Detective quest “Search for a stolen painting” (an investigation full of mysteries and secrets).

Brief description of the game:

  • - Stop, you are detained! – the guys heard. And two strangers appeared in front of the children. They were a man and a woman in strict black suits, dark glasses and hats. These were real agents - masters of their craft.
  • But the agents got it wrong. The detained guys turned out to be innocent. Then the detectives introduced themselves, Agent Hornet and Agent Wasp, shared their story with the guys, and told them that they were pursuing bandits who had robbed a bank. And when they learned that the guys had gathered for a birthday party, they invited everyone to become their assistants.
  • Well, you can’t hesitate, there’s a clue...
  • But not everything is so simple - the bandits apparently realized that they were being pursued and hid the loot. The money was found, the agents were happy, they thanked the guys by presenting them with certificates.
  • The detectives were ready to say goodbye, but the chief contacted them via radio. He told his charges that a valuable bust of Nefertiti had been stolen from the Museum of Applied Arts. And most importantly, the criminals were last seen in the square in which they are now located.
  • There is little time, we must hurry...
  • The guys’ efforts were not in vain; the bust of Nefertiti was found. The agents contacted the boss and reported on the completed task. However, this is not the end of the detective investigation. It turns out that Dulcinea Venediktovna, in other words, Baba Dusya, was robbed very close by. The robbers stole a bag with a pension and something else.
  • The old lady urgently needs help, fortunately the agents have her testimony...
  • Baba Dusya's bag has been found. The agents called the old lady, and the birthday boy told her the good news. The old lady's happiness knew no bounds. And the grateful agents decided to reward their assistants and gave them detective diplomas.
  • Holiday dinner: Takes place in a nearby restaurant or apartment
    The feast menu can be selected and discussed when ordering a holiday in our

    This scenario can also take place:

    • At school
    • At the restaurant
    • In a country house
    • To organize the quest in the above places, the conditions will be changed. A detailed discussion of the preparation for the game and the entire course of the event will be required.

      We can also conduct a quest according to your individual scenario

    The cost of the program in the city - park, playground - 40,300 RUR.

    How to order a quest?

    You can find out the details of the holiday, make an estimate for a comprehensive program (with the addition of show rooms and various holiday services), and also place an order by phone or with us in the office.

    Why is it better to call now?

    At first glance, it may seem that everyone’s birthdays and holidays are on different days, so you can book a holiday a couple of days in advance.

    On practice:

    • most often the celebration is postponed to the next day off;
    • Would you like to have a party in certain time to which you will invite all guests;
    • programs are presented in a single copy;

    And you will save your time.

    Detective games are not like the usual action game genres. Here the player will need his ability to be ingenious and solve puzzles. The ending of gamer detective stories is sometimes very difficult to predict. This is what captivates and attracts users.

    Gamers are presented with detective games on PC- list of the best.

    The top ten detective games for the computer opens with an adventure quest from Activision ““. The game is the seventh in the Call of Duty series. The main character, secret service agent Konstantin Gromov, is sent to the southern city to investigate the case of the disappearance of a criminal authority. The gamer will have to gain confidence in the gangster groups that control the drug trade in the city. The information collected by the agent puts his own life at risk if declassified. The game is considered one of the most successful in the gaming industry.

    The detective game is in ninth position. The game takes place in Russia. The main character is American private detective Archie Burrell. Fed up with the pleasures of his native country, a wealthy detective decides to look for exotic things in the Russian expanses. His adventures begin on the train, where he meets a charming blonde. He finds himself handcuffed and penniless. Archie will have to uncover a group of scammers that left him without capital. At the same time, the hero will have to go on the trail of a major spy. Having returned all his money and solved the crime, the detective rushes into the abyss of erotic pleasures in a foreign land and gambles.

    Eighth place in the list of the best detective games on PC goes to Agatha Christie: Murder on the Orient Express. At the center of the events is one of the best detectives of all time - Ecule Poirot. Financial magnate Samuel Ratchet asks the detective to become his personal bodyguard. Poirot refuses, and that same night Ratchet, who was traveling on the Orient Express, is murdered. The detective will have to take part in yet another unraveling of a mysterious murder. There will be no well-known ending based on Agatha Christie's novel. The developer has provided several alternative endings for those who are familiar with the writer’s work.

    The seventh position in the ranking of the best detective games on PC is occupied by a quest from the Airtight Games studio. The action takes place in the small town of Sailem. The main character of the game, detective Ronan O'Connor, is killed by a local criminal, the Beller. The detective's restless soul begins an investigation into his own murder. Otherwise, the detective will face an unenviable fate - to remain on earth forever in the guise of a demon. The gamer will have to investigate crime scenes, go through walls, and read the thoughts of other characters.

