The authorities closed the cultural center. Against the closure of the House of Culture in Fishnevo

The President discussed with the Governor of Stavropol Vladimir Vladimirov the development of the region. They talked about medicine, the improvement of cities and towns, as well as the future of cultural centers.

“I know that you are ready to talk about some aspects related to the implementation of the Address to the Federal Assembly, and then I propose to talk about the socio-economic situation in the region,” the head of state began the conversation.

The Address contained many tasks related to the socio-economic development of the country, noted Vladimir Vladimirov. “As part of the implementation of this Address, starting work ahead of time, we are already prepared today for the implementation of the Children’s Medicine project, we have prepared a project for our hospital building of the regional hospital and are included in the program of the Ministry of Health,” he reported.

“The second direction - I think that we have done a very good job in this regard - is the involvement of people, as you said, in the program for arranging their own territory,” the speaker continued. “There is an “Urban Environment”, which was initiated by you, we are participating, "We were allocated 609 million in 2017, this year - 694 million. We have more than 200 courtyard areas, we have made 21 city playgrounds."

“We also have our own program, a program of local initiatives, we finance it with 200, this year 300 million rubles and will continue,” said the head of the region. According to him, people come to the head of the settlement with a problem, for example, they need a sports ground or a community center, a road, a park. And the region allocates funds on a competitive basis, based on the volume of co-financing. “Over the past year, we made 119 such objects, and this year we want to approach the figure of 198 and will already allocate 300 million rubles,” he said.

“You gave us instructions to develop medicine in terms of the fight against cancer, we have prepared a project for our regional oncology center for 22 thousand square meters,” Vladimirov also said. “I would like our region to become a pilot region for the implementation of oncology.”

The governor also proposed making the region a pilot region for the implementation of cultural programs. “Just don’t encroach on the existing ones, so that the existing ones (cultural centers - RG note) don’t close,” the president said.

The volume of federal funds for financing rural cultural centers in the Stavropol Territory last year amounted to 156 million rubles

“Not a single one, Vladimir Vladimirovich,” the interlocutor assured. “Last year you decided to finance rural cultural centers. We were given 156 million rubles. Two new cultural centers were built and 19 cultural centers were renovated. This is unprecedented,” he said.

“This year we are sending 300 million to cultural centers. We are not closing any of them, we are just renovating them. You know, a cultural center in a village is still a center of attraction,” Vladimirov explained.

"Okay. Let's see," the president replied.

The rural club is the only cultural center for residents of villages and small towns, where they can go in their free time from work. It’s good if life there is in full swing, and leisure time is pleasant and interesting. What if there aren’t many visitors? This year, 150 rural cultural centers have been closed in the country. Is it a lot or a little? And can the alarming trend be stopped?

Sporovo is a famous village. The capital of humor, the land of endless swamps and hard-working people. They are special here. They plow from morning to night, and have fun from night to morning. They don't mince words. If you stop to talk to the locals, they will certainly say something like this: “Guess the riddle: it starts with S, ends with C, it eats fish... It’s called SporovEts!” All Sporo traditions, proverbs and legends are carefully collected in the local center of culture and leisure. He's special here too.

No more arguing

According to one legend, Sporovo got its name thanks to quarrelsome debaters who were exiled to a godforsaken swamp place. But the Sporoists ennobled the legend. They prefer to tell curious people that once upon a time steamships sailed along Lake Sporovskoye. And there was such a wonderful pier on the shore that shipowners fought and argued over it.

The cultural center in Sporovo was built in 1987. Ten years ago the building was completely renovated. It still looks great today, as if the builders had just
finished work the other day

Now there are no traces of steamships on the lake. The only people bobbing on the waves are cackling geese and two dozen boats moored to the shore. Smoke from fires spreads over the gardens. The agricultural season is over. Nowadays, the main center of attraction for Sporo residents is the center of culture and leisure. It's no joke - the center has 14 club associations for children and adults. There are weekend clubs and a theater of humor. Three teams at once are proud of the title “People’s”. In general, even city recreation centers have a lot to learn here. What can we say about rural ones?

During the festival “Sporauskiya Zharty” the image of two laughing okushki becomes the official coat of arms of the village

The cultural center in Sporovo was built in 1987. Ten years ago the building was completely renovated. It still looks great today, as if the builders had just finished work the other day. But much more important than a beautiful wrapper is the content. He is also completely fine.

