Developmental copybooks for children. Old copybooks, Soviet textbooks, arithmetic: download culture for free

Parents of children 4-6 years old must decide for themselves whether to teach them to write before school. To some, this seems unnecessary due to the physical and psychological unpreparedness of children at this age for writing. Some are afraid that they will not be able to instill this important skill correctly. There are also mothers and fathers who are sure that if you don’t teach writing, then at least preparing a preschooler’s hand for writing is absolutely necessary. To help them, there are recipes for kids. So what should they be? How to choose the right guide?

Features of copybooks for preschoolers

School copybooks are a manual for teaching writing, containing correct calligraphic samples. In simple terms, using these printed notebooks, a primary school student should not only learn to write individual letters, then syllables, words, sentences, but also do it correctly and beautifully.

In most schools, during writing lessons, first-graders are taught almost immediately to write syllables and entire words together, but practically no attention is paid to the introduction of individual letters, numbers, and geometric figures. Often a child who has never seen a copybook before school gets lost and finds it difficult to keep up with the school curriculum.

Therefore, teachers advise parents, as part of preparing their child for school, to purchase special prescriptions for him, designed for children aged 4 to 6 years. Does this mean that a student in the junior group of kindergarten is already able to write letters and even words? The answer must be no. And there are several reasons for this revenge:

  1. In order for a child to master written language skills (reading and writing), his oral language must be sufficiently developed. That is, he must know a large number of words, be able to pronounce them, and construct simple and complex sentences. Unfortunately, not all four-year-olds can do this.
  2. The age-related anatomical features of the hands and the level of development of the nervous system of a preschool child simply do not allow him to write calligraphically.
  3. The relationship between the analyzers involved in writing is established in children aged 6-7 years; before that, they do not write letters and words, but simply reproduce them.

Therefore, if parents buy copybooks for a preschooler and think that he will learn to write from them in the literal sense of the word, they are mistaken. Classes on such manuals are conducted with the aim of:

  • train fine motor skills;
  • train the muscles of the hand (a common problem for unprepared younger schoolchildren - the hand gets tired very quickly while writing);
  • learn to hold a pen correctly;
  • develop perseverance, attention and logical thinking;
  • learn to depict graphically images of objects, symbols of letters and numbers;
  • familiarization with the spelling of words;
  • solving elementary mathematical and logical problems.

How to choose children's copybooks

Psychologists and teachers agree that copybooks for preschoolers should be in a large square, or, in extreme cases, in an oblique line. The distance between the lines should be large enough, and the writing patterns should be large and distinct. The assignments in the copybook should be arranged in sequence from simple to complex.

Good copybooks for preschoolers are those in which 66% of the task is to trace the symbol and only 33% is for independent reproduction.

Despite the fact that working with copybooks can be called activities, with a preschooler they must be done in a playful way. It is unlikely that he will be interested in a simple black and white notebook. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to colorful books with pictures and various tasks. They are often called developmental notebooks. You can choose thematic copybooks for boys or girls, with animals, dinosaurs, cartoon characters, etc. It is necessary that the child likes the copybooks.

Some parents want their child to be able to write in capital letters by first grade. You need to be careful here: copybooks for preschoolers do not have a uniform standard for writing letters. Therefore, there is a high probability that the child will have to relearn at the school desk. It is better to buy a manual with block letters.

Types of copybooks for preschoolers

Publishers of children's and methodological literature usually offer four main types of copybooks for preschoolers.

1. Developmental

Developmental recipes can be offered to a four-year-old child. Usually, they have a bright design and combined content (tasks for coloring pictures, connecting dots, labyrinths, actually writing out certain symbols, etc.). Objectives of the development manual:

  • teach your child to hold a writing instrument (pen, pencil, felt-tip pen) correctly;
  • draw straight and curved lines without lifting the writing instrument from the paper;
  • color drawings without going beyond the lines;
  • make strokes and lines of various sizes and thicknesses;
  • trace the symbols and reproduce them yourself.

Typically, developmental copybooks teach the child to trace and reproduce dots, straight and inclined lines, loops, circles and other geometric shapes, collected symbols such as “Christmas trees”, “mushrooms”, “flowers”, “caterpillars”, etc.

2. Logical

Logic aids are very similar to simple developmental ones; they are also designed for the little ones. But in addition to general tasks, they pursue the goal of developing the child’s logical thinking. Often in logical recipes you can find tasks like this:

  • select according to the meaning and complete the missing item;
  • outline the pattern and complete it with the missing element;
  • circle a number of symbols in one line, and in the next - continue to reproduce them independently according to their meaning;
  • find, circle or color an extra item from several offered.

