How to become an actress at 16 years old. The main task of a theater actress

Actor(from French acteur, from Latin actor - performer; feminine - actress) is a professional performer of diverse roles in plays, films, commercials, video clips. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in world artistic culture (see choosing a profession based on your interest in school subjects).

Profession actor is one of the most ancient. The shamans also staged performances for the entire tribe. As an art, acting originated in Ancient Greece and was considered very prestigious. However, Medieval Europe considered the acting of actors to be demonic, and in Rus' it was even dangerous to be an actor. The Church persecuted actors, jesters, and buffoons. Church officials could destroy musical instruments, and performers could be beaten or imprisoned. It was only during the Renaissance that attitudes towards acting changed.

The art of acting is constantly evolving. Until the beginning of the 20th century, stereotypes and one-dimensionality of characters and types prevailed in the acting. The revolution in the acting profession was carried out by the founder of the Moscow Art Theater K.S. Stanislavsky (1863 - 1938). He is the creator of the famous acting system, the so-called Stanislavsky System, the purpose of which is to achieve maximum psychological authenticity in the acting of actors. Stanislavsky encouraged actors to feel what the hero feels, to experience genuine experiences in order to convey reliable emotions on stage. For more than a hundred years, the famous acting system of Stanislavsky has been extremely popular in Russia and all over the world, and the phrase he expressed “I don’t believe it!” became winged.

Currently, the acting profession is popular and desirable. Many are attracted by fame, wealth and an interesting life. However, few people understand how thorny the path to achieving their goal is, and no one can guarantee that you will succeed in this field. There are so many graduates of theater universities, and only a small percentage of them become famous and highly paid actors. Young actors have to make a place for themselves in the sun, gradually earning fame. There are, of course, lucky ones who were noticed and became famous overnight. For them, what they studied for and strived for will gradually begin to come true.

The basis of acting is the principle of transformation. This transformation can be external or internal. In the first case, the actor uses makeup, costumes, masks, develops intonation, facial expressions, and gestures. In the second case, the actor needs to reveal the spiritual world of his hero, show his character, convey thoughts and experiences. An actor, regardless of his place of work, creates a certain artistic image and brings something of his own to the character, portraying him in his own way. The main goal of any actor is the desire to influence the audience, to evoke in them a response, emotions, and feelings.


Actor training takes place in higher educational institutions, secondary vocational schools or studio schools. But becoming a good actor is only possible if you have talent; educational institutions will only develop it and direct it in the right direction.

Required professional knowledge and skills

  • artistry, ability to transform, get into character;
  • knowledge of genre and role specifics;
  • the ability to create an image from a verbal description;
  • knowledge of psychology (in terms of facial expressions, speech characteristics, etc.);
  • lack of fear of the stage, camera lens, audience;
  • availability of musical and choreographic skills;
  • impeccable articulation;
  • literary abilities;
  • creativity, sense of harmony, sense of rhythm, developed aesthetic and artistic taste;
  • possession of stage presence (expressiveness, the ability to communicate naturally with partners on stage, the ability to attract the audience);
  • the desire for continuous professional improvement.

Personal qualities

  • good memory;
  • observation;
  • diligence, efficiency;
  • physical endurance, patience;
  • ability and desire to work in a team;
  • creativity;
  • responsibility;
  • abstract thinking;
  • oratorical skills;
  • determination;
  • self confidence;
  • energy.

Pros of the profession

  • interesting, creative profession;
  • fame, popularity, people's love (when gaining fame);
  • tours abroad, travel;
  • the opportunity in the game to try yourself in the role of different people, with different professions, destinies, to be both a positive and negative hero.

Cons of the profession

  • the need to devote yourself entirely to the profession (filming and rehearsals take a lot of time);
  • the need, at times, to live in camp conditions with a lack of necessary amenities;
  • the acting profession is associated with the risk of injury (performing stunts);
  • In addition to fame and success in an acting career, there may also be a lull due to the lack of invitations to plays or films.

