When is Parents' Saturday a year? Days of special remembrance of all the dead: calendar

Any believer or non-believer Orthodox Christian, at least once in his life, honored the memory of deceased relatives on special parental days. On parental days, all churches of the Russian Orthodox Church serve funeral liturgies. These days it is customary to visit cemeteries and hand out gifts for the soul (most often it’s candy). But you can give alms in the form of food, things or money not only on parenting days, but throughout the year. After all, the souls of the departed await our prayer not only on parenting days, they always need prayer. After all, by distributing alms and ordering constant remembrances in the church, remembering at home, you can ease the fate of a deceased relative. In addition to the fact that deceased relatives are remembered on special parental days, it would be nice to remember them on their birthday or on angel’s day.

But calling parenting days parental Saturdays is not entirely correct. After all, such days do not always fall on Saturdays. For example, Radonitsa always occurs on Tuesday, the ninth day after Easter. There is also May 9, on this day it is customary to remember fallen soldiers. May 9th very rarely happens on a Saturday.

All parenting days are, in one way or another, connected with Easter, and Easter is at a different time every year. In 2016 it will be the first of May. On this day, the Holy Resurrection of Christ can be celebrated, glorifying the risen Christ, and the first of May can be celebrated.

Before the beginning of Easter Lent there is always Ecumenical Meat-Fast Parent's Saturday. This week, meat is eaten for the last time before Lent. Oil week will take place there and Lent will begin. For many, this is, of course, a great feat to maintain the entire fast with benefit for soul and body. So, the Ecumenical Meat-Free Parents' Saturday in 2016 will be March 5th.

Well, the next day, when funeral services are held for the deceased, is, as mentioned above, May 9. On this day, not only does a parade take place in all squares of populated areas, but many Orthodox churches also hold a prayer service for fallen soldiers.

Next comes RADONITSA, respectively, since we have Easter on May 1, 2016, then the ninth day will be May 10, respectively. RADONITSA is considered by the Orthodox to be the most important Parent's Day. It is not customary to visit cemeteries on Easter, but on RADONITSA you must definitely visit the graves of deceased relatives and serve a memorial service for the deceased.

There is also a special day for those who died unbaptized or suicides. This is the Thursday after Easter, seven weeks later. In 2016 it will be June 16th. But few people know about this day, and not all churches hold such services on this day.

The next Parents' Saturday is, of course, TRINITY PARENTS' SATURDAY. It always happens on the eve of Trinity. Trinity in 2016 is on June 19, which means that the parents will be on June 18.

On the day of the Beheading of John the Baptist, which is always September 11, Orthodox soldiers are commemorated every year. This day can also be considered Parents' Day. After all, in almost every family there is someone who died in the Great Patriotic War.

And the last Parents' Saturday is DMITRIEVSKAYA PARENTS' SATURDAY. In 2016 it will be November 5th.

These are all the days when special Orthodox services are held for the deceased. But we should not forget that very often memorial services are held in the church, where the deceased can also be remembered.

Life is so short that you may not have time to do a lot. Prayer for your neighbors, both the living and the dead, should not be left for later. After all, we always remember our living relatives. So let's not forget about the departed.

According to church Orthodox customs, deceased relatives are commemorated on certain days of the calendar year. Such days are called parental Saturdays, and such days do not always fall on Saturday. In addition, the memory of the dead is honored on the day of their death and on their birthday. Many also remember the departed on Angel's Day.

They commemorate it on Saturday because it is considered a day of rest and is most suitable for prayers for the repose of the dead. Such days are called parental days because, according to the law of nature, most deceased people are parents. There is another version of funeral remembrance, which gave the name to Saturdays: this is a ancestral connection between generations, a ancestral tradition, a connection between the living and the deceased, the living among themselves, who are united by common ancestors, etc.

Parents' Saturdays: year 2016

Parents' Saturdays in 2016 are scheduled for those days when general liturgies are read in churches (funeral services), where every believer joins in prayer, remembering their relatives.

There are nine special memorial days a year: six of them fall on Saturdays (each of these Saturdays is called “ecumenical”), May 9 and September 11 are days of remembrance of fallen soldiers, and once a year the Orthodox Church establishes Radonitsa to honor the memory of all the departed relatives.

