Where is the lead singer of the paint group now? The fate of the group “Kraski” and soloist Oksana Kovalevskaya: year of foundation, new composition

Oksana Kovalevskaya became known to the public in 2001, when she joined the musical group. The girl, whose photos were adorned in youth magazines, did not leave her career even after saying goodbye to the team. In her own interview, the singer admits that she wants to realize herself in 2 areas: as a good mother and a popular vocalist.

Childhood and youth

The singer’s biography originates in the city of Smilovichi, located in the Minsk region of Belarus. On May 6, 1983, a girl was born into a family of teachers, whom her parents named Oksana. The child began to demonstrate his own talents at the age of 3. The girl gave solo home concerts at family celebrations and meetings.

Realizing that the girl’s interests and talents needed to be developed, Oksana’s parents sent her to the children’s choir. Alas, soon the mother took the girl from the team - Oksana was too small and could not cope with the load. But the girl did not lose interest in singing. Already at the age of 4, Kovalevskaya performed for the first time in front of a large audience. A child sings the song “The Dog is Missing” at the technical school where Oksana’s dad works.

At the age of 8, at one of the vocal competitions in which the girl began taking part at the age of 5, teachers at a local music school suggested Oksana take singing and piano lessons. The girl immediately agreed, without even informing her parents.

Already at the age of 11, Oksana was offered to represent the Minsk region at the “Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk” competition. After the performance, representatives of the Glinka Music School approached Kovalevskaya. The teachers suggested that the teenager enroll immediately in the 2nd year. But this time it was not possible to leave to study without the consent of the parents, and the mother did not want to let her daughter go to Minsk.


However, the ambitious girl was able to achieve recognition. At the age of 17, Oksana was invited to the Leto group as a soloist. Quite quickly, scandals began in the girls' group. Young girls (the group consisted of 3 representatives of the fair sex) could not find a common language. In addition, Oksana, who composed songs in her free time, did not like performing other people's hits.

After another performance at the Reactor club, a man approached Oksana and invited the girl to audition for a new musical group. Kovalevskaya was skeptical about the offer and refused. When the conflicts in “Leta” reached their climax, the singer herself called a new acquaintance, Andrei Voronov, and agreed to the offer.

Popularity covered Oksana as soon as the first songs of the group “Kraski” began to be played on the radio. And after the release of the full-length album “You’re Already an Adult,” it became unsafe for the singer to go out alone.

One of the secrets of such rapid success was the lyrics. The girl admitted that she writes songs about what really worries her. The singer’s thoughts turned out to be in tune with the thoughts of teenagers in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia.

For example, the singer wrote the song “Elder Brother” about her brother Yaroslav, who did not accept Oksana’s work, which offended the girl. And the vocalist dedicated the hit “I love you, Sergey,” which did not leave the young artist indifferent, like thousands of other fans.

Song "Big Brother"

From 2003 to 2006, Oksana recorded 4 more albums as part of the group “Kraski”, the names of which correspond to the colors of the rainbow. The latest collection includes a single, which the singer sang in tandem with. The song is called "Those who love."

However, after a foreign tour, Kovalevskaya decides to leave her favorite musical group. The official version is that the singer went on maternity leave. With a height of 1.72 cm and a weight of 58 kg, the rounded tummy immediately caught the eye of fans. The singer did not return from vacation, deciding to try her hand at solo work.

Song "Spring"

The vocalist creates the “Kovalevskaya” project, where she shows fans another side of her talent. The songs that Oksana releases are filled with more lyrics and melancholy. Over the next few years, the singer records 3 new singles at once: “Another”, “I know what you’re silent about” and “Oceans”. In 2013, the girl released her first solo album, which did not repeat the success of previous collections created in “Kraski”.

In 2016, Oksana, together with rapper Timur TIMBIFAMILY, recorded the track “Infinity”. The musicians released a video, in which DJ VINI also took part.

Oksana Kovalevskaya and Timur Timbigfamily

In 2017, in addition to actively working on new songs, Oksana did not ignore her own fans. The singer supported the flash mob of Maxim Danilov, who raised money for the non-profit project “My life after the orphanage.” Anna Mann and Oksana responded along with Oksana.

