How to draw animals: weasels, stoats, minks, forest and domestic ferrets. How to draw animals: weasels, stoats, minks, forest and domestic ferrets That's all, guys

Narrowing it down to larger animals such as wolverines, badgers, otters and martens. Today we'll take care of the little family members, including the tiniest predator, the weasel. Fortunately (or not) all weasels (as we're going to call members of the chicken genus) are very similar, so you can learn to draw the general body of a weasel and then give the details of one of the five species. Five animals in one is a pretty good deal, isn't it? Let's start!

What does a weasel look like?

Body Features

You probably have a well-established image of a weasel in your head, but let's define it:

  • Weasels have a long, thin, flexible body;
  • The long thin neck ends with a small head;
  • The snout is short and narrowed;
  • The tail is long, rod-shaped;
  • The paws are small, with non-retractable claws of medium length;
  • The legs are short, they allow movement both easily (toe tips) and in stop rows (whole arms/legs).

An arched back can slightly hide the true shape of a weasel's back. Although such a straight back may seem strange, it is completely normal for petting. Don't try to create a curved torso shape like cats or dogs - the weasels should look like a tube with legs, that's not a mistake!

Weasels run using what is called a “restrictive gait.” It's a fairly primitive way of moving, but it works great for these thin, flexible bodies and short legs. A limiting gait means that all legs are in the same running phase (pushing, stretching) at approximately the same time. In other words, when one leg goes in, they all go in (and vice versa).

Here comes a slower version:

This was a skeleton that you can use to create a basic pose for your weasel.
You can easily add simplified muscle mass to it to create a body. (If you have trouble with the pose, check out the importance of drawing poses).

Head proportions

When you draw a weasel's head, you can think of it as a kitten. Placing the eyes below the midline of the head circle will give the animal a sweet, innocent look.

Weasel head - front view

In a side view, it is important to emphasize the short snout and the streamlined shape of the skull.

Weasel head - side view


Weasel paws are absolutely adorable! They look like small hands with fragile fingers and soft pads. When you compare them to , it becomes apparent that it is the entire "hands", not just the fingertips, that can be used for locomotion.

Weasels' legs are so tiny that it's best not to put too many parts into them - they're already parts in themselves! However, it is important to create the correct shape for them. They are quite easy to draw both standing and running: (the "thumb" is not shown below as it is the left paw and it wouldn't be visible anyway)

Drawing paw paws in different positions.

But it was just a “universal” caress. Let's take a look at the actual view!

Comparison of caresses

Common weasel

The term "weasel" is usually used for the smallest member of the stomata, the weasel. She's no bigger than a rat, but she's still a bloodthirsty predator. It can be recognized by its short tail, chocolate brown fur, and irregularly edged underparts. The body is classically thin and long.

Common weasel

The head of this weasel was used for the template above. The eyes are large, black and round, the nose is small, the ears are round and rather flat. It is characteristic of the weasel that the light underside reaches only the chin. On the sides you can see a brown spot, less or more merged with the rest of the skin.

In colder areas, the weasel may turn completely white in winter.

Weasel - winter fur


The stoat is slightly larger than the weasel, but is very similar in general appearance. The most noticeable differences are the longer tail with a black tip and a straight, distinct line between fur colors.


The head is almost identical to the least weasel, but the light underside reaches down to the mouth and creates a neat area under the nose.

The stoat's tail remains black in its winter fur, making it easy to distinguish it from a weasel.

Ermine - winter fur


The mink is similar to the otter in behavior and appearance. It is a semi-aquatic animal, with water-resistant fur and slightly webbed feet. Several color variations of mink have been developed for fur production, but the original, natural dark brown.


The head appears rounder compared to other weasels, with slightly smaller eyes. A light mouth patch appears on both lips for the European mink, but only on the lower lip (or not all) for the American mink.


This is a large, large weasel with interesting fur - dark brown with gray or slightly light spots. Its silhouette is a little leaner on the back, less tubular.


The ferret's head reminds me of a mini wolverine with a light muzzle and cheerful eyes. The black mask around them contrasts with the light forehead.


Domesticated form of ferret. During the domestication process, the appearance also changed, and the ferret usually looks lighter, with less contrast. Ferrets may also have one or more light-colored feet and many different, non-choir-related color forms.


A ferret can be easily identified by its pink nose and inner ear flaps.

The difference between a domestic and wild ferret is not always as clear as shown below, but you can stick to the picture for clarity.

Comparison of ferrets


The differences between weasels are most easily observed when all the silhouettes are next to each other:

The same applies to the shape of the head:

This is all!

Now you'll never confuse azure with an ostrich again, and you're one step closer to becoming an animal expert. So, what are you waiting for? Take a pencil and draw a cute weasel!

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How to draw a mink. I mean an animal's burrow, not a hole as a dwelling.

There are different minks - European, American, Siberian... Comrades, I won’t bore you with taxonomy - I just read on Wikipedia about all these animals, as well as about their relationship with martens, ferrets and weasels - they are all very similar and in order to differentiate, they must be studied thoroughly. With this rhyme, we will finish our excursion into zoology and begin the mink drawing lesson.

