The era of consumption is life in the modern world. Information in the modern world is the essence of information

The majority of the world's population lives in countries where wealth inequality is growing. The rich are getting richer, the poor are falling behind. The highest salaries rise faster than the lowest. This applies not only to salaries. Wealth accumulated over a lifetime is even more unequally distributed than current income. The reason is that most of the savings are contained in property, shares, pensions - assets that can generate income, but are inaccessible to many. For example, in Germany, from 2000 to 2016, worker salaries increased by 5%, and income from investments and businesses by 30%.

But it is not all that bad. Researchers from the World Wealth and Income Database projects say that while inequality is rising in almost all countries, it is rising to varying degrees, which shows that governments are able to somehow cope with it. According to the IMF and several other studies, inequality, while harming economic growth, ultimately impoverishes everyone.

Gender gap

According to the World Economic Forum, women earn less for equal work than men in all countries, despite the fact that gender discrimination is illegal in many countries, including the United States and all EU countries.

In addition, women's labor as an economic resource is not fully utilized. Only half of all women are in the global workforce, compared to 80% of men. According to the World Bank, in 90% of countries, women face at least one barrier to being able to work. They have many hidden costs, from the $18,000 an American woman spends over the course of her lifetime on specific hygiene products, to the so-called “pink tax,” which means that products designed for women cost more than those for men. .

If progress in overcoming economic inequality between the sexes continues at the same pace, it will be overcome in 217 years, the forum stated. The Navy is being demanded to act. What's good for women will be good for the economy and everyone involved in it. It is estimated that if women equal men in the number of jobs, then GDP will increase by 5% in the United States, by 9% in Japan, and by 27% in India.

Changing of the climate

Maplecroft's Climate Risk Index looks at the potential for climate-related natural disasters, sea level rise, and their impact on population structure, resources, agriculture and conflict. The index also takes into account each country's preparedness for climate change and its ability to resist it.

The world's most vulnerable states are among the poorest. Hurricanes in the Caribbean and Latin America, floods in South Asia, and drought in eastern Africa hit the poorest regions in 2017. Even the G20 countries are not immune from the impacts. At the same time, the largest polluter after China, the United States, has withdrawn from the Paris climate agreement. The UN has warned that climate change is affecting regional conflicts, forcing people to flee their homes. According to the International Organization for Migration, the movement of people within and between countries is increasing for this reason.

Political polarization

In the US, Europe, and Asia, politics is becoming increasingly polarized. Polls by the Pew Research Center show that American Republicans have become more staunch conservatives and Democrats have become more staunch liberals. Consequently, they have less mutual understanding on key issues than before.

In a number of European countries - Austria, Poland, Hungary, France - far-right and populist parties are receiving increasing support. In Germany, anti-immigrant and anti-Islam parties came third in the 2017 elections, putting a far-right group in the national parliament for the first time since 1961. Eurogroup experts warn that Islamist, anti-China and anti-minority sentiment is growing in South Asia. Rising nationalism in India also threatens stability.

Inequality in education

According to UNICEF, more than 60 million children aged 6 to 11 are out of school. More than half of them live in Africa, about 27 million live in conflict zones. Education helps overcome poverty and enhances economic growth. But access to learning is largely uneven around the world. Globally, 65% of people over 25 years of age have at least a secondary education. In Europe and the USA there are more than 90% of them. In sub-Saharan Africa it is only 30%.

The existence of the field and subject of computer science is unthinkable without its main resource - information. Information- one of the most complex, not yet fully discovered, even mysterious areas of modern science. Understanding information as one of the main strategic resources of society, it is necessary to be able to evaluate it from both a qualitative and quantitative perspective. There are big problems along this path due to the intangible nature of this resource and the subjectivity of perception of specific information by various individuals in human society.

Term information comes from the Latin informatio, which means explanation, information, presentation. From the position of materialistic philosophy, information is a reflection of the real world with the help of information (messages). A message is a form of presenting information in the form of speech, text, images, digital data, graphs, tables, etc. In a broad sense, information is a general scientific concept that includes the exchange of information between people, the exchange of signals between living and inanimate nature, people and devices.

Information is the result of reflection and processing in the human consciousness of the diversity of the surrounding world; it is information about objects surrounding a person, natural phenomena, and the activities of other people.

Computer science considers information as conceptually interconnected information, data, concepts that change our ideas about a phenomenon or object in the surrounding world. Along with information, the concept is often used in computer science data. Let's show how they differ.

