How to get rid of bad luck and lack of money. How do I understand that I am damaged? Correct outlook on life

Money is manure: today it’s gone, but tomorrow it’s a mess.

Russian proverb

Most adults have at least once in their lives encountered a situation where we did not have enough money for something really necessary. Necessary for continuation of life, continuation of work. Sometimes this happened to us without our apparent fault. Sometimes it was a consequence of our obvious mistakes - such as unsustainable business practices or involvement in gambling.

This is a difficult situation. The most unpleasant thing about it is the feeling of powerlessness, hopelessness, an impenetrable wall. It seems to us that we have tried every possible means. If nothing helps, then there is no way out. So, I am such an unhappy, worthless, loser. Some reach such despair that they admit the idea of ​​getting out of this situation through the “back door” - by committing suicide.

In an era of economic crisis, an increasing number of people are faced with lack of money. Mass layoffs, ruin, unemployment. A huge number of people found themselves in a really very difficult situation, with colossal loan debts, without any sources of income and without any understanding of where they could be found. We see this in the stories coming to the website.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that recently we have been diligently taught to the false idea that the meaning of life is in the consumption of material goods and physiological pleasures: real estate and things, corrupt people, aesthetics and comfort, travel and the envy of others. Naturally, with such ideas, the loss of the opportunity to acquire and consume material goods for many is tantamount to the loss of the meaning of life. And since the meaning of life is lost, the question arises about the need to continue life’s work...

It is obvious that, like all human problems, the problem of experiencing lack of money is fundamentally psychological, or more precisely, spiritual. And spiritual, psychological methods can solve it. But not with those primitive techniques for visualizing wealth that came to us from the West and became widely known with the dissemination of the film “The Secret”. These techniques are ineffective because they are not based on a deep understanding of the spiritual laws of human life. In these techniques, only the significance of the efforts of the human will is adequately assessed. Willpower is certainly necessary, but it must be applied much more thoughtfully and wisely than these “greed techniques” suggest. You need to work to resolve the situation taking into account your individuality. Each person got into a difficult situation in his own way, and will have to get out of it in his own way. We offer you an approach to solving the problem of lack of money, with the help of which anyone can take a fresh look at their situation, better understand its causes, and calm down. And calming down is usually followed by resolution of the problem on the material level.

Step one. Recognize the reasons and start working on them

“Everything that is done is for the better.” It is clear that at such a difficult moment, reminding of this truth looks like blasphemy. But we need to choose between the horror of obsessive false thoughts about the hopelessness of the situation and the cold shower of sober truths.

Yes! And the financial crisis, in the country and in your pocket, is also for the better. And to extract this best, this benefit, you don’t need much effort.

“But why did this crisis befall me? - you ask. “Why didn’t this “best” go to someone else?”

“No matter how heavy the cross that a person bears, the tree from which it is made grew from the soil of his heart.” This is a lesser known but no less true saying. Its meaning is that all our difficulties are the fruits of our lives, our mistakes. This means that if we were beset by the sorrow of lack of money, if we were pinned to the wall by debts, it was not by chance that we found ourselves in this situation. This situation was created specifically for us, or rather, so that we correct some of our shortcomings and (remember the first truth) - benefit from it.

Now let's try to figure out how we could bring such a test upon ourselves.

Reason one. We attached too much importance to money, prosperity, success.

Man is neither a machine for making money, nor a device for absorbing benefits, nor an instrument for purely material success. A person is something much more. To make us think about what really happened and what happened.

Let's think about something else. Isn’t money for us on a subconscious level the equivalent of the love of the world and fate for us? It’s not for nothing that the expression “fate’s darling” exists. While we have a lot of money, it seems to us that fate loves us, the sun shines brightly for us. As soon as the money runs out, there is a feeling that the light has gone out, that we are unnecessary in this world, because someone up there doesn’t love us.