Let's draw a mink - lesson 1

I choose a photo of a mink on the Internet and draw a sketch with a pencil.

Without a sketch, comrades, it’s like being in a foreign city without a map. Always start with a sketch. No cute face or beautiful fur will help if you don’t have a design for the drawing as a whole.

This mink is American; it has a uniform body color and a small white spot on the lower lip. In the selected photo, the animal’s paws (already short) are barely visible. But they are there, and I will build a diagram of their bending - just to be honest about the matter.

Now you can draw in parts. First - the long body and tail:

The legs are short. There are swimming membranes between the fingers, but this is just a theory; they cannot be depicted in our drawing.

The muzzle is wide, slightly flattened.

The ears are round, small and barely noticeable:

And here is the first drawing of Mink, also known as “Mink’s coloring book”:

I won't paint, I'll only show the shadows. Do you remember about the systematically important white spot on the lip?

Let's delve into the topic and draw another coloring picture.

Mink drawing lesson - 2

Mink -2 also turned out to be American. Well, here’s the situation: you look through hundreds of photographs of animals, they are so cute and photogenic, but you cannot distinguish their structure. But we need the legs to be clearly visible: we won’t invent paws for an animal that we have never seen in life. So, our model has a dream pose - the mink is clearly visible. But even in this case, we honestly draw a sketch:

The hind legs are strongly bent:

The front ones are straight. The tail is quite large and fluffy.

From its large representatives: wolverines, badgers, otters and martens. Now let us turn our attention to the smaller members of the family, down to the smallest predator - the weasel.

Fortunately (or vice versa), the appearance of all weasels (as we will continue to call all representatives of the ferret genus) is very similar, so you can learn to draw these animals in general terms and then add to them the details of one of the five species. Five animals in one is not bad at all, right? Let's start!

What does a weasel look like?

Body Features

You probably already have a real image of affection in your head, but let’s clarify in general terms:

  • Weasels have a long, thin and flexible body;

  • the long and thin neck ends in a small head;

  • the muzzle is short and pointed;

  • long, thin tail;

  • the paws are small, ending in medium-length claws that do not retract;

  • short limbs, the structure of which places representatives of the genus in the intermediate group of digitigrade animals.

The arched back can hide the actual shape of the weasel's body - it is straight, and this is absolutely natural, although it may seem strange. Do not try to give the body of your drawn animal curved shapes like cats or dogs - weasels look like a tube with legs, and this is not a mistake!

Weasels run by bouncing off the ground. This is a fairly simple method of movement, well suited to such a thin, flexible body and short legs of the weasel: all limbs at one time are in one of two phases of running (push and stretch). In other words, when one paw goes inward, the others also move inward (and vice versa).

Slow version:

Above is a simplified example of a skeleton that you can use to sketch out the basic pose of your weasel.

You can easily add a muscle diagram to this example and complete the overall sketch of the torso (if you have difficulty drawing the pose, read this).

Head proportions

When you draw a weasel's head, remember the structure of a cat's head. The weasel's eyes are located on the midline of the head circle, which gives the animal a sweet and innocent look.

Weasel head - front view

When drawing the profile, it is important to emphasize the short muzzle and the streamlined shape of the skull.

Weasel head - profile view


The weasel's paws are adorable! They look like little hands with fragile fingers and soft pads. If you compare their structure with cats, it becomes obvious that the animal is capable of moving not only on tiptoes. He can use his entire paw to walk.

Weasels' limbs are very small, so it's best not to detail them - they are a detail themselves! However, it is important to correctly convey their shape. They are quite easy to draw in the two positions described above (there is no thumb in the bottom example - this is an image of the left paw, therefore it should not be visible anyway):

Drawing of a weasel's paw focusing on the toes and foot

So, we looked at the “universal” weasel. Let's look at the features of real species!

Comparison of representatives of the ferret genus

Common weasel

The weasel is the smallest member of the weasel family. The common weasel is no larger than a rat, but it is a bloodthirsty predator. It is distinguished by its short tail and chocolate brown fur in contrast to its cream colored chest and belly. The border between the dark and light parts of the skin is asymmetrical. The body is thin and long.

Common weasel

The head of this animal in full face and profile was used by me earlier as an example. The eyes are large, black and round, the nose is small, the ears are rounded and rather flat. The common weasel is characterized by a light chin. A brown spot connecting to the rest of the skin can be seen on the sides of the face.

In winter, in cold regions, the common weasel turns completely white.

Common weasel in winter.


The stoat is larger than the common weasel, but the overall appearance of the two animals is very similar. The most noticeable differences: the ermine's tail has a black tip and is comparatively longer than that of the weasel, and the border between the two fur colors is straight and clear.


The head is almost identical to that of the weasel, but the light fur at the bottom of the stoat's muzzle also extends to the chin and also forms a neat spot under the nose.

The winter skin of an ermine is very beautiful. The tip of the tail remains black, so its owner can be easily distinguished from a weasel in a winter coat.

