Description of the painting by K. Yuon “Spring Sunny Day”

// Essay-description based on the painting by K. Yuon “Spring Sunny Day”

Konstantin Yuon’s work “Spring Sunny Day” is flooded with light, it is conveyed in bright, rich colors. A rather complex composition appears before the viewer, which is filled with a huge amount of detail. We observe the city landscape. One gets the feeling that the author is sketching the city from a slight elevation, because all the details of the picture are depicted, be it in a lowland.

The background of the picture is completely dotted with houses. In the foreground, the viewer's attention is drawn to a beautiful wooden house, which is located on a stone foundation. Most likely, the girls who are depicted next to the house have just left it and are carefully examining what is happening around. The girls are dressed in bright outfits. I think they want to attract the attention of passersby.

The streets are covered with snow, which allows children to have fun in a variety of ways. They quickly race down the mountain on a sled, enjoying winter fun.

Not only boys and girls like winter. The artist himself is extremely fond of this time of year. He is especially attracted to snow-covered white spaces where he can play with colors and shadows.

If you pay attention to the picture, the snowdrifts are conveyed not only in pure white shades. And this is the peculiarity of this canvas! Looking at people, we understand that they are dressed very winterly! Warm hats and scarves, fur coats, felt boots. You can’t even tell that it’s a spring day before us.

However, the arrival of spring is symbolized by the roofs of houses, which form a kind of puzzle. If they were covered with snow, then we might doubt the correctness of the name of this canvas. However, there are no more white caps on the roofs of houses. They melted and drained long ago. Spring illuminated everything around with its warm sun rays. Despite the fact that it is still very early, the process is irreversible. The landscape will change very soon! Snow covers will leave these lands for a long time!

Looking at the details of the painting “Spring Sunny Day,” our attention is drawn to the beautiful blue, azure sky. It is clean and bright. White clouds float across it imposingly.

The church stands out clearly against the sky. Its gilded dome shines and illuminates the surrounding lands, and the blessed sound of the bell echoes throughout the area. It evokes the most pleasant and positive emotions in people's souls.

The composition of the picture is perfectly complemented by birch trees. Birds are located close to each other on tree branches. They, with the same joy as the characters in the picture, await the arrival of warmth and light!

Essay based on Yuon's painting "Spring Sunny Day"

Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon is an artist who created many wonderful paintings. He paid great attention to his native nature, which in his canvases appears completely different, amazing and unique. This is exactly what you feel when looking at the painting “Spring Sunny Day”.
The main theme of this work by K.F. Yuona - early spring. There is still snow all around. Huge snowdrifts are piled near the houses. But you can feel the approaching warmth of spring in everything. The sky is high and bright. It's so blue. It has so much sun. A sunny day sheds light on the surrounding world: trees, houses, people pouring out into the street and enjoying the warmth. The rooks arrived and made a cheerful hubbub in the trees. The tops of the birches have already turned pink. Sap is about to run down their trunks, bringing the trees back to life. But that's ahead. Children are still captivated by winter fun. Someone is making a snowman, someone is sledding down a street that slopes into the distance. But most of the people on the street are simply admiring the sunny day, enjoying the spring warmth. The girls depicted in the foreground went for a walk. They stopped at the gate and looked at the man behind them. He is not in the picture. But the young beauties laugh merrily. Probably the one they are looking at shows them various signs of attention. And this amused the girls. Their looks are playful, their smiles inviting. They got involved in the game, attracting attention. A teenage girl looks at the girls with curiosity. She was interested in the behavior of her older friends.
A little further away, by the fence, stands a little boy. He watches the fading shadow cast by the house. Another boy climbed onto the fence and from there looks at the world around him. Perhaps he is trying to see signs of the approaching spring. Or his attention was drawn to his friends sledding. Two more desperate boys climbed onto the roof of the house. It is heated by the rays of the sun. The snow has already melted from the roofs.
In general, in his painting “Spring Sunny Day” K.F. Yuon depicted many people, especially children. They are happy with the warmth, the sun, and the melting snow. In nature, everything is preparing for new life, for rebirth. Therefore, the viewer’s soul becomes light and joyful when looking at the work of the famous artist.

An essay based on the painting by K. F. Yuon “Spring Sunny Day”.
Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon is a wonderful Russian artist. He glorifies ancient Russian cities and their unique, original architecture. One of these paintings is a reproduction of “Spring Sunny Day”.
So, let's take a look at the picture itself. The first thing our eyes fall on is houses. The artist depicted many houses, and each of them is perfection. There are no twins among them; each house has its own flavor. K.F. Yuon deliberately depicts houses with motley, bright colors. He wanted to convey the mood he felt while painting the picture.
The second thing you should pay close attention to is people. As we see, there are quite a lot of people. And why? But because spring has come. And where there is spring, there are crowds of children running through puddles and playing with boats. But we must not forget that winter has not completely gone yet: we see that there is still quite a lot of snow. Look, some kids are still sledding.
At the same time, let's take a look at the trees. We see that the first small leaves have already appeared on them. Birds are sitting on the branches, perhaps some of them have already flown in from beyond the warmer regions. And what beautiful white clouds, they are especially beautiful in the soft blue sky. The whole picture is filled with spring joy, bringing warmth and comfort to the house (meaning, if you look at the picture at home).
I really liked the painting by Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon. I got a lot of pleasant impressions without leaving home. When I first saw this reproduction, at first I did not believe that it was a painting. She is so bright, juicy, cheerful - I thought it was a photograph. And most importantly, it lifts your spirits, which is very important for our cloudy times.

