Plan of drawing lessons for the senior group of dows by month. Pedagogical project “Children about the artists of the world” (senior preschool age) Painting for children of the senior group

Lesson summary - travel in the senior group to introduce children to the fine arts.
"Journey through the Kingdom of Fine Arts."

Compiled by: teacher of MDU kindergarten No. 228 Olga Vadimovna Sizova

Program content:

1. Harmoniously develop each child based on familiarity with works of fine art with the help of audiovisual means. Develop creativity, emotional sensitivity, imagination and fantasy.

2. Form artistic taste.

3. To educate moral principles through the perception of fine art, through works of fine art that have aesthetic universal human values.

4. Foster the beginning of museum culture as part of a person’s general culture, a careful and reverent attitude towards works

art, to museum monuments, awareness of the interconnection of culture

external and internal.

5. Introduce the main types and genres of fine art:

sculpture - sculpture of small forms;

genres - fairy-tale-epic portrait; in painting - still life, landscape, everyday painting.

Preparatory work:

An educational lesson, conversations about the main types of specialized museums.

Examination of thematic albums about artists, photographs,

illustrations, didactic games.

Material for the lesson:

1. Screen, decorated like a palace, easels for tasks.

2. House for the character. Dunno doll.

3. Attributes for the task.

4. Sculptures m/f.

porcelain(a bear cub, a deer, a foal, dogs, a squirrel, a bunny, a calf, a zebra, an elephant, a girl wiping a plate, a girl with a teapot).



glass(mouse, caterpillar, dragon, caterpillar in an apple).

5. Crossword.

6. Portraits of artists.

7. Mosaic by genre.

8. Frames and baguette.

Musical arrangement: G. Gladkov

Fun disco.

Progress of the lesson:

Q: Do you guys like adventures?

D: Yes, of course, we love!

Q: So I really love and want to invite you to go on an exciting journey with me!

D: And where, where will we go?

Q: I already told you that any day now I am expecting a letter from a very important person.

D: Yes, they did, but a letter arrived.

Q: I received the letter, here it is. Queen Brush sent it to us. She invites us on a journey through her kingdom of Fine Arts. Do you agree?

Q: But the road is not easy, you need to know a lot, and perhaps adventures and surprises await us along the way, and maybe magical transformations. Aren't you scared?

D: No, we are not afraid of anything.

Q: To get to the kingdom, you need to know the way. What helps a traveler not to go astray?

D: Compass and map.

Q: Correct. I have such a map, and this Firebird’s feather will be the compass. It’s good to take a cheerful melody along with you on the road. (A melody sounds).

Q: Let's unfold the map and take a look. Here is the route we should take, and who do we see first?

D: Dunno and his house.

Q: That’s right, and here is the compass pen showing the direction (a melody sounds, the children go to Dunno’s house).

D: Here is an envelope.

Q: Let's see what's in it (opens, reads):

“Dunno goes to visit the artist Tube for a drawing lesson. He assembled the easel. What extra did Dunno put in?” The children complete the task and help Dunno clean up the easel.

V: Well done, everything is correct. Let's look at the map and continue on our way. It says "Artists Alley" and the compass pen shows you where to go. (Music sounds. Children go to the second point of their journey).

D: There is also an envelope here. Orange envelope.

Q: Let's open it and take a look. Is reading:

"The sorceress Chernilda mixed all the books. The artists are upset. They cannot understand their illustrations and ask for help with this.”

Q: Well, we can help this misfortune.

D: Yes, we will sort out the books.

Q: Come on, take a book and put it where the photo is


(Children lay out illustrations).

V: Well done, just great! It's time for us to hit the road. Take a look at the map. We need to go to Sculptors Street, so the pen points there. (Music sounds).

D: Another envelope. Yellow color.

Q: Shall we read it?

Q: » Who are the sculptures?

What do you know about sculpture?

Write a short story about a bear cub." (Listen to the children's answers.)

Q: An artist can convey the anxiety and fear of his hero with the help of an expressive gesture. Would you like to come up with a story about a bear cub? The little bear was left in a large forest without a mother bear, the baby bear, indecisively, steps from paw to paw and thinks hard about what to do - should he go forward or not?

Thus, with the help of movement, the sculptor was able to convey the character of his hero, his mood, anxiety and indecision.

Q: And it’s time for us to hit the road again, and the pen shows that from Sculptors Street we find ourselves in Genre Lanes. (Music sounds).

Q: You know, guys, it’s very easy to get lost in Genre Lanes. And to prevent this from happening, we must remember what genres there are? Poetry? And the mosaic? Let's talk and play.

D: This is Peizazhny Lane. (Children complete the task and read poetry).

Q: So you and I came out of the alleys and didn’t get lost. Let's take a look at

map. What do you see?

D: Tube Artist and crossword puzzle.

Q: So let’s go to the artist Tube. (Music sounds).

D: Here is a blue envelope.

Q: Let's open it and read it.

“Guys, we are visiting the artist Tube. All the objects he uses are well known to everyone. Name them, and you will find out the name of the room where Tube works."

Q: Shall we play “Field of Miracles?”

(Children and teacher complete the task).

And the map is calling us, let's see where we should go next. (Music sounds).

B: Here we come. What kind of miracles are there - there is a frame, there is an easel, but there is no painting?

Maybe these are the tricks of the evil Chernilda?

