Carnival in Italy is the strangest tradition. Famous Italian carnivals Among the Italian carnivals is considered

In Italy, the carnival season begins at the end of January. In addition to the well-known Venetian, there are many others. Let's tell you what their features are.

1. ROMAN CARNIVAL - the most crowded

During Carnival, the squares of Rome resemble noisy booths. Clowns and the famous masks of the Italian Commedia dell'Arte entertain the public for ten days.

The highlight of the program is the horse parade that takes place on the final day of the carnival. Riders ride along the same streets where carnivals took place back in the Renaissance.

One of the main streets of the historical part of Rome, Via del Corso, was even named after horse racing. "Corso" is a horse race translated from Italian.


In Milan, the carnival lasts 4 days longer than throughout Italy. According to legend, this happened in the 4th century: the Milanese Bishop Ambrose asked the townspeople to wait until he returned from a pilgrimage and to postpone the beginning of Lent in order to serve the Lenten liturgies himself.

3. CARNIVAL IN SAURIS - Friuli Venezia Giulia - The shortest

The carnival lasts only one day and is very similar to Russian Christmas carols. The costumed people walk in a crowd from house to house, knocking on doors, singing and dancing. When dusk falls, the carnival cortege with torches heads into the forest, where the participants in the action make a large ritual fire.

4. RENAISSANCE CARNIVAL IN FERRARE – Emilia Romagna - the most exquisite

The carnival takes place in the spirit of the Dukes d'Este, who lived here during the Renaissance. Under their patronage, science and art developed in Ferrara, and the courtyard was fabulously magnificent.

5. CARNIVAL IN MAMOIADE - Sardinia - the most brutal

The carnival is similar to the ancient ritual of sacrifice to the gods. Participants are divided into Mamutones, dressed in sheep skins, with huge bells behind their backs, black gloomy masks and Isohadores - in light clothes and neutral masks.

The Black Mamutones walk silently, and the Isohadores lead the procession and the peculiar dance of the Mamutones.

One of the customs: Isokhadores catch girls with a lasso - it is believed that this is for fertility and good health.

6. HISTORICAL CARNIVAL OF COUMBA FREID at the St. Bernard Valle D'Aosta Pass - most Napoleonic

The origin of this carnival is associated with the passage of Napoleonic troops through the Saint Bernard Pass in May 1800. Therefore, the costumes are stylized as the uniforms of French army soldiers of that time.

7. HISTORICAL CARNIVAL IN HEBREW - Piedmont - the most combative

This carnival is a kind of reconstruction of a popular revolt. In the Middle Ages, those lands were ruled by the Marquis Raineri di Biandrate, a cruel feudal lord who starved the people and exhausted them with extortions.

The legend says: the miller’s daughter, having gotten married, did not want to obey the “right of the first night” and cut off the marquis’s head with a dagger hidden in her clothes. Climbing the high wall of the castle, she showed it to all the people. This was the beginning of the uprising.

The carnival is famous throughout Italy and abroad thanks to the Battle of the Oranges, which fills the town with orange scent and fun. The Miller's motorcade drives through the streets - she distributes gifts and sweets to everyone.

8. CARNIVAL IN CENTO - Emilia Romagna - the most Brazilian

This carnival is sister to the Rio de Janeiro carnival and has been held since 1993. The festivities take place in the rhythm of sambo with the participation of fiery Brazilian dancers in national carnival costumes.

9. CARNIVAL IN VIAREGGIO - Tuscany - c most political

The carnival began to be celebrated in 1873. It is one of the most daring, popular and revealing in Italy. In the figures on the carnival floats you can guess modern politicians and public figures.

10. CARNIVAL OF FIGLI DI BOCCO - Tuscany - the most magical

The carnival is famous for its traditional night festivities, moonlight processions, magic tricks and magic performances.

11. CARNIVAL IN FANO (since 1347) - Marche - the sweetest

On carnival floats, papier-mâché figures up to 18 meters high explode like firecrackers. Sweets fly out of them in all directions - approximately 200 tons of chocolate, sweets and other treats.

12. CARNIVAL IN ACHIRIAL - Fr. Sicily - the most colorful

Like other carnivals, there is a parade of allegorical floats, but they are the brightest and most colorful in Italy.

