What did the Nazis do with the captured women? Women soldiers of the Red Army in German captivity.


The story contains scenes of torture, violence, sex. If this offends your tender soul, don’t read, but get the fuck out of here!


The plot takes place during the Great Patriotic War. A partisan detachment operates in the territory occupied by the Nazis. The fascists know that there are many women among the partisans, just how to identify them. Finally they managed to catch the girl Katya when she was trying to sketch a diagram of the location of German firing points...

The captured girl was led into a small room in the school, where the Gestapo department was now located. A young officer interrogated Katya. Besides him, there were several policemen and two vulgar-looking women in the room. Katya knew them, they served the Germans. I just didn’t fully know how.

The officer instructed the guards holding the girl to release her, which they did. He motioned for her to sit down. The girl sat down. The officer ordered one of the girls to bring tea. But Katya refused. The officer took a sip, then lit a cigarette. He offered it to Katya, but she refused. The officer started a conversation, and he spoke Russian quite well.

What is your name?


I know that you were engaged in intelligence work for the communists. This is true?

But you are so young, so beautiful. You probably ended up in their service by accident?

No! I am a Komsomol member and want to become a communist, like my father, Hero of the Soviet Union, who died at the front.

I regret that such a young beautiful girl fell for the bait of the red asses. At one time, my father served in the Russian army during the First World War. He commanded a company. He has many glorious victories and awards to his name. But when the communists came to power, for all his services to his homeland he was accused of being an enemy of the people and shot. My mother and I faced starvation, like the children of enemies of the people, but one of the Germans (who was a prisoner of war and whose father did not allow us to be shot) helped us escape to Germany and even enlist. I always wanted to be a hero like my father. And now I have arrived to save my homeland from the communists.

You are a fascist bitch, an invader, a killer of innocent people...

We never kill innocent people. On the contrary, we are returning to them what the red-assed people took from them. Yes, we recently hanged two women who set fire to houses where our soldiers temporarily settled. But the soldiers managed to run out, and the owners lost the last thing that the war did not take away from them.

They fought against...

Your people!

Not true!

Okay, let us be invaders. You are now required to answer several questions. After that, we will determine your punishment.

I won't answer your questions!

Okay, then name with whom you are organizing terrorist attacks against German soldiers.

Not true. We've been watching you.

Then why should I answer?

So that innocent people don't get hurt.

I won't tell you anyone...

Then I will invite the boys to untie your stubborn tongue.

Nothing will work out for you!

We'll see about that later. So far there has not been a single case out of 15 and nothing has worked out for us... Let's get to work, boys!

And such atrocities have been committed by the “heroes of Ukraine”!

We read and absorb. This must be conveyed to the consciousness of our children. We need to learn to decently interpret the detailed terrible truth about the atrocities of the Bandera heroes of the Zvaryche-Khoruzhev nation.
Detailed materials about the struggle of the “heroes of the nation” on this land against the civilian population can be easily found in any search engine.

This is our proud history.

"...on the day of the anniversary of the UPA, the Upovites decided to present their “general” with an unusual gift - 5 heads cut off from the Poles. He was pleasantly surprised both by the gift itself and by the resourcefulness of his subordinates.
Such “zeal” embarrassed even seasoned Germans. The General Commissioner of Volyn and Podolia, Obergruppenführer Schöne, asked the “Metropolitan” Polycarp Sikorsky to calm down his “flock” on May 28, 1943: “National bandits (my italics) also manifest their activities in attacks on unarmed Poles. According to our calculations, 15 thousand Poles have been muzzled today! The Yanova Dolina colony does not exist.”

In the “SS Chronicle of the Galicia Rifle Division,” which was kept by its Military Administration, there is the following entry: “03/20/44: there is in Volyn, which is probably already in Galicia, a Ukrainian rebel who boasts that he strangled 300 shower of the Poles. He is considered a hero."

