Tickets to theaters in Odessa (2019). Opera theatre

One of the most important sights and symbols of Odessa. It was built in 1810 and was the first theater in Odessa and the then Novorossiya. The first building burned down in a fire in 1873, and the building that pleases Odessa residents today was built in 1887 following the example of the Dresden Opera. Architects Fellner and Helmer built the building in the Viennese Baroque style. The auditorium is designed in the later French Rococo style. Along with the amazing view of the hall, the architects gave it incredible acoustics. Even a phrase spoken in a whisper from the stage will be heard anywhere in the hall. At one time, the Odessa National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater was admired by Pushkin, Chaliapin and many other famous artists. The history of this place is extremely interesting. The building, which burned down in 1873, was the first in Ukraine with electricity and steam heating. The auditorium was designed for 8 hundred people, despite the fact that the entire population of the city at that time did not exceed 13 thousand.

On the theater's posters at different times one could find Tchaikovsky and Chaliapin, Rimsky-Korsakov and Rachmaninov, Krushelnitskaya and Pavlova. The Opera House's repertoire has always been distinguished by a large number of famous artists.

The current state of the Opera and Ballet Theater

The last restoration was completed in 2007 and the building now looks completely new, few would give it almost a century and a half. The theater schedule is dense and varied. Every resident or guest of the city of Odessa will find something interesting for themselves. You can buy or reserve a ticket online or by phone. The Odessa city portal odessa1 offers you to familiarize yourself with posters, repertoire, view the schedule, in addition, you can find out ticket prices from us. Ticket prices vary significantly depending on the event, but remain quite affordable.

The Odessa National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater is located at the beginning of Rishelievskaya Street, on the corner with Lanzheronovskaya, although technically its address is Tchaikovsky Lane 1. Usually events start at 18:30 or 12:00, however, it is still worth checking the schedule exactly. The exact time is indicated on the posters and website.

Thanks to its chic architecture, favorable location and interesting schedule, this place is one of the most beloved and popular for city residents, and recognizable and alluring for residents of the whole world.

Performances start at 12:00 and 18:30
Tickets go on sale 10 days before the performance
Preschool children are not allowed to attend evening performances
Spectators wearing sportswear, beachwear, shorts, T-shirts and flip-flops are not allowed into the theater.

From the history of the theater:
The building of the first theater in Odessa was built according to the design of the famous St. Petersburg architect Thomas de Thomon and opened on February 10, 1810. It was a snow-white building like an ancient temple, facing the port. The hall had 800 seats (at that time 12.5 thousand people lived in the city).

The name “opera” appeared in the 20th century, and at first the theater was called the City Theater. Famous opera singers and troupes of imperial and royal theaters performed on its stage.

64 years after its opening, the City Theater was completely destroyed by fire. The construction of the new one was entrusted to Viennese architects Ferdinand Fellner and Hermann Helmer, who had already created theaters in Vienna, Budapest, Dresden and other European cities. The project of Fellner and Helmer was not worked out in detail, and the architects themselves did not come to Odessa during the construction period. Therefore, local architects Felix Gonsirovsky, Alexander Bernardazzi and Yuri Dmitrenko revised and improved a lot.

The theater was commissioned on September 15, 1887, and its opening took place on October 1, 1887. This was the first building in the Novorossiysk region equipped with electricity and steam heating.

Enrico Caruso, Fyodor Chaliapin, Leonid Sobinov, Solomiya Krushelnitskaya, Antonina Nezhdanova sang on the theater stage. Anna Pavlova, Isadora Duncan, Ekaterina Geltser danced. The concert was performed by Sergei Rachmaninov and Alexander Scriabin. Played by dramatic actresses Sarah Bernhardt and Eleonora Duse, Italian tragedian Ernesto Rossi. The orchestra was conducted by Pyotr Tchaikovsky and Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, Anton Rubinstein and Eduard Napravnik, Anton Arensky, Alexander Glazunov and many others.

The second serious fire occurred in the Odessa Opera House on March 15, 1925, after Giacomo Meyerbeer’s opera “The Prophet” - due to careless handling of fire. The fire damaged the hall, destroyed the stage, scenery, and costumes. The music library and the curtain on which the artist François Lefleur depicted a scene from “Ruslan and Lyudmila” were damaged. But already

a year later, performances resumed in the theater, the stage received new technical equipment, two reinforced concrete curtains were installed, which, if necessary, cut off the stage from the auditorium and service premises. The new decorative curtain was made according to the sketches of the famous theater artist Alexander Golovin.

After the October Revolution, the Odessa theater became state-owned, and in 1926 received academic status.

In 1944, the theater miraculously survived: the Nazis planned to blow it up during their retreat. But on April 10, a Soviet flag was hung on the balcony of the building as a sign of the liberation of Odessa from the Nazi invaders.

