Maxim Nesterovich: the “dancing” show rekindled my old passion. Contemporary choreographer

Yesterday, on Valentine's Day, we presented several But, you must admit, there can never be too much romance. And so we continue. About one of the brightest dance and love stories of the past year - Elvira Shigapova.

In one of the programs of the 2nd season of the popular show DANCES on TNT, viewers learned that project participant Maxim Nesterovich had been dating the choreographer of Miguel’s team, Ekaterina Reshetnikova, for a long time. And immediately after Max was declared the winner, fans of his work were in for a new surprise - he proposed marriage to Katya. This public declaration of love probably caused more delight among the audience than even the fact that the guy won the show.

We had the opportunity to find out the details of how the relationship of this bright, charismatic and incredibly beautiful couple developed.

- Maxim, how long have you been together with Katya? How did you meet?
- We've been together for 10 years. We met at the Street Jazz dance school, which was incredibly popular at the time.

- Did your union become a kind of impetus for your development as dancers? What have you learned from each other?
- Of course he did! We are still constantly learning. We are like springboards for each other. Sometimes I stimulate Katya to do something, sometimes she motivates me. In this regard, we have a very good creative union. When necessary, we support each other and push each other forward.

- Both of you are quite famous and sought-after choreographers. How do you help each other? Does it often happen that you have to dissuade someone else from certain projects? Or, on the contrary, convince them that they need to accept the offer. Give examples?
- There are many such examples. They are at every step. There were cases when I dissuaded Katya from participating in some productions and projects, and it happened the other way around. We often sat down and discussed whether we should participate in this or that business or not. We made joint decisions. And you won’t believe it, we usually fall into the top 10 in our decisions! “Everything that is done is for the better!” - this is a phrase about us. It always turned out that instead of a project that was abandoned, a new, interesting one appeared. So we can say that we have developed intuition in this regard.

- How did Katya react to your participation in the DANCING project on TNT as a participant?
- This was exactly the case when Katya was categorically against it. But she didn't dissuade me. She was understandable, and her arguments were compelling. Having agreed to take part in the project as a dancer, I practically abandoned all my achievements, I reset myself to zero. And I risked my reputation as a choreographer too much. After all, in case of failure, I could lose almost everything, some kind of trust... But I still took a risk. When I won, Katya admitted that she didn’t believe in it until recently.

- Is your joint and very emotional number in the show “DANCES” based on Yuliana Karaulova’s song “Out-of-Orbit” the first such personal story? Or have you already shown your relationship to the whole country in dance?
- Yes, this is the first personal story. Our history. Of course, we often had to do joint numbers, for example, in the Yolka concert. But then we simply transferred her feelings and emotions to the dance. That is, it was not personal experiences. Here we showed ourselves. By the way, this story continued: Katya and I starred in Yuliana Karaulova’s video for the song “Out-of-Orbit”.

- Katya is one of the teachers of the dance school “PROTANCES”, which recently opened. Do you also have plans to take up teaching?

- I also participate in the life of this dance school. Most recently I gave two large master classes for everyone. There were a lot of people, I didn't even expect. More master classes are planned in the future.

", which started in March 2016.

Maxim Nesterovich / Maksim Nesterovich. Biography

Maxim Nesterovich started dancing in a children's group " Dwarf"in 1995. Being a participant Gnome", the young talent performed at children's and youth games in Moscow, and danced on television projects. In 2000, the young man began performing in a dance group at a modeling agency, where he became acquainted with modern dance styles - hip-hop and modern jazz. After leaving the team in 2003, Maksim began to create his own performances, and a little later - entire dance shows.

In 2004 Maxim Nesterovich got into a famous dance school Street Jazz, which had a significant influence on his creative development and dance career. In 2006, he became a teacher, and in 2007 he was invited as a soloist to the main cast of the show ballet of the same name, with whom he successfully worked until 2010. The director of this ballet is one of the most famous Moscow choreographers Sergey Mandrik. Parallel Maksim founded his own small dance school, where he taught several modern styles. In 2010, he began teaching at another well-known school - 54Dance Studio.

Maxim Nesterovich took part in a large number of television projects (for example, in the seventh season of “Star Factory” in 2007, “Golden Gramophone”, “ Slavic Bazaar", in "Hipsters Show", " New Year's light"and others). He worked with many Russian pop stars (among them Vlad Sokolovsky, Sergei Zverev, Bianca, Dima Bilan). He starred in the videos of Lyudmila Gurchenko, the group Serebro, DJ Smash, Yulia Savicheva.