Data can be considered as signs or recorded observations that for some reason are not used, but only stored. When it becomes possible to use this data to reduce uncertainty about something, the data turns into information. Therefore, it can be argued that information is the data used.

The definitions of information existing in modern science reveal certain properties of this complex and polysemantic concept: information - communication and communication, in the process of which uncertainty is eliminated (Shannon), information - transmission of diversity (Ashby), information - a measure of the complexity of structures (Mole), information - probability choice (Yaglo), etc. Research is being undertaken into the patterns of information processes and technologies and laying the theoretical foundations of a new branch of knowledge - information science, where one of the authors states “The world is informational, the Universe is informational, primary is information, secondary is matter.”

Information, which makes up the triad of the most important characteristics of the world around us, along with matter and energy, has some unique features:

    information itself is as abstract a concept as the concepts of mathematics, but at the same time it reflects the properties of a material object and cannot arise from nothing;

    information has some properties of matter; it can be received, stored (recorded, accumulated), destroyed, transmitted. However, when transmitting information from one system to another, the amount of information in the transmitting system remains unchanged, although in the receiving system it usually increases (this feature of information saves a professor who transfers his knowledge to students from becoming an ignoramus),

    information has another unique property in any sphere of knowledge (socio-political, scientific, general cultural, technical); it is the only type of resource that, in the course of the historical development of mankind, not only does not deplete, but constantly increases, improves and, moreover, contributes to the effective the use of other resources, and sometimes creates new ones. The last property of information is important to take into account when shaping the development paths of the Russian national economy, since the attraction of qualitatively new information and new technologies provides an intensive path of development, and the increase in additional material resources, volumes of labor, energy without the use of new information will lead Russia to an extensive dead end.

The main thing is that information is an object, a means and a product of labor. The share of information as a subject of labor has become higher than material and energy resources, and the main indicator of a country’s power has become the information resource, i.e., the amount of knowledge that the country has. This indicator brought the USSR to the number of world powers and it is this resource that is being depleted in our country with every year.

The world is drowning in a colossal amount of information over the past 30 years, its annual growth has increased more than 15 times. Even a new term has appeared - the “waste paper effect” - 85% of journal articles are never read. It is easier to rediscover something, scientists say, than to find the necessary information in this ocean of books, magazines and articles. At the beginning of the 90s, the US government annually wrote about 1 billion letters, spent about 1.5 billion dollars, published about 2.6 million pages of documents; Up to 1,500 billion dollars were spent on maintaining employees employed in the management apparatus!

The most promising way out of the information impasse is provided by modern computing technology, which with each new generation increases the speed of information processing at a surprisingly high rate; if over the last hundred years the speed of movement has increased by 10 2 times, then the speed of communication has increased by 10 7, and information processing by 10 6 times.

Modern society gives rise to new, previously unknown social problems related to information. The process of “computer” alienation of a certain group of the population, the social division of society, is becoming more and more intense. Layers of the “information aristocracy” are being formed, a kind of brotherhood of initiates, the “information proletariat”, which includes a large group of workers engaged in the technical support of information processes, and consumers of information services, in whose hands the information business is concentrated.

Parameter name Meaning
Article topic: Modern world
Rubric (thematic category) Policy

The modern world is indeed contradictory. On the one hand, there are positive phenomena and trends. The nuclear missile confrontation between the great powers and the division of earthlings into two antagonistic camps are over. Many nations of Eurasia, Latin America and other regions that previously lived in conditions of unfreedom have embarked on the path of democracy and market reforms.

A post-industrial society is being formed at an increasing pace, which is radically restructuring the entire way of life of mankind: advanced technologies are constantly being updated, a single global information space is emerging, a person with his high educational and professional level is becoming the mainspring of progress. International economic ties are deepening and diversifying.

Integration associations in various parts of the world are gaining more and more weight and are turning into a significant factor not only in the global economy, but also in military security, political stability, and peacekeeping. The number and functions of international institutions and mechanisms in the UN system are growing, bringing humanity together into one whole, promoting the interdependence of states, nations, and people. There is a globalization of the economic, and after this, the political life of mankind.

But just as obvious are phenomena and trends of a completely different order, provoking disunity, contradictions and conflicts. The entire post-Soviet space is going through a painful process of adaptation to new geopolitical, ideological and economic realities. After decades of calm, the situation in the Balkans exploded, painfully

recalling the events that led to the outbreak of the First World War. Conflicts are breaking out on other continents. There are attempts to fragment the international community into closed military-political blocs, competing economic groups, and rival religious and nationalist movements. The phenomena of terrorism, separatism, drug trafficking, and organized crime have reached planetary proportions. The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction continues, and environmental threats are on the rise.

