Olympics using music and computer technologies. General characteristics of music and computer technologies

MDG "Mega-Talent" presents to your attention the Olympiads in music. Students in grades 5-9 are invited to participate. All music lovers have a chance to prove themselves, take a prize and receive a diploma as a winner of I-III degrees. The rest of the participants will not be left without attention. Anyone who doesn't take a prize? waiting for a certificate of participation, and teachers will be able to diversify their portfolio with a certificate from the organizer of the Olympiad and gratitude from the MDG “Mega-Talent”

Facts about the MDG “Mega-Talent” Olympiads:

  • Over the past year, more than 400 Olympiads have been held in 47 disciplines;
  • More than 4,000 schoolchildren from 12 countries were able to show their talent in music Olympiads;
  • More than 2.5 million rubles were paid in compensation for organizational expenses;
  • 98% of teachers become organizers of new seasons of Olympiads;

5 steps towards success

Our main priority is teachers. We want you, dear teachers, to find it pleasant and convenient to cooperate with us. This goal is served by 5 steps that ensure successful interaction.

  1. Full access to sets of tasks for all classes, after confirmation of the application for participation.
  2. Regular updates to the design of award materials.
  3. Compensation for organizational expenses.
  4. Valuable prizes for the most active organizers.
  5. Responsive and prompt support service.

Distance Olympiads in music from MDG “Mega-Talent”

There are many reasons why we and our partners love distance Olympics. This format allows you to hold a serious educational event in full compliance with the school curriculum and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in an easy and relaxed atmosphere. It has been noticed that schoolchildren show high results in distance competitions, while the classical format often causes severe stress and anxiety.

The set of tasks for each category of participants consists of 15 test questions of various types:

  • Questions with one or more correct answers.
  • Questions on analytical and chronological sequence.
  • Test tasks for working with illustrative sources.
  • Test tasks for solving a sheet music example.
  • Test tasks for analysis of text, biography, document.

How much does it cost to participate in the Music Olympiad?

On the page with information about the Olympiad, you can see the amount of the registration fee that the participant must pay. However, in reality, you pay less, because up to 30% of this amount is reimbursed to the organizer for printing assignment kits and reward materials, as well as for other organizational expenses.

The amount of compensation depends on the number of participants in the application. You can find out more about how the percentage of compensation is calculated and what it will be in your case after registration .

The most active teachers take part in our specialteacher ratings , following which we reward the most active organizers with valuable gifts.

How often do music Olympiads take place?

You can take part in the Olympiad right now or at any time convenient for you throughout the academic year. The thing is that during the year we hold as many as 7 Olympiads with completely different sets of tasks. There are 3 All-Russian Olympiads waiting for you, which take place once a season: in autumn, winter and spring, as well as 3 more international ones and one final Olympiad.

How are participants' work assessed?

The system automatically checks the work after the organizer enters the participants’ answers into a special table in his personal account. After verification, the results are published on the website, and during the summing up period you will have all the award materials at your complete disposal.

How to organize a music Olympiad at your school?

  1. Register on the website of the MDG "Mega-Talent".
  2. Apply to participate in the Music Olympiad.
  3. Confirm your application by paying the registration fee
  4. Download sets of tasks and teaching materials to conduct the Olympiad
  5. Enter the participants' answers into a special table in your personal account.
  6. Receive personalized award materials for yourself and your students on the day of summing up.

How to pay for participation in the Music Olympiad?

You can pay the registration fee in one of the following ways:

  • Payment by bank card (online);
  • Payment by receipt, at the Russian Post office;
  • Payment using electronic payment systems (online).

I'm not from the Russian Federation. Is it possible to take part in the Music Olympiad?

We are open to everyone, just like the music itself. But if in order to read music you need to know notes, then in order to read the tasks of the Olympiad you need to know Russian. There are no other restrictions. Anyone from any country in the world can take part in all music Olympiads. Still have questions? There is an answer .

