Medvedev is being taken out under attack. Corruption scandal with the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

Dmitry Medvedev's opponents specifically replicated his statement about salaries, the Kremlin believed. They believe that the campaign is being led by contenders for the position of prime minister or by those who want United Russia to lose in the elections

Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev (Photo: Alexander Miridonov/Kommersant)

The presidential administration believes that the story surrounding Prime Minister Dmitry's statement Medvedev the idea that teachers who are dissatisfied with their salaries should go into business “is obviously of an ordered nature,” two interlocutors in the Kremlin told RBC. “Dmitry Anatolyevich is a former teacher himself and also worked in business. He came to a youth camp where there were many economics teachers. That is, he came to his environment. It's clear that he was open with these guys and told them some of his journey. As a result, he suffered for his openness,” explains a high-ranking interlocutor of RBC.

The Kremlin official recalled that the scandal surrounding Medvedev’s statement broke out only the day after the statement itself. “The theme is constructed. It is clear that specially trained people were monitoring, looking for certain words that could be cast in a negative light. In the end, they pulled out a theme, played with it, presented it in a different context, and it worked,” he emphasizes.

RBC's interlocutor made several assumptions about who could wage a campaign against Medvedev. This could be someone who is vying for the position of head of government, he says. “In this case, we may be talking about internal confrontation,” he suggested. Another option is “the forces that are interested in United Russia receiving as few votes as possible in the elections” (Medvedev is the leader of United Russia and number one on the party’s election list). When asked by RBC what kind of forces these are, the interlocutor said that the interests could be different people - “from opposition parties to financial structures.”

The Prime Minister's press secretary Natalya Timakova did not answer RBC's question about whether the White House believes that a campaign is being waged against Medvedev.

What Medvedev said

On August 2, a teacher at the Dagestan State University, Gadzhi Kurbanov, at the forum “Territory of Meanings on the Klyazma” asked Medvedev why young teachers “get 10-15 thousand [rubles]. per month], while law enforcement agencies, police officers, receive 50 [thousand. rub. per month] and higher.” The prime minister replied that there was no need to compare the salaries of teachers and police officers and that he himself, working as a teacher after university, received 90 rubles, and a police lieutenant - 250.

“I am absolutely sure that a modern, energetic teacher is capable of not only receiving the salary that he is entitled to according to his job description, but also earning something.<…>This is a calling, and if you want to earn money, there are a lot of great places where you can do it faster and better. Same business. But you didn’t go into business, as I understand it,” Medvedev said.

Video from the Prime Minister's speech at the forum began to appear the next day, August 3.

On the same day Russian media paid attention to the column Timothy Ash , published on the website of the Financial Times on August 1. In it, in particular, the author suggested the resignation of Medvedev after the State Duma elections in September and the appointment of former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin in his place. “Exercises on the upcoming resignation of the government are not new. We know that with enviable consistency, everyone guesses from the tea leaves,” presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

A day later, on August 4, a petition appeared on the website demanding that the prime minister resign. It was created by a user with the nickname Alexander Lee, who had not previously submitted petitions on the site. Offer for the first day. “The Cabinet of Ministers must be headed by a competent, educated person who cares for the country. Now we see the opposite picture,” reads the description of the petition. Dmitry Peskov that the Kremlin is not familiar with the petition. At the time of publication of the article, about 264 thousand users subscribed to it.

Then, on August 4, deputies from United Russia met with the Minister of Education Dmitry Livanov, who reported that teachers’ salaries had reached 100% of the regional average and that their average salary was growing by an average of 6-7% per year. The Chairman of the Duma Committee on Education, Vyacheslav Nikonov, after a meeting with the minister, announced a teachers’ forum with the participation of Medvedev before the start of the school year.

No money

Medvedev's statements often cause resonance in social networks and the media. In May, the Prime Minister visited Crimea and in a conversation with Crimeans responded to a pensioner's complaint to high prices and low pensions: “There’s just no money. If we find the money, we'll do the indexing. You hang in here, all the best, good mood and health to you,” the prime minister said.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, through the efforts of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, headed by Alexei Navalny, has become a real star of the Internet service Youtube. The film about the "secret empire" premiered "He's Not Dimon" was viewed by five and a half million people in four days. Alexei Navalny considers the film a serious victory in the fight against corrupt officials of the highest rank, and the journalistic investigation on which it is based is the largest in the history of the Foundation.