13. CARNIVAL IN SATRIANO - Basilicata - the quietest

There is no other carnival like this in Italy. 131 people, one from each village of Basilicata, dress up as trees and walk around the town - commune of Satriano di Lucania. They are called Rumita - silent plant people. They simply rub their branches against the doors of houses.

Those to whom Rumita comes also remain silent, as a sign of respect and give Rumita gifts. Rumits are believed to bring happiness.

14. VENICE CARNIVAL - the most famous

A carnival known all over the world. Unique atmosphere, memorable masks and costumes. The oldest: the first official document in which the Venetian carnival was declared a national holiday dates back to 1296.

Carnival started yesterday, and in some stupid winter hibernation I blew it. I completely forgot. Okay, now for next year. All three or four times I was at the carnival as a spectator, an onlooker. Now I understand that I need to either move on - learn to put on Masks, or at least try on Bauta, immerse myself in this looking glass, or stop freezing in the February wind.

Venice is a very small city and has nowhere to grow - water limits its spread naturally. The city physically cannot accommodate as many people as come there every February. And every year I like the crowds in Venice less and less. There were more drunk people, some small groups of Scots, Britons and Angles appeared - constantly looking for where to drink beer. There are more police.

Even for ordinary spectators like me, the tension of the carnival is difficult to bear. I was never ready to come here two years in a row, into the pandemonium and bustle. But for the Masks, carnival is something of an incurable addiction. There are many people who come to Venice every year, for many years in a row, and for them to miss the carnival is a real drama. They love Venice and themselves in its luxurious scenery so much that they are ready to travel and travel here in February, regardless of the expenses or the time spent preparing costumes.

Being a Mask isn't easy. Masks are very dedicated Carnival enthusiasts. The mask changes character and “grows to the face.” Carnival time is a legitimate way to stop being yourself and reincarnate. “Vaccination against despondency,” as Pyotr Lvovich Weil called this action.

“On carnival days, a counterbalance to the coming asceticism was hastily placed. Carnival was not an ordinary holiday, but a whole life lived in a short time - a parallel life in which everything is the other way around. It’s not a matter of protest, but an alternative: a try of a different version of life with the replacement of a plus "For minus, up for down, good for evil. Jesters become kings, fools become sages: let's see how it turns out. We can say that in ordinary life this happens all the time."

But you can depict ladies and gentlemen of the gallant 17th century (the heyday of the Venetian carnival occurred precisely in this era of royal luxury, and now the organizers of balls and parties ask guests to adhere to its style). Although, of course, it is difficult to wear clothes of the 17th century without looking comical in them - all these crinolines, wigs, hats, lace... Open shoulders and décolleté in February%) There is another side to the matter - you can’t talk in a mask, except What’s especially offensive is that you can’t drink caldo wine or eat carnival fritelli donuts while wearing a mask.

Until the last day, I myself struggled with the temptation to buy myself a felt cocked hat. I overcame it, and now I regret it. I'll probably buy it next time.

Moreover, there are tents at Campo San Stefano during the carnival. Well-known mask and costume workshops here sell cloaks, cocked hats and masks “to-go”, so a simple costume can be made on site.

Traditionally, the carnival dates back to the end of the 10th century, when it lasted for several months full of fun and entertainment. 40 days before Easter, Lent began and Carnival ended. The Austrian occupation in 1798 ended the history of Carnival, at least for the Venetians. It was revived only in 1979 thanks to the initiative of local craft associations, but it lasted only 11 days. The exact dates of Carnival change every year depending on what date Easter falls on.

Last year, Venetians celebrated the start of Carnival with the Festa Veneziana. It is a kind of carnival within a carnival, born out of the desire to give the locals a holiday reminiscent of the old days, a holiday just for their own, which will begin before the masses of tourists flood the city.

The festival includes a costume regatta, fireworks, pyrotechnic show, and refreshments. Many grocery stores bring it right to the banks of the canals. Local restaurants prepare typical Venetian dishes (bacala with polenta, carde in saor, frittele, galani).

For the next 10 days, St. Mark's Square will smell like vanilla and cloves. These are the smells of carnival. In the cafe, waiters in white marshal uniforms will pour hot wine and serve fritelle - small carnival donuts with candied fruits.