There are several errors here. First, the One above certainly loves us - with an unchanging, great and pure love. Today he loves no less than yesterday. Second, money is not an expression of His love. First of all, He cares for our souls. When money is really needed and is not harmful to us, He will help us get money, but when it is more useful for us to lose it, we lose it.

It is not those parents who love a child more who pamper him and indulge his whims, but those who, by showing strictness at the right time, cultivate in him a strong and kind character. That's how God loves us.

Reason two. Envy.

Excessive consumption of modern society, when we buy a lot of things that we don’t really need, is largely due to ordinary envy. Often it is envy that forces us to take out a loan and buy a better apartment, a better car than we can afford within our means, just so that we have “no worse than others.” Moreover, for some reason we look at those who are better off, and not at those who are kinder, and we envy the former more than the latter.

Reason three. Arrogance and cruelty.

If we imagined ourselves to be higher, better than other, less wealthy people, and believed that we would never “sink” to their level, something could happen to us so that we would be in their place and not wonder.

Reason four. Vanity.

Vanity is not only the desire for national fame and honor. Whenever we do something to make people think well of us, we act out of vanity. Out of vanity, we can lend more money than we should (although we can also out of genuine kindness), we can, out of vanity, agree to some adventure proposed by friends, or spend money on something that we cannot afford.

Reason five. We relied too much on ourselves.

“I can do this, I will do that.” “I only believe in myself, I can do everything myself.” "Everything's gonna be how I wish"…

This is not self-confidence. This is arrogance, or rather, pride. A person is sure that the world will “bend” under him, that everything in this world was created to please his vanity.

But that's not true. The truth is that the world was created for us to grow in love. And self-love is the opposite of love and incompatible with it. That is why God opposes the proud and destroys their plans.

Reason six. Addictions, passions.

Passions are the spiritual name for what psychologists call addictions. All passions are connected with the main passion - pride. Many addictions can lead to ruin. Alcohol addiction often deprives you of work; drug addiction is extremely costly, as is gambling addiction. Even dependence on a woman can be costly.

Addiction is a serious spiritual illness. Ruin does not yet cure this disease, but at least it forces you to stop and think about what to do next...

We have not listed all the possible reasons for what happened to you. But almost always, after analyzing what happened, you can detect some of the listed mistakes or other passions.

We need to do exactly what this situation calls us to do. If, in order for us to correct a certain shortcoming, we are put in such a difficult situation, we need to quickly begin to correct it. Otherwise it could be even worse. It only seems to us that this is the most difficult possible situation. In fact, it can be worse. If we are not disabled people confined to a hospital bed, then we still have a lot of opportunities - both to work on ourselves and to get acquainted with much more difficult trials. We are free to choose between these two directions of movement.

How to correct your shortcoming?

Step two. Be patient and don't be lazy

The general approach to resolving all difficult, painful situations, not just situations of lack of money, is that you need to endure them for a while. If this is not a disaster that affected everyone, like the blockade of Leningrad by the Nazis, and from which there is no individual way out, it will certainly stop when you personally are ripe for its resolution. All troubles are a consequence of our mistakes and befall us precisely so that we correct our mistakes, grow as people, and become better.

How often are we ready to do something for ourselves if problems don’t push us? Will we go to the gym if we don’t start to feel bad from our sedentary lifestyle? Will we limit ourselves to tasty food if we don’t start getting fat? Will we devote enough time to our children if they don’t have any problems? Will we be sober if alcohol does not lead to hangovers, weakness and illness?

And so it is in everything. We are lazy and inert. We don’t want to develop without sorrow, just as a stubborn horse doesn’t ride without a whip.

That's why we need grief. But not as a lifelong punishment, but as a few blows of the whip, after which we must run faster in the right direction. As soon as we run, the rider will stop whipping us. If we start to rear up or stand still, the punishment will only intensify.

So, let's suffer a little of the punishment that we deserve. Because in its depths there is mercy towards us, undeserved by us. After all, we do not endure so much and not for so long, but at the same time we acquire strength and perfection that will always be with us.

