Migration card. Thailand Migration Card

Migration card (or arrival/departure card) is a mandatory document for entry into Thailand for all foreigners (including children). It contains the most important information about travelers arriving in Thailand and must be submitted completed to the Immigration (Passport Control) officer along with the passport.

A correctly filled out migration card is one of the keys to quickly passing through passport control. Therefore, we, on the AsiaPositive website, have written these detailed instructions with a sample of filling out a Thailand migration card, so that you can quickly and easily fill out this document (even without knowing English at all).

1 | Where to get a migration card (arrival/departure card):

If you are traveling to Thailand by air, your migration card will be issued by flight attendants on board the plane. On ships and ferries, the card is issued to passengers by members of the ship's crew. In any case, the migration card can be obtained from the counters before passport control at any point of entry into Thailand. Therefore, do not worry if you overslept the distribution of cards and no longer received them.

2 | What does the migration map of Thailand look like:

These instructions and sample filling were written for the new form of Thailand migration card, which began to be issued at the beginning of 2018.

A migration card is a rectangular document consisting of an Arrival card (arrival card) and a tear-off part of the Departure card (departure card).

New (2018) Thailand migration map

Upon arrival in Thailand during passport control, the immigration officer picks up your completed Arrival card (arrival card) and inserts a Departure card into your passport, putting the appropriate stamp on it. This document (Departure card) must be kept in your passport until the end of your trip to Thailand., since it will definitely be required at passport control when you leave the country. A migration card may also be required in hotels upon check-in, in banks and in departmental institutions in Thailand (for example, the police or immigration service).

3 | Rules for filling out a migration card (arrival/departure card):

  • filled out in English in block letters;
  • For filling, you can only use a black or blue pen;
  • the corresponding boxes must be marked with a cross (not a tick);
  • date of birth is indicated in the format day - month - year (for example, 11/26/1974);
  • the Signature field must contain the signature of the person whose details are indicated on the migration card.

4 | What you need to fill out a migration card:

To fill out a migration card to Thailand you need to prepare a little:

  • stock up on basic knowledge of English or instructions and a sample of filling out a migration card,
  • pick up your passport,
  • find out the flight number (indicated on the ticket and on the boarding pass for the plane),
  • find the address and place of residence in Thailand in your documents,
  • take a pen (black or blue).

5 | Instructions and sample for filling out a migration card to Thailand:

Pictures can be enlarged by clicking on them (or turning the screen horizontally if you are reading this article on a mobile phone).

Sample of filling out and translation into Russian of all fields of the new migration card to Thailand.

To fill out Arrival and Departure cards (arrival and departure cards to Thailand) you will need the following data:

  • Family Name And First name- your last name and first name in English (as they are written in the passport),
  • Date of Birth- date of birth (in the format day - month - year),
  • Nationality- citizenship,
  • Passport no.- your passport number,
  • Visa no.- visa number (if you do not have a visa to Thailand, leave this field blank),
  • Flight or other Venicle No.- flight number (consists of letters and numbers), you can find it on your boarding pass or ask the flight attendant,
  • Occupation- your profession (type of activity).
  • City/State of residence- your city of residence.
  • Country of residence- your country of residence.
  • Country where you boarded- country of boarding the plane or ship (the country from which you flew to Thailand).
  • Length of stay- duration of stay in Thailand in days.
  • Address in Thailand- address of residence in Thailand (if you have several hotels planned, you need to indicate the address of the first hotel).
  • Telephone and e-mail: Contact telephone number and email address where you can be contacted if necessary. By default, it is assumed that this is your phone number and e-mail, but the officer at passport control may ask you to indicate the phone number and e-mail of your hotel (they are indicated in the room reservation confirmation sent by Booking.com).

The migration card must be filled out on both sides:

Reverse side of the migration card: sample filling and translation into Russian of all fields.

