High revival test. Test for the lesson "Great Humanists of Europe"

TESTS for the section “RENAISSANCE”

1. Who was the first to use the term “Renaissance” in his book?

A) Leonardo da Vinci

B) G. Vasari

B) Filippo Brunelleschi

2. The art of which country is considered a unique example of Renaissance art?

A) Italy

B) Spain

B) Netherlands

D) France

3. Write in which centuries, years (if clarification is required) the periods of the Renaissance took place

A) Proto-Renaissance

B) Early Renaissance

B) High Renaissance

D) Late Renaissance

4. Give three reasons why Italy became a classical Renaissance country.

5. List the main features of the Renaissance culture.

6. Explain what the new humanistic worldview was?

7. Highlight the features of Renaissance art:

A) convention in the depiction of nature and man

B) artists sought to comprehend and justify their activities in books

B) use of reverse perspective

D) architecture plays a leading role

D) a system of genres is emerging

E) the emergence of a new type of art - engravings

G) the main feeling when perceiving art is pleasure

H) the insignificance of man in this world is emphasized

I) rich people compete for luxury and possession of masterpieces of art

K) knowledge of perspective and theory of proportions

K) the ability to convey volume on a plane

8. Redraw the table and fill it out: determine to which stage of the Renaissance the artists listed below belong.


Early Renaissance

High Renaissance

Late Renaissance

Northern Renaissance

Artists: Simone Martini, Filippo Brunelleschi, Sandoro Botticelli, Giotto de Bondone, Donatello, Masaccio, Leonardo da Vinci, Albrecht Durer, Titian, Jan van Eyck, Raphael, Veronese, Michelangelo Buanarotti, Tintoretto, Giorgione, Hieronymus Bosch, Pieter Bruegel the Elder.

9. Which cathedral was crowned with a dome with a diameter of 42 m, designed by F. Brunelleschi?

A) Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence

B) Notre Dame Cathedral

B) St. Peter's Basilica in Rome

10. What is the name of Donatello's sculpture of a young man in a hat?

A) Monument to the condottiere Gattamelata in Padua

B) Hermes

B) Young David

11. What is depicted in Masaccio’s fresco “Expulsion from Paradise” and what are the innovations of the Renaissance artist?

12. Name two of Sandro Botticelli's greatest works

    Proto-Renaissance - XII-XIV centuries

Early Renaissance - XV century

High Renaissance - late 15th century - early 16th century

Late Renaissance - last two thirds of the 16th century

    Reasons why Italy became a classical Renaissance country

    political reasons: Italy consisted of a number of independent cities and regions, many of which had a republican form of government

    new economic relations, a center of international trade and banking (primacy in Florence, as well as Pisa, Siena, Genoa, Milan, Venice)

    geographical: it was here that antiquity was rediscovered

anthropocentrism, humanism, modification of the medieval Christian tradition, revival of ancient cultural monuments and ancient philosophy, a new attitude to the world.

Earthly existence was called the only real one, and man was called beautiful or striving for beauty, like God. Asceticism, the insignificance of man, was rejected.

B, D, E, F, I, K, L

    1. Adam and Eve leave paradise, Adam covers his face, and Eve covers her nakedness. The artist depicts the figures anatomically correctly, the poses are alive, despite the Fall the people are beautiful, the space is three-dimensional, the chiaroscuro is well-developed

      "Birth of Venus" and "Spring"

  • Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

    Question. Express your opinion: what ideas of humanists will be reflected in the works of their contemporaries - writers, poets, artists, sculptors?

    The works of artists of the Objection era reflected such humanist ideas as the idea of ​​the greatness of man, free will and choice, the boundlessness of creative abilities, and the idea of ​​human perfection.

    Questions at the end of the paragraph

    Question 1. Compare the meaning of the statements: “I put you at the center of the world” and “What a miracle of nature man is!”

    The statements express the main idea of ​​humanists that man is the center of the universe, where he was placed by himself as its highest creation.

    Question 2. Do you think a citizen of ancient Athens would agree with W. Shakespeare’s opinion on the importance of theatrical art? Justify your answer.

    Yes, we would agree, because... For the citizens of Athens, the theater was a school where they learned to be citizens, make right decisions, distinguish between morality and law, distinguish the nobility of man and expose human vices.

    Question 3. Name literary works of the early modern period in which strong-willed and courageous literary heroes act. Why do you think the authors of works show their characters in difficult, tragic, unusual situations?

    "Hamlet", "Don Quixote", "Faust", "Prometheus". The authors of these works show their characters in difficult and tragic situations, because... Only in this way can their strong spirit, courage, desire to overcome and not submit to fate be manifested.

    Question 4. Tell us what W. Shakespeare, M. Cervantes, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Raphael, P. Bruegel the Elder, A. Dürer became famous for.

    William Shakespeare is the greatest playwright of the era. He is famous for his plays “Hamlet”, “Othello”, “Romeo and Juliet”, in which the characters search for their answer to the question of what to do when faced with evil.