Kondratyeva Irina Nikolaevna

first category teacher

choir and theoretical disciplines


"Children's Art School No. 1"

s.p. Salym, Novaya street 13,

Nefteyugansk district,

Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra


Today, no matter how vicious it may sound, our way of life, communication, and culture are “plunging” into the routine of hypocrisy, indifference and unceremoniousness. And again, before teachers and professors, the need for global changes emerges, which should be aimed at “returning” culture, or at least at understanding that this is necessary. Scientific institutes are trying to introduce something new into the education system and draw experience from European sources.

Will these “innovations” be able to eliminate the problems that have arisen today in introducing children and adolescents to musical creativity, to the knowledge of a number of phenomena and historical events related to the art of music? After all, it’s no secret that in recent years, Children’s Art Schools and Music Schools have experienced a shortage of people willing to study music. This situation is partly dictated by existing, perhaps even outdated, curricula. And when the specialty is interconnected with other subjects, it can be seen that solfeggio and musical literature and even the choir (today it has become fashionable to perform works in arrangements and with a “minus”) are failing. As for the older generation of teachers, many of them often work “the old fashioned way,” remaining within the framework of outdated academic dogmas. It is no secret that many children, having graduated from music school, do not approach the instrument for many years, as if they had never learned to play it. In our opinion, this is the worst thing a music school could do to a child. Obviously, teachers are to blame for this because they failed to feel the child’s individuality and personal needs. Or maybe the culprit is the framework of the programs that some teachers blindly follow, forcing students to play not what they want, but what they need, or what is still difficult for the child. Meanwhile, modern requirements for art school programs provide many educational options for children with different abilities and needs.

Agree that with modern capabilities, “new” forms of lesson delivery will not require special financial costs. And many teachers have already taken an interested and close approach to the modern education system. The system of additional education today rewards teachers who skillfully integrate ICT into their curricula. New ideas, new approaches will interest the child, make music lessons desirable, interesting, and most importantly, promising. In modernized and technological language, there should be a “reboot” of old programs. And new forms of conducting lessons, group classes, filling them with modern technologies will be able to return the Music School to full-blooded vital activity. This is a kind of revolution!

You can be modern, you just need to want it and teach yourself to be closer to the interests of children and youth. How great it is to play improvisations on pop music themes on an electronic piano or synthesizer, or to perform, in the simplest way, arrangements of educational etudes by K. Czerny. The synthesizer is becoming an unprecedented means of interactive learning, and the capabilities inherent in it can introduce the wonderful idea of ​​comprehensive musical education for a child. As a student this will be impressive! This is where the subject-matter relationship that is discussed in the educational tasks comes in handy. Good knowledge of solfeggio and harmony, form analysis and instrumentation is required. And these objects also lend themselves perfectly to new transformation. These are existing music programs on arrangement, processing, theory, and musical literature. Pressing the keys of a computer instrument and composing your own composition using “incredible and unusual sounds” is so interesting! The synthesizer seems to “provoke” the student to be creative, and they begin to master all the capabilities of the synthesizer, as well as work with computer programs. Such sketches become fertile material for the development of the students’ imagination. A child’s question about whether or not to go to solfeggio will be completely unnecessary.

The fact that modernization of music education is necessary was confirmed by teachers who are already aware of its need. The developments in the field of media pedagogy by the head of the theoretical department of the Children's Music School in the city of Dzerzhinsk, E.A., turned out to be deeply professional. Muravyova. She is the creator of the five-year integrative course “Musical Literature in the Context of World Artistic Culture.” The main goal of the maximum program is to cultivate a love of classical music and the ability to consider a specific artifact in a general cultural context. The minimum program is the creation in an educational institution of a climate corresponding to modern information culture. The content of the course consists of the study of general patterns inherent in different types of art: music, literature, theater, fine arts. It is important that the idea of ​​computerizing schools does not pass by the remote corners of our country. Therefore, the task is set to create self-learning computer programs.

For many years the question has been raised that the teacher and student should “hear and understand” each other. Such “getting used to” the interests and desires of the child eliminates the distance (if any has arisen), brings them closer in spirit, and they begin a process of co-creation and empathy.