With the director of the center, Nina Pashkevich, we go into the office where the guys from the Vyaselkavaya Plyn studio are doing handicrafts. There are dozens of embroidered paintings on the walls. There is a loom in the corner. Nina Pashkevich shows the “hodnik” on the floor - the guys were weaving. Now, under the guidance of Anna Chaichits, they are mastering the craft of making belts:

Surprisingly, embroidery is mostly done by boys. Even those whose behavior at school is poor. They are diligent students with us.

Anna Vasilievna worked as a builder in her previous life. At the age of 22, I picked up a needle for the first time, and was so carried away that over time I left my previous position and came to share my skills with children and adults at the cultural center. Smiles: “This is exactly the case when you didn’t choose the job, but the job chose you.” Such examples are all over the place. Someone used to work as a cleaner, someone as a cook. But they found their real calling here, under the roof of the Sporovsky Center for Culture and Leisure.

To the rhythms of polka

The head of the folklore and ethnographic ensemble “Zhurauka”, Valentina Chaichits, admits: she started speaking, dancing and singing at about the same time. She conveyed her passion to more than one hundred fellow villagers:

The guys grow up, graduate from school, enter universities or colleges, start families, but as soon as they come to Sporovo, they certainly attend rehearsals and even take part in concerts.

Sporovsky brand is a local polka. It is included in the List of Intangible Cultural Properties of Belarus. They don't dance it like that anywhere else. Valentina Ivanovna tells how to dance in the Sporov style:

An ordinary polka is a “jumping” dance. We dance without taking our feet off the ground. In addition, dances usually have a certain sequence of movements. But not with us. The dancers choose a commander, and he tells the couples which element to perform. Just imagine, even at the local disco there are folk breaks, during which young people dance the Sporo polka. Soon they will dance it on school lines instead of a waltz!

Groups from the cultural and leisure center are frequent guests at various festivals and competitions. And not only in Belarus, but also abroad. They do not return without rewards. But perhaps the most famous local group is the Sporovsky Okolot folk humor theater. Well, Sporo people always appreciated a good joke. However, they themselves often became the butt of jokes:

We don’t invent anything about ourselves, people invent all sorts of tall tales about us,” Nina Pashkevich smiles. - The places here are remote, the village is surrounded on all sides by swamps. This left its mark on the Sporo people’s lifestyle and character. They always lived separately, which is why they became the heroes of all sorts of tales and rumors. However, the locals themselves have a sharp tongue.

Jokes and laughter

There is even a rural humor museum in the cultural center. Local jokes, stories, recipes for food and spirits are collected here. In Sporovo, store-bought vodka is not particularly recognized. They have their own drink here - “Sporovska ershova”, or simply “ershovka”. Locals share a humorous recipe: during the preparation process, you need to throw a ruff into the moonshine so that the drink does not burn. If you don’t like the “ruff”, you can try the “Vypy Oko” tincture, and then the “Osvizhayushchy” brine. For an appetizer, they offer “stuffed fish.” It's easy to prepare: you just need to take the fish, put it in a pan - the dish is ready!

The museum also keeps a book of local records. For example, Mikhail and Olga Lyutych raised eight sons, and Nikolai and Olga Shchurko raised six daughters. The strongest people in the history of the village are Samson and Symon. They could roll a nickel into a tube, lift a log house or a boat loaded with firewood.

All the successes and achievements of the cultural center in Sporovo are the merit of its employees - passionate and caring people

The actors of the Sporovsky Okolot theater are unlikely to lift a boat or a house. But the mood is easy. Almost all of them are employees of the cultural and leisure center. In 1995, they were invited to a humor festival in the famous Avtyuki. The Sporists liked it. They just decided to hold their own festival every three years - “Sporauskiy Zharty”. On this occasion, they print their own money and open customs. During the “Zhartau”, the comic coat of arms of Sporovo, which depicts two laughing perches, becomes official:

At first, local residents were wary of this initiative, recalls Nina Pashkevich. - They asked: “Are people going to come and laugh at us?” Now the attitude, of course, has changed. Before the holiday, the village is transformed and prettier. Thousands of guests come here. Jokes and songs continue until the morning.

