Games in the thirtieth kingdom m play. Game “Far Away Kingdom” in Odnoklassniki

The game “Far Away Kingdom” on the social network Odnoklassniki will take you to the fabulous world of Russian fairy tales, populated by heroes, Russian beauties and evil spirits, led by Koshchei the Immortal. The game has unique, colorful graphics, and its characters are memorable. Conversations are stylized in a fairy tale manner. The atmosphere of the game will make you forget about reality and immerse you in the world of magical Russian fairy tales. The meaning of the game is reminiscent of the various farms that are so common in Odnoklassniki.

The game begins with a backstory, from which you learn that once upon a time the heroes locked Koshcheya in the chest and everyone lived happily, but one day someone opened the chest. All the undead and Koschey broke out, captured the kingdom, destroyed it, and intimidated the inhabitants. And you, it is you, must defeat everyone and restore peace and tranquility in the fairy-tale kingdom. On the road you meet not just anyone, but the king himself, who is attacked by the evil Drum. You defeat it, and the king gives you this territory as a reward and teaches you how to cultivate and defend it.

To do this, you need to build new houses on it and restore destroyed ones, get rid of weeds and sow crops, care for domestic animals and establish the economy and defense. You are joined by Alyonushka, who was left without a home due to the undead. You repair her home, and she will help you in the future. And then you are transported to character customization, where you can not only edit his appearance, but also suddenly change his gender. You can customize your skin color, hairstyle and color, choose jewelry, hats, and clothes. After this you can continue playing. The king invites you to his kingdom, where you can perform various tasks:

  • collect taxes from residents,
  • harvest,
  • take care of animals

and thus receive additional bonuses.

You can continue to visit the king, or you can go to visit your friends in classmates. By caring for their territory, you restore energy and receive hearts, which you will later need to build unique buildings. Each action in the game removes energy, and you need to carefully ensure that it is always there. Energy can be restored on its own (one point in five minutes), or you can buy a special elixir at the store or ask friends for invigorating drinks.

Resources in the game "Far Far Away kingdom" are obtained by completing tasks or directly cultivating the territory. At the beginning of the game, the most in demand for you will be wood and stones. Also, the Far Away Kingdom has its own currency - coins and rings. Rings are very difficult to obtain, but they are of great value, so do not waste them at the first levels, but save them for more difficult ones. You will need to fight all kinds of evil spirits, so do not forget about the army and defense. The territories freed from monsters become your property. And, of course, you will have a meeting with the main enemy - Koshchei. Defeat him, and there will be order in the kingdom again, and this fairy land will consider you its greatest hero. There are no bugs or codes for the game, here is a direct link to game “Far Away Kingdom” in Odnoklassniki:

Of course, as in other “farming” simulators, here you will have to build houses, workshops, trading shops, etc., but that is not the purpose of the toy. The main task of the player is to free the virtual state from the dark forces that the main villain, Koschey the Immortal, regularly sends into battle.

Let's start playing

The first thing to do is create a character to your liking. Choose the hero's gender, hair and skin color, as well as facial features. When the hero is ready and moves to the game location, the first person he will meet will be the king, turned into a cat by evil spells. Disenchanting the ruler is your first task.

In the future, the disenchanted king, together with other heroes (Alyonushka, Alyosha Popovich) will help you in the gameplay.

Game process

Consists of completing tasks. All the quests of Far Far Away Kingdoms in Odnoklassniki, as you progress through the game, become more and more difficult, but therefore more interesting.

As the story progresses, you will expand your territories by conquering the “Koshcheev lands”. Be prepared for the fact that in open locations you will find dilapidated buildings that will need to be restored. Don’t waste your time and resources on this; the completed buildings will bring you a lot of benefits.

Often your character will find treasure chests in the dense forest. Their contents are in-game currency and the necessary equipment for completing the game.

By the way, about game currency. Here, as in most browser games, there are coins - popular money that is quite easy to get, and rings - a currency that is a reward for completing the most difficult tasks. However, you can buy rings for real money.