Personal life

Creating a new group requires constant cooperation from all team members. So imperceptibly feelings flared up between the “Krasok” vocalist and the producer. On July 1, 2001, Alexey Voronov became the husband of Oksana Kovalevskaya. And already in August 2001, the couple had their first child, a boy, Vladimir. Even while pregnant, the singer did not interrupt her tours and recorded new songs.

The creative family did not last long. In 2006, while pregnant, Oksana filed for divorce. In May 2007, the singer became a mother for the second time - a boy was born, whom the girl named Alexei.

Oksana Kovalevskaya now

In February 2018, Oksana's new single was released. The singer recorded the song “Reflection” in a duet with V1NCENT (real name – Ivan Shkolnik). And in April, the headlines of online publications reported that Oksana had returned to the Kraski group.

The situation with returning to my favorite team was not without conflicts. Producer Alexey Voronov states that Oksana has nothing to do with the group’s songs. On his own official website, the producer warns fans about the illegal actions of his ex-wife. The man took the proceedings to court, trying to prove that Kovalevskaya cannot use the Kraski brand for her own interests.

While the proceedings continue, the singer does not stop touring and releasing new songs. In your personal account "Instagram" Oksana announces her own concerts, and also supports her friends by talking about the premieres of new songs.

The singer prefers not to talk about her personal life, but she is happy to talk about her sons. Kovalevskaya spends her free time with her children, the eldest of whom already graduated from secondary school in 2018.


As part of the group "Paints":

  • 2001 - “You’re already an adult”
  • 2003 - “I love you, Sergey: red album”
  • 2003 - “Orange Sun: Orange Album”
  • 2004 - “Spring: Blue Album”
  • 2004 - “Those Who Love: Purple Album”

Solo album:

  • 2013 – “Spring in the Heart”

The Kraski group was founded more than 15 years ago in Belarus. Its permanent producer and founder is Alexey Voronov, who was also the author of most hits. Having changed several lineups over the years of its existence, the creative team is still relevant and popular. What is the name of the main soloist of the group and how the team was founded - read on.

Where it all began. First steps

Initially, the group consisted of four members who were invited by the founder of the project. Borovik Ekaterina is the lead singer of the group “Kraski”. Olga Guseva became the most permanent member of the team. She was engaged in staging choreography for artists. Vasily Bogomya and Andrey Chigir took the place of the group’s musicians. Soon enough the composition was slightly changed. Oksana Kovalevskaya replaced Katya on vocals. It is worth noting that the newly appointed soloist of the Kraski group was also Alexei’s wife at that time.

The debut of the group took place at the end of 2001. Their first album, “You’re Already an Adult,” blew up the capital of Belarus. Almost immediately, Alexey Voronov arranged a tour for the group in their native Belarus.

"Paints" in Russia. Eternal change

Immediately after the first success, it was decided to concentrate on the Russian stage. The main forces of the team were devoted to conquering the Moscow audience. When the Belarusian authorities began persecuting some pop artists, including the team of Alexei Voronov, the producer decided to move the office to the Russian capital.

A few years later, Oksana Kovalevskaya left the team. The reason for the time-out was very positive. The lead singer of the group “Kraski” was preparing for the role of a mother. Oksana did not return to the team from maternity leave, but threw all her energy into building her solo career.

She was replaced by a new singer - Ekaterina Sasha. She was soon replaced by the new soloist of the group “Kraski” - Marina Ivanova. With her arrival, the image of the team was significantly updated. A new program has been recorded.

In recent years, Daria Subbotina has been a soloist in the group. “Kraski” give more than ten concerts every month, which is definitely the merit of the permanent producer. The popularity of the group can be seen in the ratings in the charts and constant sold-out shows.


The geography of the group's performances is not limited to CIS venues. The team visited countries such as the USA and Germany with their hits, and performed in Israel and the Netherlands. Fan clubs of the groups have been created in the largest cities of Russia, Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus, Israel, and the USA.


The show programs of the group “Kraski” deservedly attract full houses. But not a single creative process is complete without criticism from experts, and sometimes simply envious people. The most common criticism is the accusation that the lyrics are not meaningful. However, fans of creativity note the opposite. Ease of perception is very popular. The lyrics touch on themes familiar to everyone: friendship and love will always be close to fans.