Important: patience has value only if it is resigned, and we consciously endure, remembering our mistakes that led to our current situation. Grumbling patience is not rewarded, and it is harder to endure difficulties when we grumble.

What about financial problems?

It’s very simple: don’t be lazy. Lower the bar of your aspirations. Do what we can to improve our financial situation.

I know a disabled person from childhood who has not walked since birth, and he is also a dwarf and almost deaf. So, he does not lose heart, he successfully earns his living by creating websites and doing other computer work. The fact that you are reading this text on the Internet clearly indicates that you have no less opportunities than he does, and most likely much more. Yes, maybe the job you are used to or dream about is not available to you now. But there are many other jobs in the world. Let them be less attractive to you, but at this moment of crisis we are not talking about determining a profession for life, but about surviving a certain difficult stage of life. Give up your thinking patterns, come down to earth, look around. And who knows, maybe you will find something that you will not only enjoy over time, but will also be more socially useful. After all, the meaning of work is not only in a career, earning money or fame, but also in making the world a better, more beautiful place.

Don't reject anything in advance. Consider physical labor as well. Physical labor has many advantages over mental labor. Firstly, it is usually creative work. Is there any benefit in working as a deputy or official? Or some sales manager in a commercial company? And how useful is the work of a cleaner in our time! Yes, without the cleaners, all the residents of Moscow (I won’t say about other cities) would have died long ago, strangled by a multi-meter layer of cigarette butts and beer bottles! Cleaners and janitors are undoubtedly the saviors of our “great” civilization. Secondly, physical labor leaves the mind free to think about important things on which our life and our happiness depend...

And if, having allowed yourself the possibility of the lowest work, you are ultimately rewarded with the highest, you will be able to take on it with a new, more sober and healthy feeling. As the writer Mikhail Prishvin said about this: “The risk in creativity is that you will lose the artist in you and remain an ordinary person, some kind of accountant, and you must first make peace and accept your existence in life. You throw yourself into the abyss with the last words: “Okay, if not, I’ll just live as an accountant.” When you agree to this, to live on earth as an accountant, then the demons leave you and you, as a creator, are the owner of the business and create beauty.”

If the situation is not related to the loss of a job, but to failures in business, other circumstances, debts, the recommendation is the same - abandon the templates, look around, don’t be lazy. Some possibilities certainly exist. The world is multivariate. And if you are also able to humbly pray to God, you can see miracles.

And yet, the main thing is to work spiritually on yourself to eliminate the problem that led you to this situation. As soon as you achieve certain successes in working on yourself, the test will end, the material crisis will cease to be acute, and perhaps your well-being will become higher than before...

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Happiness in life largely depends on financial well-being. You can avoid money problems and failures with the help of effective conspiracies.

It's no secret that financial well-being is the key to a stable and happy life. Lack of money inevitably leads to problems in other areas: due to lack of finances, family relationships deteriorate, and constant stress leads to health problems. That is why it is so important to get rid of the black streak in your financial life in a timely manner and prevent further problems from arising.

Experts in the field of bioenergy agree that luck is a special energy that can be controlled with desire and special skill. If you learn to do this, you can easily achieve success in all your endeavors and without much difficulty overcome obstacles that arise on the way to your goal. Effective conspiracies will help you tie your fortune to yourself and protect yourself from lack of money and problems.

Strong spell on a coin

As you know, money comes to money. That is why the most effective money conspiracies are carried out on a coin. After such a ritual, it turns into the strongest money talisman, which will attract financial flows to you and protect you from mistakes and failures.

For the ritual you will need a coin, water and two glasses. It is necessary to carry out the ritual during the period of growth of the Moon, so that along with the increase in the energy of the night star, your financial potential also increases. Stay alone at night and visualize what you want to achieve: imagine how financial flows rush towards you, how your income increases. Pour water into one of the prepared containers and place a coin in the other. Concentrating on the desired goal, begin to pour water from a full glass into the one where the coin lies, saying:

“As water overflows, money flows to me. The water will wash away failures, take away lack of money, and give me financial well-being.”