The head of the prime minister's press service, Natalya Timakova, publicly declared everything shown in the film to be "propaganda attacks." The question arises: maybe Navalny’s film is an ordinary political “order”? By the way, over the past six months this is already the second major attack on DAM by the Anti-Corruption Foundation.

Navalny himself made serious political profit from this investigation. The release of the film fueled public interest in the activities of the Foundation and in the personality of its permanent leader, so much so that the number of signatories for Navalny’s nomination as a presidential candidate increased by 30 thousand during these days. Now, said the head of the election headquarters, Leonid Volkov, Navalny already has more than half of the signatures required for registration. Let me remind you that Navalny put forward his candidacy for participation in the elections in December last year, and over the past time he has opened 7 out of 77 planned election headquarters in the largest cities: Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, Samara, Ufa, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod.

As a correspondent for the Moscow Monitor publication, I asked State Duma deputy Olga Alimova about what was behind Navalny’s video. In her opinion, the “investigation” of the famous oppositionist became part of a big political game, sanctioned “at the top.”

For some reason, it seems to me that this film is not only and not so much the fruit of the political courage of Alexei Navalny. Firstly, such a large-scale investigation could hardly have been carried out by the Anti-Corruption Foundation alone, and secondly, even Alexei Anatolyevich, with all his opposition, would not have had enough gunpowder for such a scandalous revelation. In my opinion, it is obvious that behind this investigation there is someone who helps Navalny, advises him and, most importantly, allows him to fight corruption in the upper echelons by making such resonant attacks.

Of course, it’s good that we are still fighting corruption, even if only with the highest permission. And a legitimate question also arises: why, in fact, did Alexei Navalny receive a kind of carte blanche to conduct his scandalous investigation? In my opinion, not least because, if he is truly brought to justice for these malicious “propaganda attacks,” then it remains to be seen what incriminating evidence he will reveal in self-defense.

Of course, the film causes a real shock, and you are simply seething with civil indignation: how can this be, because in any other country such a prime minister would have resigned with a whistle by the end of the first day of publication of such a film! Moreover, Dmitry Medvedev had previously given many reasons for initiating such an investigation (however, he was not alone).

Personally, it seems to me that by allowing Navalny to publish the results of the investigation, the country’s top leadership is preparing the ground on the eve of the presidential race in which it intends to sow the confidence of Russians that it is fighting corruption and will not allow even the most proven and trusted person to steal. In this situation, I personally would not be surprised if a little later, on the eve of the elections, Dmitry Anatolyevich’s resignation follows, so that the good will of the Kremlin becomes more obvious.

However, I would not completely deny the participation of Western forces in organizing and conducting this investigation. It is quite possible that the “big boss” gave the go-ahead, and Navalny’s Western partners enthusiastically rushed to find and collect dirt on Medvedev. But I personally do not doubt for a second that the activities of the lively prime minister are in no way a secret for the head of state.

Moreover, I think Navalny will “fall” not only on Medvedev. We should expect other high-profile revelations from him regarding the country's political elite. Moreover, the field for this is practically not plowed. And as the election period approaches, the political pathos of the “plowman” will become louder.

Source - Free Press

Original taken from miggerrtis in Where and how do anti-corruption investigations end?
The original was taken from

Original taken from theallexbekk HE IS NOT YOUR DEMON

The Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) of Alexei Navalny published a large investigation into the elite real estate of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. The organization claims that the Dar, Gradislava and Sotsgosproekt foundations act in the interests of Medvedev and legally own property that actually belongs to the head of government.

Navalny: Medvedev’s funds twice won competitions for the purchase of land with fake competitors

Structures allegedly acting in the interests of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev have twice won competitions for the purchase of land, FBK claims.