The atmosphere of this Carnival is something elusive, no stories in the spirit of “cloak and dagger”, tourists dressed up in stupid plastic masks look like tourists dressed up in stupid masks. Specially staged performances take place in specially designated places. Most often these are photo shoots or paid evenings with balls and dinner.

Who are the Masks? The Masks (Free Masks, as they call themselves) are fanatical carnival enthusiasts. All year long, from February to February, they design and sew costumes. Their whimsical outfit can be assembled from parts purchased at a New Year's tree decoration sale. But most often it is brocade and lace; Venice does not recognize false glitter and plastic.

The Mask's costume must be designed so that not a single fragment of the body is visible: there is a hood on the head that fits tightly to the mask, and gloves on the hands. According to the unspoken charter, the Mask has no right to talk; everything she wants to express must be “said” with a gesture and a costume. The Masks use business cards to communicate with each other and with photographers.

Sometimes Masks call themselves “pandas” - to achieve a special depth of look from under a carnival mask, they make up their eyes black. In general, the face is not his own, and instead of eyes there are mysterious gaps.

In fact, this is the meaning of masquerade - the mask “grows” to the face, replaces it, becomes the second “I”. Free Masks admit that the mask even changes the character of its owner during the carnival. It is not even known who is under the mask and in the carnival costume - a man or a woman. This is part of the game of transformation.

Carnival is a real test for Mask. They get up early in the morning to gather at the pier at San Marco at dawn. Getting up in 5-6 hours, depending on how complicated the suit is and how long it will take to put it on. Some costumes consist of 10 or more parts. Leaving the house along a narrow old staircase is also not an easy task, especially in a fancy dress, in a wide skirt with a crinoline, and if the costume comes with a tall hat, then you have to put it on on the street.

Early in the morning you can walk to the square in a quarter of an hour, or a maximum of half an hour. But after noon, the journey takes an hour and a half: tourists slow down the mask at every step, asking to take photos, and the number of people on the streets increases - there’s no crowding.

In Venice, the majority of Masks are French and German. There are very few Italians, a vanishingly small number of Venetians. The Germans and French then parade their Venetian costumes at home, at local carnivals, where this tradition has been maintained for a long time.

The Masks have competitors - the Venice Costume Association. They have their own dressing rooms right under the podium on San Marco, where the fancy dress fashion show takes place, and the outfits are sewn by professionals.

There is another category of carnival participants, Masks, they are called “Historical Costumes”. These are people who rent costumes from numerous workshops and shops. Among them are rich tourists who come here to portray the ladies and gentlemen of the gallant 17th century (the heyday of the Venetian carnival occurred precisely in this century, and now the organizers of balls and parties ask guests to adhere to the style and image of this era in costumes), and Italians.

“Historical costumes” masks are never worn; they wear makeup or simply wear a half mask. They never wear makeup on their eyes. However, some people’s faces are so expressive that no mask is needed. “Historical Costume” has another problem: open shoulders and neckline for ladies. It's a little cool to walk around like this in February.

But prudent Masks sew their carnival costumes with a margin of 1-2 sizes, so that they can add warm underwear and several sweaters. They say it comes in handy in chilly February.

Historical Costumes and Free Masks do not like each other, or rather, the latter consider the former to be freaks. What does Historical Costume do? The same thing - it shows off, only for a lot of money. He pays the Venetian workshops for the costume itself (preferably with an exact match to the era), and walks around the city in this outfit, attending paid balls and other entertainment. Free Masks construct their own outfits and don’t go to paid masquerades - they arrogantly despise them. They believe that "the carnival should be in you")))

These are all just fun games to my taste. The classic Venetian carnival costume - bauta - was needed to remain unrecognized. White mask, black cloak with black lace frill and cocked hat, that's it.

Bauta is the most famous. Venetian mask, which was worn not only during the carnival, but also on ordinary days. They went on dates in it and dealt with offenders in it. Visits were made there and gambling establishments were visited.

However, today it is very rare to see bautu at the carnival. Firstly, it seems too “simple” and unpretentious to the Musks. Secondly, bauta, by origin, is a mask of death, and many are simply afraid to try on this rather gloomy and infernal image. Under the mask one cannot distinguish either gender, age, or status. But those who wore it say that the mask inexplicably changes its character. By putting it on, you give up your own face, and the bauta becomes your second self.

