Tours to the Caribbean. The best Dominican resorts on the Caribbean Sea

You can get detailed information about tours and special offers for holidays on the Caribbean coast of Panama at the office of the Na Otdykh company by phone in Moscow: (495) 228-78-57 (multi-channel), (499) 973-09-58, (499) 978-61-36, (499) 972-07-21.

Tours to are a journey into the world of magnificent exotic nature, relaxation on wonderful snow-white beaches, the diversity of local flora and fauna, excellent diving, rafting, ecotourism and much more.

Unlike many Caribbean countries, Panama is not prone to hurricanes or major earthquakes. The pleasant climate, luxurious beaches, warm clear coastal waters, and the historical heritage of the pre-Columbian and colonial eras attract tourists and vacationers from America and Europe.

A beach holiday in Panama is also attractive because of the opportunity, without spending a lot of time moving, to visit two coasts - the Caribbean and the Pacific.
For a relaxing pastime, the Caribbean resorts of Panama are more suitable, while the Pacific coast, with its waves, is more of a haven for surfers and water sports fans.

The Caribbean coast, the Bocas del Toro archipelago, is recognized as an ideal place for diving and snorkeling in Panama. The main diving centers are located on the island of Colon and in the area of ​​the National Marine Park. The offshore reefs are impressive with their stunning coral walls and gardens, underwater tunnels and cave grottoes. You can see sunken ships near the San Blas archipelago and in the Portobelo Nature Reserve. Many artifacts lie at the bottom of the sea from the time of pirate attacks.

Diving is good all year round, but the best periods are March-May and August-November, at which time visibility in the water is optimal.

The coastal water temperature does not drop below +27..+28 degrees all year round, and at depth it stays around +24. Visibility ranges from 15 to 30 meters. And although fishing tours are organized on all coasts of Panama, the most impressive fishing awaits tourists on the Bocas Del Toro islands.

A holiday on the Caribbean Sea in Panama also means getting to know the unusual culture of Indian tribes who still live according to the customs of their ancestors.

The hotel base is represented by hotels, wooden houses, boarding houses, hotels on the water, and the private sector.

The most popular Panamanian resorts in the Caribbean

Bocas Del Toro

The archipelago is located in the northeastern part of Panama.

It includes nine large islands, fifty-two small ones, and many tiny, almost reefs. This is one of Panama's popular tourist regions with shady palm forests, miles of sandy beaches, vibrant corals and clear, clear water.

It is also famous for the fact that the filming of the show “The Last Hero” for different countries of the world took place here. There are both untouched natural spaces and quite modern resorts here. Regardless of the time of year, lovers of sea fishing and diving constantly come here. The largest island is Colon, the city of the same name is the capital of the archipelago.

The best beaches are Bluff Beach, Bocas del Drago, Punch Beach (Colon Island), Red Frog Beach and Playas Larga on Bastimientos Island.

Excellent diving spots include Punta Juan, Coral Key, Hospital Point and the Garden area near Cayo Nancy.

It has some of the best reefs on earth, with lobsters, rays, different types of crabs and a huge variety of tropical fish. Bastimientos National Park, which unites several southern islands, is home to endangered sea turtles.

Hotels are mainly represented by houses standing directly on the water on stilts.


In addition to being Panama's famous Caribbean resort, Colon is also the second duty-free zone in the Western Hemisphere after Hong Kong. Therefore, those who like to “shop” between sunbathing, snorkeling or diving should visit here.

The city of Colon is the second largest city in the country, as well as its main port and transport and economic center. It is located at the Caribbean entrance to the Panama Canal; it takes about an hour to get here from the capital by car. The city attracts history buffs with a large number of preserved ancient buildings.

Isla Grande

Translated, the name Isla Grande means Big Island. There are many coral reefs here, so the places are ideal for diving, surfing, and snorkeling. The island is also popular among the local population, for whom the palm trees and white sandy beaches of Isla Grande have become an escape from the bustle of the city. It’s convenient to get here - just a couple of hours by car from Panama City or five minutes by water taxi.

On the island you can visit a typical Caribbean village, visit restaurants and bars, and visit street markets.

A New Year's holiday in Panama would be a great idea - after all, the locals celebrate this holiday very brightly, noisily and cheerfully. And in the literal sense: bells are ringing, cars are honking, the chimneys of ships are honking, and people are trying to shout as loudly as possible, clap their hands, stomp their feet, in general, make as much noise as possible.

This is also done in order to celebrate the holiday cheerfully and at the same time drive away evil spirits, “not letting them in” next year. Christmas is celebrated no less colorfully - with burning garlands, fireworks, cheerful festivities, and a traditional feast.