The Poles have published dozens of volumes of such facts of genocide, none of which Bandera’s supporters have refuted. There are no more than a notebook's worth of stories about similar acts of the Home Army. And even that should be supported by substantial evidence.

Moreover, the Poles did not ignore examples of mercy on the part of Ukrainians. For example, in Virka, Kostopol district, Frantiska Dzekanska, while carrying her 5-year-old daughter Jadzia, was mortally wounded by a Bandera bullet. The same bullet grazed the child's leg. For 10 days the child stayed with the murdered mother, eating grains from the spikelets. A Ukrainian teacher saved the girl.

At the same time, he probably knew what such an attitude towards “outsiders” threatened him with. After all, in the same district, Bandera’s men muzzled two Ukrainian children just because they were raised in a Polish family, and three-year-old Stasik Pavlyuk’s head was smashed against the wall, holding him by the legs.

Of course, terrible revenge awaited those Ukrainians who treated the Soviet liberating soldiers without hostility. OUN district guide Ivan Revenyuk (“Proud”) recalled how “at night, from the village of Khmyzovo, a rural girl of about 17 years old, or even younger, was brought into the forest. Her fault was that she, along with other village girls, went to dances when there was a military unit of the Red Army in the village. Kubik (brigade commander of the UPA "Tury" military district) saw the girl and asked Varnak (the conductor of the Kovel district) for permission to personally interrogate her. He demanded that she admit that she “walked” with the soldiers. The girl swore that this did not happen. “I’ll check it now,” Kubik grinned, sharpening a pine stick with a knife. A moment later, he jumped up to the prisoner and began to stick the sharp end between her legs until he drove the pine stake into the girl’s genitals.”

One night, bandits broke into the Ukrainian village of Lozovoye and killed over 100 of its residents in an hour and a half. In the Dyagun family, Bandera killed three children. The youngest, four-year-old Vladik, had his arms and legs cut off. The killers found two children in the Makukh family: three-year-old Ivasik and ten-month-old Joseph. The ten-month-old child, seeing the man, was delighted and laughingly stretched out her arms to him, showing her four teeth. But the ruthless bandit slashed the baby’s head with a knife, and cut off the head of his brother Ivasik with an ax.

One night, Bandera’s men brought a whole family from the village of Volkovya to the forest. They mocked unfortunate people for a long time. Then, seeing that the wife of the head of the family was pregnant, they cut her stomach, tore out the fetus from it, and instead stuffed a live rabbit into it.

“They surpassed even the sadistic German SS men with their atrocities. They torture our people, our peasants... Don’t we know that they cut up small children, smash their heads against stone walls so that their brains fly out of them. Terrible brutal murders are the actions of these rabid wolves,” cried Yaroslav Galan. With similar anger, the atrocities of Bandera were denounced by the OUN of Melnik, the UPA of Bulba-Borovets, the government of the Western Ukrainian People's Republic in exile, and the Union of Hetmans-Derzhavniki, which settled in Canada.

Even if belatedly, some Banderaites still repent of their crimes. So in January 2004, an elderly woman came to the editorial office of Sovetskaya Luganshchina and handed over a package from her friend who had recently passed away. The editorial guest explained that with her visit she was fulfilling the last will of a native of the Volyn region, an active Banderist in the past, who towards the end of her life rethought her life and decided with her confession to atone for an irreparable sin, at least a little.