D: There is a blue envelope. (Reads the text in the envelope):

The sorceress Chernilda poured ink on Vasnetsov’s painting “Three Heroes”. The heroes are asking for help. They need to be brought back into the picture.

Q: How to do this? Unless we play at being heroes ourselves. After all, for some reason, heroic armor lies here and good horses are waiting. (Children make assumptions, exchange opinions).

D: We agree.

Q: Remember the plot of the picture. What genre? Now decide who will be who. (Music sounds).

This is how the picture turned out, a real living picture. Guys, look at the easel. The spell of the evil Chernilda has disappeared. The heroes returned to their place. This is what it means to be brave and decisive. Let's say “Goodbye” to the heroes and turn to the map. What do you see?

D: Palace, castle, big house.

Q: We are very close to the palace of Queen Tassel. But on our way there is still

one palace. Princess Tsvetana lives there. Let's hurry there.

(Music sounds).

D: The envelope is purple.

B: Let's open it and take a look. (Is reading):

“The evil sorceress Chernilda, flying over the palace of Princess Tsvetana, covered the colored paths that lead to the palace with sand. Help Tsvetana free the paths from sand by remembering the magic phrase. Name the color from which the color spectrum begins.

Q: Princess Tsvetana needs our help. Remember how the phrase sounds.

D: Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting.

Q: So the paths appeared.

(The music of Queen Tassel sounds, Queen Tassel comes out of the palace). K.K. : How many new things have you learned?

K.K. : Do you know what children love most in the world?

D: Ice cream, cakes, cartoons, dolls, walking, drawing, candy.

K.K. : Children love a lot of things. I want to give you colors and magical

sweets called “Fantasy”. Eat them and draw them

wonderful drawings. Place them in a large envelope and send them to me at

palace, and my palace is called the house of the muses, but where do the muses live?

D: In the museum.

K.K. : Music, muse, museum... What beautiful words. Well, my friends, it’s time for you to return, and I’ll be waiting for your drawings. Goodbye. (Music sounds).

Q: Our journey has ended, and although we all know that it was a game, the game is very interesting. Thank you, children. Thanks to the guests.

Lesson notes for the senior group “Journey through the Kingdom of Fine Arts.”
Author: Sizova Olga Vadimovna
Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: Municipal preschool educational institution, general developmental kindergarten No. 228
Location: Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl region