Globalization, along with new opportunities for socio-economic progress and expansion of human contacts, also creates new dangers, especially for lagging states. The risk of dependence of their economy and information system on external influences is growing. The likelihood of large-scale financial and economic crises is increasing. Natural and man-made disasters are becoming global in nature, and environmental imbalances are worsening. Many problems are spiraling out of control, outpacing the world community's ability to respond to them in a timely and effective manner.

The fact that a new, stable system of international relations has not yet emerged exacerbates friction and contradictions. In this regard, in the scientific and political environment, alarmist scenarios for the development of world politics are born and become widespread - in particular, clashes between civilizations (Western, Chinese, Islamic, East Slavic, etc.), regions, the rich North and the poor are predicted The South even predicts the total collapse of states and the return of humanity to a primitive state.

There is, however, reason to believe that in the 21st century. The main actors on the world stage will remain sovereign states, and life on earth will continue to be determined by the relationships between them. States will continue to cooperate or compete in accordance with their interests, which are complex, multifaceted, diverse and do not always coincide with civilizational, regional and other vectors. Ultimately, states' capabilities and positions will continue to rest on their combined power.

To this day, only one superpower has survived: the United States, and many begin to think that an era of unlimited American domination “Pack America” is dawning. The United States undoubtedly has grounds to claim the role of a powerful center of power for the long term. They have accumulated impressive economic, military, scientific, technical, information and cultural potential, which is projected onto all major spheres of life in the modern world. At the same time, America has a growing desire to lead others. The American official doctrine proclaims the existence of a US zone of influence in the world (the so-called core zone), which is supposed to ultimately include the overwhelming number of states. The United States is favored in this policy by the fact that alternative social models (socialism, non-capitalist path of development) at this stage are devalued, have lost their attractiveness, and many countries voluntarily copy the United States and accept its leadership.

Nevertheless, the world will not become unipolar. First of all, the United States does not have enough financial and technical resources for this. Moreover, the unprecedentedly prolonged rise of the American economy will not last forever; sooner or later it will be interrupted by depression, and this will inevitably reduce Washington’s ambitions on the world stage. Secondly, there is no unity in the United States on issues of foreign strategy; voices are clearly heard against overloading the United States with international obligations and interfering in everything. Thirdly, there are states that not only resist American influence, but are capable of being leaders themselves. This is, first of all, China, which is rapidly gaining overall state power, in the longer term - India, possibly a united Europe, Japan. At some stage, ASEAN, Turkey, Iran, South Africa, Brazil, etc. may apply for leadership on a regional scale.

As for Russia, despite the difficulties it is experiencing, it does not intend to enter the zone of foreign influence. Moreover, our state has the necessary potential for gradual transformation into a prosperous and respected center of power in a multipolar world - this is a huge territory, colossal natural, scientific, technical and human resources, an advantageous geographical location, military power, traditions, and the will to lead, and, finally, the demand for Russia as an influential power in various regions of the globe (CIS, Middle East, Asia-Pacific, Latin America).

The movement towards multipolarity is a real and natural process, because it reflects the will of existing or promising centers of power. At the same time, the transition period, being associated with the struggle for influence, with changes in the balance of forces, is fraught with conflicts. There are no guarantees that rivalry between major powers and associations of states will automatically disappear after the formation of a new system of international relations. It is known from history that the multipolar system created as a result of the First World War did not prevent the outbreak of a new, even more destructive conflict two decades later.

Nobody knows how new centers of power will behave in the 21st century, having sensed their own superiority. Their relations with medium-sized and small countries may well continue to carry a charge of conflict due to the latter’s reluctance to submit to the will of others. This can be seen in the example of current relations between the United States and the DPRK, Cuba, Iraq, Iran, etc. It is also characteristic that even those countries that, of their own free will, enter the zones of influence of centers of power defend their rights much more energetically than in the era of the Cold War. Thus, the Europeans are still ready to cooperate with the United States, but at the same time they are strengthening regional institutions, thinking about purely continental defense efforts, and refusing to “march to American drums” in all matters. Many differences and disagreements exist between Washington and its partners in Latin America, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. There are problems in the relations of China, Russia, Japan, India with their smaller neighbors.

