Year of the pig - what the pig symbolizes in different countries. What does the pig symbol mean to the Germans? Winged pig symbol

Pig as a symbol of good luck.

In Germany it is generally accepted symbol of good luck and prosperity - pig. Piggy banks for money are made in the shape of pink pigs, and for good luck they give each other marzipan candies in the shape of a pig. The Germans give each other postcards with pigs, produce magnets with them, draw them on T-shirts... And the expression “get a pig, have a pig” is exactly the opposite of the Russian meaning and means luck, luck. There is even an expression “lucky as a pig” and it also has only a positive context. There are at least three theories about the origin of this expression and symbol.

Three versions of the origin of the pig symbol in Germany

The first theory is related to shooting competitions in medieval Augsburg, in the 15th century. The pig was given not to the winner, but to the loser as a consolation prize. However, the pig was then a very expensive gift and in fact the loser ended up winning.

The second theory connects the expressions with gambling at cards. In the 16th century, the highest playing card, the ace, was called “Sau,” meaning pig. In the south of Germany, where the original German deck has been preserved, the ace is still called that way today.

The third theory is associated with a painting in the town hall of the Hanoverian town of Münden. It depicts a scene of a pig being rescued during a flood. The picture is interpreted as saving part of the property in a disaster, that is, as luck.

Be that as it may, exactly pig figurine For at least 5 centuries it has been considered a symbol that Germans take with them “for good luck.” It competes with other German symbols of good luck: the one pfennig coin (but not the cent), the cockchafer, the fly agaric mushroom, the hare's foot, the mistletoe sprig and the chimney sweep. Other peoples, of course, have other symbols of good luck: the Arabs - Fatima the dog, the Indians - the footprint of the goddess Lakshmi, the Japanese - a porcelain cat and a figurine of a Buddhist monk, the Nepalese - pereroni pepper, the Egyptians - a scarab beetle, and the Tibetans - a fish, an umbrella, a flower lotus, endless knot, wheel, vase, flag...

word meaning pig in explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language:

Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary.


- artiodactyl non-ruminant animal with a large body and short legs
Example: Pig family. Wild pigs. Domestic pigs.
2. - female of such an animal
Example: Pregnant village.
3. - a domestic animal of this family, bred for meat, lard, bristles
Example: Herding pigs. S. under the hill (about someone ungrateful and stupid). Place the pig at the table, she and her feet on the table (the message about someone who behaves dissolutely, cheekily).
4. - about someone who acts basely, vilely
Example: Well, s. you!
5. - (rude) Colloq about someone who acts basely, vilely, and also about a dirty person, a slob
Example: Well, s. you!

Efremova T.F. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.


1. g.
1) Artiodactyl mammal, the domestic species of which is bred to obtain
meat, lard, bristles, skins.
2) The female of such an animal (as opposed to a boar or hog).
2. m. and f. decomposition
1) A dirty, unkempt person; slob.
2) transfer An ignorant, uncultured person with base habits.

S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.


, -i, pl. pigs, pigs, pigs, as.
1. Artiodactyl non-ruminant
an animal with a large body and short legs. Pig family. Wild pigs.
Domestic pigs.
2. A domestic animal of such a family, bred for
obtaining meat, lard, bristles. Herding pigs. S. under the oak tree (about someone)
ungrateful and stupid). Place the pig at the table, he and his feet on the table (ate. o
someone who behaves dissolutely, cheekily).
3. The female of such an animal.
4. transfer About someone who acts basely, meanly, and also (rudely)
about a dirty person, a slob (colloquial). Well, s. you! *Put a pig on someone
(colloquial) - cause trouble. To the pigs (to all the pigs)! (simple) -
rude expression! indignation, abuse. To the dog pigs! (simple) - the same
what about all the pigs? God won't give it away - the pig won't eat - he ate... expressing
hope for

Preparations for the new year 2019 are in full swing, and pigs are flashing here and there, reminding us that the eastern calendar is ready to screw us over.

