Aliens from Star Wars. Five Star Wars Aliens You Can Find in Real Life



Home planet: Ando (Planet)

Notable Representatives: Ponda Baba, the troublemaker from the Cantina in Mos Eisley

The Akuala race is divided into two subspecies: Kuara (with five-fingered limbs), and Akuala (with flippers instead of hands and feet).

Akuala are known for their aggressiveness, hostility, instability and great physical strength. The Kuara and the Akuala experience racial hatred towards each other and are in a constant state of war, the reason for which was the decline in the supply of valuable Andoan mineral fish.

The Akual's first contact with other races occurred when Duro's reconnaissance ship landed on Ando. Having concluded a truce, the Quara and Acquala united against the crew, captured and studied the ship. Having built their own fleet, A. set off to conquer neighboring planets and systems, but were quickly defeated by the Old Republic and disarmed.

The Akquala easily integrated into galactic society and spread across many worlds, finding employment as bodyguards, tax collectors, assassins, and criminals. The Akuala are represented in the Senate of the Old Republic.


Home planet: Not exactly known. Commonly called Anzat

Representatives of the Anzati race are completely human in appearance. The main features of Anzati are their unique diet - they are predators and feed on the brains of representatives of other races - and the presence of a pair of grasping tentacles intended for feeding, which are hidden in the cheek pouches. All Anzati also have telepathy and hypnosis. Life expectancy is several centuries. Maturity occurs at about 100 years of age.

The Anzati are almost unexplored by other races: expeditions sent to a world believed to be Anzat disappeared without a trace. Many consider the Anzati to be fiction and legend. The limited evidence of the Anzati suggests that they live alone, infiltrating galactic society under the guise of humans, and returning to their homeland only to mate and reproduce.


Home planet: Kona

Notable Representatives: Sai Trimba - friend of Obi-Wan Kenobi.

The planet Kona is deserted: it is very hot and there is almost no water. Its atmosphere is filled with ammonia vapor. Outside of it, Arconians must take a drug called “ammonium dactyl crystals.”

The Arkonian body is very susceptible to salt, which causes drug addiction in them. Smugglers and criminals of other races actively take advantage of this feature of the Arkonian body, illegally supplying them with salt in exchange for precious metals. Externally, salt addiction is expressed in a change in skin color to darker and eye color from green to gold. In addition, salt greatly increases the Arkonians' need for dactyl.

Arconians hatch from eggs and perceive all their relatives as one organism. We always refer to ourselves as “we,” even if there is only one member of the race present. On their home planet they live in caves.


Home planet unknown.

Well-known representatives: Kud "ar Mub" at, Blancavizo (Organ-Accountant)

The Assembler is a huge, about 3 meters tall, arachnid creature with a large large body and six legs. Supposedly there is a single copy.

The Assembler lives in a giant web structure that is simultaneously a starship, a home, and part of the Assembler's body. Various devices can be connected to the web, be it engines, weapons or life support systems, allowing representatives of other races to be in it without danger to life. The assembler tends to eat all living things that are not of interest or use, including intelligent beings.

For the convenience of managing the web, the assembler creates autonomous organs for itself. To keep them under control, the assembler gives them exactly the mental and physical capabilities needed to complete the task assigned to them. However, nodes are able to improve their abilities and form their own personalities. Having received its own will, the organ prefers to hide its newfound independence from the assembler in order to one day destroy or leave it and become an assembler itself.

The most famous, if not the only, assembler is Qud'ar Mub'at. He collaborated extensively with criminal organizations and bounty hunters, including Boba Fett.



Home planet: Clark Dor VII


Main article: Nerds

A race of woolly humanoids, human-sized, from the planet Bothavui (Botavium in some versions). During the Galactic Civil War, they helped the rebels by scouting the plans of the Empire. Their spy skills are known throughout the Galaxy.



Home Planet: Kashyyyk

Wookies (English wookie) are aborigines from the planet Kashyyyk. He is over 2 meters tall. During the Clone Wars they were on the side of the Republic, and also helped the Rebels during the Galactic Civil War. Famous representatives include Chewbacca and his nephew Lowbacca, who later became a Jedi Knight. Wookiees did not originate naturally, they appeared as a result of an experiment with vegetation carried out on their planet by the ancient Rakata race




The Gungans are aborigines from the planet Naboo. They are divided into two types. Notable Representatives: Jar Jar Binks and Boss Nass.


Jawas live in the desert in small clans, about 300 individuals. Each clan has a small squad of warriors armed with ion blasters. Half the clan lives and works in sandcrawlers, which they use to travel across the desert and sell droids and equipment to farmers. The second half lives in fortresses, where the bulk of the goods are concentrated. These fortresses have high walls made from large pieces of old destroyed spaceships for protection against Tuskens and Krait dragons. They collect equipment from the desert or occasionally steal from people.

Once a year, before the storm season, all the Jawas gather in one of the bays of the Dune Sea in a giant flea market, where they exchange various news and goods, make marriages, deals and bets. Jawas' marriages are the same business, which is why brides and grooms are collectively called "marriage goods." In general, trading among members of the Jawas is considered a very useful business practice, since it ensures the diversity of the bloodlines of their families.

In Episode IV, one of the Jawas found C-3PO and R2-D2 and sold them to Luke Skywalker's uncle, Owen Lars.

The Jawa language in films was created by speeding up Zulu speech. However, Star Wars: Battlefront and Star Wars: Battlefront II also use Spanish: "Arriba, Arriba!"


Yerkchi. Grayish-brownish creatures with bad breath. They have telekinesis.



The Zabrak are a humanoid that closely resembles a human. The main planet is Iridonia, but the Zabrak have colonized other planets. There are 3-4 pairs of small bone processes on the head. The Zabrak race included Ith Kott, Bao-Dur, Agen Kolar and Darth Maul.