3. Math

Mathematical copybooks are designed for children 5 years old and older. At this age, children should already be able to count to ten (not just call the numbers with a memorized “counting book”, but “on their fingers”), solve elementary examples of addition and subtraction within this ten, and know the names of basic geometric shapes. From the copybooks, even before school, he will be able to learn how to:

  • write printed and capital numbers;
  • write mathematical symbols;
  • draw geometric shapes, divide them in half;
  • solve simple examples and problems;
  • compare numbers and sizes.

4. To teach writing

If a 5-6 year old child already knows letters and syllables well and can read them, he can be offered literacy copybooks. Starting with dots and sticks, he will gradually learn to write individual printed vowels and consonants and simple words from them. The sequence is something like this: unotated vowels – sonorant consonants – closed and open syllables and words from them; iotated vowels – paired and unpaired consonants – soft and hard signs – previously learned letters – syllables and words. At the next stage, the preschooler will have to master capital and continuous writing. It must be remembered that copybooks for preschoolers are not taught sound-letter analysis, so if the child has successfully mastered these manuals, you can really start teaching him to write according to school copybooks.


Having decided to teach preschoolers copybooks, parents should be consistent and unhurried. A too intense pace of classes will quickly tire the child, and next time it will be difficult to seat him at the table. There is no need to prepare for writing for more than 15-20 minutes a day. Before starting copybook lessons, parents should study the guidelines for them.


Speech therapist. Review of copybooks for preschoolers – Chatterbox speech therapist

Every parent strives for their child to have beautiful and understandable handwriting. Copybooks come to the rescue. The notebooks for written work contain calligraphic samples of letters, syllables, and numbers. They help children learn proper writing by outlining the principles and basics of calligraphy. Adults also resort to copybooks. With regular practice, they correct sloppy handwriting.


Adults rarely write by hand, often only when absolutely necessary. Writing has been replaced by computer text. This is convenient, but the handwriting of adults deteriorates due to lack of training. Children in schools and kindergartens are taught to write correctly and beautifully, regularly consolidate the skill, train their hand and learn to write using special aids at home.

The simplest copybooks are made independently; they are suitable for children 2 years old and 3 years old. You need to take a notebook in a box and draw simple shapes with dotted lines: lines, squares, triangles. And the kids, with the help of their parents or on their own, will trace the figures. Examples for beginners are presented below. There are copybook templates in pdf, word and other formats on the web.

For preschoolers

Children 3 – 4 years old

45 years

5 – 6 years

For the preparatory group

By points

Patterns: sticks - hooks

For 1st grade

For 2nd grade



For adults

The printed alphabet is simpler than the written alphabet because the letters are not connected to each other. Such educational notebooks are suitable for kindergarten, when children are just being introduced to the alphabet. Copy-book coloring books will introduce your child to the alphabet in a playful way when he colors a picture starting with a certain letter. For example: a watermelon, when we are talking about the letter “A” or a hippopotamus, when we are talking about the letter “B”.

When learning the printed alphabet, the child should explain what vowels and consonants there are, how hissing sounds differ from voiced sounds, hard from soft.

Calligraphy letters

The capital alphabet is studied before school. These are complex characters where the spelling of capital letters is different from lowercase letters. In this case, it is important to connect the symbols correctly. Parents and teachers use modern types of school notebooks or copybooks from Soviet times.

Adults and children of high school age can use wide-lined copybooks; for children, narrow-lined notebooks are used. You can print out a copybook with all the letters on one sheet - this will help you quickly remember the sequence of letters in the alphabet.

How to write numbers

Mathematical symbols are easier to write because there are significantly fewer of them: only 10 numbers versus 33 letters of the alphabet, and the numbers are not connected to each other. For copybooks, checkered notebooks are used, where each number is clearly limited and does not go beyond the limits.

School copybooks with numbers are equipped with shading, arrows and other signs that help you understand at what point the symbol begins and the writing algorithm. Printouts with examples of numbers are used for teaching both preschoolers and school-age children.

Handwriting Workbooks

Teachers and educators recommend purchasing special notebooks designed to prepare your hand for writing. The best copybooks were developed and created by domestic teachers, which include the Nekin simulator, working copybooks by Bortnikova, Zhukova, Kolesnikova. The manuals are designed for children of different ages.





How to prepare your hand for writing

To prepare the hands of future first-graders, teachers have compiled a list of special tasks.

Regular exercises train fine motor skills in children of any age:

  1. Finger games will help prepare your hand, but you should not give priority to only one hand, regardless of whether the child is right-handed or left-handed. The limbs should be equally used.
  2. Coloring pages are a fun pastime that develops your creative imagination and gets your fingers ready to write.
  3. Special notebooks for future schoolchildren. The authors suggest tracing pictures or large letters at the dots, drawing lines without lifting the pencil from the paper (labyrinth).
  4. Copybooks - the first teaching aids are developed for children 4–5 years old, 6–7 years old, for grades 1-2, for grades 3, 4. Copybooks introduce kids to printed and capital letters and syllables. There are also mathematical textbooks with figures and numbers, notebooks in Russian, English, German, French and other languages.