Preparatory group or senior group
Purpose of entertainment:
1) Consolidation of knowledge about genres of painting
2) Familiarity with non-traditional materials and ways of working
Preliminary work with children:
Introduction to painting genres
Old Man Hottabych, Nastenka, Painting, Fantasy, brownie Kuzka
EQUIPMENT: Non-traditional materials: gouache, carbon paper, toothbrushes, pencils, cosmetics, combs, wool threads, millet and plastic plates, pancakes and condensed milk, album sheets, stamps and stencils, baths with soap-gouache solution and tubes, salt, PVA glue... …. (Everything is located in the hall on tables and easels) On a separate coffee table are vases with tassels.
In the music room there are easels, still lifes, paintings hanging -
(everything is like in a real artist’s studio.) Tables, buckets of water, sponges, wet wipes (wipe your hands). Screen.
VIDEO: genres of painting and video riddles on the screen
MUSIC: oriental music, Russian folk music, recording of bird voices.
Hello, my young friends! Allow me to introduce myself: I am the Fairy of Painting. Look what I brought with me: paper, palette, paints, brushes. Do you know what they are for? (children's answers) I'll check it now!
Please, come in, make yourself comfortable, I have prepared for you a virtual tour of my kingdom-state. Watch and remember.
The LIGHTS turn off and in the darkness the children look at portraits, landscapes, and still lifes of famous Russian painters. (5-6 minutes, 3-4 pieces of each genre)
At this time, someone quietly takes the brushes.
Our little excursion has come to an end. Now I’ll check what you remember!
Video questions - by genre of painting
Using other reproductions. Children use the “third wheel” principle to find portraits, landscapes and still lifes.
The LIGHTS come on and Painting discovers that the brushes are missing.
PAINTING:- What is this, where are my brushes? I wanted to draw so many interesting pictures with you today! And here it is... No, I can’t do without my sister...
Let's ask her to come! My sister's name is Fantasia. She will definitely help us!
Children, together with the leader, cast a spell
Violent winds fly
Invite a fairy to visit
Come to us, fantasy, come
And show yourself on stage!
-Hello, dear sister.
What happened, master
I see guests in our hall..
Why was I called?
-Oh, we have a problem.
This is where the loss happened -
I don't have a single brush.
We have sent for you.
Please advise urgently
What will we draw with?
-FANTASY: Do you think that you can only paint with brushes? You, friends, are mistaken! A long time ago, our ancestors made paints themselves from clay and coal and painted on the walls of caves using pieces of moss and ordinary wooden sticks with soaked ends. They also took paint into their mouths and splashed it around their palms. This is how the first “signatures” under the drawings were obtained. What do you guys think, what else can you use to draw with?
Can I have some berry juice? What about some vegetables? And using cosmetics on the face is also painting! Body art is called!
Oriental music sounds
Old man Hottabych appears.
Old man KHOTTABYCH--: Hello, my dears, selam alaikum! Respect the old honored wizard, help Hottabych! I have one request for you... One of these days I will turn three thousand three hundred years old. I wanted to invite my friends—wizards—to visit, to fly to them, that is.
-FANTASY:- Grandfather, don’t you have a phone?
Old man KHOTTABYCH: Telephone - shmarophone? Who it? Skorokhod? I don't know, I haven't seen it. But my favorite rug - ah! My rug has become old and doesn’t fly well. One might say, it doesn’t fly at all. I've applied twice already! Nightmare! Got a bump! Draw me, my dear children, a new rug, will you?
--FANTASY: Take a seat, dear Hottabych! You have a problem and we have a problem. The paints are still there, but the brushes are missing. But don't be upset! I think I know how to paint a rug without brushes. (Painting and Fantasy divides all participants into small groups) All children work. Oriental music continues to play
Option 1 – children draw a rug using a simple pencil and carbon paper
Option 2 – finger painting.
Option 3 – using stamps made from corks or rubber bands
Option 4 - using a spray paint and a set of stencils
Option 5 – imprinting (when folded in half)
Option 6 – application with adhesive film
Option 7 - applique with cut threads or small colored paper
Option 8 – pastel on colored paper
Old Man Hottabych (examines the guys’ work) Wow, what rugs, one better than the other! This one will probably be the fastest, and this one will be the most reliable. This is only for visiting. Oh, diamonds of my heart, in my soul - birds are singing (recording of birds' heads), Turkish delight, sherbet is melting. I bow to you for your virtues, you respected the old man. Rakhmat!
The voices of birds are heard(Hottabych leaves, dancing with delight)
Russian folk music sounds
Nastenka appears (bows)
- Hello, kind and skilled people!
Hello, Nastenka! What happened, what happened, honey?
Oh, I don’t know where to start... Help me, draw a scarlet flower. I will give this drawing to my father. He is soon on his way - he is going to foreign countries overseas. He will look at the drawing and find the most expensive gift for me there.
FANTASY: I know how we can draw a fairytale flower. For this you need fabulous ways.
(Painting and Fantasy divide children into several groups) Russian folk music is played during work
Option 1 - blowing up blots (tubes and ink)
Option 2 - carrot or apple stamps (gouache)
Option 3 – toothpaste (with scarlet veins)
Option 4 – wool threads and gouache
Option 5 – glue and colored napkins
Option 6 - glue and colored strips.
Option 7 - lipstick
Option 8 - nail polish.
NASTENKA:(looks at the drawings, thanks the young artists)
Oh, you guys are great and girls! How you amused me, how you pleased me with your creativity! I’ll run to my dear father, he’ll soon set off on his little journey to distant lands. I’ll show him the drawings, I know he’ll like them all! Russian folk music or song sounds
Coughing and sneezing can be heard from behind the curtain.
KUZKA appears (blows his nose into a handkerchief - towel) and hides it in his pocket. He gets angry, frowns, pretends to leave.
KUZKA: I'm tired of hiding behind the curtain. It's cold there! It's blowing from the window! And it's still boring! Why aren't you looking for brushes? Why did I hide them? I wanted to play with you! And you... (turns away)
PAINTING:So these are your tricks, prankster!?
KUZKA:- Mine, or whose? (proudly)
FANTASY:- Kuzya, we’re not offended at you at all. Really, guys? We forgave you because during this time we all learned to fantasize and draw without brushes.
KUZKA:- I tried in vain! (waves hand, leaves)
FANTASY: Kuzya, where did you go sadly, hanging your head violently? Are you offended by the guys? Because we didn't look for brushes?
-KUZKA: I'm not offended, I'm hungry! And anyway, I went. I'm just tired of this mess! And pancakes too... I want something like that... (scratching his head)
FANTASY: Which one? Unusual? We can arrange it! Do you want the guys to make an edible portrait of you, and then you can eat yourself!?
KUZKA(feels himself with fear) How is this?
PAINTING:- Very simple. Sit down and watch!
Flat plates are distributed and children place a portrait of a cheerful shaggy man on each one.
Option 1 - grapes and cucumber slices
Option 2 - pancake and condensed milk (with a spoon) or from a can in a trickle
Option 3 – semolina porridge and jam
Option 4 – apple pieces and frozen lingonberries
Option 5 - peeled seeds and nuts
Option 6 - rice porridge and raisins
Option 7 – peas and green peas
KUZKA: Oh, how beautiful, oh, how delicious it must be! But I didn’t really want to eat anything! Miracles and nothing more! Come on, we'll eat it all together, huh?
FANTASY: I suggest that everything you depicted today be framed and put on display.
PAINTING: Right! I will definitely come to this exhibition. And you guys, remain the same inventors and dreamers. This will definitely come in handy in your life! Goodbye!
Cheerful music sounds. Kuzka dances with the children.
The holiday ends.

Long-term plan objectives:

- develop the ability to perceive a work of art, a sense of beauty;

- to form a sustainable interest in fine art, a desire to constantly communicate with it;

— deepen children’s understanding of painting (landscape, still life, portrait), sculpture, architecture, design;

— enrich the emotional sphere of children with new types of aesthetic experiences;

- teach the transfer of characteristic features of image objects (girl and Snow Maiden, boy and gnome, cheerful and sad, spring and autumn);

- support children’s aspirations for independence in organizing the workplace, choosing the theme of the drawing, material, methods of depiction, the theme of the drawing, planning activities, and implementing what is planned in the drawing;

- develop the ability to analyze the works of art of great masters, their own drawings and the works of other children.


