Examples of school newspaper sections. School newspaper as an extracurricular activity for students

MBU DO of the city of Rostov-on-Don “Palace of creativity of children and youth”

Don Academy of Sciences of Young Researchers named after. Yu.A. Zhdanova

Section name: journalism


Topic: “Intra-school youth newspaper of gymnasium No. 1”

Blinkova Valeria Valerievna

8th grade student

d\o "Young Journalist"

MBU DO GSVR "Leisure"

contact phone: 8-960-444-17-45


Subbotina Olesya Georgievna

Ph.D., teacher of additional education

MBU DO GSVR "Leisure"

Address: 346350 Rostov region.

Krasny Sulin, st. Pobeda, 5

contact phone: 8-928-606-98-71





    1. Goals and history of creation.

    1. Interesting experience and sections of other school newspapers.


    List of electronic resources


    1. Questionnaires

      Issues of the newspaper "Bisector"


A newspaper or the printed word is a unique way to convey necessary and important information to the reader. Therefore, the role of the school newspaper for students cannot be overestimated.

What is a school newspaper?

A platform for expressing your point of view?

An effective information tool?

Space for bringing generations together?

Let's try to answer these and other questions.

Today, students are required not only to have knowledge, but also to be active, proactive, and able to make decisions in difficult situations. And most importantly, learn to apply the acquired knowledge. All this is possible in the work of a school newspaper. Here, students themselves can talk about current events, speak out about their sociocultural environment, needs and problems.

We think that it is the school newspaper that solves many problems and issues of school life. And the creation of a school newspaper allows you to establish closer micro-social connections within the school. Students’ participation in the school press center supports their individual development, as it helps to organize themselves, express their thoughts, disseminate them among other people, help them to know themselves better, and open the world. In the process of joint activities to create a newspaper, relationships of mutual understanding are established between representatives of different generations.

We have set ourselves the followinggoals and objectives of the study:

    Study the history of the development of the school newspaper.

    Identify students’ needs for information and ways of presenting it.

    Determine trends in reading preferences and tastes of schoolchildren, as well as teachers.

    Make a list of popular and most read sections that are most in demand by students of different ages.

    Present the results of the study for the further successful development of the school newspaper in the future.

In the course of the work, the following was carried out: an analysis of the materials of the school newspaper, interviews with the creators of the newspaper, sociological surveys among students, graduates and teachers of the gymnasium, materials and experience of creating school newspapers in different cities of our country, published on the Internet, were studied.

The work consists of two parts. The work highlights the main stages of the creation and development of a gymnasium newspaper, determines the prospects for its development according to the ideas of students and teachers, as well as the preferences of readers in order to make the newspaper even more popular.

We express our gratitude to all high school students, graduates and teachers of the school who took part in the sociological research and writing of this work.

    In-school youth newspaper of Gymnasium No. 1: from creation to the present day.

"Bisector" Now it is the school newspaper of Gymnasium No. 1, published once a month.

Official information about the publisher:

Founder: MBOU Gymnasium No. 1

Editor-in-Chief: Rodionova Anastasia

Production editor: Polina Glyadentseva

Design and layout: Dmitry Shilkin, Yuno Zinkovskaya and Dmitry Kalinin

Publisher's address: 346350, Rostov region, Krasny Sulin, st. Lenina 8

Email: , tel. 5-21-39

    1. Goals and history of creation

Objectives of the newspaper:

    Coverage of topics relevant to the gymnasium both inside and outside the school.

    Reflection on the events taking place in the gymnasium.

    Arena for self-expression of creative individuals.

    Mobile communication between the school administration and students.

    Identifying student opinions on current issues through social surveys and interviews.

History of creation:

The idea of ​​creation belongs to Anastasia Rodionova, later the editor of the newspaper (beginning of 2007)

The impetus for the idea of ​​​​creating a periodical was the trial release of a leaflet for September 1, “Gymnasium Bulletin”, September 2007, containing tabular information about the performance of gymnasium students.

As is known,bisector is a ray, a ray of light that illuminates in detail all corners of our school life.

But the newspaper editors prefer a different interpretation of the name. According to the definition known to every schoolchild, a bisector is a rat that runs around the corners. It is our rat that runs around all corners of the school and beyond, collecting all kinds of news and bringing them to the attention of readers.

The creator of the logo is Yana Lysenko.

The idea for the rat came immediately; it was much more difficult to draw it. To do this, we turned to various gymnasium students who could draw. After a lot of trial and error, we finally saw an option we all liked.

Differences between Bisector and other school newspapers:

    Essential information.

    No plagiarism.

    There is no information not related to school life (advertising, crosswords, horoscopes, theater repertoire, culinary recipes, etc.)

    The topics covered are relevant and interesting.

    The newspapers are published with the support of the parent community and themselves.