At the same time, the dates of special commemoration of those who have passed away according to the church calendar depend on the date of Easter celebration, therefore the days of their celebration are different every year. What date is Easter this year? This church holiday in 2016 falls on May 1, and parental Saturdays are scheduled on the following dates:

  • March 5 is the meat-free parental Saturday (ecumenical) before the Meat-free Week (or the Week of the Last Judgment), when all the departed were remembered before the remembrance of the 2nd coming of Jesus. On that day they pray that the mercy of Jesus Christ may appear to all who have died,
  • March 26 - parental Saturday of the second week of Lent (universal),
  • April 01—parental Saturday of the third week of Lent (universal),
  • April 09—parental Saturday of the fourth week of Lent (universal),
  • May 9 (falls on Monday) is the day of remembrance of soldiers who died during the Patriotic War,
  • May 10 (Tuesday) is the main parenting day for Orthodox Christians. This is an ancient custom from the first centuries of Christianity, when believers rejoice at the Resurrection of Christ together with the dead.
  • June 16 - 7th Thursday after (semik): before the Feast of the Holy Trinity, those who died a violent death, suicides, drowned people, and unbaptized children are usually commemorated. This tradition is folk, not Orthodox,
  • June 18 - (Trinity Memorial Parent Saturday), established before the Feast of Pentecost,
  • September 11 (Sunday) is the parents' day of remembrance of soldiers who died in hostilities,
  • November 5 - Dmitrievskaya parental Saturday, when believers commemorate all slain soldiers, the Saturday was established by Dmitry Donskoy with the blessing and inspiration of St. Sergius of Radonezh after winning a glorious victory over the Tatars at the Battle of Kulikovo. Later on this Saturday, it became a custom to remember all Orthodox Christians who died.

Parental Saturdays of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th weeks: at this time the church calls on all believers to be in the closest possible union of Christian love with both the living and the dead, and also to perform prayerful remembrance of their departed relatives on certain days. In addition, these Saturdays are designated as parental Saturdays because no funeral commemorations are performed on the weekdays of Lent (this also includes commemorations on the 3rd, 9th and 40th days of death). In order not to deprive the departed of a saving memorial service, these Saturdays are allocated.

Of course, remembering the deceased is allowed not only on days established by the church - memorial services for the repose can be served all year round (with rare exceptions).

In every locality where Orthodox Christians live, their own traditions of commemorating the dead on Radonitsa and the Holy Trinity have been established for centuries. 1-3 weeks before the onset of Radonitsa, the graves of the dead are put in order, fences are painted, and landscaping is carried out. And on the day of Radonitsa, all relatives gather, prepare a rich table and go to the cemetery, to the graves of relatives, and there they communicate and commemorate the deceased for some time. Artificial and fresh flowers are brought in large quantities in memory of relatives.

Parents' Saturdays in 2016, Orthodox, have seven special days a year. On these special days, the church encourages us to be sure to go to a memorial service, where funeral prayers are read, and then go to the graves to honor the memory of people who have not been with us for a long time.

As a rule, most parents' Saturdays take place at the beginning of the year. As many as three such days are allocated during the pre-Easter fast, which takes place forty days before Easter. There are several memorial days in the summer and only one parent's Saturday falls in the fall.

Important! Despite the fact that people call such days “parents’ days,” this does not mean that you only need to go to the cemetery to visit your parents. Here the name comes from the words “genus”. They go to the graves to visit their ancestors and closest people. What can you do for a trip to the cemetery?

About universal days

If you carefully study the Orthodox calendar of parental Saturdays in 2016, you will notice that in the series of memorial days there are “ecumenical Saturdays.” These days, memorial services are held in Orthodox churches, in which all the people who have already left this world are remembered.

The dates of such Saturdays change from year to year because they fall during the period of Lent. As you know, the dates of Lent are changeable due to the fact that the Easter holiday does not have a fixed date. In 2016, the fast will take place from March 14 to May 1.

There are three Ecumenical Saturdays in total during Lent. Despite the fact that they have different dates every year, the meaning and traditions of these days are the same. It is imperative to pray for those who are no longer alive and ask that God be merciful to the souls of the departed and forgive them their sins.

Birth calendar days for 2016

5.03 Memorial Saturday before Maslenitsa.

26.03 The first ecumenical Saturday always falls on the second Saturday of Lent.

2.04 2 Ecumenical Sub., falls on the 3rd week of pre-Easter Lent.

9.04 3rd Ecumenical Saturday, which falls on the 4th week of Lent from year to year.