The Ithorians are a mammalian species of intelligent life that inhabits the planet Ithor in the Ottega system. In appearance, they are very similar to terrestrial hammerfish; the uniqueness of this race is immediately visible if only by the fact that each Ithorian has two mouths located on both sides of the neck. For this reason, their native language, based on this phenomenon, cannot be studied or reproduced, so Ithorians traveling outside their home planet are forced to study the galactic language...

Ithor itself is a lush, tropical world where high technology and nature exist in harmony. Therefore, its inhabitants live in floating cities called “ships of the herd”, where all individuals are obliged to obey the commands of their captains, exactly as on a real ship. These "cities" float above the surface of the earth without landing, so as not to cause damage to the planet as much as possible. Each ship has many levels, and all of them are centers of trade, culture and industry.

Mimicking the planet's environment, each vessel is equipped with an interior jungle, man-made storms, humid atmosphere, vegetation, and wildlife.

Once every five years, "courts of herds" gather at a randomly selected location where the Ithorians celebrate, debate, and vote on planetary issues affecting the entire race. The Ithorians themselves love to travel to other worlds in caravans, trade and learn new things, the best from other peoples.




Humans are the main population of the galaxy, the most developed race. Today it is known that the constant body temperature in humans is +36.6 °C. Humans originate from the planet Coruscant, but it is believed that humans originate from other planets as well.



The Mandalorians are a human civilization made famous by the Mandalorian Wars, which took place 4,000 years before the New Republic. The most famous Mandalorians are Mandalore the Great, Canderous Ordo, Jango and Boba Fett. Mandalorians consider it an honor to die in battle, they also respect strength and usually do not hold hatred towards the victorious.


The only representative of this race appearing in the Star Wars universe is Visas Marr (a female Miraluca, a student of Darth Nihilus), as well as the dark Jedi Jerec. Miralukas, who look exactly like humans but are blind from birth, have a great connection to the power that allows them to see. Since the entire universe is filled with power, their gift is more perfect than any sight. A greater connection to the force helps Miralukas master many of the Jedi disciplines. They make excellent defenders of justice.


The indigenous inhabitants of the planet Bendomir are short and gray-haired. A race close to human. Early explorers found them an underdeveloped race with a primitive social system, unprepared for contact with the galactic republic. They never controlled Bendomir's mining operations, and only received a tiny share of the profits, even when the Republic recognized these people as the sole owner of the planet's resources. Over time, the Meerians' respiratory systems adapted to the smoky conditions caused by barbaric mining. Their lungs are able to filter out some toxic substances, and their hair began to form from metal particles.

Mon Calamari and Quarren

If Geonosians evoke strong associations with insects, then the inhabitants of the planet Mon Calamari are associated with mollusks (not to say even more precisely, with squids).

Two races live on the same planet: the Mon Calamari and the Quarren. The first are idealists and dreamers, the second are pragmatists and realists. The Quarren developed in the depths of the planet's ocean, so when they rose to the surface and were surprised to find more advanced relatives, the first thing they did was attack them.

The Calamari at that time already had more advanced intelligence and technology. When it became obvious that after some time they would completely exterminate their smaller brothers, the humanity of the Calamari prompted them to undertake a grandiose social experiment. They took the young Quarren and raised them in accordance with the basics of civilization, teaching them mathematics, philosophy and other sciences. When the wise youngsters returned to their parents, instead of hatred, they felt respect for those living on the surface of the planet.

Having made peace, they began to cooperate. Thus, the Mon Calamari living on the coast took on the functions of engineers and inventors, which most suited their nature, and the Quarren, who prefer the depths, mine metals and bring the ideas of another race to life. One of the results of this kind of symbiosis is the creation of a unique fleet of research vessels.

Representatives:Admiral Akbar


Mustafarians are an intelligent race of humanoids living on the volcanic planet Mustafar. Mustafarians had long noses and their foreheads were sloping. There were two subspecies of this race: one was taller and thinner, living in the northern hemisphere of the planet, the other subspecies was shorter, stockier and more tolerant of the planet's climate, laborers inhabiting the southern hemisphere. The Mustafarians evolved from anthropoids, whose natural habitat was not the same as the present one, but cooler. They lived in the voids and caves of the inactive volcanoes of Mustafar. After global climate change, Mustafarians had to redo their entire way of life. To protect their bodies from hot lava flows and fumes, the Mustafarians made themselves a kind of clothing-armor from the chitinous coating of Mustafar's lava fleas. For movement, the same fleas were used, which helped move through wide lava rivers. Even without protective armor, the Mustafarian's skin was tough enough to withstand a normal blaster bolt.



In addition to the Hutts, the Trade Federation, led by the Neimoidians, has also been involved in illegal activities for a long time. Although they are bold and aggressive in financial matters, in reality they turn out to be cowardly, greedy and self-interested.

This mentality is greatly facilitated by the first years of life of Neimoidians, who are born as larvae, who are placed in closed hives with a limited amount of food, clearly not enough for everyone to survive. Naturally, fierce competition arises, as a result of which all weak individuals die. When the larvae reach seven years of age, they emerge from the hives, having learned the fear of death and developed accumulative abilities, as well as the desire to protect what they have stolen at all costs.

In Neimoidian society, evidence of wealth is an indicator of personal status. That's why Neimoidians wear particularly elaborate clothes: expensive dresses and luxurious headdresses. High-ranking officials can spend unimaginable sums on things like a useless mechanical chair that only emphasizes the owner's status.


