Republican views. US Republican Party

Recent events in American domestic political life have awakened interest in the main US political parties - Republican and Democratic. It is these two political forces that determine the vector of the country’s development and its foreign policy.

Parties in American politics

The role of political parties in the life of an overseas country is difficult to overestimate. The first such batch appeared in America at the end of the 19th century. A hundred years later, politics was already determined by two strong parties. In power they periodically changed places. They are the ones who win the presidency in elections and control the highest legislative body.

In the twentieth century, their main positions in American politics were determined. In addition to them, several dozen federal and regional parties function in the United States. Their influence is negligible.

About Republicans

The Republican Party is also called by the valiant old party, paying tribute to her great history and contribution to the formation of the American state. It is no coincidence that the personification of her power is the elephant. Its color is red. The party was created in 1854 as an organization of citizens opposed to slavery and for strengthening the central government. She managed to ensure victory in the Civil War and prevent the split of the country.

Today, Republicans declare their commitment to American conservatism and economic liberalism. The party has more than 30 million registered supporters, slightly less than a third of all voters.

Their main requirements are:

  • Tax cuts.
  • Reducing immigration and tough fight against illegal entry into the country.
  • Freedom to carry and purchase firearms.
  • The fight for family values, the prevention of same-sex marriage and abortion.
  • Reducing the influence of trade unions.
  • Protectionism towards domestic companies.

Republicans advocate strengthening the country's defense capability and increasing the military budget, and demand the use of the death penalty. Traditionally, they reject the intervention of government agencies in private life and in the processes occurring in the country's economy. The Republican Party controls the US House of Representatives and Senate.

About the Democratic Party

This political force is one of the oldest in the world. She has more than 41.3 million supporters, which is 40.6% of American voters. The symbol of her stubborn and patient overcoming obstacles is the donkey. Party color - blue. There is no formal membership in the party. Based on the results of voting in elections, the voters' affiliation is determined. Once every four years, a party congress is held, which determines candidates for the positions of the two highest officials in the country. From congress to congress, party activities are coordinated by the national committee.

If they win the elections, the Democrats set the following tasks:

  • Increased taxes on the rich and multinational corporations.
  • Increasing social costs of the state budget.
  • Growth of the high-tech economy.
  • Strengthening the fight against environmental pollution.
  • Avoiding protectionist measures in the economy.
  • Weakening anti-emigrant measures and adaptation of emigrants.
  • Support for family planning and birth control.

They declare protection of racial and sexual minorities, advocate abortion and the use of the death penalty. They believe that the state can influence the economy. They insist on limiting the arms trade.

What is the difference

Conceptually, Republicans believe that a person has the right to dispose of what he has earned at his own discretion. Democrats proceed from the right of everyone to various types of social support from the state. Their policy differences are significant.

  1. The Republicans have an elephant symbol, their color is red. Democrats consider the donkey to be their symbol and blue to be their color.
  2. The number of registered voters among Republicans is more than 30 million, among Democrats over 41 million. Of the 45 US presidents, thirty are Republicans.
  3. The Republican electorate is predominantly the wealthiest Americans and the middle class. Democrats have workers in high-tech industries, minorities living on welfare, and the poor.
  4. Republican ideology is expressed in American conservatism. Democrats have a left-of-center ideology, reflected in social liberalism.
  5. Republicans believe that an American should achieve everything in life himself, and the state creates the conditions for this. Democrats believe that the government should take care of people, which their opponents consider a manifestation of socialism.
  6. Republicans advocate for equal taxation between rich and poor. Democrats believe taxes should be increased on the rich and decreased on the poor.
  7. Republicans are against increasing the minimum wage, which would hurt small businesses. Democrats say the minimum wage should be increased.
  8. Believing that deception and fraud are allowed in the financing of social programs, Republicans are against their increase and demand effective control. Democrats are pushing for increased social spending to support the poor.
  9. Republicans consider unskilled immigrants a burden on the country and demand strict regulation of immigration. According to Democrats, a large number of immigrants strengthens the country's economy.
  10. Republicans advocate concentrating only national functions in federal bodies and giving states additional powers. According to democrats, the central government should expand its sphere of influence and social freedoms, and regulate the lives of citizens.

On November 8, 2016, the United States will hold presidential elections. Since 1853, all US presidents have belonged to either the Republican or Democratic Party.

How did Democrats and Republicans come about?

