How to write a production characteristic. Correct characteristics for an employee: sample and other examples

Positive reference from a place of work: how to write correctly?

An employee profile is a special type of document. Despite the fact that there is no single approved sample for its preparation, the importance of this “paper” is undeniable.

In general, a characteristic, if we talk about the specific definition of the concept, is a document reflecting the enterprise management’s assessment of its employee, a kind of analysis of the employee from the point of view of the effectiveness of his professional activities and the adequacy of his personal qualities.

Characteristics of an employee from the place of work can be either positive or negative.

A positive reference from a place of work is a document containing an assessment of the employee’s best business skills, his extensive professional potential, and reveals his worthy sides as an individual.

Negative reference for an employee– this is a negative “review” about the business and personal qualities of an employee, reflecting his failure as a specialist and certain character traits that are a barrier to building high-quality and effective activities.

An example of a characteristics form for subsequent filling:

Sample positive reference for an employee

"F. I.O. has 25-years of experience. During his time working at the enterprise, he proved himself to be a qualified specialist who knows how to competently and rationally approach the solution of assigned tasks. He implements all assigned projects with maximum efficiency and absolute dedication. Including complex and labor-intensive ones.

I. O. is distinguished by such qualities as activity, rare determination, responsibility for every task performed, and dedication to the task. As well as a talent for mentoring young professionals, the desire to always come to the aid of colleagues.

His professional baggage includes many awards, including diplomas from the relevant ministry and letters of gratitude from the management of the enterprise.”

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An example of a negative characteristic for an employee

"F. I. O. has been working at the company for 2 years. Despite some positive qualities, he can be characterized as an employee with low professional potential.

This is expressed in failure to meet deadlines for completing assignments, insufficient quality of work, indiscipline and disorganization.

Repeatedly subjected to disciplinary sanctions. Has a number of reprimands.

Treats colleagues with disdain and is unable to establish contact. Not ready to provide assistance to new employees, although this is part of his direct responsibilities.

Ignores proposals to participate in the public life of the enterprise.”

Step-by-step instructions for independently calculating the profitability of an enterprise with examples are contained

Sample characteristics of an employee for submission to the court.

The biggest challenge

It lies in the fact that there are no clear rules and strict regulations for writing characteristics. Documents of this type are compiled in any form.

And the personnel officer or manager who is faced with the task of writing such a “review” needs to show maximum diplomacy and objectivity in order to write a decent text.

Before writing a description, it would be correct to talk with the colleagues of the employee for whom the “paper” is being written, with his immediate supervisor. And imagine yourself in the role of a psychologist and diplomat who thoughtfully and correctly approach the solution of any issue.

Based on the information received from employees, and armed with your best qualities as a “psychologist and diplomat,” you can begin to compile a profile. Moreover, remember the “golden rules” of writing it: objectivity, accuracy, impartiality.

How to write a correct job description? What should be included in the specification? The answers to these and other questions are contained in the following video:

Job references are no longer as popular as they used to be, but they are not completely losing ground. Many employers do not require it for employment; they prefer a resume. It is believed that the description contains too dry text, unsuitable for understanding the person.

The characterization is not emotional; it is only a brief assessment of the professional and business aspects of a person’s personality.

What is a job description?

Such a document is a brief description of the worker’s work, professional and personal components. The employee can be either active or retired. A reference may be necessary in different situations: to a bank to apply for a mortgage, to many authorities, to judicial authorities. Certain types of characteristics may be required when workers travel or transfer to other locations.

How to correctly write a job description for an employee

As usual, it is compiled either by the director of the organization himself or by a human resources specialist. Depending on the purpose of writing the characteristics, there are two types of composition:

Internal is written (most often) for:

  • Transfer to other vacancies;
  • To encourage or punish a person;
  • When receiving a rank or title, in order to determine whether he can perform official duties;
  • Assist in defining new labor requirements;
  • Before going on a long, important business trip, etc.;

Such employee data, intended for use within the organization, is collected according to a general template. At the same time, the bias is towards labor detail. Based on the purpose of writing, you can assess the employee’s creative abilities, write what he strives for, what he expects from a new day, from a new position, provide information on how best to apply such qualities, etc.

Often characteristics for an individual organization become an element of a portfolio. Sometimes it is necessary to indicate the details of the executive person at whose request the characteristic was prepared.

The external characteristics of the employee will be written only when the employee submits a request. Without such a characteristic, you may not be enrolled in an educational institution, or you may not be able to get a mortgage or loan. The most unpleasant reason when such a description may be needed is the suspicion or accusation of an employee of administrative/criminal offenses. In such matters, the employee’s financial situation, his personal qualities, how he manifests himself at work with his superiors and colleagues, whether he is a good person or not, may be important. Marital status and relationships with clients/customers may be important. What information needs to be taken into account and displayed can be found out from the employee himself or from the person who requested this characteristic.

Sample characteristics for a good employee

There is no legally approved form for writing a reference from a place of work, but there is a generally accepted sample. It consists of three parts.

First part (personal information): full name;

  • Date of Birth;
  • Organization data, full details (not necessary when using letterhead);
  • The employee's length of service in this organization.

The second part (we describe the employee’s experience in more detail):

  • steps up the career ladder. (all transfers, demotions, promotions are important);
  • we write all encouragements, reprimands, certificates, letters of praise;
  • indicate why specific measures were applied;
  • We indicate what training the employee received while working (advanced training courses, seminars, etc.).

Third part (Personal characteristics):

  • what professional positive qualities does he have?
  • what types of work you have encountered, how you cope in stressful situations, how quickly you achieve your work goals;
  • how to find a common language with clients;
  • How does one find a common language with colleagues? - ability to work, etc.