Of all the creatures in the Hutt's service, none are the most cruel and, perhaps, the most dangerous creatures. Being reptilians divided into five different races, each with unique characteristics, the Nikto evolved due to the intense natural radiation of their home world, a planet orbiting the dying star M'dweshu.

All nobodies, no matter what race they belong to, have obsidian-colored black eyes, reflexively protected by transparent membranes when their owner falls under water and in a storm. Nobodies have leathery, reptilian skin and various kinds of horns or spines. Although these races are different, they are genetically completely compatible and can interbreed.

When astronomers discovered the M'dweshu system, a strange and terrible cult was flourishing there, demanding a hecatomb of victims in order to make the dying star live with their blood. Hundreds of thousands of people fell at the hands of the priests or as a result of religious wars slaughtered by fanatics. Only the intervention of the space fleet of Jaba the Hutt, who destroyed the main Temple and the citadel of the cultists, was able to stop the endless fratricidal war. In gratitude for this, no one joined the enslaving agreement, which placed them in the position of servants of the Hutt and his supporters.


Planet Khonogr A humanoid race of medium height, gray in color. Many of the Noghri are excellent fighters, even considered the best in the Galaxy, and are very loyal. For many years they served Darth Vader (who forced them to obey him with lies), and later Grand Admiral Thrawn. Leia Organa Solo freed them from service to the Empire. Subsequently, until her old age, Princess Leia was always accompanied by at least two Noghri as bodyguards.





The Rakata are a once highly developed race that managed to conquer almost the entire galaxy in about 25,000 years. But their unimaginable power and cruelty led to discontent and then riots of the captured peoples (slaves). Marking the boundaries of their empire, Star Maps were placed on the outer planets, leading to the Rakata's greatest creation - the Star Forge. It was on these maps that Darth Revan found the Star Forge (the maps were located on the planets Dantooine, Tatooine, Manaan, Korriban and Kashyyyk. It is believed that the Rakata Empire fell due to an epidemic of the disease, but this is not a fact. This race was also susceptible to the Force .


Creatures with pimply green skin, compound eyes, a flexible snout, pointed ears, small antenna horns on the head and long fingers ending in suction cups. Greedy and immoral, Rodians do not enjoy the slightest trust or respect of other races. On their home planet of Rodia, they were the most aggressive hunters, and when they exterminated all other living species, they began to exterminate each other, and when they entered the expanses of the galaxy, many Rodians became hired killers.

Although the history of the Rodians is marked by numerous and brutal inter-clan wars, they have a rich culture. At some point in their lives, realizing that they were heading towards self-destruction, the Rodians decided to act out violence on stage without killing anyone. The early plays were little more than mock battles, but later generations developed Rodian drama into a real art. Rodians are first-rate dramatic actors, and their performances are prized throughout the galaxy.

The most famous representative of the race is Greedo, who was killed on Tatooine by Han Solo in the film A New Hope. Rodians are one of the playable races in the online game Star Wars: Galaxies.


Sullustians (Sullustians, Sullustians)


Famous People: Ahsoka Tano


Creatures inhabiting the planet Togoria. In Ann Crispin's book Han Solo and All the Traps of Heaven, they are described as very tall, panther-like creatures. Most representatives are more than two meters tall, covered with hair, and have developed muscles. The main occupation of men is hunting, and they use the flying reptiles Mosgoths as mounts. Togorian women are renowned for their technical prowess. Once a year, men return to the cities to mate. Very often, Togorians become pirates and hired killers.


A race of two-legged lizards from the planet Trandonshan. Known for their extreme, unreasonable aggressiveness. Representatives of this race extremely hate the Wookiee race. From time to time they earn extra money by robberies, slave trading, and mercenary work. The most famous representatives: Bossk, Kradossk. Trandoshans can see in the infrared spectrum (Darth Bane: Path of Destruction novel)


In contrast to the clothing-averse Twi'leks, the Tuskens - mutant nomads living in the deserts of Tatooine, also known as the "Tusken Bandits" or "Sand People of Tatooine" - completely hide their bodies under heavy, thick clothes, wrapping their heads in rag strips, securing them breathing mask and safety glasses. Seeing a Tusken's face, especially without his consent, is a terrible and deadly insult. The sex of the child, recorded at birth, is taken into account only at weddings, at which, during a special ritual, the blood of two sand people is mixed with the blood of their bantha. And only after this, in a separate tent, completely secluded from anyone else, the newlyweds can see each other’s true appearance.

The Tuskens have a truly mystical connection with their banthas, huge animals that vaguely resemble earthly yaks and mammoths. The Tusken, who has lost his bantha, becomes an outcast, and the bantha, whose rider has died, falls into a depressive psychosis and is released into the sands forever.

In general, sand people are extremely aggressive, often for no apparent reason (in this regard, it is enough to remember that the very name “Tusken robbers” appeared after they brutally destroyed Fort Tusken, built by settlers on their sacred land), but, despite this, they firmly adhere to deeply rooted customs. For example, young riders are required to prove their maturity by passing tests, the most severe of which requires tracking down and slaying a krayt dragon.

Since the sand people do not have a written language, the storyteller is the most respected in the Tusken clan. He knows the life story of each member of the clan, he knows the history of the entire clan. The storyteller is required to memorize verbatim, which eliminates any possibility of misinterpretation of the story or its distortion. A single mispronounced word during a story means a death sentence for the storyteller.

In the area of ​​material well-being, Tusken nomads do not build any permanent shelters and keep few possessions. According to the social hierarchy, the “sand people” do not make any distinction between men and women: both of them live, fulfilling all customs and traditions in full force. The Tusken language is, for the most part, an unintelligible combination of consonants and angry growls.

Sand people stay away from moisture-collecting farms; only occasionally do they attack the most remote settlements. Some scientists claim the organic origin of Tuskens, but autopsies of a few dead bodies did not confirm such a hypothesis.