September(8 ocloc'k)

1). Drawing "Flowers"

Target: consolidate the concepts of primary and secondary colors; learn to paint with gouache paints, mixing them, use various techniques - strokes, dabbing, circling.

Material: Gouache paints; music by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the ballet “The Nutcracker” “Waltz of the Flowers”.

2). Drawing "Vegetables and fruits"

Target: learn to draw oval and round objects (tomato, cucumber, apple, plum, pear, cherry, beet, carrot); paint with round strokes, mix

Material: Gouache paints, riddles about vegetables and fruits.

3). Modeling “Vegetables and fruits”

Target: convey the shape of round and oval objects (carrots, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, pears, plums), add details - holes, notches, using stacks.

Material: plasticine, stacks, samples of vegetables and fruits.

4). Application "Tomatoes"

Target: cutting out round shapes from a square, arranging tomatoes by color: from green, through yellow-pink, to red (a challenging task), and size.

Material: colored paper, scissors, glue; image of growing tomatoes.

5). Application “Apple and Pear”

Target: cut a round object from a square, an oval object from a rectangle, stick them on, placing them compositionally in a vase.

Material: colored paper, scissors, glue; a bowl of fruit.

6). Drawing "Still Life"

Target: explain the concept of “still life”, teach how to depict a group of vegetables and fruits, convey their shape and color, and place them correctly in the drawing.

Material: Gouache paints; reproductions of still life paintings; m/f “Plasticine Crow” (“About Paintings” to poems by A. Kushner)

7). Drawing "Grapes"

Target: depict bunches of grapes in a two-plane pattern, where some berries hide behind each other and lose half of their round or oval (optional) shape; convey highlights on the berries using the technique of mixing paints.

Material: Gouache paints, music by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the ballet “The Sleeping Beauty”, waltz.

8). Application - riddle “Still Life”

Target: determine by the color and shape of the blanks which vegetable or fruit to cut, consolidate the ability to cut round and oval objects.

Material: blanks of colored paper, scissors, glue; riddles about vegetables and fruits.

October(9 hours)

1). Drawing “Our Aquarium”

Target: consolidate the ability to depict animals from a circle and an oval, convey diversity through mixing colors and additional details, depict a composition of fish swimming in different directions.

Material: Gouache paints; music by A. Vivaldi “Spring”.

2). Application “Hen with chicks”

Target: teach how to work by cutting and pasting chickens, together in different poses, in any relationship with each other.

Form of the lesson: co-creation of the teacher (carving a chicken) and children.

Material: blanks of colored paper, scissors, glue; image of a poultry farm.

3). Drawing "Firebird"

Target: draw a fairytale bird, combining familiar images, convey its colorfulness and unusualness, its difference from existing ones.

Material: Gouache paints; music by P. Tchaikovsky “Dance of the Shepherds” from the ballet “The Nutcracker”.

4). Drawing "Pets"

Target: summarize children’s ideas in a conversation about animals living in the city and in the countryside; learn to draw 2-3 animals, using a circle and an oval, to convey the habitat (house, grass, apartment).

Material: Gouache paints; poems and riddles about pets

5). Modeling "Pets"

Target: learn to sculpt animals from plasticine using an oval shape and a circle (ball), and together create compositions from individual children's works.

Material: plasticine, stacks; drawings of pets from the previous lesson.

6). Drawing "Zoo"

Target: depict wild animals that were seen in the zoo (bear, elephant, hippopotamus, giraffe), convey their features, characteristic details, combining the shape of a circle and a square in the drawing.

Material: Gouache paints, riddles about wild animals, poems by S. Marshak “For the guys about animals”

7). Drawing "At the Circus"

Target: convey the movements of animals performing acrobatic acts (elephant on a ball, dogs with a ball, bunny on a drum, etc.).

Material: Gouache paints; music by G. Verdi “Triumphal March” from the opera “Aida”

8). Modeling "Circus"

Target: learn to work together, create compositions from animals performing in the arena - performing a circus act with additional objects.

Material: plasticine, stacks, children's drawings “At the Circus” from the previous lesson.

9). Drawing “Rope Animals”

Target: learn to draw animals with one smooth, unbroken line (string), with additional details drawn in. Black and white image.

Material: paper, coal.

November(8 ocloc'k)

1). Drawing “Autumn tree”

Target: learn to place trees “closer”, “further”; use the thin end of the brush to draw tree branches; form the concepts: “in front of the tree” (lower on the sheet), “behind the tree” (above).


2). Drawing "Trees and bushes"

Target: teach to convey differences in the structure of a tree and a bush, to consolidate the “closer - farther” arrangement technique.

Material: watercolor paints; music by A. Vivaldi “Autumn”.

3). Application "Mushrooms"

Target: learn to convey the composition of their 3 mushrooms - a large one and two small ones; secure paired cuttings of identical parts.

Material: blanks of colored paper, scissors, glue; image of mushrooms.

4). Application “Guess the animal” (from autumn leaves)

Target: learn to select leaves, laying them out on paper so that you get an animal, finishing the details with a felt-tip pen.

Material: dried autumn leaves, glue, markers.

5). Drawing “Colorful autumn”

Target: learn to paint with watercolors on wet paper, using the technique of spreading paints, develop the ability to see a plot in color and accentuate it.

