Subculture Punk, informal punk movement. The history and essence of the “Punk” subculture

Regardless of what views a person adheres to, he can in any case demonstrate this through his outfit. The choice today is so diverse that it allows everyone to have their say. But fashion does not stand still. What yesterday was perceived only as belonging to a certain group, today is style. An excellent example is the punk style. Not so long ago, back in the 70s of the last century, punks were a broad movement, a subculture formed in opposition to the popular hippies.

Who are they, punks?

The struggle for peace is, of course, a worthwhile cause, but somehow the youth quickly became bored with it. People wanted something more frank, provocative, something completely different.

It’s just that at some point it became clear that no matter how much you wanted to change something, there would be no result. The musicians of that time were the first to declare the hopelessness of life. They expressed their attitude to reality through obscene behavior on stage.


Soon this obscenity moved from the stage into the real world and became something of a guide to action. On its basis, the punk lifestyle developed as a manifestation of a special subculture. Punks openly promoted sex and violence.

The number of lost people grew. Gradually, leather jackets, ripped jeans and stretched T-shirts were no longer thought of separately, but represented a unique and unified style - punk.

This was largely thanks to the then not very famous designer. She teamed up with the producer of the popular Sex Pistols group, Malcolm McLaren, and opened a boutique selling things for punks. Such clothes were shocking and an open challenge.


Many years have passed, however, little has changed. Punk style is still associated with a mohawk and fishnet stockings. In general, only the philosophy of the movement has undergone a slight change: modern punks, although they express a love of freedom and a desire for independence, still respect the opinions of others.

Punk clothing then and now is invariably catchy and daring. Such things attract attention, standing out from the crowd. In addition, a distinctive feature of the style is deliberate negligence. Hence the numerous holes and patches. Stretched items, as if already worn by someone, are also classics of the genre. When it comes to decorative elements, punks prefer rough metal: spikes, massive chains, oversized zippers.

The main fabrics are leather, knitwear, denim, possibly cotton, although most often cheap synthetics. Predominant colors: black, white, red or any deep dark shade of a cold range. The preferred print is plaid. A punk look isn't complete without a checkered shirt casually tied around the waist.

Punk girls: image

The punk style in clothes for girls, among other things, is characterized by overt and provocative sexuality. These are tight, obscenely short dresses that allow you to see black or

By the way, they don’t have to be in perfect condition. Torn and with arrows - what you need. T-shirts can easily be replaced with corsets that are more reminiscent of lingerie than an everyday item of clothing. If you have jeans, then definitely take them off, or even better, jeggings that show off all the curves of your figure.

The image of a punk man

For men, in this sense, everything is much more modest. Shapeless shirts, leather jackets, skinny jeans - that's all. True, any look can be saved by accessories, and in the case of style this applies even to guys, because it doesn’t sound glamorous at all.

On the contrary, additional details can be, in principle, anything: belts with spikes and massive metal buckles, wristbands and bracelets, chokers resembling collars. All this is certainly made of leather, decorated with skulls and rivets. The punk style also includes massive rings, chains, badges with obscene inscriptions, and even banal ones pinned in the right place.


Shoes matter too. These can be regular sneakers, rough boots or shoes with an incredibly high platform. Girls, as a rule, choose boots, always with heels, or so-called striptease shoes.

Such models are equipped with an extremely high rise (20 cm or more). Often these shoes also have a huge platform, not so much for convenience, but to enhance the visual effect.

Punk haircut: what is it like?

Punk haircuts to match your clothes. These are partially or completely shaved heads, and it doesn’t matter at all how long the hair is. Although, of course, mostly punks wear short hair with a shaved temple part. As a rule, long hair remains only in the center of the head; it is convenient to form a mohawk from it. These are men's haircuts in punk style.

In addition to the mohawk, guys can have curly or simply elongated bangs on their heads, laid up. Options with volume in the back of the head are also possible.

There are no general recommendations for girls. The hair can be long, and then it will perfectly complement the overall sexuality of the image. Moreover, in this case, it is not at all necessary to shave the temple part; you can easily create an imitation by braiding several braids on the side. The hairstyle can be short, which will give the appearance even more daring.

In addition to haircuts, hair color is also important. It can be absolutely anything: bleached white, raven black, fiery red or completely unnatural. For example, red, green, blue, or purple.


Girls usually complement their look with makeup. It must certainly be provocative and bright. There are no rules or boundaries here. Bright red, brick, dark brown, cherry, even black shades of lipsticks are not just acceptable, but required. The eyes should also stand out.

False eyelashes, plenty of mascara, eyeliner and dark shadows are perfect for these purposes. This is a darker version of the smokey eye technique, which can often be found, for example, on Two accents in makeup are quite acceptable, this is not at all taboo.