    In sixth place among the best games is a gaming detective. The user here will have to play alternately as two characters - journalist Paloma Hernandez and FBI agent Victoria McPherson. The bloody serial killer continues to commit his atrocities. Young girls are disappearing in the city again, and after that the maniac sends video materials about the details of violence and death to the journalist. Paloma is investigating the murders and calls Victoria for help. Soon the psychopath kidnaps Paloma, who tries to escape from him. Victoria has to figure out and catch the killer.

    The fifth place among the best detective games on PC is occupied by. The gamer will find himself in the 40s, in Hollywood. The main character for whom the user will have to conduct investigations is a Los Angeles police detective. The hero will have to fight the thriving drug business and corruption. The growing crime took root among his colleagues. The meticulous policeman will have to unravel brutal murder plots step by step, and in the end he will get to the solution to the most hidden secrets of the criminal world.

    In fourth place is the detective game. At the center of the investigation is the universally recognizable Sherlock Holmes. The detective receives a letter from the bishop, in which he asks to visit him. Arriving at the bishop, Holmes finds him murdered. The detective and his partner Watson begin an investigation. But a few days later, the police discover evidence implicating Holmes in the murder. The hero has no choice but to hide from justice and find evidence that speaks in his favor. The next serial game will delight gamers with new and more exciting puzzles.

    The top three detective games on PC open. The shooter will reveal to gamers the gangster secrets of New York. The main character Max Payne is a former police officer who turned out to be an outlaw. He receives information about the criminals who killed his family several years ago. Max is overwhelmed with a sense of revenge and he rushes in pursuit of the killers. In addition to trivial shootings, the player will find a lot of acrobatic stunts.

    In second place among detective games is. In the next part, the main character is still lawyer Phoenix. The actions taking place in the virtual world are divided into two parts. In the first, an investigation takes place, during which the gamer collects all the necessary material evidence. The second part takes place in the courtroom, where the main character comes to the defense of the defendant. The new version of the game has some innovations: the user will now be able to make notes in a notepad, and the crime scene can be viewed in 3D. The outcome of the final process in the new part may depend entirely on a few words. Unpredictable turns and denouement await the gamer.

    Tops the list of the best games in the detective quest genre. This is a rather unique game where the gamer faces an intricate investigation. Each of the material evidence found will lead to a unique outcome. The main character of Blade Runner, Ray McCoy, begins to search for evidence in the case of destruction in one of the pet stores. But as the game progresses, some details of the hero’s participation in this crime become clear. The character will regularly be faced with the problem of choosing - the bad or the good side. The main task of the gamer is to fire the replicants. Special tests or indisputable evidence will help you find out whether you are a replicant.

    Everyone knows how much children adore detective stories. And every child dreams of becoming a detective and trying on the role of a real detective.

    Exciting quest games« The Case of the Missing Ring" And " The Case of the Christmas Tree» will help make childhood dreams come true. They will be an excellent alternative to the currently popular quest rooms. Here are real quests in an envelope that you can complete right at home.

    Detective questroom at your home

    Detective Kolmogorsky's office is in full swing. There are two new cases on the way - about the disappearance of a ring and valuable seeds. There is a lot to do - collect evidence, investigate the crime scene, record suspicious details and find the criminals.

    In the quests “The Case of the New Year Tree” and “The Case of the Missing Ring”, your child will be able to become a participant in intriguing events, solve their first crimes and feel like a real Sherlock Holmes.

    We wanted to make a detective story in which the reader, along with the main characters, operates with all the data and evidence and can not only guess, but consistently explain who and why could not have committed the crime, and who is clearly guilty.

    Cool, intricate stories captivate, make you rack your brains, and develop logic and ingenuity. In each of them, everything is thought out to the smallest detail - the image of the detective, the details of the case, the plots, the characters. The whole family can play.

    This is exactly family entertainment, when the family can feel like a team, when the child noticed one thing, and dad came up with another, mom clarified the third, and grandma didn’t let everyone forget about the fourth. The most fruitful ideas are always born in discussion.

    How to become Sherlock?

    To start an exciting quest game, you need to read the story from the brochure and Kolmogorsky's notes, which refer to the necessary evidence. Then lay out the evidence and photos of the suspects on the detective’s board, plot the events on the time line to understand who has an alibi. And, of course, think, build logical chains and look for the criminal.

    In quests, as in life, no one offers answers. However, once the child has solved the case, he can test himself. To do this you need to go tosecret page and enter there the answer to the main question of the quest. If the answer is correct, then the young detective will be able to read the ending of the detective story, receive personal gratitude from detective Kolmogorsky, as well as a gift from the publishing house.

    Now let's find out what the essence of each story is.