Interestingly, criticism poured on the team even while it was receiving awards. For example, at the beginning of their creative journey, in 2002, the group was recognized as “Discovery of the Year”. Nevertheless, accusations of vulgarity rained down from all sides. We must pay tribute to Alexey Voronov, who always knew how to sidestep sharp corners in relations with ill-wishers.

In press

One of the most serious incidents associated with the name of the group was the kidnapping of vocalist Marina Ivanova in 2012. Her release by the police was widely reported in the media. The divorce of Alexei Voronov and Oksana Kovalevskaya also caused a large wave of gossip, interspersed with facts. Nowadays, probably, no one can distinguish reality from fiction. In addition, whenever there are several parties involved in a conflict, there are at least two truths.

From time to time, scandals arose in various publications regarding the topic of “double” concerts. At the same time, the group “Kraski” performed in different cities of the country. Some associated this with speculation by producer Alexei Voronov himself. The majority was inclined to believe that the team itself became a victim of scammers.


It can be considered that the team came to real fame already in 2006. It was then that doubles began to appear throughout Russia. They copied the images of the participants, forged posters and performed songs by Alexei Voronov.

To this day, the group's administration is monitoring false concerts and informing fans not to let their guard down. There is even a special section “Beware, scammers!” on the group’s official website. Insuring yourself against scammers is actually quite simple. You need to check the website of the “Paints” group. After all, it is there that the latest relevant information about all upcoming concerts is published.


Dear concert organizers! Be careful!

There are quite a lot of different kinds of crooks swirling around our name. Incomprehensible websites allegedly belonging to Kraski’s group appear on the Internet. Fake communities and accounts are created on social networks. Moreover, the cobblers act quite brazenly and without ceremony. They stupidly call themselves the Kraski group, take our CDs, post the music and offer “tours”.

Be carefull! The official website of the Kraski group is. All! This is the only one! The Kraski group no longer has any websites!

Don't give in to persuasion! Producer Alexey Voronov has no more projects! There are no other compositions or other soloists. No matter how they convince you, no matter what “documents” and “certificates” they show - these are werewolves!

Immediately inform us about such attempts to deceive you by email - [email protected]

We will take action!

There are currently several operating in Russia not real compositions Paint group. Look at the photographs - these women pretend to be the soloists of Kraski, but they have nothing to do with the Kraski group.

Their “directors” inform the concert organizers that these women were once part of the Kraski group. This is wrong. Masha, Tanya and others have never been part of the Kraska group.

The police detained scammers posing as the Kraski group.

Watch the video. The moment the fraudsters were detained in one of the clubs.


Inviting another Tanya - Masha from Moscow, youYou're throwing away your money!

WE ARE SORRY.... Fighting scammers is quite difficult. By stopping the activities of some scammers, we discover new fake compounds in their place. We carefully collect all data on past or planned illegal concerts and apply to the courts at the location of such events. Or

The famous singer Oksana Kovalevskaya, whose personal life has long been of interest to many, was born in 1983 in the city of Smilovichi, Minsk region. Her parents were talented teachers. Already at the age of 3, Oksana began to show vocal abilities - she began giving home concerts and tried to parody famous artists.

Kovalevskaya names Madonna, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey and Michael Jackson as her childhood idols. She went to a school for gifted children, and then, without her parents' knowledge, she enrolled in a music school. Soon Oksana began to participate in various local song competitions, where she took the highest places. She even performed at the famous “Slavic Bazaar” in Vitebsk. At the age of 11, Oksana was offered to study at the Glinka Music College, and immediately into the 2nd year. But the girl’s mother was against such an early separation from her daughter, so the artist had to return home.

But already at the age of 15, Oksana signed her first contract with one of the music producers. The girl immediately began active work in the recording studio. Soon her debut album entitled “You’re Already an Adult” was released, and after some time the group “Kraski” was formed. In 2001, Kovalevskaya, as a soloist and leader of this group, began to tour the cities of Belarus, where she gave more than 200 concerts. The compositions of the group “Kraski” became popular not only in this country, but throughout the entire post-Soviet space. At the age of 18, Oksana gives birth to a child - a son named Vladimir. But at the same time, she does not give up touring.