Material: watercolor paints; music by V.-A. Mozart "Symphony No. 40".

6). Drawing “Cloudy autumn day”

Target: through the selection of colors, learn to depict the weather and mood; use the technique of toning the sky and earth, rain.

Material: watercolor paints; music by A. Vivaldi “Autumn” part 2 from the violin concerto “The Seasons”

7). Drawing “Autumn Landscape”

Target: learn to compose an album of autumn drawings, choosing the plot and mood of the landscape, combining visual materials.

Material: Gouache, Watercolor paints, colored pencils, crayons, felt-tip pens, charcoal; music by A. Vivaldi “Autumn”, part 3 from the violin concerto “The Seasons”

December(7 o'clock)

1). Drawing “We are building houses”

Target: create an image of square and rectangular objects - houses, windows, doors; introduce the concept of “architecture”.

Material: colored pencils, crayons, charcoal.

2). Drawing "Transport"

Target: learn to depict public and freight transport; conveying their diversity and differences; cut out the outline of the car from folded paper. Color with pencils and crayons.

Material: colored pencils, crayons, scissors.

3). Drawing “Under the Blue Sky”

Target: learn to depict air transport (plane, helicopter, hot air balloon, airship); convey the features of their structure, differences from the ground (streamlined shape, wings).

Material: crayons, watercolors, aircraft models; music by V.-A. Mozart, overture to the opera "The Marriage of Figaro".

4). Application “Such different cars”

Target: consolidate the skills of cutting out car bodies for various purposes (tank, dump truck, truck), cabins, wheels, composing and adding car parts with parts.

Material: colored paper, scissors, images of vehicles.

5). Drawing “A car drove up to the store”

Target: depict a two-plane drawing with perspective (“further - closer”, the car covers part of the building).

Material: pencils, crayons; music by F. Liszt “Chromatic gallop”.

6). Collective application “We are building a new city.”

Target: learn to create a general composition of houses, kindergartens, shops, cars, trees; develop cooperation skills and an elementary action plan.

Material: colored paper, scissors, glue.

January(7 o'clock)

1). Drawing "Winter's Tale"

Target: learn to depict trees, bushes and objects under the snow using graphic techniques (drawing on black paper with white “gouache”).

Material: black paper, gouache paints; music by V.-A. Mozart "Fantasy"

2). Drawing “Snow Maiden near the New Year tree”

Target: create a plot picture, conveying the holiday, the Snow Maiden’s bright outfit, a beautiful Christmas tree.

Material: Gouache paints, New Year cards; music by A. Borodin “Polovtsian Dances” from the opera “Prince Igor”

3). Modeling “Girl making a snowman”

Target: learn to sculpt the figure of a girl in a fur coat in a simple movement (rolling a ball), placing a snowman next to it.

Material: plasticine, stacks, music by A. Vivaldi “Winter” from the violin concerto “The Seasons”.

4). Modeling “Children on a walk in winter”

Target: creating a collective composition of children’s figures in accordance with the plot (sledding, skiing, playing snowballs, rolling a ball)

Material: plasticine, stacks.

5). Drawing "Fun in Winter"

Target: depict a winter walk - children in different poses, winter nature, snow; create your own plot and composition of the drawing.

Material: Watercolor paints, crayons; music by P. Tchaikovsky “Trepak” from the ballet “The Nutcracker”.

6).Applique "Snowflakes"

Target: learn to cut out snowflakes with small details and slits from folded paper.

Material: white paper, scissors; music by P. Tchaikovsky “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy” from the ballet “The Nutcracker”.

February(8 ocloc'k)

1). Application “Toy clown”

Target: convey the simple movements of the clown through the positions of the arms, legs, and head; use gaming techniques - show a sketchy clown on the board, and the children look for whose clown performs the same movements.

Material: colored paper, scissors, toy clown.

2). Getting to know the portrait

Target: to form ideas about a portrait, its features and means of depiction; teach verbal and pictorial portraiture. Game "Guess the description".

Material: m/f “Plasticine Crow” (“About Paintings” based on poems by A. Kushner), portraits.

3). Drawing “Portrait of Mom”

Target: learn to convey in a drawing similarities with the appearance and mood of the mother; correctly position facial features.

Material: paints “Gouache”, “Watercolor”; music by J. Massenet “Meditation”.

4). Drawing "Fun and Sad"

Target: Using various techniques, teach to express a person’s mood (wide and narrow eyes, corners of the mouth up or down, eyebrows raised, lowered), after first examining several doll faces in the drawing.

Material: colored pencils, crayons, charcoal; music by A. Vivaldi “The Seasons” (“Spring” and “Autumn”)

5). Drawing “Funny gnomes”

Target: to teach to see the differences between a person and a gnome, to convey in the drawing the comical and fabulous nature of the gnome through shape and color.

Material: Gouache paints; music by P. Tchaikovsky “March” from the ballet “The Nutcracker”

6). Drawing “My dad is ... (cook, builder, engineer)”

Target: depict the appearance and posture of a person in accordance with his profession.

Material: colored pencils, crayons.

7). Drawing “Portrait of a Friend”

Target: portray a friend, conveying his character, habits, hobbies; make a plot drawing.

Material: Gouache paints, colored crayons.

8). Drawing “A doctor came to see me”

Target: draw up a plot drawing depicting people and the environment.