“I, Vdovichenko Nadezhda Timofeevna, a native of Volyn... I and my family ask you to forgive us all posthumously, because when people read this letter, I will no longer be (my friend will carry out my order).
There were five of us parents, we were all inveterate Bandera followers: brother Stepan, sister Anna, me, sisters Olya and Nina. We all wore banderas, slept in our huts during the day, and walked around the villages at night. We were given tasks to strangle those who sheltered Russian prisoners and the prisoners themselves. The men did this, and we women sorted through clothes, took cows and pigs from dead people, slaughtered livestock, processed everything, stewed it and put it in barrels. Once, 84 people were strangled to death in one night in the village of Romanov. Elderly people and old people were strangled, and small children were strangled by the legs - once, they hit their heads on the door - and they were done and ready to go. We felt sorry for our men that they would suffer so much during the night, but they would sleep off during the day and the next night they would go to another village. There were people hiding. If a man was hiding, they were mistaken for women...
The others were removed from Verkhovka: Kovalchuk’s wife Tilimon for a long time did not admit where he was and did not want to open it, but they threatened her and she was forced to open it. They said: “Tell me where your husband is, and we won’t touch you.” She admitted that in a stack of straw, they pulled him out, beat him, beat him until they beat him to death. And the two children, Styopa and Olya, were good children, 14 and 12 years old... The youngest was torn into two parts, but Yunka’s mother no longer needed to be strangled, her heart had broken. Young, healthy guys were taken into the detachments to strangle people. So, from Verkhovka, two Levchuk brothers, Nikolai and Stepan, did not want to strangle them and ran home. We sentenced them to death. When we went to pick them up, the father said: “Take your sons and I’ll go.” Kalina, the wife, also says: “Take your husband and I’ll go.” They were brought out 400 meters away and Nadya asked: “Let Kolya go,” and Kolya said: Nadya, don’t ask, no one asked the Banders for time off and you won’t.” Kolya was killed. They killed Nadya, killed their father, and took Stepan alive, took him to a hut for two weeks in only his underwear - a shirt and pants, beat him with iron ramrods so that he would confess where his family was, but he was firm, did not admit to anything, and on the last evening they beat him , he asked to go to the toilet, one took him, and there was a strong snowstorm, the toilet was made of straw, and Stepan broke through the straw and ran away from our hands. All the data was given to us from Verkhovka by fellow countrymen Pyotr Rimarchuk, Zhabsky and Puch.
...In Novoselki, Rivne region, there was one Komsomol member, Motrya. We took her to Verkhovka to old Zhabsky and let’s get a heart from a living person. Old Salivon held a watch in one hand and a heart in the other to check how long the heart would beat in his hand. And when the Russians came, his sons wanted to erect a monument to him, saying he fought for Ukraine.
A Jewish woman was walking with a child, ran away from the ghetto, they stopped her, beat her and buried her in the forest. One of our banderas went after Polish girls. They gave him an order to remove them, and he said that he threw them into the stream. Their mother came running, crying, asking if I saw it, I said no, let’s go look, we go over that stream, my mother and I go there. We were given an order: Jews, Poles, Russian prisoners and those who hide them, to strangle everyone without mercy. The Severin family was strangled, and their daughter was married in another village. She arrived in Romanov, but her parents weren’t there, she started crying and let’s dig up things. The Banderas came, took the clothes, and locked my daughter alive in the same box and buried her. And her two small children remained at home. And if the children had come with their mother, then they too would have been in that box. There was also Kubluk in our village. He was sent to Kotov, Kivertsovsky district, to work. I worked for a week and, well, they cut off Kubluk’s head, and the neighboring guy took his daughter. The Banderas ordered to kill their daughter Sonya, and Vasily said: “We’re going to the forest for firewood.” Let's go, Vasily brought Sonya dead, and told people that the tree had killed her.
Timofey lived in our village. The old, old grandfather, what he said, so it will be, was a prophet from God. When the Germans arrived, they were immediately informed that there was such a person in the village, and the Germans immediately went to the old man so that he would tell him what would happen to them... And he told them: “I won’t tell you anything, because you will kill me.” " The negotiator promised that he would not lay a finger on him. Then the grandfather says to them: “You will reach Moscow, but from there you will run away as best you can.” The Germans did not touch him, but when the old prophet told the Banderas that they would not do anything by strangling the people of Ukraine, the Banderas came and beat him until he was killed.
Now I will describe about my family. Brother Stepan was an inveterate Banderaite, but I didn’t lag behind him, I went everywhere with Banderas, although I was married. When the Russians arrived, arrests began and people were taken out. Our family too. Olya made an agreement at the station, and she was released, but the Banderas came, took her away and strangled her. The father remained with his mother and sister Nina in Russia. The mother is old. Nina flatly refused to go to work for Russia, then her bosses offered her to work as a secretary. But Nina said that she didn’t want to hold a Soviet pen in her hands. They again met her halfway: “If you don’t want to do anything, then sign that you will hand over the Banders, and we will let you go home. Nina, without thinking for a long time, signed her name and was released. Nina had not yet arrived home when the Banderas were already waiting for her, they had gathered a meeting of boys and girls and were judging Nina: look, they say, whoever raises a hand against us, this will happen to everyone. To this day I don’t know where they put her.
All my life I carried a heavy stone in my heart, because I believed in the Banderas. I could sell any person if anyone said anything about the Banders. And let them, the accursed, be cursed by both God and people forever and ever. How many innocent people have been hacked to death, and now they want them to be equated with the defenders of Ukraine. And who did they fight with? With their neighbors, damned murderers. How much blood is on their hands, how many boxes with living people are buried. People were taken out, but even now they do not want to return to that Bandera era.
I tearfully beg you, people, forgive me my sins" (newspaper "Sovetskaya Luhanshchina", January 2004, No. 1)..."