They say that once upon a time steamships sailed along Lake Sporovskoye. Now there is no trace of them. Only cackling geese and a couple of dozen boats moored to the shore bob on the waves

All the ideas of caring Sporists would hardly have been realized without the support of the Berezovsky District Executive Committee. The cultural department purchased costumes and new sound equipment for the rural center, and helps with transport. However, in the center of culture and leisure they also try to earn money for everyday needs. The annual plan for paid services - 2500 rubles - has long been exceeded here. How? It turns out that Sporovites are not only good comedians, but also entrepreneurs. Nina Pashkevich shares

Our humor theater “Sporovsky Okolot”, together with vocal groups, has attended many holidays and festivals. Over time, the heads of agricultural enterprises began to contact us with a request to speak at some event. At a ceremonial meeting dedicated to the Day of Agricultural Workers, at the local “Dazhynki” or village festival. We don't refuse anyone. They may call in the evening - organize a concert tomorrow. We'll come and organize it!

Local talents charge little for their performances - 300-400 rubles. The demand is so great that the employees of the cultural center are booked literally every weekend! When does everyone have time? Mystery. The artistic director of the center, Alla Lyutich, explains:

There are 24 hours in a day, there is enough time for everything. Rise is at five in the morning, bedtime is after midnight. We would hardly have been able to cope without the support of our family and friends. Previously, husbands were indignant: “What kind of work do you have?” And now they are even proud, they come to concerts.

Oh, and as soon as I see mine in the hall, I’ll forget the words! - Valentina Chaichits laughs.

Participants of the “Sporovsky Okolot” also sing in the church choir. To many villagers such metamorphoses seem strange. Like, like this: in the morning in church, and in the evening on stage with frivolous jokes:

Fortunately, the rector of the temple is understanding. He says that despondency is a sin, and we are just doing our job - giving people joy.


Assigned to the house. Cultures

Vasyl CHERNYK, Head of the Department of Culture and Analytical Work of the Ministry of Culture:

Today in the system of the Ministry of Culture - this data as of the 1st spring of 2017 - the functioning of 2618 institutions of culture of the club type. It is not only ladies of culture, but also cultural centers and cultural centers, ladies of culture, centers of folk creativity and others. These establishments have over 20 thousand club farms, which are absolutely 200 thousand units, they have 1733 kalects of artisanal Samadze, which are called folk, more deserved amatarskaga. As a rule, more than 500 thousand measures were carried out rightly by the forces of meat ladies of culture.

Velma is important, which requires great respect: from these 2618 cultural institutions, 2198 knowledge of the menavit and rural meat industry. Geta kala 84%.

The great respect from the side of the government of our country and from the side of the body of the country's government, as stated by the Ministry of Culture, ensures the correct aptymization of the network of club settings. The greatest savings occurred in 2011. It was aptymizavana, tsi, as an extraordinary savior, closed 929 adzinak. Geta znachnaya kolkast, prykladna 35.4%.

Ale seleta gety pratses succeeded in practical sleep. As of January 1, 2017, 5.5% of the installations were closed - 150 ladies of culture in all areas of the country.

Of course, for the record, there are serious customs and downfalls, the first of which is the small population of this and other ages. If you live there, for example, for 10-15 centuries, then you will destroy the House of Culture, give out on the holy day, spend pennies - and this budgetary period is irrational and practically useless.

At the end of the day, the meat organs are in control of the closure of the House of Culture, which is not just where they wanted it. The state and skin of such installations are analyzed in detail, highlighting all the “pros” and “suprats”. The infection is closed and the Ministry of Culture is in charge.

Ale close - geta adna on the right. It is important not to leave without respect these 10-15 hours, often for all pensions and growth, for some high school clubs in the former months where they are free to travel. There, cultural services in such populated areas, due to the number of state cultural institutions, are also provided by modern transport means, apparently, autaklubs and library buses.

Once again, this is not only a closure, but also a reorganization, an advent of new cultural norms, the so-called mixed type, which is completely different types of zeinasty. On the contrary, in small places, instead of a special club, library and village museum, there is a club-library or a club-museum. More than 300 such arganized crops are currently in production in the country.

Naogul, tortured aptymizations of great quantities and folding. My asabistae merkavanne: it would be good if she would save herself as a magician of the less established culture. On the weight of the yana - achag, adzinae months, even people take an hour from freedom. Ale tsalkam pazbegnuts getaga pratsesu i spynitsa yago zusim nemagchya. Not the same measure as in 2011, but this will happen, and the circumstances of this situation are different: unfortunately, the rural population is scarce. However, in case of skin problems, aptymization and skin culture installations are important and important.

In Russia the “Year of Culture”. That is, it is assumed that during this time, local officials will “awaken culture in the regions,” and those responsible for financing this most important state direction will “increase budgets, highlight accumulated problems and outline plans for the future.”