Maxim Nesterovich worked as a choreographer in Miguel’s team in the first season of “Dancing on TNT” and choreographed numbers for Anton Panufnik. And in the show “Dancing on TNT Season 2” the guy wanted to show what he himself was capable of as a dancer, and not a choreographer. However, after performing at the casting in St. Petersburg Miguel was disappointed with his performance: he hoped that he would be cooler. However, Maxim was saved by Yegor Druzhinin. For the second season " Dancing» Maksim came with my brother Vlad(both participate in show ballet LOONY BAND), but he did not pass the selection process.

In September 2012 Maxim Nesterovich in Baku (Azerbaijan) he danced at a concert by Jennifer Lopez herself. Currently Maksim is a dancer, choreographer and director of large Yolki concerts.

“I want to educate myself. I’ve been dancing for a long time, I’ve tried a lot and have become a bit of a spoiled dancer. But I want to become a good and smart dancer. And, of course, to win.”

Maxim Nesterovich- famous dancer and choreographer.

The young man gained his popularity by working and participating in the federal project "".

Dance schools And dance studios Max Nesterovich

Since childhood, the young man was attracted to dancing, so his activity in this area began with the Gnome children's dance studio. At that time, Max was 11 years old, and even then he actively participated in choreographic competitions, representing the studio.

In 2000, the young man began working in a dance team formed at a modeling agency, where he mastered two directions: modern jazz and hip-hop. Soon he leaves the team and masters the profession of a choreographer. His first production was at the age of 19, and after a short period of time Maxim is already participating in the role of a choreographer at various dance venues in the country.

Their acquaintance began in one of the dance studios, but their communication did not continue. Soon they met again, but as part of a different dance group. Their friendly dates and walks turned into romantic ones, the young people realized that they had fallen in love.

The couple never sought to increase their ratings through relationships, so their personal life remains a secret to the public.

In the second season finale Max Nesterovich proposed to Katya in front of the whole country. Soon they got married in a narrow circle of friends and relatives.

Now Internet resources are actively spreading news about the couple’s separation, however, they still live together and are happily married.

This evening we will all witness the grandiose show “DANCING. Battle of the Seasons! The best participants in two seasons of the country's largest dance project will meet face to face on the same stage. We are sure that many were waiting for this. Don't forget to turn on the TNT channel at 19:30, and in the meantime, get to know one of the participants in the dance show. You probably remember him as the choreographer of the first season and the winner of the second. Yes, that's exactly him(31). In an exclusive interview Maksim told us about why he chose a dancing career, how the relationships between the contestants developed within the “DANCES” project on TNT, and, of course, about his plans for the future. However, the word itself Maxim!

I lived in Moscow all my conscious and unconscious life, since I was born and raised here. Since childhood, I was a regular at various clubs, because my parents considered it important to occupy my leisure time to the maximum. I started dancing at the age of 10, it was my mother’s suggestion. My love for this form of art began with this sentence. Although, I admit, at first I was just interested. There were so many girls there, and only one or two boys there. Already at the age of 10 I realized that this was promising.(Laughs.) I decided to stay, and then we all became friends and often went to different festivals and dance camps. It was very cool, that's why I was drawn in so quickly. I somehow lost sight of the moment when I decided to make dancing my future profession. As a child, I did them for fun, and then I even quit. I had a break when I started playing football seriously. And then old friends from the dance group, who had also given up dancing a long time ago, called and offered to try again, to remember the past together and unite. It was difficult to refuse.

Bomber, WoodWood; Pants, A.P.C.; Sneakers, Garment Project (UK Style store); T-shirt, Levi's At the age of 19, I already started making money from dancing.

He performed with the group, received fees, but soon entered college, and had to give up dancing again. In fact, I am a general engineer by profession; this was the desire of my parents. After all, they all want their children to have a university diploma behind them, this is something like insurance. (Laughs.) I couldn't refuse them, so I did it. But at some point I gave up everything! I was studying, had several part-time jobs: I was a courier, a salesman, a waiter, and worked at a factory. And then he gave it all up to take up dancing. Since then, I haven’t abandoned them, haven’t gotten out of them or done anything else. My parents reacted positively to my choice, probably because they themselves sent me there. Although, of course, they definitely didn’t see me as a dancer, but rather as an engineer or in some other serious profession. But it didn’t work out. My family, even with a stretch, cannot be called creative, only my younger brother is engaged in dancing, like me, and so are all representatives of serious professions. Sometimes it can be difficult to work with a loved one. When the creative process is underway, it is generally difficult to find a common language, be it a relative or just an outsider. Everyone has their own point of view, their own vision of dancing, and that’s right. It’s just that with experience comes a moment of tolerance, you begin to find the right approach to people and see the same desire on their part. In general, we separate personal life and work. When we are in the audience, we are working, we are professionals who are trying to make a quality product, and outside the stage we are family: brothers, sisters, relatives. Now dancing for me is not only a way to realize myself, but also the main activity that brings me income.

