Housing issue where the owners did not like the renovation. TV repairs: who is dissatisfied with the alterations and why?

What happens after the film crew leaves the apartment?

There are now many television projects in which housing is repaired free of charge. There are thousands of people who want to get into them. People write letters and send photos to apartment castings, on forums they beg former participants to show their letters, some send applications once every two or three months. Some channels renovate rooms and dachas in Moscow and the immediate Moscow region, while other channels work in all major cities of the country. As a rule, they undertake to transform one or several spacious rooms in a lived-in apartment - they will not help with the arrangement of an unfinished new building or a one-room apartment. Dachas that are located no further than 50 km from the Moscow Ring Road are being repaired; communications must be installed in the house: electricity, heating, sewerage.

Project editors select letters from people with interesting hobbies, an active lifestyle, a friendly family, without complaints and stories about debts and loans. Some write funny poems about the family, others write exciting letters with amazing stories about family members and their achievements. Most people are still satisfied with the repairs. Firstly, because everything is free (the market price for repairs is from a million rubles), and secondly, even if you don’t like something, you can live a little and change a cabinet, picture or lamp.

the site found out what happens after the film crew leaves.

This week, social networks are actively discussing the renovation of the apartment of Muscovites Evgeny and Tamara Kachalov. The Housing Issue team was faced with the task of organizing a bedroom from the grandmother’s vacant room. The program was shown last weekend, and was filmed more than a month ago. At the end of the show, the owners who asked for a “Gothic” bedroom were not happy. Seeing the result of the renovation, the head of the family was initially angry: “I really didn’t want to say these words, but the designer either doesn’t know what ergonomics is, or he plugged his ears with something complicated.” And then he looked at the rework with great optimism.

BEDROOM AFTER RENOVATION. Photo: website peredelka.tv

First conclusions:

1. The partition between the bedroom and the dressing room evokes associations with schools and hospitals, where similar ones were built from glass blocks. You will have to look after it and devote a lot of time to it, vacuuming it often, and this is not very functional.

2. The dressing room is more like a coat rack in the hallway - open to dust and as if unfinished. There are no very doors that you want to open and get into the most desirable place for a woman. The dressing room is located at the entrance to the room. You get the feeling that you are not in a bedroom, but in a tiny one-room apartment with a similar hallway.

3. I would like to decorate the head of the bed with wood carvings. It looks unfinished.

4. From the point of view of design as a whole, the solution is balanced and complete. We now have a bedroom with a double bed and our painting has found its rightful place in the interior.

5. I liked the color of the wallpaper and the presence of mirrors. It’s also good that there is no large chandelier in the center of the room.

6. There is no complete disappointment from the resulting interior, but it does not cause delight either. And to fully appreciate a room, you need to live in it.

Some time after the shooting:

1. I really like the mattress on the bed. And the leg of the bed itself broke. The heroes wrote about this in the program, the legs will be replaced.

2. The clock, which resembles a factory entrance, is confusing.

3. The Kachalovs are getting used to repairs, while at the same time thinking about the possibility of redoing it.

Stars Most often satisfied with free repairs. There were several unusual situations. For example, the writer Arkady Inin had his office in the attic renovated. The writer was pleased: the old furniture was replaced with new ones, everything was refreshed. But, despite the request to leave the wooden door, they still installed their own iron one. But Yining did not argue. The only serious scandal was nine years ago: the kitchen renovation upset actress Irina Muravyova. She didn’t like everything: the floors raised a whole level, the electric fireplace, the color of the ceiling, the tiles... The actress’s husband said that $25,000 was spent on the floor and tiles alone. After the broadcast, the design of the room was redone.

Renovation of Irina Muravyova’s kitchen, which the actress did not like.

We talked on forums with people who experienced alterations. Almost everyone is delighted. There are also claims from former participants (the authors' spelling and punctuation have been preserved).

1. “We were very pleased, although we asked for light colors, but apparently the designers are good psychologists, they gave us a shake up with colors... Only this room is now not a bedroom with a living room, but a son’s room with a living room, and we made a separate bedroom for ourselves. Until now, everything is intact, nothing has collapsed, otherwise someone on the forum wrote that the repair was done in Moldova, everything would fall off right away, nothing like that!”

2. “We wrote a letter to the program with a request to make a room, when we came to look at the apartment, they immediately said that they would not make a room, but would make a kitchen! If we don’t want to, then they won’t do anything at all. Although the kitchen was quite decent. From a rather large kitchen, they started making noise in a small one, two people can hardly separate in it, I’m generally silent about the children! It is not possible for four to dine there. Somehow they put a dining table in front of the door in a strange way; it half blocks the passage to the kitchen. You have to go sideways into the kitchen. A big plus - the technicians crammed a lot! Everything is ultra-modern!