A race of lizard-like creatures with green skin. They inhabit the planet Falien. One of the famous representatives is Xizor


Indigenous inhabitants of the planet Findar. Clumsy humanoids with long arms reaching to the knees. Average height is 1.7 meters. The skin is dark, sometimes with white spots and white circles around the yellow eyes. Phindians have a cultural trait that the rest of the galaxy finds irritating, in their conversations they love exaggeration, sarcasm and often avoid the main topic. They are also known for their sincere affection for family and friends. When parting, they hug three times - once in grief from parting, the second from joy that the friendship will continue and the third in the hope of a new meeting. One famous representative is Guerra Derida, friend of Obi-Wan Kenobi


A humanoid race from the planet Firrere. The Dark Jedi Lord Hethrir belonged to this race.



The Hutts are a race of long-lived gastropods. They originated on the planet Varl, but later began to consider Nal Hutta their home. The most famous representatives are Jabba the Hutt and Gardulla the Hutt, mentioned in both the original trilogy and the prequel.





A race of humanoids from uncharted regions. They are similar in appearance to humans, but differ in their blue-black hair color and bright red eyes. The average life expectancy is not known exactly, but what is certain is that at the age of 10 years, Chiss reach full age and sexual maturity, which is 2 times faster than humans. They have a great predisposition to logical thinking and attention. As a result, the Chiss are very good strategists and tacticians, but they very strictly punish preemptive strikes against an unprepared enemy. The Grand Admiral of the Sindic Empire, Mitt-raw-naruodo, or the more common name Grand Admiral Thrawn, belonged to the Chiss race. The Chiss have their own state in uncharted regions, which is ruled by ruling dynasties.

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In 1947, commercial aviation pilot Kenneth Arnold reported to US law enforcement that he saw a group of nine flying objects flying in a V formation over Mount Rainier, Washington. Describing flying machines, he compared their shape to a saucer, giving rise to one of the most common ufological clichés - “flying saucers.” The case received wide publicity in the media, and since then, “aliens” have entered the lives of the population of the United States, and of all humanity. Soon, eyewitness accounts or even victims of alien guests will pour in like a cornucopia, and this, of course, will not pass by the Hollywood bigwigs. For the premiere of Prometheus, FURFUR explores the evolution of the alien in cinema - from 1902 to the present day.

The first alien films

Strictly speaking, the first documented appearance of alien characters on movie screens can be considered the film by Georges Meslier - “A Trip to the Moon” in 1902. Yes, yes, the same one, the soundtrack to which was recently released by the French Air. There, a landing party of academicians with canes landing on the Moon stumbles in a cave upon aggressive aborigines - Selenites, vaguely reminiscent of Dr. Zoidberg invented by Matt Groning. The aliens, who moved briskly on all fours, were played by professional acrobats.

It is worth saying that the image of the alien from this film, which seemed touching after 110 years, nevertheless turned out to be the first conceptual model of an alien creature for many years. In other films of the silent era, for example the Soviet "Aelita", the Martians look no different from people, and their extraterrestrial origin is marked only by bizarre futuristic outfits.

"A Trip to the Moon"

« Skyship"




The real "first wave" of alien films began in the fifties after World War II. The burgeoning American cinema began churning out films about alien invaders in large quantities - however, all of them can now safely be classified as category B. Along with zombies, ghouls and other evil spirits, the aliens reflected man's ancient fear of the unknown and therefore were perfect for filming low-budget horror films.

Just read these wonderful titles, which will surely make Tarantino’s heart warm - “Devil Girl from Mars”, “Killers from Space”, “Earth vs. Flying Saucers”, “Evil Red Planet”, “It! Horror from Space." Of course, the technical capabilities were still very weak, and the budgets were small, so the aliens were often still portrayed as ordinary “homo sapiens,” dressed in the way costume designers understood Martian fashion.

Sometimes attempts to mold a person into an alien with minimal effort led to quite comical results, even for the contemporaries of these films - as, for example, the guys with bulging eyes, as if bought at the nearest toy store, in “Killers from Space.”

However, it was during this decade that the first truly interesting images were created - creepy scaly thugs subordinate to a golden head with tentacles (“Aliens from Mars”), a strange mask in a spacesuit that would be the envy of earthly maniacs from the slasher films that appeared later (“Alien from Mars”). Planet X"), and Godzilla's predecessor - a huge dinosaur-like monster that destroys cars and lamp posts ("20 million miles from Earth").

« The Day the Earth Stood Still"

"Alien from Planet X"

"Flight to Mars"

"Invaders from Mars"

"Alien from Outer Space"

"Devil Girl from Mars"

"Killers from Space"

"Island Earth"

"Forbidden Planet"

"Aliens in Tokyo"

"Queen of Venus"

"Battle in Space"



The sixties can safely be considered an era of stagnation in films about aliens. Interestingly, the topic of traveling to other planets in these years began to be explored by serious directors - Tarkovsky’s “Solaris” and Kubrick’s “2001: A Space Odyssey” were released. However, in both films the alien intelligence was presented in a metaphysical form - a huge ocean or a square “monolith” of impenetrable black color.

By the way, in 1968 another film was released, which became a cult and doomed to not very high-quality remakes - “Planet of the Apes”. But this parable about primates managing the planet also falls a little out of the classical tradition of ufological cinema. Numerous B-movies continued to be produced, but the image of the alien did not undergo a fundamental evolution in the hippie decade.

As an example of the degradation of this image due to the lack of new ideas, we can safely cite the film “Green Slime” (1968), where hostile alien bloodsuckers were depicted as strange and ridiculous as possible.