Shirt, Sanspel; Pants, A.P.C.; Sneakers, Garment Project (UK Style store); T-shirt, Levi's Until I was 28, I didn’t earn anything other than dancing.

Then, over time, I was lucky enough to gain directing experience: I staged large entertainment events. I also love making videos, and thank God I can do it. Now there is an opportunity to shoot music videos, and I will certainly take advantage of this. I no longer characterize myself only as a dancer, I don’t want to be limited by boundaries, I just want to engage in creativity, any kind. My first “salary” was far from dancing. I, a seven-year-old boy, was assigned to do house cleaning for my grandmother. A reward of 200 rubles was assigned for this, which was very decent money back then! Having received the money, the first thing I did was run to pick up a friend, and we bought a pack of cigarettes. We smoked it successfully and felt very cool. (Laughs.) But it’s hard for me to remember my first income from dancing. Although, I remember how I got into the team Street Jazz and we went on a tour of Germany together with the group " Hands up" I made a lot of money then, because the concerts were held three times a week, and every time they filled the halls. Large sums ended up in my hands, and I left most of them in local bars and Arbats. Walked around and spent money left and right. Food, drinks, souvenirs, trinkets. In short, I was doing nonsense. I wouldn't do that now. Rather, I would save them or invest them in real estate and find useful uses for them.

We know Miguel

(mentor and jury member of the show “DANCE” on TNT. – Note edit.)10 years old. The dance world is generally very close, so we all somehow intersect, get to know each other, know each other by sight. When the DANCE project began, I came to the first season as a choreographer. I put several numbers with Katya Reshetnikova, also made one independent number as suggested Miguel, no more. I wasn’t even on his team, I was just invited from time to time. In the first season, I saw the entire “kitchen” of the project from the inside. I was inspired by the scale of the “DANCING” show, because our generation of dancers has never seen such dance-related projects in its lifetime. There were some shows, of course, but it’s not even worth comparing them with the level of the “DANCE” project on TNT. I wouldn’t forgive myself if I didn’t participate in the project as a dancer. About two or three years ago, I cooled down a little on dancing as a performer; everything seemed ordinary to me. After all, work involves not only creative flight, but also choreographing dances to songs that you may not like. And when you do something that doesn’t inspire you, the process turns into a routine. The “DANCE” project on TNT rekindled my old passion. In dancing, as in other professions, once you go up one step, you can no longer go lower. The dancer is the bottom step, the next step is the choreographer. At the time of the start of the project, I was already a choreographer and it seemed like I should not have become a dance performer again. This is a common opinion, but I don't adhere to it. A good choreographer must also be a good dancer, there is no other way, because otherwise he will not be able to produce high-quality dances. We must always develop, and developing means dancing. I am developing, I have the right to dance and say it loudly.

Sweatshirt, A.P.C.; T-shirt, WoodWood; Trousers, YMC (UK Style store) In the show “DANCING” on TNT, I liked dancing on stage myself.

The emotions that you experience when you perform and look at your performances from behind the scenes, of course, have their own color. This is cool, but I did this before the project. And feeling yourself in a competitive dance environment, when you are on stage not with a mass of people, but one on one with the audience, is a very cool feeling, it cannot be compared with anything. The worst thing was coming to the first casting. The jury usually consists of professionals, and there are thousands of people in the hall! Personally, I wouldn’t wish my enemy to experience everything that I felt before going on stage. The project has clear boundaries: you go out, you have a minute, you have to dance, and from this minute, from how you dance, it depends whether they take you to the show or not. Some people can calm themselves down before going on stage, but not me. I just couldn't wait to get out so I could get over it and move on. Everything happened chaotically, as if in delirium. My legs are weak, everything is in a fog, I’m thirsty, and in general, I want to be somewhere else, not here.

It was probably easier for those who had just started dancing, they have this crazy zeal to rush into the embrasure. And it is very difficult for a person who has a baggage of experience and responsibility for this experience behind him to speak in front of people who know him well! I will never forget the first casting on the show; it was a very important event in my life. We all communicated during the project, including with the jury, not only on camera, but also when the cameras were turned off. Laysan Utyasheva (30) always had her heart rooted for the participants, advising them on how to present themselves on stage, what looks better and what looks worse. She sees our performances both behind the scenes and then on TV. She was always generous with good advice and just words of encouragement. Laysan I was determined not only for everything to work out for us personally, but also for the show as a whole. Don’t think that behind the scenes the contestants were “gnawing” at each other. Everyone wanted the show to happen. That's why everything worked out great.