So, the “Year of Culture” has begun. The first thing that officials of the Bagrationovsky district did was to close the House of Culture in the village of Pyatidorozhnoe. The insanity of the authorities is symbolic and in the spirit of the times

1. The story of the local club is not new, and, unfortunately, this is not the first facility of this kind that has been closed recently. The main difference with the Houses of Culture in other villages is the reaction of the residents. In Pyatidorozhny there is a real war between local thieving officials and people who have been taken away from virtually the only place where they can take their children or organize some kind of event themselves.
The newspaper Far Away Region recently wrote about the situation in detail, and I, in turn, will express my own opinion.
It was like this - the director of the club sat quietly and stole money allocated to her for the development of culture in a particular village. The money was allocated by local deputies, most of whom belong to the well-known party of swindlers and thieves. Naturally, the lady was on excellent terms with the latter, and everyone knew that 50% of the money allocated for the club was “lost” along the way. But they were silent because that’s the custom. It's a tradition for thieves to cover up their own.

2. At some point, a new employee came to the club and saw this whole scheme from the inside. An active girl, Katya, began asking unnecessary, uncomfortable questions, which made the club director feel uncomfortable. The questions mainly related to strange situations when cash that should have been used for specific work was cut in half and confiscated by the club director. No one knows what happened to them next. Even the prosecutor's office, which conducted an inspection, could not find out anything (because, most likely, there was no inspection).
As a result, the director sensed something was wrong and decided to rescue the active girl Katya from her new place of work. They stopped paying her salary, fire safety checks and other bureaucratic actions began at the club, which in no way contribute to the development of culture in the village.
Naturally, Katya began to contact the director. But the lady, in the best traditions of asshole officials, first went on sick leave, and then took a vacation. That is, she deliberately left the club in a crisis situation and avoids appearing there in every possible way.
In general, my aunt was actively feeding from the budget of the rural settlement, and when they started poking her with a stick, she decided to completely eliminate her feeding trough. No club, no problem

3. The building is currently closed. The fire alarm about which there were complaints is in working order (panel on the wall)

4. The club itself looks quite normal and at least now it is ready to accept children

5. The recreation center cannot work, because it is necessary to solve small economic problems that were pointed out by the inspectors (change the lamp shades, replace the window in the utility room, tint the batteries), but it is impossible to solve them because the director is actually hiding from the active girl Katya

6. We have our own, although not the most expensive, equipment

7. The club is heated, but the hired fireman is not paid. A person sits for hours in a dark basement and, by and large, simply warms the air in a closed recreation center so as not to defrost the meager communications. Communications are a German water supply system that was dug up and put in order. With the money allocated from the budget, the club got this pump. This thing can, for example, wash a car, but it is clearly not capable of supplying water to a building

8. And this is the club toilet. It is worth noting that the closed club houses polling station No. 1

In general, in Pyatidorozhny the “Year of Culture” was set in stone right away. I wouldn’t be surprised if the recreation center is soon put through a vote in the local council and sold with the motivation “It’s hanging on our balance sheet, let’s give it to a private owner and save budget funds!” And again, it would be logical if the new owner of the building turns out to be the current director of the cultural center, who will set up a commercial warehouse for some kind of crap in it.

PS: According to the most daring estimates (which were carried out by Ekaterina), the normal functioning of the House of Culture requires 300 thousand rubles a year.

Thank you for attention. You can take a walk along Pyatidorozhny and see what it has besides the closed House of Culture

Residents of the village of Fishnevo and other nearby villages appeal to you with an urgent request to understand the situation that currently exists in our village of Fishnevo, Bezhanitsky district, Pskov region and threatens the closure of the village cultural center.

House of Culture Fishnevo is one of the best rural clubs in the region. There are always a lot of theatrical and entertainment events held here: Interactive festival for children from 1 to 14 years old (weekly during school holidays); Autumn Ball; Day of the Elderly; New Year; New Year's parties for children; Defenders of the Fatherland Day; International Women's Day; Victory Day; Russia Day, etc.

At the club, the district administration and local authorities hold annual meetings and elections.

The club has long been running clubs organized by residents: dramatic “Mask”, vocal “Leisya Song”, children’s “Sun”, dance “Illusion”.

With various concert programs, the club team travels to perform not only in rural clubs of the Bezhanitsky district, but also in Pskov.

On their own, with the support of the villagers, the team uses the money they earn to make repairs and update the interior of the club. The club premises are warm and in good technical condition.