Odnoklassniki has an official group for the game Far Away Kingdom, where all the secrets and tricks of the gameplay are revealed. Fans of the toy interact here and various thematic competitions are held. In short, if you are planning to become a resident of a fairyland, we advise you not to ignore the community. You can join the group here.

When will new territories and tasks be opened?!
We are introducing new territories and tasks gradually. Don’t worry, no one has forgotten about them and they are being taken care of!

I've run out of energy, how can I ask my friends for it?
When your energy has dropped to zero, you can click on the “Add energy” button under the energy indicator and select “Ask from friends.” Next, in the menu that appears, select “Friends in the game” and tag the person from whom you want to request help. You can tag all your friends in the game at once by clicking on the corresponding button. And send a request by clicking the "request" button.

After how many hours does “Prosilka” become active again?
You can re-post on the wall after 4 hours.You can re-post on the wall after 4 hours.

What are Unions and why are they needed?
Union points are credited for helping a particular neighbor and provide access to some decorative elements. In the future, we plan to significantly expand the functionality of Unions and the number of items they open.

And what will happen when the whole map is revealed and the one now is the limit?
No, the map will expand as soon as the most active players open the maximum blocks.

I don't have a news update button or I don't understand how it works. Help.
The update news button appears only after you have read all the news and you no longer have them. Then in this window, you will be able to notice a small button on the top left, it will have a hint. After reading the news, it will become active in 5 minutes. While playing the game, you can call up the news window at any time (the scroll on the left in the avatar panel) and by updating the news, you will receive the latest

When I help my neighbors with their chores, but they tell me that I haven’t done anything. Why?
The problem is that you cannot perform an action on your neighbor’s map that he performed before you. It is also possible that you are still on your neighbor's territory or that your neighbor has not updated his map.
Example: You come to your neighbor’s map and want to feed the cow, but the neighbor has already fed the cow and accepted your help. In this case, your character will lower his hand and do nothing. The same thing happens when a neighbor removes or moves an object with which you want to interact and accepts your help.
"""To avoid this. First, accept help from your neighbors, and then take action yourself."""
""For a neighbor to wait for your help on his map, the following conditions must be met.""
* The player whose map you are on has not interacted with the object you want to use. (Example with a cow)
* The player whose map you are on must not move the object with which you want to interact.
* Helping a neighbor is counted only when you leave the neighbor’s territory, and the Player on whose territory you performed the actions updated his map (restarted the game, went to another neighbor and returned from another neighbor.

Are there any restrictions on the number of buildings for resources? if so, how many of them can be built?
Yes, basically everything producing three pieces each, resource buildings four each (forge, etc.). Profitable in different ways, from 4 to 10.

Help is not accepted at towers and dungeons. A person in my presence enters the tower, takes payment, enters again, but his visit is not counted. Why?
The help of a neighbor on your map will be counted only if you accept his help in your possessions. Those. your neighbor waves his hand and you accept. Thus, any help that is provided to you will be counted towards your neighbors only if you accept it on your map.

What is the maximum level?
The level maximum does not affect gameplay in any way. There is no maximum level.

How can you increase the number of hearts beyond 100 and what to do with them when they are at their maximum?
There is no option to enlarge. The game mechanics provide only 100 pieces. If you constantly have an overabundance of them, spend them in the store. For example, for hearts you can always buy a production accelerator, plants, decorative elements, etc.

