Lyudmila Vasilchenko. Slavic holidays

Chapter from the book by L.P. Vasilchenko “The Nature of the Slavs”

"The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! A lesson to good fellows!" - said A.S. Pushkin, and to unravel this hint, you need to work hard - feel it with all your soul. And the one who finds a lesson and knowledge in it will become a happy person.

First of all, you need to be able to tell a fairy tale, and you also need to be able to listen skillfully. “A true fairy tale lives only where there is a trinity: the storyteller, the listener and the artistic tradition.” The main tradition is preserving the truthful word in a fairy tale; emotionality is also important, preserving the wisdom of a hint of ancient knowledge in a fairy tale. The most important condition when reading or retelling has always been the intimacy of the situation. When reading, viewing or retelling collectively (for example, in the theater), the meaning of the fairy tale is distorted. It was in the everyday environment that secret information about the past and ideas about the future were passed on from mouth to mouth. So, in the fairy tale you can find echoes of the myth.

The fairy tale, as the most valuable type of folk art, combines mythical, adventure, and everyday storytelling. Fairy tales are divided into tales about animals, magic and everyday life.

Tales about animals remind us of totemic myths - about the connection of the primitive race with animals, whose descendants people considered themselves to be. A person who has preserved spiritual purity and kindness towards everything in nature speaks its language, which is why so often in fairy tales animals help the hero, give various objects to search for the truth, even fall in love with animals - and through the highest feeling of love the animal turns into a beautiful person.

Cosmic thinking was transmitted through the mythological nature of fairy tales. Through the fairy tale, the luminaries, the Milky Way, the stars, and the seasons become close and understandable. Remember the heroes’ appeal to the Sun, Mesyats Mesyatsovich, Vetr Vetrovich, to the River - the banks of jelly.

Time and place are sometimes uncertain in a fairy tale, just as in myths. The more uncertain the place and time, the more valuable the information in a given tale. This means that the main idea in the fairy tale is so valuable that it has passed through the centuries and reached you. And it is our duty to pass it on to our loved ones. Such fairy tales begin with the words: “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state,” “Once upon a time,” “Not far, not close...”. A fairy tale has a beginning and an end, but a myth speaks of the infinity of space and time, and therefore there is cyclicality and repetition in myth. The heroes of fairy tales do not remake the world, but with the help of the elements, animals, birds, heavenly bodies, they find personal happiness, and the values ​​of happiness in them are eternal: physical health is helped by the elements (water, wind, earth), spiritual health - the feather of the firebird - fire joy, creativity, power like divine. Female images: Vasilisa the Wise, Elena the Beautiful - symbols of folk wisdom, beautiful feminine qualities that protect, save, protect.

IVAN THE FOOL is a hero, embellished with sometimes unimaginable aesthetic everyday contradictions, does not want to have an earthly, practical mind and seems to be doing the opposite on purpose. He looks for his own solutions, listening to nature and his heart. This is what brings him success and victories, while common sense and calculations lose. He successfully passes all tests and achieves the highest values. His predictions and interpretations are not accepted by people because they paradoxically contradict “common sense.” But it is he who solves wise riddles, just as he reaches all the wisdom himself. His speech is “nonsense”, “absurdity” for rude people, but his songs, jokes, jokes are the language of the priest’s wisdom. His refusal of the earthly “mind” - logic, speaks of the involvement of the “absenten” world. His speeches are reminiscent of holy fools - a phenomenon that has received special attention and veneration in the Russian spiritual tradition.

SNOW MAIDEN- a gentle, touching image created by the people. Only in a Russian fairy tale is there the purest sample in maiden form.

1. The Snow Maiden is a symbol of pure spirit or the soul itself. “Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman, and they had no faith or spirit.” Remember, in a fairy tale, the god or soul is always represented as a child. As soon as the old man and the old woman gain faith, they become happy. But the Snow Maiden disappears at the end of the fairy tale, flying into the sky. Yes! Spirit is a cosmic category, and it belongs to infinity. And only a pure soul has the ability to fly away.

2. The Snow Maiden is the prototype of Leda - the Swan - the Mother of the most ancient ancestral home of peoples, that is, the North, reminding of herself and calling to her.

3. The Snow Maiden is a symbol of the laws of nature during the winter period, and violation of the laws (according to the work of N. Ostrovsky “The Snow Maiden”) leads to death. Cold things do not have the ability to burn, love, create, or procreate. Man is a creator, a child of the sun and fire, and only he possesses the power of love. Love destroys cold and death and gives birth to light and life.

The fairy tale hints at the physical and spiritual health of each person, the health of which makes up the spirit of the nation. And everyone can get it themselves. Everyday fairy tales help to understand important moral things in people's lives; Such tales preserve the best qualities from which a person is built: conscience, love, truth, honor, tolerance, goodwill, hospitality. And in a fairy tale, encounters with opposite qualities are sure to occur. The end of a fairy tale is always instructive - light, truth and goodness win. Symbols of light in Slavic fairy tales became female and male images as the main law of the Universe, the law of harmony - the feminine and masculine principles. Elena the Beautiful, Vasilisa the Wise, Marya the Princess, Marya Morevna, the Tsar Maiden, Marya the Mistress, Vasilisa the Beautiful - symbols of love, Motherland, warmth, beauty, high spirituality, wisdom, Mother Earth. Ivan is a peasant son, Ivan Tsarevich is a symbol of masculine principles and values: the son of the Earth, the defender of honor and conscience, the power of righteousness. These heroes are fighting against dark forces, mainly the Serpent and Koshchei. First of all, the Serpent is a force of darkness that must be defeated first of all within oneself. The snake can also be a symbol of enemies attacking from all sides, which is why it has three heads. Three fiery heads can also mean the three most insidious, negative qualities in a person. They are difficult for a person to overcome, and yet they are conquerable. Koschey is also on the side of darkness, he owns the koschey - dead kingdom, material treasures, but does not have higher values, therefore he loses. Both the Serpent and Koschey are cunning, intelligent, gifted with crafty wisdom, and they should not be underestimated, just like the existing evil in real life.