    The Case of the Missing Ring

    This is an exciting story in the spirit of classic detective stories - about the loss of a jewel.

    Mrs. Amethystova is seriously alarmed: someone has stolen her favorite ring. Fortunately, she has someone to turn to: the legendary detective Kolmogorsky lives next door. You can become his assistant and together unravel a difficult case. Kolmogorsky's notes will tell you where to start.

    Collect evidence, investigate the crime scene, write down suspicious details. The time line will help restore the picture of events and check the alibis of all suspects. All that remains is to return the missing ring to the owner!

    Marina-Marianna, review from Labyrinth. RU:« We opened the quest with our daughter (12 years old) and her friend (13 years old) and played with great pleasure. The story is written in a lively and fun way. The riddle is moderately confusing, but not too difficult. We racked our brains, but eventually found the solution. Then we went to check on the publisher’s website. For the correct decision we received a small gift. The girls really liked it. They are already looking forward to the second quest» .

    The Case of the Christmas Tree

    The second story is also about a disappearance, but this time it is very unusual.

    An alarm bell woke up Detective Kolmogorsky in the night. His old friend Rudolf, the owner of a chemical laboratory, discovered the sabotage. Scientists were going to present a unique variety of biodegradable Christmas trees at the exhibition, but now they are in danger of failure: someone mixed defective seeds into the bag.

    All hope lies in the detective and his capable assistant, which each of the readers can become. One day before the opening of the exhibition, you and Kolmogorsky will have to find the intruders. A challenge only for the fearless and resourceful!

    Tatiana Verbitskaya:« The New Year's quest turned out to be intriguing and moderately difficult. We guessed right on the third try. I was pleased with the thick paper of the publication- It’s nice to hold it in your hands, you don’t worry about ruining it. The eldest daughter (she’s almost 15) liked the detective board; she saw something like it in her favorite detective series. I liked that the answer (as well as a gift from the publisher) is hidden on the site» .

    What's in the sets?

    Both sets include the materials necessary to solve the crime:

    This is a brochure with a story - a full-fledged detective story with different characters (positive and negative), written in simple language and interesting to read.

    The detective board is a field for the work of a young detective, on which it is convenient to lay out portraits of suspects and evidence. You can immediately make notes on the board, and also fill in the time axis with colored pencils. The board itself is a large poster printed on beautiful, textured paper.

    Portraits of suspects and evidence - from photographs of the crime scene to various documents - is something without which it will not be possible to acquit the innocent.

    Notes from detective Kolmogorsky - tips for novice detectives, formatted as notes. These are not ready-made answers, but leading questions and reasons for thought.

    Quests about the adventures of detective Kolmogorsky are exciting games for the whole family that will help you immerse yourself in the mysterious detective world, develop logic and give a lot of emotions. Hurry up, open the magic envelope and start your own investigation!

    Number of participants: minimum number of participants - 7, plus 1 presenter. If the number of people is larger, one can be appointed as a judge (selects the next piece of evidence to be opened), the rest - as jury judges (help the judge make a decision on the discovery of evidence, and also advise the investigator in making decisions).

    Purpose of the game: theatrical transformation into your hero. It is transformation that gives real emotions from the game.

    The plot of the home quest

    Exactly 12 months ago, a certain Robert Dobson bought a farm in Crimea. Six months later he was found dead, killed under mysterious circumstances. His widow Anne remained the sole owner of a large, once profitable vineyard with a winery in addition, on the outskirts of the city. Later it turned out that the winery had been in debt for a long time, and Ann had no idea how to run a business in another state. The widow decides to sell the farm, pay off her debts and leave for her homeland. But a severe drought and a shaky economy make selling nearly impossible. When the woman was already on the verge of despair, five people appeared in the farmyard. One of them is Mr. Robert's killer. It was the last day of October outside the window...

    The main participants of the quest (the presenter voices them at the beginning of the game)

    Who arrived at the farm?

    Michael Crosey. Michael once did business with Mr. Dobson. But a year before Dobson left for Crimea, they had a big quarrel and stopped collaborating. Crosey arrived at the farm unannounced to purchase the winery. He was ready to pay immediately, without haggling. And it was suspicious...

    Dr. Chelsea. In the past, she is a researcher at the Institute of Chemistry under the Ministry of Education. This woman came to the peninsula to change the situation and forget. She recently lost a child, suffered a major nervous breakdown and often has terrible dreams. She said that she wants to write a bestseller, and therefore dreams of living on a wine farm that breathes mystery. For this reason, she is even ready to buy it... But this woman did not tell the whole truth...

    Vicky. Anne's younger sister. She and her husband were planning to go on vacation to Jamaica, but suddenly she changed her mind and begged her husband to come to Crimea. The sisters had not communicated for several years, and then suddenly, this unexpected visit...