A child of senior preschool age learns from a copybook. They can be purchased at stationery stores, bookstores, or downloaded for free online.

How to fix handwriting

Many people believe that beautiful handwriting is formed at school age, and adults will no longer be able to correct it. In fact, it can be improved regardless of age: both a first-grader and an adult are able to place a hand. However, this is the result of long and regular training.

It is important to follow the rules and take into account the nuances:

  • A comfortable place for writing - good lighting is necessary, choose a table with a hard surface, a chair with a back. These conditions are especially important for toddlers, children 3-6 years old, and primary schoolchildren, but are also recommended for adults.
  • When working, you cannot rush; maximum concentration on the process is necessary.
  • Suitable stationery. Previously, experts argued that to succeed in calligraphy and develop good handwriting, you need to use a fountain pen. Today, ball-type ones are also allowed, but with a thin rod.
  • Educational material - children use copybooks for the appropriate age. They learn to write using dots, hatches or dotted lines. Adults can keep a notebook in a narrow line and practice in it. If desired, download ready-made online copybooks and learn to correctly write combinations of letters, their elements, syllables and sentences.
  • Initially, you should write straight and parallel lines, circles and other simple shapes. Then move on to letters and syllables.
  • If necessary, turn to calligraphy masters, they will tell you how to write letters and connections that contain errors. They will recommend exercises that improve fine motor skills and handwriting.

Don't expect quick results. Calligraphy will improve with hard and regular practice.

How to learn to write correctly and beautifully

It is easier to teach a schoolchild beautiful handwriting right away than to reteach and correct mistakes later.

Parents of preschoolers and first-graders will benefit from advice from experienced teachers:

  • Calligraphic handwriting is impossible without developed finger motor skills. To do this, you need to draw with pencils more often, sculpt from plasticine, do origami, and beadwork. Games with cereals will be interesting and useful for the little ones. To do this, an adult needs to mix a little buckwheat and rice, and the child will sort them out.
  • Beautiful handwriting is directly related to straight posture. The baby should not hunch over while he is writing in copybook. The back should be straight; for this, he is seated on a chair with a hard back. However, computer and swivel chairs are not suitable.
  • High quality writing pen. It is necessary to select office supplies with a thin rod. When choosing between a gel and a ballpoint pen, the latter is preferred because it does not scratch the paper. The finger grip area should be made of rubber. This handle will not slip in children's hands, unlike its plastic or metal counterpart.
  • Handle grip. The correct position in the hand: the pen lies on the middle finger, the thumb and index finger hold it, and the ring and little fingers are pressed against the palm. If you grip incorrectly, you cannot achieve beautiful handwriting.

Following the rules of calligraphy will help your child learn to write letters from A to Z, words, numbers and numbers beautifully.

In the “Copybooks” section, you can download free teaching materials for developing writing skills, intended for schoolchildren and preschoolers. Also, with the help of copybooks, you can correct your own handwriting or learn to write in a different handwriting.

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Yu. Astapova

The copybooks are intended to prepare preschool children for writing in notebooks. The tasks will help develop fine motor skills and hand coordination, and develop the child’s graphic skills and imagination. Copybooks will help children learn to navigate on a sheet of paper using a narrow oblique ruler, tasks will develop visual perception and logical thinking. You can study according to these recipes either individually or in a group.

N.V., Masberg

Here are the recipes, by practicing which the baby will be able to train the small muscles of the hand and achieve correct coordination of the fingers when writing.
The material in the copybooks is presented in the form of fascinating tasks for attentiveness, accuracy and coordination of movements. The child must learn to draw various curly and continuous lines evenly and beautifully, and try not to lift the pencil from the paper. By completing such tasks, he will learn to carefully trace along a dotted line, easily master the first skills of writing and drawing, and gain dexterity when working with a pen and pencil.

Astapova Yu.

The copybooks are intended to prepare preschool children for learning to write.
The exercises in the notebook introduce the child to the configuration of the letters of the Russian alphabet. Children remember the name of the letters and their configuration, learn to fit the shape of a letter into a working line, observing its proportions, write letters at equal distances from each other, start work at the beginning of the line on the left, observe the size of the line, and use hygienic rules of writing.

Publishing house "Dragonfly"

Coloring books that are designed to help develop small hand muscles and proper finger coordination when writing in young children. By completing tasks, the child will master the first skills of drawing, writing, tracing, and will also learn to think and fantasize. For primary school students.

Trifonova N.M., Romanenko E.V.