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Few people know, but the festival of masks and confetti, which travelers from all over the world strive to attend, is celebrated in Italy not only in romantic lace Venice. In fact, costume parades take place on different scales in every corner of the Apennines. Carnival is one of the oldest holidays in Europe, which originated in Italy. Not only children, but also adults are looking forward to this bright and emotional event that precedes the onset of Lent! In small and large cities, preparations for the carnival begin long before it takes place: participants prepare carnival floats and masks, sew costumes and fantasize about scenarios, and those who want to see all this buy up plane tickets and book hotels nearby! In this article we will introduce you to the brightest and most beautiful carnivals in Italy, which deserve the title of the best and which we recommend visiting!

Carnival in Venice 2019

Dates: 16.02-5.03

The most famous, undoubtedly, is the Venice Carnival, which in 2019 will take place from February 16 to March 5. The Venice Carnival is famous for its aristocratic costumes and luxurious masks. Its history dates back to the end of the 11th century, making this holiday one of the oldest carnivals in Italy.

Traditionally, for centuries, during the Carnival in Venice, performances by acrobats, dancers and musicians, They staged theatrical performances and organized all kinds of competitions. Street vendors offered goods for every taste, from seasonal fruits and homemade baked goods to luxurious fabrics and spices from the Middle East, with which Venice had close commercial ties. In addition to public performances, during the carnival period there were also small private "parties" in the houses of the Venetian nobility.

The most interesting events of the carnival are the “Flight of the Angel” - an enchanting acrobatic performance in Piazza San Marco, as well as the traditional competition for the best mask.

Besides, The Venetian Carnival is famous for its traditional social dinner, at the end of which a real ball is held. You can attend this event, but you must buy tickets for it now! You can do this on the TIQETS website

Carnival in Viareggio 2019

Dates: 9.02-5.03

In second place in popularity is carnival taking place in the city of Viareggio, located in the province of Lucca in Tuscany. The holiday became famous primarily for its political character. The most spectacular event is carnival float parade, decorated with giant caricatured figures of statesmen, athletes, famous film characters, and other personalities.

Carnival in Putignano 2019

Dates: 17.02-5.3

The Putignano carnival is one of the first to appear in Italy. In 2019 it will celebrate its 625th anniversary! During the late Middle Ages, this holiday was a simple religious procession. The clergy, passing through the streets of the city in an organized column, were joined by local farmers. At the end of the services, the residents of the town organized celebrations with dancing and singing. Only in the first half of the 20th century did the peasant carnival in Putignano begin to take on bourgeois contours: so-called allegorical carts, decorated with huge figures made of papier-mâché, began to appear at the processions. Today, the Putignano Carnival is a special holiday that manages to combine the oldest local traditions with the innovations of the modern world.

If you are planning to attend the carnival in Putignano, then it is better to book your hotel now! And it’s even better (!) to stay in a real trullo during the holiday festivities! After all, just 15 kilometers from the city there is a village - a real treasure of Puglia, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List!

Carnival of Europe in Cento 2019

Dates: 10.02-10.03

Carnival in Cento, being since 1993 sister city of the Rio de Janeiro carnival, has turned into the most important event of the year for local residents. The first mention of this colorful event dates back to the 16th century: carnival processions on the streets of the city were depicted in frescoes by the local artist Guercino. Every year, as part of the festive program, grand parades of giant floats, decorated with colorful papier-mâché compositions, take place. The action is accompanied by music, dancing and enthusiastic screams from the public. The highlight of the “Carnival of Europe” in Cento, undoubtedly, is the performances of bright and hot Brazilian women who arrived directly from Rio de Janeiro!

No less spectacular is the traditional burning of the “Tazi” mask, the main carnival character of the city, which can be seen at the final stage of the festivities. In 2019, the burning of the mask will take place on March 10th.

Carnival in Fano 2019

Dates: 17.02-3.03

One of the oldest carnivals in Italy is a festival taking place in the town of Fano, located in the Marche region. During the period from February 17 to March 3, many different events are planned in the city as part of the festive program. The most interesting, naturally, are the carnival processions. Preparing allegorical carts for performance can take from one to four months. Demonstration of carnival floats takes place three times during the day, accompanied by music and dancing. Traditional for the carnival in Fano is the scattering of sweets: chocolate and caramel candies are thrown into the public from carnival carts passing through the central streets of the city. The most inventive spectators bring with them special cardboard cones that allow catch the maximum amount of sweets.

