Correct reinstallation of games on Steam. How to run the game without a disc and how to reinstall the game without a disc

Sometimes it is necessary to reinstall a program in the operating system. Most often this is needed when the software starts to work with errors or stops starting altogether. And then reinstalling can help solve the problem.

Step 1. Installer

The first thing you need to do is get a new installer for the program so that you have a place to install it again. If you prefer to install over a network, find and download a so-called web installer for your program and provide an Internet connection.

First, you can try installing the program over the old one. Just run its installer and, after going through all the steps one by one, wait for the installation to complete. Sometimes this simplest method helps solve problems with programs. But not always.

To do everything as expected, you first need to remove the previous version of the program from the system. To do this we go to Control Panel(everything described below applies to Windows 7; for other versions everything is done similarly):

Then, for ease of orientation, in the option View we exhibit Small icons and find the function in the list Programs and components:

In the list of installed programs that opens, we find the one we need, select it and delete it using standard system tools:

Further, if you wish, you can do something that is not entirely correct and immediately try to install a new program. This saves a little time and effort, but does not guarantee a good result. Although no one forbids you to try.

Step 2: Cleaning the registry

The fact is that when programs are removed using standard means, a large number of different “tails” may remain in the system - registry entries, various files and folders, etc. And to ensure that you get rid of all the problems of the last installation, it is strongly recommended to clean all these “tails” before a new installation.

It should be borne in mind that when you completely remove the program and all its remnants, data that may be necessary and useful to you is also deleted. For example, Internet browsers contain your bookmarks and logins/passwords, email programs contain your letters and contacts, Internet messengers contain your message history in addition to contacts, games contain your saves, cataloging programs contain your collections, etc. .d. If there is such data in the program that needs to be reinstalled on the system, then it is imperative to find it and copy it to a safe place so as not to lose it when completely uninstalling the software.

Let's go to Start, click Execute(or immediately press the key combination Win+R). In the window that opens, enter

and close by OK:

In the search field, enter the name of the remote program (or part of it) and start the search:

We CAREFULLY review everything found and remove unnecessary items, that is, those that belonged to the deleted program.

Any work with the system registry requires attention, knowledge and experience. Since the slightest error here can lead to complete inoperability of the operating system.

After cleaning the registry, you need to clean out the remaining files. First of all, you should look for folders with the name of the remote program in system directories - program files ( Program Files) and in profile ( Documents and Settings).

Step 3. Special utilities

Special uninstaller utilities greatly facilitate the process of uninstalling programs. For example, the free program Revo Uninstaller copes with this task perfectly. Select the one you want to uninstall from the list of installed programs and double-click to start uninstalling it (for greater clarity, see the screenshots on the Revo Uninstaller page in our catalog):

First, you will have to select the uninstall mode. If you need to completely remove a program so that there is nothing left of it on the system, choose Advanced mode (lowest option):

First, the standard uninstaller of the program being removed will launch. At the end of its work, the Revo Uninstaller module will come into play, which will search the computer for all remnants of the removed software, both in the file system and in the registry:

Everything found will be presented for your consideration - you will have to choose what should be deleted. In our case, we need to delete everything found. After confirmation, Revo Uninstaller will remove all “tails” from the unnecessary program:

Now the program is completely uninstalled and everything is ready for a new installation. Double click on the file to start the process.

In the simplest version, you can simply go through all the installer screens one by one and complete the installation. As a rule, this method of reinstalling a program on a computer allows you to correct almost all failures and errors in its operation. If everything still doesn’t go smoothly, you can try repeating the process of reinstalling the program on your PC again. Only with a new installation, change the path and force it to be installed in another folder or even on another partition of the hard drive. You can also restart your computer after either a complete uninstall or a new installation. Such “shamanic dances” in Windows sometimes unexpectedly give positive results.

According to statistics, almost every person who has ever owned a computer has tried to play computer games. These could be either pre-installed games of the operating system itself, such as solitaire, spider and solitaire, or games that required installation from disk. How to install the game on your computer from a disk or downloaded virtual image will be discussed below.

How to install a game on a computer from a disk?