On the back of the migration card you need to put the appropriate crosses and fill out one field:

  1. Type of flight(Flight type). If you are not sure, you should check with the flight attendants. Possible answers:
    • Chartered
    • Schedule (regular).
  2. First trip to Thailand(Is this your first visit to Thailand?).
    • Yes (yes)
    • No (no).
  3. Traveling on group tour(Travel on a group tour?). If you are traveling only with your family on a voucher, then put a cross on No (no).
    • Yes (yes)
    • No (no).
  4. Accommodation(Accommodation). If you are traveling on a voucher, then you need to put a cross on Hotel.. All answer options:
    • Hotel (hotel),
    • Friend's Home (friends' house),
    • Youth Hostel (youth hostel with beds rather than private rooms),
    • Apartment (apartments - apartments),
    • Guest House (small private hotel or "guest house"),
    • Other (other).
  5. Next city/Port of disembarkation(Next destination city or port). For example, Samui, Pattaya, Phuket.
  6. Purpose of visit(Purpose of the visit). If you are going on vacation on a tourist package, then you need to put a cross on Holiday (vacation). All answer options:
    • Holiday (rest),
    • Meeting (meeting),
    • Business (business),
    • Sports (sports events),
    • Incentive (incentive trip, usually from an employer),
    • Education (training),
    • Convention (conference or congress),
    • Employment (hired work),
    • Exhibitions (exhibition),
    • Transit (travel in transit),
    • Others (other).
  7. Yearly income(Annual income). Select the appropriate value: up to 20 thousand or higher, or No Income.

If you are unsure what to enter in a field, leave it blank.

6 | FAQ:

Do I need to fill out a migration card (arrival/departure card) for small children:

Yes. The Migration Card (or Arrival/Departure Card) is a mandatory document for entry into Thailand for all foreigners (including children).

Why you need reliable insurance - Cost and level of medicine in Thailand.

Do I need to fill out a migration card (arrival/departure card), do I have a tourist visa to Thailand:

Yes, the card must be filled out, indicating the visa number in the appropriate column (visa No.).

What to do if I lost my migration card (arrival/departure card):

In the departure area, before passport control, you need to contact an airport employee and ask for a Departure card, fill it out and only then go to passport control (with your passport and a fully completed migration card).

Thailand Migration Card is a mandatory document to fill out for all foreigners who arrive in the country, regardless of the type of transport (air, land, water). At the same time, foreigners must fill out the migration card, regardless of age, i.e. When traveling with a child, you also need to fill out a separate card for them. Below you will find useful information on where to get the required migration card form, how to fill it out correctly and how to avoid problems with the migration control service if you lose your departure card while on holiday in Thailand.

I would like to note right away that you do not need to worry about the Thailand migration card form in advance. In 95% of cases, you will receive blank migration card forms about an hour before the plane lands at one of the country’s airports (Bangkok, Phuket, Krabi, etc.). Those. The time from the moment the flight attendant hands out the forms until the moment of landing is quite enough to slowly fill out the migration card without errors. In rare cases (this sometimes happens during short flights from neighboring countries in Southeast Asia), forms can be obtained directly at the airport before going through passport control - at a special counter "Immigration"(You can also take it there if you “messed up” a copy from the plane).

If you are crossing a country's land border, forms are also distributed in transport or you can ask for them directly at the border in the Immigration window. As a rule, they distribute one copy per passenger, so try not to spoil the form, otherwise you will have to ask for a new one, although, in general, there is nothing wrong with such a request. All fields in the migration card have signatures in English and Thai, but if you are not 100% sure of your knowledge of at least one of these languages, I advise you to save the completed sample migration card (which is located below on the page) on your smartphone or print it and take it on a trip in paper form - it’s just easier and more reliable! You can also save this entire page of instructions on your smartphone.

Completed sample Thailand migration card

(click on image to view in high quality)

Click on the image to open it in high resolution and save it on your device or print it

As you can see, the Thailand migration map consists of three parts. The first of them is the Arrival Card (arrival card), on the reverse side of which there is an information part, and the remaining third is the migration card of departure from Thailand. After passing through border control, the Thai Immigration bureau Arrival Card (this is the official name of the arrival migration card in English) will be taken from you. But you must keep the Thai Immigration bureau Departure Card (migration departure card) during your entire holiday in the country, after which this part of the document will be collected at passport control during your return flight at the airport or at the land border if you are leaving Thailand in this way.