What is closest to the child? If he is of primary school age, then you can try to voice a cartoon (sound recording program). You can suggest coming up with your own musical style for a cartoon character. This is a remarkable creative development of the student, and who knows, maybe in the future he will choose a field of professional activity related to some creative tasks.

For children of middle and high school age, it will be interesting to create a video series or video presentation with musical accompaniment, especially since they cope with presentations very easily and skillfully and this is an adapted form for them! And adding your own musical impressions to them is already absolutely great!

It would be great for Music and Art Schools to learn how to create high-quality music recordings without the help of arrangers, producers and sound engineers. By recording their concert performances, the teacher and student can track the development of performing skills. By recording simple composed melodic dictations, a student can perform an arrangement of his own composition in the senior class. Students and teachers can leave their notes in the educational fund and save them for the family archive. And he already involuntarily becomes a musician, because he works and thinks like a musician. Interest in learning develops, critical thinking, creative and research activities are activated, and independence in learning activities is stimulated. Isn't that important?

It is useful for teachers who want to make their lessons entertaining to master and use specific terminology for their work, which helps to master multimedia technologies. There is a musical dictionary of computer terms by P. Zhivaikin. The very fact of the appearance of such a dictionary speaks of the serious introduction of computer technology into the process of music learning.

All the positive aspects of the Online Community:

Destroys the boundaries of time and space, and the student, thanks to the Internet, turns into a virtual creative person who can test himself and connect with the whole world

You can easily discuss a musical topic, exchange it, and even create joint musical compositions. Such communication is possible in written, audio and video formats

You can find the style of music you are interested in, learn about it, use stylistics, learn the genre features of eras, easily moving through time

Learn about musicians-performers, composers, instruments

Learn musical notation and playing technique on your own

Learn the history of music

Discuss a musical topic with your peers, and even make musical compositions together

There is everything! And, moreover, everything with tips, links, and a list of educational literature. The main thing is to teach the child to differentiate this huge available musical space and highlight what will help improve his ear for music, become a beautiful soul and a purer heart.

And what each teacher chooses for himself, how he wants to teach and learn together with a modern child, depends only on himself!

Recently, there has been significant public interest in electronic music and, in particular, in music and computer technologies. This is due to several reasons.

Firstly, computer technology is penetrating all areas of activity, introducing new opportunities for self-realization.

Secondly, its versatility, fantastic limitlessness in improvement, and global applicability of electronic music raise learning to a new level, stimulate the rapid development of intelligence, and make music lessons in demand among a wide circle of art and creativity lovers.

Thirdly, the compatibility of electronic music with traditional music technologies creates conditions for the continuity of musical eras and styles, their interpenetration and synthesis, thus promoting the development of students’ creative potential and strengthening interest in musical culture as a whole.

Anyone who cares about what will happen in our country with music education in the coming decades will agree that one of the directions along which modern music education is already moving, not only theoretical, but also performing, is computer training and computer communications. In recent years, computer and communication technologies have increasingly affected the sphere of culture and especially music.

Only about a decade has passed since the computer appeared in our lives, and today it is no longer possible to imagine how we can solve many professional and everyday problems without it. Digital technologies have also affected the sphere of musical activity, both professional and amateur, and the transformations taking place in it are striking in their scale and radicality.

A professional composer today does not need either a symphony orchestra or solo performers to score his music - be it an experimental work or a work of the song and dance genre, accompaniment to a play, film, television and radio program or computer game. A musician of any level, including an elementary level of training, today can create detailed, diverse sounding electronic compositions, and the spread of such activities among teenagers and young people has no historical precedent in its mass scale.