Material: colored pencils, crayons; music by P. Tchaikovsky “The Doll’s Disease” from “Children’s Album”.

March(8 ocloc'k)

1). Drawing-application “Postcard for Mom”

Target: prepare a gift for your mother (grandmother, sister), choose your own means of representation, create a composition from combined visual materials (colored paper, paints, plasticine).

Material: colored paper, paints, plasticine, pencils, crayons; music from the opera “Sylvia” by L. Delibes, “Pizzicato”.

2). Drawing "Dancing men"

Target: learn to convey a person’s pose, his proportions in a schematic image, and compose a small dance composition from them.

Material: pencils, crayons; music by P. Tchaikovsky “Chinese Dance” from the ballet “The Nutcracker”.

3). Drawing "Funny clowns"

Target: learn to portray a clown in motion, with objects (juggles, dances, shows a trick, acrobatic act).

Material: crayons, watercolor, music by J. Strauss “Gallop”

4). Modeling “There are clowns in the arena”

Target: compose a collective composition depicting a clown performance; choose your own number and outfit for your clown.

Material: plasticine, stacks.

5). Drawing and application “Circus poster”.

Target: learn how to create posters together, choose your own area of ​​work and create an overall composition.

Material: paints, pencils, crayons, colored paper, scissors.

6). Modeling

a) “At Cinderella’s ball”

b) “Flight into space”

Target: girls and boys perform various compositions depicting people (Cinderella, prince, astronaut, aliens).

Material: plasticine, stacks.

April(8 ocloc'k)

1). Drawing “My Favorite Fairy Tale”

Target: independently choose a plot and compose a drawing composition; portray the main characters so that the fairy tale is recognizable.

Material: paints “Gouache”, “Watercolor”; music by K. Debussy “The Puppet Keck-Walk”.

2). Drawing “Spring Thunderstorm”

Target: depict a landscape with a mood: sunny or cloudy day, rain, nature or city, animals or people.

Material: watercolor paints; poems about spring; music by P. Tchaikovsky “Concerto No. 1” for piano and orchestra.

3). Drawing “Forest in the Fog”

Target: depict a landscape using muted colors, pastel colors, mixed with white paint.

Material: watercolor paints; music by J. Offenbach "Barcarolle"

4). Modeling “Plate with a pattern”

Target: learn to sculpt wide, flat dishes, decorate them with a three-dimensional pattern of snakes and dots.

Material: plasticine, sample plates.

5). Modeling “Fruit Vase”

Target: consolidate the ability to sculpt dishes of complex shapes with a stand, decorate with a three-dimensional pattern; add chopped fruit if desired.

Material: plasticine, sample vase with fruit.

6). Modeling “Cookware Exhibition”

Target: learn to independently choose an object for modeling, come up with a pattern, highlight your work with some element (unusual shape, handle, stand) so that it is selected for an exhibition.

Material: plasticine, samples of dishes.

May(8 ocloc'k)

1). Dymkovo painting “Horse in the meadow”

Target: introduce the elements of Dymkovo painting - circles, dots, strokes; learn to paint the figure of a horse with bright patterns, stylized as Dymkovo painting.

Material: Gouache paints; samples or images of Dymkovo painting; music by V.A. Mozart's "Turkish Rondo" from the sonata in A major.

2). Gorodets painting “Mug decorated with a flower garland”

Target: introduce Gorodets painting - buds, leaves, pink and blue flowers, learn how to paint mugs with a Gorodets flower garland.

Material: Gouache paints; samples or images of Gorodets painting; music by S. Rachmaninov “Italian Polka”

3). Picture book for kids

Target: learn how to make a folding book with a bright large drawing and simple text, independently choosing the plot and means of image.

Material: cardboard, colored paper, paints, pencils, crayons, scissors, glue.

4). Drawing “Beautiful Summer”

Target: depict summer as a dream, how you would like to spend it in your fantasies, select the means of depiction at your discretion.

Material: paints, pencils, crayons; poems about summer; music by P. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​from the ballet “The Nutcracker”.



I.O.O. “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Speech development”, “Social and communicative development”


“Artistic and aesthetic development”: To form in children a sustainable interest in visual arts. To update children's knowledge about the genres of fine art (landscape, portrait, still life). Strengthen the ability to highlight the distinctive features and constituent elements of works of different pictorial genres (landscape, portrait, still life. Develop imagination and creative abilities.

“Speech development”: Develop children's dialogical speech, exercise their ability to give complete answers by composing complex sentences.

“Social and communicative development”: Establish rules of conduct in public places.

Material and equipment: Reproductions of paintings in different genres of painting, watercolors, gouache, oil paints, a set for batik, cereals, oilcloths, toothpicks, blank paintings, napkins.

Logic of educational activities.

Educator: Guys, today we are going to one very wonderful place, try to guess where.

This place is so wonderful

Everything is very interesting here,

There are paintings in a row here,

They tell you to look at them.

What is that place called?

We have only one answer,

This(Exhibition of paintings) , (or art gallery)

Educator: We'll go to the art gallery.Let's remember the rules of behavior in the exhibition hall(don’t make noise, don’t touch the paintings with your hands) . Well, let's go to the painting exhibition.

(music sounds, open the curtain, children enter the group)

Educator: You and I ended up in an art gallery, today I will be your guide. Let's go to the first picture. Look at what genre of painting is depicted.