According to the rules, it is allowed to fill out the departure card immediately before leaving the country, but everyone usually fills out both cards at once on the plane, because it is easier to rewrite the information from the arrival card again than to remember your name later on the last day of vacation and enter it into the document. Personally, I fill out everything at once, with the exception of the return flight number (more on that later). The safety of your migration card (the part that remains with you after passing through border control when entering Thailand) is a guarantee of your trouble-free departure from the country, so take this issue seriously.

Typically, the border guard will staple the departure card to the page of your passport where the Thai visa is affixed or where the Thailand entry stamp is placed (if a visa is not required). It’s not very convenient to store a passport with a long piece of paper sticking out of it, so I fold it to the size of the passport pages. There were no problems later at the border because of this. Just in case, you can take a photo of this “piece of paper” and upload the photo “to the cloud.” Don't be alarmed if you are asked to show your migration card at a hotel or during a cheap or motorbike trip to Koh Chang - this is a common practice (checking the legality of your entry and stay in the country).

The Thailand migration card is similar in shape and size to boarding passes.

Procedure for filling out a Thailand migration card

As you may have already noticed in the sample above on the page, all fields of the Thailand migration card are filled in in large Latin letters (i.e., capital letters). It must be filled out in English, so I recommend that you look at the correct translation of some of the data that you will enter in the fields at home. In cases where the Thailand migration card requires you to select one of the proposed options, you must mark it with a cross (as shown in the very top column of the information part of the card “PLEASE MARK”).

ARRIVAL CARD (arrival card) filled out according to the rules described in the previous paragraph.

★Family Name

★ First Name and Middle Name– write your name, just like in your passport (or international passport). You don't have to write the middle name.

— the number of the flight or other vehicle (registration number of a car, bus, train number, etc.) on which you enter Thailand.

★ Nationality


★Passport No.- your passport number (foreign passport)

★ Date of Birth

★ Visa No.- Thai visa number, if you have one. If you are traveling/flying with a visa-free stamp or citizens of your country can obtain a visa at the border, this column of the migration card does not need to be filled out.

★ Address in Thailand— the address in Thailand where you plan to live. It is enough to enter the name of one hotel and its location (city, resort). If you have not booked in advance, there is no need to invent a hotel name; it is better to write a real hotel (you can at least take the name from the page).

★Signature– your signature (preferably similar to the one in the passport).

Back of ARRIVAL CARD (information card) filled out according to the same rules (the first 6 questions must be marked with a cross, and the remaining 4 questions must be filled in independently).

★ Type of flight— type of your flight: charter flight (Charter) or regular flight (Schedule).

★First trip to Thailand– Is this your first trip to Thailand? Yes (Yes) or no (No).

★ Traveling on group tour— Are you traveling as part of a group (on a package tour)? Yes (Yes) or no (No).

★ Accommodation– planned type of accommodation: in a hotel (Hotel), in a hostel (Youth Hostel), in a guesthouse (Guest House), in your friends’ house (Friend’s Home), in an apartment (Apartment) or another accommodation option (Other).

★Purpose of visit— the purpose of your visit to Thailand: vacation, holiday, business, Education, Employment, Transit, Meeting, Incentive, Conventions, exhibitions (Exhibitions) or other (Other).

★Yearly income— your annual income in American dollars (USD)

under 20,000 US$- less than 20 thousand dollars per year;
20,000 – 40,000 US$- from 20 to 40 thousand dollars per year;
US$40,001 – 60,000- from 40 to 60 thousand dollars per year;
US$60,001 – 80,000- from 60 to 80 thousand dollars per year;
80,001 and over– from 80 thousand dollars per year and above;
No income- no income (I do not recommend marking this).

★Occupation- your type of activity (profession). You can translate the name of your profession into English in advance if you don’t know. I usually write MANAGER, because... This is a very common profession that can be used to describe dozens of different professions.

★ Country of residence- Country of Residence. You need to fill out two columns: city/state and the country itself.