Digital instruments are gaining an increasingly confident position in music education. Electronic music classes and departments are being opened in children's music schools, art schools and other additional education institutions; This activity is increasingly being used in the classroom in secondary schools; Music festivals for electronic musical instruments are held in different cities of Russia. At the same time, many teachers have conflicting feelings about digital tools. The questions that arise are similar. What is the purpose of a synthesizer and a computer in music classes - are they designed to facilitate the process of acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities in traditional areas of musical activity, or are they needed for electronic musical creativity? To use computerized instruments in musical activity - doesn’t this mean deliberately limiting it to the framework of electronic music of an experimental, essentially elitist direction? Within the framework of pop or rock music, in most cases built on primitive cliches? After all, such genre or stylistic restrictions will inevitably lead to a decrease in the level of musical culture of students.

Active processes of modernization of youth education are taking place in educational institutions in many regions of Russia. In the near future, electronic musical instruments and music-making will take a strong place not only in mass primary music education, but also in modern professional education, in particular at the middle level.

In recent years, music and computer technologies have become very attractive to a huge number of music lovers who, unfortunately, do not have sufficient education to engage in musical creativity professionally, but have a desire to compose, experiment with sounds, and devote all their free time to playing music. These are truly noble aspirations. Among these amateurs there are many people with technical professions: engineers, specialists in the field of computer science, acoustics, sound recording, and computer technology. A number of modern computer programs for creating and arranging music are, indeed, designed for the fact that their users do not have a professional musical education. For the most part, these programs are focused on modern song and dance genres in European and Latin American popular cultures.

Of course, when a composition is born from a set of blank samples or from rhythmic and textured elements of certain genre templates, this type of “creativity” can only be a kind of intermediate stage on the path to understanding the foundations of real art. But even here, the creative nature is able to overcome cliches, extract for itself either intuitively or meaningfully defined laws, rules of composing technologies, so that as a result, a music lover can find his own creative techniques.

Working in sequencer programs such as: Cakewalk, Cubase, Ableton Live, FL gives much greater scope for composing imagination. Studio. Later versions of these software products, designed for powerful high-speed computers, integrate various functions of sequencer MIDI editors, multi-track digital audio studios, and virtual synthesizers.

For musicians, these programs are difficult due to the multiplicity and complexity of their options; From music lovers, on the contrary, they demand unconditional professional musical education.

Obviously, the agenda includes the problem of moving two vectors of educational technologies in music towards each other: to teach musicians all the intricacies of computer programming of the modern sound “canvas”, and to teach specialists in the field of information and computer technologies and sound design a competent understanding of the laws of musical creativity. The issues of teaching music in secondary schools deserve separate serious discussion. It is known with what greedy curiosity teenagers (especially boys) are drawn to technical innovations, how delighted they are by the sight of radio equipment on the stage (microphones, operator consoles and sound speakers), and the catchy rhythms of loud dance music, on the one hand. But, on the other hand, how difficult it is to explain to them at this age an understanding of the masterpieces of the eternal classics and respect for truly great musicians.

Perhaps the presence of a music computer in a secondary school classroom, an enterprising singing teacher who is as fluent with such a computer as with a piano keyboard. The ability to engage your class in a variety of forms of working with the musical repertoire thanks to computer technology will transform music lessons.

To introduce computer technology into the process of music education, a music teacher needs the following technical means: a multimedia projector or interactive board, and all kinds of music programs, a computer, a synthesizer. A synthesizer instrument with limitless electronic possibilities. According to P.L. Zhivakina, he has a great future. He rightly notes: “In recent years, computer and communication technologies have increasingly affected the sphere of culture and especially music. At one time, the piano revolutionized music education. The day will come when the synthesizer will play a similar role.”

For example, a necessary type of musical activity in traditional music lessons was and remains listening, which involves familiarity with the works of composers of different eras and peoples. The teacher, having chosen a piece of music, can use the comparison method, which consists of performing the piece on the piano, then on a synthesizer, and listening to the same piece in the electronic version of the arrangers. Students, having perceived the same piece in different performances, can make a comparative analysis, highlight the positive aspects and advantages of each instrument.