3. “If you don’t like something, you can redo it, the main thing is that the windows have been changed, the walls and floor have been leveled, and a lot more has been done!”

4. “The equipment scratched the floors in the hallway and tore off the wallpaper in some places.”

5. “The worktops didn’t last long—the hinges were torn out by the roots.”

6. “My wife’s friends didn’t like the kitchen renovation; she wanted to force me to redo it. I refused and found friends who “really liked it.” It's all a matter of taste.

How to get into a show about renovation?

"Hacienda"(First channel)

How to get there: send an application for participation through the website www.fazenda-tv.ru

"School of Repair" (TNT)


“Dacha answer”, “Housing problem”(NTV)

How to get there: fill out the form on the website www.peredelka.tv or send the form by email [email protected]

Repair honestly(REN)

We bet that you would like the crew from the TV show “Housing Problem” to do excellent repairs for free? Most likely, you kindly envied those lucky ones whose little dreams of comfort were realized by the guys from this program.

But don’t rush to be happy for them, because even in such a show there will always be pitfalls. Everything looks smooth on the screen, without a hitch. However, is the renovation from these guys as good as the host of “Housing Question” paints it?


In 2013, the Housing Issue team undertook to renovate the kitchen of Muscovite Ksenia Avteneva. The project was called “Kitchen with large strokes.” The heroes of the issue were given 2 weeks to remove all the furniture and find temporary housing.

I had to wait quite a long time - as much as 1.5 months. However, Ksenia and her husband hoped for the best, because the estimate was almost 1.5 million rubles.

At first, Ksenia liked the cuisine. However, when she started cooking here, difficulties arose. The terribly inconveniently installed taps and the concrete floor, which absorbed oil and dirt, left many questions.

Brand new terrace

In 2010, representatives of a program about repairs decided to remodel the terrace at Natalya Filippova’s dacha. The issue bore the poetic title “White Steamer.” The renovation lasted 2 long months for the owner.

When Natalya came to see the result, she gasped: the terrace was done wonderfully, but the workers completely destroyed the wooden floor and ruined the brand new sauna, in which they constantly washed.

High-quality German windows

Sometimes presenters of programs show that they install expensive and high-quality furniture, thereby advertising to sponsors. Olesya Ivashkina was lucky - she had a “high-quality German window” installed in her bedroom, which in fact turned out to be a cheap Chinese counterfeit.

The repairs lasted 25 days, during which time the owner did not receive a single call. In general, the room began to look better, but for some reason the workers demolished half of the attic above the bedroom. Amazing design solutions.

Miracle carpet

Ekaterina Gorokhova asked Housing Issue to make her a new nursery. The show's management had plans to renovate the living room. The girl agreed and the renovation began.

The hostess was not particularly pleased with the amazing design solutions. Particularly perplexing were the cabinet with a pattern of spermatozoa and the carpet tightly glued to the floor. As it turned out later, it was very difficult to clean, which did not add enthusiasm.

Gothic bedroom

Evgeny Kachalov is a lover of gothic music and the group “Aria”. He asked to turn his grandmother’s bedroom into a brutal medieval lair. It didn't turn out quite what he wanted. The guy tried to call the designer, but nothing worked out for him. “There’s no smell of Gothic here. Some kind of office, not a bedroom,”- said the young man.

A couple more unpleasant moments.

Sometimes the budget for a project changes on the fly, and designers are forced to either break the contract or redo the entire job to accommodate new requirements.

Repairs last on average 3-4 weeks, during which the characters in the episode cannot live at home.

From time to time it is not possible to find the necessary materials, so designers change everything on the fly and the repair is delayed.

And finally: do the owners spy on how they are doing repairs? No, according to the terms of the program, the intrigue must be maintained until the very end.

Free is not always bad. However, as you already understand, incidents happen. At a minimum, you cannot choose the design, but must agree to the designers’ idea. You're never sure you'll like it.

When they saw the renovated nursery, they almost fainted. Vitaly says that all the furniture was of low quality, the wallpaper was peeling off and the baseboards were falling to the floor. When Milana saw her future room, she immediately burst into tears. Even the little one didn't like the new room. As we know: through the mouth of a baby the truth speaks.

But most of all, Irina and Vitaly were hurt by the fact that the specialists replaced the expensive wooden frames, which they bought for $15 thousand, with ordinary plastic ones. The producers didn’t even want to return the old furniture to the spouses. Irina and Vitaly promised that they would never take part in such shows again.

Natalia Filippova and “Dachny Otvet”

An ardent summer resident Natalia and her betrothed Evgeniy took part in the TV program “Dachny Answer” in 2010. The designers decided that it was necessary to make a gazebo on the summer cottage.

Professionals built an open gazebo - a veranda, the name of which was given to the “white ship”.