★ From/Port of embarkation— where you are coming/flying from (previous point). The sample shows a Russian airport, but if you are flying with a transfer, you can write the previous airport on the route (for example, ABU DHABI if you are flying on an Etihad airline).

★Next city/Por of disembarkation- where you are going (the airport you are flying to or the city where the land transport is going).

DEPARTURE CARD (departure migration card)– almost completely repeats the arrival card, but with fewer questions.

★Family Name– write your last name in Latin letters, as in your passport (or international passport).

★ First Name and Middle Name– write your name, just like in your passport (or international passport).

★ Flight or Other Vehicle No.— the number of the flight or other vehicle (registration number of a car, bus, train number, etc.) on which you are leaving/departing from Thailand. If you did not fill out this column upon entry, do not forget to fill it in when leaving the country.

★ Date of Birth— your date of birth (as in your passport): day (dd), month (mm) and year (yyyy).

★ Nationality– your citizenship (if you have two passports, indicate the citizenship of the country with the passport of which you are entering Thailand this time).

★Male/Female- mark your gender with a cross - Male (male) or Female (female), respectively.

★Passport No.- the number of your passport or international passport (if there are letters in front of the numbers, write them too)

★Signature– your signature (preferably similar to the one in the passport and on the arrival card).

In the process of filling out the migration card, you accept responsibility for providing false information. Therefore, it is better to always write the truth (unless the hotel you indicate is not exactly the one in which you are going to live). If you have lost your Thailand Migration Card (Departure Card) while on holiday, this will be a bit of a problem. In this case, you need to arrive at the departure airport in advance and contact the Immigration counter for the purpose of restoration (receiving a duplicate). I also draw your attention to the fact that migration card forms in some cases may be distributed not in the form of one document, but in the form of three separate pieces of paper.

UPDATED: From 01-10-2017 it is introduced new form of migration card to Thailand.Foreigners arriving in the Kingdom will be required to provide the same information as on the old form. The main difference is that the new migration map of Thailand 2017 will consist of two pages, instead of the three that are described on this page. A sample of the new migration card and the procedure for filling it out will be added to the website this fall, after cards of the new sample begin to be issued on airplanes and at the country’s land borders.

I hope this one is small instructions for filling out the Thailand migration card will help you to easily enter all the necessary information into the appropriate fields and the passport control procedure at the entrance and during departure from the country will pass quickly and without problems. Enjoy your holiday in Thailand!

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So Thailand Migration Card

How to fill out a card


1. Flight type
2. First time in Thailand? (Yes - yes, No - no);
? (Yes - yes, No - no);
4. Place of residence
5. Purpose of the visit(Holiday - recreation, Business - business, Education - training, Employment - work, Transit - transit, Meeting - meeting, Incentiv - incentive, Convention - convention, Exhibitions - exhibition, Others - other).

Thailand migration map. Sample and filling form

Let's celebrate "Holiday"!
— Practice shows that in order to avoid unnecessary questions from the Thai customs service and not to receive a reminder from the mouth of a tired customs officer about the rules for entering the country, and about 700 dollars per person, and even about the request to show cash... you should not put a tick next to the last point of this question!
7. Occupation
11. Arrival city(Bangkok)

Thailand migration card sample filling

Migration card is a document containing information about a foreign citizen or stateless person entering or arriving in the Russian Federation and the period of their temporary stay in the Russian Federation, confirming the right of a foreign citizen or stateless person who arrived in the Russian Federation in a manner that does not require a visa. , for a temporary stay in the Russian Federation.

Serves to control the temporary stay of a foreign citizen or stateless person in the Russian Federation.

Thailand migration card sample filling

Thailand migration card sample filling.

Thailand migration card sample filling Can Here

If you decide to go on vacation to Thailand, keep in mind that on the plane you will be given a Thai migration card, which you will need to fill out. If you were not given a migration card on the plane, do not be upset when you arrive at the airport; before you go through passport control, there will be forms for a Thai migration card, but many, as soon as they see it, immediately wonder how to fill it out, hence our article Thailand migration card sample filling will allow you to fill it out without any problems, which will allow you to save your nerves.


So Thailand Migration Card, you can see a sample in the figure below.