After this, you need to take out the coin, hold it in your hand and say: "No sooner said than done. Luck will not leave me". The water must be poured out, and the charmed coin must be placed in an empty compartment of the wallet and always carried with you.

Keep in mind that an ordinary coin will not be suitable for the ritual. The most powerful energy is possessed by ancient coins taken from a treasure: after lying for a long time among other money, they are charged with the energy of prosperity, therefore they are best suited for creating a talisman. Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to find such a coin. However, Tamara Globa is ready to help you: she knows which coin will attract cash flows and will help you get it.

Which coin is suitable for the ritual?

Let lack of money remain a thing of the past, and let financial well-being and success take its place. With such a reliable talisman as the coin amulet from Siberia, you will protect yourself from problems and find your way to wealth. We wish you well, and do not forget to press the buttons and

24.01.2018 02:44

Financial success depends on many factors, and even some items that we...

Money block or lack of money refers to situations in which it is impossible to earn large sums of money, get a well-paid job, or achieve a promotion.

Lack of money is a miserable existence elevated to the level of the norm.
There are infectious diseases, such as influenza, mental infections - crowd obsession during football matches, and social diseases - poverty. Lack of money is a social disease, most often passed on from generation to generation.
Lack of money can be a consequence of a curse - this is the most severe manifestation. It may be the result of the evil eye or damage. In case of damage, lack of money rarely passes on to other generations.

Extreme form of lack of money

An example from life. Lola grew up in a large family, where in addition to her own children there were ten more adopted ones. Lola's parents were militant sectarians and were engaged only in preaching activities. It happened that there was no bread in the house for several days, and Lola and other small children were sent to neighbors to ask for food.
Lola is used to wearing shabby clothes and looking worse than all the girls in her class. Her classmates laughed at her ridiculous clothes from someone else; Lola had no friends: her parents forbade the girls to hang out with her. The label “daughter of sectarians” ruined Lola’s life for a long time. It would seem that she should have hated this lifestyle...
Lola gave birth to her first child early, the guy did not marry her. The girl never saw him again. Lola began to get involved in the affairs of the sect, then gave birth to more children, and when there was no money in the house, she sent the kids to neighbors to ask for food. Lola's brothers and sisters also lead this lifestyle, and when neighbors try to help her find work outside of the sect's affairs, they are offended.
Many will say that people should live the way they like... That’s how it is, only Lola’s brothers got involved with bad companies and ended up in prison. When young adults were no longer given money, they began to engage in robbery. The brothers never understood that money had to be earned and not begged for.
This describes the “block from money” that occurred in the event of a generational curse. In principle, the situation is almost hopeless, although you can get rid of it, you just have to admit that “something is wrong” in life.

How to get rid of lack of money

To realize that “you can’t live like this” requires strength. Strength is attracted through meditation.
To become stronger, the magicians of ancient times appealed to the Force, calling for help. A powerful supernatural entity was called a force.
To master the power, we conduct meditation. You need to imagine a queen taming a lion against a golden background. In the place of the queen, imagine yourself - you are a tamer. In the place of the predator is something that prevents you from achieving success; in this case, success means money. So: you are opposite the lion. The predator is violent, he wants to devour you, but you suppress his unbridled force of thought or using any other means that are at hand. The lion becomes almost tame; he is kind and gentle, like a domestic cat. Just as you control a predatory animal, you control yourself and can control any situation.