The most interesting character in fairy tales is BABA YAGA. Culturologists explain the origin of her name as follows:

1. Yaga - from the word "Yasha". Yasha is the foot and mouth progenitor, the keeper of the family and traditions - a caring, but very strict and demanding Bereginya.

2. Yaga - from the word "Yoga" - a priestess who knows the secrets of ancient teachings. "Baba" is a word of honor in Rus'. Baba means experienced, wise, knowledgeable. Now you can understand why Baba Yaga is so two-faced: on the one hand, she hangs out with evil spirits, on the other hand, she helps people, knows the laws of both the other world and this light one. And her hut stands on the border between these worlds and can turn wherever it wants. The ball of knowledge helps and gives only to the persistent, strong, and also to the crafty, that is, equal in the competition of wisdom. A terrible, harmful and knowledgeable old woman gives knowledge only to those who have passed the test. Remember, she gives a ball - a book that leads to the truth. Such balls, a kind of knotted writing, which was known in Rus'. Each knot is a myth about the main law of the world order. Nowadays, knotted writing has been restored in Novgorod. Among the small peoples of Siberia, “Yaga-Yag” means “first, lonely” or “river”, carrying to the other world.

BUYAN ISLAND, mentioned in Russian fairy tales and conspiracies, is located far beyond the sea, endowed with fantastic features of the other world. In conspiracies, Buyan Island is the place of stay mythological characters, Christian saints, whose help gives strength or a miraculous object to achieve the desired, most often this is the stone alatyr - amber (stone of the sun, light). Buyan Island (real Ruyan Island in the Baltic Sea) is the distant ancestral home of the Slavs, where the main sanctuary was located, where knowledge was kept. Buyan is the purest, kindest place on earth, where bright beings gather, and only a holy, enlightened person can get there. Our contemporaries-scientists prove that the altar - the temple - is located on the Irtysh (Iria) on white water, in the Vyria - a bright garden - the virgin nature of Siberia, in Altai.

ALATYR-STONE- a white-flammable stone - the father of all stones. As legends say, he fell from the sky, and letters with the laws of Svarog were inscribed on him. All the power of the Russian land is hidden under that stone. And this place is considered the center of the earth, which is endowed with sacred and healing properties. The knowledge center again takes us north - to where there is a lot of amber - the sun stone. It’s not for nothing that the Baltic Sea was called the Alatyr Sea. Another version is that the sacred Alatyr is Altai, the Altar before the throne of the Almighty. This is both Zlatogorye and Belogorye, for the majestic Holy, white mountain, currently called Belukha, soars above the Altai Mountains. In the poem about the Dove Book and Russian conspiracies, the alatyr is compared to an altar located in the center of the world. A maiden, Zarya, sits on it, with bright healing springs flowing from her, that is, rivers - living water. With her pink veil she decorates the entire world, awakens and protects the world from darkness and evil.

SWAN - LEDA leads us also to the north, to distant Arctogea, to the land of our ancestors. Swan is a symbol of pure genetic inheritance. It contains purity of knowledge and thoughts, cosmic harmony. The Swan is Russia itself.

HORSE not only a person’s first assistant in earthly life, but above all, a symbol of speed, passing time, and aspiration. Sivka-Burka and Little Humpbacked Horse become guides for the heroes in the fairy tale, helping them penetrate to the “other world,” to the distant kingdom, to another space. Almost all pagan deities appear on horseback. The horse represents the time of change of season in nature and carries the laws of this time. The horse is the divine power itself, and it helps only those who go towards the truth.

SERPENT - LIZARD- Lord of the underground lower World of Navi, generated by him subsoil. And if the laws of Navi are primary and inseparable from the laws of Nature, then the Serpent is wisdom, the original spiral of ascent. In fairy tales and epics, three Serpents are known: the first Serpent encircles the earth, squeezing its tail in its teeth - the infinity of the World - this is the World Serpent. The Old Serpent is the progenitor of dragons and all earth and sea snakes - this is the evolutionary development of the earth. The Black Serpent guards the Kalinov Bridge - the Path from Yavi to Nav, to the spiritual world of the ancestors - these are the laws of time, the laws of connection between the past, present and future. All three are keepers of ancient human knowledge about the Forces of the World.

FIREBIRD- a magical golden-colored bird with a woman’s face. One of the beregins, the embodiment of the sun, heavenly fire - flame. Serves good. It emits an unusual, magical color that helps people in their earthly affairs. Her feather alone brings happiness to its owner. She flies from the thirtieth kingdom, where she lives in the garden of the Tsar Maiden.

It’s high time to pay attention to the magic number seven, which is mentioned in folklore, rituals, and fairy tales: “seven brothers”, “seven swans”, “seven-flowered flower”, “seven rooms”, “seven chests”, "behind seven doors, behind seven locks...". What is this path to happiness, consisting of seven trials? The key must again be found in yourself.