  • The US Democratic Party is one of the oldest political parties in the world. Organizationally, it took shape in 1828 as a result of the unification of several factions that existed in 1792-1824. Democratic-Republican Party. Among its founders are the 3rd US President Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809), as well as Andrew Jackson and Martin van Buren, who were later also elected heads of state (Jackson - 7th president in 1829-1837, van Buren - 8th). 1st president in 1837-1841).
  • The founding date of the Republican Party is considered to be March 20, 1854, when the first meeting of its members was held in the city of Ripon (Wisconsin). They came from the ranks of the Whig Party (existed in 1832-1856), the Free Soil Party (1848-1854) and the Democratic Party (founded in 1828). The founding convention took place on July 6, 1854 in Jackson, Michigan, where the Republican political platform was adopted. The convention, held June 17-19, 1856 in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), nominated the first presidential candidate (John Charles Fremont).

What did the parties stand for before and what now?

Democratic Party:

  • Initially, she advocated the preservation of slavery and the priority of state legislation over federal legislation. In 1828-1860 The Democratic Party dominated both the presidential and parliamentary elections.
  • Subsequently, against the backdrop of worsening contradictions between the North and South of the United States and the outbreak of the Civil War, a split occurred in the party into southern and northern factions. Democrats in the South advocated for the expansion of slavery throughout the country; Democrats in the northern states believed that each state should resolve this issue independently. The split in the party led to the strengthening of the Republican position and the victory of Abraham Lincoln in the 1860 presidential election.
  • The revival of the party is associated with Franklin Roosevelt, who held in the early 1930s. New Deal policy. Then the main tool for overcoming the large-scale economic crisis that engulfed the United States in 1929-1933. (“Great Depression”), there was state regulation of the economy and the solution of social problems.
  • Today the party also advocates active government intervention in all spheres of socio-economic life. Currently, its position is particularly strong in the Northeast, Great Lakes and Pacific Coast regions, as well as in major cities regardless of region.

Republican Party:

  • Initially, it reflected the interests of the industrialists of the North (Yankees) as opposed to the Democratic Party, which relied on the slave-owning planters of the South. The RP advocated the prohibition of slavery in the northern states and the free distribution of free land. After the victory of the northerners in the Civil War of 1861-1865. Republicans ruled the country almost continuously until the early 1930s.
  • Gradually, conservative tendencies prevailed in the party's policy: Republicans, longer than Democrats, remained committed to the policy of isolationism in foreign policy, opposed the expansion of state participation in economic life (pursuing a policy of “robust individualism”) and the creation of a social protection system for the population.
  • Since the mid-1950s. The party’s ideology became “new republicanism,” which recognized the active role of the state in the socio-economic sphere. At the end of the 1970s. the party found a second wind. Her program, aimed at reducing the role of the federal government in socio-economic life, cutting taxes and increasing arms costs, combined with anti-communist slogans, found many supporters.
  • In the early 2000s. The party began to rely on the economic program of “compassionate conservatism,” which combines the limitation of the regulatory functions of the state with its social responsibility. Currently, the party focuses on a free market economy and advocates strengthening national defense and energy independence of the United States. In the social sphere, he expresses the interests of opponents of abortion and advocates of family values, and adheres to a tough policy towards illegal migrants.

Who leads the parties?

Democratic Party:

  • The leader is the president (if the party is in power) or the candidate for this post nominated at the last party congress (if the party is in opposition). In even-numbered years, intermediate party conferences are convened to coordinate work. During the break between congresses, leadership is exercised by the National Committee (NC), elected from representatives of all states. Its chairman coordinates the current activities of the party. The current acting chairperson of the NC is Donna Brazile. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, who headed the NK since 2011, left this post in July 2016. Her resignation was the result of a scandal that erupted after WikiLeaks published correspondence from NC members, which showed that the committee was looking for ways to support Hillary Clinton during the primaries and discredit her rival Bernie Sanders.
  • The highest body is the National Convention, which convenes in the year of presidential elections and nominates candidates for president and vice president, and also approves the party's election platform. The last, 47th, congress took place on July 25-28 of this year in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania). Hillary Clinton was confirmed as the presidential candidate, and Timothy Kane as the vice-presidential candidate.

Republican Party:

  • The leader of the party is the president (if the party is in power) or the candidate for this post nominated at the last party congress (if the party is in opposition). In even-numbered years, intermediate party conferences are convened to coordinate work. The current activities of the party are coordinated by the National Committee. Since 2011, it has been headed by Reince Priebus.
  • The highest body of the Republicans is the National Convention. It convenes in the year of presidential elections and nominates candidates for president and vice president, and also approves the party's election platform. The last, 41st, congress took place on July 18-21 of this year in Cleveland (Ohio). Donald Trump was confirmed as a presidential candidate and Mike Pence as a vice presidential candidate.
  • The first Republican president was Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865). In total, Republicans occupied the White House 18 times (more than 80 years). In the second half of the XX - early XXI centuries. The Republican Party was in power from 1953-1961. (President Dwight Eisenhower), 1969-1977. (Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford), 1981-1993. (Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr.) and in 2001-2009. (George Bush Jr.).
  • The material was prepared based on data provided by TASS-Dossier

    There is an old famous American joke that demonstrates in simple terms how Republicans differ from Democrats.

