic place in Paris is probably the area in front of the Eiffel Tower. In the evening, an illuminated fountain starts working in front of the tower, and in general this place looks very beautiful in the evening.

Ved 1: We hope that after our event today you will definitely want to visit France and Paris.

Ved 2: You are convinced that a trip to France is a real holiday for any person who wants to see with his own eyes all the sights and memorable places of this country, since every meter of French territory is history itself.

Charming, elegant, sophisticated, harmonious and, of course, stylish! A French party is a great theme for a wedding, birthday or bachelorette party. But first you need to decide which France you will invite your friends to.

Regardless of the chosen topic, overloading with details is not welcome. Everything should be appetizing, light and airy, like a fresh croissant!


This option will fit within a modest budget and is suitable for a party at home. The color scheme is blue, white and red. On the ceiling there are garlands of flags, colorful paper pompoms, and streamers. On the walls are city landscapes, photos and figures of landmarks.

A minimum of complex details, stylization through play with color. The design can be informal (purchased decor, balloons, disposable tableware, fast food) or sophisticated, despite the diversity of the flag.


A French-style country party is a popular theme for weddings, anniversaries and other celebrations. Far from being an economical option, there are a lot of parts, complicated preparation. Although if the party is held in a restaurant, outdoors or in a country house with an initially suitable interior, the task is greatly simplified.

Color range – any pastel colors. You need artistic taste, some accent and a competent combination of shades to convey the romantic atmosphere of Provence.

Fortunately, everything has already been thought out for us - look at a few photos of interiors in the style of French Provence, and choose a color spectrum for the party decoration.

Photo zone in the style of French Provence for a party at the highest level:

To create the surroundings you will need:

  • openwork blankets, textiles - furniture, windows, tables, garland ribbons, curtains. Natural fabric, plant patterns (small flowers or large peonies are ideal);
  • bouquets of peonies, lavender, lilies, tulips or wildflowers in elegant vases. Ampelous plants in tubs/pots (on walls, upper shelves). There should be a lot of greenery and flowers at this French party;

  • watercolor paintings, embroidery, decoupage. Books by French writers/poets, postcards with views, table lamps, floor lamps, boxes - atmospheric retro little things that create the mood;
  • "country" dishes on the shelves– clay, wood, wicker. And on the table there is elegant porcelain, thin glass;
  • buckets, garden tools, baskets. You can put huge bouquets in buckets/baskets or put any fruits/vegetables that are in harmony with the chosen color scheme;

It is not necessary to completely fill the container; the top layer over the foam “plug” is sufficient.

  • the bicycle is one of the symbols of French Provence. You can bring a real one to a party (preferably an old one, long gathering dust in a country shed), attach a basket, put fruit and newspaper inside, and lean it against the wall. Or make compositions (pots, sold in gardening stores):

  • The birdcage is another recognizable element. You can populate paper birds or put candles inside, decorate the table with miniature cages, hang large ones instead of lampshades that do not fit into the interior. Cells can be drawn or made from paper.

Le petit Paris

At this French party, the entire decor is pink and black plus white. At the same time, an innocent and piquant atmosphere, depending on the placement of accents. The theme is popular for children's parties and lavish celebrations.

An example of an immodest budget in the photo - a lot of expensive textiles, decoration with fresh flowers. But even without spending a lot of money, it’s possible to throw a party like this:

  • For the background, use paper wallpaper if the color of the walls is not suitable;
  • hang pompoms, fans and other decorations from corrugated paper;
  • Cardboard Eiffel Towers can be purchased or printed and assembled;

  • tulle or other airy fabrics in compositions for decorating dishes;
  • balloons, satin or lacy ribbons, inverted umbrellas on the ceiling (real or paper);
  • mannequins (miniature prop mannequins are also suitable, but always in fashionable outfits). You can put up a dressing table, hang paintings (portraits of actresses, singers and simply elegant French women);

  • download silhouette pictures from the Internet. The query “Paris/France silhouette vector” has everything, you don’t even have to rack your brains over associations. Any symbols! True, many pictures are protected with watermarks, but in this case it is not important.

Cut out of colored paper along the contour, glue on walls, mirrors, dishes, make garlands. Black silhouette on a pink background or vice versa.


Don't forget to consider a French party invitation - a cheerful blue, white and red, subtle in pastel shades or sweet pink with black/gray lace. A simple card, printed or homemade, is ideal. without fanaticism - nothing superfluous is needed, laconicism and high style are the priority.

Write a couple of phrases in French, at least a greeting. Use a florid font.