These seven keys are:

1. Body health - physical strength.

2. Inner fire, giving joy, leading to creativity.

3. Love for everything.

4. Intelligence - knowledge.

5. Consciousness.

6. Superconsciousness.

And in order to reach superconsciousness, where there is a feeling of complete happiness, you need to go through every part of the path with dignity. As soon as a person reaches high consciousness, everything will be revealed to him - this is clairvoyance, the seventh key. And again a feeling of happiness visits him - the realization that he is like the Universe of the System, the structures, colors, sounds of the cosmos are embedded in a person and feel real and harmonious. And the rainbow - the “bridge” in the fairy tale - is not only a transition to another world, but also a transition to a different cosmic worldview. The rainbow has seven colors of the spectrum, the whole world is permeated with a rainbow, and man is like a rainbow and is a bridge between heaven and earth. If a person repeats mistakes on the circle of life, then he will again have to go through nine rounds of tests - to go to the distant kingdom. Happiness, which is found in all Russian fairy tales, is the seven principles of nature and the seven principles of human harmony.
Many folk tales relating to Christian folklore explain the meaning of certain beliefs and customs. Fairy tales, as always, are not only fiction, but, as it were, a repository of these customs. There are pre-Christian ideas and images. From there the fairy tale extracts them updated in order to convey images further - into Christian culture. Thus, the material of fairy tales is a collection of ideas clothed in new images, and these ideas have existed since time immemorial.

“The Christian ideas of fairy tales are the journey of people to the Other World, the contemplation of sinners boiling in Hell, and most importantly, it is emphasized, for example, that the birth mother, met there, hates her children, and the godmother loves and protects them.” But it may also be like this: “The old man, who lived as a hermit, does not give up life, eats, drinks, sees women, but always in moderation, and when he dies, God forgives him. The people, therefore, do not accept asceticism in its Greek understanding. This type of Vedic asceticism, i.e. moderation, originates from the Vedic worldview, where people are the grandchildren of God, and not His creatures who must obey him.

The Old Testament understanding of sin is burdened by the understanding of original sin, as if it were a crime against the Will of God (from Adam). The Vedic understanding does not know such original sin" (from the book by Yu. Mirolyubov "Russian Christian Folklore"). A fairy tale is not fantasy, divorced from life, a fairy tale is life itself, it has answers to all questions, you just need to make one movement - bring it closer to your heart. “Living without a fairy tale is tantamount to living without food and without clothes. The fairy tale quenched the people's inescapable thirst for beauty. With it, the self-purification of the national spirit was accomplished, morality and folk philosophy were improved and strengthened."

