Lviv theaters poster. Culture – Theaters, Lviv

Lviv is often called the cultural capital of western Ukraine, and for good reason, because some of the best theaters and cultural institutions not only in Lviv, but in Ukraine as a whole are concentrated here. If you want to have a cultural holiday in Lviv, you will be able to attend performances, concerts and operas that will be performed at the highest level, will help you relax and unwind, and all this at a reasonable price.

Lviv theaters have an old academic tradition, and the buildings in which they are located have their own history, because they were built by famous European architects. For example, the National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after. S. Krushelnitskaya (Opera Theater, Lviv) was designed by the famous architect Zygmunt Gorgolevsky, who is the author of the German Reichstag building. At the same time, modern theaters are actively appearing in Lviv, which we recommend visiting.

We also note that on our website, in the most complete directory of cultural institutions, you can not only find out about Lviv theaters, their addresses and telephone numbers, but also view full posters of performances and concerts. Also on you can take a virtual tour of the theater.

All theaters and cultural buildings are located in the center of Lviv, so you can easily continue your evening with a walk along the Lviv streets, dinner at one of the famous Lviv restaurants, and then easily get to your hotel in Lviv.

  • Lviv, pl. Generala Grigorenko, 5
    The Lviv spiritual theater “Resurrection” arose in 1990 on the initiative of director Yaroslav Fedorishin and a group of young artists from different parts of Ukraine.
  • Lviv, st. Fredra, 6
  • Lviv, st. Tchaikovsky, 7
    The Lviv Regional Philharmonic is one of the leading concert institutions in Ukraine, whose activities include various forms of popularizing the best examples of musical art - these are international festivals, cycles of monograph concerts, concerts with the participation of young musicians, thematic programs for secondary school students, etc.
  • Lviv, st. Lesya Kurbasa, 3
    The Les Kurbas Theater was created in 1988 by Vladimir Kuchinsky and a group of young actors. Since its founding, the Les Kurbas Theater has become one of the most famous and progressive theaters both in Ukraine and abroad.
  • Lviv, st. Gorodotskaya, 83
    Lviv Circus is one of the favorite places for a fun family holiday in Lviv. Famous circus groups from around the world often tour here. The Lviv Circus is a center of circus art, which has national and international recognition: the greatest artists have performed and are performing in its arena, whose names are inscribed in golden letters in history.
  • Lviv, st. Gorodotskaya, 36
  • Lviv, pl. Danila Galitsky, 1
    The Lviv Puppet Theater began its activity on April 15, 1946 with the premiere of the folk tale “Ivasik-Telesik”. Among children's productions, a specific weight is occupied by performances based on folk and literary, both Ukrainian and world, fairy tales: “The Goat-Dereza”, “Pan Kotsky”, “The Painted Fox” (after I. Franko), “The Snow Queen” (G. -K. Andersen),
  • Lviv, st. Lesi Ukrainki, 1
    National Academic Drama Theater named after. Maria Zankovetskaya in Lviv is one of the favorite theaters of both Lviv residents and residents of other cities where Zankovites tour. The Zankovetskaya Theater troupe was created in 1917 as the Ukrainian national theater (on the initiative of Mikhail Grushevsky, President of the Central Council).

Live actors, incredible roles and creative dance and musical performances - the theater gives us a much larger cultural program than the cinematic art that is popular today. The first professional theater in Ukraine opened in Lviv. Since then, this type of art has been developing here at a frantic pace, opening up many new opportunities and genres. The theatrical art of Lviv can be called the heritage of the whole country - after all, it is here that the annual International Festival of Theater Arts “Golden Lion” takes place. It is held on a good scale, and during the ten days of the festival, residents and guests of the city have the opportunity to witness the most incredible acting performances of classical and neo-genres, spectacular musical performances, incredible costume shows, and touching puppet skits.

What to see and where to buy theater tickets in Lviv?

Only on the website you will find such a detailed poster of all upcoming theatrical premieres in Lviv. With us you will always be aware of all the cultural events taking place in your city.

Always worth a visit:

  • Drama Theater named after M. Zankovetskaya;
  • Spiritual studio “Resurrection”;
  • Opera and Ballet Theatre;
  • Drama Theater named after L. Kurbas;
  • Theater of Creative Miniatures “Both People and Dolls”;
  • Drama Theater named after L. Ukrainki;
  • Regional Puppet Theater;
  • Theater for children and youth.