Instead of a cardboard rectangle, if it seems boring to you, you can make an invitation in the shape of a birdcage, a bicycle, the Eiffel Tower, a silhouette of a fashionista, or a mannequin. Or send a postcard as if from Paris (print out stamps), make a fake ticket, passport.


Depending on the chosen theme, clothing for a French party can be quite simple - traditional blue/black stripes or just as traditionally elegant - suits for men, flowy mid-length dresses for women. Indicate the color scheme in the invitation to make it easier for guests to decide.

The priority is natural fabrics, simple silhouettes, comfort and high style. In general, nothing specific, choose clothes in accordance with the level of organization of the holiday. In makeup, the emphasis is on the lips, the hairstyle is not careless, but complex styling is also out of place (natural beauty is encouraged). A drop of French perfume and accessories will highlight the image:

  • beret, miniature hat;
  • a scarf or scarf around the neck is appropriate for both men and women;
  • openwork gloves, leg warmers, striped or mesh stockings/tights, elegant jewelry without pretentiousness.

For artistic guests and entertainers, costumes of a mime, artist, sailor, baker or any French celebrity are suitable.

If you don't want to burden your friends with finding suitable clothes for the party, buy/order T-shirts with a themed print for everyone. Or ask to come in clothes of a certain color and prepare accessories for everyone - scarves, handkerchiefs, berets, false mustaches as elements of a costume or as props for a photo shoot.

Menu, serving

Any format is appropriate, from a traditional feast to a buffet table. Be sure to organize a sweet table, even if the party is for adults - the French love all kinds of desserts, chocolate and pastries.

Tablecloths, dishes, cards for decoration to match the interior. Use any of the symbols listed above to create an atmosphere. Make cards with the names of the dishes in French.

If you don’t find suitable utensils, it will help white porcelain and clear glass. Plates/glasses can be decorated with stickers, ribbons, and acrylic. The main thing is to match the color scheme of the party, and it’s easy.

With the help of colored glaze, mastic and sprinkles, it is not difficult to decorate a sweet table completely in accordance with the theme. Buy dragees, marmalade, and candies of the desired shade. Prepare jelly, cookies and other desserts that are easy to color.

Looks interesting candy bar imitating a French cafe– print or draw a background, attach a canopy, place suitable furniture, flowers. Simple examples of cafe styling:

It is advisable that the menu include seafood, a lot of fruits and vegetables, and homemade baked goods. For fun, you can serve fake (or real?) snails and frog legs. Chop the classic (not ours, but the traditional) Olivier, buy several types of cheese and feta cheese.

You don’t have to fanatically stick to only French cuisine, but for the ambience, prepare several national dishes. There are recipes online, everything is quite simple. For example:

  • bouillabaisse (fish soup)
  • galantine (meat aspic)
  • duck confit (stewed legs)
  • cutlets de volai (from chicken breast, similar to Kyiv)
  • classic quiche Laurent with breast or other filling (lots of delicious pie recipes)
  • eclairs, croissants (you can definitely buy these), creme brulee, macaron cookies.

Beverages– cognac, champagne, wine, cider. Non-alcoholic – hot chocolate, milkshakes, natural juices.


The French are cheerful and relaxed people, so any competitions within the format of your party will do. Children will enjoy imaginative games and active fun. Young people will have fun if you include some spicy games in the script.

No French party scenario is needed - sit back, relax and enjoy immersing yourself in a romantic atmosphere!

We offer thematic competitions that you can supplement with any active, alcoholic, or dance games.

Cheerful associations

As usual, guests take turns naming any associations to the word “France”. But everything should happen quickly, no more than 5 seconds of thinking. Nothing came to mind? You need to compose a toast so that it includes the association mentioned earlier. And pronounce this toast in the French style, burr.

Until you get tired of it in a circle or all the way through: if you don’t cope, you’re out. And so on until the most savvy “Frenchman” remains.

Delicious France

Blindfolded, try desserts, sauces, sweets and guess what they are. For example, 10 identical opaque containers, try one by one. Who can guess the most flavors?

Eiffel Tower? Easily!

Build the tallest tower from cups, cubes, cards, etc. Everyone for themselves or split into teams.


What would it be like without them in the land of mimes? Prepare association cards, preferably with a reserve. The guest draws a random card and depicts it without words. Whoever guessed correctly draws the next card.

You can split into two teams and hold a competition. Count the time it takes to guess (the presenter has a stopwatch). Then everyone draws cards one by one. The team that manages (to sum up the time at the end) faster than its opponents will win.