In 2002, the album “Big Brother” was released, the group expanded the geography of its fans, shot the first video for the song “Today I came home to my mother,” which became the calling card of the group. In 2003, the next album of “Krasok” was released - “I love you, Sergey”. The group is simply gaining wild popularity, their songs are heard on every circle. Oksana records a duet with Andrey Gubin. In subsequent years, “Kraski” together with Oksana actively toured, visiting England, Austria, Germany, Israel, Holland, Ireland and the USA with concerts. In 2006, Kovalevskaya decides to leave the group.

In 2007, she gives birth to her second child, son Alexei. The artist begins a solo career, records new compositions, transforms her appearance, and tours solo in various countries. In 2010, Kovalevskaya entered the Moscow Social Pedagogical Institute to expand her professional skills. At the same time, he continues his solo performances.

As for the group “Kraski”, since 2006 they have continued to tour, but with different soloists who only open their mouths to the soundtrack where Oksana’s voice is heard. “Yes, indeed, the group constantly changes soloists. It's just that people are trying to make money on good old songs that feature my voice. At first I was offended, I tried to fight it, but then I simply stopped paying attention,” says Kovalevskaya.

As Oksana herself says, she wrote songs based on real life stories. It is noteworthy that after 2003 the group “Kraski” was banned from performing in Belarus. The exact reason for this is unknown. Many believe that this happened because the group supported the opposition candidate in the presidential election. However, Oksana continues to frequently visit her native country. She visits her parents and relatives a couple of times a month, and also raises her sons.

4578 Views March 5, 2018, 15:51

Hi all!)

I went in for a couple of minutes to listen to a song from my childhood and disappeared there for several hours. I watched clip after clip. I listened to song after song. In a word, I was nostalgic! Many famous performers from my childhood have already finished their careers, some continue to play music, but not so noticeably. I propose to remember the once famous performers of the late nineties and early 2000s. I think you know many of them. Let's start, in general)

I want to start with my favorite performer, whom I loved to listen to as a child - Monokini.

The singer's real name is Tatyana Milushkova (maiden name Zaikina). The Monokini project was created in 2001 and quickly gained popularity. In the same year, the debut album “Monokini” was released. The producer was Max Fadeev. Songs performed by Monokini took first place in the Russian charts. The most famous songs: “Run”, “Wind”, “Ticking”, “There is no more secret”, “I gave everything away”. After 2006, the project was closed.

Song "Ticking". Favorite song. Actually, because of her, I hung out on YouTube for several hours, but I only came in to listen to this song once)

Song "Wind". Cool song too.

Song "I Gave Everything" Quarreling over quality, YouTube offers nothing else.

Now Tatyana is 35 years old, she is married and has a daughter, Anastasia. She continues to make music. Since 2012 he has been performing under the pseudonym Mona. Judging by her Instagram, she often performs at various discos of the 90s with her old songs, which, judging by the stormy emotions of the listeners, are still going strong.

Singer Ariana. In the early 2000s, Ariana was very popular. Gregory Greenblatt, Ariana's father and her personal manager, introduced his daughter to his old friend Matvey Anichkin, a Soviet and Russian musician and producer. Having recorded her first demo, Ariana showed it to Anichkin, and their collaboration soon began. The most famous songs: “Under the Spanish Sky”, “First Love”, “I Will Never Forget You” (from the rock opera “Juno and Avos”, together with Alexander Marshall). For the song “Under the Spanish Sky” in 2001 she received the Golden Gramophone and Song of the Year awards. In 2003, the singer flew to Los Angeles, where she studied acting and took vocal lessons.

Ariana - Under the Spanish sky.

Now Ariana is 32 years old and lives in the USA. He is engaged in the restaurant business. In 2010, she married businessman Lev Grachev-Shneur.

Natalia Vlasova. Russian singer, musician, composer, author and performer of her own songs. Winner of two Golden Gramophone awards, laureate of the RU TV award. In 1999 and the following 2000, she twice received the Golden Gramophone award for the song “I’m at your feet,” which would later be included in the “Golden Collection” of the best songs of the decade, then the twentieth, and would occupy a leading position in the chart of the most performed songs for a long time. karaoke songs.