"Monster Starship"

"Ghost Planet"

« Journey to the seventh planet"

« Planet of the Vampires"

"Planet of Warrior Women"

« Barbarella. Queen of the Galaxy"



But the sixties were replaced by a new decade, and it was during this period that the movie about aliens experienced a real rebirth. A revolutionary revolution occurred in the second half of the seventies thanks to two young directors - George Lucas and Steven Spielberg, then just over thirty years old. In 1977, Spielberg's film Close Encounters of the Third Kind was released, where for the first time the canonical image of an alien with a puny, undeveloped body, a large oval head and large eyes was used.

The same image, with minor modifications, will be used in the cult “E.T. Before filming the film, Spielberg actively consulted with NASA employees, as well as with those “eyewitnesses” who came into contact with extraterrestrial intelligence, and it was from their words that the image of Zeta was created (this is how amateur ufologists classify gray humanoids). However, there is an opinion that this image was copied from the illustrations of the Indian cinematographer and writer Satyajit Ray, who even reproached (however, without serious complaints) the American for plagiarism. In the absence of reliable evidence, we will leave this version simply as an interesting fact.

However, Spielberg was out of luck. In the same year, 1977, the first Star Wars came out (episode 4 - A New Hope) and in a kind of battle for space they simply defeated Contacts. Seven Oscars versus two, $775 million worldwide versus about 300 for Contact, and this despite the fact that the Star Wars budget was almost half that ($11 million versus $20).

We all know what happened with Star Wars - the universe created by Lucas gave the world about 60 different species of aliens and spawned an army of fanatical fans, becoming a real pop culture phenomenon XX century. However, like “Star Trek,” which we deliberately did not mention, “Star Wars” occupies a separate niche, belonging more to the so-called subgenre of “space opera” (so called by analogy with “soap opera”) rather than “ movies about aliens."

But Ridley Scott's Alien, released in 1979, continues the tradition of alien horror. Hollywood producers for a long time did not want to take on this project, considering it too bloody and cruel for the mainstream format, and an incredible amount of animal entrails, pig brains and red-dyed water were used during filming. And, it should be noted, it turned out really creepy - “Alien” can perhaps be considered the first truly scary film about aliens, which appealed to the mass audience, and not just grindhouse fans.

The body of an adult Alien is a real work of art, created from plasticine, snakes and cooling pipes from a Rolls-Royce. The Alien's head, which, by the way, was created by Carlo Rambaldi, who also worked in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, has about 900 moving parts. And a fragment of a real human skull was used as the face hidden under the monster’s elongated head. The 218cm tall Nigerian student who played the Alien took a short course in tai chi and mime acting in order to reproduce the Alien's original style of movement.

« Youths in the Universe"

« Close Encounters of the Third Kind"

« Star Wars. Episode IV"


« Buck Rogers in the 25th Century"

« Star Trek"



So, we can safely say that at the turn of the seventies and eighties XX century, there was a final transition of films about aliens from the marginal genre to the cultural mainstream, with a corresponding increase in budgets and technologies and the development of costumes and special effects. However, this cannot be said that this makes most of these films better.

The eighties were characterized by the fact that trash generally moved closer to the mainstream, and producers became more willing to give money to projects that previously would not have had any chance. The theme of space and its inhabitants really gained great popularity, and the world saw a number of Hollywood films with budgets that, whatever one may say, were not tiny at that time ($10–20 million).

“Space Hunter”, “Ice Pirates”, “The Last Starfighter”, and also David Lynch’s “Dune” and so on - despite decent, in the spirit of the times, special effects and sometimes even unhackneyed plots, all these films can hardly be classified as “meaningful”, and these days they can only bring back fond memories of pirated VHS. In fairness, it should be noted that by that time the aliens had learned to do almost everything and left several interesting images for posterity.

In 1987, “Predator” was released, another film where close attention was paid to the image of the alien antagonist. Chasing a squad of commandos through the Mexican jungle, the Predator is an agile and strong humanoid, endowed with an arsenal of high-tech weapons, no less dangerous than the Alien. It’s not for nothing that a film will be made in the 2000s where these characters will collide in mortal combat. And in general, the image has degenerated into a full-fledged franchise, the last part of which - the 2010 film with Adrien Brody and Oleg Taktarov, suggests that it was probably time to close it a long time ago.

"Star Wars. Episode V"

"Flash Gordon"

"Guests from the Galaxy"

"Forbidden World"


« Star Wars. Episode VI"

"Naked Space"

"The Last Starfighter"

"The Thing from Titan"

« Invaders from Mars"

"Mac and Me"

« Critters"



The nineties were remembered, in addition to all sorts of continuations of already successful franchises (Star Wars, Alien, Predator), for the appearance of really expensive blockbusters about aliens. Roland Emmerich released Stargate and Independence Day (1994 and 1996, respectively) within two years of each other, only in the second of which we saw an alien that looked like a huge mollusk.

In 1997, the first “Men in Black” was released, praised by critics of all stripes as a surprisingly stylish and subtle work for an alien movie, with successful gags, a good dose of irony over the realities of the United States and, of course, excellent special effects. In the frame one could see a bunch of curious types of aliens; the main protagonist was a huge disgusting cockroach.

It would be unfair for us to neglect Luc Besson's The Fifth Element (1997), the most expensive film made outside of Hollywood at the time of its release. In addition to the, in general, already quite trivial by that time ugly humanoid security forces, the film gave the world the image of a beautiful-voiced blue-skinned maiden, clearly reminiscent, however, of one of the characters in the Star Wars universe.

"Dead space"


"Mars attacks!"