    A man was present at a party with his friends. Their little daughter, who imitates her parents in everything, answered the guest’s question: “What do you want to become when you grow up?” confidently and without hesitation she answered: “President.” Then the young man asked her another question: “What will you do first when you become the main man in the USA?” Without thinking twice, the little girl answered: “I will feed all the homeless and give them a roof over their heads.” It was noticeable that the parents were beaming with happiness and pride in their child. But then the man suggested that the girl should not wait many years before she became the head of state, but earn some pocket money right now by cleaning his backyard lawn, and give this money to a homeless person. The Democrats’ daughter, after thinking, said: “Then why doesn’t this homeless man clean up your lawn himself and earn money for food?” “Welcome to the Republican Party,” the young man said, smiling.

    Main types of parties in America

    Distinctive features of the political system: stability and conservatism. Republicans and Democrats are the two most popular parties. Recent sociological studies have shown that the differences in views between political forces today are even greater than the racial, age or gender divisions in the country.

    The democratic movement was founded in the first half of the 19th century, it easily adapts to any conditions, and has also been one of the main political forces in America for several centuries in a row. Their main principles are based on liberal socialist views. The current state president, Barack Obama, is also a Democrat.

    The US Republican Party represents the second most important political force in the country. Here the main principles are liberalism and conservatism. The name and popularity came to this party in the 19th century, during the fight against slavery. It was thanks to the Republicans that this serious problem was overcome. Today the party is fairly neutral on racial issues, maintaining a conservative position.

    US Republicans and Democrats. Difference of Beliefs

    The views of the parties are very different. In many ways they are even opposite. Thus, the Republican Party advocates increasing taxes for rich people, the national debt, as well as compulsory health insurance and maintaining the death penalty. Its adherents target the middle class, Native Americans and the wealthy.

    US Democrats, on the contrary, support the poor and people who live off special benefits and payments. They advocate free medical care, the introduction of a tax on excess profits, increased budget spending and a moratorium on the use of the death penalty.

    Democratic symbol - blue donkey

    The US Democrats as a political force were formed back in 1828. Since the early 60s of the last century, the Democratic Party has advocated expanding the role of the state, especially in such areas as social protection of the population and healthcare.

    Often, when speaking about this political force, journalists portray a blue donkey. This tradition began thanks to cartoonist Thomas Nast. Back on January 15, 1870, in the Haspers Weekly magazine, he depicted a donkey next to a dead lion. It was a political commentary on the behavior of Democrats after the unexpected death of former Lincoln Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton. Nast's cartoon had a great resonance and was captioned: “A live donkey kicks a dead lion. They allowed themselves vile and dirty printed articles after his death.” The image created an allusion to the famous saying: “A living donkey is better than a dead lion.”

    Republican symbol - red elephant

    The Republican Party was created in 1854. Since then it has become very popular in the USA. The most famous Republican presidents are Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Harrison, Gerald Ford, George W. Bush, and George W. Bush.

    The image of the red elephant was also introduced into American politics by Nast. It happened on November 7, 1874 on the pages of the same Harpers Weekly. Three days after the Democrats won a majority in the House of Congress, Nast ridiculed them in another cartoon. This time an elephant was depicted going into a pit, thereby escaping from a donkey dressed in a lion's skin. Here the role of the donkey was played by the New York Herald newspaper, which wrote that Republican President Ulysses Grant was Caesar, wanting to achieve a third term.

    The fight for voters

    There are different types of parties in the United States of America, including National Socialists and Communists, but experience shows that the American electorate chooses members of the Democratic and Republican parties.

    About a third of voters vote for Democrats and the same number for Republicans. There is a centuries-long struggle for the remaining votes. Based on age, race and religion, these parties win new supporters during election races.

    Geographical principle

    A few centuries ago, it turned out that the Republican Party had the strongest positions in the north of America - in a rich industrial region. At that time, Democrats were confidently occupying the rural south. But over the past 50 years, everything has changed: Republicans have won the trust of southerners, and Democrats have won the trust of northerners.