The authors of the investigation report that both cases occurred in the Krasnodar region. In the first case, the competition was won by the Nautilus company, which is owned by one of the founders and director of the Svetlana Medvedeva Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives (FSCI), Dmitry Solovyov, and its only competitor was the Topgarden company, which is managed by Alexey Chetvertkov, director of Sotsgosproekt.

In the second case, the Dar fund won a competition against the Russian Broker company, which is also managed by Chetvertkov.

Thus, FBK claims, Medvedev’s structures received ownership of the site of the former holiday home of the Presidential Administration near the village of Olginka and a site in the area of ​​the Utrish Peninsula.

“Both times we resorted to criminal schemes: controlled companies provided false competition in competitions. The similarity of these stories, their connection with the administration of the Krasnodar Territory, the Presidential Administration, as well as with the foundation of Medvedev’s wife allow us to assert that the beneficiary of these transactions was Dmitry Anatolyevich himself,” FBK concludes.

Vineyards in Tuscany. Source: FBK

Manor in Tuscany. Source: FBK

FBK showed Medvedev's alleged winter residence in Krasnaya Polyana

Another organization, the Winter Olympic Sports Support Fund, owns the Psekhako residence, which is included in the federal program of preparation for the Olympic Games in Sochi.

“On four hectares of protected land there are several buildings, including a residence with an area of ​​4 thousand square meters. As in the story with Medvedev’s Plyos dacha, at the Olympic construction stage the land lease was issued to the Dar Foundation. At the end of 2014, the property was donated to the unknown Winter Olympic Sports Support Fund,” reports FBK.

The fund's supervisory board is headed by Ilya Eliseev, who is also involved in the activities of other funds mentioned by Navalny.

“Dmitry Medvedev regularly visits this residence, as evidenced by photographs on his Instagram. He personally issues management, hiring, and purchasing instructions for the facility. He has been violating the law for at least three years by not declaring this property,” the authors of the investigation summarize.

FBK published an investigation into the luxury real estate of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev

Alexei Navalny's Anti-Corruption Foundation has published a large investigation into the luxury real estate of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

Thus, the organization claims that Medvedev received a “palace on Rublyovka” as a gift from businessman Alisher Usmanov.

FBK, in particular, claims that the Dar, Gradislava, and Sotsgosproekt foundations act in the interests of Medvedev and de jure own property that actually belongs to the Prime Minister.

According to FBK, Medvedev’s “secret assets” are managed by Vladimir Dyachenko.

One gets the strong impression that the person is not all at home.
The motives for changing the prosecutor of Crimea are becoming more and more transparent.

“My employees are calling from Crimea, from the prosecutor’s office, who are taking care of the chapel. You know, this morning the bust of Nicholas II, our sovereign, which we installed in the park near the chapel, was myrrh-streamed. This happened this morning. People come with their children to touch them so that they can be healed. We took photos and sent them. This is a miracle that neither scientists nor anyone can explain. This is on the centennial anniversary, you see. The Emperor is helping us. They died so that we could make Russia prosperous and great,” Poklonskaya said.

Several years ago, the Prime Minister exchanged his official car for a service helicopter, so as not to worsen the already difficult situation with traffic jams. And now it creates difficulties for aircraft drivers: due to the visit of the second person of the state to Sheremetyevo, some planes had to “hang” in the air for more than 2 hours. At the same time, passengers went crazy from the unknown.

The flight "Anapa - Moscow" should last two hours. Instead, passengers Anastasia and Victor complain to the media, the trip took them all five, three of which they circled over the airport in a complete information vacuum. Passengers learned why such an unpleasant situation had arisen only after the landing gear finally touched the landing strip. The pilot explained that the scheduled landing time had shifted due to the arrival of a government aircraft.

It turned out that on this day Dmitry Medvedev flew to Sheremetyevo to inspect an important facility for the 2018 World Cup. He toured the airport building, and at a subsequent meeting noted that it is very important to provide a high level of service for both foreign and Russian tourists.

At this time, Russian tourists were late for connecting flights, tried to calm down crying children who refused to sit quietly for not the promised couple of hours, but 2.5 times more, and tried not to panic, which turned out badly. And this was in no way consistent with the words of the prime minister heard later, much less with his actions.