A small town located 50 km east of Colon, one of the oldest cities in the country, founded by Columbus himself. It is located next to the remains of three large forts. Among the attractions, the Battery of Santiago, the Church of San Felipe, Fort Santiago de la Gloria, Fort Battery of San Fernando, Fort Battery of San Geronimo, etc. are well preserved. Old forts stretch along the coast from San Lorenzo to Portobelo.

In addition to these places, the excellent beaches of the Maria Chiquita tour center, the equally beautiful shores of Playas Langosta, and the colorful and original village of Nombre de Dios are worthy of attention.

San Blas

The islands of this archipelago are located along the Caribbean coast of the country from the Gulf of San Blas to the Colombian borders.

The archipelago is home to the Guna Yala Indian tribe, whose settlements are united into an autonomous province. The archipelago consists of 378 islands, but only 49 of them have populations.

After visiting an Indian village, you can buy “molas” as a souvenir - very beautiful fabric appliqués made by hand by the women of the tribe. On Ikodub Island you can go snorkeling, try local cuisine and famous rum, sunbathe and swim while admiring the life of the coral reef.

The road to the Indian port of Karti will take about 2.5 hours. From there, canoes leave for the various San Blas Islands.

Entry into the territory of the Guna Yala Autonomy (translated as “land of the Indians”) is permitted only in off-road vehicles, in small groups accompanied by an Indian.

There are no hotels here in the generally accepted sense of the word, so if this is not a one-day tour, then the newly-made Robinsons will have to spend the night in a real Indian hut, with amenities on the street.


- Boxing Arena

Ancient railway station

Neo-Gothic Cathedral

Old New Washington Hotel (1850)

Fort San Lorenzo

The wonderful Costa Arriba

Isla Grande resort island

Cuba is a burning mixture of tropical scorching sun and fiery Latin American dances. Cuba's resorts are famous for their white sandy beaches, clear water, countless coral reefs and incredible natural beauty. Traveling here attracts with its interesting excursions and gives amazing impressions from all kinds of festivals and festive events. Resorts in Cuba offer tourists a high level of service, with fairly low prices for vouchers. Under these conditions, a holiday here will seem like paradise to everyone!

Santiago de Cuba

This is the second most important and largest city in Cuba, surrounded on one side by cliffs and on the other by the sea. Coming here will take you to revolutionary ground, as this city is the cradle of the Cuban revolution. This is the only settlement in the country that has received the status of a Hero City. This should not be surprising, since Santiago is very clearly marked in the history and culture of Cuba. Almost all liberation and political movements in the history of the country originated here.

Major resorts in Cuba: Cayo Santa Maria

The main city of the province is also called the “city of squares”. There is a rich cultural life here in May, especially during the May Fair, and also in October, when the Day of Ibero-American Culture is celebrated. This place has magnificent nature, hotels with a wide range of services and first-class service. Also in this province is Banes, which is considered the archaeological capital of the country. The territory also contains forests and hills with sharp peaks and steep slopes.

Cayo Guillermo

A clean and small island with pink flamingos. There are stunningly beautiful sunsets, spacious white beaches and incredibly clear seas. Cayo Guillermo has three beaches that are washed by calm seas. The picturesque Playa Pilar is especially interesting.

The main part of the territory is land without signs of the destructive influence of civilization, covered with palm groves and mangroves. Chirping birds hide under the cover of greenery, among them the cartacuba, which is the pearl of Cuba's fauna. Cayo Guillermo is home to a large population of pink flamingos.

Cayo Coco

It is the 4th largest island in the country. It is located opposite the northern shore of Ciego de Avila. There is almost untouched by man and rich nature, which only the resorts of Cuba can give you, a description of which you will find in this article. Cayo Coco is a carefully protected nature reserve. There are about 26 km of beaches, including coastlines protected by a curved line - Las Colorados, Los Flamencos and La Jaula. These places are ideal for water tourism.

This is a real tropical island located in the Atlantic Ocean: warm transparent sea, snow-white beaches, amazingly beautiful diving - here the coral reef stretches for almost 30 km; pink flamingos that permanently live on the island, hummingbirds and parrots; real Cuban cigars and rum; fiery merengue and salsa, and the main thing is a special atmosphere of an endless holiday. In addition to coral beaches, there are excellent conditions for fishing, diving and other water sports.