Average form of lack of money

An example from life. Katya's mother was not a very lucky artist. There was often no money. Mom was on tour all the time, and an old neighbor sat with Katya, who counted every penny and demanded money from Katya’s mother even for the ice cream she bought for the child. The girl is used to the fact that she does not have a cell phone, a computer, or those things and little things that children often brag about. When Katya was thirteen years old, she discovered a talent for acting: everyone told the girl that she would be an artist, like her mother. But the girl shuddered at the word “artist.” After finishing school, Katya got a job at a bank, then graduated from a financial institute and opened her own company. And that's where it started. Bad luck befell all of Katya’s undertakings: either employees stole, or tax inspectors raided, or goods went missing. There was no money all the time, just like in childhood. In desperation, Katya bought a “book of conspiracies” and read “a conspiracy to attract money.” She read this plot every day, and gradually things improved.
Then, many years later, Katya realized that after reading the plot she became tougher. I found the strength to fire the rogue accountant and find a new, more honest one. She began to carefully check the purchased goods, kicked out the seller and stood behind the counter herself. It was then that it became clear why she was experiencing lack of money - everything went into the seller’s pocket.

A mild form of lack of money

Never brag about your happiness!
An example from life. Semyon seemed to have everything: wife, children, decent job. One day Semyon met a classmate, the artist Inga, who did not marry him at the time. She was once the most beautiful girl in the class, but now she has turned into an ugly girl. Inga said that she couldn’t sell her paintings because she had no money. Semyon, who had never forgiven her for having been rejected many years ago, talked for a long time about what a good wife he had, children and how much he received. I bought a house, I have a car, my wife also has a car.
After this meeting, Semyon was fired from his job without really explaining what happened. And away we go... No matter where Semyon got a job, the company was falling apart, and money had to be paid for the house.
Semyon was an intelligent man and never denied the presence of the subtle world and its influence on current life. He bought the book “Rituals of Profit,” and the whole family performed rituals several times for lack of money. They did it in jest, of course. But Semyon suddenly realized that the direction in which he was working had “gone out of fashion” and that failures were a natural consequence of the fact that life changes and so does business. Semyon changed his strategy - it took time, but things went uphill. And the money talisman still hangs in his office.

Money talisman using buckwheat

Making a money talisman is a troublesome task. Apply glue to a sheet of paper and pour in buckwheat. Try to ensure that the grains are located on the paper strictly in a spiral twisted to the right. When the grains are on the paper with glue, you cannot touch them with your hands, crush them, or transfer them.
Now the most important thing: when the grains are poured out of the bag, you need to concentrate on the goal: why the money talisman is being made. To get a large amount of money, get a new job?
Based on the pattern on the talisman, one can conclude that the intended desire was successful. If the circles of the spiral are even and clear, everything will be fine, but if the pattern is chaotic, you will have to strain. Of course the wish will not come true.
And another very important thing: on the day when the ritual with buckwheat is performed, you cannot say the word “buckwheat”, as this may offend the Buckwheat Girl and she will not help with luck. A properly made money talisman will relieve you from lack of money, help you find a good job, and attract money into your life.

Those who dream of financial well-being will be helped by spells “how to get rid of poverty and lack of money.” It is worth working on your worldview, and only then using magic.

Financial well-being

The modern world is quite cruel. If half a century ago a person believed in a bright future and could count on receiving an apartment and a good salary from the state, now the situation is much more complicated. Not only professional beggars have appeared, but also people who do not have enough money to live.

Even if a person is able to work and does not live on a meager old-age and disability pension, this is not a guarantee that the family will not have financial difficulties. You can spend days and nights at work, fight like a fish on ice, but there is no money, so no. In this difficult situation, it is worth resorting to the help of magic. There are a huge number of conspiracies for lack of money.

Psychology of poverty

Before you begin performing the rituals, you should think about your life and reconsider some of your views. There is such a term as “the psychology of poverty.” Very often a person does not believe in himself, in his own strength, and therefore cannot achieve financial well-being. Let's consider point by point what prevents you from becoming a successful person.

Conspiracies for lack of money

If everything written above does not apply to you, but there is still no money in the family, it is worth considering whether someone has caused damage to the lack of money. It must be removed. If there was no magical influence, you can read conspiracies that will help you get rid of poverty and lack of money.