The local population is more than 360 people, and in the summer the population doubles due to visiting summer residents. All these people will be deprived of the opportunity to celebrate public holidays, because in fact, cultural and entertainment activities in the village will cease to exist, and the beautiful building will be smashed and destroyed. The building of the cultural center cannot be sold (a good example is the school building) and it will remain to rot and collapse.

The proposal to visit the district club, which is located in the village of Bezhanitsy, does not stand up to criticism, since many residents do not have their own vehicles or are limited in mobility (elderly citizens and families with small children). After all, even providing additional transport will be more expensive than maintaining our club.

In the same building there is a library, which is also closed along with the club.

We want local authorities to hear our opinion, take it into account and reconsider their decision. We ask you to preserve the rural cultural center in the village of Fishnevo. We hope that the district administration will meet citizens halfway in their desire to exercise their rights to cultural life.

We sincerely ask that our appeal be considered as soon as possible and that the district administration find an opportunity to save our rural club.

We reserve the right to appeal to higher authorities.

After the tragedy in Kemerovo, thousands of Russian citizens thought for the first time in their lives that fire safety is not for firefighters and officials, but for you and me. Volunteers began inspecting shopping centers for emergency exits and fire escapes. What can we say about the specialized services - immediately after the disaster they began to shake up literally every building in Russia.

On April 16, the chief state fire inspector Rinat Enikeev reported on the interim results of the inspection launched by the Ministry of Emergency Situations. So far, everything looks pretty gloomy: out of 84.5 thousand objects, 39 thousand were checked and violations were found in half of them.

It is clear that most of the buildings are shopping centers, and the most glaring shortcomings were also found there. Firefighters have already closed 40 shopping centers and are about to close 111 more.

Along with shopping malls, multiplexes that rented space there also closed their doors. However, some cinemas were closed for their own sins: Ulyanovsk, Astrakhan, Saratov, Volgodonsk, Volgograd, Tula, Novokuznetsk - the list is growing.

Rescuers will have to check another 4.5 thousand children's clubs and sections, 20 thousand palaces of culture and sports and more than 2.5 thousand large cinema halls. Judging by reports from the regions, everything is very bad there too.

From Rostov to Barnaul

It all started with the Rostov Circus. There was no fire safety system at all. Director Reznichenko, who is permanently awaiting dismissal, claims that three weeks before Kemerovo he warned the Russian State Circus: the premises were in disrepair. “Instead of a fire warning system, we have megaphones, which employees are encouraged to shout into in case of danger. Instead of a fire extinguishing system, there are constant training evacuations. Everyone here knows how to use a fire extinguisher, since fires have already happened,” Reznichenko shared with the public.

The passages in the Rostov circus were littered with rubbish, and the hydrants did not work. Reznichenko did not install the necessary systems, postponing it until a major overhaul. The circus has now been closed for two months. In April, another 32 enterprises of the Russian State Circus throughout the country went on a two-month vacation. It seems to be a common practice: May-June is not the season, there are few children. Only this time the circus workers are on unpaid leave.

To understand how circuses looked at safety issues until recently, it is enough to know that the authorities tried with all their might to replace the regular fire-guard services with private security companies, from which, if something happens, you can’t ask for anything at all.

The situation with the Rostov Circus is reminiscent of the case of Tatyana Kozitsyna, the ex-head of the Altai Youth Theater. After the theater moved to the building of the Barnaul Melange Factory in 2011, Kozitsyna continuously demanded that the authorities put the fire safety system in order. After the woman managed to reach Moscow, they raided her house and accused her of large-scale theft, namely the theft of a mobile phone.

This story only ended in 2014 - the business fell apart, Kozitsyna was replaced as director by Irina Lyskovets, almost the entire troupe and workshops were changed. And nothing has changed.

At the end of 2016, firefighters identified 17 violations at the MTA. In December 2017, they checked again and found that nine violations had not been corrected. Finally, on April 17, the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Altai Territory, Igor Lisin, nevertheless admitted the problem: the fire safety systems in the Altai Youth are indeed faulty, and the hydrants, God bless the fire, are not suitable for extinguishing.

Tatyana Kozitsyna, in a conversation with Storm, was surprised by the firefighter’s courage: previously, according to her, officials of the regional Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Emergency Situations acted on the principle “no matter what happens.” The ex-director recalls such an episode. In 2013, she ordered an examination from the Federal Fire Service. “They answered us in acts and protocols: they say, this does not correspond, this does not correspond, in general, many violations were revealed. A couple of days later the general arrived and the same people, on the orders of the comrade governor, rewrote all these protocols - and everything suddenly began to correspond.”