Children: children's answers


If you see the gifts of the forest on the table in the picture,

Fruits, vegetables in a basket or a rose in crystal,

Or a bronze vase, or a pear, or a plum,

Or all items at once,

Know that this is a still life.

Educator: What do artists depict in still life?

Children: children's answers

Educator: Well done! Let's move on.

(Music sounds, they move towards the paintings of portraits)

Educator: Look guys, what genre of painting is depicted in these paintings?

Children: children's answers


If you see what's in the picture

Anyone is looking at us,

Or a prince in an old cloak,

Or a steeplejack in a robe.

Or a pilot, or a ballerina,

Or Kolka is your neighbor, for sure

The painting is called a portrait!

Educator: Well done! Let's move on.

(Music sounds, children approach the reproductions of the landscape)

Educator: What genre of painting is here?

Children: children's answers


If you see: a river is drawn in the picture,

Or spruce and white frost,

Or a garden and clouds,

Or a snowy plain

Or a field and a hut

The painting must be called “landscape”.

Educator: Guys, what do they depict in the landscape?

Children: children's answers

Educator: Did you like the pictures? Please come to the one that you especially remember.

Educator: Why did you like this picture? Do you know what they wrote it with? Please come to the table and find this material. (Children find the material with which the paintings they liked were painted; the blank painting and cereal remain on the table).

Educator: Guys, look, there's something left on the table. What is this? (children answer). Do you think this could make a painting? Do you want to create our exhibition of paintings? Then we go to the workshop. (Children go to the tables where the materials are prepared.)

Educator : Guys, pay attention, there are cereals on your tables. Name them. There are patterns: flowers, cars, ships. You choose any of them, trace it with a toothpick on your workpiece and lay out the drawn object with cereal. Use cereals as desired. Before we get to work, let's prepare our fingers.

Let's do some finger exercises.“The rain came out for a walk”

One two three four five,

The rain came out for a walk.

Walked slowly, out of habit,

Why should he rush?

Suddenly he reads on the sign:

"Do not walk on the grass!"

The rain sighed softly:


And left.

The lawn is dry.

Educator: Now our fingers are ready, let's get started.

Independent activity of children, individual assistance from the teacher.

Educator: What beautiful pictures you have created. Come out to the palace and show them to our guests. Now we have our own exhibition of paintings. We have an exhibition center “Rainbow” in Bezenchuk, there are also a lot of beautiful paintings there, we will definitely visit it.

Olga Ilyasova
GCD in art in the senior group “In the Land of Painting”

Topic: “In the Land of Painting”


1. To strengthen children’s understanding of what painting is, the ability to identify the distinctive features and constituent elements of works of different painting genres (landscape, portrait, still life)

2. Introduce a new genre of painting - animalistic. 3. Introduce E. Charushin as an animal artist and illustrator of children's books.

4. Train children in the ability to use the “gouache and foam rubber” technique.

5. Cultivate observation and kind attitude towards animals

6. Develop children's cognitive abilities and logical thinking.

Equipment and materials for the lesson: reproductions of paintings of different genres of painting, an invitation from the Fairy, a didactic game “Fold a picture”, a kitten toy, a presentation “Animalistic genre”, drawing sheets, a bowl of foam rubber soaked in gouache, pieces of foam rubber, paints, a thin brush, wide brush, napkin, water jar.

Preliminary work:

Examination of paintings of different types of painting.

Compiling descriptive stories based on paintings.

Conducting didactic games “Make a still life”, “Assemble a landscape”,

Reading books by E. Charushin to children: “Tupa”, “Tomka and the Magpie”, “About Big and Little”, “About Nikita”, “About Tomka”, “My First Zoology”, etc.

OD progress

Greetings from Logoritmic Zheleznov

Guys, today we received a telegram, the Fairy of Painting invites us to visit her Land of Painting, and will help us get there with magical colors. You are ready to go to the “Land of Painting”.

In order to get to the land of painting, we need to close our eyes and say the magic words “Magic help, take us to the land of painting...”).

Children “go” to the “Land of Painting”. (On the easels there are reproductions of famous artists: 3 reproductions of the landscape genre, 3 reproductions of the portrait genre, 3 reproductions of the still life genre).

Guys, here we are in the land of Painting, and here is its owner.

Hello guys, I am glad to welcome you to my amazing country. (Hello, Fairy) The people of my country love to draw, look at the beautiful pictures they painted.

Guys, let's come closer and look at them. What else can you call the paintings?

Works of painting.

Let's remember what painting is?

Painting is one of the types of fine art. The secret of painting is that the artist, with the help of brushes and paints, creates a seemingly living world, visible to us as if through a window. Trees, flowers, and the sea come to life under his brush. But paints in the hands of a real artist can tell not only what he saw, but also what he felt at that time: joy or sadness, anxiety or calm. Colors can create a mood. Some colors make you happy, others excite you.

See how artists express their feelings. They have a unique vision, as if photographing the world around them. They have amazing hands; they can quickly and deftly transfer the image they see onto paper. This is how many paintings of various genres appear.

What are the names of paintings depicting nature? They are called LANDSCAPE.

(Child reads a poem)

Landscape is not just one area, but the whole huge world: forests, fields, rivers, mountains, seas, cities and villages, sun and clouds, rain and snow. They can show us not only the present, but also take us to the past of the Earth, where dinosaurs lived, or take us to other planets.