Also, in our poster of Lviv theaters you can find information about the legendary theater festivals and purchase invitations to them. To go to the performance you like on the weekend, just find the “Buy a ticket” button. With its help, you can book a pass in advance (you need to pick it up at the box office 30 minutes before the start of the production, no later), or order it for delivery to your home or office.

Enjoy high art with the service!

Don't miss a single unique theater show, stay up to date with cultural events in Lviv with our poster. You can buy a theater ticket in Lviv without leaving your home, without long trips and queues. Now you will have more time to enjoy quality leisure time.

Lviv Opera House

Lviv Opera and Ballet Theater named after. S. Krushelnitskaya even in Lviv, spoiled by magnificent architecture, it seems like something especially luxurious and defiantly perfect - a real work of art. It became an adornment not only of Lviv, but of the whole of Europe.

Construction of the opera house building began in 1897 according to the design of the then outstanding architect in Europe - Zygmund Gorgolewski , a graduate of the Berlin Academy, director of the Lviv Higher School of Art and Industry. The architectural ensemble of the theater required a special location, so it was decided to build it on the central avenue of the city. Since the city center was densely built up by that time, Gorgolevsky proposed a bold solution when choosing a site for building a new theater: to build a building over the flowing Poltva River, “imprisoning” it in a collector, and use concrete blocks for the foundation for the first time in Europe. The construction of this largest architectural miracle in the city at that time lasted only three years. Part of the funds was allocated from the city treasury, and part consisted of donations from citizens of the then Lviv and its outskirts. The cost of building the theater was 2.4 million Austrian crowns.

The best sculptors, architects, artists and craftsmen who then lived in Lviv took part in the construction of the theater; The most qualified engineers, carpenters, mechanics and joiners were involved. The main construction and installation work was carried out by the company of a Lviv engineer - professor Ivan Levinsky . Ventilation, heating and lighting, which were electric for the first time, were installed by the Viennese company Siemens. Particular attention was paid to the fire safety of the theater premises: a clear system of stairs and stairwells to each balcony, as well as emergency exits, was created. The lighting of all the stairs and corridors was thought out most carefully. The project opened up a wide space for artists and builders for creative imagination. They approached their task with a sense of extreme responsibility and professional understanding. Gorgolevsky skillfully organized the execution of the most important works. The craftsmen were assisted by students of the industrial school, who made the mosaic floor in front of the main grand staircases, as well as bronze lamps decorated with the coat of arms of ancient Lviv, which stand on marble pedestals in the foyer of the theater. The Lviv Opera House was built in a classical style using details and forms of Renaissance, classicism and baroque architecture.

Lviv Opera House in an old photograph

Both outside and inside the building is decorated with architectural details and sculptures. The bronze figures of winged symbolic creatures on the main façade give the theater special grandeur. The highest part of the pediment is crowned with a sculptor's figure Peter Voitovich – “Glory” with a palm branch in his hands - a reward for those who dedicated themselves to art. He also owns the allegorical figures of Poetry and Music. On the right and left of the façade, between the columns, there are two figures, one of which symbolizes Tragedy (sculptor Antony Popel ), another – Comedy (sculptor – Tadeusz Baroncz ). Above, in the triangular tympanum, there is a high relief: a composition that reveals in allegorical scenes the basis of theatrical art, life, consisting of opposite principles - joys and sufferings.

The interior of the theater is also striking in its beauty. When decorating the lobby and interior spaces, gilding was used (several kilograms of gold), multi-colored marble, paintings and, of course, masterpieces of sculpture. There was an interesting story with the theater curtain. The founders of the Opera decided that the curtain should be as pompous as the building itself and gave the order to the artist Henryk Semiradsky , a Pole originally from Ukraine. Work on the painting lasted four years. It so happened that the curtain's customers did not have enough money to pay the artist. The envoys arrived to Semiradsky in Italy and regretfully told him that they had no money to pay. The artist still showed his creation. Seeing it, the residents of Lviv were speechless and stood by the masterpiece all day. In the evening, the guests returned and begged to be let into the workshop so that they could look again before leaving. And then Henryk Semiradsky, deciding that no one would appreciate and love his work as much as these people, acted more than nobly - he presented the curtain to the theater as a gift. The uniqueness of the curtain is also emphasized by the fact that only the La Scala Theater and the Opera House in Krakow have similar beautiful curtains. The decorative curtain “Parnassus” is an allegorical interpretation of the meaning of human life in the figures of Parnassus. Due to the peculiarity of this creation, even spectators of the Lviv Opera House can see the curtain of Semiradsky’s work only on special occasions, for example, on premiere days.