How many gold coins can you accumulate in the treasury?
The treasury capacity is 5 million.
Why was I previously able to buy walls or towers, but now it says a limit? And don’t put up a single wall at all?
The fact is that previously there was a bug in the game and the limit on the walls did not work correctly; you could buy over the limit. Recently the error was corrected and a limit was set for a group that includes: WALLS+TOWERS+GATES of any type. The limit is calculated as follows: 22 pcs. + 1 pc. per level. Those players whose limit was exceeded will not lose anything. They simply will not be able to buy any type of walls, towers, gates until they set the limit back to normal (the number of all objects = your level + 22), or sell the surplus, or get so many levels that the limit returns to normal.
The limit applies only to those objects that give reputation!
Why, when you enter the game, do neighbors walk around my property who did not come to visit, that is, did not help?
First of all, the neighbors of those who helped you are added to your map. If there are no such people, then they will add neighbors to you regarding whom you have the energy of friendliness. In any case, there will always be at least three neighbors walking on the map.

Is it possible to move characters around the game location?
Yes, now there is such an opportunity.

I have a stockade built on my map. And I can't add new stone walls. Why?
All walls of different types have a common limit. Sell ​​your old walls and put up new ones. It makes sense. For example: a stockade brings 1 unit. reputation, and stone walls are 2 units per piece.
I have a lot of friends in the game, how can I find the right person?
Added the ability to search for the right person from the list
Why did I build a warehouse and space in the chest to store things like boards, etc. has not increased?
Don't confuse a warehouse and a chest. In the chest you store things that automatically get there when interacting with objects on the map. There is also a “Warehouse” tab. If it is available, you can place OBJECTS there yourself! from your card. For example, extra trees, houses, paths and rivers, etc.
Why doesn’t my energy grow above 25 units? Have you seen 50 or even 300 in some screenshots?
The self-replenishing energy limit in the game is always 25. Above this limit, energy can be increased with food, energy drinks, or with the help of friends, but the energy will no longer be replenished on its own.
Some neighbors come to me and cut out the decor or stone I need, how can I find out in advance what exactly the assistant will do?
By pointing at such a neighbor-assistant on your map, the objects with which he wants to interact should automatically be highlighted. Then you yourself will be able to understand whether you need such help or not.
How long can I upgrade buildings? And then what.
All buildings in the game can only be upgraded to level 10. Then they stand and bring you maximum reputation.
How do you fire one of your friends in the building because he takes up space but doesn’t show up and never helps?
Point at the icon of this friend, a button with a cross and a hint will appear. You can invite a more energetic neighbor to the free space.
How can I find out how long it will take for my crop to wither if it is not harvested for a long time?
The wilting time of one or another garden crop varies. After the ripening period, at least 24 hours must pass.

How to get more coins?
Build profitable buildings, harvest crops, complete quests and help your friends.
How can I change the name of a property?
Click on the old name and enter the new one.
What is a chest and why is it needed?
The chest stores all the things you currently own. They will be needed to complete quests and in production. The first number means how much of this item you currently have in your chest, and the second number means the maximum allowable amount that can be stored in the chest.
How to move/sell an object?
Click on the cross green arrows in the lower right corner of the screen to bring up the editing panel. Then click on the desired button and then on the building or object that you want to sell/move.
Where can I get new trees and stones?
Natural elements such as stones, trees and bushes do not appear on the game map themselves. They must be purchased in the store, looked for in new blocks of the territory or in the possessions of your friends.
How to expand the game to full screen?
In the right corner of the screen there is a settings menu; the top button will allow you to expand the application to full screen.
Why do you need a warehouse (cellar/barn)?
You can store most objects on the map in storage without selling them. You can get them from the warehouse at any time. Initially, its capacity is 50 units.
How to turn on music in the game?
Sounds can be turned off using the corresponding button on the panel on the right side of the screen. Music will be added to the game later.
How to take a screenshot of a game?
You can take a screenshot by clicking on the “Take a snapshot of your possessions” button on the right side of the screen during the game.
Is it possible to start the game again?
Is it possible to increase the limit of some buildings, such as workshops or towers?
No, all important buildings are strictly limited.

Click on the scroll in the lower left corner of the screen, next to the name of your settlement. In the window that opens, click the “Free gifts for friends” button. Select the gift and the friend you want to send it to. A gift can be given to a friend once every 6 hours.
Where can I get stones of light?
Stones of light should be asked from friends; sometimes you can get them by defeating evil spirits.
How to earn rings?
Rings can be bought for votes. Also, for each new level you receive 1 ring.
How to earn hearts?
Take action in your friends' properties. Also, some recipes in the Cooking House yield hearts.