After inserting the disc into the drive, you will see the computer display the installer's welcome screen. But this will only happen if the installer program is written correctly. Usually this is always the case on licensed discs, but on pirated discs or on a friend’s disc the image may not be recorded correctly. This will result in just a folder with files opening. In this case, you shouldn’t worry, just find the Autorun format file, which will launch the installation.

The installer will gradually ask you the necessary questions. In what directory should I install the game? Should I create a shortcut on the desktop? Should I install additional programs? And so on. You can agree on all points, but this will not always be a good idea. For example, when specifying the installation path for a game, you need to think about some important nuances.

Where to install the game

With modern installers, choosing where to install the game is very easy. Simply indicate the required virtual disk in the drop-down menu. It is advisable to always install the game on a disk that does not have an operating system. Firstly, the game can take up space there and interfere with the computer's operation. Secondly, after deleting the game, there may be extra folders, saves, files, and such “hangs” in the system will slow it down. Thirdly, by correctly distributing programs, files, games on your computer and maintaining order, you can extend the operating time of your OS for as long as possible.

Sometimes, however, the installer requires the game to be placed on the disk with the OS. In this case, you really should install it where the game requires it. But such installers are practically never found today.

How to install a game from a virtual disk image?

If you downloaded a game from the Internet, then there is a high probability that the game was recorded as a virtual disk image, which is something like an archive. In this case, the question arises: how to install games with such files on a computer? If you have Windows 8 installed, the problem can be easily solved.

How to install a game on Windows 8

In the modern Windows 8 operating system, you just need to double-click on the installer file, and it will mount itself into a virtual drive. After this, a folder with files will open, and you can install the game on your computer.

Emulator programs

If you have an older version of the operating system or it is not from Microsoft, you can download one of the programs on the Internet that will open your file using the same principle. In addition, such programs can write a disk image onto a real disc or flash drive, which will allow you to run the installer on another computer.

One of the most popular programs today is Daemon Tools. You can find detailed instructions on how to install it and work with it in our article.

As for the Steam service and installing games through it, you can see material about this in the article. Other installation methods are also discussed in more detail there.


The main source of problems when installing a game is software incompatibility or outdated ones. Unfortunately, not all games are equipped with correct warnings about the possible causes of the problem. In particular, fresh foreign versions very often simply refuse to install or run due to an incorrect reason (for example, that the supposed game already installed).

The incompatibility problem is usually corrected by installing and updating the software. If you have Windows XP installed, then some modern games require up to Service Pack 3 to work correctly. You should also update the drivers and install the latest version of DirectX.

However, a conflict may arise due to the version of the game. It is likely that something like this has happened for a long time already fans noticed and found a remedy. Usually such a tool is some kind of add-on, patch, etc. You should look for such things on those dedicated to the game or on large portals, where there are quite a lot of various kinds of add-ons (for example, The decision, as a rule, is accompanied by detailed information.

A conflict may arise due to the fact that the game was previously already was installed, but then incorrectly removed or the installation was disrupted during the process. It is likely that it was registered in the registry and that some files were saved in the system. Therefore, the system that the game is supposedly installed. If no decisions were made (i.e. some part of the files were not manually deleted), you can try searching game in "Add or Remove Programs". It is located at: Start - Control Panel - Add or Remove Programs. There you should look game. If it is located there, then it is necessary. If it is not there, then you should clean the system of unnecessary files using special utilities (for example, CCleaner). After such cleaning of the system, unnecessary files should be deleted and the game should be installed accordingly.

When installing modern games into an operating system and then launching them, errors are common, which can be quite difficult to understand and eliminate. Unfortunately, there is no universal means of “fixing” the system - each game does not launch for its own reasons, and the solution to the launch problem will be different each time.

You will need

  • - Internet.


Check the game's hardware and software requirements listed on the disc packaging. Any self-respecting game developer will point to the computer. It may turn out that the game is due to lack of memory or . If your settings on your computer are too small, the game will not launch or even install. To solve this problem, go to the store and purchase the necessary spare parts, having consulted with specialists before doing so.

Check whether drivers are installed on your computer components. Half of the cases of problems launching applications occur due to incorrectly installed drivers on the computer.