Place of work

  • theaters;
  • film studios;
  • TV;
  • advertising agencies;
  • music video production companies;
  • circuses;
  • event companies...

Salary and career

Salary as of 02/27/2019

Russia 20000—75000 ₽

Moscow 35000—90000 ₽

Typically, actors begin their careers by participating in theater productions. The actor's salary in this case is very small, if he is actively involved in performances - a little more. In general, income depends on the prestige of the theater and the number of performances in which the aspiring actor takes part.

A professional actor can act in a movie or TV series. But this work is not permanent, so the security is relative. Prices for the participation of actors vary greatly, on average from 500 rubles to 100,000 rubles per day, but the latter figure is offered if you are a famous actor or people's artist. An actor's salary depends on his fame and the financial capabilities of the employer.

Perhaps each of us at least once in our lives has had the desire to become an actor. Moreover, as a rule, we “try on” not the life of artists of a small theater, but the star role of world-famous celebrities. We will talk about how to become an actor in this article. After all, desire alone is not enough; you also need to know where to start, which doors to knock on.

First steps towards your dream

Most modern actors did not become famous overnight, but spent many years acquiring this skill. Often, talent begins to manifest itself in childhood: children first enjoy reading poems in front of relatives and performing at school matinees, then enrolling in KVN, etc. However, if the craving for acting has not manifested itself in you since childhood, then there is a clear answer to the question on how to become an actor, there will be training in special courses and admission to a theater university. Thanks to this, you will not only learn about the basics and details of the profession, but also meet people who can help you in your future career.

Acting education

However, if everyone is able to enroll in courses, then problems may arise with admission to the university. “How to become an actor without education?” - you ask. Instead of answering, we note that today many famous artists still do not have diplomas. This is due to the fact that they were unable to enter the university after several attempts and, as a result, stopped striving for this. However, the lack of a diploma does not prevent them from being in demand and famous.

How to become an actor: necessary qualities

Be prepared for the fact that an artist is not just a profession, but a certain rhythm of life. So, if you are a fairly passive and relaxed person, like to sleep and walk a lot, then most likely you will not be able to conquer Hollywood. In order for a dream to come true, you need to work hard and hard. We invite you to learn about what it takes to become an actor.

How to become a famous actor in Hollywood?

This question is asked not only by newcomers to this profession, but also by quite popular domestic theater and film artists. And this is no coincidence, because films made in Hollywood are watched by the whole world, and the fees of the actors involved in them sometimes reach astronomical figures. How to make your dream come true? Experts recommend, first of all, to move closer to this very Hollywood and find yourself an agent who will select suitable castings and roles for you. As for acting education, there is no doubt that it will be a big plus, but there is no urgent need for it. According to many, in order to make a career in Hollywood, you just need to be, as they say, in the right place at the right time. However, keep in mind that it will be very difficult to get to the top. Therefore, you should not rely too much on the fact that your talent and attractive appearance will be immediately noticed, appreciated and offered you the main role in a new film with a multi-million dollar fee.

What is a dubbing actor and how to become one?

If for some reason you do not want to appear on the theater stage or screens, but you feel a certain talent in yourself, and also have an interesting voice and good diction, then you can try yourself as a dubbing actor. People in this profession are engaged in dubbing films, programs, reading voice-over text in advertising, etc. We will learn further about how to become a dubbing actor.

Develop your skills

Despite the fact that voice actors always remain behind the scenes, sometimes even greater talent and skill are required from them than from the artists we see on the screen or theater stage. After all, the only instrument available to them is their voice. When thinking about how to become a dubbing actor, keep in mind that first of all you need to constantly develop your skills. To do this, it is worth attending acting courses and enrolling in a theater club. It is also advisable to take vocal lessons to expand your range and learn how to use your own voice correctly and effectively. A good exercise is to try to imitate a variety of sounds and voices of famous people. In addition, this material can be used for a portfolio. Also be sure to record your own voice. To do this, try reading a monologue. Then listen to the recording and note the points that you would like to improve.