"Fifth Element"

« Starship Troopers"

"Secret materials"



The 2000s were marked by a huge portion of remakes of old science fiction films - “Solaris”, “Planet of the Apes”, “The Day the Earth Stood Still” were remade, franchises continued to advance from all sides (one “Starship Troopers” was released as many as two parts). As a truly strong remake, which, perhaps, completely eclipsed the original (for those who still remembered it), we can highlight “War of the Worlds” in 2005. Huge alien machines on three legs emitting alarm signals, Tom Cruise running in a panic, a life-affirming happy ending - this film can easily be called one of the “biggest” films about aliens in the past decade.

It’s even a little awkward to call James Cameron’s “Avatar” a film about aliens, but I have to. Huge blue humanoids with a kind heart are an unusual image, if only because they finally act as victims of aggressive homo sapiens, and not vice versa. In the same 2009, another fundamentally new film for the genre was released - “District No. 9” by the unknown South African director Neill Blomkamp, ​​who skillfully dissects all the delights of apartheid that historically took place in South Africa, except that the black population in it is replaced by insectoid aliens stranded in Cape Town.

"Space Watch"

"Alien Apocalypse"

"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"

"War of the Worlds"

"Alien vs. Predator"

"Mutants: Twenty-Third Century"

"The Day the Earth Stood Still"


"District number 9"

"Battle of Los Angeles"

"Super 8"

"Gender: The Secret Material"


« Men in Black 3"


Now the third part of the “Men in Black” franchise has already been released, but more sophisticated fans of alien themes are already thinking about “Prometheus,” the new brainchild of Ridley Scott, who has long since acquired regalia. It was he who once in his youth took on the “too bloody” project “Alien” and made it into a cult space horror.

But at the moment we can say that there are simply fewer films about aliens. After so many decades of use, popular clichés have become a little worn out, and the mass audience is preoccupied with the problems of their own planet, never expecting an invasion from outer space. But the final decline of the genre is unlikely to threaten, because scientists have recently several times found signs of possible favorable conditions for the existence of living organisms in our solar system, the number of evidence of people abducted or seeing UFOs has hardly decreased, and farmers from the southern United States are still not may explain the mysterious crop circles.

These huge beasts debuted with the release of Star Wars and have been popping up every now and then ever since. They look an awful lot like woolly mammoths, an extinct species that once roamed the northern hemisphere. Like mammoths, banthas have powerful tusks and a long, shaggy coat - although they do not have trunks.

And this is strange, not really. Woolly mammoths flourished during the last ice age, when huge sheets of ice came from the Arctic and covered North America and northern Europe. The enormous size of mammoths and their thick skin helped them stay warm in cold climates.

In contrast, banthas live on the desert planet Tatooine. We didn't see a thermometer on the screen, but it was clearly hot there and there weren't any snowflakes in sight. The bows must overheat. The only conclusion left is that they were brought from somewhere else, perhaps Hoth, or that someone bred them for their fur.

Speaking of the icy expanses of Hoth, its native tauntauns were used as beasts of burden by the rebels in The Empire Strikes Back.

They have thick fur and a dirty white color - which makes sense given the snowy landscape in which they live. But they don't seem very comfortable for people to ride.

Almost all animals that people ride have four legs - the same horses, for example. But tauntauns are bipedal, holding two arms in front of them, like some prehistoric dinosaurs like tyrannosaurs.

This means that their entire weight must be supported by their two legs. You'd think the tauntaun would buckle under the added weight of Luke Skywalker. But not necessarily. There is one two-legged animal that people can and do ride: ostriches. If they can handle it, so can the tauntauns.


Wait a second... They were never mentioned on screen, but that’s okay, everyone knows perfectly well what they’re talking about. In The Empire Strikes Back, Han Solo hides the Millennium Falcon in a tunnel on an asteroid - and discovers that the tunnel is home to a giant worm-like creature, and the ship ends up parked on his tongue. Later this beast is called exogorth.

So far we have no evidence that giant worms could live on the asteroids of the solar system, and this is really unlikely. But the various elements of the exogorth were not pulled out of thin air.

For starters, there are many long animals that spend most of their time in burrows. Here is a spotted moray eel living in a pipe.

The question is: what can exogorth eat? Science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke argued that this animal could not exist because not many edible animals passed by it. But this is if we assume that it eats meat.

Many single-celled organisms can extract energy from rocks: millions of such microbes live in lakes under the Antarctic ice. Such microbes can support more complex and larger organisms. We know that worms can live in solid rock several kilometers underground, where they consume films of bacteria.

True, these worms are several millimeters long, while the exogorth was hundreds of meters long. But still.

Jabba the Hutt

This crime boss is a giant slug with a gun in his hands.

Let's put aside the question of whether a slug can evolve enough to found a criminal empire. More interestingly, can a slug become the size of Jabba?

Slugs and snails are mollusks, that is, they belong to the same group as rapana, oysters and octopuses.

The largest mollusks are probably colossal squids, which can reach 12 meters in length, but you should not focus on them. Most of their length is made up of tentacles, and they grow so large because they live underwater.

Slugs and snails - technically known as "gastropods" - have very compact bodies and are able to limit their size. The California black sea hare is one of the largest, reaching a meter in length and weighing 14 kilograms. But again, these are marine species that can grow unusually large.

Back on land, the giant African snail Achatina can reach sizes of 30 centimeters. But most of her size and mass comes from her shell, and Jabba doesn't have a shell (as far as we know).

Among the shellless gastropods, the black slug may be the largest: it grows up to 20 centimeters. But a crime lord smaller than a laptop is unlikely to scare anyone.

Jabba the Hutt apparently has a penchant for unusual execution methods. In Return of the Jedi, he tries to throw our heroes into the Pit of Carkoon, which is home to a monster called the Sarlacc. Jabba the Hutt informed his victims that in the belly of the Sarlacc they would find a new definition of pain and suffering as they were slowly digested over a thousand years.