Simple conspiracies

If a person wants to get rid of something (an addiction, excess weight, etc.), he must read conspiracies for the waning moon. Among them there are those that help get rid of lack of money.

Some of the waning moon conspiracies are very simple and do not require special preparation, which is why they are also called instant. All you have to do is wait for this time, retire and say them in order to forget about your problems forever.

“As the moon wanes, so does money come to me. I dare poverty, I respect generosity - an increase from people, an allowance from the boss. Let it be so. Amen!".

Or another conspiracy for the waning moon, considered very strong:

“I call upon perishable wealth, let perishable lack of money go away. I will gain wealth from my salary, from the lottery and the devil's wages. Let it be so. Amen!".

Conspiracy with coins

7 days before the ceremony you need to start preparing - start collecting small coins. The ritual actions are performed at night, always on the waning moon. It must be carried out at an intersection where there is no one. You need to stand on it and throw coins in each of the 4 directions, saying the words of the conspiracy:

Conspiracy with coins

“I’m not throwing away small change, but my lack of money. It went into the abyss, into the forests, into the seas, from me, from my house, from my family! Into the distance, far away, far away, from where you can’t return. Amen!"

After this you can go home. It is important not to turn around and not talk to anyone along the way. Within a month after the ceremony, your financial situation should improve.

Ritual with a mirror

To get rid of lack of money, you need to wait for the 15th lunar day. You need to stand so that the night light is visible; it should not be hidden by clouds or buildings. Then you need to turn your back to the moon, and holding a mirror in your hands so that it reflects the light, say three times:

“Mother Moon, I ask you, take poverty and lack of money away from me.”

After this, you should receive interesting offers and you will be able to earn the amount you need. But whether you agree to work or not is your choice; money will not fall from the sky.

This ritual, like all others, is done on the waning moon. It is suitable for those who have a streak of failures in life and lack of money. You need to take a mirror that has been in your home for quite some time. As soon as the sun sets, you need to go to the intersection and break it by saying:

Broken mirror

“Go back to where you came from!”

Then you can go home without looking back. The mirror usually absorbs all emotions and experiences well, so everything bad should disappear from life with it.

Ritual with old shoes

This ritual should also be performed on the waning moon. It will help get rid of poverty.

Preparation and reading of the plot

To carry it out, you need to find the oldest and most worn shoes. You will also need a large church candle (it should not go out before the ritual is completed). The prepared shoes should be placed on a white sheet of paper and a candle should be lit. Then you need to read the prayers: “Our Father”, “May God rise again”, Psalm 90.

Then take a kitchen knife in your hands and with its tip begin to cross the shoes: first the left one, followed by the right one, from toe to heel. At the same time, you need to say the words of the conspiracy three times:

"Our Father! Poverty, the damn friend, was looking for shoes, and behind her came all the demonic poverty. So the flowing one reached the threshold of the slave (s) (your name) and came. Don't make noise, don't scream, it's all demonic bullshit. Let Poverty try on his shoes, take them and go away forever. To serve your Master."

Then say:

"God! Our Father! Do not judge me, Your servant (your name), strictly. Show Poverty, all the demonic destitution, the way. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Let it be so".

Continuation of the ritual

You need to drip 3 drops of wax inside the shoes. Then take the same knife that you used before and cut the shoes into pieces. The remains must be collected in a black bag, including the crumpled paper from under the shoes. Using a knife, you need to put out the candle and also throw the cinder into the bag.

Getting rid of leftover shoes

Later you need to throw away this bag. It is best to do this late in the evening; it is very good if you can leave the house at midnight. The prepared package must be left at a crossroads. It is forbidden to talk to anyone on the way there and back, and at home too.

If along the way someone calls out to you, you need to show the fig in your pocket and continue on your way. If you do respond to another person, the situation will become even worse, poverty will become complete. And the ritual cannot be repeated for at least 3 months.