    We strive for self-sufficiency due to demand among the readership.

Attempts to create a school newspaper have been made before. For example, the newspaper “Scholyar” was published in 2004. with the participation of Glyadentseva V.E., Shumailova T.A., and the leadership of director Galchenko S.E. Why did the newspaper “Scholyar” fail?

Having interviewed its initiators, we came to the conclusion that:

The initiators were teachers. There was no time to get together and discuss what articles to write for the newspaper. Few topics of interest to students were raised.

We decided to stop and think about our mistakes and shortcomings.

Several years have passed andthe students themselves wanted to restore the newspaper. A great initiative group has gathered. We decided to add new sections, interesting competitions, share our successes, trips taken during the holidays, funny stories, etc. with the school children. The teachers were only FOR it! Especially when the students said that they would do everything without their help. Starting from the name of the newspaper and ending with what sections will be published. Our newspaper was “reborn” (2007), became truly interesting, and there was a demand for it from students of all ages.

    1. Memoirs of participants in the “movement”.

How did Bisector develop (memoirs of the creators)

Glyadentseva V.E. remembers : “We thought about the first issue for a very long time. Various ideas and ideas came, but everything seemed boring and uninteresting. At some point we even thought about giving up this idea, but then we decided that we should not give up, but take the opportunity to gather several people from each class of our school and get down to business. As soon as we did this everything went like clockwork. We thought about the name for a long time, there were many options, but we decided to settle on “Bisector”, especially since everyone liked it. We drew the picture itself and... finally, the long-awaited release, which everyone had been waiting for a very long time, came out. We liked it and the teachers also supported us. From that moment on, we decided to publish a newspaper every month. There were a lot of ideas, too, and plenty of time. The newspaper began to be published, people began to buy it, new sections were invented, interesting ideas appeared, and business progressed. That year (2007) the whole school was like one whole, we gathered the editorial board every Monday, discussed something, laughed at something. We all became one big happy family and supported each other. There was a lot. This is how the newspaper influenced us. We found a lot of new friends that we hadn't even noticed before while walking around the school. Everyone liked the first issue, and after it our newspaper began to be published constantly!”

Glyadentseva Polina (virtual interview)

8 years have passed and Polina writes in her virtual interview: “It was not an impulse, but a dream. Nastya and I have been thinking about creating a newspaper for a long time. But then we wondered if we could cope... And in vain, it turns out we were worried. We succeeded. Although it was difficult, I won’t lie. The teachers and children supported us, especially the director I.M. Perunova. and my mother, Glyadentseva V.E.

Anastasia Rodionova (notes from the school archive)

After the first five issues of the newspaper, Anastasia Rodionova wrote: “We began to think: “Does anyone even like the newspaper?” And we decided to stop for a while and not publish. So to speak, to check whether there will be questions about why the newspaper has not been there for 2 months. And indeed, many asked why she had been gone for so long and asked to resume work with the newspaper. We started printing it again. After “Bisector” it began to be released more often. Later we came up with “KRY-letters”, which were given to the winners of competitions. The newspaper developed, new columns and competitions appeared.

So,« Where to begin?How to make the newspaper relevant, interesting and readable? “- such questions are asked by everyone who starts a new business.

The first thing the newspaper’s creators did was to look for interested guys to create a team of like-minded people. It is known that the name is important for a newspaper. There were a lot of ideas. And, as has already been said, the “rat” won.

The goal was set for the junior cadets:
Make the newspaper interesting and educational for schoolchildren . Students, teachers and parents were also invited to cooperate in covering school life in the newspaper. Through the newspaper, the creative personalities of students began to be discovered.

Planning the issue, collecting material, processing photographs, working on the layout and design of the newspaper, printing issues in the printing house - there was enough work for everyone in the school senior class. Correspondents from the 8th grade, the most active at that time, provided great assistance; they mainly helped in printing the school newspaper. They selected the best articles, photographs, stories, and thought about the name of a new section, article, competition.

The newspaper also has several “tenacious” columns:

According to reader polls, 1st place in popularity and longevity was taken by the “Stereoview” rubric (The author of the rubric is Dmitry Shilkin), in second place is the “Find 10 Differences” rubric, which appeared later, in 2010, and has overtaken its main rival in popularity. Third place is firmly occupied by “Guess Where This Place is.” The recently launched “School Horoscope” column (hosted by Irina Kosminskaya) has also gained great popularity.

The topics of articles in the newspaper reflect our school life: studies, important events at school, holidays, competitions, sports competitions, excursions, trips, meetings with interesting people.
What benefits does a school newspaper bring? Together with its creators, we proudly answer:
“Thanks to the newspaper, we learn to find unusual and unforgettable moments in everyday life. The newspaper brings together and unites schoolchildren and adults into one whole. The children discover the talents of their classmates and rejoice at the successes of the students and teachers of our school.”

