Games battle of surnames to play. “Battle of Surnames”: The most friendly family show on Russian TV

The most friendly family show on Russian television, “Battle of the Last Names,” is launching on the Karusel channel.

On the channel "Carousel" starts withthe most friendly family show on Russian television -"Battle of Surnames"

Participants of the new show “Battle of Surnames”. Photo: Carousel channel

For its fifth anniversary, the Karusel channel prepared for viewers a project created according to its own original format of a television quiz. The hosts of the TV project were Oleg Berezovsky and 12-year-old actor Grigory Sereda.

Each episode of the program involves two families with children under 12 years old. The captains of family teams, of course, are children and it is they who must, after completing 4 bright and original competitive tasks, lead their family to victory. All participants have to show how well they know their parents and how much the parents are ready to trust their child, and ultimately prove that their family is truly happy and friendly.

The hosts of the “battle” are Oleg Berezovsky (left) and the young actor Grigory Sereda. Photo: Carousel channel

4 competitions on the show “Battle of Surnames”

To determine the most friendly family, the creators of the new show have prepared interesting and not trivial competitions for participants:

"Acquaintance". Each kid draws his own family, then shows the pictures to the children's jury, who have to guess which drawing contains whose parents. The technique of execution does not matter at all, the task of the children is to note some detail, for example, “my dad has big ears” or “my mother is very slender,” by which it will be easy for the children’s jury to “identify” who is Ivanov and who is Sarkisov .

“We need all kinds of mothers.” The child receives a task from the presenters - to create a certain image for his mother. And the mother must guess who her son or daughter “turned” her into. Children embody the image from the provided props (clothing, accessories, ladles, broom, etc.)

"Best Dad" Boys especially like this competition. After all, you need to hold the remote control in your hands, as if playing a computer game, looking at your dad on the screen, and guide him through an obstacle course. Dad is in a special room, and he doesn’t see anything, because he has a beautiful helmet on his head. Dad must trust his tomboy and follow his commands to get to the end of the route in just 60 seconds.

"Friendly family". And now, when there is very little left to victory, the whole family needs to go through the final stage. The whole family will be involved in a variety, circus, theatrical or even acrobatic act. The show's heroes will be able to take on the guise of fairy-tale characters, become clowns or wandering musicians, and maybe even transform into dinosaurs or favorite cartoon characters.

Based on the results of completed tasks, a special jury of three talented children from 7 to 12 years old - young athletes, aspiring actors, future journalists, who will impartially evaluate each completed stage, award points from 1 to 5 - after all the “battles” will announce the name of the winners.

Grigory Sereda (12 years old), host of the show “Battle of Surnames”:“To be honest, I would like to participate myself as a hero of the program or even be a member of the jury, but for now I like that I am the presenter, it is also very exciting and exciting.”

During the “Our Mother” competition, participants must create a new image for their mothers, and they must guess who their family turned them into. Photo: Carousel channel

4 facts about the show “Battle of Surnames”:

— This is the most costumed children's quiz on domestic television, more 70 suits fairy-tale characters were portrayed by the program's heroes during filming.

— More than 200 families from all over Russia took part in the casting, and the program included 48 families from Moscow, Voronezh, Podolsk and other cities of the country.

— The show was directed by the owner TEFI– Maria Visit.

— 65 children applied for the role of the young presenter of the program, and the selection lasted several months.

The premiere of the show “Battle of Surnames” on the Karusel channel will take place on Saturday, November 21, at 11:30.

On November 21 at 11:30 on the Karusel channel there will be a big premiere - the most friendly family show on Russian television - “Battle of Surnames”.

For its fifth anniversary, the Karusel channel prepared a project for viewers, created according to its own original format of a TV quiz show.

Interesting facts about the show “Battle of Surnames”:
- This is the most costumed children's quiz on domestic television; more than 70 costumes of fairy-tale characters were worn by the program's heroes during filming.
- More than 200 families from all over Russia took part in the casting, and 48 families from Moscow, Voronezh, Podolsk and other cities of the country were included in the program.
- The show was directed by TEFI winner Maria Visitey.
- 65 children applied for the role of the young presenter of the program, and the selection lasted several months.

Each episode of the program involves two families with children under 12 years old. The captains of family teams, of course, are children and it is they who must, after completing 4 bright and original competitive tasks, lead their family to victory. All participants will have to show how well they know their parents, and how much the parents are willing to trust their child. And ultimately prove that their family is truly happy and friendly.

The children will also decide who will be the lucky one. A special jury of three talented children from 7 to 12 years old (young athletes, aspiring actors, future journalists) will impartially evaluate each stage of the show, award points from 1 to 5, and only after all the “battles” will they announce the names of the winners.

And of course, since both children and adults participate in the program, the hosts of the “Battle of Surnames” were the adult Oleg Berezovsky and the 12-year-old actor Grigory Sereda.

Fun captivates all the participants in the show, because the creators of the “Battle of Surnames” have prepared interesting and not trivial competitions for the participants:

- "Dating" competition. Each kid draws his own family, then shows the pictures to the children's jury, who have to guess which drawing contains whose parents. The technique of execution does not matter at all, the task of the children is to note some detail, for example, “my dad has big ears” or “my mother is very slender,” by which it will be easy for the children’s jury to “identify” who is Ivanov and who is Sarkisov .

- competition “All kinds of mothers are needed”. The child receives a task from the presenters - to create a certain image for his mother. And the mother must guess who her son or daughter “turned” her into. Children embody the image from the provided props (clothing, accessories, ladles, broom, etc.)