Mythological and archetypal basis of the Pig symbol

In the Eastern Zodiac - the years of the Pig (1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031) complete the 12-year cycle, because according to legend The pig was the last to answer Buddha's call. The reason is supposedly that she is leisurely and lacks ambition.

In fact, the eastern calendar is the cycle of the planet Jupiter. And during the years of the Pig, Jupiter spends most of the time in its own sign Sagittarius, where it gives maximum abundance and prosperity. Therefore, why did the Pig rush to Buddha? - after all, she already has everything. Everything she needs.

Mythologically, the pig is associated with the quality of fertility:

  • Some peoples (Mesopotamia, Scandinavia, Celts, Tibet) associated this image of a sow with great mother goddess, it was to her that these animals were sacrificed.
  • Goddess Chickpeas(Sky) in Ancient Egypt was associated with the image of a sow feeding piglets (Stars).
  • Scandinavian goddess of fertility Freya– she herself had the nickname “sow” and rode a Vepr.

In ancient Greece, victory over a wild boar was quite honorable and testified to the military power of the hero. It is known that feat 4 Hercules- his victory over the Erymanthian boar. And the god of war Ares(analogous to Mars) wore a helmet with a boar's head to demonstrate his ferocity and intimidate his enemies. God of War in Japan Hachiman associated with the sacred symbol of the white boar.

African Boar mask for warriors

One may recall the Odyssey, where Circe turned men into animals, including pigs, it was this image that supposedly testified to the true essence and level of desires of these people: to eat, mate and fight.

Also in Buddhism, where the pig is one of the three animals that hold a person in the wheel of Samsara, is a symbol of ignorance. And in Christianity the attitude towards pigs is negative, they are an “unclean animal”.

Thus, based on the beliefs that have come down to us, three aspects of the pig or boar symbol have emerged:

  • female fertility and male strength, abundance and prosperity;
  • fearlessness and ferocity in battle;
  • ignorance of material nature: lust and gluttony.

Boar or pig symbol

The boar symbol does not have any discrepancies with the already described mythological foundations. However, it has two varieties:

  • wild pig– wild boar, wild boar;
  • domestic pig and hog.

The domestic pig is omnivorous and easily adapts to any living conditions, so it was once easy to tame and domesticate them. She does not need to get her own food and fight for life. She lives quite comfortably and carefree, but the meaning of her life and the price for this comfort is be someone else's food. Keep this aspect in mind when choosing your symbol of the year.

Still from the film “The Adventures of Pig Funtik”

The image of a domestic pig, no matter how nicely it is presented, is unlikely to be taken as a talisman or amulet. It is useless and even harmful for a person; it can often be a temptation for easy satisfaction of lust and infatuation with gluttony.

Wild pig, also called wild boar or boar– lives more freely, this is a powerful and hardy animal, one of the strongest. Although lacking any sensitivity, it is clumsy but fast. All the positive qualities of the pig symbol belong to its wild variety.

A woman can use a similar talisman and amulet if she has difficulties with pregnancy. The image of a sow with piglets was a popular amulet, the purpose of which was help with pregnancy

Wild boar, boar - how male symbol, enhances the qualities of fertility, strengthens male strength and gives tirelessness in sexual relations, improves the quality of male semen.

The same symbol will be powerful contribute in a tough fight and in competitive battles, will add ferocity and lack of fear of death. Boar amulet gives protection to the fact that it is worn “on a helmet” (this is the advice of “Biowolf”).

Traditional piggy banks are used as a financial talisman. But make this accumulation targeted - the money collected in such a piggy bank is better spent on satisfying not your basic needs, but to the Dream.

Boar totem

Pig as a totem, of course, exists, but such people who are interested in totemic topics are unlikely to be interested. They are primarily concerned with a comfortable and well-fed life; they are lazy and clumsy. But somehow they manage to attract benefactors into their lives, those who care about them for one reason or another.

Also, people with a similar totem can be quite simple, shameless, essentially not very different in level of internal development from their own totem. Even if in childhood such a person may look like a cute pig Funtik, then in adulthood he will still be a boar or a lazy hog at the feeding trough.