During the reconstruction of the theater from 1996 to 2007, the opera theater troupe gave performances on the stages of existing Odessa theaters and performed at international festivals in different countries.

In 2007, on the opening day after reconstruction, the Odessa Academic Opera and Ballet Theater was awarded “national” status.

About architecture:
The design of the facade and interiors of the theater contains elements of the Italian Renaissance and Viennese Baroque, classical Baroque and Rococo, but all stylistic components are organically connected and create a holistic composition.

The front side of the theater is made in the Viennese Baroque style. Above the facade rises a sculptural group depicting the patroness of theatrical art, the muse Melpomene, in a chariot drawn by four angry panthers (allegory: only the power of art can conquer animal savagery).

The portico is crowned with two sculptures embodying music and dance: on the left is Orpheus playing the cithara to a centaur, on the right is the muse of dance Terpsichore teaching a girl her art. On the pediment of the portico, several dates are indicated in Roman numerals: in the first line MDCCCLXXXIV-MDCCCLXXXVII - the years of the beginning and end of the theater's construction (1884-1887). The second line contains the phrase “ardebat anno”, which means “the theater was burning” (we are talking about the fire of 1925). Then the date MCMLXVII (1967) and the word “restitutum” (“restoration”) as a reminder of the restoration work in the theater.

The central entrance to the theater is decorated with stucco representations of comedy and tragedy. On the left is an episode from Euripides’ tragedy “Hippolytus”, on the right is an episode from Aristophanes’ comedy “The Birds”. On the balustrade of the building there are 16 figures of putti (baby cupids), each of which is unique and does not repeat the others.

In the round niches of the upper floor along the pediment of the building there are busts of brilliant Russian authors - Alexander Pushkin, Alexander Griboyedov, Nikolai Gogol and Mikhail Glinka. They represent poetry, drama, comedy and music.

The auditorium of the Odessa Opera House is decorated in the late French Rococo style, decorated with stucco ornaments and the finest gilding. The main motif is a shell in the form of curls of various shapes. The pattern of the ornament is not repeated anywhere.

The ceiling lamp is divided into four medallion segments, painted by the artist François Lefleur. They depict scenes from Shakespeare's Hamlet, A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Winter's Tale and As You Like It. In the center there is a large chandelier, striking with the abundance and grace of openwork details. The first theater curtain was also painted by Francois Lefleur and depicted a scene from the play “Ruslan and Lyudmila”.

The current technical equipment of the theater meets the most modern requirements. This includes air conditioning, an automatic director's console, an electronic artistic lighting controller with a programmable cybernetic installation, computer stage movement control, and a sophisticated fire safety system. The placement of seats in the hall eliminates the presence of so-called “blind spots,” and excellent acoustics allow even whispers from the stage to be heard by the audience.

Now gone are the days when going to the theater was an event. People no longer treat this as something unusual. And yet, the stage attracts us with magic and play, when on stage you can see not just moving pictures, but real actors who experience history here and now. Albeit a fictional one. The theater, especially in such a big city as Odessa, has not lost its relevance, the repertoire is replenished with new performances, the hall is overflowing with spectators. Perhaps only one thing has changed. Internet resources have replaced the theater box office in Odessa. Why run around the city, looking for the desired production and asking for a free ticket, when you can view the posters of Odessa theaters on online? The city by the sea offers the widest range of such establishments. To suit your taste, you can choose an opera and ballet theater, Russian or Ukrainian, musical comedy or puppet theater for the youngest spectators. And all the information you need can be found on one website - “Countermark”. Here are the schedules of performances in the largest cities of Ukraine, and you can make your choice without leaving your home.

And now, when you have studied the posters of Odessa theaters and decided where to go, you need to order or buy tickets. With the help of this portal, doing this is as easy as shelling pears and in exactly the way that suits you:

  • book tickets and redeem them just before the start of the performance;
  • buy electronic documents that will be sent to your e-mail;
  • order delivery of theater tickets, and the courier will bring them to the desired address.

So, whether you decide to visit the Odessa Opera House or join the art of ballet, see a drama or comedy - any production can be found in a matter of seconds thanks to a convenient site map. And in addition to the theater poster of Odessa, you will also find out the address of the theater, ticket price, and availability of seats. For the most punctual, there is also a countdown to the event of interest. Thus, you can plan your cultural leisure in advance.

After all, where else can you go to performances if not in this wonderful resort town? If you come here on vacation, you need to take everything from it and to the maximum. If you live here, all the more necessary to take your mind off the hustle and bustle and plunge into the magical world of theatrical performances and see that there is life outside the office! That’s why it’s worth studying the posters of Odessa theaters - getting positive emotions and spending time usefully is always important.