Many novice users have already mastered it, but that's only half the story. The very first question of a gamer who has mastered torrenting and decided to try a freebie “to taste” is how to install a game downloaded via torrent? Everyone is just friends! Read this article and install games without problems!

The download is complete, the game is safely saved on your hard drive. It needs to be installed and ready for use. Here, game developers can offer at least three options for installation packages:

  1. Automatic game installer.
  2. Game archive that requires unpacking.
  3. A game image that requires mounting.

How to install a game downloaded via torrent - instructions

First option most preferred. You can install the game immediately by running the installer file. Usually this file is called setup.exe and the result of its work will be a game ready to launch. During the installation process, almost all installers will ask questions about the nuances of the future operation of the game: what language to use during the installation process, where exactly to create the folder with the game, where to place program shortcuts, whether to install additional software along with the game, etc.

If you wish, you can intervene in the installation process and indicate on which logical drive you want to place the game files. This could be a section specifically dedicated to games, or, if you need to improve game performance, even a separate device with a fast disk. In particular, fans of dynamic online games install SSD drives into the system and run games from such high-performance devices. Let's take a closer look at this process.

  1. On the one hand, this could be a proposal to update system libraries or video card drivers (without such updates, the game may not start).
  2. On the other hand, often, along with a game, you can install absolutely useless utilities on your computer, just because you are too lazy to read the list of programs that come with the game.

Game downloaded from a torrent as an archive

Second option with an archive, the game is somewhat more convenient for downloading (downloading the archive is easier and faster), but will require additional use of programs for working with archives.

Most likely, the archive will be one huge file with a rar, zip or 7z extension. To start installing the game, you need to unpack the archive using any archiver. An example is the well-known free program 7 zip. If this is the first time you hear the words archive, then there are instructions for you:

After unpacking the archive, one or more folders will appear on the disk containing the game’s installation files, including the already familiar setup.exe installer. Often the main difficulty when working with an archive is finding where exactly the game folder was unpacked. Further actions must be performed in accordance with those described above The first option installations.

The game is in disc image format

It might be even more interesting Third option installing the game as an image. This approach to distributing games using torrent networks is chosen in cases where the game refuses to work without the original CD or DVD disc.

Having launched Daemon tools lite, you need to indicate to the operating system that another disk (virtual) has appeared in it. This is usually done with the "Add virtual disk" command. After creating the virtual disk, you need to specify the file to create the image. In our case, this will be the previously downloaded disk image with the game (most likely the image extension will be iso). Next, using any file manager (for example, Windows Explorer), you need to go to the disk we just created. It will contain a complete copy of the game installation CD and the familiar setup.exe file. All other steps to install the game will be the same as in First option. Please note that to run the game you need to have a virtual disk in the system, activate it in advance!

So, the main problem when downloading a game using a torrent network is the choice of really interesting, exciting games. The remaining steps for downloading and installing the game you like are described in the article and can be easily performed by any computer user.

Games are some of the most interesting things that can be created on a computer in our time. Of course, they can cause harm, such as damage to vision and waste of time, but we also must not forget that they can also bring benefits, for example, helping to get away from cruel reality for a while, so that later you can gather your thoughts and fight back, captivate us with the plot and characters. Many would like to play, but not everyone knows how to install the game on a computer or where to look for it. Below we will present ways to install the game so that the process can be easily understood by a beginner.

Where and how to find a game to install?

Before you figure it out on your computer, you need to find the game itself. There are various ways to search for programs, including entertainment ones, for example, ask a friend, buy in a store or on the website of game developers, download from the Internet, and others.

  • Buying in a store is the most legal way to purchase a game, and the likelihood of it not working correctly is low. You can also buy a key on the website from the game developers. It usually comes with instructions that tell you how to install. The installed game just needs to be “delighted” with what you purchased, while gaining access to all the important updates and new additions.
  • Ask a friend, copy the game from his computer, or simply take his licensed disc with you. But in this case, you need to prepare for many costs: if the game is licensed and updated via the Internet, you will not have this update or addition due to the fact that the key only works on 1 computer (with the exception of older versions - there are games for 2 computers).
  • And the easiest way is to download from the Internet (by the way, many games are free). This can be done on the official website of the developers or on neutral resources that provide both games and other files (for example, a torrent system). But when downloading software from them, you need to know that this leads to undermining the gaming industry, because the player does not purchase a licensed version, which means that the developers do not receive remuneration for their work. It can also be embedded in the installation file, which can cause serious harm to the computer and the information stored on it, so it is very important to know how to install the game correctly. In addition, there is a high probability of harming the operating system with low-quality utilities.