Create a demo

This is how potential employers will evaluate you. Try to ensure that the best and most interesting material is at the very beginning of the recording. Gradually, when the list of your works increases, you can create a whole portfolio, which will include especially successful roles.

Find an agent

Of course, you can independently distribute your demo recording to studios. However, it is best to use the services of an experienced agent. It is advisable that he specialize in selecting actors for dubbing.

The acting profession is considered one of the most interesting and exciting. Well, where else, within one life, can you be both Cleopatra and a Princess or a fairy-tale hero? Only on the TV screen or on the theater stage. This work is quite difficult and it is very difficult to achieve recognition and fame, and even more so worldwide. So today we will talk about how to become an actor.

How to become an actor. Our whole life is a constant game

In order to do this, you need a fairly banal and understandable scheme. However, at the first stage, it is extremely necessary to determine why you need it. It is on this basis that you will build your future plans for studying acting and for building your future plans.

  1. You want to become an actor because you love the stage, you dream of being transformed into constantly new images and living completely different lives in completely different eras. Well, this is perhaps the best option. Because, in this case, you want to become an actor from the heart and will do it sincerely. You will have to unlearn, and more than once, and work in the theater or cinema in order to earn your name. With this approach, financial gain as such may never come, because the most important thing for you will be to bring art to the world.
  2. You want to become an actor because it's trendy, it's cool, and most importantly, you want to make money from it. This is where it gets more complicated, because there are a huge number of you like you. and all people cannot be mega famous actors. This requires your charisma, ambition and confidence. You will also have to study, but you will also need to know at what time and in what place to get involved in a decent project in order to get noticed. It all depends on your personal leadership qualities and desire to become a famous and rich actor.

Where to start becoming an actor

  1. As we have already said, first of all you need to decide on your goal. Moreover, this goal should motivate not only your desire to become an actor from the heart or a commercial actor, but also, you must determine what kind of actor you want to become. Theater or film actor. The differences here are very large both in the artist’s profile, his training and further marketing plans regarding the search for work. As a rule, film actors can still somehow play in the theater, but it is more difficult for theater actors to establish themselves in cinema.
  2. You have decided on the goal and direction of the acting profession. Now it’s time to enter a higher educational institution to receive qualified acting education. Many people believe that this is not so important, and that the main thing is to be an actor inside and have talent. This is far from true. An actor is a profession that requires knowledge of the smallest details. Therefore, education must be thorough. You should be very careful when choosing an educational institution. To do this, it is worth weighing the pros and cons in relation to this particular establishment. Some universities are more suitable for film actors, others for theater actors. Although, the basics of acting, as in many professions, coincide with these two types, and the division into film and theater actors occurs later. But you need to know this as early as possible. Why?
  3. But because, throughout the entire period of study, you must prepare yourself as much as possible for the use of your future profession. It's not enough that you just attend classes. One must live by this study and comprehend its nuances. The sooner and the better you do this, the sooner the long-awaited result will come. namely, the sooner you will appear on the stage of some theater or you will be invited to the cinema.
  4. At this same stage, it is extremely necessary to try to look for a future place of work, to establish connections with film and theater directors (see), communicate with the maximum number of actors. Also, do not forget to participate in all student projects and performances. This is, today, the only way to attract the attention of directors and project managers.
  5. Upon graduation, you need to compile your resume with a motivation letter and send it to all theaters or production centers with whom you would like to collaborate.
  • the need for actors;
  • your diploma and your recommendations;
  • your persistence and desire to prove yourself;
  • and, of course, your luck.