    Catherine. Ekaterina is a librarian, historian and part-time esotericist with a real passion for murder mysteries and book detectives. She also lives next door to the farm and grows exotic flowers on her property. When the Dobson family moved to Crimea, she often began visiting them for tea. Catherine and Anne became friends. But was it really friendship, or something else?..

    Andrey’s parents are immigrants from Great Britain, so they gave their son this last name. This guy is a famous Crimean tramp and musician. Not so long ago, Ann took a fancy to him, and therefore settled on the farm... This was back when Robert Dobson was alive...

    Which of these people could kill the owner of the wine farm? Each of them has a motive! This means that we need to understand this mystery of death with the tart wine taste of rage. Or jealousy. Or esotericism. Or hysteria. Or banal profit, thirst for other people's money. We definitely need to find the killer before it's too late...

    But he will look into the murder Nikolay Bashkirov- an investigator for particularly important cases, known for his unscrupulousness and deductive abilities.

    Game host - in the role of assistant investigator.

    Dikmi: I would advise heating up the intrigue by giving the main characters of the quest the opportunity to reincarnate themselves, to experience everything that their character is capable of. Don't give out memorized lines like in the theater. It is enough to coordinate the investigation of the “Mysterious Murder” with several clues that the heroes find in a strictly defined period of time.

    Murder Mystery Scenario

    Dikmi: Each participant at the very beginning of the investigation receives a detailed description of his character’s role in the mysterious murder and does not show it to anyone. His task is to, even knowing the fact of his hero’s atrocities, come up with a convincing alibi for him and stubbornly deny the charges against him. For other players, the goal of the game is to identify the criminal and help the investigation and the court deliver fair justice.

    Description of the role of the participants in the murder (text on individual cards, for self-study by players)

    Ann Map

    Anne had not loved her husband for a long time. She was very old-fashioned and conservative. She lived with him out of habit and simply because she could not imagine her life alone. During the almost daily rows, Dobson often beat her. In addition, she knew about his numerous infidelities. But it was all about her psychology. She blamed herself for the fact that they had no children and were therefore destined to live together in misery.

    But when Andrei Graves appeared in their house, her life changed. She immediately fell in love with the handsome young man, and he reciprocated her feelings. They began a whirlwind romance, and since her husband never paid much attention to her, their affair was not difficult to hide from his eyes. Although it was much more difficult to hide it from the eyes of others and most likely many around knew about their relationship, but not Dobson.
    Before her husband’s death, Andrei revealed to her the secret of Dobson’s safe, where millions stolen from his former partner were hidden. The lovers decide to take this money and escape to warm countries.

    Basic alibi:
    - She had no reason to kill her husband. She did not want to leave him, although she could have done so at any moment; he did not hold her. In terms of money, she was not sure that the will was left to her, because her relationship with him was very bad.

    On the night of the murder, until her husband returned from the factory, Anne was packing her bags and saying goodbye to Vicky. Ann was planning to run away with Andrei that evening. Any minute now Andrei was supposed to knock on the window. But for some reason he was delayed.

    Map by Michael Crosey

    Michael and Robert were once friends. This means that we talked not only about production topics. Friends often went to public places, and these were far from theaters and museums. The result of one of these meetings was for Robert to meet a certain Margaret (aka Doctor Chelsea). She was not a classic prostitute. Rather, just like Robert and Michael, she loved to sprinkle her boring life with hot pepper. Their relationship developed, and soon Robert shared the news with Michael: Margaret was pregnant.

    A few days after this news, Robert reset the accounts of the joint company and disappeared in an unknown direction. The company became bankrupt. Several years have passed. Michael lived with a thirst for revenge and to return the lost money. We were talking about many millions of dollars. Naturally, when he learned that his former friend had bought a farm in God-forsaken Crimea, he wanted to immediately destroy the enemy. But his lawyer convinced him to keep an eye on the Dobson farm.

    It is Crozy who sends shirt-guy Andrei Graves to the farm. Andrey becomes his eyes and ears on the Crimean estate. Thanks to a spy, Michael learns the details of double-entry bookkeeping. And also that Robert hid the stolen money in one of his secret safes. Millions could be returned!

    But Crosey did not expect that Robert’s wife, Anne, and the handsome guest would have an affair. He also did not imagine that Margaret, a mysterious lady in a mask from a past life, would suddenly appear in Crimea... It was these circumstances that complicated everything. To protect his money and eliminate competitors, Michael arrived in Crimea shortly before Robert's death. He didn’t know how he could talk to the traitor, so for several weeks he simply observed the inhabitants of the winery, remaining incognito. He analyzed the information obtained by Graves and already knew where the safe was. And then Robert was killed.