Winterermine skin


The mink is similar in appearance and behavior to otters: they are semi-aquatic animals, with water-resistant fur and webbed feet. Minks with different colored skins are specially bred by fur farming enterprises, but the natural color of mink fur is dark brown.


The mink's head is more rounded than that of its relatives, but the eyes are slightly smaller. The light spot on the mouth affects both lips in the European mink and only the lower lip in the American mink.

Forest ferret

The well-known domestic ferrets come from the forest ferret. It is large, heavy, with a bizarre coloring of the skin: dark brown with gray and light spots. Its silhouette is a little squat and less upright.

Forest ferret

The animal's head looks like a mini version of a wolverine's head, with a lighter muzzle and cuter eyes. The black mask around the eyes contrasts with the light forehead.

domestic ferret

The domestic ferret, or ferret, is a domesticated form of its forest counterpart. In the process of domesticating this animal, its appearance also changed: the fur became light and less contrasting. A domestic ferret may have one (or more) light-colored paw, as well as many variations in skin color.

Domestic ferret (ferret)

A domestic ferret can be easily identified by its pink nose and the same color on the inside of its ear.

The differences between the tree ferret and the domestic ferret are not always as clear as seen in the example below, but you can easily remember them for your future drawings.

Comparison of forest and domestic ferrets


The differences between species can be easily determined by comparing their silhouettes.

In this way, the shapes of the heads can also be compared.

That's all, guys!

Now you are one step closer to the title of animal connoisseur, and you are unlikely to confuse an ordinary weasel with an ermine. What are you waiting for? Take a pencil and draw a cute weasel.

If you feel a surge of creative inspiration and want to capture a small animal on canvas, do not deny yourself this. You will certainly succeed. First, familiarize yourself with how to draw a ferret with a pencil step by step, and the illustrations will help with this.

Diagram of the torso and head

The ferret's body can be roughly divided into two parts, the first is the chest, the second begins just below the armpits and ends with the animal's hips. Irregular ovals will help you draw these details. The first is smaller, this part of the ferret extends from the neck to the armpits and is an egg-shaped figure. Its pointed edge is adjacent to the head, and the beveled edge ends on the chest. A second, elongated oval is adjacent to it. It joins the first ovoid part.

Draw the same semicircular shape for the base of the tail. Here's how to draw a ferret with a pencil step by step, starting with a diagram. But that's not all, you need to draw lines for the future head. Make it slightly pointed towards the nose and rounded on the opposite side.

Since the animal is facing the viewer in profile, some of the paws are not fully visible. Draw them using line segments. The two that are fully visible consist of three lines. Others that you can only partially see are from one. The ferret stands on slightly rounded feet; draw each one at the end of a paw. Here's how to draw a small ferret or a big one, starting with creating the base.

Outlining the diagram

Let's create the image of the ferret next. Based on the diagram we just created, let's start turning it into an animal. To do this you need to know how to draw a ferret next. Take the pencil in your hand again and start creating the image of the animal from the face. Outline it, reaching the withers, make zigzag lines. This will help show that your ferret is covered in fur. Using the same lines, mark the junction of the head and neck, the axillary part, and the abdomen of the animal.

Now we make small zigzags, using them to outline the area of ​​the eyes and ear. Using rounded lines outline the curved tail. Based on the diagram, create the ferret's paws. At their ends, draw pointed claws - 3 pieces each.

All that remains is to erase the lines that were the diagram, draw the eye, mustache and ear of the animal, and the drawing can be considered complete. If you want to know how to draw a ferret crosswise, showing its face from the front, read the next section.

Portrait of a pet

If you keep this animal at home, you can look at parts of its face and transfer their reflection to the canvas. If you don't have a single ferret living nearby, then this illustration will help you.

Draw a circle - it will soon become the face of an animal. Place the pencil lead on the right edge of the lower third of this figure and draw a line down. Draw the same one on the left side of the circle, this is the wide neck of the animal. How to draw a ferret from the front to the front will be discussed right now.

Divide the animal's face with three horizontal stripes. The upper part of the face is his forehead. Draw 2 eyes of the animal, they are located on the first top line. On the second, lower one, there is a round nose pad. Draw 2 small oval nostrils.

From the tip of the nose, two lines go up and slightly diagonally, which will make this important part of the face more visible. Outline the pad of the nose with a rounded line. A bunch of sharp mustaches emerge from it to the right and left. At the bottom of this circle is the mouth, it is depicted using a horizontal line.

Outline the details of the muzzle

The description of how to draw a ferret across is coming to an end. Make your eyes bright enough. To do this, paint over the pupils so that they become black. Don’t forget to leave one light spot on each one so that the animal’s look becomes more expressive.

Make the nose pad the same dark, with a shimmer, but leave the circle around it light, because this is where the fur is white.

Make the area around the eyes gray by applying a few strokes with a soft pencil. In the same way, decorate the neck and forehead of the animal, but more dark lines are required here so that the fur in this place appears darker than in others.

Using the same principle, depict the animal’s ears, decorating their edges in lighter colors and the inside in darker colors. Here's how to draw a crosswise ferret. You can put a portrait of the animal in a photo frame and put the result of your creation on the table or give it to a loved one as a keepsake.