Boar as a totem used quite rarely, but these people are very viable. They have practical acumen, are very tenacious, but are not at all angry if they are not touched to the quick.

By the nature of its fighting qualities, it is a tank that rushes forward, which can be surpassed with intelligence and ingenuity, taken with cunning and resourcefulness, but difficult to defeat in a direct confrontation.

As a partner, a person with a boar totem is straightforward, says what he thinks, right now. Boar man Women like him, he feels real masculine strength, wild, simple (straightforward) power, without politeness. In intimate relationships, he is far from refined and subtle, but tireless and has increased productivity.

He knows how to work and earn money, does not waste time on dreams and fantasies, since his interests and aspirations are down-to-earth, concrete, and practical. He is looking for a woman to match himself, he will propose right away, he will not beat around the bush. Having received a refusal, he will switch to another target. There is no point in flirting with him.

Woman with Boar totem- a commander, concrete and pushing for those she likes. She doesn’t stand on ceremony with those she doesn’t like—she simply squeezes them out of her life. He can be a strong business manager, or at least a supply manager. He is the leader in the family, loves to have many children, whom he pampers, provides with everything they need and showers them with gifts. He loves simple pleasures, does not gravitate towards elitism, does not understand what it is. Everything is measured by material benefits.

And if you're not interested in celebrating the Year of the Yellow Pig, here's an alternative: May 2019 be the year of the Heavenly Boar for us!

Symbol of the Heavenly Boar

The most interesting of all the “boar” symbols is the Heavenly Boar - that is, a winged, flying boar.

This Slavic symbol one of the Halls of the Svarog Circle (analogous to the signs of the zodiac). The peak activity of this palace occurs at September 20 – October 12. And this is the second palace (after the Virgin), it opens the Svarog circle (unlike the one that drags last).

Slavic amulet of the Hall of the Heavenly Boar

All Slavic symbols of palaces, including the Heavenly Boar, unlike eastern animal symbols, have unearthly origin. The halls are associated with a specific sector of the sky, where other worlds of intelligent beings are located, united by an identical culture and worldview.

It is in this symbol that the earthly wisdom boar with spiritual wisdom symbolized by wings.

The talisman and amulet of the Heavenly Boar in 2019 is suitable for a person who plans combine a spiritual path of development with its worldly, material responsibilities that must be performed daily. The most difficult thing to combine them, and to do it taking into account your own individuality.

With such a talisman, which is essentially a cosmic symbol, it will be easier for you combine the spiritual and material components of life. To feel that while doing your daily duties, you are not sacrificing the spiritual, but supporting it from below, providing it with support for manifestation. And when you strive for spiritual enlightenment, you will not face regret, as if you are running away from real life.

As a result, you will find yourself filled with wisdom and pure light, and you will feel the highest help coming to you from the Hall of the Heavenly Boar. It will keep you from becoming completely immersed in material possessions or worldly responsibilities and will keep you tuned in to spiritual development.

Ancient people had different attitudes towards this character. Sometimes this attitude changed in the same country.

In Tibetan Buddhism The Diamond Pig is Vajravarahi, the Great Mother and Queen of Heaven. In Babylon, she is a sacred animal that can act as a messenger of the gods; in the Sumerian tradition, she is an attribute of the goddesses Rimmon and Tiamat.

In Egypt At first, the pig was considered a lunar animal and was sacrificed to Isis and Osiris on great holidays, but then, with the rise of the circle of solar gods, it began to be perceived worse, even to the point of being the embodiment of evil. The swineherds became a caste of outcasts; they were not allowed into the temples.

In the Book of the Dead there is a mention that the dark god Set, “in the guise of a black boar,” attacked Horus and either damaged his eye or swallowed it. And the goddess Nut in the guise of a pig swallowed all her children (who were the stars), who, nevertheless, are born again every evening from the Heavenly Pig. The American Indians considered the pig to be a lunar and even thunder animal, the giver of rain.