How to fill out a card

Actually, Filling out a migration card in Thailand must be done in block letters.

To begin, enter your full name and passport number, strictly as it is indicated in the passport. Keep in mind that you do not need to indicate your visa number, because... This data is filled out only by those who have a visa for a period of more than 30 days; you are a tourist and most likely you do not have one). Next, write down the name of the hotel where you will be staying from the voucher that you are taking with you. If there is no such voucher, write any one, in principle no one will check). And finally, the number of the flight you arrived in Bangkok. Next, you need to fill out the second part of the migration card. Below is a translation of each item and recommendations for filling it out

1. Flight type(Charter - charter, Schedule - regular);
2. First time in Thailand? (Yes - yes, No - no);
3. Traveling as part of a group? (Yes - yes, No - no);
4. Place of residence(Hotel - hotel, Youth Hostel - tourist base, Guest House - hostel, boarding house, Friend`s Home - with friends, Apartment - apartment, Other - other). Put a tick in front of “Hotel” and don’t show off!
5. Purpose of the visit(Holiday - recreation, Business - business, Education - training, Employment - work, Transit - transit, Meeting - meeting, Incentiv - incentive, Convention - convention, Exhibitions - exhibition, Others - other). Let's celebrate "Holiday"!
6. Now the point about your income (in US dollars):
— Practice shows that in order to avoid unnecessary questions from the Thai customs service and not to receive a reminder from a tired customs officer about the rules for entering the country, and about 700 dollars per person, and even about the request to show cash...

Thailand migration card: blank form and sample filling

There is no need to check the last box of this question!
7. Occupation(housewife - housewife, manager - manager, etc.);
8. City of permanent residence- here you need to write the city in which you live (in English);
9. Country of permanent residence(Russia);
10. The city from which they took off(Moscow);
11. Arrival city(Bangkok)

What a completed map should look like

As a result, you should get a map that is located below in the figure below, so

Thailand migration card sample filling

After this, all you have to do is arrive at the airport, go to the check-in counter, hand over your passport and completed migration card, which an airport employee will staple the third part to your passport so that you don’t lose it. On the way back, you will need to show this part to the Thai customs officers when going through passport control.

How to fill out a Thailand migration card in 2018

Migration card is a document containing information about a foreign citizen or stateless person entering or arriving in the Russian Federation and the period of their temporary stay in the Russian Federation, confirming the right of a foreign citizen or stateless person who arrived in the Russian Federation in a manner that does not require a visa. , for a temporary stay in the Russian Federation. Serves to control the temporary stay of a foreign citizen or stateless person in the Russian Federation.

This definition has been officially in force since January 15, 2007, when the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 18, 2006 N 110-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation” and on the recognition of invalidity comes into force certain provisions of the Federal Law “On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”.

Migration card forms are issued to arriving foreign citizens:

  • when traveling by air (sea, river) transport - by crew members of aircraft (sea, river) vessels;
  • when traveling by rail - by members of train crews;
  • when traveling by public motor transport (buses) - by drivers;
  • when traveling by personal (private) transport or on foot - by officials of the border control authority.

It is allowed for foreign citizens entering the territory of the Russian Federation to fill out migration card forms directly in the arrival halls of airports (sea, river ports, road crossings) before the start of border control.

Entry and exit parts of migration cards (coupons “A” and “B”) are filled out personally by the holders of documents giving the right to enter and stay on the territory of the Russian Federation, legibly, without marks or corrections, using ink or ballpoint pen with black or blue ink (paste). or purple.

If a foreign citizen does not speak Russian, he is allowed to fill out information about himself in letters of the Latin alphabet in accordance with the data specified in his passport or other document proving his identity.

A migration card is filled out for each foreign citizen, regardless of age.

Entry/exit marks are placed in the “For official marks” columns of migration cards by officials of the border (and for transit passengers, immigration) control at the time foreign citizens pass through border (immigration) control.

The completed entry parts of migration cards (coupons “A”) with entry stamps affixed to them are confiscated by border control officials from the owners upon entry into the Russian Federation.