Multifaceted and complex. It is dominated by simple fabrics, dark colors, and metal accessories. But something else is much more important. Punks are not just this state and type of behavior.

Such people with all their appearance demonstrate an open conflict with existing orders, views and ideas. Therefore, only truly strong and liberated individuals can wear punk style clothes and feel comfortable doing it. However, for all its gloom, this style cannot be called overly aggressive. When combined correctly, this is a protest, but skillfully constructed, thought out to the smallest detail.

Subcultures have existed at all times. Young people, in the hope of expressing their individuality, tried to dress in a special way, not like everyone else. Clothes were followed by special thinking, and in the end it all grew into ideology. The world was covered by a wave of hippies, disco, grunge and punk. Punks are considered one of the most provocative of all movements. Everyone has heard about them, and yet there are still people wondering: who are punks? Let's try to figure this out.

From music to subculture

Punks owe their appearance to the musical movement of the same name - punk rock. This style of music appeared in the 70s of the last century in the United States of America and Great Britain. The musicians rebelled against all other styles of rock, which at that time had become too lyrical and depressive. This is how punk rock appeared, preserving the fervor of good old rock and roll combined with primitive playing of musical instruments. The primitiveness of the game was deliberate, because punk rock is something that is available to everyone.

In the 70s, the world recognized more and more new bands: Pink Floyd, Deep Purple, Yes, Led Zeppelin, Genesis. They quickly received universal recognition, and after this, large fees for concerts. Members of these groups lived in expensive mansions and rode in luxury limousines with personal bodyguards. They gradually lost what united them with punk youth. They were 12 minutes long and performed to a soundtrack simply did not resemble what the teenage street rebels loved so much.

On November 6, 1975, the London College of Art was rocked by the performance of a provocative punk rock band with an equally provocative name. It was the Sex Pistols. They subsequently became a punk idol. They had what it took to make real punk rock: simple chords, primitive playing that didn't require much effort, affordable concerts.

The meaning of the word "punk"

The word "punk" comes from an English colloquial word meaning "bad", "trashy". It is not known for certain how exactly the representatives came up with the idea to be called that way: either they called the anarchist rebels that way, or because their music was called that way. One way or another, the word stuck.


Punk ideology is based on freedom. The punk subculture stands for the realization of human freedom without any outside pressure. In other words, if a person is free to wear whatever he wants, then he should really be able to walk down the street in torn shoes without getting a finger poked in the back. Freedom of speech is another important point for them. In their songs, punks do not mince words and use obscene language, because the right to freedom of speech is guaranteed by many human rights conventions.

Despite the judgments of society, punk is not a fashion at all, but an idea that gives meaning to the representatives of this movement. Many consider this to be an age factor, as if it is just something that will pass after the rebellious teenage years. In reality, this is not always the case. A true punk stays that way for the rest of his life.

Characteristic personality traits

The question of what punk is is not entirely correct. It’s better to ask, and then everything will immediately become clear. One true representative of a subculture can give an idea of ​​what the entire movement is like.

A punk is a person striving for independence, in other words, individualism. Such a person, even though he is often among a noisy company, is a loner on his own. He does not care about society with its problems and the needs of other people. Punks are characterized by anarchy, anti-authoritarianism, anti-homophobia, and nihilism. A punk is an asocial person who denies any culture, who does not respect the older generation according to the principle: “If you are old, then they respect you.” He is always against any order, power.


The punk subculture has its own characteristic features, thanks to which it can be distinguished from all others, including external ones. Despite the fact that appearance is not particularly important for punks, they all look similar.

  • Iroquois. This hairstyle originated before the advent of punks. The Indians did it during their secret rituals in order to scare everyone around. Punks use different options. In the classic version, the hair is shaved, leaving only a strip of long hair along the head. They are placed using varnish like large needles.

  • Hairstyle - "garbage dump". Suitable for everyone who doesn't like to bother. Just tousle your hair and your hairstyle is ready.
  • Abundance of accessories. These are chains, rivets, stripes, collars, wristbands, pins. They cover the entire image from head to toe according to the rule “the more, the better.”
  • Torn pants. They are torn either on purpose, as a sign of protest, or they are not sewn up after a fight at a concert. Even if the piquant areas are visible because of the holes in the pants, this does not bother anyone, because it’s even better. Punk is always about freedom and breaking social norms, and sometimes this can be shocking.
  • Leather jackets. What distinguishes them from biker ones is that they are decorated using spray paint. They may have different inscriptions and many rivets.

In the minds of society

Many years of practice have shown that people refuse to understand what punk is and what it wants to show the world. According to surveys conducted at one time by sociologists in the Russian capital, it was revealed that the majority of the population considers them nothing more than people suffering from schizophrenia. They are considered aberrations, sick and ill-mannered.