The carnival in Fano will be appreciated by four-legged owners: this is where a unique dog parade takes place! Participants perform in front of the public, accompanied by their hosts in carnival masks and costumes.

Carnival in Acireale 2019

Dates: 23.02-3.03

Carnival, as mentioned earlier, is a holiday spread throughout Italy! Sicily is no exception. On this temperamental island in the town of Acireale, belonging to the province of Catania, an annual event takes place. one of the most beautiful carnival processions a country whose history dates back to the 16th century.

Carnival in Acireale is a bright and noisy celebration of masks, flowers, lights and confetti, a fun and emotional event, an explosion of fantasy and colors. The highlight of this carnival is a competition of carts marching through the streets of the city, which sometimes take months to make. Carnival carts come in three types: allegorical - decorated with papier-mâché figures, floral - decorated with flower arrangements, and miniature carts. The most inventive participant is declared the winner on the last day of festivities.

Carnival in Mamoyada 2019

Dates: 17.01-6.03

Carnival in Italy is a holiday so original that it can appear in a completely unexpected form! For example, on the island of Sardinia, in the city of Mamoyada, a carnival takes place, which is the complete opposite of the usual colorful masquerade. The participants in the procession, called Mamuthones, dress in black clothes, cover themselves with black sheep skins and wear masks with sad black and even frightening faces. The history of this carnival is not too clear: this procession, it seems, initially had the character of a cult rite.

However, do not worry about the gloominess of this holiday. The unusual “black” procession will be colored by more classic carnival characters – Issohadores, dressed in bright costumes. Participants in the carnival procession in such an unusual way talk about the close connection between nature, local traditions and culture, representing animals and their caretakers.

Traditionally, the opening of the carnival occurs on the night of January 16, when a blessed bonfire is lit in the main square of the city, which ignites the rest of the carnival lights throughout the city. After this, it’s time for wine and dancing in Mamoyad.

The easiest way to get to Sardinia is by plane. It is better to use a private transfer from Alghero or Olbia airports to Mamoiada. You can view prices for transfers.

Tricarico Carnival 2019

Another unusual carnival in Italy takes place in Basilicata, in the city of Tricarico. The main characters of the holiday are cows and bulls, or rather the participants portraying them. Although, at first glance, the costumes are far from the appearance of the above-mentioned animals, the traditional carnival clothes of Tricarico have remained very popular for several hundred years. The peculiarity of the procession is that the participants must not only demonstrate their costumes, but also imitate the behavior of the animal being depicted.

One of the most interesting traditional carnival events is serenades. No, it's not exactly what you think! Tricarico's carnival serenades are far from romantic. According to custom, during the celebrations groups of participants go to the homes of local residents. They come without warning and always after midnight! The “cows” and “bulls” knock on the doors and ask to be fed until the doors are opened. After receiving the treats, singing and dancing begins. The group then heads to the next house.

In addition to the carnival, Tricarico is famous for its historical heritage. Therefore, we recommend setting aside several days to visit it. In addition, not far from Tricarico there is a unique cave city included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Carnival in Ronciglione 2019

Dates: 17.02-5.03

The small tuff town of Ronciglione, located in the province of Viterbo, Lazio region, is famous for its colorful carnival, officially included in the top ten most beautiful carnivals in Italy. The traditions of this holiday originated in the middle of the 16th century. Traditional performances and events linked to the history of Ronciglione. The most interesting among them are the parade of hussar horsemen and the colorful Corso di Gala procession with a demonstration of fancy carnival costumes.

from 500€ / 1 day.

February is CARNIVAL time in Italy!

The most vibrant carnivals take place throughout Italy every year in February-March.

Venice! San Remo! Fano! Sicily! Viareggio! Rome! We will organize for you a trip that will be remembered for a lifetime! An individual approach is guaranteed.