How to install a game from a disc correctly?

If you don't know how to install a game from a disc, then you've come to the right place. For this difficult (and perhaps easy) task, you will need a CD/DVD-ROM to read the necessary information from the disk. As a rule, if everything is configured correctly on the computer and there are no faults in the CD/DVD-ROM, then autorun should turn on and the installation file window should open. Usually everything in this window is intuitive. The program will ask you to select a language, agree with it, and then inform you that it will independently install all the files you need. As already mentioned, in this case there is no need to know verbatim how to install the game on a computer. You only need to select the location where the game folder will be located. The path to it should look something like this: “C:/Program Files/Game Name” (this is the default directory). Note: It is not recommended to install on the system disk, since the operating system simply needs spare free space for normal functioning of operations. Therefore, as a rule, if the computer has more than one hard drive, then installation should be carried out on the one that does not have system folders.

There are times when games are played not on one CD/DVD, but on two or more. Therefore, if on the loading screen you suddenly see a window asking you to insert “disc 2”, do not be alarmed. You just need to open the box with the game, take out the second disc and insert it into the drive, having previously removed the first one. After the installation process, a completion window will open. By clicking on the appropriate button, you can safely start playing. Also, we must not forget that most games require various utilities, such as DirectX, Microsoft Visual C++ and others. They usually come on the same disc along with the game. These utilities are needed for correct graphics processing.

How to install a game on a computer if it was downloaded from the Internet?

So, to purchase a game via the Internet, you need to download it to a specific directory on your computer, that is, to a specific hard drive. It is recommended to use a torrent program, as it has the ability to continue downloading the file in case of unexpected interruption of the process. After downloading the game to your computer, you need to find the installation file (usually it has the extension .exe) and run it. Next will be the auto-start of the game installation. Then the procedure described above begins (how to install a game from a disk). Due to the fact that this type of game purchase is “pirated” (illegal), for these versions there are Crack utilities to hack the game and play without entering a license key. Crack can be either built into an unlicensed game or available separately. To install Crack, you need to copy the files from the folder with that name to the game directory - this is the path where it is installed, for example “D:/Games/Game Name”. But you should be aware of possible viruses and Trojans in these installation files.

Reinstalling games if problems occur

If you encounter problems while playing/installing the game, you can try reinstalling it. To do this, there is also no need to read tons of literature to find out how to install an installed game. Reinstallation is carried out in the same directory where the game was installed previously, with a complete replacement of files. This is done in the same way as installing the game. If this does not help, it is recommended to change the purchased disc in the store or request a refund. If the game was downloaded from the Internet, then you can try to download the file from another “pirate”.

How to play on two computers?

To play one game on 2 different computers with a friend, you need to have a card, two computers, and also check whether it is possible at all. If you have everything you need, then the network cable is connected to the connectors. Then, in the game itself, you can create a server for playing together or playing against each other. But you should also remember that after the formation of a local network, your friend will be able to view everything that is on your computer, which is extremely unsafe.

How to play over the Internet?

This is very similar to playing online, but other people won't be able to view your computer. To do this, you will need high-speed Internet (modem or cable) and an online mode in the game itself. Unlike a local network, in this case you do not need to create anything yourself; there are already ready-made servers with players from both different regions of the country and from other countries. Simply select “network game” or “play online” in the game menu. This way, you can easily play with other people from different countries and regions without worrying about the security of the data stored on your computer.

Other story

Often, for some people, installing computer games is already a whole story. First they ask questions: “How to install?”, “Where to buy?”, “How to play?”, “How to install cache for the game?”. And when everything is done safely, they go through it in a couple of hours, after which another question arises: “How to remove it?” But that is another story.