Curtain "Parnassus"

The Bolshoi City Theater (as the Lviv Opera House was called until 1939) opened on October 4, 1900. The official ceremony took place in the lobby. The first director of the theater made an opening speech Tadeusz Pawlikowski (1861-1915), speeches were given by famous artists and great architects. The entire elite of the art world, delegations from various European theaters gathered at the grand opening. On this day, the premiere of the lyric-dramatic opera “Janek” took place on the stage of the theater. V. Zhelensky – about the life of the Carpathian Verkhovyna residents. The main part is sung by the outstanding Ukrainian tenor - Alexander Mishuga .

Panoramic view of the theater lobby

So, the creative life of the theater began with a successful start. At the invitation of the directorate, the best artists from all over Galicia and Bukovina performed here. So in the 1901-1902 season for several months in the operas "Manru" Jan Paderewski , "Carmen" Georges Bizet , "Loengrin" and "The Flying Dutchman" Richard Wagner the Galician sang Evgeny Gushalevich . His partner in a number of performances was the prima donna of the Paris Opera Charlotte Vince .

The initial period of the Lviv opera was quite eventful and interesting. The theater's repertoire included 46 operettas, 43 operas, as well as dramatic plays. Criticism was distinguished by the high artistic level of the opera productions. In 1903, the tour of the heroic tenor aroused great interest Modest Mentsinsky and already famous at that time Solomiya Krushelnitskaya . The singer’s natural talent has developed and strengthened, and her skill has reached artistic heights. Solomiya Krushelnitskaya performed next to the Madrid tenor Giuseppe Russitano in the operas "Manon" Jules Massenet , "Countess" and "Pebble" Stanislava Moniuszka , "Troubadour" Giuseppe Verdi , "Huguenots" Giacomo Mayerbera . Solomiya Krushelnitskaya's performances were a huge success.

In the 1908-1909 season, one of the most famous singers of that time performed on the stage of the theater Mattia Battistini . The 1908 tour of the famous bass made a huge impression on the citizens of Lviv. Adama Didura .

The singer was the favorite of the listeners Filomena Lopatynska , which moved to the Opera from the Ruska Besida Theater. Her repertoire included over 40 opera roles. An outstanding writer admired Lopatynskaya’s singing Ivan Franko .

The vigorous activity of the theater, which continued from the moment of its opening, noticeably faded away in the 30s. And in 1934 the theater was closed due to the economic crisis. The theater was reopened in 1939 and received the name Lviv State Opera House. In 1956 he received the name of Ivan Franko, in 1966 - the title of academic. In the late 1970s it was closed for reconstruction and reopened in 1984. For its 100th anniversary, the theater was renamed in honor of the famous Ukrainian singer Solomiya Krushelnitskaya.

Lviv Opera and Ballet Theater named after. S. Krushelnitskaya is not only a calling card and symbol of Lviv, but also a masterpiece of architecture on a global scale. The building of the Lviv Opera can be seen not only in numerous reference books and guides to the best historical places in Europe, but also on old and modern postcards, stamps and even on banknotes. And many great masters of opera and ballet from all over the world consider it an honor to perform on the theater stage.

Last minute tours for two - If you are young and full of energy, we can offer you inexpensive tours for two. This is suitable for those who want a change of scenery. This option is also suitable for lovers or newlyweds. You will feel alone in this world, where no one will disturb your privacy. We also offer Last Minute Vacation Packages for married couples with children. We will select a trip for everyone!

Lviv is often called the cultural capital of western Ukraine, and for good reason, because some of the best theaters and cultural institutions not only in Lviv, but in Ukraine as a whole are concentrated here. If you want to have a cultural holiday in Lviv, you will be able to attend performances, concerts and operas that will be performed at the highest level, will help you relax and unwind, and all this at a reasonable price.