What will this magical spectacle be like, accompanied by pleasant dizziness and burning desire? Exciting, bewitching, unusual, fabulous, bright and sparkling, evoking a feeling of romantic love, passion, unity with Nature! Everything will be mixed up in this mysterious city of love - Venice: theaters, mysterious costumes and masks, festive processions, fireworks, confetti, splashes of spumante, masquerade balls in the halls of magnificent ancient palaces, concerts and performances right on the streets...

More than half a million fans of this enchanting event come to Venice every year.

Carnivals in Italy are so popular that only those who plan their trip in advance can get to them! We will book for you the best hotels, which are always crowded these days, purchase tickets to luxurious palaces for masquerade balls and other exciting events, and set a date for visiting the atelier to select costumes and masks. The excitement begins to be felt six months before the start of the holiday. The Venice Carnival is called the most exciting and grandiose performance. Squares and ancient quarters become its stage, and almost all guests of the city will join the professional actors. During the Carnival period, crowds of tourists fill Venice. Some - to gawk at characters in fantastic outfits and masks, fire-swallowers, extravagant comedians and tireless acrobats. Others - to imbue with the exciting and frivolous spirit of a medieval city in the heyday of its splendor and grandeur, to change their usual life role, even for a few days becoming a powerful nobleman, an insidious seducer or a tragic Pierrot.

Italia Viaggi organizes special carnival tours to Italy for you. You are guaranteed a lot of unforgettable impressions!

We will take care:

  • about tickets to theaters, concerts and balls, exhibitions and museums;
  • on the rental of carnival costumes, masks and accessories;
  • about individual tailoring of carnival costumes in the best ateliers in Venice or other cities;
  • about the best photographer;
  • We organize training courses in the manufacture and decoration of Venetian masks, any excursions, cultural and entertainment programs and routes in the surrounding area and surrounding regions;
  • we organize shopping;
  • We will provide any transfer and a Russian-speaking escort;
  • We will help you choose hotels and reserve tables in the best restaurants.

Our ateliers in Venice, Varese, Lake Como, Naples, Ascoli Piceno and other cities advise you to order carnival costumes in advance. Here you can rent or buy any outfit, including carnival masks:

If you order a wedding from us at the Venice Carnival, then we We will give you a three-hour photo session!

For especially active tourists we also offer:

  • A romantic trip to the sea on a pirate galleon" Jolly Roger"("Jolly Roger"). Cost from 150 Euro.
  • Lesson on decorating carnival masks. Duration 2-3 hours. Cost from 230 Euro per person.
  • Excursions around the Venetian Riviera del Brenta with visits to private villas and labyrinthine parks. Cost from 110 Euro per person (in a group of up to 25 people)
  • Excursions to cities and provinces of the Veneto region:
    • Padua - the city of students is home to one of the oldest universities in the world, the city attracts pilgrims - the relics of St. Antonio are kept here, as well as art lovers - the famous frescoes of Giotto;
    • Treviso is an ancient walled city where you will discover exquisite Italian cuisine and want to taste the best wines;
    • Bassano del Grappa - the city streets will lead you to the old bridge, which offers magnificent views of the Brenta River and the Alpine peaks;
    • Verona is famous for its historical monuments and the tragic legend of the love of Romeo and Juliet;
    • Vicenza is the European capital of gold production with an inimitable architectural appearance - a UNESCO World Heritage Site called the Villas of Andrea Palladio. Numerous festivals, harvest festivals and fairs are held here in autumn and spring.

February - program "TWO CARNIVALS"

You will take part in a fun and colorful Carnival in the cities of Fano and Offida (Marche region).

The town of Fano offers processions, festive events and lots of sweets! You will be taken to the oldest carnival in Italy, where you can pamper yourself and your children with a delicious variety of sweets and see the main symbol of the carnival - a huge doll named Pupo.

An exciting excursion program awaits you in the cities of Fermo, Fano, Ascoli Piceno, Ripatransone, Corinaldo, Offida, dinner in the medieval Castle, a lot of smiles and positive emotions. On days like these, nothing is impossible under the Italian stars!

We promise you another charm of Italy!

Itinerary: RIMINI – FERMO (TORRE DI PALME) – ASCOLI PICENO – CASTLE DI LUCO (Dinner) – Carnival in OFFIDE (“ LU BOV FINT” – Carnival night - RIPATRANSONE (Tasting) – Carnival in FANO - MONDAVIOCORINALDO - Agriturismo (Cooking lesson) - Closing of the carnival in FANO - RIMINI

We form small comfortable groups.