    The leader of the “Elephant Party”, Abraham Lincoln, initiated the abolition of slavery, but today African Americans, on the contrary, support the Democratic Party.
    In the rest of the country there is no clear division, but the working class tends to side with the Blue Donkeys, while businessmen and wealthy people support the interests of the Elephants.

    Difference of Views

    Both US Republicans and Democrats are concerned about the problems of modern society. The only difference is in their spheres of influence. This includes problems that are called social: economic growth, jobs, medical care and others.

    Both US Republicans and Democrats want a better life. The difference in their policies is that they target different segments of the population. To attract the attention of voters, gay people, attitudes towards drugs and abortion, the inclusion of women in the American army, and a host of other issues are discussed in the election race. But often these are just successful PR stunts used to get votes.

    Because the two parties target different segments of the electorate, their campaign promises vary widely. Thus, Democrats want to provide better living conditions for poor people, providing them with necessary health care, new jobs and lower taxes, while Republicans are busy trying to improve the lives of businessmen.

    federal government

    This is where Republicans differ from Democrats to a greater extent. The Democratic Party's interest is in keeping the federal government strong. In other words, this means that they want to completely take control of the economy, and this is practically the same as increasing the role of the government apparatus and the number of its employees. Democrats also want to raise business taxes and expand aid for the poor.

    Research shows that if America lives according to the idea of ​​the Democrats, it will soon lead to the creation of a capitalist society in which money is taken from the rich and given to the poor. Let's look at an example: France currently has a wealth tax of 75%. What does this lead to? Because rich people are closing down their businesses and leaving to live in other countries. There is a huge risk that all wealthy people will leave France, and then only poor citizens who will not have the opportunity to “raise” the country will remain. Therefore, democratic ideas also have a number of disadvantages.

    The Republican Party, on the contrary, advocates weakening the role of the federal government in America and for its minimal interference in people's lives. They set the main task: to monitor compliance with the laws and protect their citizens. Republicans advocate self-regulation of the economy; the expression “clean hand of capitalism” is quite applicable to them.

    But if the pure ideas of a given party reign in society, this will lead to its stratification, and one day those who are at the very bottom of the social unit will take guns in their hands and try to take their own and restore justice and equality.

    Maintaining balance

    When the electorate in a country gives preference to two parties, then one party reduces the level of influence of the other. If voters see the advantage of some political force, the active embodiment of its ideas, then, as a rule, the candidate from the other party wins the elections. In the United States of America, each party won at most two times in a row.

    It is correct to believe that none of the ideas is completely ideal, because the two-party system gives a balance of influence to each of these two main political forces. As a result, the country develops harmoniously, and all segments of the population are satisfied.

    Both US Republicans and Democrats want the best for America. The difference lies in the methods and vision of the problems of modern society in the “stars and stripes” country.

    The US political system is characterized by stability and conservatism. The two most popular parties - Republicans and Democrats - have ruled the roost here for a century and a half. What are the main differences between these political forces, and is there any significant difference between them at all?


    Democrats- representatives of the oldest US political party currently represented in Congress, the main principles of which are liberal socialist views. Founded in the first half of the 19th century, the movement is highly adaptable and is one of the key forces influencing the development of America. Barack Obama, the current US President, belongs to this party.

    Republicans- representatives of the second major political party in the United States, the main principles of which are conservatism and liberalism. The political force made its popularity and name in the fight against slavery: it was through its efforts that this relic of the past was overcome in the 19th century. Subsequently, the party was rather cool about the fight for equal rights with African Americans, maintaining conservative positions.


    So, the political views of both parties differ, and very significantly. Republicans advocate increasing the national debt, compulsory health insurance, and increasing taxes on the rich. Accordingly, their electoral base is the middle class, the richest people in the United States, and native Americans. Democrats are strongly opposed: give them free healthcare with compulsory medical insurance, increased budget spending, and the introduction of taxes on excess profits.

    The social base of this party is the poorest segments of the population, as well as people living on welfare (well-fare). Another important difference is the attitude towards the death penalty. Republicans consider its preservation necessary, while Democrats are in favor of a moratorium on its use. The symbol of the Democrats is a blue donkey, the symbol of the Republicans is a red elephant.

    Conclusions website

    1. Ideology. Democrats are on the left (social liberalism), Republicans are on the center and right.
    2. Electoral base. The middle class and the wealthiest citizens predominantly vote for the Republicans, while the poorest segments of the population, African Americans, and housewives vote for the Democrats.
    3. Political Views. Republicans advocate strengthening the economy, ending Obama's health care reform, and aggressive policies, while Democrats advocate further increasing the tax burden and increasing the budget deficit.
    4. Emblem and informal name. The unofficial symbol of the Republicans is the elephant, the color is red, and the Democrats have a donkey and the color blue.
    There are two parties - Republicans and Democrats in the USA, the difference between them became the topic of my recent conversation with an acquaintance. Perhaps this topic will be interesting to you too. The political system of the United States of America is quite conservative and stable. For a century and a half now, two popular parties have been “running the show” - the Republicans and the Democrats, in turn, each of them consists of different political “trends”.