Exit parts of migration cards (coupons “B”), with entry stamps stamped on them, are kept by foreign citizens during the entire period of their stay on the territory of the Russian Federation and are handed over to officials of the border control authority upon departure from the Russian Federation.

In case of unintentional damage or loss of migration cards during their stay on the territory of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens must, within three days, report this to the territorial bodies of the Federal Migration Service of Russia, which, after checking the passport data of the applicants according to records, issue them duplicates of migration cards and the corresponding entry in the column “For official marks."

If a foreign citizen arrives at the checkpoint to undergo border control when leaving the Russian Federation, without having a migration card, he is asked by border control officials to fill out coupon “B” of a blank migration card. In this case, a corresponding entry is made in the “For official notes” column.

Entry into the USA

According to the rules When entering the United States, two documents are required: Form I-94 Arrival/Departure Record (white card containing arrival and departure information), and a customs declaration.

Form I-94 is issued on the plane and must be completed in English before entering America. Form I-94 contains the biographical and immigration information of the person entering the country and is proof of legal entry into the United States.

The form contains 13 items:

1) Family Name (last name)

2) First (Given) Name

3) Birth Date (Day/Mo/Yr) (date of birth – day/month/year)

4) Country of Citizenship

5) Sex (Male or Female)

6) Passport Number (passport number)

7) Airline and Flight Number (airline and flight number)

8) Country Where You Live (country of permanent residence)

9) City Where You Boarded (the city where you boarded the plane)

10) City Where Visa Was Issued (city in which the visa was issued)

11) Date Issued (Day/Mo/Yr) (date of visa issue – day/month/year)

12) Address While In the United States (Number and Street) (residence address for the period of stay in the USA - house number and street)

13) City and State (city and state)

If you find it difficult to fill out the form in English, the airline staff will help you. To avoid possible mistakes, prepare the form in advance using samples in Russian and English. The spelling of the last name and first name in English must correspond to the data specified on the US visa.

Arrival in the USA

An American visa obtained allows entry to a designated point of entry into America. The most common point of entry is the airport, where you will need to proceed to the foreign entrance. Here you are required to go through immigration control with a document check.

Thailand Migration Card 2018 – example, sample filling

Here you will be asked questions, just like during an interview for a US visa.

A completed Form I-94 is presented to the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) officer at passport control at the arrivals lounge entrance. The decision on your entry into the United States and the length of your stay in the country is determined at the airport during the initial inspection.

Therefore, if a US visa is issued to you for a period of 3 years, this does not mean that you will necessarily receive permission to stay in America for 3 years. The immigration officer makes a decision about your entry into the United States and the length of your stay in the country based on the documents and the answers to his questions.

A US visa does not guarantee entry into America. If there are any doubts about the purpose of your trip or the authenticity of the documents, you will be sent for a secondary inspection. Therefore, to enter the United States, be sure to prepare and take with you the same documents that you submitted during the interview at the embassy.

If you successfully pass immigration control, a departure record will be made at the bottom of Form I-94 in the Departure Record column, i.e. The duration of your stay in the USA is indicated. This part of Form I-94 is attached to your passport. When leaving the United States, it must be handed over to an airline representative. Typically, the period of stay in America on a US B-1/B-2 visa is up to six months.

Registration upon entry into the USA

Under U.S. law, you may be required to register at the point of entry into the United States in order to be registered as entering America. In general, this procedure takes only 20 minutes and consists of several steps:

1) fingerprinting and photographing at the border checkpoint

2) background check and interview

Once you've checked in, your passport will be stamped and you can then collect your luggage and proceed to customs.

If you plan to stay in the United States for more than 30 days, you will be scheduled for an interview with the Department of Homeland Security after 40 days in the country.

Customs control upon entry into America

According to the rules at customs, when entering the United States, you must present a completed customs declaration and, if requested by a customs inspector, your luggage.

There is a ban on the import of meat products and restrictions on the import of alcohol, cigarettes, cigars and tobacco into the United States. When entering the United States, you must declare cash amounts exceeding $10,000.

After customs control, you go to the airport hall - the procedure for entering America has been completed successfully.

How to fill out a migration card to Tunisia correctly?