10.05 The day in honor of Easter, which is also called Radonitsa. Always falls on the second Tuesday after Easter Sunday.

09.05 Day of remembrance of military people. The date of this parental Saturday does not change from year to year.

18.06 – Trinity, which takes place on the eve of the holiday of the same name.

05.11 Dmitry genus. Saturday. As you can see, parental Saturdays in 2016, Orthodox Christians do not take place in October!

What is important to do on each of the designated memorial days? It is enough to go to the church where funeral services are held these days, you need to pray for the souls of the departed, ask the Lord to forgive them their sins, then go to the graves. A snack that travels well is.

On the eve of Trinity

If you carefully study the calendar, you will notice that parental Saturdays fall, as a rule, on the eve of major Christian holidays. As for this parent's day, it has its own differences. They pray not only for deceased people, but especially for criminals and suicides. Trinity, when they celebrate the event of the condescension of the Holy Spirit to people. With the goal of saving all sinful souls without exception. So, prayer for the departed on this memorial Saturday has great power.


After the festive St. Thomas week, on Tuesday of the next week, people go to the cemetery to bring the bright news of the onset of Easter, the victory of life over death, and a deceased relative. The church emphasizes that it is not recommended to go to the cemetery on Easter itself. Precisely, in order to share the joy of the Resurrection of Christ with loved ones who are already in the next world, you need to go to the cemetery in Radunitsa.

What you need to do:

  • Go to temple and pray. For God, all souls are alive, regardless of where the body is located.
  • Gather at a memorial table at home or in a cemetery;
  • Submit notes to the church about reading funeral prayers;
  • Cleanse your heart and wash it of filth. To do this, you can read Psalm 118;
  • You should not do household chores on parental Saturdays;
  • Visit the graves, clean them, talk with your loved ones, remember what they were like during their lifetime;
  • On memorial days you should not mourn or be sad. After all, the Christian religion is based on the fact that the human soul is immortal;

As you can see, Parents' Saturdays in 2016, the Orthodox celebrate only one such day in November. This year's Sabbath date fell on November 5th. You now know exactly what needs to be done on this day, because this material contains clear church recommendations for the dates.

The Orthodox calendar tells us the exact dates of all church holidays, which means that it is thanks to it that we can accurately find out the days of Parents' Saturdays in 2016. After all, they are closely related to festivals or fasting.

First, we need to shed some light on the term “Parents’ Saturday”: these are the days when Orthodox Christians commemorate the dead. These days are called that because previously in Rus' all the deceased were called fathers. According to other versions, this day is so nicknamed because parents are always remembered first.

Parents' Saturdays in 2016

In 2016, we will have 8 Orthodox Parental Saturdays. Contrary to popular belief, they may not always be Saturdays according to the usual calendar. 5 out of 8 such days fall on the “correct” day of the week - they are called Universal Parental Saturdays.

The First Ecumenical Parental Saturday is Meatless Saturday. It will be celebrated this year on March 5th. This holiday according to the church calendar means God’s intention to remind us that we are all mortal and sooner or later, we will find ourselves next to him. All deceased loved ones are also remembered.

Second Parent's Saturday - Trinity. This holiday is dedicated to all the departed, without exception. This year the day will be June 18 - the 50th day after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. On this day, according to the Gospel, the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples of Christ.

The third, fourth and fifth Parental Saturdays are the Saturdays of Lent. These will be March 26, April 2 and April 9. This is a tribute to the departed in honor of the most difficult and significant fast for all Orthodox Christians.

The sixth Parent's Day - May 9 - is the day of remembrance of soldiers who died on the battlefields in the Great Patriotic War.

The seventh Parents' Day 2016 is Radonitsa, May 10, Tuesday. Radonitsa is the ninth day after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The eighth Parent's Day is Dimitrievskaya Saturday, November 5, the day of remembrance of the Battle of Kulikovo, when Rus' lost almost one hundred thousand of its soldiers on the battlefield. On this day, all warriors and defenders of their homeland are remembered.
How to celebrate Parents' Saturday

During Lent, March 26, April 2 and April 9 are special days of remembrance of the dead. These days, it is customary to simply read prayers in memory of relatives who are not with us.

Trinity Saturday is the day of funeral services in Orthodox churches in honor of all baptized people. The same thing happens on Meat Saturday - all believers come to the temple for a memorial service.

On Radonitsa, it is customary to visit the graves of the dead with good thoughts on the soul, since Jesus is Risen. This is the day when death loses its power, because after death we unite with God.