    For Michael, the death of a former friend came as an unexpected twist.

    Basic alibi:
    - killing his ex-partner is not beneficial for him, since he will not be able to return the stolen money

    Where were you at the time of the murder?
    Michael began to suspect for a long time that Andrei was not telling him something and decided to follow him. It was at the moment when Graves opened the safe that Crosey put a gun to his head. Crosie demanded that all the money be given back. In exchange for silence and the opportunity to leave the farm undetected. Together with Ann.

    Wiki Map

    Vicky is a cheerful and fun-loving girl. She has been married for a long time and for love. Knowing exactly what true love is, she sincerely pities her sister Anne, whose husband, Robert, does not respect her, sometimes beats her and often cheats on her. Once upon a time, a long time ago, Vicky tried to tell her sister about Dobson’s adventures. Ann didn’t believe it, and the sisters quarreled because of this.

    But one day, evidence fell into Vicki’s hands: photographs of Robert kissing a half-naked girl in a mask. She was in a hurry to show them to her sister.

    On the evening of the murder, Vicky overheard a conversation between Ann and Andrey that that evening they had decided to run away from the farm with a large sum of money. She didn't know anything else...

    Vicky hoped to make peace with her loved one. Vicky was not involved in the murder.

    Additional goal for the game:
    - protect your sister Anne with all your might and avoid being accused and arrested

    Basic alibi:
    - She is a fragile and simple woman, simply not capable of murder. And the motive is not enough, you could simply persuade your sister to get a divorce.

    Where were you at the time of the murder?
    Shortly before the murder, Vicky went to see her sister and saw the suitcases. She already knew everything. The sisters said goodbye warmly and cried. Vicky approved of her decision. Her mission was completed.

    Catherine Map

    Catherine was strange and mysterious. She also had beautiful eyes that attracted you like a magnet. Everyone, including Dobson. Catherine was a self-sufficient woman and preferred to choose men herself. But she, after several months of courtship, succumbed to the charisma of the hunter of women’s hearts. Robert and Catherine became lovers.

    The relationship was also fueled by the fact that neither of them wanted Robert’s wife, Anne, to find out about the affair. Catherine played her friend beautifully, and Robert even became a little more affectionate towards his wife, shouted at her less and found fault with minor everyday troubles. This girl actually fell in love with Robert. Therefore, one fine day I decided, using my esoteric abilities, to look into his and my destiny. From now on, she became quiet and closed, moving away from everyone. She saw the death of her lover in the prediction. She also knew that he would be killed and that the killer would be a woman. And that it is not in her power to avert the crime.

    It was she who left the white freesia near the already dead Robert, as a farewell message, a gift to lost love. But the murder itself was not her doing.

    Basic alibi:
    - She is a simple librarian and not capable of murder. She didn’t know about the will, but she didn’t even need that - she led a very ascetic lifestyle and simply didn’t need wealth.

    Where were you at the time of the murder?
    That night Catherine could not sleep for a long time. Her heart ached from a heavy foreboding. She knew that loneliness was destined for her. That this, her last love, will soon dissolve in the arms of death. At exactly 2 o'clock, when Dobson's heart stopped, she opened her eyes. She should have at least said goodbye to him. Catherine cut off a freesia bud, added grapes to it, carefully wrapped it in burlap and went to the Dobson house. She cried over the already dead Robert. As a farewell, she left her gift and a kiss.

    Andrew Graves Map

    This guy was a creative person and loved freedom very much. And he was sure that money gives a person freedom. When a certain Mr. Crosey invited him to earn extra money by revealing the secrets of the Dobsons, he took it as an exciting game. Andrey saw where the winemaker hid his will. Moreover, he easily figured out Robert’s hiding place, even found the key to it...
    But! Several unforeseen circumstances happened in his life.

    First, he really fell in love with Dobson's wife Anne. At first he needed her to complete the task. But then, he was captivated by her touching beauty and defenselessness, her sincerity and blindness towards her sadistic husband.

    Secondly, he learned about the real number of zeros in the contents of Dobson's safe. The amount was tens of times higher than Crosey's promised fee. Andrei sincerely confesses everything to Ann, and the lovers decide to flee the farm, taking the contents of the safe with them. The escape was planned precisely for the night under cover of which the murder was committed.

    Robert's death spoiled these plans. But neither Ann nor Andrei were involved in the murder. It was simply not profitable for them.

    Basic alibi:
    - he had no motive to kill Dobson, so he gained nothing from it

    Where were you at the time of the murder?
    Andrei was waiting for the right moment to open the safe, take its contents and leave with Ann without witnesses. At that moment Crosey's pistol appeared at his head.