Vasilchenko Lyudmila Pavlovna. Lecture Slavic Kologod. Good evening. My name is Vasilchenko Lyudmila Pavlovna. I am a teacher of Slavic studies. I have been studying Russian culture for twenty years and my great dream and goal is to introduce our topic into education - our native topic, which everyone has already forgotten and teachers no longer know it at all. If someone else teaches, then it comes out in such fragments and is taught like this: - who can do what. My task was to organize some kind of system there, and in order for there to be a system, it is necessary to have books, textbooks, teaching aids... So, I have my own program: - “Slavic studies - Russian Health.” This is fashionable today - health-saving technology, to put it as the Ministry of Education puts it. And my task was not to introduce something otherworldly, something all on a different topic. There must be a harmonious, developed system from the depths of our culture. That’s why I’ve been building this system for twenty years now. It turned out a lot. In the cities: both Norilsk and Tomsk - I looked at what was going on there. I went on reconnaissance. It is taught very well. They say: - Well done for sowing such strong seeds. Everything works out well for us, do you know why? Because I don’t, as it were, aggravate the culture, I do it on purpose. But I’m slowly introducing what I need. But I don’t aggravate and don’t cause fire on myself. Like a woman. So all this is okay, okay, from the depths of centuries, from cosmological concepts. Then everything follows a natural path, up to the present day, taking into account all sorts of folklore, ethnography, traditional culture, and so on and so forth, and, of course, taking into account science and religion. So like this. I say: “Guys, you are speaking very primitively today.” And here’s a stamp, even an ugly one. You even behave ugly. The pagans are there, the pagans. Well, what kind of pagans? It's very primitive. You simply don’t have your bearings anymore. It's a completely different time now. They are no longer talking about Christianity or paganism. People are progressive. They are already talking about something completely new. You and I are entering a completely new state - Man of the World, you know, just like that. I say "No. It's very primitive. And, somehow, we managed to talk, and in general, they love me. It’s hard to argue with me, or to escalate things. Everything is fine, fine, fine... And, of course, my goal is always this: - to be in authority in the education department. So that I don’t have any complaints, so that it’s convenient for me to work, and when I already gain complete trust, then I teach all this a little bit as it should, as it should. And I always preach that Russian Culture and all its directions, no matter what you do: singing, round dancing, you embroider patterns, you bake gingerbread cookies, you make dolls - this is all health. Savings program. If you all put things together today, if you all put together life safety, ecology, and such fashionable and modern items today, then you will find everything in folk culture. Because everything there is natural. That's all. Well, today I probably want to show you what I do using the example of KOLOGOD. We’ll take a YEAR and see, because I always tell not what we do there, and how it turns out there, but WHY. I decipher, I always convincingly try to explain to people the reasons why, and when, - it becomes clear to people that, yes, it’s simple, it’s so understandable, it’s natural and that’s it. And then people don’t have any contradictions, no aggravated questions. So like this. So, today we will walk through the Kolohod and see what traditional rituals we have there, and you already know that they have all changed, naturally, although they have all been replaced here, side by side and even the names are side by side, and we will see how Over the course of the year, our biochemical composition changes and how we feel, and from here we get all our rituals. Rituals and holidays. And that's how I teach. This is how I write, and teach, and speak on television, and in general it’s hard to disagree with me. So, if we are Slavs and Russians, the color of white and the light of white, - URA - RA - this is understandable to us. Glow. Slavs - SLAV - I - NOT - glorifying Reality. Or do you think differently? How do you translate? Glorifying Reality - Life. This means that the Slavs have such a task - in fact, you can meditate, you can dream about the future, of course, this must be kept in mind, because there is no present. I said the word - it was already left there - behind. I’ll give up – that’s all in the past. And the future has not yet arrived. That is, it turns out that there is no real thing. We are simply guides. That's all. This space flows through us all the time. That is why our Ancestors felt so well the RULE and NAV, and in REALITY the Slavs (glorifying REALITY) are here and now. Our task is to talk now, do now, this minute, today, tomorrow, and not plan - I will do it someday, I dream of it someday. You need to dream, you need to make plans, but every day, every second, THE SLAVS HERE AND NOW CREATE THIS LIGHT. This is the most important thing. Like warriors of LIGHT, one might say. Therefore, our solar calendar is important to us. And all our holidays, of course, are based on the sun. Of course, we also take into account the moon. We also have a lunar calendar. But all our main holidays are sunny. That's why we take our Kologod with you. Because we have a galactic rhythm, we definitely feel ourselves there, and now we are entering a new phase. We say – Svarog circles. There is a circle of life, stages of life where dedications and initiations take place. Well, let's say, in a fairy tale - a seven-year-old girl runs, there is a stove, an apple tree, a river, the banks of jelly, etc., until Baba Yaga. It is overbaked, it changes – i.e. This is the circle of human life, where all these stages pass and everything is similar. The knowledge itself, everything develops according to the global Old Russian Calendar - a single spiral from the global to the small, and everything is very similar. So - KOLOGOD. How can you and I live according to rituals and holidays? Now let's go for a run. Here is our ALATYR - Altar. We know that Alatyr – the Altar – is the Earth itself. The Altar is our Galaxy. The Altar is our Solar System. Every nation has its own altar on Earth. Those have their own; we have our own. And everyone has an Altar in their home. In any case, there should be. ALATYR. Where do Svarozh's sparks come from? What it is? What kind of Svarozh sparks are beating? - or the Book of Svarozh? What it is? Fire? – meaning Spiritual fire. Thoughts, the global Altar and the altar in the house are all one. One whole. Our altar is where prayers take place - meditation, conversion, conversation - i.e. sparks are flying. What kind of sparks? Not with a natural hammer. And spiritual caviar. For us, this is the quality of spiritual fire. Alatyr means that we have one of the most important signs. It is also used in treatment; our carolers carry it on a stick. We have a Jewish star under which Christ was born (nativity scene). And our Star is eight-nine-pointed. This is our Alatyr. We have it everywhere – we see it in all-over embroidery. In embroidery, lace, carving, trim - absolutely everywhere. This is our Alatyr. Alatyr unwinds clockwise. Salt it. And counterclockwise there will be Asolon. And a person lives according to the year, and he must live it in such a way that he comes out with a new spiral and again with a new spiral, gave birth to a son, planted a tree, wrote a dissertation, wrote a book, and so on. As soon as a person stops thinking and developing, he begins to go in the opposite direction. And it comes to degradation, i.e. to the point of DEATH. Therefore, you need to live Kologod in such a way that LIVING flows out of you, i.e. life according to the Laws of Svarog, and in general according to our matrix, according to our Trinity. Well, we all know the trinity. It absolutely runs through our entire lives. What a lie: - the Trinity descended on Pentecost - some kind of nonsense. In general, the World began with our matrix. At least our Universe (our idea of ​​the Universe) is structured like this. And then the Svarozhichi (demigods) went further at other stages. These were already other forces, born of this force (the Trinity). In the Vedas it is written: - Svarozhichi already created the Earth, etc. Initially it was like this. This is everything for us. Masculine is feminine, masculine is feminine, but feminine and masculine are constantly and all the time together. And therefore, in Kologod, we will look at how men and women feel during Kologod, and from here, how the Kologod holidays develop and are organized. So, our Alatyr. He is everywhere: - in embroidery, in thoughts, in prayers, in gingerbread cookies carried by carolers on a stick. This is a real KOLO. KOLO is a wheel, the Sun is Kolyada. What does Christmas have to do with it? Kolyada is a more ancient holiday. Four main points of the year: Kolyada - The