Lviv theaters have an old academic tradition, and the buildings in which they are located have their own history, because they were built by famous European architects. For example, the National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after. S. Krushelnitskaya (Opera Theater, Lviv) was designed by the famous architect Zygmunt Gorgolevsky, who is the author of the German Reichstag building. At the same time, modern theaters are actively appearing in Lviv, which we recommend visiting.

We also note that on our website, in the most complete directory of cultural institutions, you can not only find out about Lviv theaters, their addresses and telephone numbers, but also view full posters of performances and concerts. Also on you can take a virtual tour of the theater.

All theaters and cultural buildings are located in the center of Lviv, so you can easily continue your evening with a walk along the Lviv streets, dinner at one of the famous Lviv restaurants, and then easily get to your hotel in Lviv.

  • Lviv, pl. Generala Grigorenko, 5
    The Lviv spiritual theater “Resurrection” arose in 1990 on the initiative of director Yaroslav Fedorishin and a group of young artists from different parts of Ukraine.
  • Lviv, st. Fredra, 6
  • Lviv, st. Tchaikovsky, 7
    The Lviv Regional Philharmonic is one of the leading concert institutions in Ukraine, whose activities include various forms of popularizing the best examples of musical art - these are international festivals, cycles of monograph concerts, concerts with the participation of young musicians, thematic programs for secondary school students, etc.
  • Lviv, st. Lesya Kurbasa, 3
    The Les Kurbas Theater was created in 1988 by Vladimir Kuchinsky and a group of young actors. Since its founding, the Les Kurbas Theater has become one of the most famous and progressive theaters both in Ukraine and abroad.
  • Lviv, st. Gorodotskaya, 83
    Lviv Circus is one of the favorite places for a fun family holiday in Lviv. Famous circus groups from around the world often tour here. The Lviv Circus is a center of circus art, which has national and international recognition: the greatest artists have performed and are performing in its arena, whose names are inscribed in golden letters in history.
  • Lviv, st. Gorodotskaya, 36
  • Lviv, pl. Danila Galitsky, 1
    The Lviv Puppet Theater began its activity on April 15, 1946 with the premiere of the folk tale “Ivasik-Telesik”. Among children's productions, a specific weight is occupied by performances based on folk and literary, both Ukrainian and world, fairy tales: “The Goat-Dereza”, “Pan Kotsky”, “The Painted Fox” (after I. Franko), “The Snow Queen” (G. -K. Andersen),
  • Lviv, st. Lesi Ukrainki, 1
    National Academic Drama Theater named after. Maria Zankovetskaya in Lviv is one of the favorite theaters of both Lviv residents and residents of other cities where Zankovites tour. The Zankovetskaya Theater troupe was created in 1917 as the Ukrainian national theater (on the initiative of Mikhail Grushevsky, President of the Central Council).

It is very difficult to find time for yourself in a modern world full of bustle. Living in society, communicating with other people, attending cultural events, a person develops spiritually. Therefore, it is so important to be aware of all the events taking place in your city. The list of Lviv theaters on the website includes a variety of offers, where you will definitely find something for yourself.

The extraordinary atmosphere of the city can be seen throughout. Starting from beautiful streets with architectural monuments, ending with delicious chocolate. The name of the cultural capital was not chosen by chance. There are a large number of places in Lviv that everyone should definitely visit. You can enjoy a varied repertoire, modern and classical productions within the walls of:

  • Drama or municipal theater
  • Variety miniatures or in the puppet theater
  • Opera and ballet or spiritual theater "Resurrection"

And this is only part of the list. The Lviv opera, puppet theater and state circus remain favorites among city residents and tourists from all over the world. The Lviv theater poster provides a large selection of events:

  • Musical comedy
  • Ballet
  • Play
  • Children's productions
  • Modern interpretations and shows
  • Fantastic performances

Where to buy tickets for performances in Lviv

The updated schedule on will help you choose the right date and place, as well as order theater tickets. But no. Lviv theater box offices are overcrowded with schoolchildren and students. This suggests that the Lviv Opera House and other cultural places are extremely popular, which means they do not get old. Today, the Lviv poster is replete with a variety of colors and colors, it is simply impossible to pass by.

It's simple. You only need to take three steps:

  1. Go to the website
  2. Select the desired event, date and time.
  3. Make an order.

In just a couple of minutes, tickets will be sent to you by email. You can also pick them up at the box office or have them delivered. With us it is simple, fast and reliable. Enjoy your favorite plays with Kontramarka.