Dolche vita of the scandalous prime minister

This is not the first time that Dmitry Medvedev has become involved in scandals related to his lifestyle. So, the whole country laughed at the “prime minister’s flu”, because of which he was lost even at the top (he did not show up for a meeting with Putin). It later turned out that the “flu” prime minister had a pleasant time at the resort.

But not all scandals are so harmless. The really loud scandal associated with Alexei Navalny’s investigation into Dmitry Medvedev’s “underground empire” has not yet been forgotten. The Anti-Corruption Foundation in the film “He’s Not Dimon” accused the prime minister of loving a luxurious life, which includes his own vineyards in Tuscany, luxurious estates, luxurious interiors and other signs of dolche vita. Medvedev pointedly ignored this investigation, calling it a “compote,” and in June the State Duma allowed data on the property of the highest officials of the state to be classified. Thus, they made it clear to the people: none of your business how the celestials live.

The scandal with the FBK investigation does not seem to have taught Dimon anything. He still values ​​his comfort highly - so highly that he didn’t give a damn about ordinary people. Well, it’s convenient for the prime minister to not care about the people – both from the height gained by the helicopter and from the altitude of his position.

Photo:,, NTV


The Kremlin considers the story surrounding Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who advised Russian teachers to overwork or leave, a custom campaign launched against the head of the Cabinet. Sources in the presidential administration do not rule out that the scandal may be related to the upcoming elections.

Two interlocutors in the Kremlin said that the story surrounding Medvedev’s words about teachers “is obviously custom-made.” “Dmitry Anatolyevich is a former teacher himself and also worked in business. He came to a youth camp where there were many economics teachers. That is, he came to his own environment. It is clear that he was open with these guys and partly told them about his path. As a result, he suffered for his openness,” said a senior agency source.

An official from the presidential administration also noted that the scandal surrounding Medvedev’s statement broke out only the next day after the statement itself. “The topic is of a constructed nature. It is clear that specially trained people were monitoring, looking for certain words that could be cast in a negative light. As a result, they pulled out the topic, played with it, presented it in a different context, and it went,” explained RBC’s interlocutor.

The Kremlin official also named the alleged organizers of the campaign against Medvedev. This could be a contender for the post of head of the Russian government. “In this case, we may be talking about internal confrontation,” the publication’s interlocutor suggested. Or the campaign against the prime minister could be launched by “forces that are interested in United Russia receiving as few votes as possible in the elections.” Let us recall that Medvedev is the leader of United Russia, occupying first place on the ruling party’s election list. The publication's interlocutor explained that discrediting the prime minister could be beneficial to various forces - "from opposition parties to financial structures."

The Prime Minister's press secretary Natalya Timakova did not answer RBC's question about whether the White House believes that a custom campaign is being waged against Medvedev.

On August 2, Medvedev, speaking at the “Territory of Meanings on the Klyazma” forum, in response to a question from a Dagestan University teacher about the low salaries of young teachers and lecturers, recommended that they try to earn “something else” besides their salary, and hinted that there are many places where to earn money faster and better. At the same time, he explained the high earnings of security forces by the danger of the profession.

The Prime Minister's words caused intense public outrage. A petition has appeared on the Internet demanding the resignation of the current Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. The document states that “the Cabinet of Ministers must be headed by a competent, educated person who cares about the country.” “Now we see the opposite picture,” says the text of the resignation call addressed to Russian President Vladimir Putin. According to the website, as of August 10, the petition had already been signed by more than 266 thousand people.

This is not the first time that the prime minister, when dealing with complaints about the lack of money, tries to prove that in some cases this is a normal condition. According to the head of government, this applies not only to young professionals and teachers, but also to retirees.

In May in Crimea, before uttering the famous phrase “There is no money, but you hold on,” Medvedev, responding to the reproach of “incorrect indexation” of pensions for residents of the peninsula, twice emphasized that “they (indexations) are not there anywhere,” that is they are not found throughout Russia, and not just in Crimea.