Example of filling out a positive characteristic


(name of the company, firm or organization)

(company address: zip code, city, street)

(company details)



to _____________________ for submission to ____________

(FULL NAME. employee), works in ( organization) (your position) With ( date of employment).

IN (date of) year received an education in his specialty ( your level of education), which is certified by a state-issued diploma issued ( name of educational institution) .

He served in the military with " number » month year and by " number » month year in the service area No. ___. Upon graduation, he was enlisted in the reserves with the military rank " rank ».

Seed position: Single /married /divorced , children No /It has age floor .

To work in ( organization) got a job at number » month year . Employee ( FULL NAME.) has proven himself well even in stressful situations, while maintaining an optimistic attitude. Never ( FULL NAME.) was not noticed in a stressful state, did not violate labor discipline. The team treats him very well, ( FULL NAME.) always come to the rescue and support colleagues even in the most difficult situations. Does not use alcohol or drugs. Avoids conflicts. A very sociable and open person with high ambitions, capable of making independent, informed decisions.

The reference was issued to provide _________.

Director ( signature) / (full name)

You can end here, but no one can forbid you to add something of your own to the description.

Video on writing characteristics

This document can be considered quite official. The characteristics can be compiled either at the request of the employee himself, or at the request of external sources. It is worth noting that character references can also be compiled within the company for promotion. An example of a job description is always drawn up directly by the head of the company or department. The main purpose of this document is to describe the employee's abilities and achievements in his former job.

How to write a job description correctly

  • The document must be drawn up only on A4 sheet. All text must be written in third person only. You can write in the present or past tense.
  • Initially, the title of the document and for whom it was compiled are indicated.
  • After this, you need to indicate your personal data in the first section.
  • Afterwards, the entire career path of the employee in the company is described. Most often, the boss simply describes the employee’s activities (from what year and what position he held).
  • Provide additional information about obtaining education or advanced training.
  • Then the professional qualities of the employee are assessed. How experienced is he in his field (how can he carry out analytical work, is he familiar with regulations, what kind of relationship did he have with employees).
  • Description of personal qualities.
  • At the very end, you will need to write where this characteristic will be directed.

Sample characteristics from the place of work certified by a seal and signed. Finally, we would like to note that there are several types of characteristics: from the place of work, for the court, for the traffic police, for the driver, production characteristics, to the military registration and enlistment office.

Contents of characteristics from the place of work

The presented sample job description contains the following information:

  • Last name, first name, patronymic of the employee;
  • Year of birth;
  • Education (secondary, secondary specialized, higher, etc.), specialty, name of educational institution;
  • Place of work, position, period of work;
  • List of job responsibilities;
  • Merits and achievements, including incentives and penalties, if any;
  • Description of the employee’s qualities;
  • Information about the person who signed the document.

The characteristics can be written either on the organization’s letterhead or on a simple sheet of paper.

The document must be signed and certified with the seal of the organization.

In personal characteristics, it is worth noting organizational qualities (for managers), initiative, relationships with the workforce, the presence or absence of responsibility.

It is worth writing truthful information. So, when writing a reference from a place of work to the court, the person who signed the document is responsible for the accuracy of the information.

An employee’s working time in an organization or department can be any time; there are no restrictions in law. So the document can be drawn up for a person who has worked for a month (for example, on a probationary period).

The character reference for the manager is drawn up on behalf of the superior manager.

An example of writing a job description.

Let's consider an example of compiling a description from a place of work (drawn up on the organization's letterhead). Also, the options below work well as sample reference from previous place of work.

Option No. 1: Sample characteristics from the place of work

Characteristics (sample)

This characterization was issued by Valery Anatolyevich Petrichenko, born November 1, 1978, working at the Center for Social Protection of Children. Address: st. Kulagina 25 (organization details) from May 16, 2013 to the present day in the position of “Social Worker”.

Marital status: Married. Wife Petrichenko Inna Petrovna, born 11/12/1979 Children: Vitaly Petrichenko, born in 2000 and Anna Petrichenko, born in 2002.

Petrichenko V.A. Graduated from Volgograd Pedagogical University with a degree in Psychology, with honors. This employee is distinguished by high professionalism, punctuality and responsibility. She has no disciplinary sanctions; she has certificates of encouragement for participating in the conference “Protection of Children – the Responsibility of the State.” He has friendly relations with colleagues and subordinates and always shows restraint, patience and delicacy. In difficult, conflict situations with clients of the institution, he is always self-possessed, correct, and has the ability to smooth out the problem and translate it into a peaceful, constructive solution. Has no bad habits. Her life guidelines are correct, she strives to help children from disadvantaged families, taking into account their needs and desires. She happily takes part in the social life of the team, attends personal growth training and advanced training courses.

This characteristic was issued for submission to the Social Protection Authorities of disadvantaged families.

Head of the Department of the Center for Social Protection of Children Natalya Mikhailovna Bergs.

Option No. 2: Example of characteristics for an employee

Characteristics (sample)

Issued to Nadezhda Petrovna Abakumkina, born on April 10, 1977, position – economist.

Abakumkina N.P. has been working at Finance and Credit Bank since April 16, 2010. During her work, she was repeatedly sent to advanced training courses, which she successfully completed in the following programs: “Accounting statements 2016”, “Analysis of the financial condition of the company”, “Financial forecast in the current economic conditions”.

Abakumkina N.P. has excellent business negotiation skills, has comprehensive knowledge in her specialty, attends seminars and trainings, and always has the latest innovations and information in the field of economics.

Head of the economic department of the Bank "Finance and Credit" Romanenko Vasily Petrovich.