Filippova, seeing the design, did not know what to say, she was speechless. The “steamboat” certainly attracted everyone’s attention, but Natalya did not like the white color of the gazebo, all the furniture and even the pillows. The floor immediately became dirty as soon as they walked on it. Why was there a white floor on the dacha plot? Returning home, she was even more upset. She regretted that she contacted the program.

“The repairs took almost two months. All this time, a team of seven people lived in our dacha. The new wood floors in the house have turned into old dirty planks. Just like in the sauna, in which people washed for some reason. The humidity turned up all the floors in the steam room. And the shower stall was broken,”- Natalia shouted.

Filippova later said that the program director contacted her and helped resolve the situation.

Evgeny Kachalov and “Housing Question”

Evgeny and Tamara Kachalov from Moscow came to the project themselves because they wanted a cozy bedroom to be made from an old, out-of-date room. They expressed their wishes that there be as few different decorative items as possible, and that everything be done in dark colors.

The wishes of Evgeniy and Tamara were taken into account, but Evgeniy did not like anything, he became furious. Evgeniy did not skimp on his emotions and angrily discussed the work of the specialists; he saw all the blemishes in the interior.

“I was determined that it would be a surprise, and I have to admit: that surprise was a success after all,” Evgeniy told the press. “I can’t say he was pleasant, but he was.” The man says that the furniture that the Housing Issue specialists brought turned out to be bad; the legs of the bed fell off within a week.

On the program’s website, Evgeniy’s first impression is written as follows: “There is no complete disappointment from the resulting interior, but it does not cause delight either.”

Irina Muravyova

Irina Muravyova and her husband, director Leonid Eidlin, became participants in the renovation program. They wanted their kitchen to have a modern look. “Don’t listen to anyone, do as you know, you can do it well”- Leonid said. But when they saw the remodeled kitchen, they felt bad. The couple expected something completely different.

“Dear mother, what is this?”- asked the owners of the apartment. It seemed to the actress that the kitchen had become smaller, and the audience also agreed with Muravyova.

"I'm scared to be here"- said Irina Muravyova. She didn't like the kitchen at all.

True, after a while, professionals, in order not to lose their popularity, remodeled Irina Muravyova’s kitchen. Look how elegant it turned out, couldn’t it have been done this way right away?

A participant in the television program “Housing Issue,” who staged a “showdown” with the designer and presenter for the first time on air, outraged the Russians.

Fans of the Aria group and hiking, well-fed, red-bearded Evgeny Kachalov and his wife Tamara entrusted the show with the largest room in the apartment where their grandmother used to live.

The heroes asked to turn the room into a spacious bedroom in dark colors and a Gothic-style interior.

The designer did add black wallpaper to the room, but otherwise the interior turned out to be quite eclectic.

As a result, when the owner of the house, the manager of construction projects, returned to the apartment, he unexpectedly began to “download his license” to the presenter.

Kachalov came to the shoot in a low mood, explaining this by fatigue after a business trip, and did not mince words when criticizing the interior designer: “He either doesn’t know the concept of ‘ergonomics’, or he plugged his ears with something complicated.”

Every detail in the room caused a negative reaction from the man: bookshelves in the bed, a mirror covered with a houseplant and a dressing room “made of plywood.”

The hero demanded to bring the designer for a personal conversation.

“Is it possible to find this person and look him in the eye?!” What did he hear?! You explain it to me, please explain it!!,” Evgeniy began shouting at the presenter. - Everything is square, nothing is round. This is not what we asked for at all. This is an office, this is not a bedroom."

Eugene was satisfied with only black rosettes.

The presenter of the program, not used to dealing with dissatisfaction, weakly retorted and made excuses for the designer’s work. As a result, the persuasion of the organizers and Kachalov’s wife helped calm the man down.

Viewers of the program, in turn, were outraged by the reaction of the owner of the house.

Internet users pointed out the gratuitous nature of the repair, which does not deserve ingratitude.

“The interior is definitely not Gothic, and the man is definitely an ungrateful pig,” “His pigsty was turned into a normal room with conditions for human habitation. Free, free of charge, that is, for nothing, but the soviet genes of the hog still came out", "If the owner wanted everything his own way, he had to do it for his own money and approve the project before starting work... Selyuki in a word... The design is certainly not great, but whatever better than it was,” the Russians noted in the comments (Spelling and punctuation of the authors have been preserved - Ed.).

Many agreed that the renovation was unsuccessful and resembled a train carriage, but the reaction was undeserved: “As often as I watch this program, it always starts with the letter “X.” Either “freebie” or “shitty”... Here they managed to combine both “X””, “Well, he’s fat and impudent!!! We lived all our lives in the wretched interior of the last century with leopards and carpets on the walls, dead furniture, and our ambition turned out to be through the roof! Give them natural wood! The project is certainly controversial, but everything is quite harmonious. It also killed me when the owner started telling me how he came out of the bathroom with his bare legs.”