When you return home, you need to take a shower, or just wash your hands with soap. Then you need to go to bed. For three days after this, it is forbidden to give or borrow anything, or to accept anything from another person; you cannot even give or give water to drink. It is worth refusing even if the person brought an old debt. We need to ask him to come another day.

If this rule is not followed, then you will remain a beggar for life. If the case is complex, then it extends not for three days, but for a week. The person who comes in these three days and asks for something may turn out to be your enemy. It was he who could send damage to you. Remember this person or these people and don’t trust them too much in the future.

Plot with cow horn and bone

Many, but not all, spells for poverty are read on the waning moon. There are other rituals that are no less effective and interesting. You need to purchase a cow horn and hoof or a bone from an animal’s leg. You can also buy a bone in a store, but before the ritual, clean it of meat.

After this, you need to put this bone in cold water and soak it there for a day. Then drain all the water, dry the bone, leaving it in the sun. When it is completely dry, you can say the cherished words:

Cow Horn Conspiracy

“We were on the holy mountains, we saw a white ox, that white ox was running through the mountains, carrying misfortune and poverty overseas. I ran across the sea, and there stood the white stone Alatyr. The ox threw that misfortune-poverty onto the Alatyr-stone, began to gore it with its horns, and trample it with its feet. He beat him, trampled him, and threw him to the bottom of the sea, on the yellow sand, where the wind does not blow, the sun does not warm, and the rain does not fall. Lie down, misery and misery, don’t get up either yesterday or tomorrow, and on this day I locked you in with a key, and drowned the key in the well. My word is strong, like God's truth. Amen".

After pronouncing the spell, this bone (or hoof) along with the horn must be wrapped in a white scarf and hidden at the threshold. After this ritual, poverty must leave the house forever.

Poverty conspiracy

This is a pretty powerful conspiracy that can save a person from poverty. To perform the ceremony, you must visit the temple. There you cannot be baptized or look at icons. You only need to purchase 13 candles. When leaving the church, you need to say:

Poverty conspiracy

“Lord, forgive me, let me find prosperity. Amen".

As soon as the full moon comes, you need to lock yourself in a room and light all the candles. When pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, you need to be sure that everything will work out. They need to be repeated many times.

“I call upon the forces of the Universe to see no more perishable poverty. Since I was born into poverty, I want it to go away. By human order, I become poorer, let them see that I am getting richer. Moonlight, in fullness you are beautiful, in occultism you are always safe. Help me eliminate poverty, otherwise I will perish in poverty. Let it be so done! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

Then you need to extinguish all the candles and throw the cinders in the trash. The conspiracy will take effect within 13 days. When they pass and the day of the calendar full moon comes again, the plot can be repeated.

May 13, 2017

Are you trying to save money and putting money under your pillow for months, but you are still haunted by financial setbacks and the money goes to unforeseen expenses?

Probably everyone has heard at least once how they say about some person that money just sticks to him.

Not everyone can explain such luck and success in financial matters and understand how to catch the bird of happiness. And the point here is not at all a lack of hard work. After all, some people try all their lives, but all their affairs end with them remaining in debt.

It turns out that well-being can be attracted with the help of special rituals or conspiracies. A correctly performed ritual can not only improve the financial situation of the person asking, but also give him the opportunity to feel monetary energy.
The latter circumstance will be the key to successful financial affairs in the future.

For some people, blocking the money channel is haunted from birth. They say about such people that they are chronic losers. They have to live from paycheck to paycheck, and besides, they borrow all the time. Fatal bad luck is often accompanied by health problems, which further aggravates the situation.

Of course, you can sit and wait your whole life for a chance to get rid of failures and lack of money, or you can start taking action. And the first magical kick for you can be magical rituals against poverty.

The easiest way to get rid of failures and lack of money is with the help of a “farm-out” - a small package that is left where people walk.