Another reality of the modern world, which will obviously persist in the 21st century, is the contradictions between medium-sized and small states themselves. After the end of the Cold War, their number even increased due to the elimination of the previous bloc discipline, when the superpowers kept their wards in line, the absence of regional leaders in a number of regions of the globe (primarily in Africa and the Middle East), the collapse of the USSR and Yugoslavia.

Humanity is entering the new millennium with the burden of numerous territorial, religious, ethnic, and ideological disputes. Conflicts, as before, can give rise to such motives as the struggle for resources, ecology, migration, refugees, terrorism, possession of nuclear weapons, etc.

A distinctive feature of the current era is the presence of a significant number of states that are experiencing serious internal difficulties. Moreover, as the recent financial crisis in Asia has shown, dynamic economic systems are not immune to disruptions. A threat to stability in a state can come from a political system - either a totalitarian one, sooner or later doomed to collapse, or a democratic one. Rapid democratization gave free rein to various destructive processes: from separatism to racism, from terrorism to the breakthrough of mafia structures to the levers of state power. It is also obvious that even in the most developed countries, knots of religious and ethnic contradictions persist. At the same time, internal problems are increasingly breaking out beyond state borders and invading the sphere of international relations. Despite, however, the high potential for conflict that remains in the modern world, there is still reason to look at the 21st century. with a certain optimism. It is inspired, first of all, by the already mentioned growing interdependence of states. Gone are the days when large countries tried their best to bleed each other dry. Russia does not want the American economy to collapse or chaos to spread across China. In both cases, our interests will suffer. Chaos in Russia or China will hit America equally.

The interdependence of the modern world will continue to increase under the influence of factors such as:

the accelerating revolution in means of transport, communications and microelectronics;

ever more complete inclusion in world relations of the former communist countries, as well as the PRC, the states of the “third world”, which have abandoned the non-capitalist path of development;

unprecedented liberalization of world economic relations and, as a consequence, deepening interaction between the national economies of most states;

internationalization of financial and production capital (transnational corporations already control 1/3 of the assets of all private companies);

common tasks of humanity to counter growing global threats: terrorism, drug trafficking, organized crime, nuclear proliferation, famine, environmental disasters.

The internal development of any state now depends on the external environment, support and assistance of other “players” on the world stage, in this regard, globalization, with all its flaws, “pitfalls”, dangers, is preferable to the complete separation of states.

The mitigation of contradictions in the international arena should be facilitated by democratization, which has covered a significant part of the planet. States that adhere to similar ideological principles have fewer grounds for mutual contradictions and more opportunities to overcome them peacefully.

The cessation of the arms race between the “superpowers” ​​and their blocs, the awareness of the danger of a reckless buildup of nuclear missile potential contribute to the demilitarization of the world community. And this is a factor that also works to harmonize international relations.

Reasons for optimism are also given by the fact that in the era of globalization the system of international law is being improved, its norms are increasingly recognized. Most modern states subscribe to such concepts as renunciation of aggression, peaceful resolution of conflicts, submission to decisions of the UN Security Council and other international institutions, fight against racism, respect for the rights of peoples and human rights, electability of governments, their accountability to the population, etc. .

Finally, another treasure of humanity on the threshold of the 21st century. - this is the already mentioned growth of the system of global and regional organizations that have a mandate to deepen interaction between states, prevent and resolve conflicts, carry out collective actions on political and economic issues, etc. The UN is a universal forum that is gradually capable of evolving towards becoming a kind of world government.

If this trend continues to develop, then there is hope that power politics and unbridled rivalry between states will begin to fade into the background.

The modern world - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Modern World" 2017, 2018.

The inhuman world in which modern man lives forces everyone to wage a constant struggle with external and internal factors. What happens around an ordinary person sometimes becomes incomprehensible and leads to a feeling of constant discomfort.

Daily Sprint

Psychologists and psychiatrists of all stripes have noted a sharp surge in anxiety, self-doubt and a huge number of different phobias among the average representative of our society.

The life of a modern person passes at a frantic pace, so there is simply no time to relax and escape from numerous everyday problems. The vicious circle of running a marathon at sprint speed forces people to race against themselves. Intensification leads to insomnia, stress, nervous breakdowns and illnesses, which has become a fundamental trend in the post-information age.

Information pressure

The second problem that modern man cannot solve is the abundance of information. A stream of various data falls on everyone simultaneously from all possible sources - the Internet, mass media, press. This makes critical perception impossible, since internal “filters” cannot cope with such pressure. As a result, the individual cannot operate with real facts and data, since he is unable to separate fiction and lies from reality.