To date, 30 issues have already been released!

    The role of the newspaper in the life of the school and prospects for its development

Our “Bisector” fulfills all the tasks of a school newspaper:

Coverage of school life;

Assistance in developing information culture;

Increasing interest in studies and various academic subjects, as well as the social life of the school and city;

Development of intelligence, creativity, communication skills, tolerance;

Introducing to universal human values, patriotic, environmental education.

But, as in any business, we also have problems.

Problems the newspaper is currently facing:

The need to create a cohesive team of gymnasium students, united by a common goal, interested in the success of their business;

Little participation of schoolchildren in the creation of each issue of the newspaper;

The problem of providing feedback to readers online.

The problem of implementing thebrotherly connection with readers, which is very important!

So, in order to create the opportunity to communicate with our readers, receive feedback and suggestions, responses to competitions, as well as criticism, a correspondence box was installed in our school, which brings some results: now readers, in addition to the above, can ask questions to the school administration, which through us will definitely reach the addressees and will be reviewed on the pages of newspapers. However, this form does not work effectively enough.

Feedback from readers is also provided through the school website, but this information channel has now lost its popularity. The main events and steps in creating and developing a newspaper take place directly at school.

I concluded that we need to conduct more social media. surveys among students and resume the work of online mail, the use of different types of correspondence on social networks. This is what was done during this study.

Here are the first results of active social research among students.

For example, schoolchildren ask that the newspaper have more illustrations for articles in order to increase the visibility of the information and, accordingly, the interest of readers. And many kids simply want to see their photographs on the pages of the school newspaper.

Children of the 21st century, accustomed to receiving information through television and computers, also want more sections with visual information, asking them to guess video riddles or find information hidden in a picture or photograph.

    1. Results of sociological surveys of school students, graduates and teachers.

Social results surveys (students, a total of 110 people participated)

"Stereo-Eye" - 50

“Guess where this place is?” - 45

“School horoscope” - 5

“Find 10 differences” - 10

    What new things could be added?

Interesting sections – 53

Call schedule - 17

Interview with a teacher or student – ​​15

Creative competitions - 15

Articles by students - 10

    Are you looking forward to the new issue of the newspaper?

Yes - 68

No - 20

Anyway - 22

Conclusions: The majority of high school students actively read the newspaper. Most readers look forward to each new issue. More than half of the readers want to expand the number of interesting columns and student correspondents for the newspaper.

Social survey of teachers (newly arrived at school)

    How does a newspaper help in your work?

Adapt better at school (get to know the students better) - 4

    What can you add to the newspaper?

    I would add a calendar of holidays and events, for example, when this or that Olympiad will take place, in which, when, where and what time will KVN begin.Zakharova E.

    Schedule of lessons and calls.Ermolaev A.

    A page of poets or creative children, so that interesting poems or essays “do not pass by the students of the entire school”Spiridonova I.

    I would like to see articles in the newspaper about victories in olympiads or competitions of our studentsPerunova I.

    I would like interesting competitions from our newspaper, in Russian, geometry, etc.Shumailova T.

    1. Prospects for the development of the school newspaper in reviews and suggestions from readers.

The winners of the competitions “Stereoview”, “Guess where this place is”, and the Best School Essay Competition take an active part in the editorial work.

(Total 23 winners, of which 8 people are the most active)

    Vikulova Anastasia

    Plugov Oleg

    Mustafaeva Rita

    Andronatiev Alexander

    Kozyreva Diana

    Kirsanov Andrey

    Dubko Yulia

    Borovkova Alina

Feedback and suggestions received via mail.

(total 17 reviews, of which 6 suggestions)

    “In addition to teachers writing to the newspaper, students should also be given the opportunity to write.”Chernysheva Yulia.

    “I would like more pictures of photographs, and not just the usual continuous texts”Fomina Elena.

    “Often during the holidays, classes travel or just go to the cinema or on a picnic. Interesting and funny situations happen there that would be interesting for the kids to read.”Asya Rodionova.

    “I would like more interviews with new teachers and students. It helps you get closer and can even make new friends.”Plugov Oleg.

