Literature project "my Pushkin". Research projects on the subject Project topics on modern literature

Tasks: 1. development of students’ cognitive activity

2. formation of self-education skills

3. development of research skills
4. development of systems thinking

Project result - analysis of student poems

Analysis of the poem

Semantic analysis

  1. In an excerpt from the work of A.S. Pushkin's "October 19" the main character is the image of F.F. Matyushkin, a good friend and lyceum student of the poet. This becomes clear from the description, since Fyodor Fedorovich was a sailor, he was always “drawn” to maritime activities, and Alexander Sergeevich writes:

...“You stepped onto the ship jokingly,

And from then on, your road is in the seas,

Oh, beloved child of waves and storms!

2. These two eight-line lines describe Matyushkin’s life. At the beginning, Pushkin asks him a question about where he is now, in the seas or with friends. Then the poet describes his life after graduating from the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. And at the end of the passage, he regrets the long separation, but mentions that they remain friends, despite the long distances.

3. In my opinion, the accompanying image is the description of the sea elements, complementing the poet’s attitude towards the interests of his friend.

...“Or again you pass through the sultry tropic

... “Among the stormy waves you dreamed;

You stretched out your hand to us from across the sea."

Pushkin is happy for his comrade that he chose the right path in life, and Alexander Sergeevich admires this choice.

4. The poem was written in honor of the anniversary of the graduation from the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. In 1825 A.S. Pushkin was in exile, therefore in his work “October 19”, respectively, and in this passage, there is a certain loneliness and longing for the old days.

Analysis of visual media.

  1. The poet uses means of expression such as:


"restless lover"...

... "sultry tropic" ...


"You extended your hand to us from across the sea.

You carried us alone in your young soul..."


..."in wandering fate"

A rhetorical question

“...Are you sitting with your friends,

Restless lover of foreign skies?

Or again you are passing through the sultry tropic

And the eternal ice of the midnight seas?...

  1. The poem is written in different rhymes. First in a surrounding rhyme, and then in a cross rhyme to give greater expressiveness, so that the work does not seem monotonous.
  2. This poem illuminates the strong friendship at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, that no matter what obstacles separate comrades, they will always remain faithful to each other. And this passage tells about one of the representatives of this union - Matyushkin.

Analysis of the poem in context.

  1. Pushkin has quite a lot of poems on the topic of friendship, on the lyceum theme. Here are some of them: “Tsarskoe Selo”, “October 19, 1825”, “October 19, 1827”, “October 19, 1828”, Delvig “We are born, my named brother ...”, “Friendship”, To friends “Gods to you yet” given”, To Friends “Yesterday was the day of noisy separation”, “To a poetic friend” and others. In all of them we see a reverent attitude towards their comrades. With his works he wants to show how important his friends and years of study are to him. That throughout their lives the boys from the lyceum never betrayed him and remained faithful to the poet.
  2. It seems to me that the theme of friendship is one of the most frequently used by poets. For example, A.N. Radishchev wrote such works as “Ode to My Friend”, “Sometimes, my friend, almost a tear...”. Also from V.F. Raevsky - “To Friends in Chisinau”, Ode to a Friend (“In the bosom of caressing bliss...”), Message to a Friend (“Like a hermit in the distance...”) Or from comrade Alexander Sergeevich A.A. Delvig wrote the poems “Friends”, “Romance” (“Friends, friends! I am Nestor”), “To Friends”. Of course, these works are different, but they have one thing in common - they are all written on this topic.
  3. As for foreign authors, Pushkin can be compared with George Gordon Byron, since they are very similar. At one time, Alexander Sergeevich was fond of his work, so some common features are observed, be it the style of writing, themes, etc. The poet also mentions him in the poem “To the Sea.” Many believe that Pushkin's lyrics have many similarities with Byron's poems and poems. For example, their similarities are clearly expressed in the works “Eugene Onegin” and “Don Juan”. We can conclude that despite the fact that Byronic motifs are found in the works of Alexander Sergeevich, they are presented in a different form.

Analysis of A.S. Pushkin's poem about love

I remember a wonderful moment:
You appeared before me,
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

In the languor of hopeless sadness,
In the worries of noisy bustle,
A gentle voice sounded to me for a long time
And I dreamed of cute features.

Years passed. The storm is a rebellious gust
Dispelled old dreams
And I forgot your gentle voice,
Your heavenly features.

In the wilderness, in the darkness of imprisonment
My days passed quietly

The soul has awakened:
And then you appeared again,
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

And the heart beats in ecstasy,
And for him they rose again
And deity and inspiration,
And life, and tears, and love.