sun is the darkest. Spring equinox - The sun begins to be hot. Kupala - The sun is the brightest and longest. Autumn equinox - after it the Sun stops being hot. Now we will see how, in connection with the development of the Sun, you and I, Slavs, Rusichi, men and women, are directly dependent on the Sun, and specifically the male and female state. In what place are they separate (they feel differently), in what place do we converge and in what way is logically consistent with nature; why at the same time our Ancestors conceived children. This topic puts everything together very simply and everything becomes clear and understandable. And everything is simple - simple. Let's go over this topic. So: The Birth of the Sun - Kolyada. Rod Days. What does Rod have to do with it? The race is born - everything is born. Energy. You and I are “transitioners.” This is a global transition to a new space and a New Time. According to Kologod we have four main holidays. Four global transitions. The global transition cannot happen in one day or even in three days. Christmas time - Christmas carols last for twelve days. We also go to Maslenitsa with Krasnaya Gorka for two weeks. Autumn - too: - New Year, Indian Summer, Indian Porridge... I.E. Global transition of a person to another state. And this border needs to be crossed in order to increase immunity, to preserve the hormonal system, because all these periods are different, and if you behave incorrectly, you will quickly age. Or you will catch some disease or problem. That is, this is regulation. Every step in the calendar is how we prepare for the ceremony. That is, for each transition to a holiday you need to prepare yourself, come there, enter it correctly, participate in it and exit it correctly. Then your biochemical composition will be normal and you will always be healthy, always strong, cheerful and young. Like this. What is a holiday? PRAZ ​​- through, through. This means we must cross some threshold in order to change and move on. This means that this “threshold” must be passed correctly. So, why are these four points in the year so long and large? Because they are unsteady, unreliable, you are between them, in the Interworld. When does a precarious state still happen? At noon, at midnight, at the birth of a person, at his death. Therefore, all this is arranged in rituals so that a person is in his egregoregor with his Ancestors. So that there is a connection. Look here. We have the spring and autumn equinox and we have the spring and autumn parent. Why? Because in the Interworld these two worlds are very close to each other. It’s not for nothing that there are days like this. A very subtle communication begins. You talk to them, you get information, you get help. This is all for a reason. You need to communicate with your Ancestors, because real help is coming. If in the house of Lada - women do not lead the family tree in the house, excuse me, how can the Ancestors get through to you, everything is closed for you, you have no connection. You are simply in YAVI and nowhere else. There must be a constant connection with both NAVIU and PRAVA, because everything is connected, everything is one. And the woman builds her destiny and the birth canal in her home. Because men – they mark a different territory. They mark the house, they mark Russia, the Slavic World, and even consider themselves not only Russians (living in Russia), but also Earthlings. But women are completely different. That is, together the husband and wife have energy united in the form of a figure eight - infinity, without end, without edge. And if he doesn’t have a woman, then, sorry, that’s where everything gets stuck. Or vice versa – a woman without a man. Therefore, we have a single concept. And, therefore, all these rituals are a strengthening or restraining of energy at the right time of the year in accordance with biorhythms. It’s just that a woman was created that way – there is a channel of energy going through her. Figure 5Letter "D" - Home, Earthly Good. Letter “D” - House (Fig. 5). Man and woman - together Male and female are two channels on a pillar on earth, on which stands KOLO, connection with the Ancestors and Eternal Life is obtained. And women collect energy in a circle from the Earth. The fuller the skirt, the healthier the woman. Women went without panties back in the twentieth century. They were afraid to put on panties, they were afraid to lose the strength coming from the Earth. Therefore, men in trousers are protected from earthly energy, and women are like this, with a bell hem that collects energy. And the woman is open to the Earth. She wears a scarf on her head, protecting her from excess energy. Because for a woman there is very powerful energy. She can handle it, but she doesn't need that much. Women have a different task. Therefore, a separate house was immediately built for the young, so that they could immediately live together, so that a canal would go from Earth to Heaven, and so that they themselves would build a human nest. So that they can start their life, so that they can create everything themselves in its purest form. Therefore, they built it quickly, right away, when the young people were young. Kolyada. Born on the birthday of the Sun. How lovely. And they took us somewhere. We mark just about anything on the calendar, but not this. The birthday of the Sun is December 23. Before global holidays, 2 weeks before it, the influence of this God begins. This Law. We are preparing in 2 weeks. Entrance to the holiday. We must cleanse ourselves, fast, think, we do something at home - we whitewash and wash the floors, a bathhouse, a witches' bathhouse three times in a row. Only in this place in the year there is a global transition, when the birth - the rebirth of absolutely everything - takes place. Only once a year can a person get rid of curses, get rid of diseases, and start all over again. Therefore, before the holiday there is very good preparation, and then, as we entered a new space, and the one who is doing this, who is at least a little in the subject, still feels this new space. A global turn is taking place. The carolers walk and sing normally. Everything is correct. On eight pillars On seven winds After all, these pillars - pillars - are all these global holidays. There are eight main ones in the year. And they are our Gods. And the Altar - Alatyr - is multi-colored - from red to purple. And they carry a multi-colored star. The whole range of colors. All our Gods - all the Laws - the whole spectrum is and this is Alatyr and we receive this whole spectrum from the beginning. If we are ready for it and if we accept it. Kolyada – color blue. That’s why there are such rituals on Kolyada. In men, the energy channel opens, but in women, the channel does not open. It will open from the spring equinox onwards. That is, for women the channel is open from the spring equinox to the autumn equinox, and for men from Kolyada to Kupala. That is, the general period of openness for men and women, it turns out, is from the spring equinox according to Kupala. Thus, a channel opened for the men, “everything was flooded,” their eyes sparkled, and the flow began to flow. And my wife is depressed. So, during this period, the Ancestors very actively give men information, tips, all sorts of thoughts on how to arrange the next year. Everything needs to be sharpened up here. A smart woman pulls everything out of her husband and wraps it up in her own mind, gives in to him, agrees with him, and praises him, but he just doesn’t like it. And another woman will say: “I was daydreaming here, lying on the sofa.” He's lying on the sofa, off to daydream. That’s it, she cut off all his vital energy for a whole year. And he will no longer have such a window. Further there will be completely different tasks. There are other forces at work there. But I don’t tell ordinary people that way. They are afraid of everything. Perun's word... Oh, scary. I tell them: - in folk Tradition, the names of the Gods are a figurative name for some force in Nature. And so, these global forces are the Supreme Gods who are responsible for the Cosmos. There are simply Gods, they are also called Svarozhichi, and in the manifest world we have deities and spirits. Perfume, spirit is just energy. Those. We just replace the word and that’s it. Here in the Slavs it’s simple, everything is built on images. This is how I explain it. Let's see what happens to us. The men have energy, the woman supports him, agrees, and only then will everything work out for them. And it is on Kolyada, on the days of the Family, that there are such Traditions. And now let’s check, remember whether this is in the folk tradition or not. Let's check. The word Rod - what is it? Others will say: - Some kind of God Rod!? Let's check what words we have with the root “genus”. Nature, harvest, spring, birth, relatives, people... Have you checked? Eat? Is our? Is our! I always make everyone check. Find it in embroidery, in songs, in games. Found, confirmed, moved on. That's it, we trust Tradition. At this moment, everyone is reborn again, whether they