Well, on Dimitrievskaya Saturday it is customary to come to the temple for the festive liturgy and the subsequent memorial service. On this day, it is customary to submit notes asking for the repose of your loved ones and the peace of their souls.

Every Parent's Saturday is a very important Orthodox holiday, as it reminds us that life will sooner or later end, but another, more important one will begin. Value your life and the lives of your loved ones.

Days of obedience in the Orthodox Church are also called “Parental Saturdays,” although not all fall on this day. Parents' Saturdays are days when close and dear people are remembered. These days, people visit the cemetery to clean up the graves and bring treats to friends.

Dear site visitors, you will find memorial days for 2017 in the new article: Parents' Saturdays 2017

Calendar of remembrance of the dead in 2016

    • World Parents' Saturday is celebrated first on March 5th. The Saturday of the final week before Lent, when it is still permitted to eat meat products.
    • This is followed by Maslenitsa week, when meat is no longer allowed, but fish and dairy products are allowed. Maslenitsa ends on March 13 and Lent begins.
    • March 26 is the Saturday of Great Lent of the second week.

  • April 2 is Saturday of the third week and April 9 of the fourth week. These days represent those when love and warmth for the souls of deceased relatives are especially manifested. Religious people pray for the souls of people close to their hearts, so that the Lord does not leave them without blessing.
  • On May 10, the great holiday of Radonitsa is celebrated. The day is a special time to remember the dead. It is combined with Easter and is considered a holiday. This day always falls on Tuesday of St. Thomas Week. Believers go from the church to the cemetery with Easter cakes to tell the deceased that Christ is Risen and heralded the defeat of existence over death by resurrection. Some people go to the cemetery specifically on Easter, but this is incorrect because the special day Radonitsa is derived. In Belarus, this day is an official holiday.
  • May 9 commemoration of deceased soldiers.
  • June 18, Trinity Saturday is another popular day of remembrance of the dead. On Trinity Saturday, according to popular belief, on Trinity Saturday the soul enters the impending stage of spiritual development and is cleansed by the Holy Spirit. When visiting a cemetery, it is customary to leave a share of food from the ceremonial dinner and sweets at the grave. Young ladies should not mind their own affairs this Saturday. You should not get married on Trinity Sunday, because according to legend, a marriage concluded on this day will be miserable.
  • On September 11, the beheading of the Head of John the Baptist is considered the most tragic parenting day. On this day they commemorate the soldiers who fell during the war with Turetsk and Poland. On the memorial day, one must fast; it is forbidden to even eat fish. This is a holiday of honoring courage and bravery in the fight for a great cause.
  • Dmitrievskaya Memorial Saturday is celebrated on September 5th. The fallen knights are remembered. This date arose as a tribute to the memory of the Great Martyr Dmitry of Thessalonica. Usually the day is prepared in advance. On Friday they go to the bathhouse, and when leaving it, they leave a towel for their ancestors. On Saturday they not only go to graves, but also have big funerals.

Rules of conduct on memorial days:

  1. You need to come to the grave to remember the dead only on special memorial days.
  2. Before going to the cemetery, you need to go to the church and pray and leave a candle.
  3. There is no need to allow drunkenness and large meals at the grave. Previously, it was believed that the more alms the relatives of the deceased give out and the less they do themselves, the better for the soul of the deceased.
  4. You should not put cigarettes or pour alcohol on the grave, as if the deceased did not like the matter during his lifetime.
  5. It is necessary to put a lamp or light a candle from the temple, no matter how long it burns in the wind.
  6. If there is a temple or church in the cemetery, then it is advisable to enter from the main entrance.
  7. You can leave Easter, eggs, candies and cookies on the grave.
  8. On memorial days at the cemetery, you should not talk too loudly, swear or express your violent emotions.
  9. If something falls in your cemetery, it means that it automatically belongs to the dead land and if this thing is not too expensive for you, then it is better to leave it in the cemetery.
  10. You should never say “Goodbye” to a dead person so that you would sooner end up next to him, you must say “Farewell.”
  11. After going to the grave, you should wash your hands well under running water and thoroughly clean your shoes. With the current rhythm of life and routine worries, the once heartfelt, warm feelings for the people we love and appreciate are being erased. It doesn’t matter how a person feels about spiritual holidays, whether he is a believer or not, it is still necessary to treat and honor deceased relatives with gratitude.