How to get more energy?
Energy is restored over time: 1 unit. = 5 minutes. There are other ways to restore it, such as buying energy potions in the shop, asking friends for it, helping neighbors on their property, and preparing invigorating dishes at the Cooking House.
How often can I request items from friends?
The time after which you can ask a friend for an item is 3 hours. You can only ask a friend for 3 items at a time. You can leave a request on a friend’s wall every 4 hours.

How often can I help friends in their properties?
In total, you can perform 5 actions with each friend per day. For your help you receive a reward: gold coins, magic dust and hearts.

How to improve your reputation?
Build buildings from the “Recruits” category and invite your friends there. A building filled with recruits will significantly increase your reputation. You can also buy walls, towers, gates, and decorative items from the shop that are marked with a purple crown. The number next to this icon shows how much reputation will be added when purchasing this item.

Each of us dreamed of creating our own kingdom, where you can rule at your own discretion. Having visited the game Far Far Away, you understand that power is not only wealth, palaces and magnificent receptions, but above all a huge responsibility.

To get to the open spaces of the game, click on the picture with the main character. You will be given a panel to rotate or move the structure. To make it easier to understand the plot and rules, we recommend taking a short course for beginners. After this, you can begin solving problems.

Description of the gameplay

Create a unique hero, design his appearance, and if you are lazy, use a ready-made template. The principles by which the Far Far Away Kingdom lives are similar to the rules of the farm game. Here you will have to settle down, construct buildings and shops, enterprises and shops of craftsmen. The only difference from peaceful simulators is that in this place there is a battle with a bloodthirsty enemy. In peacetime, visit friends, invite them to visit, give gifts. You will love the storyline and extraordinary graphics.