want it or not. Especially men. Therefore, when carolers go, who should carry the star? We think wisely. A man is the sun, fire, already seasoned. That's right, boy. The sun has just been born. It turns out that our Ancestors do not start with the letter “D”. Tradition has it. Let's remember the Soviet New Year - a little boy. Who do carolers dress up as? Who are they leading? Definitely a bear. And they dress like animals. After all, this is astronomical knowledge. Now I tell everyone this directly. Why are bears everywhere? Bear - damsel honey, ursa major, ursa minor. Because the Ancestors are from there. Because she is our patroness. Because Rus' is an Altar. Both bears are above us and so on. I look at the audience. If people have heard this topic not for the first time, I say that our Ancestors are from there. If people are new, well, they hang over us. Now guess where the Chinese are from? Who are they running around with for the New Year? With the Dragon. So, what constellation are they from? There is a constellation of Draco. Moreover, we are neighbors in heaven. Then why do they bring a goat? This is astronomical knowledge. We are entering the new year under which constellation? Elementary - under the constellation Capricorn. In our opinion - Sedun. And why then: Where the goat walks There it will give birth Because they celebrated not just the New Year, but the New Fertile Year. That’s why they also sang “Ovsenya”. Because “Ovsenya” is a conspiracy. Because Ovsen is Kolyada’s brother. Because before, the New Year was celebrated in the fall. For us, all this is still inseparable. In the ritual of the Kolya-dovshchiki. Ovsen - Kolyada sing: Ovsen - Kolyada Cloth beard Finish the pie We take the cow by the horns Etc. VELES (second point). Horned, shaggy. He is Wisdom, and music, and the Underworld, and cattle. Veles is figurative. Veles is the Law of Nature. Global Law. That's why there is wisdom. This is our overall environmental program. Starting from the underground world (do you live on earth? This means that you also need to take care of the underground), then the fertile earth (layer) - plants grow - this is also Veles; Birds and animals eat - people use this, which means they also need to act wisely with this. Now the Days of Veles are underway (lecture on February 26), material magic is underway, the bookmark for dawn is underway. Therefore, those who are engaged in business, they already know, they consult with sages, with astrologers, when something is more profitable. Therefore, everything needs to be prepared now. Sberbank books, contracts, new beginnings, new plans. That is, the first energies are being laid on Kolyada, and during the Ve-lesovy Christmastide you need to think about and do everything in order to move on correctly. This is how Nature works. And that’s how a person’s (white) head works. Because there is no bright sun yet. We remember how the head works in the bright sun, so in the summer we don’t think much. What was happening in Rus' at this time? They chose a shepherd. Neighbor entered into an agreement with neighbor, and so on. They counted, wrote down, and got stuck. Veles is the guide of how you will live in this balance, together with this Nature, which IN NATURAL, man has nothing to do with it. Rod gave this to us. We are with Rod, along with all the resources and wealth. We must respect this. So, these are the LAWS OF VELES. When we observe all these Laws, then Veles will lead us from Reveal there, to the Light. All this is one whole: - Nav, Reveal, Rule. All this must be observed. Ecology program. In principle, you can also go through fairy tales. All Russian fairy tales are VEDAS in their purest form. The days of Veles are the days of Blasius. Men have all sorts of rituals for labor magic, for the results of fertile labor. Men on Kolyada and Veles not only show and say something out loud, they directly depict it. How he plows. On Christmastide the song: “I sow, I sow, I sow.” This is all a conspiracy, subconscious programming is going on and this needs to be done, shown and expressed to everyone within the family. In the circle of the family. If you just said this to strangers, that’s it, the “branch” has gone to the side, gone from the family. The energy goes away. We still have a small tail left - spending the New Year in the family. That is, the owner must say his plans, everyone must agree with him, and not that everyone in the family is in different directions. Otherwise there won’t be LADU later. And so, you need to project all this, say everything out loud in front of all the relatives present, and then the energy gets involved in the work - it starts rolling. Because this is the circle of YOUR KIND, that is, plans - we save energy. What's the point? It is necessary not just to say, but to materialize in an image: - in a dance, dance, show, you just need to seal it. Why do they make a doll for illness: because it is a program. Now you’ve done it – and that means 50% is done. It's just how people are made. His psyche and psychology. Well, the remaining 50% is something you can do yourself. Veles. We've dealt with Veles. Next comes Lelya. And between Veles and Lelya we have Maslenitsa. Krasnaya Gorka is also there. Veles at the end of February. Maslenitsa at the end of March is Vedic, and secular, Christian, on March 6th. Lelya – it’s already April. What is Lelya? Name Lelya. What kind of power is this? This is an image. This is the title. This is the Lada family. The whole World was created on the basis of the global law: - Harmony, Beauty. This is feminine power. In the Slavic Tradition, this is the Holy Spirit. The one on which everything is built. And this is the power that penetrates everything. Therefore, Harmony. Otherwise there would be Chaos. So Lada has - she’s Lad, Harmony, Beauty - but she manifests herself in different forms - so Lelya, remember Lelya, spring - remember the fairy tale? - Lelya, this is Lada’s family. Part of Lada. Who is included in this family? Lelya Didilia And so on. These are different categories of Harmony, Love and Beauty. Lelya is a divine spark between a boy and a girl. This is the law. They say: “Oh, Lelya came to you...” - Immediately her cheeks turned red, her eyes sparkled... and she became shy, and everything in her chest tightened, i.e. That's it, Lelya (love) has come. Law of nature. The law of God, we say, of the God of the Family. This is how a miracle happens. This Law is figuratively called Lelei. So, during this period, when the equinox (on Lelya), this is where it begins: - the male power is still active, but the female power awakens. Therefore, when do they sing Lelin’s songs? Only in the spring. They are not sung on Kolyada. So, on Lelya, when the Sun begins to flare up after Maslenitsa, a person’s hormonal system begins to work very actively, the blood thins out, the person becomes very active, and therefore, on Maslenitsa, they opened the lid of the pan: - the men were allowed to let out for the first time in the year steam in a fist fight, wall to wall, and so on. That is, if here, on Maslenitsa, if the men are not allowed to let off steam, the man gets burned out, and he can punch someone in the face; therefore, there were always fights on Maslenitsa. First were the seasoned ones - the married ones, then came the grandfathers, and then, the last ones - the children. And the girls only gave in to them: they joked about them and sang ditties and naughty songs. They provoked me with ditties. So they checked - we have it in the Tradition. This means it is natural. And on Lelya, men, and even young women, begin to flare up, women, girls and even old women begin to flirt and emit vibes. By the way, at this time of year, women’s pupils dilate, and men begin to run after them half-bent, with their front legs bent. This is Mother herself - Nature acts this way. Everything here has become excited, everything is copulating in Nature in order to continue life of any form. Bugs, cockroaches, flowers, everyone is running in the field, in the forest, cows, bulls - everything. And, naturally, the king of nature is man. Everything is boiling inside a person, he is ready for life, for procreation. And now everyone is squeezed, closed inside each other, they don’t want to talk, “what is love?” and that’s all. With us, only money is spinning and spinning, bringing profit, the heart does not open, all the hormones are closed. But if we slip right here, at this moment, you will never know what Love is. Because Lelya only happens here, at this moment of Summer (of the year). You haven’t received a PILLAR (energy impulse) from nature, which means you won’t have this color. And how can you teach, tell, explain, talk about love if you don’t know it yourself. Our teachers love to teach, but they themselves don’t really know what it is. All sorts of sex therapists and psychotherapists are starting to teach us, but they themselves have not felt any of this. That is, this is where we need to turn around. Water doesn’t flow under a lying stone, you have to look, notice a mate, walk, ride, communicate. What are we doing? We only have one job.