135 tortures and atrocities applied by OUN-UPA terrorists to civilians

Driving a large, thick nail into the skull of the head.
Ripping off hair and skin from the head (scalping).
A blow to the skull of the head with the butt of an ax.
A blow to the forehead with the butt of an ax.
"Eagle" carved on the forehead.
Driving a bayonet into the temple of the head.
Gouging out one eye.
Knocking out two eyes.
Nose cutting.
Circumcision of one ear.
Cropping both ears.
Piercing children through with stakes.
Punching a sharpened thick wire right through from ear to ear.
Lip cutting.
Tongue cutting.
Throat cutting.
Cutting the throat and pulling out through the hole of the tongue.
Cutting the throat and inserting a piece into the hole.
Knocking out teeth.
Broken jaw.
Tearing the mouth from ear to ear.
Gagging of mouths with tow while transporting still living victims.
Cutting the neck with a knife or sickle.

Vertical chopping of a head with an axe.
Rolling the head back.
Crush the head by placing it in a vice and tightening the screw.
Cutting off the head with a sickle.
Cutting off the head with a scythe.
Chopping off a head with an axe.
An ax blow to the neck.
Inflicting puncture wounds to the head.
Cutting and pulling narrow strips of skin from the back.
Inflicting other chopped wounds on the back.
Stabbing with a bayonet in the back.
Broken rib cage bones.
Stabbing with a knife or bayonet in the heart or near the heart.
Causing puncture wounds to the chest with a knife or bayonet.
Cutting off a woman's breast with a sickle.
Cutting off women's breasts and pouring salt on the wounds.
Cutting off the genitals of male victims with a sickle.
Sawing the body in half with a carpenter's saw.
Causing puncture wounds to the abdomen with a knife or bayonet.
Piercing a pregnant woman's stomach with a bayonet.
Cutting open the abdomen and pulling out the intestines of adults.
Cutting the abdomen of a woman with an advanced pregnancy and inserting, for example, a live cat instead of the removed fetus and suturing the abdomen.
Cutting open the abdomen and pouring boiling water inside.
Cutting open the belly and putting stones inside it, as well as throwing it into the river.
Cutting open a pregnant woman's belly and pouring broken glass inside.
Pulling out veins from groin to feet.
Placing a hot iron into the groin - vagina.
Inserting pine cones into the vagina with the top side facing forward.
Inserting a pointed stake into the vagina and pushing it all the way down to the throat.
Cutting a woman's front torso with a garden knife from the vagina to the neck and leaving the insides outside.
Hanging victims by their entrails.
Inserting a glass bottle into the vagina and breaking it.
Inserting a glass bottle into the anus and breaking it.
Cutting open the belly and pouring inside the feed, the so-called feed meal, for hungry pigs, who tore out this feed along with the intestines and other entrails.
Chopping off one hand with an ax.
Chopping off both hands with an axe.
Piercing the palm with a knife.
Cutting off fingers with a knife.
Cutting off a palm.
Cauterization of the inside of the palm on a hot stove in a coal kitchen.
Chopping off the heel.
Chopping off the foot above the heel bone.
Breaking arm bones in several places with a blunt instrument.
Breaking leg bones in several places with a blunt instrument.
Sawing the body, lined with boards on both sides, in half with a carpenter's saw.
Sawing the body in half with a special saw.
Sawing off both legs with a saw.
Sprinkling hot coal on bound feet.
Nailing your hands to the table and your feet to the floor.
Nailing hands and feet to a cross in a church.
Hitting the back of the head with an ax to victims who had previously been laid on the floor.
Strikes with an ax over the entire body.
Chopping an entire body into pieces with an ax.
Breaking alive legs and arms in the so-called strap.