Dehumanization of relationships

A person in modern society is forced to constantly face alienation, which manifests itself not only in work, but also in interpersonal relationships.

Constant manipulation of human consciousness by the media, politicians and public institutions has led to the dehumanization of relationships. The exclusion zone that has formed between people makes it difficult to communicate, to look for friends or a soul mate, and attempts at rapprochement by strangers are very often perceived as something completely inappropriate. The third problem of 21st century society - dehumanization - is reflected in popular culture, the linguistic environment and art.

Problems of social culture

The problems of modern man are inseparable from the deformations in society itself and create a closed spiral.

Cultural ouroboros causes people to withdraw even more into themselves and move away from other individuals. Contemporary art - literature, painting, music and cinema - can be considered a typical expression of the processes of degradation of public self-awareness.

Films and books about nothing, musical works without harmony and rhythm are presented as the greatest achievements of civilization, full of sacred knowledge and deep meaning, incomprehensible to the majority.

Crisis of values

The value world of each individual can change several times during his life, but in the 21st century this process has become too fast. The result of constant changes is constant crises, which do not always lead to a happy ending.

The eschatological notes that creep into the term “crisis of values” do not mean a complete and absolute end, but they make us think about the direction in which the path should be taken. Modern man is in a permanent state of crisis from the moment he grows up, since the world around him is changing much faster than the prevailing ideas about it.

A person in the modern world is forced to drag out a rather miserable existence: thoughtless adherence to ideals, trends and certain styles, which leads to the inability to develop one’s own point of view and one’s position in relation to events and processes.

The widespread chaos and entropy that reigns around should not be frightening or cause hysteria, since change is natural and normal if there is something constant.

Where and from where is the world heading?

The development of modern man and his main paths were predetermined long before our time. Culturologists name several turning points, the result of which was modern society and people in the modern world.

Creationism, which fell in an unequal battle under the pressure of adherents of atheology, brought very unexpected results - a widespread decline in morals. Cynicism and criticism, which have become the norm of behavior and thinking since the Renaissance, are considered a kind of “rules of good manners” for moderns and elders.

Science in itself is not the raison d'être of society and is unable to answer some questions. To achieve harmony and balance, adherents of the scientific approach should be more humane, since the unresolved problems of our time cannot be described and solved like an equation with several unknowns.

Rationalization of reality sometimes does not allow us to see anything more than numbers, concepts and facts, which do not leave room for many important things.

Instincts versus reason

The main motives for the activities of society are considered to be the inheritance from distant and wild ancestors who once lived in caves. Modern man is just as tied to biological rhythms and solar cycles as he was a million years ago. An anthropocentric civilization only creates the illusion of control over the elements and one’s own nature.

The payback for such deception comes in the form of personal dysfunction. It is impossible to control every element of the system always and everywhere, because even your own body cannot be ordered to stop aging or change its proportions.

Scientific, political and social institutions are vying with each other about new victories that will certainly help humanity grow blooming gardens on distant planets. However, modern man, armed with all the achievements of the last millennium, is not able to cope with a common runny nose, like 100, 500 and 2000 years ago.

Who is to blame and what to do?

No one in particular is to blame for the substitution of values ​​and everyone is guilty. Modern human rights are both respected and not respected precisely because of this distortion - you can have an opinion, but you cannot express it, you can love something, but you cannot mention it.

Stupid Ouroboros, constantly chewing his own tail, will one day choke, and then there will be complete harmony and world peace in the Universe. However, if this does not happen in the foreseeable future, future generations will at least have hope for the best.

“If you want to live, know how to spin.” Life in the modern world is akin to an endless race. The time we live in is a time of accelerated pace of life. Quickly take a shower, quickly eat a sandwich, and run to work. Everyone runs at work too. Time must be saved, time is money.

Time, money and everything that money can buy are the most important values ​​in modern society.

Until recently, almost yesterday, our parents lived completely differently. Their life was predictable and planned. The value was respect in society, a board of honor. Could they imagine how quickly and dramatically life would change?

So what has changed?

Humanity is constantly evolving, life in the modern world is completely different than 50 years ago.

Today a person is rational and pragmatic, fast and dexterous, the best earner, a born entrepreneur, an ambitious careerist. He is flexible in every sense of the word. He feels the rhythm and intuitively determines the time. A watch is his traditional accessory. They symbolize his value - time.

It was the rational man, always cutting corners, not wanting to waste time going around ponds and cliffs, who built bridges. It is these people who have always introduced innovations into the lives of others that make their lives more convenient and save time.