An important activity in music lessons is choral singing. In this case, we assume the use of synthesizer accompaniment or the Karaoke program. By recording the “backing track” of the song, the teacher will be able to direct all his attention to working with the children’s choir. Karaoke can perfectly integrate into extracurricular activities. Such arrangements will be an excellent background for musical rhythm games, etc. The teacher himself can come up with a lot of techniques and methods for using karaoke in his work on musical education of children.

The emergence of educational computer programs, games, game questions and answers, multimedia crosswords allows you to study musical notation and gain basic knowledge about music.

In music classes where music lessons are held, there is a need to install a multimedia projector or interactive whiteboard. These technologies will make it possible to enrich the musical process of lessons with bright and interesting events in the art of music, and the demonstrated material will be absorbed more deeply by students.

Finally, in professional music education, if we keep in mind the difficulty of introducing a talented musician to the intricacies of modern computer technologies, then it is probably necessary to begin this introduction at an earlier stage, in a music school or college. But here it is important for the teacher to show a sense of proportion so that the technical element does not suppress the artist-creator in the young musician with a subtle and well-trained ear for music.

A music computer opens up the broadest possibilities in the creative exploration of the space of music, both at the level of professional art and amateur creativity.

Musical computer technologies have created an evolutionarily new period of technical reproduction of musical products: in music printing, in genres of applied music, in sound recording media, in the high-quality capabilities of sound-reproducing equipment, in theatrical and concert activities, in sound design and music broadcasting (including over the Internet) .

One of the main trends in the field of music pedagogy of the 21st century is to familiarize students with information and computer technologies. Their development is necessary:

Firstly, for the professional training of composers and performers;

Secondly, for use as a source of auxiliary educational material (reference, training, editing, sound recording, sound reproduction, etc.).

The methods discovered in electroacoustic music form a new compositional technique. Modern professional requirements for a composer require knowledge in the field of acoustics, electroacoustics, and sound recording. For future composers, it is important to study software, sound synthesis methods, and sound programming language. It is necessary to familiarize him with methods for controlling individual sound parameters, resonance modeling, and awareness of texture layers. Computer technologies also enable the composer to carry out technical work: create a sound collage, “mix” different fragments, and edit recorded material.

Conservatories have already accumulated some experience in teaching students of the specialty "composition" academic disciplines of the corresponding focus. In a number of universities (Moscow, St. Petersburg), electronic technologies in relation to musical creativity are studied as an elective, and as a subject of the curriculum - at the Ural Conservatory (course "Electronic and Computer Music"). Practical work of students, as well as composers from Yekaterinburg (T. Komarova, V. Galaktionov, O. Paiberdin, etc.), is carried out in an electroacoustic music studio. Here, on the basis of computer systems, sound “dictionaries” are developed, musical compositions are created using light and flower special effects, film and video sequences, and acting pantomime. (T. Komarova. “Autumn Reflections” for voice and electronic instruments; “Reflections”, “Sensations” for synthesizers and computer. O. Paiberdin. “Civilization” for synthesizer and computer).

Computer programs are applicable in learning to play instruments, in developing an ear for music, in listening to musical works, in selecting melodies, in arranging, improvising, typing and editing music text.

The computer also makes it possible to learn pieces with an “orchestra”, perform the functions of a “simulator” for conducting (using television equipment), and conduct musical and auditory analysis of melodies in a course on the history of music. For many disciplines, the computer is an indispensable source of bibliographic and encyclopedic information. Finally, the computer is widely used as a means of notating a piece of music.

The use of computer technologies is focused on the individual nature of work, which generally corresponds to the characteristics of music classes. A personal computer makes it possible to regulate the individual working mode of a musician in accordance with his tempo, as well as the amount of work performed. And, despite the fact that not all methodological problems have yet been solved, various methodological manuals are published in different systems of musical notation and not all educational institutions in the country offer classes on synthesizers and music computers, electronic musical instruments in the educational process prove their right to independence .

February 21, 2016 at the Children's Art School named after. G. Kukuevitsky held the IV city Olympiad for students of children's art schools in musical literature using computer technology.