The school newspaper can be called “Red Horse.” Remember Petrov-Vodkin, in the Tretyakov Gallery there is a painting “Bathing of the Red Horse”, there is either a boy on a horse, or... Yes, a boy on a horse in the river. He is tanned, his eyes are blue, his horse is red. And Valentin Serov has a painting about bathing a horse. For me, like for many generations of children, friendship with a horse was the ultimate dream. This dream has not left me even now.
I worked at a high school at one time, and we published a large wall newspaper, “Red Horse,” which came out even larger on April 1 and was called “Pink Elephant.” And for the New Year we had an application (three more Whatman paper was glued to the “end”) such as “Iron Mouse” or “Blue Pig”, depending on which animal’s year was coming according to the Eastern calendar. So, there were several sections: Advanced - more often “Danish”, what holiday was coming up, they congratulated them, and went into the history of the issue. The second is news from the directorate. An interview with the director on pressing topics: about the canteen, legal issues, for example, the process of dismissing a student, plans for the holidays - what the school is organizing, will it be necessary to help with the repair of something there, etc. These or similar questions could be answered at least pester the janitor and explain the answers. Such a section helped the director to focus on the educational, educational or health process, and the children knew what was “threatened” to them. And the people got to know their leaders and even their cleaners better. They could tell a lot about the colorful episodes of school life after school. There was also a sort of statistical rubric: which class from the parallel study is doing better: the prefects did this. They calculated the average scores in the subjects, and then supposedly discussed them together. Of course, it was not always possible to discuss. Members of the editorial board could have done this, but stat. The material was obtained from the class leaders. Now you can calculate the “average class” IQ, that is, the intelligence quotient.
Then a teacher of, say, literature, made an extract of the most interesting passage from any work according to the program and published it anonymously (without the name of the book or work) in the newspaper “The Chamber of Secrets” It’s no secret that many books for reading at school are interesting, but there is no incentive for children read them. And after reading the tidbit, some get carried away or simply want to answer the writer’s question like “And how will the hero get out of the situation? Continue the story or look in such and such a book and win a prize! “Well, there’s a pack of gum or a chocolate bar. But it's still nice.
In the section “Check! “The chemist tells how to carry out safe experiments in the kitchen and how to express this in formulas on paper. The physicist reads a special book and suggests doing the corresponding experiment at home. I know such a wonderful book, all experiments in which are absolutely safe, are not carried out with an open flame, electricity is exclusively from batteries and in general - beauty! This is for all subjects - biology and geography are included, chemistry too). This is once a month.
Then it’s like this: a series of greetings. One class (the person on duty at the newspaper) sends humorous greetings to their friends, opponents, and sports rivals: these are not very angry cartoons ON TOPIC. More homemade poetry and prose. Then there are calls to make a photo exhibition or to crawl out into the open air on such and such a date with sandwiches at the nearest dump... clearing to photograph nature. Or a call from local musicians to come to their concert in the recreation area near the women's (men's) toilet on the 3rd floor on such and such a date. The reporter on duty talks to everyone a little so that people understand and become interested in the process and the people. And for him to come.
In short, according to this type, my team and I made a wall of 6-8 Whatman paper (with a title picture of 2 Whatman paper, called a “screensaver”) by students at the university and, taking into account the mistakes of my student days as a waste of time, at the school where I worked for 3 years . The children really enjoyed making the newspaper because I first prepared an area for them to apply their efforts. So, here Lyuska draws this big polo

Journalism at school

The children's and youth press has become a massive and ubiquitous phenomenon in our lives. It’s rare that a school, especially a gymnasium, lyceum, district or city House of Creativity, manages without publishing its own newspaper or magazine. Children and teenagers need periodicals, but not only weekly magazines with fairy tales and rhymes, but also publications where they themselves collaborate and where topics that are important and interesting to them would be discussed. And what is important for children and adolescents, they themselves must say. That is why many schools publish their own newspapers.

Who needs a school newspaper when there are many other children's and teenagers' printed publications? Of course, the school seal cannot compete with the central buildings. But this is not her task at all. Does a newspaper exist only to report news? A school newspaper can now be considered as a means of creating a real strong creative team at school, as a means of forming public opinion, a means of education, etc. For active, inquisitive children, the school newspaper is a kind of catalyst and generator of ideas. And the content of the school newspaper is school life in the broadest sense. This is the circle of interests of the children, their concerns, searches, their common joys and sorrows, doubts and discoveries, this is a kind of school chronicle.

Despite being busy at school and sports clubs, every teenager has free time. Many children devote themselves to their passion for filmmaking, photography, communication, and try their hand at writing articles for the school wall newspaper. How to combine the interests of children and preparation for a possible future profession? How to find like-minded people? How to actively participate in school life? One of the options for resolving these issues is the creation of a school press center, where a printed school newspaper will be published.

School press center

What does the school press center do? First of all, it brings together all the school printing. And it doesn’t just unite, but coordinates work, exchanges experience, and organizes training for juniors. The school press center also conducts sociological surveys and research among students, parents and teachers.

The press center organizes: classes at the school (studio, circle) of juniors, creative reports and competitions of juniors, young writers, debates and discussions, excursions to local newspaper editorial offices, wall newspaper shows.

The press center plans and prepares visiting editorial offices and press raids, press raids, reader “conferences”, open letter days.

The press center conducts: junior correspondence meetings, press conferences and meetings with interesting people at the round table, journal fixes, junior correspondents' games and holidays, junior correspondents' consultations, exhibitions of drawings and photographs, Youth and Children's Print Week (traditionally held in May of each year. During the week, reading conferences, press cocktails, meetings with journalists and writers, organized excursions, etc.).