    Dr. Chelsea Card

    This woman was actually a researcher at the Institute of Chemistry under the Ministry of Education. She actually came to the peninsula shortly after the Dobsons. She lost the child... the child she dreamed of! After all, he was part of the person she truly loved. The child who was the result of her secret game. Chelsea's doctor's name was Margaret. She was from Dobson's past life, a life where Michael Crosey was in his company. She was Dobson's mistress and was pregnant by him. Crosey, of course, knew Margaret and her fate. But does he suspect what she is capable of for revenge?

    The child was to become Robert Dobson's only heir (since he and Anne had no children). But Dobson, after learning about the child, disappeared without a trace. She was very worried about this fact and lost her child. Her whole life went downhill.

    The woman successfully played mad, since this position allowed her to carefully prepare a plan for revenge. For devoted love, for the death of a baby, for someone else's happiness.

    She was the one who killed Dobson. The only way I knew. She invented her own recipe for making wine. On her order, through dummies, Dobson himself brought it to life. For this wine, it was necessary to make grape juice (only in wooden tubs, and only by hand!) Then it settled in metal vats and underwent heat treatment. The chemical reaction of the ingredients gave birth to a deadly poison. After sending the finished wine to the customer, Dobson decided to taste the rest. He always did this, and Dr. Chelsea knew it. Robert poured himself a glass... The clock struck 2 o'clock in the morning.

    Goals for the game:
    - avoid murder charges and arrest

    Basic alibi:
    - she (allegedly) did not know Dobson very well and did not have any motives (we are keeping the real motive secret)

    Where were you at the time of the murder?
    She was in the house. She had to see with her own eyes the result of her revenge. She had to watch the life drain from the man who ruined her life. And only when Robert Dobson said goodbye to this world did she go into the emptiness of the night. With emptiness in my heart and eyes...

    Home quest plan "Tart Grapes of Fury":

    1. General information about the plot of the game (voiced by the presenter) -.

    2. Information about the participants in the game (voiced by the presenter) - .

    3. The presenter chooses a role for each participant (the key role is the investigator, because the entire pace of the game depends on his persistence and activity) - tips on choosing a role from practice.

    2. EVIDENCE FROM THE CRIME SCENE. At the murder scene, next to Robert's corpse, Anne found a strange bouquet of very rare flowers: white freesia, wrapped in a piece of burlap. Who was this message addressed to? What does this bouquet of very rare flowers mean? You can prepare a flower, or you can simply voice the evidence in words.

    3. DOBSON'S NOVEL. There were witnesses who claim that Catherine and Dobson were repeatedly seen alone in a restaurant. Surely they had an affair. Photo of Dobson and Catherine

    4. DOBSON'S OLD DEBTS. The investigation received information that Crosey and Dobson had quarreled over money. Dobson stole a large amount of money and fled. Allegedly, Crosey knew that Robert did not put the stolen amount in the bank, but hid it on the farm. He wants his capital back. And isn't this a reason to kill the traitor?

    5. CONSPIRACY AROUND DOBSON. We have witnesses who saw Crozy and Andrei Graves in the cafe, immediately after Crozy arrived in Crimea. This means they knew each other beforehand. And why did Crozy first meet Andrey and only after that come to the farm? Photo in the cafe

    6. DOBSON'S SINS. Numerous eyewitnesses claim that Dobson was very rude to his wife Anne. Traces of beatings were repeatedly seen on her body. In addition, everyone knew that Dobson often cheated on his wife. Isn't this a reason to kill? Witness's testimonies

    7. DOBSON'S PAST. After a search, Ann's sister Vicky found last year's photos of Dobson cheating on Ann. But Vicky loves her sister very much, isn’t it a reason for Vicky to settle scores with her sister’s husband, who ruined her life and the relationship between the sisters. Photos of Dobson's betrayals

    8. WHO HIDES THEIR DATE WITH EACH OTHER. There is no clear evidence, but there is an assumption that Crosey and Dr. Chelsea already knew each other before. Or maybe this is not just an assumption? Photo evidence

    9. WHO HIDES THEIR DATING WITH DOBSON. Cooperation with the investigation in another country bore fruit: they sent us a photo where Dobson repeatedly met with Dr. Chelsea, and in a rather warm atmosphere. Maybe Dr. Chelsea has his own score to settle with Dobson? Photo of Dobson and Dr. Chelsea

    10. A NOVEL SECRET FROM DOBSON. There were witnesses who claim that Ann and Andrei had a very warm relationship. Could this be a conspiracy between a couple in love? Witness's testimonies

    11. WHAT DOBSON DIED FROM. Dobson was poisoned. The composition of the poison is unknown. Most likely it was a complex combination of various harmless components, which together produce a deadly poison. Expert opinion from a chemical laboratory

    Tips for the presenter:

    ONLY the host should know the entire game scenario and who the criminal is.