The most frequently asked questions. """Please note!""" The administration is open Mon-Fri from 10 00 - 18 00. It may appear at other times, but on a voluntary basis. """The administration strongly does not recommend running two applications at once from one account. This can lead to the loss of all achievements and all progress in the game.""" ● My game """does not load""" at all, it stops at """ The messengers carry the message 89%""" or at other values. This is a local problem on your computer or your network. """The only""" way we can help is: Restart the application (reload until it loads). Clear the cache and restart the application. If it doesn't help, try loading from a different browser. Why will this happen? Your firewall settings are preventing you from receiving data from our server. OR Your Internet speed has dropped (happens more often than you think, even with a dedicated channel). OR you don't have enough computer power. ● Resources are gone, everything that was done before is gone. works Give it back! If there is a partial loss of game progress in the game due to technical reasons, this progress cannot be restored. Everything returns to the way it was when you last exited the game. To protect yourself from such losses, the administration recommends updating the game more often (restarting the game, refreshing the Internet browser page). ● How to get more energy? Energy is restored over time: 1 unit. = 5 minutes. There are other ways to restore it, such as buying energy potions in the shop, asking friends for it, helping neighbors on their property, and preparing invigorating dishes at the Cooking House. ● How often can I request items from friends? The time after which you can ask a friend for an item is 3 hours. You can only ask a friend for 3 items at a time. You can leave a request on a friend’s wall every 4 hours. ● How often can I help friends in their properties? In total, you can perform 5 actions with each friend per day. For your help you receive a reward: gold coins, magic dust and hearts. ● How to improve your reputation? Build buildings from the “Recruits” category and invite your friends there. A building filled with recruits will significantly increase your reputation. You can also buy walls, towers, gates, and decorative items from the shop that are marked with a purple crown. The number next to this icon shows how much reputation will be added when purchasing this item. ● How to give a gift to a friend? Click on the scroll in the lower left corner of the screen, next to the name of your settlement. In the window that opens, click the “Free gifts for friends” button. Select the gift and the friend you want to send it to. A gift can be given to a friend once every 18 hours. ● Where can I get stones of light? Stones of light should be asked from friends; sometimes you can get them by defeating evil spirits. ● How to earn rings? Rings can be bought for votes. Also, for each new level you receive 1 ring. ● How to earn hearts? Take action in your friends' properties. Also, some recipes in the Cooking House yield hearts. ● How to get more coins? Build profitable buildings, harvest crops, complete quests and help your friends. ● How can I change the name of a property? Click on the old name and enter the new one. ● What is a chest and why is it needed? The chest stores all the things you currently own. They will be needed to complete quests and in production. The first number means how much of this item you currently have in your chest, and the second number means the maximum allowable amount that can be stored in the chest. ● How to move/sell an object? Click on the cross green arrows in the lower right corner of the screen to bring up the editing panel. Then click on the desired button and then on the building or object that you want to sell/move. ● Where can I get new trees and stones? Natural elements such as stones, trees and bushes do not appear on the game map themselves. You need to buy them in a shop, look for them in new blocks of territory or in the possessions of your friends. ● How to expand the game to full screen? In the right corner of the screen there is a settings menu; the top button will allow you to expand the application to full screen. ● Why do you need a warehouse (cellar/barn)? You can store most objects on the map in storage without selling them. You can get them from the warehouse at any time. Initially, its capacity is 50 units. ● How to turn on music in the game? Sounds can be turned off using the corresponding button on the panel on the right side of the screen. Music will be added to the game later. ● How to take a screenshot of a game? You can take a screenshot by clicking on the “Take a snapshot of your possessions” button on the right side of the screen during the game. ● Can I start the game again? No. ● Is it possible to increase the limit of some buildings, such as workshops or towers? No, all important buildings are strictly limited. ● Is it possible to move characters around the game locations? Yes, now there is such an opportunity. ● I have a palisade built on my map. And I can't add new stone walls. Why? All walls of different types have a common limit. Sell ​​your old walls and put up new ones. It makes sense. For example: a stockade brings 1 unit. reputation, and stone walls 2 units. a piece. ● I have a lot of friends in the game, how can I find the right person? The ability to search for the right person from a list has been introduced ● Why did I build a warehouse, and a place in the chest for storing things like boards, etc. has not increased? Don't confuse a warehouse and a chest. In the chest you store things that automatically get there when interacting with objects on the map. There is also a “Warehouse” tab there. If it is available, you can place OBJECTS there