The press center responds for the timely publication of the school newspaper, promotion of central and other children's and teenage printed publications.

How to create a newspaper?

So, you have an idea - create a school newspaper . The main thing here is to carefully consider the concept of the publication. This means that your newspaper must have fresh ideas - new ways of presenting old topics and new topics presented with taste. Ask yourself the following questions: What should the newspaper cover? How should this be done? How can the newspaper respond to the requests of its readers? And finally, one little trick - never be shy about stealing a good idea. But remember: the practice of copying other school newspapers for a good publication is unacceptable. Find your specific forms of information work. A newspaper should be a provider of interesting information, with a fresh, original, unexpected perspective on a topic. When starting to create a newspaper, take into account the characteristic feature of the school publication - its close connection with readers. The newspaper is the publication closest to the student. The guys should perceive the newspaper as their own, their own, to which they can always turn with their problems and write. The success of a school newspaper depends on its connection with the audience.

For a newspaper to make a pleasant impression on the reader, it must have: 1. Original and fresh content. First of all, you must have something valuable and new to say. 2. Independent views. The beliefs of the newspaper and its position on a particular issue are very important. 3. Attractive voice. The voice of a newspaper is the tone set by the overall style of its materials.

You will, of course, be thinking about all these questions with the friendly editorial team.


Creation of the editorial board and its composition. In order for the school newspaper to be published regularly, it is necessary to create a permanent editorial office. The editorial office is everyone who publishes one newspaper: journalists, a photojournalist, a designer, a layout designer and others, led by an editor. At the same time, the editor needs to be a good organizer - he will have to unite many guys, juniors, around the newspaper. How many junior ships should there be? It depends on the editorial structure. You can structure the work as in real editorial offices, organize departments: for example, a school life department, a sports department, an information department, a creativity department, etc.

Who does what in the editorial office?

The editor is the most important person. His main responsibility is to make sure that the newspaper comes out on time and is interesting to read. The editor is responsible for everything and is responsible for everyone, thinks through what articles will be in the issue, edits manuscripts (originals), monitors the execution of all work, the publication of each issue of the newspaper, and resolves all important and controversial issues.

Executive Secretary(answer) - the one without whom the newspaper will not be published either, because the answer literally determines what each issue should be like: on what page and in what exact place this or that material will appear, what lines will highlight it, what font will each text be typed in and the title, where the drawing or photograph will be placed, whether the material will fit into the issue or whether it is better to shorten it - these and other questions (of course, together with an experienced editor and assistants) are decided by the responsible department, drawing up the layout of the issue.

Juncors– those who collect information, process it and write articles, interviews, etc. for the newspaper. Of course, everyone has their own tastes and preferences, we have different understanding of different things. Therefore, one likes to write about sports, the second about environmental problems, the third is chasing impressions for travel notes.

Designer– develops the design of the issue, the cover of the newspaper, creates illustrations for texts, develops new styles and design options for the newspaper, etc. It would be nice for him to be able to work in graphics programs Adobe Rhotoshop, Corel Draw, etc.

Photojournalist– someone who is commissioned to provide illustrations for materials and who can also write his own materials.

layout designer– carries out the layout of the newspaper, is involved in the layout of the publication and its publication.

Your school press center may have such an editorial team.

Editorial work

The main job of the editor is to publish a school newspaper. However, in addition to the newspaper, the guys can publish supplements in different languages, publish literary and journalistic almanacs, etc. But now we’ll talk about the newspaper, as well as about the forms of editorial work that can help produce an interesting publication.

First of all, the editorial team should discuss the structure of the school newspaper.

The structure of the newspaper. You need to think about the direction your newspaper will take. What will it be in terms of content and style – strict and official? bright and sharp? The next step is to create a model of the newspaper, discuss headings, possible departments, genres of the newspaper, draw up a plan, think about topics, distribute work within the editorial office, etc.

Plan. The editors will make their task easier if the publication of the newspaper goes according to plan. A newspaper published occasionally, filled with materials reprinted from other newspapers and magazines, will be of little interest to children. The editors should think through the line, strategy and tactics of the newspaper on all issues. The task is to always be in the thick of things, to make the school newspaper relevant and topical. The plan of a newspaper consists of two parts: structure, that is, the order in which its content is presented, and design, the appearance of the newspaper. By the time you start thinking about these things in detail, you should decide on the content, format, “face” of the newspaper, form and volume.