1. This poem about love by A.S. Pushkin is dedicated to Anna Kern. It was written no later than July 19, 1825, during Pushkin’s stay in exile, in the village of Mikhailovskoye. This poem shows how Pushkin was imbued with Anna, how he loved her: with all his heart, with all his soul. He fell in love with her sincerely, unintentionally, at first sight.
The two key images of this poem are Pushkin himself and his beloved Anna Kern. They create the dynamics, energy, and emotional tension of this poem.

Pushkin-Don Juan-love-

Women-Anna Kern-happiness-muse-life

In the first quatrain:

"I remember a wonderful moment:
You appeared before me,
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty."

Pushkin describes his unforgettable meeting with Anna Kern. Annw appeared before him like a “fleeting vision,” like a “genius of pure beauty.” She was his muse, his soul. Love for a poet is a deep, sincere, magical feeling that completely captivates him.
They did not see each other for long, and the next meeting seemed impossible to him. For a long time he could not forget her, she appeared to him in his dreams, he heard her voice. And it seemed that nothing could make him forget about her. But the years passed, and the poet ceased to experience those feelings that several years ago haunted him, that poet’s passion, that poet’s love passed away: ..And I forgot your gentle voice, your heavenly features.

But some feelings still remain, albeit in the depths of my soul...
And now the poet is in exile, in the wilderness, without friends, without a lover. The poet’s life lost its meaning, as if everything had ceased to exist for him. He experiences neither joy nor happiness, only despair:

In the wilderness, in the darkness of imprisonment
My days passed quietly
Without a deity, without inspiration,
No tears, no life, no love.

But fate presents the poet with a sweet, happy and joyful moment in his life. Like a ray of sunshine will burst into a dungeon where there has never been light. He meets his old lover again. His soul opens up and rejoices. We can say that the poet was born again. This moment was unexpected for him, therefore, it seems to me, he was the happiest - he met Anna where he never thought to meet her:

The soul has awakened:
And then you appeared again,
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

The poet’s heart lives again, rejoices, it is filled with happiness. For Pushkin, joy, love, tears, inspiration, and life in general began to exist again, he again wanted to live and create.. And at that moment, it seems to me, he didn’t need anything else..

And the heart beats in ecstasy,
And for him they rose again
And deity and inspiration,
And life, and tears, and love.

2.1. In this poem, Pushkin uses different means of expression, with the help of which the poem becomes more expressive, rich, and vibrant. Such as comparison: ..Like a fleeting vision,
Like a genius of pure beauty.

This poem is written in iambic pentameter with cross rhyme. The rhythm is clear, the composition is very musical.

3.1. Poem by Pushkin:

I love you, even though I'm mad,
Although this is labor and shame in vain,
And in this unfortunate stupidity
At your feet I confess!
It doesn't suit me and it's beyond my years...
It's time, it's time for me to be smarter!
But I recognize it by all the signs
The disease of love in my soul:
I’m bored without you, I yawn;
I feel sad in front of you - I endure;
And, I have no courage, I want to say,
My angel, how I love you!
When I hear from the living room
Your light step, or the noise of a dress,
Or a virgin, innocent voice,
I suddenly lose all my mind.
You smile - it’s my joy;
You turn away, I’m sad;
For a day of torment - a reward
I want your pale hand.
When you're diligent about the hoop
You sit, leaning casually,
Eyes and curls lowered, -
I am moved, silently, tenderly
I admire you like a child!..

This poem is similar to the previous one; here Pushkin also touches on the theme of love, which is very characteristic of him. The poet also expresses his love for the woman, for her voice, smile, for all her actions.

LITERATURE PROJECT TOPIC “Native nature in the poetry of S. Yesenin and A. Blok” Completed by: 6th grade students of Municipal Educational Institution-Secondary School in the village of Kirovskoye Tsibikina Yana, Merkulova Yulia Supervisor: O.A. Kotelnikova 2015

  • Goal: To understand the attitude of poets to their native nature using the example of the poetry of A. Blok and S. Yesenin. Tasks:
  • Study the biography of poets
  • Choose poems about natural phenomena
  • Learn to read poetry expressively
  • Answer the question: How did poets relate to the nature of Russia?
  • Project result:

  • expressive poetry reading
  • Computer presentation
Blok Alexander Alexandrovich Biography of Alexander Blok Blok's parents separated immediately after the birth of the future poet, and he was raised in the family of his mother, who belonged to the circle of St. Petersburg professorial families. After graduating from the St. Petersburg gymnasium from 1898 to 1901, he studied at the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University. As a poet, Blok was formed under the influence of the traditions of Russian classical literature. He started writing poetry early. At the beginning of his poetic path, the mystical romanticism of V.A. Zhukovsky turned out to be closest to him. The Singer of Nature, as Zhukovsky was called, taught the poet purity and sublimity of feelings, comprehension of the beauty of the surrounding world, contact with the mystery of God, and faith in the possibility of penetrating beyond the limits of the living. INTERESTING FACT: Blok wrote his first poems at the age of five. Asteroid 2540 Block is also named after the poet. Dawn Alexander Blok Dawn Alexander Blok I stood up and raised my hands three times. The solemn sounds of Dawn rushed towards me through the air, covering the heights with crimson. It seemed that the woman stood up, prayed, going to the temple, and with a pink hand threw grain to the obedient pigeons. They grew white somewhere above, White, stretched out into a thread, and soon the cloudy roofs began to turn gilded with wings. Above the gilding of their loan, Standing high on the window, I suddenly saw a huge ball, Floating in red silence. Sergei Yesenin Biography

Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin was born on October 3, 1895 in the village of Konstantinovo, Ryazan province, into a peasant family, father - Alexander Nikitich Yesenin (1873-1931), mother - Tatyana Fedorovna Titova (1875-1955). In 1904, Yesenin went to the Konstantinovsky Zemstvo School, then began studying at a closed church-teachers school.

After graduating from school, in the fall of 1912, Yesenin arrived in Moscow, worked in a bookstore, and then in the printing house of I. D. Sytin.

In 1913, he entered the historical and philosophical department of the Moscow City People's University named after A. L. Shanyavsky as a volunteer student. He worked in a printing house and had contacts with poets of the Surikov literary and musical circle.

Father and mother of S. Yesenin

Yesenin and Isadora Duncan, 1922

S. A. Yesenin and

S. A. Tolstaya

The bird cherry is pouring snow... The bird cherry is pouring snow... The bird cherry is pouring snow, Greens in bloom and dew. In the field, leaning towards shoots, rooks walk in a stripe. Silk herbs are gone, It smells like resinous pine. Oh, you meadows and oak groves, - I am intoxicated by spring. Secret news shines into my soul like a rainbow. I think about the bride, I only sing about her. Rash you, bird cherry, with snow, Sing, you birds, in the forest. I'll spread the color across the field with an unsteady run like foam. During the work on the project we found out: During the work on the project we found out:

  • A. Blok and S. Yesenin wrote a lot of poems about the nature of Russia.
  • In their poems, the authors speak with love and tenderness about the nature of their country.
  • Reading the poems of these poets, we understand that nature has a soul, it is alive.

In the presented section topics for research papers and projects in literature for grade 6 dedicated to the works of Andersen Hans Christian, Astafiev Viktor Petrovich, Gogol Nikolai Vasilyevich, Green Alexander Stepanovich, Lermontov Mikhail Yuryevich, Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich, Chekhov Anton Pavlovich and others.

In this section, students are offered literature research paper topics for grade 6 schools distributed according to the writers and poets studied in this class of a comprehensive school, gymnasium or lyceum.

The presented topics for 6th grade literature projects are interesting to children, provide an opportunity to conduct exciting research, more in-depth study of the selected topic and 6th grade school material, and develop children’s research and creative thinking.

The following topics for project work in the 6th grade Russian language can be changed and expanded at will, adding new tasks to the upcoming research, the main thing is that the topic of the research work meets the requirements of the curriculum in the subject and the student’s level of knowledge.

Literature Project Topics Grade 6

Sample topics for research projects on literature for 6th grade students:

Astafiev Viktor Petrovich

Mythopoetic basis of the story by V.P. Astafieva “Trees grow for everyone.”
Mythopoetic basis of the book by V.P. Astafieva “Last bow”
“Coming from childhood” (based on the works of V.P. Astafiev).

Andersen Hans Christian

Selflessness, love and suffering in the fairy tale by H.K. Andersen's "The Little Mermaid".

Gogol Nikolay Vasilievich

Mysticism and reality in the story by N.V. Gogol's "The Night Before Christmas".
The role of mysticism in the works of N.V. Gogol.
“Colored” adjectives in the work of N.V. Gogol "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka".
Circles of events and meanings of the story by N.V. Gogol's "The Overcoat".
Reality and fiction N.V. Gogol.

Green Alexander Stepanovich

What is the secret of human happiness? (based on the work of A. Green “Scarlet Sails”)
The role of landscape in the artistic world of A. Green’s extravaganza “Scarlet Sails”.
Color images in A. Green's extravaganza "Scarlet Sails".
Epithets in A. Green's extravaganza "Scarlet Sails".

Lermontov Mikhail Yurievich

Addressees of love lyrics by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov
The image of a sea wave in the poetry of M.Yu. Lermontov.
The role of landscape in the poems of M.Yu. Lermontov.
Problems of the artistic world of the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "Demon"
The theme of the duel in the lyrics of M.Yu. Lermontov (analysis of the poem “Dream”)

Pushkin, Alexander Sergeyevich

Analysis of the works of A.S. Pushkin's "Shot" and "Dubrovsky".