It is the tourist center of Cuba, as well as a picturesque city with many first-class restaurants, clubs and hotels. It is the most famous resort in the entire Western Hemisphere. Located on the Hicacos Peninsula, on the northern coast of the province of Matanzas, 2 hours from Havana. Here life is in full swing around the clock. During the day, tourists can enjoy crystal water and sandy beaches, while real adventure seekers can enjoy deep-sea fishing, yacht trips, as well as excursions to various exotic corners of the country. And in the evening you will find restaurants, discos and nightclubs for which Varadero is famous.

This is not only gorgeous nature, it is also the most attractive conditions for recreation that Cuban resorts can only provide: swimming pools, 23 diving centers, a flying club, a golf course, safaris, helicopter excursions, swimming with dolphins, horse riding, caves, various yachts, boats, paragliders, scooters, etc. Fans of skydiving in Varadero come to jump from 4000 m.


It is one of the oldest and best preserved cities in a country like Cuba. Caribbean resorts in general boast a wealth of attractions, but this one in particular. Trinidad seemed untouched by time. Due to its historical relics, it is also called the “museum of the Caribbean.” In 1988, this city was recognized as a monument city.

This place produces the best coffee on the island - the quartz-rich soils and even temperatures work wonders: Montanas de Cristal is a variety that is beyond praise. If you are interested in Cuban resorts on the Caribbean Sea, then we can say that this is one of the best. The service here is excellent, the hospitality of the locals is amazing and the beaches are stunningly clean.

To be convinced that Trinidad is a city-monument, you can simply walk along its pavement paved with stones. You will appreciate all the grandeur of the city's architecture. Residences and palaces, churches and small residential buildings of the resort will allow you to see the past from the present. You can imagine yourself in the colonial period, when slave traders dragged their “goods” through the streets in chains, drinking water was sold in jugs, and the smell of fish that was lying around here filled your nose. Near some buildings, cannon muzzles embedded in the ground have been preserved - here the owners protected their houses from carriages with large wheels passing by.


When considering the resorts of Cuba, one cannot help but mention the capital. This city is almost 500 years old. The architecture of the period of Spanish colonial rule is adjacent to ultra-modern skyscrapers made of glass and concrete.

There is something magical in the name of the Cuban capital. If you come here for the first time, Havana will seem like a city that has survived a war or a hurricane. But you get used to the leaning buildings, bumpy streets and shabby walls quickly enough, as they contain the charm of Old Havana. An incredibly vibrant city where you can always do something - drive a Buick, walk along the Malecon, admire the Capitol.

Cayo Ensenachos

This is a quiet and calm Cuban island, as if created just for sunbathing, swimming and admiring the stunning scenery. If the sun tires you out, you can always hide in the shade of the royal palm tree. There is only one structure for tourists - the Royal Hideaway Hotel.

The nature of the island is of particular interest - most of the fauna and flora are endemic, in other words, these plants, animals and insects are not found anywhere else in the world. Although it is especially important for nature lovers that there are no dangerous or poisonous animals here.

Resorts of Cuba: reviews from tourists

You can immediately make a reservation that it is almost impossible to find negative reviews from tourists about holidays here. Many are delighted by the amazing sand and incredibly clear water, pleased with the quality of service of local hotels, others are amazed by the unique nature of the island, and still others are delighted with the historical monuments, of which there are a huge number. Everyone has their own Cuba, but everyone is inspired by it.

If you want to appreciate all the magic of nature and learn the secrets of this amazing country, then it doesn’t matter at all whether you choose the popular resorts of Cuba or quiet little-known corners. Literally in every breath of wind and in every stone you will feel the spirit of the island. And once you are here at least once, you will feel how you will begin to change, becoming as spiritually richer and purer as possible only in Cuba!

In this article we will help you navigate the Dominican Republic: we will tell you where the Caribbean Sea is in the Dominican Republic, which side it is washed by the ocean, where which resorts are located, and what are their main differences.

The Dominican Republic is located in the eastern part of the island of Haiti. This island belongs to the Greater Antilles, which are located in Central America. The southern coast of the island is washed by the Caribbean Sea, and the northern coast by the Atlantic Ocean.

The most popular and largest resort in the Dominican Republic, Punta Cana, is located in the eastern part of the island, which is washed by the Atlantic. However, resort guests have an excellent opportunity to travel a little further south and appreciate the beauty of the Caribbean Sea.

After all, just not far from Punta Cana is the Eastern National Reserve, and its pearl is the island of Saona, which attracts tourists year after year with its magnificent pristine beaches. The island of Saone is already the Caribbean Sea.

Between Saona and the coast of the Dominican Republic is the Catuana Strait - it is believed that this is where the waters of the Atlantic and the Caribbean Sea connect.

There are hotels on the Caribbean Sea, but there are not so many of them compared to the Atlantic coast.