In Ancient Rome the pig was also a sacrificial animal. By slaughtering her every first day of the month, they pleased Juno, who on that day was called Covella, i.e. "wearing a pig's skin." The sacrifice to Ceres also began with this animal. And the site for the construction of Rome was chosen where they saw a white pig with thirty piglets, considering this a lucky sign!

Muslims, just as the Egyptians and Jews call this creature unclean, personifying dirty inclinations, ignorance, greed and luxury. Well, what can you do, as they say!

Ancient Greeks They associated the pig with Demeter, the goddess of agriculture and fertility, and believed that she personified happy and prosperous motherhood. But the male specimen of this breed was endowed with the symbolism of anger and dedicated to Ares. This tradition naturally passed on to Mars.

In China the pig represents abundance and contentment, on the one hand, and debauchery and violence, on the other. In Christianity too. She is credited with unbridled savagery and the power of demonic forces, as well as destruction, cruelty, carnal sins, and gluttony. The Gospel of Matthew tells about demons cast out by Christ from a possessed man and transferred to a herd of pigs.

But among the Old Believers There is another legend. Christ, hiding from his pursuers, hid in a haystack. A horse came there and began to eat the hay, thereby revealing Christ. Then the Lord said to her: “From now on you will be nasty, filthy. Only crows will eat your filthy meat.” And when the pig showed up and began to cover the hiding one with hay, the Lord said: “Until now you were unclean, from now on you are blessed, your meat will be the best food for people.” And in the images of medieval Europe you can find it at the feet of saints as a symbol of the victory of the spirit over the animal nature.

Our ancestors They also spoke differently about the representatives of the pig tribe. Either “a pig will find dirt,” they said, or they wished: “Be healthy like a cow, fertile like a pig.” Either about the fact that with a pig’s snout in a row, or: “A dog looks at a person from bottom to top, a cat looks from top to bottom, and only a pig looks at a person as an equal.” A great many proverbs and sayings commemorate pigs. And what are the signs: The pigs grunted - there will be bad weather (they warn, they say); a pig towards you - fortunately!

So how to treat the line: “pig” depends on who and where it was thrown. Well, depending on the situation, of course.
author of the collection Valentina Ponomareva


The Pig is one of the signs of the Chinese horoscope, completing the 12-year cycle of the calendar. The Year of the Pig is considered very important from the point of view of adherents of Eastern philosophy. This is the time to take stock of the past years, analyze your mistakes and achievements, and make plans for the future. In short, we strive for new achievements, relying on accumulated experience.

As you know, the signs of the eastern horoscope replace each other at strictly defined times, which do not always coincide with the official beginning of the year. What date does the Year of the Pig begin in 2019? The answer has long been known: the currently ruling Dog will give way to a new ruler on February 5th. And it is from this date that in many countries of the East a multi-week celebration of the coming of the year of the earthen (yellow) Pig will begin.

Characteristics of the symbol of the year of the Pig

The Pig is very responsible, patient, kind and curious. From an early age, people born under this sign are drawn to knowledge and love to read. Raised on books about noble heroes, selfless deeds, and romantic relationships, Pigs often find themselves unprepared for the realities of life. When faced with evil and injustice, they can become angry at the whole world and become distrustful. But over time, thanks to their innate intuition, they begin to understand people well and generously bestow kindness and care only on the most worthy of them.

In general, the character of a person whose horoscope sign is Pig is formed under the influence of his environment. He can be an introverted curmudgeon or the life of the party, modest or eccentric, passionate or emotionally reserved. All Pigs suffer poverty very painfully and strive for luxury, and their incredible hard work and perseverance help them achieve great heights in life. This can only be prevented by laziness, passivity and fatalism, to the attacks of which those whose sign is the Earth Pig are sometimes susceptible.

People born in the year of the Pig make excellent leaders and businessmen, responsible and loving spouses and parents. Harmony and prosperity reign in their home, everything is in its place and everyone tries to observe family traditions.

What does the coming Year of the Pig portend?