Description of the painting by K. F. Yuon “Spring Sunny Day”.
Konstantin Yuon’s painting “Spring Sunny Day” lifts your spirits at first sight. There are so many bright colorful colors, so much light and sun, so many joyful emotions. This is a complex composition - a city landscape and a genre painting with large groups of people. The author, from some small elevation, perhaps from a steep hillock, looks at a provincial town, bathed in sunlight.
The main cluster of houses is located in the lowlands. But already in the foreground on the right we see part of a good-quality wooden house on a stone foundation. The house is very bright, red-brown, but even it does not overshadow what immediately catches the eye - two dressed up girls who have just left the house and seem to look back at the artist with coquetry. One has a pink skirt, the other a red scarf, these young ladies clearly wanted to attract attention and show off.
There is snow everywhere, the kids are recklessly sledding right along the street, which lies along a rather steep slope. Snow is what the artist loved to paint. This is the same white color that can be depicted with any colors, which allows you to play with highlights, give transitions of light and shadow. There is a lot of snow in this picture, whole snowdrifts, and to recreate them in the picture the artist used paint that is far from pure white.
Everyone is dressed as they should be in winter; people have scarves and hats on their heads. The trees are bare. Maybe the author made a mistake when he called the painting “spring day”? Maybe it's a winter day? After all, in winter, sometimes the sun also shines brightly. But pay attention to what exactly gives this canvas its special brightness and variegation, which turns the picture into a piece of an old patchwork quilt, sewn from multi-colored pieces of material. These roofs are multi-colored, eye-catching, they are especially impressive against the backdrop of snow. This is really spring, because if it were winter, the roofs would be white and there would be snow on them. But he has already melted.
Of course, this is early spring, just beginning, its first days. But spring is obvious, noticeable, obvious. Please note that not all the children depicted in the picture are playing in the snow; some climbed onto fences, onto the roof, and bask in the spring sun. Animals also sense the approach of spring: bright red chickens swarm cheerfully in the dark snow. A little lower, on the other side of the road, a dog is playing with a child.
Look at the sky - it is a delightful azure blue color and light white clouds only emphasize these azure and turquoise. Against this background, the red church with a bell tower looks especially elegant, which, although located in the depths of the picture, occupies a central place in the composition. As you know, the church in Russian cities and villages was built so that it could be seen from everywhere. In this work it symbolizes goodness, joy, happiness. The golden domes shine in the sun for everyone around. Several birch trees in the picture beautifully complement the composition and help reveal the idea of ​​the coming spring. Their bare branches do not hang sadly. Birds sit densely on the trees. Perhaps these are arriving rooks. And their arrival is another additional sign of spring. The whole picture is permeated with optimism, joyful lyrics, good-natured mood, freshness; it is clear that the artist shares the feelings of the characters in his picture.

Essay: description of the painting
K. Yuon "Spring sunny day"

The main cluster of houses is located in the lowlands. But already in the foreground on the right we see part of a good-quality wooden house on a stone foundation. The house is very bright, red-brown, but even it does not overshadow what immediately catches the eye - two dressed up girls who have just left the house and seem to look back at the artist with coquetry. One has a pink skirt, the other a red scarf, these young ladies clearly wanted to attract attention and show off.

There is snow everywhere, the kids are recklessly sledding right along the street, which lies along a rather steep slope. Snow is what the artist loved to paint. This is the same white color that can be depicted with any colors, which allows you to play with highlights, give transitions of light and shadow. There is a lot of snow in this picture, whole snowdrifts, and to recreate them in the picture the artist used paint that is far from pure white.

Everyone is dressed as they should be in winter; people have scarves and hats on their heads. The trees are bare. Maybe the author made a mistake when he called the painting “spring day”? Maybe it's a winter day? After all, in winter, sometimes the sun also shines brightly. But pay attention to what exactly gives this canvas its special brightness and variegation, which turns the picture into a piece of an old patchwork quilt, sewn from multi-colored pieces of material. These roofs are multi-colored, eye-catching, they are especially impressive against the backdrop of snow. This is really spring, because if it were winter, the roofs would be white and there would be snow on them. But he has already melted.