This is due to the fact that there are very few sandy beaches on the southern side of the island. As a rule, the coast is a shallow coral reef, or mangroves extend along the coast.

Resorts on the Caribbean Sea:

  • Barahona
  • Boca Chica
  • Juan Dolio
  • La Romana
  • Santo Domingo

Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic, is also located on the southern coast. But beach lovers have nothing to do there. Although there are, of course, decent city-type hotels in the capital (for example, Hilton). But the nearest beaches are located outside the city limits - in the small settlements of Juan Dolio and Boca Chica.

The resorts of the Caribbean Sea are distinguished by the presence of not very large and comfortable hotels, clean beaches, and there are rarely such strong waves as on the Atlantic. There are good places for snorkeling and diving. Another bonus for aesthetes is the magical sunsets! Well, proximity to the capital, of course, will be a plus for many.

Resorts on the Atlantic

There are much more resorts on the Atlantic, we will list the most famous and popular:

  • Punta Cana (Bavaro)
  • Puerto Plata
  • Sosua
  • Cabarete
  • Samana
  • Las Terrenas

Of course, the largest resort on this list is Punta Cana. It is famous for its beautiful beaches and excellent all-inclusive hotels. This is a real tourist paradise. Here you can find entertainment for every age, taste, and budget.

Welcome to Paradise! Here are the top ten Caribbean resorts with crystal clear waters, soft warm beaches and world-class luxury accommodations.

These hot Caribbean destinations, selected by, are among the richest and most lavish resorts in the world. The unique natural features of the Caribbean islands, their natural beauty, beautiful beaches, endless opportunities for recreation and entertainment, impeccable service and traditional hospitality will make your holiday unforgettable.

Top 10 Caribbean Resorts

1. Hyatt Regency Aruba Resort and Casino, Aruba

The small island state of Aruba is located 25 kilometers off the coast of Venezuela. Spanish, Dutch and Caribbean cultures merge here very elegantly. Hyatt Regency is one of the best resorts in the region. Its staff will be happy to introduce you to many local traditions and surround you with care and comfort.

2. Caneel Bay Resort, Saint John

St. John's Island is a treasure trove of tropical jungles that is uniquely remote and pristine. At the beginning of the last century, Lawrence Rockefeller, a member of the third generation of the famous family, fell in love with these places. Today the island offers 166 discreetly luxurious rooms, 3 restaurants, 6,000 square meters of SPA and many tennis courts.

View prices: Caneel Bay

3. Parrot Cay Resort & Spa, Turks and Caicos

Located 925 kilometers from Miami, the British Overseas Territory of Turks and Caicos consists of several dozen sun-drenched tropical islands. Stars such as Paul McCartney, Demi Moore, Bruce Willis and David Copperfield have purchased exclusive villas here. Unlike other mega affordable resorts, the exclusive five-star Parrot Cay Resort & Spa is only accessible by boat.

View prices: Parrot Cay

4. Rosewood Little Dix Bay Villas Virgin Gorda

Located 145 kilometers off the coast of Puerto Rico, Virgin Gorda is an area of ​​lush tropical greenery and stunning crescent-shaped sandy bays. This Caribbean paradise offers plenty of scenic hiking trails and amazing scuba diving opportunities.

5. Beaches Turks & Caicos, Turks and Caicos

Visiting these beautiful islands will cost you a pretty penny unless you choose Beaches Turks & Caicos Resort & Spa. This popular resort, opened in 1997, operates on an all-inclusive basis.

6. The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Saint Thomas, St. Thomas Island

St. Thomas is part of the US Virgin Islands, located east of Puerto Rico. The combination of Old World colonial charm with a tropical setting gives this place its special flavor. Ritz-Carlton St. Thomas is a 152 stunning guestroom property located on 15 immaculately landscaped acres. Blessed with breathtaking views, it's no wonder this island attracts tens of thousands of visitors every year.

7. Four Seasons Resort Nevis, Nevis Island

The round volcanic island of Nevis is located 80 kilometers west of Antigua and approximately 350 kilometers southeast of Puerto Rico. Here you can feel completely detached from the outside world. One of the most remarkable aspects of the Four Seasons Resort is that it has achieved a AAA Five Diamond Award rating. Obtaining a five diamond rating is quite a difficult matter; the presence of such status at the Four Seasons Resort indicates its highest global level.

8. Atlantis, Bahamas

Atlantis Paradise Island is a mega-resort and water park based on the mythical city that disappeared without a trace 11 thousand years ago. For couples, families with children and fun groups, everything you need - restaurants, entertainment and accommodation options - Atlantis provides in abundance.