Nailing the tongue of a small child, who later hung on it, to the table with a knife.
Cutting a child into pieces with a knife and throwing them around.
Ripping the belly of children.
Nailing a small child to a table with a bayonet.
Hanging a male child by his genitals from a doorknob.
Knocking out a child's leg joints.
Knocking out the joints of a child's hands.
Suffocation of a child by throwing various rags over him.
Throwing small children alive into a deep well.
Throwing a child into the flames of a burning building.
Breaking a baby's head by picking him up by the legs and hitting him against a wall or stove.
Hanging a monk by his feet near the pulpit in a church.
Placing a child on a stake.
Hanging a woman upside down from a tree and mocking her - cutting off her breasts and tongue, cutting her stomach, gouging out her eyes, and cutting off pieces of her body with knives.
Nailing a small child to a door.
Hanging from a tree with your head up.
Hanging from a tree upside down.
Hanging from a tree with your feet up and scorching your head from below with the fire of a fire lit under your head.
Throwing down from a cliff.
Drowning in the river.
Drowning by throwing into a deep well.
Drowning in a well and throwing stones at the victim.
Piercing with a pitchfork, and then frying pieces of the body over a fire.
Throwing an adult into the flames of a fire in a forest clearing, around which Ukrainian girls sang and danced to the sounds of an accordion.
Driving a stake through the stomach and strengthening it in the ground.
Tying a man to a tree and shooting him at a target.
Taking them out into the cold naked or in underwear.
Strangulation with a twisted, soapy rope tied around the neck - a lasso.
Dragging a body along the street with a rope tied around the neck.
Tying a woman's legs to two trees, as well as her arms above her head, and cutting her stomach from the crotch to the chest.
Torso tearing with chains.
Dragging along the ground tied to a cart.
Dragging along the ground a mother with three children, tied to a cart drawn by a horse, in such a way that one leg of the mother is tied with a chain to the cart, and to the other leg of the mother is one leg of the oldest child, and to the other leg of the oldest child is tied the youngest child, and the leg of the youngest child is tied to the other leg of the youngest child.
Piercing the body through the barrel of a carbine.
Confining the victim with barbed wire.
Two victims being tied together with barbed wire.
Dragging several victims together with barbed wire.
Periodically tightening the torso with barbed wire and pouring cold water on the victim every few hours in order to regain consciousness and feel pain and suffering.
Burying the victim in a standing position in the ground up to his neck and leaving him in that position.
Burying alive up to the neck in the ground and later cutting off the head with a scythe.
Ripping the torso in half with the help of horses.
Tearing the torso in half by tying the victim to two bent trees and then freeing them.
Throwing adults into the flames of a burning building.
Setting fire to a victim previously doused with kerosene.
Placing sheaves of straw around the victim and setting them on fire, thus making the torch of Nero.
Sticking a knife into the back and leaving it in the victim's body.
Impaling a baby on a pitchfork and throwing it into the flames of a fire.
Cutting off the skin from the face with blades.
Driving oak stakes between the ribs.
Hanging on barbed wire.
Ripping off the skin from the body and filling the wound with ink, as well as dousing it with boiling water.
Attaching the torso to a support and throwing knives at it.
Binding is the shackling of hands with barbed wire.
Inflicting fatal blows with a shovel.
Nailing hands to the threshold of a home.
Dragging a body along the ground by legs tied with a rope.