- "Best Dad" competition. Boys especially like this competition. After all, you need to hold the remote control in your hands, as if playing a computer game, looking at your dad on the screen, and guide him through an obstacle course. Dad is in a special room, and he doesn’t see anything, because he has a beautiful helmet on his head. Dad must trust his tomboy and follow his commands to get to the end of the route in just 60 seconds.

- competition "Friendly Family". And now, when there is very little left to victory, the whole family needs to go through the final stage. The whole family will be involved in a variety, circus, theatrical or even acrobatic act. The show's heroes will be able to take on the guise of fairy-tale characters, become clowns or wandering musicians, and maybe even transform into dinosaurs or favorite cartoon characters.

As a result of the “Battle of Surnames” show, the most united and cheerful family will win and receive a valuable prize!

The premiere of the show “Battle of Surnames” on the Karusel channel will take place on Saturday, November 21, at 11:30.
Program on air: weekly, on Saturdays at 11:30 (repeat on Fridays at 09:40).

12.11.2015 13:14:02,

Scenario of the game “Battle of Surnames”.
Goal: through holding family competitions, to show groups and manifestations of Russian family traditions through folklore competitions.
Objectives: 1. Unite families to win competitions
2. Preaching Russian family traditions
3. check knowledge of family pedigree
4. introduce viewers to the making of a traditional amulet for the home.
Stage 1: Make a poster about traditions and your family
Stage 2: game
Leading grandmother and little brownie.
B.: Hello, dear guests! We are glad to see you here! (bows)
D.: Hello, hello. They came here and trampled.
B.: What are you talking about here! You are not acting like Russian. Ali forgot how our fairy tales talk about Russian hospitality?
D.: Yes, I remember, I remember. You just need to appease the brownie if they come, and they themselves have forgotten about this tradition of ours.
B.: Let’s check it now. Family and noble people came to us, but in order to achieve the main happiness they must pass tests.
Competition 1: “Hostess”.
Our mothers will treat us with their dishes, so that the viewer does not get bored, we will watch the spectacle. Let's listen to a song about mom!
Mothers treat those who wish and the jury with their dishes, and she sings a song about mother (Novikova N. or) to us.
D.: the hostesses were pleased, but do you know your roots and ancestors?
B.: Of course, just look Kuzya, what kind of chronicles they created, in a word.
D.: Yes, I see we got some skilled ones. Well then, let them help me collect fishing lines for fishing. Otherwise I don’t have time to go.
B.: let this be a test.
Competition 2: “Winders”
The threads need to be wound onto the warp by two representatives of the families. They get up on both ends. They meet in the middle. The team that winds the thread first wins.
B.: Why did you deceive us? This is not a fishing line, but a woolen thread.
D.: I didn’t deceive you at all. Now the audience and I will make amulets for the house, so that the house will be protected and all evil spirits will flee from it, and far away.
Competition 3: “Creating a talisman”

D.: Now I’m calm for everyone. My soul began to sing
B.: it’s the girls who want to dance for us, to make us happy
Dance "Quadrille"
D.: comes out with a dummy weight and the fathers sat there. Let them show off their strength.
B.: From time immemorial, what the Russian peasant was famous for. Not just a heroic strength, but a house that he himself built.
D.: Well, then let them build the shrines, I prepared the tools for them.
Hands out a hatchet pencil to fathers.
Competition 4: “What does it cost us to build a house!”
There are ready-made pieces of colored paper on the table. The child wraps them around a pencil and glues them together to form logs.
Dads carry logs and together with moms glue the house together. The blanks are used to glue the roof, windows, and door.
The competition is judged on the quality of the craft.
The song "about dad" is playing

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The second season was launched on the Karusel channel in August 2016. TV viewers were expecting changes in the composition of the presenters: the presenters support the participants Ivan Chuikov And Emberg Manasaryan.

Rules "Battles of Surnames" have not changed: each episode involves two families with children from 6 to 12 years old. Team captains are children. They go through four original competitions to show how well they know their parents.

On the jury of the show "Battle of Surnames" There are also children sitting - three talented guys from 7 to 12 years old. They evaluate each stage of the competition on a five-point scale, and at the end of the program they determine the winning family and present it with a valuable prize.

Stages of the show Battle of the Last Names season 2

The first stage is “Getting Acquainted”. The child draws his family, shows the pictures to the children's jury, who must guess which drawing contains whose parents. The technique of execution does not matter; the task is to note some detail.

The second stage “Moms need all sorts of things.” The task from the presenters is to create a certain image for the mother, and the mother must guess who she has been “transformed” into.

Third stage “Best Dad”. A child with a remote control in his hands like a game console must guide his dad through an obstacle course. The father, being in a special room, does not see anything, so he must trust his captain and carry out his commands in just a minute.

The fourth stage “Friendly family”. The whole family takes part in a variety, circus, theatrical or even acrobatic act.

Hosts of the show Battle of Surnames Season 2

Emberg Manasaryan studies in the 6th grade at a school with in-depth study of the Spanish language. His favorite subjects are mathematics, physical education and Spanish. He is very interested in everything related to space, but does not want to be an astronaut. Now his hobbies are skiing, swimming and karting with his father.

Ivan Chuikov Graduated with honors from the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts. He is actively involved in sports, cycling in the summer and snowboarding in the winter. As a child, Ivan loved to play video games, but now he prefers to read interesting books and watch educational films.