Those who dream of meeting their soulmate will definitely be lucky. Desperate bachelors will have a wonderful chance to finally get married, and single women can get married quite successfully. The Year of the Pig is an ideal time to get married.

In material terms, everything is not at all so optimistic. The Pig, who loves to show off, is often wasteful, so you should be extremely careful when making any financial transactions, exercise reasonable economy and resist the temptation to “play big.” You should not lend large sums even to close friends. This year it is better to take all measures to save and replenish your “piggy bank”.

Frequent business trips, negotiations and various seminars will contribute to strengthening your financial position. People who are persistent, hardworking and responsible can get promotion up the career ladder, which is what the Year of the Pig promises them.

Let's celebrate in a big way!

What’s good about the Year of the Pig is the absence of any restrictions in organizing and holding New Year’s holidays! On the main night of the year, you can allow yourself anything, as long as the holiday is filled with the most vivid emotions.

The pig loves big noisy companies, fun, laughter, entertainment for every taste, colorful surroundings and, of course, an abundance of gifts. How to celebrate the coming Year of the Pig, everyone can decide for themselves, but it should not be a banal feast.

Try throwing a themed party based on the plot of your favorite movie, fairy tale, or book. Fun competitions, sweepstakes, and games are welcome. What do you think of the idea of ​​a masquerade ball with fireworks? Or a spontaneous theatrical impromptu? People with imagination will always figure out how best to celebrate the Year of the Pig, so that it charges everyone with positivity for the next 12 months and is memorable for a long time!

Decorating the house for the holiday

The cheerful and eccentric Pig loves to show off all its wealth, rather than hide it in chests. To please her and win her over, you need to think in advance about how and how to decorate your home for the holiday.

First of all, the day before you need to do a thorough cleaning: the Pig, contrary to prevailing stereotypes, respects cleanliness. Everything should be laid out on shelves, washed and polished to a shine. We are preparing to celebrate the Year of the Pig in impeccable order.

Festive interior decor also needs to be selected taking into account the preferences of the hostess of the year. She gravitates toward everything bright and shiny, so all shades of gold should predominate in the surroundings, with which red, brown, white, orange, and green go well. Golden tinsel, sparkling gold toys and accessories, red candles with gold braid, fir cones sprinkled with gold pollen are the most suitable home decorations in the year of the Pig. It is advisable to use the same color in gift wrapping.

Be sure to decorate your house with electric garlands: the more lights, the better. And bouquets of natural and artificial plants will also come in very handy. Don't forget also about Piggy's favorite treat - acorns, which can be replaced with nuts. Place them wherever possible.

New Year's menu

When preparing a festive feast, any culinary ideas are welcome. The main table decorations in the Year of the Pig will be a variety of meat dishes, fruits and the same nuts. The hostess of the year will not be offended if you offer your guests roast pig, lard or boiled pork. The abundance of vegetables and herbs, salads, mushrooms, homemade preparations, and baked goods will be appreciated!

It must be remembered that the same shades as in the interior decor should prevail on the table in the Year of the Pig. Yellow bananas and orange tangerines with oranges will be very useful. A bowl of candies in golden candy wrappers would also come in handy. Drinks should also be of the same shade: champagne, white wine, cognac or whiskey.

In a word, there are no restrictions in the choice of holiday dishes, and any housewife is free to decide for herself what to cook for the table in the Year of the Pig.

What to wear on New Year's Eve?

The Earth Pig loves soft, pleasant to the touch fabrics, preferably expensive and natural ones. Ideally, the outfit should be completely new. Among the shades, preference should be given to soft, muted tones: pastel pink, brown, olive, peach. You can also come to the party in red, green and beige. There are many options for how to dress, but in the Year of the Pig it is more important not to forget about jewelry and accessories. It doesn’t matter whether it’s gold or simpler products, for example, made of wood, the main thing is that the jewelry looks stylish and presentable.

To please the Pig, you need to look your best, smile more often and generously give everyone compliments, good wishes and friendly hugs!