Perhaps all this work will seem complicated to you; questions will arise about how to make a layout, which side to approach the design of your publication, etc. Don't give up. Everything can be learned. Organize a junior correspondents school in your press center and seek help from schools (lyceums, gymnasiums and even city institutions) where newspapers are already published. Conduct theoretical lessons combined with practice. It is advisable to invite professional journalists, printers, poets or writers, and interesting people to classes. Design classes can be taught by a professional artist or designer. But you shouldn’t reduce all the work at a junior reporter’s school to “professional” training. It is important to introduce junior reporters to the basics of newspaper business. There is no need to make them journalists. In the end, it doesn’t really matter whether the guys write notes and reports according to all the rules. It is important that junior officers take an active part in those matters that they will later talk about in the newspaper.

What should I write to the guys about? Where can I get a theme for materials? Themes around us. But often guys have no idea what they can write about in the newspaper. And you can write about almost anything. About, for example, how the kids study, how they play sports, about their favorite club, about their friend. But aren’t there enough questions that worry the guys? They often discuss whether adults are always right, where cruelty comes from in people, how to fight injustice, who can be considered a true friend. Couldn't this be a topic for a note? Children want to get an answer not from adults, but from their peers, to compare their own view of the problem with the opinion of their classmates. I would like to learn how to think, argue, prove. Write about it. The most important thing is to try to make the newspaper interesting: intrigue the reader with materials about interesting events, discuss complex problems of youth life on the pages of the newspaper, involve readers in the discussion, print school advertisements, continuation stories, photo reports, etc.

Competitions greatly enrich the editorial portfolio. Use games, fun, humorous hoaxes, practical jokes or competitions in the newspaper (for example, for the shortest humorous story). Hold, for example, a comic pentathlon of witty people, a competition for young encyclopedists, or an editorial campaign dedicated to a particular problem, etc. (see Appendix No. 1)

In addition to the so-called current material, the newspaper must also have a spare one, a “backlog”. The value of a newspaper depends on the richness of its editorial portfolio. The editors are obliged to take care of diversity: long articles should be replaced by short ones, serious ones should be replaced by humorous ones, difficult ones should be replaced by easy ones. Let's say there was a performance at school or an excursion. As many as four correspondents wrote about this. What is better: to publish all four articles in one issue or one in different issues? You can make a thematic selection out of them or open a “Round Table” section on the topic... A newspaper is like a bouquet of different flowers. How much more beautiful it is when there is so much to choose from!

How to distribute work? To preserve the creative potential of the publication, it is worth creating an editorial board with a strict distribution of positions, attracting as many authors of different ages as possible; Constantly study reader demand and improve professional levels.

The newspaper should have different sections and contain topical material and chronicles. If you can give various sections in your newspaper, do not limit yourself to the usual ones, publish, for example, the following thematic blocks: news, sports, business, work, books, culture, television, computers, environment, media, family problems, travel, announcements, foreign news, recreation, posters, fashion, various messages...

Each cadet can have his own diary, in which he enters information on his topic. Let one write down the name days and birthdays of fellow students, the other collect information about tests or record events during the big break, the third reports on mathematics lessons, geography, etc. Someone can take on a column about books, about teachers, about the youth environment of the neighborhood. Probably, new sections will appear, and some of the old ones will die out.

Should the editor write it himself? Not necessary. But it’s good if he knows how to write it himself when something is needed and he couldn’t find a performer in time.

Useful tips for the editor. When accepting children as juniors, ask yourself: what reasons make a child take pen and paper and write his first lines?

The pleasure from communication, from the results of work, from a new type of knowledge acquired awakens the desire to be recognized. It is important to notice the child’s abilities, give him the opportunity to open up, feel needed, better. The first works of the authors cannot be rudely edited. Children who lack self-confidence, when trying to force someone’s opinion on them, close down and lose interest in work. Such guys do not like their names and sign with pseudonyms. It's OK. It will pass with time. With children, we need to work not only individually, but also collectively: round tables, editorial meetings, where everyone has the right to vote, the right to defend their topic. At first, some of the guys sit in silence, but after a while there is no trace of shyness: even the teenagers’ voice becomes firmer and their speech becomes clearer. The motives for your further actions will be responsibility, recognition and praise from juniors.

A few words about the awards. What should be the rewards? The editors of the school newspaper are not rich, so the awards cannot be valuable. Experience has shown that a very pleasant reward is a memorable postcard. A postcard with the corresponding picture is selected, and something like this is written: “ By resolution of the editorial board... (newspaper name) ... (first and last name) a commemorative card is awarded... (date) ... (signature).” You can also write what the card is being awarded for (“ For participation in the competition”, “In memory of a year (six months) of joint work”, “On the anniversary of the tenth (twentieth) article”).


This is one of the most important questions. Where can you get money to publish a newspaper? Here you need to decide several questions: What will your newspaper be - color or black and white, what format? Should I ask for help or try to publish a newspaper on my own?

1. In black and white and A4 format it will cost much less.

2. For help, you can contact the parent committee or the city printed publication.

3. Another option (though rarely used) is corporatization. The school's press center issues shares for a certain amount, distributes them among students and teachers, collecting money for the purchase of paper and other expenses.

