Famous American writers of the 19th century. American writers

The dream of an ideal car haunts many people. Some “save a pretty penny,” others go into debt, and some get down to business with their own hands! Each of the subsequent cars is made with feeling, a bit of humor, and most importantly, emphasizes the individuality of its creator!
The Internet is full of all sorts of quirky antics of car lovers, and indeed, this is where you can find unexpected decisions and unique approaches! We have selected several of them. So, the top 10 most unusual cars in the world!

Lawn on wheels

Dreams of being close to nature can come true even in an urban environment. You, of course, can plant your plot with beautiful and ever-living greenery. But you definitely can’t take all this with you!
Some turned out to be smarter and decided to take all the wealth of nature with them! Thus, the “Grass Car” was born, and it is indeed covered from bumper to roof with real grass. I wonder if it needs to be watered too?
The Japanese can boast of wooden and bamboo cars, which, by the way, are for sale. You will obviously have to suffer less with them! True, they can only accelerate to 40–80 km/h.

Transparent Nissan

You may have seen this ad from oil giant Shell Helix Ultra. How is it related to the famous car brand “Nissan”? It’s very simple, both “celebrities” decided to support each other, and the product of their labors was a transparent car that could easily demonstrate the quality of car oil!
The work of this ghostly model can be seen in the video, which, by the way, lasts only 30 seconds.

For creative people there are no boundaries! So artist Kelly Liles took a creative approach to upgrading her car. An ordinary, unremarkable Honda has become a kind of podium for displaying all the fashionable things. Clothes, shoes, glasses, jewelry, handbags are “stuck” here... That’s for sure - I carry everything I own with me!
As Keliya herself, who lives in Seattle (and this is a very rainy city), says, her car brings that little bit of joy and color into gray everyday life. It is noteworthy that the artist is not going to stop there, because in fact she has been continuing to create such unusual cars for about 20 years. Let's wish her good luck!

Lego car

The world knows many different things that people have managed to assemble from ordinary Lego puzzles. But now the time has come to take on something bigger!
So, we can observe two unusual creations! First, it's luxurious racing car Ferrari brand. It took 80,000 Lego bricks to create. The most interesting fact is that he really drives!
The second traveling creation was a homemade pneumatic car, which two enthusiasts from Australia and Romania managed to put together. They gave their project a name - Super Awesome Micro Project. The car moves with the help of a 256-piston pneumatic engine, accelerating to a speed of 28 kilometers per hour.

Porsche fake

There really is the slowest Porsche in the world, but it’s not at all due to the creators’ mistakes, rather it’s because of their... creativity!
The fact is that it doesn’t have... an engine! At the heart of the car is an elongated four-wheeled bicycle. Great trainer! In addition, some have a chance to ride their dream at least a little, although they will have to work hard! The external gloss of the car is also deceptive. The body is made of plastic tubes wrapped with gold tape. Well! Now we know the secret of “success”.

Fantasy books give us ideas about different unusual things! Movies show us unreal transformers. However, as they say, everything is in the hands of man!
So our driver made his own amphibious car, which can easily compete with both ordinary cars and boats. The interior doors are designed to keep water out. A very convenient thing, especially when you need to get somewhere urgently or take a girl on a boat trip! Externally, the car strongly resembles a pleasure boat.
Some were so brave that they designed a snowmobile car. True, they need very little - wait until winter!

Cars shaped like shoes

Let's get back to the topic of fancy cars! Another way to stand out and promote walking in a beautiful and stylish shoes cars become in the form of shoes!
Let's say the car is a shoe. Beautiful bright red stiletto! Car-boot! Sneaker car. It's definitely perfect for fans. sports shoes Reebok.

Giant jeep

The prototype of this jeep is the classic military vehicle Jeep Willys. But the owner wanted something bigger! So, the dimensions were proportionally increased four times, and as a result this giant was born.
By the way, the owner of this very jeep is Sheikh Hamad bin Hamdan al Nahyan, a member royal family Dhabi in the UAE. The most interesting thing is that this monster weighing 4.4 tons also drives!
This is someone who can definitely become a conqueror of the peaks and expanses of the Earth - the means allow it.

SUV from Kyiv

Thus, our close neighbors also became famous. Kiev resident Alexander Chuvpilin with his son whole year dedicated to collecting various spare parts from other cars in order to create their own “baby”, whose name is “Bison”.
Ukrainian compatriots came out with a huge car with a 4-liter engine with a capacity of 137–140 horsepower. The total speed it can reach is 120 kilometers per hour. Fuel consumption in mixed mode for this car is 15 liters per 100 km.
A big and pleasant plus is that the SUV interior has three rows of seats that can accommodate nine people. Well done!