4 teams of students from 2 to 4 years of study in musical literature from children's art schools in the city took part in the Olympiad. The teams competed in competitive tests: “Greetings”, “Defense of the presentation “Creativity and Biography of the Composer” and “Test Task”.

The first stage of the “Greeting” Olympiad was especially bright and spectacular, in which the teams presented creative homework done in the form of theatrical performances.

Students of our school showed the musical “Tale of the Tsar, Musical Instruments and Orchestra” (script by Dmitryuk Yu.V. and Barteneva T.N.). The role of the king was played by Nasibullin Renat, the role of the trumpeter was played by Vartik Mikhail (Rev. Pasternak S.V.), and Pagoni Marina did an excellent job as the presenter. The chamber orchestra “Inspiration” (director: Tushkova M.A., conductor: Loik T.N.) took part in the production of the fairy tale with great joy.

In the second competitive test, a multimedia presentation was presented on the topic: “The creative path of S.V. Rachmaninov”, which was commented by Sophia Kornilova (teacher T.N. Barteneva, N.N. Lopatskaya). The music of Rachmaninov himself, performed by Ekaterina Borisenko (teacher L.B. Rostovskaya), sounded as a beautiful background.

The third stage of the Olympiad was testing. Students answered 80 questions on musical literature. Students of the 5th grade took part in this competitive test: Kolev Pavel (teacher Dmitryuk Yu.V.), Oleinik Marina, Ovsyanik Ekaterina (teacher Barteneva T.N.), students of the 6th grade Gordeeva Anastasia, Starodumova Maria (teacher Pritupova E .A.) and 7th grade student Sofia Kornilova (teacher T.N. Barteneva).

Congratulations to all students and teachers who took part in the Olympiad on their victory!

We wish you further creative success!

Head of the city methodological association of teachers of theoretical disciplines, teacher of MBUDO “DSHI No. 3” Yu.V. Dmitryuk

September 1st, 2017 admin

Shaimukhambetova Bakytgul Temirlanovna

“To create is to live twice”

Target: The use of ICT in music lessons can significantly increase the effectiveness of education. The teacher needs to create all the conditions in music lessons for creative development, using information and communication technologies in organizing music lessons as a way to improve the professional skills of the teacher and develop the motivation and activity of students.


  1. bring the lesson closer to the worldview of a modern child, since he watches and listens more than reads and speaks; prefers to use information obtained using technical means.
  2. Identify ways to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the educational process using ICT in music lessons


The article reveals current problems of modern general music education. The features of the use of music and computer technologies as a way of forming a competent personality of a schoolchild are considered. .

I like the profession of a music teacher because the teacher has the opportunity to improvise, create, be an artist and performer. And of course, I consider school the most reliable and interesting place to study music with children.
Music at school is an art.At each lesson, the children gain new knowledge. Acquaintance with composers, genres, vocal and instrumental works, musical instruments.

I use technology for the development of perception processes in the process of listening to music, for example, identifying : genre signs (march, dance, song, kui) ; signs style (folk - composer, ancient - modern, Kazakh - foreign music )

In the process of listening to music, such qualities as compassion and empathy are cultivatedAt the same time, they learn to listen to works, perceiving them in their entirety. They listen in silence, pondering the content. Showing sensitivity, insight, and responsiveness. Often, watching children while listening to music, I see how their faces change, all emotions and experiences are reflected in their facial expressions. Through works of art, students learn the history of the country, get acquainted with the works of composers of the last century Kurmangazy, Dauletkerey, Dina Nurpeisova, Makhambet.

Any work reflects life. Music can embody everything that is connected with a person: feelings, thoughts, character, actions, emotions. The same thing happens to children when they begin to analyze musical works, compare, and then they begin to understand that music is our life! P First of all, the teacher himself must love what he teaches. Creatively working music teachers constantly feel the need to update their song repertoire, which should be accessible, interesting and exciting, bringing joy to both students and teachers. One of the main activities in a music lesson is singing and my task is to form and develop singing skills.