You can find out the cost of an individual tour by calling or writing to us. Contact us!

Don't miss San Remo (Carnival of Flowers), Viareggio, Sardinia and Sicily, the medieval town of Ivrea - here Carnivals offer to see a masquerade, a festive procession, huge life-size puppets, theatrical performances, folklore groups, live music everywhere, illuminations, hot bonfires in the squares, a variety of entertainment for adults and children, as well as try delicious sweets!

Make a choice and visit CARNIVAL in Italy!

In February, a real extravaganza begins in many Italian cities - Italians hold their famous carnivals.
The most magical, vibrant and memorable is, of course, the carnival in. It lasts 10 days. Its start date varies from year to year, as it is tied to Lent. Traditionally, events begin on Saturday and end on Fat Tuesday, the day before Lent. However, in recent years, celebrations begin a week earlier and last for about 18 days.

In 2016, the Venice Carnival will take place from January 23 to February 9. It will be timed to coincide with the international one. The theme of the carnival is called “The most delicious holiday in the world.”
It is assumed that the carnival became an annual event in 1162, although the first documentary mention of it dates back to 1094. At that time, thanks to masks, the line between classes was blurred, and a person, being unrecognized, could do anything, even commit crimes.

Currently, the most popular are the masks of the Italian Commedia dell'Arte. People try on the images of Pierrot, Harlequin, Columbine, Doctor Plague, Cat, etc. Throughout Venice you can find luxurious carnival costumes embroidered with gold and decorated with precious stones.

The Carnival begins with the Feast of Mary, during which 12 girls lead a long procession from the Church of San Pietro to Piazza San Marco. From among them, “Mary of the Year” is chosen and crowned.
These days, Venice is completely transformed into a theatrical venue. There are performances, concerts, and balls everywhere. But the majority of events, of course, take place in the city center.

The carnival ends with the nightly “Silent Regatta”, during which a cortege of gondolas floats through Venice, and the Venetians say goodbye to the holiday.

It's not just the Venice Carnival that attracts crowds of Italians and tourists from all over the world.
Tourists from all over the world come to see the oldest and longest-running carnival - the Putignano Carnival. This ancient town is located in the province of Bari. The carnival begins on December 26 and lasts almost a month and a half. The first mention of him dates back to 1394, when the Knights of the Order of Malta transferred the relics of St. Stephen from Monopoli to Putignano. Local residents joined the procession and began singing and dancing.

Carnival in Viareggio, a Tuscan city, has been celebrated since 1870. There is a parade of huge floats carrying colorful papier-mâché figures mocking politicians and public figures. Therefore, the carnival in Viareggio is known as the most daring and revealing.
In 2016, the carnival in Viareggio will take place from January 24 to February 14.

Another of the most spectacular and famous Italian carnivals is the Carnival of Europe in Cento (province of Ferrara). It has been held since the 17th century, and in 1993 it became twinned with the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro. For four Sundays in February, in Cento, as in Viareggio, there is a procession of carts with allegorical figures. In addition, the city hosts theatrical performances, concerts and performances by samba schools.

The carnival in Ivrea (Piedmont region), ending with the Battle of the Oranges, has been celebrated for more than 200 years. The tradition dates back to the events of the 12th century, when the local duke passed a law according to which he could spend the night with every newlywed. Most of the men did not contradict him, fearing the Duke's punishment. But, as the legend says, a young woman, the daughter of a miller, whose name was Violetta, did not want to have a relationship with the ruler and cut off his head. This led to an uprising of the poor in the city.
To commemorate this event, people throw oranges at each other. The townspeople, dressed in historical costumes, are divided into several teams. Those who represent the overlords stand on the balconies, while ordinary citizens are on the ground.

Carnivals are popular not only on mainland Italy, but also on the islands. Thus, the most famous carnival in Sicily is the carnival in the medieval city of Sciacca (province of Agrigento). It begins on Maundy Thursday - the first day of Easter - and lasts about a week.
Another famous carnival takes place in Acireale (province of Catania) for two weeks in late January - early February. In 2016 it will be held from February 4 to 21.