Of course, this is early spring, just beginning, its first days. But spring is obvious, noticeable, obvious. Please note that not all the children depicted in the picture are playing in the snow; some climbed onto fences, onto the roof, and bask in the spring sun. Animals also sense the approach of spring: bright red chickens swarm cheerfully in the dark snow. A little lower, on the other side of the road, a dog is playing with a child.

Look at the sky - it is a delightful azure blue color and light white clouds only emphasize these azure and turquoise. Against this background, the red church with a bell tower looks especially elegant, which, although located in the depths of the picture, occupies a central place in the composition. As you know, the church in Russian cities and villages was built so that it could be seen from everywhere. In this work it symbolizes goodness, joy, happiness. The golden domes shine in the sun for everyone around.

Several birch trees in the picture beautifully complement the composition and help reveal the idea of ​​the coming spring. Their bare branches do not hang sadly. Birds sit densely on the trees. Perhaps these are arriving rooks. And their arrival is another additional sign of spring. The whole picture is permeated with optimism, joyful lyrics, good-natured mood, freshness; it is clear that the artist shares the feelings of the characters in his picture.

Yuon K.F. - a wonderful artist, whose talent manifested itself in his youth. Even then, his paintings found their buyers, but every year his skills only improved, and this is evidenced by the paintings of the late period. One of the artist’s unique works is Yuon’s painting “Spring Sunny Day”.

Painting by Yuon Spring sunny day

When you look at the painting “Spring Sunny Day” by Yuon, your mood immediately lifts. It is so bright, light, sunny that it takes your breath away. This work exudes spring warmth and freshness. What is the central figure here? You can't tell right away. Most likely, these are the first sunny spring days, spring in general, which is coming into its own, and in order to convey his wonderful mood, inspired by the warmth of the sun and awakening nature, the author, depicting the life of a small town in the picture, uses bright colors.

Description of the painting Spring sunny day Yuon

Describing the painting “Spring Sunny Day” by Yuon, it is impossible not to notice the beautiful roofs of the houses, and each house is unique, they are all different. We clearly see that there is no snow on the roofs anymore, but it still lies in large drifts on the ground. Apparently that’s why all the children decided to run outside that day to enjoy their last games, sledding down the hill, because very soon there will be nothing left of the snow, but instead the ground will be covered with green grass and spring flowers.

Konstantin Yuon depicted a lot of objects and characters in the painting “Spring Sunny Day”. Here we see girls standing in the foreground near the house. They dressed up in beautiful clothes and looked into the distance. Maybe they saw a flock of migratory birds, or maybe they were looking at the artist who decided to depict a spring day that day. Further we see children sledding, and someone even climbed onto the roof, probably to be closer to the warmth of the sun.

Someone is playing with a dog, and someone has climbed onto the fence. Adults look at the clear blue sky illuminated by the sun's rays, and the birds in the trees are gathered and humming their melodies. While working on an essay based on the painting “Spring Sunny Day” by Yuon, it should be noted that the author did not depict the sun, but meanwhile, it is everywhere. Its light illuminates the sky, houses, church domes, which are visible in the distance, and this makes the picture sunny and bright, and it smells of the freshness of spring and its aromas.

In the picture, everyone is busy with their own business and everyone is in a great mood, because on such days it cannot be otherwise. On such days you want to create, which is what the artist did by depicting a spring day in a painting.

Artist K.F. Yuon seems to be partial to the sun. Most of his paintings are dedicated to sunny days. The title of the painting “Spring Sunny Day” speaks for itself. The snow has already darkened and will soon melt, running in winding streams through the village. It had already melted from the roofs of houses, but remained only on the ground. The children are rejoicing in the last snow and warm sun. They went outside to have some fun in the snow and go sledding. Someone is building a snowman, and someone is sledding down the street. Two boys climbed onto the roof and seemed to be jumping from it straight into a snowdrift near the house. Another boy sits on the fence and watches his friends, he doesn’t seem to be having fun like they are.

On the right, near the house, there are two girls in long skirts and scarves. They are looking somewhere, talking and laughing. They probably saw something interesting that caught their attention. A girl standing nearby observes their behavior. She doesn't seem to understand why girls are having so much fun. Birds in the trees talk about the coming spring. Most likely, these are rooks, the first messengers of the approaching spring warmth. They are making noise and getting ready to build nests for their families. The sun illuminates the entire village and gives people and nature its warmth. The trees seem to come to life under its rays and stretch their branches to the sky.

The spring sky is clear and bright. White fluffy clouds float across it, giving it weightlessness. All the villagers went outside, rejoicing in the spring and the warmth of the sun. Looking at the picture you feel the joy that people experience and the freshness of the air. Nature is waking up after a long, cold winter, and with it, people are waking up from hibernation. The sun's rays illuminating everything around lift your spirits, and the clean air makes you breathe deeply. The spring air seems to be intoxicating and awakens the desire to live despite all troubles and failures.