Becoming an actor is not easy, and most likely even very difficult. It is necessary to go a long way from a child who wanted to devote his life to this type of art, to an adult who has achieved everything himself and has become a theater or film actor. This path is not easy: you will have to learn a lot, learn a lot, experience ups and downs. In general, everything is like on stage, or rather, everything is like in life.

Also read:

Many girls dream of becoming famous actresses, but only a few become stars. On the path to your dream you have to deal with incredible competition, because acting is one of the most desirable career paths. Popularity and success come from hard work, constant dedication and passion, but it also comes from sheer luck. Success is real if you choose the right strategy and do not deviate one step from your intended goal.


How to learn acting

    Sign up for acting classes or a theater studio. Use the Internet to find suitable options in your city. If you have not previously studied acting, then in classes you can learn the basics of the profession under the guidance of experienced actors and actresses. First, find out the date of the next lesson and check the cost.

    Attend your school drama club. If there is a theater club at school, then do not lose the opportunity to start an acting career at an early age. Actresses need to understand complex scripts, memorize hundreds of lines of text, and also overcome stage fright and delight the audience with their performances. The school theater club will provide an insight into all aspects of acting. Don't waste time - go to an audition or sign up for a club as soon as possible.

    Select your specialization: stage, film or television. Theater productions are different from filming. On stage you have to play in front of a live audience. Theater actors spend more time rehearsing and learn more text than film and television actors. Theater skills can be mastered from school, and some skills can even be useful for film roles.

    • Other differences include voice work. During the filming of films and TV shows, actors use microphones that capture every detail of their voices, whereas on stage they need to speak loudly and clearly.
    • Also on stage you have to change into different costumes much faster.
  1. Get an acting education at a specialized educational institution. Consider all options and try to get into a reputable institute, school or academy. Among the best specialized educational institutions in the country are GITIS, VGIK, the Shchepkin Higher Theater School, the Moscow Art Theater School, the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts and many others.

    Take advantage of every opportunity. Do not rush to refuse a role if you are considered a suitable candidate. Accept the offer of the organizing teacher to play the main role in the school play. Actively participate in theater productions to gain stage skills and develop your talent.

    • Accept free roles to hone your acting skills.
    • Choose challenging and varied roles to become a versatile actress.
  2. Keep in good physical shape. Actresses often require good physical fitness to perform various stunts or fit the image of a character. Theater productions also rely on strength and stamina to deliver lines and move on stage clearly. Take care of your health so that directors are more willing to take you on for roles.

    • You don't have to be skinny, but try to take care of your health so that you can easily change your appearance if necessary.
    • The illness of an actress cast in an important role can halt production of the entire film. Don't forget to eat right and take vitamins.
    • Strive to get enough sleep every night.
  3. Learn to sing and dance to expand your acting skills. Actresses don't need to know how to dance, sing or play a musical instrument, but such skills will increase your level and appeal to casting directors. Attend courses, study with a tutor and study on your own. Horse riding skills, archery, gymnastics, diving and martial arts, magic tricks and juggling - all these abilities will increase your chances of becoming a famous actress.

    Rehearse constantly to improve yourself. Try recording yourself on video every day to monitor your acting progress. After rehearsals, review these notes and note areas that need improvement. Run scripts for auditioning for a role in advance, ask your actor friends for help.

    How to get roles

    1. Take a portrait photo from a professional photographer. A good headshot is important for an actress to get roles. The acting director may see your photo and invite you to audition. Find a good photographer who specializes in portraits and sign up for a shoot. This photo allows you to get an idea of ​​​​the appearance, age and personality of the actress.

      Find yourself an agent. A good agent has extensive connections and is able to arrange auditions for roles that would be impossible to obtain on your own. Go to meetings with agencies, communicate with different representatives of the theater and film world to get recommendations. Agents also immediately discuss payment issues for services.

      Connect with people from the world of theater and cinema. Dating and connections are extremely important as they allow you to get roles. Try to regularly communicate with directors, actors and actresses so that you are not forgotten when selecting candidates for the role.