We never see the Sarlacc's entire body because it is completely buried in the sand. It lies at the bottom of a sand pit with steep sides, so that anyone who steps into it will inevitably slide straight into the creature's mouth.

The Sarlacc resembles one of the great insect predators: the antlion.

The larva of this insect feeds on ants and other insects, for which it prepares traps. She digs a small hole in the sand, a few centimeters deep.

The slope of the finished hole will be at a certain angle, known as the critical angle of repose. It is quite steep, but it does not allow you to fall into itself, and the slightest disturbance of peace will lead to sand falling to the bottom.

Any animal that wanders into the hole will find itself sliding inside - and there an antlion will be waiting for it, its huge jaws wide open. Am.

The universe "" is so filled with alien creatures that the appearance of new ones is not surprising. A new species of alien creatures will appear in The Last Jedi, and we have a feeling there's something special about them.

Entertainment Weekly revealed that new aliens called "Guardians" will join Luke Skywalker (and the Porgs) as residents of Ah-To.

“These creatures are both bird-like and fish-like and they live on an island,” writer-director Rian Johnson told Entertainment Weekly. “They have lived there for thousands of years, and they are essentially the natives of the island.”

“They're all female, and I wanted their community to feel like a little monastery,” Johnson continued. "Neil Scanlan's team designed them, and costume designer Michael Kaplan designed their casual clothes, which also reflected their sort of monastic, Spartan existence."


The director also said that, unlike the Porgs, the Guardians talk, and are not entirely happy that Luke Skywalker lives on their island. However, they tolerate it.

Probably to Star Wars fans, all of this information seems like puzzle pieces, and these creatures seem to be an addition to the Star Wars story.

By the way, before we forget. There are not many resources on the Internet now that provide meaningful analytics on films and TV series. Among them is the telegram channel @SciFiNews, whose authors write the most useful analytical materials - analyzes and theories of fans, interpretations of post-credit scenes, as well as the secrets of bomb franchises, like films MARVEL And " Game of Thrones" Subscribe so you don’t have to search later - @SciFiNews. However, back to our topic...

We know that the Force is not just something used by the Jedi. It is also not just an all-encompassing energy field. For many species in the galaxy, it is also the basis of religion. We saw this in the films "" and "The Hill Dwellers", which are filled with a lot of new information about beliefs.

The fact that the first Jedi temple has servants (called Guardians) and they don't like having Luke on Ah-To strongly confirms that they are a race closely associated with the Force. It's pretty easy to understand.

It's not easy to understand why, or whether it's important to the overall story. Perhaps the Jedi left them on the island for a specific purpose. Perhaps they inhabited the island to feel closer to the Force. Frankly, we have no idea what their role is. Maybe they are first-class cleaners.

As befits any legend, this film contains many unknown secrets that can surprise and delight any of you.

The first legendary Star Wars film was released on television back in 1977 and foreshadowed the beginning of a new galactic film era for many years to come. Since then, our planet has been significantly influenced by the space epic. The fantastic universe has created its own subculture and a huge sphere of multimedia products: films, animated series, cartoons, comics, books, video games. Literally on the eve of 2017, a new part of the stellar anthology was released, which instantly captured the entire global community of fans of this epic saga. As befits any legend, this film contains many unknown secrets that can surprise and delight any of you.

1. The first actor to play Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi, Alec Guinness, had a low opinion of the upcoming film. He even called it “fairytale bullshit.”

2. Although, despite this, he made a lucrative deal, bargaining for 2% of royalties from the total income, which, due to the success of the film, brought him $95 million.

3. Harrison Ford was paid $10,000 for his role as Han Solo in Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope, which subsequently brought him worldwide recognition and multimillion-dollar fees.

4. English actor Peter Cushing, who played Grand Moff Tarkin, believed that his costume, or rather boots, were too uncomfortable, so in many filming scenes where his feet were not visible, the actor wore slippers.

5. The sound of a flying TIE fighter is actually the roar of an elephant, superimposed on the squeal of car tires on wet asphalt.

6. Famous director Steven Spielberg made a fortune on the galactic saga thanks to a winning bet with Star Wars director George Lucas. Spielberg predicted the film to be an unprecedented success and was right.

7. During the filming of the film, many actors received injuries of varying severity. Actor Mark Hamill, who played Luke, could not avoid this either. In one of the scenes with the garbage compartment in A New Hope, the actor had to hold his breath for a long time. As a result of the long delay, a blood vessel in Mark's face burst, forcing the director to film only one side of Luke throughout the sequence.

8. Many of the buildings from the film on the planet Tatooine were built in real size and still exist in Tunisia. It is noteworthy that the buildings are used by local residents for their own needs.

9. Denis Lawson, who played Wedge Antilles in the original film trilogy, is the uncle of Ewan McGregor, who played Obi-Wan Kenobi in the prequel trilogy.

10. The famous character Luke Skywalker was originally named Luke Starkiller. This name did not change until the filming of the film. Fortunately, just before the start, the decision was made to change the name of the Jedi Master, which was not difficult.

11. The original design for the spaceship, called the Millennium Falcon, was borrowed from Princess Leia's starship.

12. The Jawa language in the film is based on a sped-up version of the Zulu conversation.

13. Many languages ​​in the saga actually exist on our planet. For example, the Greedo language in South America is called Quechua.

14. The clothes of the movie character Bosk, who is represented as a bounty hunter in the saga, is the space suit of the hero from the movie “Doctor Who”.

15. The race of one of the most popular characters, Yoda, is unknown.

16. Mark Hamill was probably one of the unluckiest actors in terms of injuries. Before filming Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back, the actor was in a car accident and severely injured his face, which affected the script. It was for this reason that the scene with the wampa attacking Luke was added.