I'm at your nooog, don't say thank you)))

At the moment, Natalia continues her creative path, writing songs not only for herself, but also for other performers. He also plays in musicals. She is 39 years old, married, and has a daughter, Pelageya. Not long ago the song “Bye-bye” was released, which she performed together with Grigory Leps.

Group "Draw". In 2003, the group literally burst into Russian show business. The group's members were Elena Kiper and Oleg Borshchevsky. Elena and Oleg wrote the songs for the “Draw” project themselves. Their songs “Nobody, Never,” “Nobody, Nobody,” and “Forever” were successful and popular. The second half of 2005 - the beginning of 2006 was occupied by Lena and Oleg writing songs and filming videos for other performers (Lolita Milyavskaya, Slava, “Anna Nova”, “R@mashki”, “Smash!!”, “The Brothers Grimm”, “Diamond”) Fox", "Soul", "Jasmine"). Elena also wrote two hits “They Won’t Catch Up with Us” and “I’ve Lost My Mind” for the group “ Tattoo". The group "Nichya" decided to refuse its own concerts. As a result, the group broke up.

Song "No one, ever"

Song "Forever"

At the moment, Elena Kiper is 42 years old, she is producing. She is the owner and general producer at Elena Keeper Publishing and Production LLC. In 2012, Elena received her education at the New York Film Academy, completing the production course and screenwriting workshop of Paul Brown, as well as drama courses at SONY Pictures. In 2016, she opened a subsidiary company in Los Angeles dedicated to video production.

Oleg Borshchevsky continues to make music. Works in Tech House style. Known online as B light. He is 49 years old.

Group "Propaganda". The group continues to perform now, but with a new lineup. Let's remember the very first composition. The first composition of the group included: Victoria Voronina, Victoria Petrenko and Yulia Garanina. The group was founded in 2001. Over the years of its existence, the group has released a large number of singles, such compositions as “Chalk”, “Who”, “Nobody”, “So be it”, “Rain on the roofs”, “5 minutes for love”, “Yay-ya”, "Super Baby", "Quanto Costa". In 2004 they received the Golden Gramophone for the song “Yay-Ya”.

The very first composition of the group:

Song "Chalk". The video shows the first lineup of the group.

"Five minutes for love." This song was already recorded without Petrenko and Garanina, but I decided to add it anyway)

"Yay-ya." Also without Petrenko and Garanina.

"So be it"

The most famous member of the group, Victoria Voronina, was the author of all the songs of “Propaganda”, except two “Marie fell in love with Juan” and “How far is it from Tallinn”. Currently, Victoria Voronina is 35 years old, she is working on a solo project (Vika Voronina). She writes her own songs.

There is not much information about Yulia Garanina and Victoria Petrenko. It is known that they created their own group, called “Petra and Yukka”. By the way, they left the group one after another and are still friends.

Petra and Yucca:

Yulia Garanina:

Victoria Petrenko:

Girls together:

Group "Demo". The group was founded in 1998 by producers Vadim Polyakov and Dmitry Postovalov. In 1999, vocalist Alexandra Zvereva was invited to the group. The group is the winner of the Golden Gramophone Award, the 100-pound Hit Award, two Song of the Year awards and many regional awards. The most famous songs: “Sunshine”, “Rain”, “2000 Years”.

Pay attention to the hair clips) I remembered and shed a tear. We had these too in childhood)

Song "Sun"

Currently, Alexandra Zvereva lives in Los Angeles, she is 37 years old, she has three children.

Group "Virus!". The group appeared in 1998 in Zelenograd. The debut song “Don’t Look for Me” appeared on radio stations in September 1999 and took high positions in many charts. Other famous hits were the songs “Hands”, “Everything will pass”, “I’ll ask you”, “Happiness”, “Flight”, etc. The group performed in many cities of Russia, as well as abroad (Germany, Israel, Canada, USA, Ukraine ).