What do the artists want to tell us in these paintings?

Yes. About the beauty of wild nature - forest, sea, mountains and about nature changed by human hands - park, square, alley. About the variety of its states: morning, evening, night, sunset, winter, autumn, spring and summer. And here the artists convey their mood, state - what happens in a person’s soul when he sees the sun, feels the cold wind, rain or snow.

What do artists use to convey their mood?

Of course with the help of paints.

Bright, warm colors convey a cheerful, joyful mood. Pale cold tones evoke sadness and make you think.

Let's find a joyful, sad, disturbing landscape.

Guys, what are the names of paintings depicting beautiful things and objects - STILL LIFE. (child reads poem)

Images of objects, food, flowers in paintings are called the French word still life, which means “dead nature.” What did the artists want to tell us with these still lifes? They tell with colors how beautiful our world is, glorify the richness and abundance of nature, and the work of the people who created these objects.

Which of the paintings did you like? Why? (discussion)

Find the most delicious still life.

The most fun still life?

Most unusual?

Drawing a person is a genre of PORTRAIT. (poem)

Who is usually depicted in the portrait?

Yes. This is a person or a group of people, these are both adults and children, sometimes we can see who they are by profession: doctors, builders, musicians.

What does the portrait look like? (In the photo).

And here artists depict not only their faces, pose, clothes, but also their mood: sad or joyful, calm or excited.

Let's look at some portraits. Which ones did you like best? Why?

Fairy: What a great fellow you are, and I have prepared the same tasks for you (didactic game “Collect a picture”, children are divided into 3 groups and collect pictures) - discussion what genres of pictures have the children collected?

Guys, what is that sound? (Meowing and scratching sounds)

Fairy: Yes, this is my kitten Barsik, he’s kind of sad, let’s play with him (physical education lesson - logorhythmics by Zheleznova “We play snowballs bravely...”)

Guys, do you know that people have long loved and worshiped animals. At all times, people loved, tamed animals, observed them, and reflected their observations in works of art: paintings, book illustrations, sculptures, frescoes, painting of household items.

Today we will learn about another genre of fine art, where animals are depicted. (Presentation show)

Throughout history, artists have admired the colors and movements of living beings. Images of animals were found on the walls of caves, in drawings and in sculpture of ancient times. Paintings depicting animals are called animalistic, and artists are called animalists. The word animal means animal. Therefore, artists who draw animals in their paintings are called animal painters.

The animalistic genre is an inherently complex work, since the artist needs to draw this or that character in such a way that this idea is clear to the viewer, because the artist conveys the character of the characters. Animals, like people, are brave and cowardly, kind and evil. Animal painters are artists whose animals and birds are the main characters in their drawings and paintings. The animal world is infinitely diverse and colorful. But drawing animals is not so easy; they won’t pose. The animalist has to diligently observe and study their habits and character.

Animals were depicted with pencil, paints, charcoal, and one of the Russian writers of animal artists was E. Charushin, who loved animals very much and spent his entire life studying their habits and plasticity, admiring their colors, flexible movements, and expressiveness of silhouettes. He loved nature, animals, especially babies - kittens, puppies, foxes, hares, etc. Watching them, Evgeny Ivanovich noticed their awkward movements, curiosity, naive clumsiness. And then he wrote funny stories about animals and drew illustrations for them. He has his own techniques for conveying shape and color. He strives to express the character of each animal by simple means, to convey the joy of communicating with the living.

Evgeny Charushin - animal artist

I paint with watercolors

A squirrel under a shaggy spruce.

The red baby is jumping

On dry fallen needles.

I ask: “Well, at least a minute

Just sit still!

So that I can draw

Your wonderful bushy ponytail,

So that I can convey

A quick eye and a wet nose."

Let's look at E.I. Charushin's illustrations for stories already familiar to you.

Guys, we looked at the illustrations of E.I. Charushin and I invite you today to also be animal artists and draw a little mischievous kitten.

Examining the kitten on the slide: color, shape (head, body, paws, fur texture, character.

And so that your animals turn out fluffy and shaggy, we will use foam rubber instead of brushes.

We will draw using the “gouache and foam rubber” technique, i.e. we do the main drawing not with a brush, but, as it were, trample it with foam rubber.

We put a little of the resulting mixture on dry foam rubber and make several impressions on a free area of ​​the palette - remove the excess paint. The most important thing is to make sure that there is not too much gouache on the foam rubber, otherwise you won’t get a fluffy texture.

First, we trample the outline of the animal with foam rubber and begin to fill it: we paint over the head, then the body, paws and tail. You can apply another color to one color, but also with almost dry foam rubber, removing excess paint.

We will draw the eyes and nose with sticks, and the mouth and mustache with a thin brush. We draw with a thick brush, or in professional language, we paint the background around the animal. First, to do this, you should outline the silhouette and correct the proportions. Well, finally, in order for our kitten’s eyes to be alive, we need to put a spot of white highlight on the pupil.

Independent work of children. Analysis of children's works.

Well, guys, it’s time for us to return to the group, we need to close our eyes and say the magic words “Magic colors, help us, lead us to the group...”).

Lesson summary

Where have we been? What new genre have we met? Who do animal artists draw?

Kind words are not laziness

Tell us all day long

We'll say goodbye to all the guests.