yourself! from your card. For example, extra trees, houses, paths and rivers, etc. ● Why doesn’t my energy grow above 25 units? Have you seen 50 or even 300 in some screenshots? The self-replenishing energy limit in the game is always 25. Above this limit, energy can be increased with food, energy drinks, or with the help of friends, but the energy will no longer be replenished on its own. ● Some neighbors come to me and cut out the decor or stone I need, how can I find out in advance what exactly the assistant will do? By pointing at such a neighbor-assistant on your map, the objects with which he wants to interact should automatically be highlighted. Then you yourself will be able to understand whether you need such help or not. ● How long can I upgrade buildings? And then what. All buildings in the game can only be upgraded to level 10. Then they stand and bring you maximum reputation. ● How do you fire one of your friends in the building because he takes up space but doesn’t show up and never helps? Point at the icon of this friend, a button with a cross and a hint will appear. You can invite a more energetic neighbor to the free space. ● How can I find out how long it will take for my crop to wither if it is not harvested for a long time? The wilting time of one or another garden crop varies. After the ripening period, at least 24 hours must pass. ● Help is not accepted on towers and dungeons. A man comes into the tower in front of me, takes a fee, comes in again, but his visit is not counted. Why? The help of a neighbor on your map will be counted only if you accept his help in your possessions. Those. your neighbor waves his hand and you accept. Thus, any help that is provided to you will be counted towards your neighbors only if you accept it on your map. ● What is the maximum level? The level maximum does not affect gameplay in any way. There is no maximum level. ● How can you increase the number of hearts beyond 100 and what to do with them when they are at their maximum? There is no option to enlarge. The game mechanics provide only 100 pieces. If you constantly have an overabundance of them, spend them in the store. For example, for hearts you can always buy a production accelerator, plants, decorative elements, etc. ● How many gold coins can you accumulate in the treasury? The treasury capacity is 5 million. ● Why was I previously able to buy walls or towers, but now it says a limit? And don’t put up a single wall at all? The fact is that previously there was a bug in the game and the limit on the walls did not work correctly; you could buy over the limit. Recently the error was corrected and a limit was set for a group that includes: WALLS+TOWERS+GATES of any type. The limit is calculated as follows: 22 pcs. + 1 pc. per level. Those players whose limit was exceeded will not lose anything. They simply will not be able to buy any type of walls, towers, gates until they set the limit back to normal (the number of all objects = your level + 22), or sell the surplus, or get so many levels that the limit returns to normal. ● Why, when you enter the game, do neighbors walk around my property who did not come to visit, that is, did not help? First of all, the neighbors of those who helped you are added to your map. If there are no such people, then they will add neighbors to you regarding whom you have the energy of friendliness. In any case, there will always be at least three neighbors walking on the map. ● Are there any restrictions on the number of buildings for resources? if so, how many of them can be built? Yes, basically everything producing three pieces, resource buildings four each (forge, etc.). Profitable in different ways, from 4 to 10. ● How is the level calculated? Level * 1-4 Traveler/Wanderer * 4-7 Farmer/Farmer Woman * 7-11 Headman/Village Woman * 11-16 Headman/Madam * 16-22 Master/Mistress * 22-27 Landowner/Landowner * 27-35 Boyar/Boyarina * 35-42 Commandant/Manager * 42-50 Guard/Warrior * 50-61 Nobleman/Noble Person * 61-75 Aristocrat/Aristocrat * 75-88 Nobleman/Noblewoman * 88-100 Governor/Mistress * 100 + Serene Highness/Princess ● How is reputation calculated? Reputation* 0-10 Camp*10-50 Farm* 50-300 Estate*300-1000 Village*1000-2200 Village*2200-3500 Sloboda*3500-5000 Patrimony*5000-7500 Settlement*7500-10000 Fortress*10000-15000 Principality ● I don't have a news update button or I don't understand how it works. Help. The update news button appears only after you have read all the news and you no longer have them. Then in this window, you will be able to notice a small button on the top left, it will have a hint. After reading the news, it will become active in 5 minutes. While playing the game, you can call up the news window at any time (the scroll on the left in the avatar panel) and by updating the news, you will receive the latest ones. ● What will happen when the whole map opens and that is the limit now? New lands appear with the addition of new quests. Stay tuned for new updates. We remember and do them constantly, do not ask questions to the Administration about the opening of blocks. This will not speed up the process of creating them. ● What are Unions and why are they needed? Union points are credited for helping a particular neighbor and provide access to some decorative elements. In the future, we plan to significantly expand the functionality of Unions and the number of items they open. ● After how many hours does “Prosilka” become active again? You can re-post on the wall after 4 hours. ● When I help my neighbors with their chores, but they tell me that I haven’t done anything. Why? (The neighbors WAVE their hand, but I don’t provide help.) The problem is that on your neighbor’s map you cannot perform the action that he performed before you. It is also possible that you are still on your neighbor's