    Let's figure out what these parties are, whether there is a difference between them, and how significant it is.

    Democrats are members of the Democratic Party, the oldest party represented in the US Congress today. Based on the principles of the party, the American Democratic Party is called liberal socialist. It was founded in the first half of the 19th century. Perfectly adaptable to any conditions, the Democratic Party is an important key force in the development of America. Barack Obama belongs to this party.

    Republicans are representatives of the Republican Party, the most important political force in the United States. The main principles of the Republicans are conservatism and liberalism. The party's prominence as a political force dates back to the time of the fight against slavery; largely through the efforts of the Republicans, this relic of the past was overcome in the 19th century. But, if we talk about further work, the Republicans were not particularly zealous in the fight for equal rights for whites and African Americans.

    Difference between US Republicans and Democrats

    It is obvious that the political views of the two parties differ significantly.
    Republicans are conservatives, their ideal is the America of the founding fathers (you have perseverance, skill, intelligence - the state should give you the opportunity to independently achieve what you want). Democrats are liberals who believe that time moves and changes are needed, and the government should take care of people.

    Representatives of the Republican Party advocate the same amount of taxes for everyone, because everyone is equal. Their electorate is native Americans, the middle class, the richest people in the United States.

    Democrats advocate increasing taxes for the rich and increasing budget spending. The electoral base is the poorest segments of the population and those who live on welfare (well-fare).

    Democrats advocate increasing spending on various social programs (budget housing, food stamps). Republicans advocate cutting these programs and note that some work "under the table" and receive coupons under the guise of being low-income, and many are not motivated to look for work at all because they receive unemployment benefits. They all live at the expense of taxpayers.

    Democrats are pro-choice - the right of women to have an abortion. Republicans are “pro-life” - for the rights of unborn children, against abortion.

    Representatives of the Republican Party defend the rights of companies (employers), and the Democratic Party defends the rights of trade unions.

    Democrats rely, among other things, on immigrants and minorities, and actively advocate for gay rights. Republicans limit themselves to the "white Christian" electorate, believing that unskilled migrants are a burden to the country. Republicans are absolutely against same-sex marriage.

    Prosperity versus growth. Republicans prioritize economic growth, Democrats prioritize social security.

    Democrats recognize government regulation, Republicans are supporters of the free market.

    Among the most important differences is the attitude towards the death penalty. Democrats are voting for a moratorium on its use, while Republicans believe the death penalty should be retained.

    The Republican majority has a tough view on the drug problem. Democrats in the majority have an ambivalent attitude towards this problem. Regarding their attitude towards war, officially both parties are zealous militarists. But everything is not “absolute”; they often start pointing fingers in each other’s direction if something happens somewhere.

    Difference Between Democrats and Republicans - Key Differences

    The important difference is in ideology. Democrats “preach” social liberalism (left-wing positions), Republicans are on center-right positions.

    The second difference is the electorate. Representatives of the middle class and the wealthiest citizens, as a rule, vote for Republicans. The poorest citizens, housewives, and African Americans vote for the Democrats.

    The third difference is political views. Democrats are in favor of further increasing the tax burden and increasing the budget deficit. Republicans are for strengthening the economy and ending the reform in medicine that Obama began.
    Well, and the paraphernalia. The unofficial symbol of the Republicans is the elephant, the color is red. The symbol of the Democrats is a donkey, the color is blue.

    One more point to think about. What do each of these political parties believe in? Democrats believe in rights (every person has the right to medicine, benefits, etc.). Republicans continue to believe in privilege, that is, “you can only have what you have earned and can afford.”

    From the first popular election (1860) until 1932, presidential politics were ruled primarily by Republicans (8 Republican presidents versus 3 Democratic over the years). Next, the Great Depression gave rise to thirty-six years of Democratic rule (at that time there was only one Republican president, Eisenhower, and even he could not make up his mind at first). And then - the Vietnam War, and the Republicans came to power with President Nixon for almost forty years, if we exclude the rule of the Democrat Clinton.

    The global economic crisis of 2008 and the complexities of geopolitics are currently again turning the picture of the arrangement of parties on the political chessboard of America.

    How can one not recall the presidential elections in America, where he unexpectedly won for everyone?