In the second season I danced in Miguel's team

And he was with us all the time, he was passionate about the process, interested, he was fired up by us, and we were fired up by him, and everything was on fire. It was cool! We, participants in the “DANCES” project on TNT, were accommodated in the same hotel, across the street was “ Glavkino"and our filming pavilion. So, when we woke up, we had breakfast, if we had time, and went with the organizers to the site. Fortunately, it was literally a two-minute drive away. We rehearsed all day long, breaking only for lunch. My whole day was spent dancing. As a rule, we finished at night. Before falling asleep, I managed to have dinner, and then everything started all over again. During the shooting days, everything turned into some kind of monolith on stage: put on a suit, went out, ran away from the stage, changed clothes, went out - and all this again and again. But we really enjoyed it! In addition to dancing, I like to make videos; lately I've been really into it. If I have free time, I try to learn something in this area, take courses or just practice. I want to get serious about this and get Western practice; I also plan to travel to America. I want to realize myself as a director and create amazing videos and paintings with my own hands. I want to be savvy and educated in this.

The edge of success in dancing cannot be felt because there is no ceiling.

After all, you can develop forever, and life will not be enough. Now, when I look back at my past, I understand that then I did not have a certain tempering. I mean the meat grinder that young dancers who come to conquer Moscow, and all the burden that falls on them. Young guys need to quickly get used to the crazy city, find work, housing, somehow exist here and at the same time keep up with the local dancers who have everything figured out and who can devote themselves entirely to dancing. I could not feel all this myself, although I had problems of a different kind. When I looked at these people, I saw in them an important factor that is necessary in any profession, especially in dancing. They walked ahead, in a good way, they walked brazenly. And they had no other choice, because there was nothing behind them, but in front of them was the opportunity to change their lives for the better. If you now throw me back 10 years and give me the impudence we are talking about, then by today I would probably have achieved more. I don’t regret it, I just understand that this quality is fundamentally necessary. I think beginner dancers now understand what I'm talking about. They will probably remember how they came to the dance hall for the first time, how they shifted from foot to foot in the last rows and hid their eyes at the floor. But gradually they became bolder. And I wish that this courage turns into perseverance, into good arrogance. Then you will move mountains.

Dancer, choreographer and simply charming guy Maxim Nesterovich is a native Muscovite. He was born on August 12, 1984. His whole life is connected with dancing.

Maxim first went to a dance studio at the age of 11 - it was the children's group "Gnome". With “Gnome” he performed at children’s and youth competitions in the capital and other cities of Russia.

In 1998, as a 14-year-old teenager, the guy had already gone on tour in Hungary, and two years later he went to work in a dance group at a modeling agency. Over the three years of working in the team, Maxim mastered modern dance styles: jazz-modern and hip-hop.

The young man admitted that he left the team because he wanted to try himself as a choreographer. He staged his first choreography at the age of 19. A little time passed, and Maxim Nesterovich was already staging large-scale dance shows.

The Muscovite’s dance career was influenced by the reputable dance school “Street Jazz”. He came there in 2004, and three years later he became a soloist in the main cast of the ballet of the same name. Nesterovich worked in this ballet until 2010.

In parallel with his career in show ballet, the guy taught modern dance at his own school, participated in many television projects, and staged performances for pop stars. Not everyone knows that the choreographer of the seventh season of “Star Factory” was Maxim.

After leaving Street Jazz, the dancer, along with his brother Vlad and colleague Ekaterina Reshetnikova, founded the Loony band team. Their goal is to “do different from everyone else.”

“Loony Band” actively collaborates with singer Elka. In the summer of 2012, Max and the team spent several months in America, and upon their return they performed with Jennifer Lopez during a concert that took place in Baku. Nesterovich has been collaborating with Bianca for many years: he appears in her videos, choreographs and performs in show ballet.

Show "Dancing on TNT"

In the life of Maxim Nesterovich there were two seasons of “Dancing on TNT”. In the fall of 2014, the talented dancer was invited to participate in a television show as a choreographer. One of his productions is a vampire solo performed by Anton Panufnik.

In the second season of “Dancing on TNT,” Maxim decided to try himself as a dancer. The judges criticized him at the casting, and did not spare him unflattering epithets during the subsequent selection. But Nesterovich was among the 24 best dancers, and in the final he turned out to be the winner.

His native dance styles are krump and experimental. According to Maxim, he has experience that other participants lack, and it is experience that helps him show his best side at performances. He does not agree with the gradation that exists in dancing - if you are a choreographer, that means you are not a dancer. Participation in the second season of “Dancing on TNT” is an attempt to change this state of affairs.

Personal life

Max does not talk about his personal life. It is known that he is still not married and has no children. According to the dancer, in his busy schedule there is no time for romance and affairs with the fair sex. But close friends admitted that Nesterovich had been dating his colleague Ekaterina Reshetnikova for 8 years.

During the final of the “Dancing” project, Maxim proposed to the girl, and already on April 7, 2016, Maxim Nesterovich and