    Miguel Cervantes is a novelist who wrote a novel “of all times and peoples” - “Don Quixote”, in which the main character tries to fight injustice in the world.

    Leonardo da Vinci was an artist, poet, architect, sculptor, musician, sang divinely, was fond of physics, mathematics, astronomy, history, philosophy, and was knowledgeable in mechanics and military affairs. The most famous painting is the Mona Lisa, famous for the inventions of the parachute and tank. In many ways he was ahead of his time.

    Michelangelo Buonarroti is the most famous sculptor, painter, and architect of the era. He created the sculpture “David”, painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, and created a design for the dome in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.

    Raphael Santi is a great painter of the era, also an architect and graphic artist. The most famous work is the Sistine Madonna.

    Pieter Bruegel the Elder is the largest painter of the northern Renaissance. Famous for his paintings “The Harvest”, “Peasant Dance”, “The Triumph of Death”.

    Albrecht Durer is a German painter and graphic artist, one of the greatest masters of the Western European Renaissance. Recognized as the largest European master of woodblock printing, who raised it to the level of real art. The most famous engraving is “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”.

    Assignments for the paragraph

    Question 1. Shakespeare is credited with saying: “The whole world is a stage, and the people in it are actors.” Try commenting on them. Do you think theater and life have anything in common?

    Shakespeare's words mean that every person in this world has a role, a destiny that a person must fulfill (play). A person, like an actor, always wears a mask, which allows him to play a role and hide his true feelings, so it is not always possible to find out what a person is really thinking about. Therefore, Shakespeare was right when he compared theater and life.

    Question 2. Many heroes of Renaissance literary works travel. Why and why do you think authors use this technique?

    The authors use this technique to show the process of discovering this world, to go beyond the boundaries of everyday ideas, because... in the Middle Ages, only a small part of people went beyond the area where they were born. The authors want to show the real world, which is very different and dissimilar on the one hand, but in which you can always find common positive (the desire for happiness, good deeds, courageous and brave people) and negative (fear, cowardice, betrayal, ignorance) phenomena. This technique made it possible to present the world as a single whole.

    Question 3. Identify the common features of biblical images created by Renaissance artists and sculptors. How can this be explained?

    What was common in biblical images was the desire to convey the ideal of man. This can be explained by the fact that artists drew inspiration from biblical images to convey the greatness of man and his capabilities.

    Question 4. Why do you think the portrait became a favorite genre for Renaissance artists?

    The portrait became a favorite genre for Renaissance artists, because humanists first of all sought to study a person, so artists sought to capture a person’s emotions, feelings, and character in a portrait.

    Question 5. The characters in Bruegel’s paintings bear little resemblance in appearance to the characters in the works of Italian Renaissance painters. Do you think it is possible, despite the differences, to talk about the Dutch master as a humanist artist?

    Of course you can, because... Despite the external differences in the depiction of his characters, his works correspond to the ideas of the Renaissance.

    Question 6. Select and describe a painting or sculpture by one of the authors mentioned in the textbook. Express your opinion: does this work indicate the author’s humanistic worldview?

    "David" is a marble sculpture by Michelangelo. This marble statue, over five meters high, is the pinnacle of Renaissance sculpture. The statue represents the figure of a naked David. He is focused on the fight he has to make with Goliath. David prepares for battle. Moreover, the enemy is much superior to him in strength. However, the young man is calm; nothing seems to betray his anxiety. You can only notice how his muscles tensed and how his eyebrows moved. There is something terrifying about this look. You can see how he threw a sling over his shoulder. This position prepares a decisive blow against a formidable enemy. David personifies the power and omnipotence of a free man. David symbolizes a person's confidence that he can defeat any enemy. The hero of the sculpture has maximum attention. Thus, in front of the city government building in Florence there was a statue calling for courage and protection.

      Early Renaissance

      What term is synonymous with Renaissance?

    a) Renaissance

    b) decadence

    c) both terms are synonymous with the Renaissance.

      Distinctive features of the Renaissance:

    a) the connection between culture and religion, the subordination of man to the church;

    b) imitation of antiquity, depriving a person of the right to develop his abilities;

    c) the secular nature of culture, humanism, appeal to antiquity.

      Of all the arts, the Renaissance especially exalted:

    a) visual;

    b) “the art of words”;

    c) musical.

      Favorite subject of Renaissance painting:

    a) historical events of Italy 14-16 centuries;

    b) Madonna and Child;

    c) an image of the nature of Italy.

      One of Michelangelo's last picturesque works was a huge fresco of the Sistine Chapel, completed in 1514. What biblical story was depicted?

    a) “Creation of the world”;

    b) "Flood";

    c) "The Last Supper"

      The biographer of Italian Renaissance artists, Giorgio Vasari, characterized the three greatest masters as follows:

    1) “He showed the way to the main task of art, which is the human body, and, paying attention only to it, leaving aside the play of colors...”

    2) “He conquered everyone with his friendliness and art, but most of all with the genius of his nature...”