Song "Don't look for me"

Currently, Olga Lucky (Kozina) is 35 years old, she is engaged in a solo project called “The CATS”. But also the group "Virus!" she's not going to leave. She performs with the group at various events and discos in the 90s.

“Our fans can sleep peacefully, their favorite group will not suffer the fate that ran parallel to Virus!” group “Demo,” assures Olga Lucky, “group “Virus!” I’m not going to quit.”

Group "Paints". The Kraski group was created in early 2001. The group immediately fell in love with the public, and their songs were included in the rotation of major radio stations. The most famous soloist of the group was Oksana Kovalevskaya. Initially, the soloist was Ekaterina Borovik. A year after the creation of the group, Ekaterina was replaced by Oksana. In March 2006, after working in the group for several years, she left it. The most famous songs: “Big Brother”, “I love you, Sergey”, “Your girl is only 15 years old”, “I fell in love with a bandit”, “Brother”, “I don’t need your boy”.

Song "Big Brother"

Now Oksana is 34 years old, she plays music, performs under her name - Oksana Kovalevskaya. And, judging by Instagram, he often performs the songs of the group “Kraski” at concerts. It is clear that Oksana began to engage in “improvement” over time. You can’t even recognize her as the old Oksana now.

Singer "Angina". Real name - Nadezhda Igoshina. I don’t know if you remember this singer, but I remember) She became famous after Star Factory 4. Her songs were then played on all music channels. But her career was short-lived. She somehow disappeared from the screens unnoticed. Her most famous song is "Sick".

Song "Sick".

Now Nadezhda is 31 years old. She has been married to her beloved man for several years. The couple live in Moscow and are raising a son. Nadezhda is also a film and theater actress "Doc".

"Shark". The real name of the singer is Oksana Pochepa. In 2000, she received an invitation to the new musical project “Shark”. In 2001, the debut album “Acid DJ” was released, tours and performances began. The most famous songs: “I’m Running Away”, “Acid DJ”, “Call”, “I Don’t Love You Anymore”, “Little”.

"I'm running away"

"Such Love"

Now Oksana is 33 years old and she is pursuing a solo career and writing new songs. And he also periodically performs his old songs at various events.

Group "Tattoo". The group was created in 1999 by producer Ivan Shapovalov together with composer Alexander Voitinsky. The members of the group were Lena Katina and Yulia Volkova. Tatu is the most successful Russian pop group that has achieved worldwide popularity. In May 2003, the group performed at Eurovision, where the girls took third place with the song “Don’t believe, don’t be afraid, don’t ask.” In March 2009, the group's management announced plans for both singers to start solo projects and the termination of the group.

"Not gonna get us"

Elena Katina is now 33 years old, married, lives and works in Los Angeles. The husband is Slovenian rock musician Sasho Kuzmanovic; they got married in August 2013. The marriage produced a son, Alexander. Since 2009, she has been participating in the international solo project Lena Katina.

On February 20, Yulia Volkova turned 33 years old, she has two children. She is also pursuing a solo career. In September 2012, the singer underwent surgery to remove a thyroid tumor. During the operation, doctors touched a nerve; as a result of a medical error, Yulia Volkova lost her voice. The singer did not despair and began to work on restoring her voice. To achieve this, Yulia had to undergo three more operations in different countries. The singer openly tells the press that she cannot hit some of the notes that she freely played in her youth, but she practices her concerts completely live.

Group "Total". The group appeared at the beginning of the 2000s. The producer was Max Fadeev. The vocalist of the group was Marina Cherkunova, Max’s cousin. The song "Hits in the Eyes" instantly became a hit. A few years after the formation of the group, producer Maxim Fadeev blessed the musicians to embark on an independent musical journey.

"Hits in the eyes"

Now Marina is 48 years old and continues to perform as part of the group "Total".

Singer "Linda". In the early 90s, Yuri Aizenshpis was involved in producing the singer, but by the end of 1993 the relationship between the singer and producer ceased. Then her collaboration with Max Fadeev began, who gave the singer many hits. After breaking up with Fadeev, Linda began writing poetry and music on her own, and also collaborated with other authors.

"Let me go"

Currently, the singer is 40 years old and continues her musical career, performing a lot, judging by Instagram.