Have you already bought a tour or ticket to Tunisia, are you packing your bags and know what to see?

What you need to know about the migration card to Thailand

We congratulate you! Let me tell you a few simple rules that will help you go through passport control at Tunisian airports as comfortably as possible.

Do you need a visa when visiting Tunisia?

No, it is not necessary, however, when going through passport control, you will need to fill out a “tourist card” or, as it is also called, a migration card.
This procedure is free, however, the difficulty is that all the data in it is in Arabic, French and English. All these are little things! We will tell you and show you how to do everything correctly in our native Russian language.

Where can I get a Tunisia migration card?

As a rule, forms are handed out to tourists on the plane upon approaching the airport. The main airports where tourists fly are Monastir, Tunisia, Djerba. If you were not given a migration card form on the plane, you can pick it up upon arrival at the airport.
Ask for her migration card form from the stewards so as not to waste time when going through passport control.

What does the Tunisia migration card form look like?

The blank form consists of two parts: arrival data and return flight data, which are best filled out immediately.
This is what a blank form looks like.

Tunisia migration card form

How to fill out the Tunisia migration card correctly?

All fields must be filled out in English and each family member must use their own form, even for children who are included in your passport.
To fill out the card, we will need a foreign passport, a voucher or reservation with the name of the hotel and a sample of filling out the Tunisian migration card (see picture below)

Sample of filling out a migration card to Tunisia in Russian

What information needs to be filled in and what do they mean?

It is necessary to fill out almost all the fields; below we will provide a translation of these fields, we will focus on the fields that are filled in in English.

Don’t forget that you need to write in English, your foreign passport will help with this, open it and copy your data.

1. NOM(Name) - last name

2. PRENOM(First Name) - name. We don't write middle names!

3. NOM DE JEUNE FILLE(Maiden Name) - mother's maiden name. Men, we do not fill it out. Women should fill it out if you have changed your last name. Although you can leave it empty, as a rule, no one will stop you for doing so. Who wrote the owl's middle name here - deuce)

4. DATE ET LIEU DE NAISSANCE(Date and place of birth) - date and place of birth. There is no need to write a lot here, just write the city of birth, your passport will help you.

5. NATIONALITE(Nationality) - citizenship. Well, of course, here is our RUSSIA.

6. PROFESSION(Profession) - profession. Don't reinvent the wheel, write manager.

7. No. DU PASSEPORT No. CARTE D` IDENTITE(Passport Nbr or Identify card Nbr) - the number of your foreign passport. There will be no problems with this, your passport is at hand).

8. DATE / LIEU D` EMISSION(Date and place of issuing) - the date and place of issue of your foreign passport. We repeat the somersault with the passport. If you have it written in Russian (for example, FMS 88648), write as it is, don’t be clever.

9. VENANT DE / ALLANT A(Coming from/Going to) - literally translated “Where are you coming from/Where are you going.” Stupor!? Everything is simple here, we write the departure city, it is indicated on your plane ticket if you cannot find it anywhere. For transit travelers, we write the city of departure and the city of arrival, for example Moscow/London.

10.DOMICILE(Address) - address. No, not the one from the apartment where the money is, but the address of your hotel. We take a voucher, reservation or whatever you have and write off the name of the hotel from there.

Uffff, we’ve finished writing the first part, let’s move on to the second.

11. NOM ET PRENOM(Full Name) - full name. We write the first and last name, you can rewrite it from the First Name and Name fields. It is correct to write your first name first and then your last name.

12. NOM DE JEUNE FILLE(Maiden Name) - maiden name. We rewrite from point 3, if there is anything there).

13. DATE ET LIEU DE NAISSANCE(Date and place of birth) - date and place of birth, rewrite the words from paragraph 4

14. NATIONALITE(Nationality) - citizenship. We also rewrite from point 5.

15.ADRESSE EN TUNISE(Address in Tunisia) - address of residence in Tunisia. It is enough to write the name of the hotel, for which we turn to point 10.

16. No. DU PASSEPORT No. CARTE D` IDENTITE(Passport Nbr or Identify card Nbr) - passport number. Nothing complicated, let’s clone the entry from step 7.