On November 30, 1941, nonhumans in Nazi uniform hanged a Russian heroine. Her name was Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. The memory of her and other heroes who gave their lives for our freedom is extremely important. How many of our media will remember Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya and talk about her in the news this weekend? It’s not worth mentioning at all about non-our media...

I published an article about Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. The author of this material was our colleague from "" Unfortunately, over the past 2 years, this material has turned from historical into topical and has acquired a completely different sound.

“On November 29, 1941, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya died heroically. Her feat became a legend. She was the first woman to be awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War. Her name has become a household name and is inscribed in capital letters in heroic history. the Russian people - the victorious people.

The Nazis beat and tortured
Kicked out barefoot into the cold,
My hands were tied with ropes,
The interrogation lasted for five hours.
There are scars and abrasions on your face,
But silence is the answer to the enemy.
Wooden platform with crossbar,
You are standing barefoot in the snow.
A young voice sounds over the fire,

Above the silence of a frosty day:
- I’m not afraid to die, comrades,
My people will avenge me!


For the first time, Zoya’s fate became widely known from an essay Peter Alexandrovich Lidov“Tanya”, published in the newspaper “Pravda” on January 27, 1942 and telling about the execution by the Nazis in the village of Petrishchevo near Moscow of a partisan girl who called herself Tanya during interrogation. A photograph was published next to it: a mutilated female body with a rope around her neck. At that time, the real name of the deceased was not yet known. Simultaneously with the publication in Pravda in "Komsomolskaya Pravda" material was published Sergei Lyubimov"We won't forget you, Tanya."

We had a cult of the feat of “Tanya” (Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya) and it firmly entered the ancestral memory of the people. Comrade Stalin introduced this cult personally . February 16 In 1942, she was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously. And Lidov’s continuation article, “Who Was Tanya,” was published only two days later - 18th of Febuary 1942. Then the whole country learned the real name of the girl killed by the Nazis: Zoya Anatolyevna Kosmodemyanskaya, tenth grade student at school No. 201 in the Oktyabrsky district of Moscow. Her school friends recognized her from the photograph that accompanied Lidov’s first essay.

“In early December 1941, in Petrishchevo, near the city of Vereya,” wrote Lidov, “the Germans executed an eighteen-year-old Komsomol member from Moscow, who called herself Tatyana... She died in enemy captivity on a fascist rack, without making a single sound, without betraying her suffering, without betraying her comrades. She accepted martyrdom as a heroine, as the daughter of a great people that no one can ever break! May her memory live forever!”

During the interrogation, a German officer, according to Lidov, asked the eighteen-year-old girl the main question: “Tell me, where is Stalin?” “Stalin is at his post,” Tatyana answered.

In the newspaper "Publicity". September 24, 1997 in the material of professor-historian Ivan Osadchy under the heading “Her name and her feat are immortal” An act drawn up in the village of Petrishchevo on January 25, 1942 was published:

“We, the undersigned, - a commission consisting of: Chairman of the Gribtsovsky Village Council Mikhail Ivanovich Berezin, Secretary Klavdiya Prokofievna Strukova, collective farmers-eyewitnesses of the collective farm “8th of March” - Vasily Alexandrovich Kulik and Evdokia Petrovna Voronina - drew up this act as follows: During the occupation Vereisky district, a girl who called herself Tanya was hanged by German soldiers in the village of Petrishchevo. Later it turned out that it was a partisan girl from Moscow - Zoya Anatolyevna Kosmodemyanskaya, born in 1923. German soldiers caught her while she was on a combat mission, setting fire to a stable containing more than 300 horses. The German sentry grabbed her from behind, and she did not have time to shoot.