Whatever funding method you find can be used to benefit the newspaper. It all depends on your communication skills and desires.

Don't forget about advertising the publication. Print flyers advertising the new issue, and after the release, conduct a survey to find out the general opinion about the newspaper. If your newspaper is going to be sold, then after several issues have been published, think about where you can invest the proceeds from the sale. It is most rational to spend part of the funds on the purchase of paper, printing inks, and the necessary stationery. Some of the money may be used to reward the most attentive and active juniors, their assistants and readers. And finally, a very important point is to spend it on charity. You can send it to an orphanage to help the disabled. The main thing is that you help people in need and also add respect to the newspaper.

Before starting work on a newspaper, it is useful for future journalists to take a primary training course.

Types of school newspapers

NEWSPAPER SUPPLEMENT. This is a satellite newspaper published by guys working in certain areas (sports, local history, national culture, etc.)

NEWSPAPER-LIGHTNING. A special type of newspaper. It contains emergency information about one or more events in the life of the school community (class) (i.e., “lightning” - an emergency issue of a newspaper reporting an important event). Lightning information requires immediate response. “Lightning” can be released: a) when the school (class, person) has some important, urgent, new task to do and needs to work together to figure out how best to accomplish it; b) when unforeseen circumstances or serious difficulties arise in the life of the school (class), and we need to decide together how to overcome these difficulties; c) when some event occurred, etc. Next to the “zipper” newspaper you can install a “mailbox” for suggestions, wishes, opinions. “Lightning” does not tolerate a template, a standard in design. Each of its releases must be original. “Lightning” attracts everyone's attention. Here you should not be afraid of bright colors; you need to give a catchy title, a sharp drawing or photo. A “zipper” newspaper should not hang for long. And most importantly, you should not release it for a minor reason.

COMBAT LEAF. An operational newspaper published at the scene of an event. The name itself contains the essence of these releases - combativeness, speed, effectiveness. “Combat” means that this newspaper, like no other, must be operational. It is released along the way - during a subbotnik, a labor landing, some kind of operation, action, during a meeting, etc. “Leaflet” means that this newspaper is small, there are only one or two notes in it. This could be an interview or a note and a feuilleton (and other options). It’s good to do some of the work associated with issuing a combat leaflet in advance - come up with options for the title, design - frames, drawings, etc. The combat sheet can be done on colored paper (or a background), and the notes themselves can be placed on a white background. The efficiency of issuing a combat leaflet requires brevity in the presentation of the material, a clear position, and accuracy in the presentation of facts.

“LIVING NEWSPAPER”. The history of the “living newspaper” began during the Civil War. Its appearance is explained simply. People were drawn to political activity and knowledge, but there were few literate people. So a newspaper appeared that did not need to be read, it was watched and listened to. This propaganda newspaper, unusual in form, has not lost its relevance even now. “Living Newspaper” is a series of short speeches, each of which reveals the content of the topic in its own way. “Living Newspaper” is a thematic newspaper that shows pressing issues. It can be devoted to problems of peace and ecology. A “living newspaper” program can retain the form of a printed newspaper - it can have a headline, a chronicle, notes, satire and humor. All material is demonstrated using expressive means and techniques - posters, slogans, skits, dialogues, dances and recitations, friendly cartoons and shadow pictures. You can use riddles and ditties based on your own material. For a “living newspaper,” relevance and topicality are important.

PRESS BULLETIN. This is a newspaper that informs the reader about the course of an event, highlighting its most important moments, giving an assessment, summing up the results. The press bulletin is issued at rallies, festivals, competitions, press conferences, etc.

This is operational work. A significant part of the notes in the press bulletin contains information about how the meeting or festival is going, and tells about its guests and participants. All messages in this issue are very short, sometimes written in a “telegraphic” style.

EXCHANGE NUMBER. This is a newspaper that is made for your friends, the group of guys with whom you are friends. It is usually prepared jointly by the editorial board of a newspaper from another school. The goal is to help friends publish a good newspaper and to learn themselves.

Publication of MKOU “Selinskaya secondary school”

Dmitrievsky district, Kursk region

Holiday Edition

From the history of the holiday

Teacher's Day, a professional holiday for educators, was established by UNESCO in 1994 and is usually celebrated on the first Sunday in October.

In our country, until 1994, Teacher's Day was also celebrated on the first Sunday of October (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 29, 1965). According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 3, 1994, the official date of this holiday was approved - October 5.

National holiday

Dear, dear teachers! We sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming holiday - Teacher's Day! But there is no teacher without students. This means that today is not only your holiday, but also that of everyone who has studied and is studying. Everyone studied at school: our grandparents, mothers and fathers. It turns out that Teacher's Day is a national holiday.