    3) “His talent was so great that when creating any difficult objects to which his inquisitiveness turned, he easily and perfectly found solutions... He made models and drawings every day...”

    a) Raphael;

    b) Leonardo da Vinci;

    c) Michelangelo.

      How are the paintings of Italian masters and Northern Renaissance artists different?

    a) they are practically indistinguishable in terms of performance technique and genre features;

    b) for Italian masters the center of the picture is clearly visible, for artists of the Northern Renaissance the center is everywhere and nowhere;

    c) Italian masters have more paintings on religious themes, while artists of the Northern Renaissance have more paintings on everyday themes;

    d) for Italian masters the focus is on man, while among the artists of the Northern Renaissance it is nature.

      What are the names of Titian's paintings on mythological themes? __________________

    10. Who are we talking about?

      The Italian Renaissance sculptor, the founder of the individualized sculptural portrait, adhered to realistic principles, sometimes it seems that he deliberately looked for the ugly sides of nature.

      The great Italian artist (painter, sculptor, architect) and scientist (anatomist, naturalist), inventor, writer, one of the largest representatives of the art of the High Renaissance, a shining example of the “universal man” (lat. homo universalis).

      Italian Renaissance painter. His name ranks with such Renaissance artists as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael. He painted pictures on biblical and mythological subjects, and he became famous as a portrait painter. He received orders from kings and popes, cardinals, dukes and princes. He was not even thirty years old when he was recognized as the best painter in Venice.

      ___________________ - Flemish painter of the early Renaissance, master of portraiture, author of more than 100 compositions on religious subjects, one of the first artists to master the technique of painting with oil paints.

    Renaissance Test. IN 1

    1. Name the main features of the Renaissance

    2. The cultural movement of the Renaissance opposed the cult of Man to church ideology, hence the name:

    a) reformation;

    b) humanism;

    c) intuitionism.

    3. Favorite subject of Renaissance painting:

    a) historical events of Italy 14-16 centuries;

    b) Madonna and Child;

    c) an image of the nature of Italy.

    4. Among the works of this artist are “The Kiss of Judas”, “The Lamentation of Christ” and others:

    a) Brunelleschi;

    b) Giotto;

    c) Botticelli.

    5. What is the difference between the masters of the Renaissance and the Middle Ages:

    6. One of Michelangelo’s last picturesque works was a huge fresco of the Sistine Chapel, completed in 1514. What biblical story was depicted?

    a) “Creation of the world”;

    b) "Flood";

    c) "The Last Supper"

    7. Why is Raphael called the singer of female beauty?

    8. One of Michelangelo’s last picturesque works was a huge fresco of the Sistine Chapel completed in 1514. What biblical story was depicted?

    a) “Creation of the world”; b) "Flood"; c) "The Last Supper"

    9. Who are we talking about?Vain epitaphs for glory

    There is nothing to add or subtract from it

    With death all deeds come to an end.

    10. Match: 1. Michelangelo a) Giaconda

    2. Raphael b) The Last Judgment

    3. Leonardo da Vinci c) Sistine Madonna

    eleven. . In the works of Raphael . Name this work.


    Renaissance Test. AT 2

    1.Why did Rome become the center of world art?

    2. Distinctive features of the Renaissance:

    a) the connection between culture and religion, the subordination of man to the church;

    b) imitation of antiquity, depriving a person of the right to develop his abilities;

    c) the secular nature of culture, humanism, appeal to antiquity.

    3. Of all the arts, the Renaissance especially exalted:

    a) visual;

    b) “the art of words”;

    c) musical.

    1) "La Gioconda"; a) Michelangelo;

    2) "Birth of Venus"; b) Botticelli;

    3) "David", c) Leonardo da Vinci.

    5. Chronological framework of the Renaissance:

    A) 12-15 centuries;

    b) 12-14 centuries;

    c) 13-16 centuries.

    6. What is the difference between the masters of the Renaissance and the Middle Ages:

    a) they wanted to remain anonymous;

    b) they gave originality to the works and emphasized their authorship;

    c) they copied the old masters.

    7. One of Michelangelo’s last picturesque works was a huge fresco of the Sistine Chapel completed in 1514. What biblical story was depicted?

    a) “Creation of the world”;

    b) "Flood";

    c) "The Last Supper"

    8. What features distinguish Michelangelo’s artistic work?

    9. Who are we talking about? She goes listening to praise

    Covered with goodness in humility,

    Like a heavenly introduction

    Showing myself on earth...

    10. Match: 1. Michelangelo a) Last Vespers

    2. Raphael b) statue of David

    3. Leonardo da Vinci c) Madonna Conestabile.

    eleven. . In the works of Raphael a significant place is occupied by paintings depicting the Madonna: “Madonna Conestabile”, “Madonna in the Greens”, “Madonna with the Goldfinch”, “Sistine Madonna”, etc. One of the above-mentioned works is recognized as the deepest and most beautiful embodiment of the theme of motherhood in Renaissance painting. Name this work.

    12. Describe one of the works of art (recommendations p. 328)