She was taken to the house of Maria Ivanovna Sedova, undressed and interrogated. But there was no need to get any information from her. After interrogation by Sedova, barefoot and undressed, she was taken to Voronina’s house, where the headquarters was located. There they continued to interrogate, but she answered all questions: “No! Don't know!". Having achieved nothing, the officer ordered that they start beating her with belts. The housewife, who was forced onto the stove, counted about 200 blows. She didn't scream or even utter a single moan. And after this torture she answered again: “No! I will not say! Don't know!"

She was taken out of Voronina's house; She walked, stepping bare feet in the snow, and was brought to Kulik’s house. Exhausted and tormented, she was surrounded by enemies. German soldiers mocked her in every possible way. She asked for a drink - the German brought her a lighted lamp. And someone ran a saw across her back. Then all the soldiers left, leaving only one sentry. Her hands were tied back. My feet are frostbitten. The sentry ordered her to get up and led her out into the street under his rifle. And again she walked, stepping barefoot in the snow, and drove until she froze. The guards changed after 15 minutes. And so they continued to lead her along the street the whole night.

P.Ya. Kulik (maiden name Petrushin, 33 years old) says: “They brought her in and sat her on a bench, and she gasped. Her lips were black, baked black, and her face was swollen on her forehead. She asked my husband for a drink. We asked: “Can I?” They said, “No,” and one of them, instead of water, raised a burning kerosene lamp without glass to his chin.

When I talked to her, she told me: “Victory is still ours. Let them shoot me, let these monsters mock me, but still they won’t shoot us all. There are still 170 million of us, the Russian people have always won, and now victory will be ours.”

In the morning they brought her to the gallows and began to photograph her... She shouted: “Citizens! Don’t stand there, don’t look, but we need to help fight!” After that, one officer swung his arms, and others shouted at her.

Then she said: “Comrades, victory will be ours. German soldiers, before it’s too late, surrender.” The officer shouted angrily: “Rus!” “The Soviet Union is invincible and will not be defeated,” she said all this at the moment when she was photographed...

Then they set up the box. She stood on the box herself without any command. A German came up and began to put on the noose. At that time she shouted: “No matter how much you hang us, you won’t hang us all, there are 170 million of us. But our comrades will avenge you for me.” She said this with a noose around her neck.”A few seconds before death, and a moment before Eternity she announced, with a noose around her neck, the verdict of the Soviet people: “ Stalin is with us! Stalin will come!

In the morning they built a gallows, gathered the population and publicly hanged him. But they continued to mock the hanged woman. Her left breast was cut off and her legs were cut with knives.

When our troops drove the Germans away from Moscow, they hastened to remove Zoya’s body and bury it outside the village; they burned the gallows at night, as if wanting to hide the traces of their crime. She was hanged in early December 1941. This is what the present act was drawn up for.”

And a little later, photographs found in the pocket of a murdered German were brought to the Pravda editorial office. 5 photographs captured the moments of the execution of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. At the same time, another essay by Pyotr Lidov appeared, dedicated to the feat of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, under the title “5 photographs.”

Why did the young intelligence officer call herself by this name (or the name “Taon”) and why was it her feat that Comrade Stalin singled out? After all, at the same time, many Soviet people committed no less heroic deeds. For example, on the same day, November 29, 1942, in the same Moscow region, partisan Vera Voloshina was executed, for her feat she was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree (1966) and the title of Hero of Russia (1994).

To successfully mobilize the entire Soviet people, Russian civilization, Stalin used the language of symbols and those triggering moments that could extract a layer of heroic victories from the ancestral memory of the Russians. We remember the famous speech at the parade on November 7, 1941, in which the great Russian commanders and the national liberation wars, in which we invariably emerged victorious, were mentioned. Thus, parallels were drawn between the victories of our ancestors and the current inevitable Victory. The surname Kosmodemyanskaya comes from the consecrated names of two Russian heroes - Kozma and Demyan. In the city of Murom there is a church named after them, erected by order of Ivan the Terrible.