When teaching children to sing I use gaming technique. These are various exercises, games for the development of speech and singing breathing, onomatopoeia, speech exercises and rhythmic recitations (clear pronunciation of text or poetry in a given rhythm).

In elementary school I use various forms of play. These include role-playing games: “Playing conductor”, “Playing composer”, “Staging the plot of a fairy tale”. To develop fine motor skills and as a form of physical education, I use musical and rhythmic games, such as “If you’re having fun, do this!”, “Boogie-Woogie.” Children with great pleasure become active participants in such a form of play as musical pantomime: “Sea”, “Orchestra”, “Favorite Instrument”.

Games - simulations“Draw a sound”, “Draw your favorite sound”, “Musical instrument”. It is in such activities that children develop musical, imaginative and creative thinking.

When working with a choir it is used technology of collective creative activity. The collective form of learning in the classroom creates a situation of success, the pinnacle of which is the joy of joint creativity. In a group, it is easier for any child to open up, because elements of fear and shyness are removed, while the creative abilities of students are actively developed. The most important thing in vocal production is correct breathing Right from the right place breathing the performance of the song begins, because this is the support on which everything rests vocal technique, and therefore I recommend breathing exercises before each chant to warm up.

Familiarization with the song begins with a demonstration of the work by the teacher, whose goal is to interest children in the proposed song. The demonstration involves a short introductory conversation, and then an emotional performance of the song by the teacher. The teacher must perform the piece in such a way that the children like it.

Students should learn to hear music continuously throughout the entire lesson: both while singing, and while playing instruments, and in moments that require the greatest attention, concentration and tension of mental strength, when they act as the actual listener.

The lesson is based on the laws of the music itself. It necessarily has its own climax, approach to it, conclusion.

In general, the lesson in content and form should be like a work of art

In the process of creative activity in the lesson, students act as playwrights, composers, musicians and orchestra conductors, performing actors, and listeners to “live” music performances. Such role diversity of activities helps to reveal the creative potential of each student, and the teacher only guides and activates it, creating an atmosphere of openness, ease, and trust. The older the children become, the more confident they begin to think about music, to disassemble the work “piece by piece,” appreciating each means of musical expression.

Some people believe that a music lesson is considered a simple singing lesson, where children are simply wasting their time, that a music lesson is considered secondary and not a priority for many children, parents, and colleagues.

But the music teacher constructs absolutely every lesson as if it were a theatrical production. During the lesson there are no pauses or tasks that the children do independently, during which the teacher can take a break. One task after another, question after question. He is like an actor throughout the lesson, luring children into his game, as a result of which he loses a lot of mental and emotional strength.

The use of innovative technologies began quite recently compared to the West, where this practice has existed for more than 20 years. The inexhaustible possibilities of music and computer technologies will make it possible to both expand, enrich, improve the theory and practice of teaching music in secondary schools, and improve the quality of all music education. In this regard, new requirements for a music teacher have appeared. Now he must not only know computer technologies, but be a specialist who actively applies, correctly uses and understands the need for their use in his work.
The task of a modern music teacher is not only the transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities, the development of students’ musical abilities, but also instilling in students the creative desire and development necessary for further self-education and self-realization in modern society.
First of all, the teacher needs to create all the conditions in music lessons for creative development, using new music and computer technologies for this. Of course, this does not imply a complete departure from the traditional forms and methods previously used in music lessons. Music and computer technologies are designed to facilitate and improve the creative musical activity of a music teacher, as well as to enrich the developments in music pedagogy that were accumulated earlier.

ANDinformation technology I use it at all stages of the lesson: when explaining new material, consolidating, repeating, generalizing, monitoring, during physical exercises, as well as in extracurricular activities.

To introduce computer technology into the process of school music education, a music teacher needs the following technical means: a computer, a multimedia projector, an interactive board, programs for improvisation, all kinds of music programs (karaoke, encyclopedias, reference books), a synthesizer.
The synthesizer is an instrument with limitless electronic possibilities.