Ritaul for 13 coins

Replace 13 five-ruble coins and wrap them in a bundle made of natural fabric. Add to this “bag” a twig from a broom, which you use to sweep the floor at home, and a small personal item. It could be a ring, a brooch, a personal pen.

Take the ransom to a crowded place, where you accidentally drop it and quickly leave without looking back and without speaking to anyone. You need to do this in such a way that those around you do not pay attention to the fact that “something fell out of your pocket or purse.”
If you suddenly get your package back, you need to thank it and leave. In this case, you will have to perform the ritual again.

Ritaul for 7 coins

Find the oldest glass or cup in the house and prepare seven coins of any denomination. It is best to do the ritual on a full moon, so that the waning moon will then help you get rid of financial troubles.
After sunset, throw coins into the glass one by one and simultaneously say the text in an odd number:

“Here is your payment for poverty from me, have fun, poverty from morning to sunset, walk poverty, drink, eat, but don’t touch me, God’s servant (name). Here’s your ransom, here’s your tribute, but leave me alone in poverty, leave me alone forever.”

When finished, place the glass with coins in the kitchen (hide it). When the moon begins to wane, take out a glass with coins and pour earth or sand (snow) into it, then say:

“You, poverty, should lie under the ground (snow), but I (your name), not know grief, live in joy, be friends with money. Let it be so!"

Take the glass to a deserted intersection and leave it there. Before leaving, cross him three times and say once:

“I bought myself out of poverty, said goodbye to troubles. Truly!

Remove lack of money

At the crossroads you can easily get rid of poverty. First, speak money at night for a declining month.

“My poor thing, my mother, get off my ridge.
Get off me and go for some change.
Whoever picks up a penny will take the poor from my backbone.
Dasun, Dasun, come and take some pennies."

On the waning moon, at exactly midnight, go to the crossroads. Throw a handful of change over your left shoulder, read the plot and, without looking back, go home. The latter is very important. Don't look back even if someone calls out to you. Otherwise, lack of money will remain with you.

In Old Slavic mythology Dasun- a dark kingdom inhabited by dasu - demons or non-Slavic, non-Aryan peoples

Ritual on a skein of red thread

Take a small skein of red thread and rewind it, saying:

“I didn’t call you poverty,
You came to me uninvited.
Sit down, poverty, on the red thread,
From now on you won't be with me.
Let it be so!"

On the first Thursday of the month, throw a skein at a pedestrian intersection and recite the plot 3 more times.

Bread and salt ritual

Roll the bread crumb into three round pieces. Place one penny and a pinch of salt inside each of them. Tie it in a white napkin/rag and go with it to the intersection.
Place it on the ground and read the plot 3 times:

“Here is poverty and need, financial losses, a gift: Money, bread and salt.
Take them and leave them alone...
Completely torment me, the servant of God (name), torment me with need, plague me with poverty, torment me with lack of money.
I’ll leave, and you can live here.”

Leave without looking back.

Ritual for success in business

Here is another small ritual for you to ensure that all your affairs and your plans go smoothly and work out in your favor.
Take any coin in your hand, bring the palm with the coin to your lips, fingers away from you, lean it against your chin, blow three times and say three times:

“What’s in the way, I blow away, what’s needed, I attract”

Do this three times for different coins. Then drop them at the nearest intersection and begin your activities.

Ritual for quickly receiving a certain amount of money

Finally, one more simple ritual for refined sugar. Pour yourself some tea, take some sugar and say three times about it:

“Sugar, sugar, white side, how sweet you are, I wish I had some money for my hair.”

Then throw it into a mug of tea, stir and drink in small sips. This ritual helps to get the intended amount of money. It is better to do it on the waxing moon.

PS. Remember that a cheap wallet itself carries the energy of poverty and large bills have almost no chance of ending up in it. Let your wallet not be super expensive, but decent; let it definitely have compartments for both small and large bills. If you do spend a decent amount on a wallet, you can be sure that this money will quickly return to you, and, moreover, it will increase.
Based on materials from,