Ivan the Terrible’s tent once stood on that spot, and Kuznetsky Posad was located nearby. The king was wondering how to cross the Oka, on the other bank of which there was an enemy camp. Then two blacksmith brothers, whose names were Kozma and Demyan, appeared in the tent and offered their help to the king. At night, in the dark, the brothers quietly crept into the enemy camp and set fire to the khan’s tent. While they were putting out the fire in the camp and looking for spies, the troops of Ivan the Terrible, taking advantage of the commotion in the enemy camp, crossed the river. Demyan and Kozma died, and in their honor a church was built and named after the heroes.

As a result - in one family, both children perform feats and are awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union! Streets were named after Heroes in the USSR. Normally there would be two streets named after each Hero. But in Moscow one the street, and not by chance, received a “double” name - Zoya and Alexandra Kosmodemyansky

In 1944, the film “Zoya” was shot, which received the award for best screenplay at the 1st International Film Festival in Cannes in 1946. Also, the film “Zoya” was awarded Stalin Prize, 1st degree, we received it Leo Arnstam(director), Galina Vodyanitskaya(performer of the role of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya) and Alexander Shelenkov(cameraman).


The story contains scenes of torture, violence, sex. If this offends your tender soul, don’t read, but get the fuck out of here!


The plot takes place during the Great Patriotic War. A partisan detachment operates in the territory occupied by the Nazis. The fascists know that there are many women among the partisans, just how to identify them. Finally they managed to catch the girl Katya when she was trying to sketch a diagram of the location of German firing points...

The captured girl was led into a small room in the school, where the Gestapo department was now located. A young officer interrogated Katya. Besides him, there were several policemen and two vulgar-looking women in the room. Katya knew them, they served the Germans. I just didn’t fully know how.

The officer instructed the guards holding the girl to release her, which they did. He motioned for her to sit down. The girl sat down. The officer ordered one of the girls to bring tea. But Katya refused. The officer took a sip, then lit a cigarette. He offered it to Katya, but she refused. The officer started a conversation, and he spoke Russian quite well.

What is your name?


I know that you were engaged in intelligence work for the communists. This is true?

But you are so young, so beautiful. You probably ended up in their service by accident?

No! I am a Komsomol member and want to become a communist, like my father, Hero of the Soviet Union, who died at the front.

I regret that such a young beautiful girl fell for the bait of the red asses. At one time, my father served in the Russian army during the First World War. He commanded a company. He has many glorious victories and awards to his name. But when the communists came to power, for all his services to his homeland he was accused of being an enemy of the people and shot. My mother and I faced starvation, like the children of enemies of the people, but one of the Germans (who was a prisoner of war and whose father did not allow us to be shot) helped us escape to Germany and even enlist. I always wanted to be a hero like my father. And now I have arrived to save my homeland from the communists.

You are a fascist bitch, an invader, a killer of innocent people...

We never kill innocent people. On the contrary, we are returning to them what the red-assed people took from them. Yes, we recently hanged two women who set fire to houses where our soldiers temporarily settled. But the soldiers managed to run out, and the owners lost the last thing that the war did not take away from them.

They fought against...

Your people!

Not true!

Okay, let us be invaders. You are now required to answer several questions. After that, we will determine your punishment.

I won't answer your questions!

Okay, then name with whom you are organizing terrorist attacks against German soldiers.

Not true. We've been watching you.

Then why should I answer?

So that innocent people don't get hurt.

I won't tell you anyone...

Then I will invite the boys to untie your stubborn tongue.

Nothing will work out for you!

We'll see about that later. So far there has not been a single case out of 15 and nothing has worked out for us... Let's get to work, boys!