territory or that your neighbor has not updated his map. Example: You come to your neighbor’s map and want to feed the cow, but the neighbor has already fed the cow and accepted your help. In this case, your character will lower his hand and do nothing. The same thing happens when a neighbor removes or moves an object with which you want to interact and accepts your help. """To avoid this. First, accept the help of your neighbors, and then take actions yourself.""" ""For a neighbor to wait for your help on his map, the following conditions must be met."" * The player whose map you are on does not interacted with the object you want to use. (Example with a cow) * The player whose map you are on must not move the object with which you want to interact. * Helping a neighbor is counted only when you leave the neighbor's territory, and the Player on whose territory you performed the actions updated his map (restarted the game, went to another neighbor and returned from another neighbor. """Also regarding help from neighbors there are a few comments """ 1 A neighbor can come to your site and interact with the same object 5 times (exit/entrance to your map). For the first interaction of a neighbor, you will receive a full set of what the neighbor received from your object. And the remaining 4 times you will receive only coins and experience, as well as a 5% reduction in the wait for reusing the object (Reduction in the preparation time of the product if it is a workshop building) 2 The exception to the 1st point is Recruiting buildings (Dungeon, Tower). If a neighbor interacts 5 times with such a building, you will receive help from him for the first time, and all other 4 times will not be counted. The neighbor will lower his hand and you will notice that he only provided you with 1 assistance. 3 The case described above was when a neighbor cannot interact with an object that you moved or deleted. The same situation occurs if a neighbor interacts with an animal. He may lose track of her or not do anything on the map. ● I've run out of energy, how can I ask my friends for it? When your energy has dropped to zero, you can click on the “Add energy” button under the energy indicator and select “Ask from friends.” Next, in the menu that appears, select “Friends in the game” and tag the person from whom you want to request help. You can tag all your friends in the game at once by clicking on the corresponding button. And send a request by clicking the "request." ● What determines the discovery of pieces of land, and when will new territories be opened?! The discovery of new pieces of land depends on completing quests. It is impossible to know in advance which quest will open a new territory. We are introducing new territories gradually. Don’t worry, no one has forgotten about them and they are being taken care of! ● Is it possible to simultaneously receive help from several neighbors in workshops at the same time, will all their actions be counted? All neighbors who visit your workshops or forge, or any buildings with a timer, will remove part of the time when providing and receiving help. There is no limit on such actions. Having many friends, you can make everything in a moment. ● How many active links are there and how many people can help me. The link is active for 4 hours after receiving it. Only the first 5 unique users can follow it and help you. Those. if 1 person comes in 5 times, nothing will happen! Also, do not forget that you receive exactly the same thing that you sent to the petitioner. Play together and help each other. ● I called / called my neighbors to the service, which of them will take what positions and how does this even happen? When you have sent out an invitation to serve, all positions are filled in accordance with the acceptance of the position. If there are 10 seats in the building, the first 10 people will take the seats! ● How often do scraps of self-assembled tablecloth appear on the map? Every 6 hours. ● My workshop (or other object) disappeared from the map, why? Check the availability of the missing item in the warehouse. ● I completed the task, but I was not given a reward! What should I do? The entire reward, if it is an object placed on the map, is placed in the warehouse! ● In what way, besides a book, can you call up thorns? And in general - how is each pest caused? Apart from the drums, of course, everything is fine with them. ;) Thorns appear in the garden, wild boars when picking apple trees, bats from blue stones and strawberries, blockheads are rare animals that appear only with the help of a book (for now). ● How long are news stored? If I don’t read them, will they disappear? Yes, all news has a shelf life and is then simply erased. It all depends on the type of news (help, gratitude, etc.). They are stored between 12 and 72 hours. ● Then how long the news and help will be stored, I am most interested in it, since it contains the items I need. You receive a message in the news that someone is asking for help and in this message there is a “Help” button, so - you will store this type of news for 12 hours. If you clicked and helped, then this item is sent to your friend and he receives a message in the news that you sent the item, i.e. helped. So this news (with a picture of the item) will be stored for 72 hours. ● Why, when I click on a player's request, I receive a message that the player has already received a gift. This means that the first 5 unique users have already followed the link and you are too late. ● Why does a player send me a gift, but it doesn't appear in the news? The thing is, when you have a lot of friends, you are regularly sent gifts and notifications from them. The newsletter displays the first 100 messages, just accept all the messages and be sure to find the gift you are looking for.