During my lessons I use the musical instruments bayan, synthesizer accompaniment and a karaoke singing program. Students, having perceived the same piece in different performances, can make a comparative analysis, highlight the positive aspects and advantages of each instrument. Having recorded the “backing track” of the song (the soundtrack without the main melody), I direct all my attention to working with the children’s choir. Karaoke can perfectly integrate into extracurricular activities. Such arrangements will be an excellent backdrop for musical scenes, fairy tales, concerts, musical-rhythmic games, physical education minutes. You can come up with a lot of techniques and methods for using the karaoke program in your work on musical education of children. At all stages of the lesson I use electronic educational resources: presentations for lessons, logic games, test shells, Internet resources. Quite often I use Microsoft Power Point presentations in lessons on various topics: “History of the Opera House”, “Kazakh musical instruments”, “Instruments of a symphony orchestra”, biographies of composers and singers.

Video recording in music lessons

An integral part of the methodology of teaching music at school is the constant use of screen-sound means. Almost not a single lesson passes without the use of sound recordings (fragments of musical works) and reproductions of paintings or fragments of paintings by famous artists.

On the one hand, screen-sound means facilitate the teacher’s work, on the other hand, they undoubtedly complicate and enrich it, making it more creative, interesting, creating conditions for the teacher’s self-education and professional growth.

The advent of computer technology has significantly expanded the possibilities of using video recordings in school. A fragment of video recordings can be used in any part of the lesson

Video recordings (“Making dombra in Kazakhstan”, “Museum of Sounds”, “Singing Reed”, orchestra performances, playing musical instruments, scenes from the ballet: “Swan Lake”, “Sleeping Beauty”), small autobiographical films about the work of composers ( “Mussorgsky”, “Portrait of Rachmaninov”), cartoons (based on the opera “The Snow Maiden”, “Pictures at an Exhibition”, “Peer Gynt”) arouse great interest among students and increase motivation.

Music encyclopedias are a great help in music lessons. “Encyclopedia of Popular Music of Cyril and Methodius”, which contains information about almost all modern groups and performers, music albums

With the help of this encyclopedia, we learn about the history of the development of a group, about the formation of rock, jazz, pop music in various countries, then listen to a recording or video clip. To test your knowledge, the encyclopedia has a special section called “Quiz,” consisting of various questions and musical fragments. The “Masterpieces of Music” program contains review materials about different styles of music; the material covers the period from the Baroque era to modern music. In addition, the program contains biographical information about composers and describes the history of the creation of famous works. The works are accompanied by comments, audio and video fragments. The program is equipped with a dictionary of various terms and musical instruments, which greatly facilitates the work.

In each class I use electronic textbooks (for grades 1-6 with Kazakh and Russian languages ​​of instruction), which offer various forms of conducting music lessons at school, aimed at broadening the horizons of students, developing a musical taste in children, and immersing themselves in an atmosphere of creativity.

The emergence of educational computer programs, games, game questions and answers, multimedia crossword puzzles makes it possible to study musical notation and gain basic knowledge about music. Students enjoy doing homework related to working on the Internet. They will learn the biography of composers, the history of creation of works, or other information.
These technologies allow the musical process of lessons to be enriched with bright and interesting events in the art of music (history of museums, theaters and ballets, biography of composers and conductors, etc.), and the demonstrated musical material will be absorbed more deeply by students.


In the process of using musical technologies in a music lesson, children learn, comprehend, master the laws of language, learn to understand and reproduce music. All this broadens the horizons of students, expands the horizons of performing activities, makes it possible to significantly increase the level of performing skills, and develop the musical abilities of children.

All musical technologies help to develop the skills of active perception of music, enrich the musical experience of children, instill in them knowledge, which in general is an important prerequisite for enriching the musical culture of schoolchildren.

The use of modern information technologies in music lessons makes learning bright, interesting, memorable for students of any age, and forms an emotionally positive attitude towards the subject. Music lessons at school are not only necessary, they are very important for the formation of a full-fledged personality.

A music lesson is an art that teaches you how to live!

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