The motive of the game in the story by A.S. Pushkin’s “The Young Lady-Peasant Woman” and in the film adaptation of the same name by A. Sakharov.
Family theme in the works of A.S. Pushkin on the example of the novel “Dubrovsky” and the story “The Young Lady-Peasant Woman”.
Life and customs of the Russian nobility (using the example of A.S. Pushkin’s novel “Dubrovsky” and “Tales of Belkin”).
Literary tradition and artistic myth in the story by A.S. Pushkin "Blizzard".
The image of a nanny in the life and work of A.S. Pushkin.
The theme of duty and honor in the works of A.S. Pushkin (analysis of the novel “Dubrovsky”).

Chekhov Anton Pavlovich

Genres of everyday, business and artistic speech in the early stories of A.P. Chekhov.
“Meaningful” names and surnames of literary characters in the early humorous stories of A.P. Chekhov.
Chekhov's innovation in literature and the tasks of his work

Topics for research papers on literature grade 6

Sample topics for research papers on literature for grade 6 (additional topics):

“Persian Motifs” is an unsurpassed example of Yesenin’s love lyrics
Wonderful words from Bazhov's tales
Without a face in disguise
Epic "Ilya Muromets".
A good name is better than any treasure
Tomorrow's book day
Why are pseudonyms needed? Who is hiding behind the mask and why?
Ilf and Petrov: irony and satire in the story “Football Lovers.”
Book yesterday, today, tomorrow
Cultural and speech traditions of the Russian language and the current state of Russian oral speech
Lexicon for 6th grade students
Literary places of our city
Motivational aspects of school jargon
Mood is the path to success
The image of a teacher in the works of writers of the 20th century (using the example of 2-3 works - Rasputin “French Lessons”, Iskander “The Thirteenth Labor of Hercules”).
Rite of Initiation in Homer's Odyssey.
Organization of artistic space in Ch. Aitmatov’s novel “The Scaffold”
Orthological errors in modern speech
Features of the organization of artistic space in travel novels.
Features of school jargon
In the footsteps of literary heroes
Proverb in the works of A.N. Ostrovsky.
Proverbs and sayings in the speech of modern schoolchildren and their analogue in modern language
Nicknames of my classmates and their meanings
The space of city and village in the prose of M. Shukshin
Richard the Lionheart in the story by A. Lindgren and historical legend
The role of nicknames on the Internet
The role of epithets and metaphors in Irina Khristolubova’s story “Topalo and the little devil Trishka”
Semantics of the image of a stone in the artistic world of O. Mandelstam’s collection “Stone”
Slavic mythology "Brownie"
Slavic mythology "Leshy"
Word by word
Word-formation innovations in the speech of teenagers
Lyrics of modern songs - poetry and anti-poetry.
The theme of love in the works of D. Dragunsky, Y. Nagibin, R. Fraerman
Artistic and semantic relationships in the poetic texts of A. Akhmatova and B. Pasternak.
What is our generation reading?
What do we read in our class?
Language portrait of a student at our school.

Work according to the Federal State Educational Standards involves the development of students' creative initiative. Therefore, for four years I have been working on the topic “The project method as a means of developing students’ communication skills and a means of their creative development.” Therefore, we select the most interesting topics for children to work on projects and work on the project for a certain time. Then students make a presentation of the project in class and at annual school scientific and practical conferences. The best projects are selected at the conference, according to the children and teachers.

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“List of literature projects. 6th grade."


2.Preparing material for the Game “What? Where? When?" on the literature of Ancient Rus': history of Ancient Rus', literary genres of ancient Russian literature: chronicles, teachings, stories, walks, lives.

3. Lyceum friends A.S. Pushkin.

4. The Caucasus in the life and creative destiny of M.Yu. Lermontov: trips to the Caucasus, links to the Caucasus, paintings by the poet on the theme “Caucasus”, poems about the Caucasus.

5.I.S. Turgenev in fine arts.

6. What brings together the story by V. G. Korolenko “In a Bad Society” and the story by L.N. Tolstoy "Poor People".

7. Dictionary articles about the humorous magazines “Alarm Clock”, “Spectator”, “Oskolok”, “Dragonfly”, in which A.P. was published. Chekhov.

8. What brings together the posters “The Motherland is Calling!” and “Warrior of the Red Army, save!” period of the Great Patriotic War with a poem by A.A. Akhmatova “Courage”: in idea, mood, figurative structure.

9. Concert program “Favorite songs and poems of our family about the Great Patriotic War.”