      Be persistent and don't get hung up on rejection. It's impossible to get every role you want, but don't rush to throw out the white flag. Work on yourself, expand your list of acquaintances, and over time you will be able to make your dream come true.

      Come to open meetings and seminars. Meetings like these, hosted by agents, help actors demonstrate their abilities to producers and casting directors. Attend these workshops and read scripts to get roles and auditions in the future.

      • Don't forget to prepare your monologue in advance and choose appropriate clothes.

    How to stay in demand and popular

    1. Constantly work on yourself. Continue to improve yourself even after filming. Watch other actors, rehearse roles, learn to subtly understand the script and characters.

    2. Choose your roles and good scripts wisely. Weak roles are a sure way to fade into the shadows. When choosing a role, don't rely solely on the agent and always read the script. Don't agree to offers that could harm your career. Refuse several similar roles in a row, otherwise they will no longer offer you the roles of other characters.

      • Soberly assess your capabilities and agree to roles that you can play.
      • If you don't like it, then don't accept "uncomfortable" roles that require you to be naked, use foul language, and voice immoral messages.
    3. Always listen to your fans. Atypical roles or actions can turn fans against you and harm your career. Be consistent to retain your fans.

      • There are no one-dimensional personalities, but famous actresses become examples for many girls and women around the world.
    4. Lead an active lifestyle and strive to look for new roles. Today, news travels at the speed of light, so it is important that you are not forgotten. If you go into the shadows or take a sabbatical, then in a couple of years they may no longer remember you. Live an active lifestyle and work hard. Sometimes you have to sacrifice relationships or the joys of family life for the sake of your career.

      • Some actors like to work with a specific producer or director, so different films are often made by the same team of people.
      • Ignorant and rude posts on social media can ruin your career. Always discuss acceptable and unacceptable topics to post with your manager.
      • Do not participate in quarrels and scandals so as not to tarnish your reputation.
      • Show the videos you've filmed to your team in advance so they can choose the ones that fans are sure to love.

Every girl, watching a film with the participation of a famous actress, at least once in her life imagined herself in her place. Being an actress is an opportunity to try on different roles and live dozens of lives of characters from different eras in one life.

But most girls never dare to make their dream come true. If you are a purposeful person and cannot imagine your life without the attention of others, then you are created for the profession of an actress.

From the outside it may seem that becoming an actress is very easy. But in reality, this is a very labor-intensive process. You need to work on yourself every day and put all your energy into what you do.

Pros and cons of the profession

Before you dedicate your life to the world of art, you should weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of being an actress, as it may turn out that this is not what you want.

The undeniable advantages of this profession are:

  • Glory. People begin to recognize you on the streets and in stores. In some cases, this can help solve various problems.
  • Wealth. Who doesn’t want to have a lot of money and spend it on whatever they want? Famous actresses receive multi-million dollar salaries and can afford big houses and luxury cars.
  • An opportunity to realize your talent.

This profession has many disadvantages, which include:

  • Busy work schedule. The actress does not have an 8-hour working day. She must always stay in shape. Relax a little, and everyone will already forget about you. You must always work on yourself. If an actress is not busy in a play or filming a new film, then she must constantly improve her acting talent, and, of course, her body. Theater actresses have to disappear for months on tour, and film actresses are sometimes forced to stay on set for almost the whole day, spending only a few hours sleeping.
  • High emotional and physical stress. People who are not connected with the world of cinema or theater may think that being an actress is easy. But this is a very exhausting profession. You need to be able to emotionally demonstrate dry text, while completely transforming into the character. Not everyone can do this. In addition, some roles require the actress to be in good physical condition. She must perform various stunts or be in extreme conditions for a long time, for example, swimming in cold water, crawling in mud or filming in the cold in light clothing.
  • Lack of privacy. Despite numerous fans, actresses often fail to build long-term relationships with anyone. A busy work schedule is to blame. Constant filming or rehearsals for a play take up most of the actress’s time, since for her, working in cinema or theater is the meaning of her life, and therefore she will always come first. Few lovers will put up with this. If you decide to become an actress, then be prepared for the fact that you will not always be able to be close to your loved ones.
  • Obsessive fans and paparazzi. Fame also has a downside - publicity. The ubiquitous paparazzi will follow your every step, and as soon as you stumble, the general public will immediately find out about it.
  • Big competition. The profession of an actress is very popular. Be prepared for numerous auditions and rejections. Your whole life will become one continuous competition. Only famous actresses are offered roles by directors themselves, while newcomers have to look for projects in which they can take part. But first they need to beat dozens of similar girls at the casting who want to get the role.