Vasilchenko Lyudmila Pavlovna author of the program “Slavic Studies - Russian Health”, teacher, author of dictionaries and books. She devoted twenty years to the revival of the ancient knowledge of the Slavs and Russian Culture. Its task is to build a knowledge system. And for there to be a system, teaching aids, textbooks, and books are needed. Her goal and huge dream is to introduce Slavic studies into the education curriculum. A topic that everyone has almost forgotten about.

Kologod is a system of rituals and holidays that helps a person remain in harmony with Nature throughout the year. The 8 pillars of Kologod are ours or the basic principles of Nature (we can explain any God at the level of Rule, Navi, Reveal). Between global transitions there is another sreche (meeting) - autumn, spring..., and between them there are 3 more small meetings. It is enough to look at the folk calendar to be convinced that there is a system there. Below are the main holidays of the Slavs - global transitions.

What is Holiday and Rite?

Holiday (from the word “praz” - through), i.e. this is a “threshold” through which one must pass in order to change, transform and move on. This is a transition to another state. It is necessary to cross this border in such a way as to increase immunity, preserve the hormonal system, biochemical composition, and be in the same biorhythm with Nature, i.e. this is regulation. Therefore, the holiday must be done correctly - prepare correctly, enter correctly, participate correctly and exit correctly, then the internal systems will work normally, you will always be healthy, strong, cheerful, young. Therefore, all this is arranged in rituals so that a person is in his egregor, there is a connection with the Ancestors. The action of one or another God before global holidays begins 2 weeks in advance, so the Slavs already at this time begin to prepare - they must cleanse themselves (body, Soul, thoughts, home), this is the so-called “entrance to the holiday,” i.e. fasting, bathing, cleaning.

Ritual (root “row”) - to row means to get along, i.e. in the ritual we debug ourselves - different nutrition, different actions, and the round dance itself is of a different biorhythm, because we need to be in tune with nature, we need to coincide with the biorhythms of Nature and help the body smoothly transition into a winter state or into a summer state, etc. Therefore, the rituals are different for each period; if you behave incorrectly, you will quickly grow old, contract some kind of disease or problem, etc.

Kologod - Slavic holidays

Kologod is our Alatyr - an eight-pointed star carried by carolers. This multi-colored star symbolizes all our Gods, all the basic principles of Nature, and this entire spectrum is given to us initially. Alatyr unwinds in a salt-and-pepper spiral (i.e., clockwise), and a person must live through the year in such a way that each new circle comes out with a new spiral (he gave birth to children, planted a tree, completed a dissertation, wrote a book, etc.). As soon as a person stops thinking and developing, he begins to go in the opposite direction and comes to the point of death.