    It is better for the role of the players to be chosen by the presenter consciously, based on the personal qualities of the players

    The game ends with the crime completely solved. If the players are deadlocked after all (or most) of the evidence, they need to prepare 5 100% alibi cards (one for each innocent person). The presenter has the cards and at any time he can choose one of the cards for the judge (or investigator) or open it himself. After opening the card, the player listed on it is immediately found not guilty of murder and the discussion continues further.

    Warn the players that it is impossible to write everything down on the cards, so they will have to think out and compose a lot on the fly, which adds a unique flavor and personality to each game

    Questions from the assistant investigator (leader) at the beginning of the game to each player:

    1. For what purpose did you decide to buy this farm?

    2. What was your relationship with the late Dobson?

    3. Where were you on the night of the murder?

    Quest “Detective School!”

    Quest completion time a - about 60 minutes
    Number of participants- up to 15 people
    The quest is a modern mix of a themed party and a traditional holiday with a guest host. Its basis is achieving a set goal through overcoming a series of tasks or puzzles gradually, step by step. Thanks to the unusual format of the event, each child will have to be active. As a result, the holiday will become not only entertaining, but also developmental.
    Age: from 8 to 14 years.
    Events using this scenario can be organized:
    At school;
    in the apartment;
    in a children's cafe;
    on the street, etc.
    Props: Letter, task cards, code, rope maze.

    Event scenario

    The presenter reads the letter to the children.
    Dear ladies and gentlemen, I am Sherlock Holmes, I invite you to take a course at my detective school. Why you? Yes, because everyone talks about your insight, intelligence, dexterity and cunning.
    I really need such helpers, but I have to make sure that you really are what they say you are.
    To do this, pass my tests!
    Host: Well, guys, it turns out that getting into the Sherlock Holmes school is not so easy. Are you ready to take the test? They should probably be attached to the letter (opens the envelope and takes out cards with tasks). And here are the tests themselves. So, let's begin!!!

    1st card:
    Task 1. “Try - don’t make a mistake.”
    A good detective must be very attentive. Let's see how attentive you are!

    The presenter asks the guys sitting in the hall:
    - Can you now repeat three short phrases after me?
    Nobody doubts this, of course. “Twice two is four,” says the presenter. Everyone confidently repeats this first phrase.
    “Three times three is nine,” he says. There was no error again, everything was repeated.
    “Well, you were wrong,” the presenter joyfully declares. The guys are perplexed: “Why?” The presenter explains: “Well, you were mistaken” - this was my third phrase. Nobody repeated it.” Well, if someone is very attentive and repeats it, then he gets a prize - candy

    2nd card:
    Task 2. “Plasticine dolls” Without mastering the secrets of conspiracy, you will not become a good intelligence officer. One of the components of conspiracy is the ability to transform.
    During the task you will have to turn into a plasticine doll. The exercise consists of three stages.
    At the first signal, you become a plasticine doll that was kept in a cold place. It is clear that the material has lost its plasticity, it is hard and cruel.
    The second signal from the presenter marks the beginning of work with the dolls. It will change your poses, but don't forget that the frozen shape will make it more difficult and she will have to feel some resistance from the material!
    The third signal is the beginning of the last stage of the exercise. Imagine that in the room where our plasticine dolls are located, all the heating devices were turned on at the same time. What, did you feel feverish? That's right, dolls experience something similar too! What's happening to them? They begin to soften. As a result, the entire doll “drains” onto the floor and turns into some kind of shapeless mass.
    3rd card:
    Task 3. “Get into character” To establish the identity of the criminal, many detectives get used to his image. The same thing awaits you now. A description of a criminal is read to you, you listen carefully to the description, then you portray this criminal.
    1. His gait could not be confused with any other, since he moved somehow spasmodically, and his head was always tilted somewhat to the right. And he also constantly sang: “And I love girls...”
    2. He had a charming smile. He had a slight limp on his left leg. The weakness in his character was that he constantly unbuttoned and fastened the buttons on the collar of his shirt.
    3. His gait could be called a cockroach step. One pant leg was rolled up above the knees. The first thing that caught your eye when meeting him was that he was shaking like a leaf and muttering something under his breath.
    4. He was a tall man with his head held high and his chest wide. He always kept his hands in his pockets and only occasionally took out his left hand to scratch the back of his head. At the same time, his eyes darted in different directions, and his right leg occasionally twitched.