September 24 is the 120th anniversary of the birth of one of the most famous American writers, Francis Scott Fitzgerald. It is also one of the most difficult to understand, although at first the reader’s eye and mind are blinded by the brilliance of the parties described, behind it lie deep moral and social problems. The editors of YUGA.ru, together with the “Read-Gorod” bookstore chain, have selected six more iconic works for this date that will help you look at America and Americans with different eyes.

"The Great Gatsby" - great novel, but there is no greatness either in the life or in the soul of his main character, there are only sparkling illusions, “which give the world such color that, having experienced this magic, a person becomes indifferent to the concept of true and false.” The wealthy millionaire Jay Gatsby had already lost them and, along with them, lost the opportunity to again feel the taste of life and love - and yet all their treasures were at his feet.

The reader is presented with the America of Prohibition, gangsters, playmakers and brilliant parties to the music of Duke Ellington. That very “jazz age,” a magnificent age when it still seemed that all desires would come true, and you could get a star from the sky without even standing on your tiptoes.

The portrait of the main character of the "Trilogy of Desire" series, Frank Cowperwood, is largely based on a real-life person, millionaire Charles Yerkes, and in the last few years, viewers around the world have been following the life of central figure series " House of cards", Frank Underwood. It can be assumed that the president even borrowed the name “great and terrible” from the character created by Dreiser. His whole life revolves around success, he is a prudent financier and builds his empire, using everything and everyone for his own purposes. That’s right, " Financier", is the name of the first novel of the trilogy, where we see how the personality of a prudent businessman was formed, who is ready, without hesitation, to step over the law and moral principles, if they become an obstacle on his way.

The most acutely social and accusatory book ever written in the USA and about the USA, “The Grapes of Wrath” affects the reader, perhaps, no less than Solzhenitsyn’s texts. The cult novel was first published in 1939, received a Pulitzer Prize, and the author himself was awarded Nobel Prize on literature. A portrait of a nation during one of the most difficult periods in history, the Great Depression, is painted through the story of a farming family who, after going bankrupt, are forced to uproot and seek food on a grueling journey across the country on that same "Route 66". Like thousands, hundreds of thousands of other people, they go for illusory hope to sunny California, but even greater difficulties, hunger and death await them.

451° Fahrenheit is the temperature at which paper ignites. Bradbury's philosophical dystopia paints a picture post-industrial society: this is the world of the future, in which all written publications are mercilessly destroyed by a special squad of firefighters, the possession of books is prosecuted by law, interactive television successfully serves to fool everyone, punitive psychiatry decisively deals with rare dissidents, and an electric dog comes out to hunt for incorrigible dissidents. Today, in Russia in 2016, the relevance of the novel published in 1953 (already 63 years ago!) is greater than ever - in different parts of the country, home-grown censors are raising their heads who seek to limit freedom of speech precisely by destroying and banning books.

Jack London's life was as romantic - at least when viewed through some lyrical lens - and eventful as his novels, and Martin Eden is considered the pinnacle of his work. This work is about a man who achieved recognition of his talent by society, but was deeply disappointed in the respectable bourgeois stratum that finally accepted him. In the words of the writer himself, this is “the tragedy of a loner trying to instill the truth in the world.” A truly timeless work and a hero whose feelings are understandable to readers on any continent and in any era.

One of the most difficult to understand, but at the same time incredibly interesting and multifaceted authors, Kurt Vonnegut wrote, mixing genres and always leaving the reader with uncertainty - what exactly did he just read, was it an appeal to himself through the pages of a book and What are we even talking about here? In “Breakfast for Champions,” the author surprisingly subtly and accurately destroys stereotypes of perception, showing us man and life on Earth with a detached look, looking as if from another planet, where they don’t know what an apple or a weapon is. Main character, writer Kilgore Trout is both the author's alter ego and his interlocutor, he is about to get literary prize. At the same time, someone who reads his novel (the character, Dwayne Hoover, was played by Bruce Willis in the 1999 film adaptation) slowly goes crazy, taking everything written in it at face value and losing touch with reality - as he begins to doubt the reader is also in it.

In John Updike's first novel in the Rabbit series, Harry Engstrom - and this is precisely his nickname - is a young man for whom the rose-colored glasses of his youth have already been broken by the inexorable reality. From the school star basketball team he became a husband and father, forced to work in a supermarket to provide for his family. He is unable to come to terms with this and goes on the run. Updike and Kerouac seem to be talking about the same people, but in different tones - so those who have read the latter’s work “On the Road” will be interested in moving from beatnik literature to complex psychological prose, and those who have not read it will undoubtedly get a lot pleasure, switching attention and plunging even deeper into the same topic.