Men's time is from Kolyada to Kupala (the Sun is shining), women's time is from Lelya to Mokosh, and the period from Mokosh to Kolyada is unfavorable for everyone.

1. Kolyada - Birthday of the Sun (December). This is a global turn, transition, rebirth of everything. Only at this time does nature give a person the opportunity to get rid of diseases, curses, and start all over again. Since this is the time of men, they are given from above (the Ancestors help) various tips, thoughts on how to arrange the year.

2. Veles – environmentally wise program (February). Veles is an image - the basic principles of Nature. He is the God of wisdom, wild nature, the underworld... Ie. It all starts with the underground world, which we must take care of so as not to disturb the environment. Next is a fertile layer of soil on which plants grow - food for birds and animals. Man uses all this and must deal wisely with the environment and observe the basic principles of Nature. The period from Kolyada to Veles is the time of starting new things. At this time, contracts are concluded, a shepherd is chosen, new plans are made, etc., because this is how nature works and this is how a person’s head works. While the Sun is weak, people make responsible decisions for the future.

3. Lelya - Divine spark between a boy and a girl (March, April). Lelya is the spring equinox; in nature, male and female strength is equalized. The sun is shining, nature is blooming, people's hormonal systems are starting to work very actively, the blood is thinning, this is the time of love. On Lelya, two round dances are performed towards each other: the male salting, the female salting. Energy is transmitted through the eyes and hands, so there are no sudden movements in the round dance, everyone is looking for balance, there is an exchange of energy, from whom it gives a lot, from whom it takes little. Lad happens in the whole village.

4. Yarilo – sexual power (May, early June). In nature, everything begins to rage, everything is furious - sprouts, petals, flowers, and people must rage (in Slavic this procedure is called rage). Yarilin organizes games and fairs. Yarila experiences a very strong insight, clairvoyance. Yarilo is a preparation for Kupalo.

5. Kupalo – maximum strength (July). The sun is the brightest on Kupala, it almost never sets, the masculine and feminine coincide. All of nature glows, gains maximum strength, and in people the fire flares up to its maximum, and on equal terms for men and women. Therefore, on Kupala they tried to conceive children during daylight hours on the ground, and not in bed. On March 26, half the village of children were born, and they said - a Kupala child, a healthy child. There is only one round dance at Kupala.

6. Perun – initiation into a man (August). On the day of Perun, men show their skills and abilities in handling weapons, their strength, boys undergo a rite of passage into men. From this time on, men begin to experience a sharp drop in hormones, they go away to contemplate the world, they need to change activities, relax (hunting, fishing), and women are in bloom: they conceived children on Kupala, if not conceived, they just gained strength.

7. Makosh – introspection (September, October). Makosh - Goddess of fate. The year is ending, at this time the most important thing for a person is to conduct introspection, to realize what he did in the past year, what mistakes were made. Only by conducting self-analysis and realizing mistakes can a person transform and enter the next turn of the spiral. The ritual for Makosh is to go out into the field, take a handful of earth, remember what was bad and good in the past year, put the earth down; take the next handful of earth, etc. After you have analyzed the past year, clear out the middle of the resulting mound and light a small fire or light a candle. With this “bonfire of fate” everything that happened burns down. Thus, a person conducted introspection, realized his mistakes - this is the most difficult thing, to check and change yourself. There is also a Tree Ritual - tie a thread to a branch and walk around the tree, twisting a spiral, speaking out loud what happened in the past year. Men walk salting (clockwise), women walk salting.

8. Mara – study of Ancient Wisdom (November). Mara from the word “MA” - mother, this is our matrix, the basis. On Maru, the Sun dies, the days are shortest, there is very little ultraviolet radiation, which means the biochemical composition is different, the blood is different, the hormonal system declines, sensitive people have depression. What to do at this time, lead a round dance? At this time, the head works well, so you need to purposefully read myths, fairy tales, and epics. A corresponding channel opens on Maru and a person can, in long-known fairy tales, realize what he had not noticed before and receive Divine knowledge. And to the extent that he gains something, he will become clear about it, and with this he will enter the next Round Year.

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A few details about myself...

  • Excellent student of public education, teacher of Slavic studies
  • “Teacher of the Year” in Norilsk 2002, winner of the competition for the best teachers of the Krasnoyarsk Territory 2006. Currently I live in the Saratov region, Balashov, Pinerovka village. I am building a Russian museum-estate on the banks of the Khoper River
  • Author of educational programs: “Russian Health”, “Slavic Studies at School”
  • Author of publications: the reading book “The Nature of the Slavs”, the dictionary “Life of the Slavs”, the manual “Kolyada has come - open the gates!”, the dictionary “Russian Vedas” is being prepared for publication
  • Author of the courses: “Ancient Slavic rituals and amulets as a means of developing a healthy lifestyle”, “Russian Feng Shui”, “Folk calendar and biorhythm of modern life”, “Symbolism of folk holidays”, “Edible toys not only balushki”, “Ritual folk doll " The courses are accompanied by practical exercises and didactic materials. Master classes have been successfully completed in Norilsk, Tomsk, Ulyanovsk, etc. I can conduct courses in any city. I went to Germany with a master class
  • Author of 57 methodological manuals on Slavic studies
  • Director and organizer of holidays and rituals