Montmartre? And it's easy!

The goal of the competition is to draw the birthday boy in the style of a cartoon or caricature. No need for complications - a piece of paper and a simple pencil, 5 minutes of time. With humor, of course! The winner will be determined by the organizer or the birthday boy himself.

If you are not celebrating a birthday or the hero of the occasion may be offended by such art, draw the presenter, yourself, the neighbor on the left, or simply from any photo.

Sensitive nature

The Princess and the Pea, i.e. on a stool. And all sorts of small items for a napkin. Guests must use their fifth point to “feel” something and guess what lies there.
Eiffel yoke

Drawing of a tower on whatman paper, whatman paper on the wall. Bows with Velcro double-sided tape. The goal is to glue the bow as close to the top as possible. Blindfold the guest, spin him around, and put him facing the drawing. The winner will be the one who, despite poor visibility and strong wind (what a height!), copes with the task.

Have a fashion show for girly girls, a photo shoot in the “I’m a model” style or design lessons (decorate an accessory). Check the guys for dexterity, romance, ingenuity - a Frenchman simply must be a real man! At the table, conduct a quiz on knowledge of thematic facts (not boring historical ones, but some interesting ones).

There are whole collections of suitable music for a French party online - retro, modern, pop, rap and any genre. Download several songs for dancing and just for the background - with the help of music it is easier to create the right atmosphere.

At the end of the party you can watch a French film. Or do something romantic - decorate a common greeting card, send lanterns with wishes into the sky. A huge French-style birthday cake will be a colorful end to the scenario.


  • cinema tickets, music CDs;
  • books (novels, poetry), watercolor miniatures;
  • accessories, souvenirs (keychains, mugs, stationery);
  • good chocolate, alcohol, perfume, sets of sweets. Of course, everything is in elegant French style, even if it comes at the expense of exquisite packaging.

Scenario for the French Song Festival

Good afternoon dear friends. Today, the French-speaking population of our school with pleasure and with an open heart invites you to a celebration of French song and music.

French music absorbed the folklore of the Celtic and Germanic tribes that lived in ancient times on the territory of what is now France. During the Middle Ages, French music united the folk musical traditions of numerous regions of the country. French musical culture developed, also interacting with the musical cultures of other European nations, in particular Italian and German.The French music scene has given rise to a number of specific national genres, most notably -French chanson.

From French this word is translated as “song” - folk, pop, popular. The main thing in a chanson is a lyrical melody and an emotional composition that the performer must be able to convey. Most of the texts of French chanson are dedicated to beautiful love and various life stories.

The star of classical French chanson was and remains Edith Piaf.

Toujours passionnante, vêtue en petite robe noire, elle offre au public ses belles et tristes chansons, chansons d'amour, d'éspoir ou de désespérance... A very emotional and expressive voice, she herself was always dressed in a little black dress, she gave the public her beautiful and sad songs, songs of love, hope and disappointment.

No, I don't regret anything, good or bad. I'm starting from scratch.

  1. "Non, rien de rien...

Jacques Brel, Georges Brassens, Edith Piaf, Charles Aznavour Salvatore Adamo Serge Gainsbourg, These are the performers who correspond to the term chansonnier. Their songs are heard on the streets of the most beautiful city in the world, Paris.

Paris is the heart of France!
It is covered in legends. This city and music are forever connected. Different people meet under the sky of Paris...

  1. Literary and musical composition “Under the sky of Paris”.
  2. Representatives of the “new chanson” (nouvelle chanson), or “new scene” (nouvelle scène française) are the young generation of French pop artists. In their work they do not abandon the use of rock, Latin American and ethnic rhythms, and electronic music, but they are still very demanding about the lyrics of their songs. Very often their songs can be heard on the banks of the Seine. If Paris is the heart of France, then the Seine is the soul of Paris. And she has angels.
  1. . Dance and song "La Seine"

The French song won the love and popularity of Russian listeners. The songs of Joe Dassin and Mireille Mathieu were translated into Russian and entered the repertoire of many domestic performers. The song Salma is often heard in Russian, but today this song performed by the singer Dalida will sound in French, but in its tunes you will hear oriental motifs, Dalida herself is an Italian by nationality, who has accepted France with all her soul and heart. So from the banks of the Seine we will be transported to the sultry desert.

4. song “Salma”

5. Our holiday takes place on the eve of the New Year and, together with the French children's choir, we want to wish everyone present a good and happy new year and thank you for your attention.

Video clip “Bonne et heureuse annee»

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