17. Initially, the director planned that Master Yoda would be played by an ordinary monkey in a mask and with a cane.

18. During the evacuation of Cloud City, the actor can be seen with an ice cream machine, which actually contains an entire database for communication with the rebel army.

19. The word "Ewok" was never spoken in the saga. Although this word was mentioned several times in the end credits.

20. Luke's lightsaber in Episode VI was originally supposed to be blue. The sword of exactly the same color was lost in the previous part of the saga. But George Lucas decided that audiences might get confused and so the color of the Jedi sword was changed to green.

21. At one point during filming, the sixth installment in the Return of the Jedi cosmic timeline was to be called Revenge of the Jedi. Posters and trailers of the film were released with this name, but it is still unclear why the name was changed. Now a poster with the early title "Revenge of the Jedi" costs a lot of money.

22. By the way, the producers of Star Trek II: The Revenge of Khan changed the title of their film to The Wrath of Khan to avoid confusion.

23. One of the most ruthless droids in the galactic Star Wars film universe is IG-88, who was actually created from recycled film props. For example, his head is the dispenser in the bar scene in Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope.

24. In the sixth part of the film, 3 aliens named Klaatu, Barada and Nobody were seen on Jabba's barge. It is noteworthy that in the film Army of Darkness these words had to be spoken in order to destroy the book of the dead. In fact, those three words come from the original 1951 film The Day the Earth Stood Still. Using these code words, it was possible to disable the robot.

25. By the start of filming the sixth episode, the saga was already so popular that the film company decided to come up with a code word for the project so as not to reveal which film would be released. According to legend, in all documents the film was described as a thriller called “Blue Harvest” with the advertising slogan “Horror beyond imagination.”

26. The film crew was seriously considering making the film Blue Harvest when filming of the star-studded saga was interrupted for several days due to sandstorms.

27. The title of the film "Blue Harvest" is a direct reference to the 1929 horror film "Red Harvest" by Ja Schreiber. The book served as inspiration for the Japanese director's film "Bodyguard" and subsequently the "Star Wars" saga.

28. Initially, in one of the parts of the chronology (“Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi”), Obi-Wan Kenobi and Master Yoda had to leave the Domain of the Force and take on their physical form to help Luke in the fight against Darth Vader and the Emperor or join him during the celebration on Endor.

29. In theatrical productions, Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace was credited as "A Doll's House."

30. Not a single clone trooper shell was created in reality. Every clone in the saga was designed using computer graphics.

31. The prototype of Qui-Gonn Jinn's communicator was an ordinary women's shaving machine from the Gillete company.

32. According to Samuel L. Jackson, who played Mace Windu, one of the Jedi swords had an obscene phrase engraved on it.

33. During filming of the sword fighting scenes, young Ewan McGregor was so engrossed in what was happening that he imitated the sounds of Jedi swords, which later had to be removed.

34. Tupac Shakur auditioned for the role of Mace Windu.

35. The original version of Star Wars began with the words: “This is the story of Mace Windu, a respected Jedi-band from Opuchi, a descendant of Asby Tape, the Padawan apprentice of the famous Jedi.” Although Mace Windu and the Padawans only appeared in the fourth part of the saga, Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace, which was released.

36. The waterfalls in Naboo are real salt deposits.

37. "Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones" was called "Cueball" in theaters.

38. The cow-like creature in Attack of the Clones grazing in the field next to Anakin and Padme can later be seen among the asteroids.

39. The director of the saga, George Lucas, filmed members of the musical group 'N Sync as cameo characters to please his own daughters. But these scenes were cut from the final part.

40. Actor Ahmed Best, who played Jar Jar Binks, appears without a costume in one of the scenes.

41. The same thing happened with actor Anthony Daniels, who played the role of C-3PO.

42. George Lucas's daughter, Katie, appears in one of the parts of the saga as a dancer.

43. Her sister, Amanda Lucas, appeared as an extra in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones.

44. The director’s son, Jett Jackson, was awarded the role of a young Padawan from the Jedi archives.

45. Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith was renamed "The Bridge" during theatrical releases.

46. ​​While on the Galactic Council, Jar Jar Binks voted in favor of Order 66, which demanded the destruction of all Jedi and the rise of the Empire.

47. The actual climactic shot of Anakin Skywalker at the end of Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith symbolically represents the Galactic Empire.

48. In the Star Wars galaxy, the music style during the bar scene is called "Jiss".

49. Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader) exhibits six of the nine symptoms of borderline personality disorder. And this is one more than is required for an accurate diagnosis.

50. There is always a person on the Lucasfilm team who is involved in maintaining the canon of the Star Wars chronology.

51. Extragalactic alien races are part of the Star Wars universe. A delegation of an alien race can be found in the Galactic Council.

52. In the early versions of the film, the famous robot R2-D2 speaks English and acts like a jerk.

53. The name of the droid R2-D2 was invented by George Lucas during the filming of the film “American Graffiti”. During filming, there was a slight hiccup and the sound engineer asked for an additional second reel, which in the abbreviated version sounds like R-2-D-2.

54. The phrase “I have a bad feeling” is heard in every Star Wars movie.

55. On planet Earth, there is an island nation of Niue that accepts Star Wars currency for payment.

56. Each film in the space saga was released a week after director George Lucas' birthday, that is, after May 14.

57. Darth Vader has been played by 6 different actors throughout the history of the saga: David Prowse, James Earl Jones, Bob Anderson, Sebastian Shaw, Jake Lloyd and Hayden Christensen.

58. The disco version of the Star Wars soundtrack became a huge hit in 1977 and stayed at the top of the charts for 2 weeks.