What does it take to become an actress?

If, after all of the above, you have firmly decided to become an actress, then feel free to start making your dream come true. What is needed for this?

In addition to your desire, perseverance and talent, professional education plays a big role. In history, of course, there were cases when ordinary waitresses became world-famous actresses, but this most often happened in Western countries. In our latitudes, education is an important condition for starting a professional career.

Before you decide to enroll in an educational institution, try your hand at acting schools or school theater clubs. There you can decide whether the profession of an actress is suitable for you or not? In addition, this is a great opportunity to learn how to speak in front of an audience and overcome your fear of public speaking.

After this, you can try to enter any theater school or university. It is best to go to conquer Moscow, since it is there that such famous theater educational institutions as the Moscow Art Theater, GITIS, VGIK, the Shchukin Theater School and the Shchepkin Theater School are located. Moscow is the center of Russian cinema.

So studying at these universities will help you get started as an actress. You will be able to learn acting from outstanding teachers and actors. In addition, you will gain a lot of skills that will definitely come in handy during your work.

Preparing to enter a theater university?

The competition for admission to theater universities is very high. Usually more than 200 people per place. Therefore, you need to be well prepared for admission. Take your entrance exam material seriously. Prepare a fable, a poem and a prose passage.

Rehearse a lot and persistently in front of the mirror. Your speech should be clear and loud. Also prepare some kind of dance or song, as the committee may ask you to perform something of this kind. Be prepared for the unexpected.

Improvise if you don't know what to do. The main thing is don’t stand there like a statue. It wouldn’t hurt to practice choreography and vocals beforehand. Also, be sure to read at least the main works of classical literature in order not to look ignorant in the eyes of the commission.

In addition, you still need to prepare for a colloquium on the history of theater and drama. You can find a list of literature required for this in the booklets for applicants.

Try to enroll in several universities at once. This will increase your chances. If you didn’t succeed the first time, try taking the entrance exams again next academic year. But remember that the chances of admission decrease with increasing age. A 22-year-old girl has practically no chance of becoming an applicant to the coveted university.

What about appearance? It is not important. A pretty face won't help you become an actress if you don't have charisma and talent. Therefore, there is no need to adjust yourself to beauty standards. Be individual. There are many cases in the history of cinema and theater when actors, who, according to most people, were far from the usual canons of beauty, achieved incredible success thanks to their talent.

If you were unable to get into drama school, but still have the desire to become an actress, you can try your hand at television. Even filming a commercial can help you make your dreams come true. There have been cases when advertising stars became film actors without any special education.

If you successfully pass the entrance exams, then this is already half the success. Now you can learn all the subtleties of acting. In addition, students of theater universities are often invited to work in theaters after graduation, and directors are more willing to offer roles to people with professional education.

However, don't expect to immediately start receiving offers from famous playwrights. First, you will have to go to numerous castings, where you will be rejected more than once. But there is no need to despair. Keep going towards your dreams.

Learn from failures and improve. Agree even to small roles. Your task is to get on the TV screen. Over time, you will begin to be offered more serious roles and, perhaps, someday a famous director will notice your talent and make you the offer that you have dreamed of all your life.