17. DATE / LIEU D` EMISSION(Date and place of issuing) - date and place of receipt of a foreign passport. Point 8 will help you.

Finally, you filled out everything and went through passport control! Congratulations, have a rest, but do not lose the completed second part of the migration card, otherwise you will have to fill it out again when leaving this beautiful country.

Book hotels in Tunisia and other cities around the world at the best prices here. Prices for different operators may differ by an order of magnitude. So, on one site a number costs 20 thousand rubles, and on another I found the same number for 4500. So which one should I choose? 🙂

The Thailand migration card is filled out for everyone arriving in the country (except for those officially residing in Thailand), incl. and for children. Officially, this document is called the Thai Immigration bureau arrival card; you can fill it out on the plane or at the airport in Thailand before passport control.

Required fields are labeled in no languages ​​found. Before departure, you must fill out a similar card - Departure card Thailand, the fields of which are similar to the fields of the migration card of arrival in Thailand. Information from arrival and departure cards is required for Thailand's Migration Police - migration control service.

We strongly recommend filling out migration cards while flying on an airplane; there may not be a comfortable opportunity or time for this at the airport! Do not lose the part of the card that the border guard returns! You will need it upon departure!

Download the form and sample migration card 2019

You can download sample forms for 2019 and Thai Immigration bureau arrival card forms on our website in the following options and formats:

  • Download a sample of filling out a migration card
    Thailand (in Russian)
  • Download Migration Card Form
    Thailand (in English)
  • Download exit card form
    Thailand (in English)

Mandatory instructions: the migration card (including the card of Thailand) must be filled out in CAPITAL Latin letters. The card can be on one, two or three sheets; the departure card can be filled out immediately or left for later.

Download Thailand migration card sample filling Can

If you decide to go on vacation to Thailand, keep in mind that on the plane you will be given a Thai migration card, which you will need to fill out. If you were not given a migration card on the plane, do not be upset when you arrive at the airport; before you go through passport control, there will be forms for a Thai migration card, but many, as soon as they see it, immediately wonder how to fill it out, hence our article Thailand migration card sample filling will allow you to fill it out without any problems, which will allow you to save your nerves.


So, you see a sample in the figure below.

How to fill out a card

Actually, Filling out a migration card in Thailand must be done in block letters.

To begin, enter your full name and passport number, strictly as it is indicated in the passport. Keep in mind that you do not need to indicate your visa number, because... This data is filled out only by those who have a visa for a period of more than 30 days; you are a tourist and most likely you do not have one). Next, write down the name of the hotel where you will be staying from the voucher that you are taking with you. If there is no such voucher, write any one, in principle no one will check). And finally, the number of the flight you arrived in Bangkok. Next, you need to fill out the second part of the migration card. Below is a translation of each item and recommendations for filling it out

1. Flight type(Charter - charter, Schedule - regular);
2. First time in Thailand? (Yes - yes, No - no);
3. Traveling as part of a group? (Yes - yes, No - no);
4. Place of residence(Hotel - hotel, Youth Hostel - tourist base, Guest House - hostel, boarding house, Friend`s Home - with friends, Apartment - apartment, Other - other). Put a tick in front of “Hotel” and don’t show off!
5. Purpose of the visit(Holiday - recreation, Business - business, Education - training, Employment - work, Transit - transit, Meeting - meeting, Incentiv - incentive, Convention - convention, Exhibitions - exhibition, Others - other). Let's celebrate "Holiday"!
6. Now the point about your income (in US dollars):
- Practice shows that in order to avoid unnecessary questions from the Thai customs service and not to receive a reminder from a tired customs officer about the rules for entering the country, and about 700 dollars per person, and even about the request to show cash... you should not check the last box point of this question!
7. Occupation(housewife - housewife, manager - manager, etc.);
8. City of permanent residence- here you need to write the city in which you live (in English);
9. Country of permanent residence(Russia);
10. The city from which they took off(Moscow);
11. Arrival city(Bangkok)

What a completed map should look like

As a result, you should get a map that is located below in the figure below, so