    4th Card:
    Task 4. “Screen of transformations.”
    For this task you will need to go on stage.
    You must prove yourself in the ability to radically change your image.
    Let's say an old man comes backstage and a little boy comes out. The cat disappears behind the scenes, and a mouse jumps out squeaking. The actress, shivering from the cold, hides behind the scenes, only to reappear a second later, exhausted from the heat.

    5th card:
    Task 5. “Chatterbox - a find for a spy”
    The ability to keep one's mouth shut is one of the main qualities of a detective. Some people have it from birth, while others will have to develop it.
    The leader, having placed chairs in a circle with his assistants, invites all the cadets to sit on them. A chair is also placed in the center of the circle - for the instructor. He conducts an “interrogation with passion,” asking questions to the listeners around him in such a way as to take them by surprise. The complexity of the situation lies in the fact that it is not the one to whom the question is addressed that must answer, but his neighbor, for example, on the right. In addition, questions cannot be answered with “yes” or “no,” and color names are prohibited.
    Encouragement will be given to those who have never made a mistake and who have given accurate answers without delay.
    Question options:
    1.Is a square a rectangle?
    2. Is the earth spherical?
    3. Does the cow give clear milk?
    4. Do you know how to cook scrambled eggs?
    5. Do you prefer black or red currants?
    6. Is it true that your name is Natalya?
    7. Does the frog cackle?
    8. Does the Volga flow into the Caspian Sea?
    9. Is an apple a fruit?
    10. Can you keep secrets?

    6th card:
    In the next two tasks you will have to show both detective and theatrical talents.
    Task 6. “Receiving guests”
    One of you will be the owner of the house. He has to receive guests. Who are these guests? This is where the problem lies. The fact is that when the owner walks out the door, you and I will determine what role each of the actors got. They can be anyone and anything: relatives of the owner of the apartment, his friends or enemies, service workers, presidents, inanimate objects, feelings, seasons... Our imagination is limitless here. Having determined the roles of the guests, we will invite the owner of the apartment to return to the room and ask, within, say, 5-10 minutes, to determine what kind of guests came to him today.
    How to determine the image of a guest? Firstly, the actors playing the guests will have to come up with some kind of plastic image for their character, so the nature of the movements will already be some kind of clue. Also, consider using vocal expression. During the game, the host can ask the guests various questions - all together or separately, at his discretion. When answering questions, guests continue to play their roles and try to remain incognito. That is, the guests’ answers should be at the level of hints, clarifications, but not open “removing the mask.” If, within the allotted time, the host manages to identify the images of the guests, he emerges from the game as a winner.
    7th card:
    Task 7. “An incident at a mountain resort.”
    You need to split into two teams. One team will stage a proposed crime, and the second team will have to solve it.
    Crime scenario:
    The owner of the sanatorium, Ekaterina, calls detective Ulyana on the phone.
    Ekaterina: “Hello! Is this detective Ulyana? Hello! The owner of the sanatorium, Ekaterina, is speaking to you. Could you please come urgently?”
    Ulyana approaches Ekaterina’s sanatorium and looks around.
    Ulyana: “Hm, this place is secluded... and there are no traces!”
    Ekaterina: “At night all my savings disappeared. One of the guests took advantage of my sound sleep. The ski season is ending, and there are only three guests in the sanatorium.”
    Ulyana: “Do they know anything about your habits?”
    Ekaterina: “Only that I take sleeping pills at night.”
    Ulyana: “Don’t worry, I’ll handle this matter.”
    Ulyana comes to the first guest, Anna, who has just woken up.

    Ulyana: “Did you spend the night here?”
    Anna: “Yes, I didn’t go out. It snowed all night, I slept peacefully.”
    Ksenia, the second vacationer, has already made her own coffee and is having breakfast.
    Ulyana: “What do you think about the disappearance?”
    Ksenia: “I just found out about her from you. I slept soundly all night."
    The third guest, Eva, was absent all night.
    Ulyana: “Was there any suspicious noise at night?”
    Eva: “I don’t know! I spent the night with friends in a neighboring village and returned only in the morning.”
    Ulyana goes to the center of the hall.
    Ulyana: “I already know who stole the money. And you?"
    Answer: Eva stole the money. Otherwise, why would she need to lie that she had been out all night and had just returned? She is exposed in a lie by the untouched snow cover that Ulyana saw when approaching the sanatorium.

    8th Card:
    Task 8. “Alarm”
    You need to quietly and unnoticed enter the bandits’ lair and pick up the mysterious package.”
    The entrance to the lair is blocked by a special security system.
    The security system is an ordinary underwear elastic, which I used to tighten the entrance, leaving small cells into which you can crawl (not without difficulty).
    The package is at the end of the maze. The students' task is to get to it without touching the edge of the elastic band.

    Children pass the last test, take the package, unwrap it and find nice gifts inside (Diplomas for young detectives).