Happy Teacher's Day!

From the heart

Teacher V this wonderful , exciting day , We we want congratulate You . Let smiles students warm V this autumn day And never - never Not be discouraged . We wish To you happiness And execution everyone everyone wishes .

The teaching staff of our school
In elementary school, we were taught by the same teacher, taught all subjects, was the class teacher, and we didn’t think about how many teachers there were in our school. But when we moved to 5th grade, everything changed a lot. We met more and more new teachers and were surprised to realize that there were much more of them than we thought. And on the eve of Teacher's Day, we collected information about the teaching staff. This is what we got. It turns out that there are 17 teachers in our school, of which 15 are women and 2 are men. The team is quite young: the average age is 39 years. 5 teachers under the age of 35.
The most popular subject in our school

Item name

Number of voters



Physical training






Russian language




Computer science
















On the eve of Teacher's Day, we conducted a survey among the students of our school. We really wanted to know which subject is the most popular in our schedule. All students were interviewed. The results obtained were summarized in a table.
Problems And dreams our teachers
Of course, being a teacher is a difficult task, you understand this especially when you are in their role. A good opportunity to test yourself was a self-government day dedicated to Teacher's Day, which was held at our school. We give our teachers the opportunity to relax, escape from everyday worries, and feel the holiday. And at the same time, we understand how difficult and exciting the work of a teacher is. We very often offend our teachers: we don’t do our homework, we are rude, we behave badly in class - saying that it is difficult for us to study. But rarely do any of us think about whether it is difficult for teachers, what problems do they have, and what worries them most? In order to find out, we conducted a survey among teachers at our school. Our questionnaire had only three questions. Here is a list of them and the answers given by teachers:

What is the most difficult thing about being a teacher?

Answers: when we explain, the children don’t know anything for the next lesson, ignorance of the multiplication table; preparing for a lesson when there is nothing at hand; when they don't listen; find a common language with children; nothing difficult
Is there anything that you can’t cope with yet?

Answers: Make everyone do their homework; so that there is discipline; with nerves; No.
What does a teacher dream of?!

Answers: About excellent students; so that children answer well and know the subject perfectly; about physical culture athletes; so that children pass exams well; so that the knowledge that students receive is useful to them in life.

Wishes of teachers to their colleagues:

Patience, strength, inspiration, health, salary like the Minister of Education, creative success, optimism, smart and attentive students, understanding parents, family well-being, be persistent and resilient.
Ideal teacher

What kind of ideal teacher is he?

We addressed this question to the students of our school. What qualities should you have, how to teach a lesson, how to relate to children? I really want to understand how children see an exemplary teacher. Every teacher is interested in finding out what children want us to be like, whether we correspond to their ideas. We publish some of our works in our newspaper.


I believe that a teacher should, first of all, be such that one would like to follow an example from him, so that in his lesson there would be a desire to listen to his subject with pleasure. Well, of course, I would really like to see a kind, smart, balanced teacher on my path of life .


An ideal teacher should know his subject well, which he explains to his students. Everyone will love him, take his class with pleasure, and understand the subject. All the teachers in our school are good. My favorite subjects are mathematics, physics, geography, history.


An ideal teacher should be kind and love his job. The teacher must impart his knowledge to the students. In general, a teacher should value his work.


My point of view shows that the ideal teacher is one who explains well, helps with homework, and is someone you can consult with.

“Not a single mistake,” the teacher says to Vovochka in surprise, after checking his homework. - Just tell me honestly: “Who helped your father?”
“Son,” the mother says sadly, “while you were at school, your parrot flew away!”

-I knew it! That’s why yesterday, when I was teaching geography, he sat on my shoulder and studied the atlas so carefully!
- Vovochka, how to determine where south is? - asks the teacher.

We need to look at the tree. If the tree is a palm tree, then south is here.

During a physics lesson, the teacher asks Vasya: “Tell me how a transformer works.”

-The transformer works like this: “Uuuuuu!”

Vovochka: Mom, today the school principal asked if I had brothers and sisters, and I said no, and I’m the only child in the family.

And what did he answer?

He said, "Thank God."

-Vasya, it seems to me that this is your brother’s handwriting...

-Perhaps, Mr. Teacher, I wrote the essay with his pen.
Vovochka comes running home from school. “Dad, congratulations!”

Why son?

You don't have to spend money on new textbooks. I stayed for a second year!

From school essays
1. Poor Lisa picked flowers and fed her mother with this.

2. Olya ate a bagel along with the dog who was running ahead.

3.And then he took a knife and shot himself.

4. She spoke unintelligibly because her teeth were braided.

5. The picture shows a girl, a dog and her grandmother.

6. A boy and a girl entered the class; they were brothers.

7. The cyclists rode along a mountain road for a long time, got tired, sat down under a bush, did their job and moved on.