Kozitsyna also believes that the main problem is not the hydrants, which have no water, but the fact that the theater does not have fire-fighting tanks planned by the project, as well as a “fire curtain.” The issue of tanks was raised by the permanent artistic director of the MTA, Valery Zolotukhin - the pressure in the water supply in the houses on Oktyabrskaya Square is not really enough even for domestic needs. However, there are still no reservoirs. There is no curtain either. According to Kozitsyna, they brought it, installed it, saw that they had made a mistake in the calculations, and therefore took it back. “According to the documents, it is listed as purchased, but no one has ever seen it again.”

If anyone thinks that Kozitsyna is not herself, “Storm” has at its disposal both editions of the examination reports and the curtain documents.

Kozitsyna does not believe that the theater will be closed to eliminate violations: “They’ll make some noise and forget about it. Why didn't they fix anything when they dispersed us? If it weren’t for the Kemerovo horror, I would have remained silent now, but I cannot remain silent - after the news of the tragedy, I fell ill.”

Photo: © AbdAllah

Homeless "Honey"

In Ulyanovsk, the Lapochka children's theater, a private establishment of the Puppet Theater actress Lyubov Gritchina, is closed. She rented the premises herself - a hall with 50 seats.

After the tragedy in Kemerovo, the owner of the theater, on her own initiative, decided to update the alarm system. “According to the project that we ordered and paid for, the theater needed to install the missing signboards with Exit batteries, an audible warning in the hall, replace the sensors and install a few additional pieces, and also replace the alarm wires,” Gritchina tells Storm. However, after the Ministry of Emergency Situations received a signal about the discrepancy, and the firefighters prepared to check, the landlord terminated the contract and kicked the Lapochka theater out into the cold - to avoid trouble.

In the fall, Gritchina turned to the governor for help, but they could not find a suitable replacement for the premises. At the old place, “Lapochka” suddenly became an inconvenient client: “The audience loved us, and it’s unlikely that anyone would have filed a complaint with the Ministry of Emergency Situations.”

At first glance, this story stands out from the series of others, since here is a dispute between economic entities. But the piquancy of the situation is that Gritchina was unable to find a single room for a theater in all of Ulyanovsk with a working fire alarm.

Theaters in Crimea - all in smoke

They want to close the Sevastopol Drama Theater named after Lunacharsky. Yes, that's right, there are no fire alarms. Why is impossible to understand. They have been trying to install an alarm system in the theater since 2002, they allocate money, go to court, initiate cases, and imprison people. There is no alarm. Instead of installing it, the theater tripled its evacuation staff and doubled its supply of fire extinguishers.

The head of the security department, Vladimir Tatarchuk, and the head of the local department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Sergei Klimenko, claim that the theater management, instead of fulfilling the instructions, is suing for the legality of the inspection, and is sabotaging the “road map” developed by the theater and the regional Ministry of Culture. However, Governor Ovsyannikov listened to all this and said that the emergency commission should deal with the situation, but he does not intend to interfere and washes his hands of it: if you have to close it, close it. It’s a pity that Jaroslav Hasek didn’t live to see it. The theater, by the way, was never closed.

They write from Simferopol: 22 cultural institutions of the Republic of Crimea are going to be closed. Of these, 21 are cinemas and entertainment complexes. And one is the oldest theater on the peninsula (unless, of course, you count the Chersonesos one) - the Crimean Academic Russian Drama Theater named after M. Gorky. The head of the Crimean Ministry of Emergency Situations, Sergei Shakhov, reported on April 16 that the theater was already closed. The efficiency was commendable, but the Storm box office was told that the cultural institution was operating as usual.

Such cases are far from isolated and occur throughout Russia. The Nizhny Novgorod children's theater "Vera" was supposed to open after a five-year reconstruction, which cost 252 million rubles, and give its first performance on April 15, but that was not the case. An unscheduled inspection showed that someone had gone overboard with the readiness assessment. The opening has been postponed indefinitely - “after April 16.” The theater didn't work. In Karachay-Cherkessia, among the 13 facilities slated for closure are three budget ones, including the Russian State Budgetary Institution “Russian Drama and Comedy Theater of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic” and two recreation centers. And so on.

Will our new vigilance become that black hole in which objects not delivered on time, teams sent around the world, and all sorts of small weaknesses of the regional authorities will drown? As they say, there is no time to explain: you just come and close the House of Culture.