Life in the modern world is comfortable for humans. Just “yesterday,” some 100 years ago, this was not the case. It was the transition to the current phase of development that led to the rapid flourishing of industry, producing everything that allows us to spend less time and consume more.

Life in the modern world - what is success?

Success in the modern world is considered financial well-being and high social status. Today, people strive for high social status and material advantage. This is his value. The one who can consume the most is now considered successful.

If you ask the average person about his goals, desires and plans, they will turn out to be material and related to consumption. Buy a house, apartment or car, visit a country or make repairs. Goals are considered to be what is associated with production and consumption.

Open any book about success - the word “success” means money. The word “goals” means material values ​​that can be purchased with money.

Any success training says the same thing: “Set yourself goals,” as if achieving these goals is success. Have you ever wondered why these trainings don’t work? Why do most people never do what they are taught in training? Why do some of them turn out to be completely unadapted to life in the modern world?

The answer is simple - those who are able to achieve success do not need success training - guided by their innate desires and aspirations, they achieve success themselves, thanks to their mental properties. And such a person will really bring satisfaction, joy and happiness, material and social advantage. This is his value. He will feel that he has been fulfilled in this life. But this is not the value of other people. The rest, no matter how many success trainings they undergo, will never strive for the same. And if they do, it will not bring them happiness and joy, since their innate, true desires will not be satisfied.

The era of consumption. Consumption as the meaning of life

“If you have achieved one goal, set the next one – higher and bigger,” say success coaches. “And you will be happy,” they mean. And for many, material goals are borrowed desires.

Life in the modern world, the world of consumers, provides many opportunities for a comfortable, interesting life. These possibilities are endless, but they require money. There is no way to live for free. For all the delights of modernity - the Internet, telephone, transport, comfort - you have to pay for everything. And if you want more, you need more money. This is why the lives of many people have turned into a race for consumption. Consumption in the modern world has become the meaning of life.

In the race for benefits, a person does not pay attention to his inner feelings - is he happy or not? Does he enjoy life or not? Is he satisfied with his life, or is something missing?

And this is perhaps the biggest trap of our time. If a person does not realize his mental properties, if he does not satisfy his innate desires, if, in other words, he does not fulfill his calling, his species role, then he will inevitably have unconscious internal shortcomings. This results in internal tension, which accumulates over the years and turns into hostility towards everyone and everything.

A person with deficiencies does not feel joy and satisfaction from life in the modern world, no matter how attractive it may be and no matter how much he consumes. He doesn’t understand what’s wrong – it’s unconscious dissatisfaction.

This is similar to dissatisfaction in sex. By the way, about sex. In the modern world, it has also turned into a consumer one.

“I feel good with you, give me your phone number” - sex consumers

Meeting people in a bar and straight into bed is now normal. One-time or several-time sex is a reality. Meeting (maintaining a relationship) with a girl (guy) in order to have sex is also a natural part of our life in the modern world. We use each other to consume sex. Even single women are looking for partners not to create relationships, but for sex, “for health,” as they say.

Nobody considers a girl who often changes sexual partners to be a girl of easy virtue, as it was before. Frequent changes of partners have entered the range of sexual acceptability in the modern world.

Having a balanced, not too strong libido, such a person chases the factor of novelty. He is no longer excited by the partner to whom he is already accustomed. He seeks new sensations by changing sexual partners.

The sex consumer does not need commitment, relationships, love. He doesn’t care about the person next to him, he “consumes” him. He needs sex, new experiences, pleasure, fulfillment of his own desires. And there is a big catch in this too.

By consuming sex, a person loses that feeling of intimacy of what is happening, closeness, excitement, satisfaction that full intimacy can give. Life in the modern world is different in that feelings, sensuality and sensitivity are dulled, the desire for sex ceases to be huge and exciting the imagination. Easily accessible sex ceases to be something so passionately desired and bringing intense pleasure.

Surprisingly, such consumer sex eventually ceases to bring sexual satisfaction. As a result, private and collective sexual frustration is growing in society. And we have more and more homosexuals, pedophiles, etc.

Life in the modern world - is happiness possible?

We live in amazing times. It is really very interesting, it really gives us a lot of opportunities for enjoyment and fulfillment, for creating successful relationships and happiness in every sense of the word. Life in the modern world is an adventure for each of us.

In order for this adventure to be joyful, and not difficult and stressful, you need to fulfill your own, innate (healthy) desires, realize your own mental properties.