On the one hand, this point of view is completely justified. Many punks do not show their best side by committing crimes. Promoting words, actions, thoughts and views, they ultimately did not think about the fact that they themselves were violating the same freedom of other people. This is not to say that all punks are like this, because many of them are worthy of respect. Initially, punk was accessible music and a protest against the dullness of life. Over time, turning into a bunch of real ragamuffins, punk lost its true face.

Alas, they are called scum, just like in the 70s. The youth, who once wanted to gain freedom, ultimately did not find universal recognition. And today there is a decline in the punk movement and its replacement by new directions.

The word "punk" has a long history. William Shakespeare also called cheap prostitutes this way in his play Measure for Measure. Then the meaning of the word changed a little, and already in the 20th century, punks were prisoners. Later, the word “punk” acquired another meaning: “dirt”, “garbage”.

Unlike many other subcultures, the ideological boundaries of which are not so clearly defined, punk has become exactly the culture that has clearly found and reflected its individuality, declaring to the world: “We are not like others, and we really like it!” Punk was originally a counterculture that developed into a whole countercultural movement. The difference between counterculture and youth subculture is opposition to politics and society as a whole and denial of everything that surrounds them. By and large, the first Russian punk can be called Yevgeny Bazarov, the hero of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”: it was he who first began to deny everything that is most important for a Russian person: God, family, love, the existing political system, even the most minimal human needs . The first punks - both Western and Soviet - were the same nihilists who spit on all generally accepted values. They set their own “chaotic order”.

At first, the activities of American punks did not go beyond the boundaries of club parties. They did not engage in rowdy behavior and behaved very decently: they practiced music and avant-garde literature - symbolism, futurism. In general, as the American media wrote about them then: “The intelligentsia is having fun, it’s okay.” That's what everyone thought until the punk rock storm hit London in 1976.

The song "Anarchy in the UK" by the Sex Pistols became the anthem of all punks

The official starting point of the daring subculture is considered to be October 22, 1976, when the first punk single “New Rose” by The Damned was released. A month and a half later, the Sex Pistols released the song "Anarchy In The UK". In the spring and summer of that year, more and more punk bands appeared in London, playing energetic and noisy music and turning on the crowd with their, to put it mildly, immodest behavior on stage. A little later, in the mid-1970s, this urban culture came to the USSR along with the songs of the founding fathers of punk: the Sex Pistols and Ramones, who drew inspiration from the work of the extremely popular The Beatles and The Rolling Stones a decade earlier. The latter, by the way, set the style for the punk community not only in music, but also in clothing.

The Sex Pistols and Ramones became the founders and symbols of the punk movement

On stage, punks choose an aggressive and defiant, and sometimes even vulgar style of behavior, which gave impetus to the creation of a special worldview of punks: a critical attitude towards everything that surrounds them. Punks strive for freedom and complete independence, promoting the principles of “not selling out”, “relying on yourself” (DIY - Do it yourself).

An important role in the formation of punk was played by Iggy Pop, the lead singer of The Stooges, known for his numerous antics on stage. It was he who set the style of punk behavior on stage. Iggy Pop pioneered stage diving, or “stage diving.” But this was only the beginning: the musician vomited right on stage, he cut his chest with a razor, and ended the concert with his fly unzipped. After this, during The Stooges concerts, Iggy, who traditionally performed bare-chested, often injured himself, insulted the audience, stripped completely and jumped into the crowd from the stage.

For the first time, Soviet punks heard about the first Western ones from accusatory articles in newspapers of the Soviet Union and the plots of the Soviet program “International Panorama,” but instead of obeying the totalitarian finger and starting to despise them, they chose them as an ideal. This is the essence of “true punk”.

"Punky hoy!" - Such exclamations could be heard everywhere in the 80s of the last century in the vastness of the Soviet Union. It was then that this punk greeting came into the Russian language from English.

By the way, there are several versions of the appearance of this exclamation: according to one of them, the Russian “Hoy!” takes its origins from the English “Oi!”, which served as a greeting for cockneys (natives of London from the middle and lower social strata). In the late 1970s, this word was used by Harry Bushell, a journalist for the music magazine Sounds, to describe the direction of punk rock, which proclaimed a return to “true, proletarian roots” and promoted active confrontation with government and society. When this word passed into the Russian language, the letter “x” was added to it, which sounded very ambiguous and daring, because it resembled one well-known Russian swear word.

According to another version, the word “hoy” was formed from the English “oi-oi-oi”. These exclamations were heard in the songs of skinheads in the 70s, which ultimately became the reason for the creation of a new style: “oops”, or “street punk”. Later, everyone who was not too lazy began to shout “oh” - most often in choral singing. The first cries of “HOY” on the Russian punk scene came from Yegor Letov (leader of the group “Civil Defense”).

Soviet punks differed from each other both in ideology and in appearance - depending on where they lived. The punks of Siberia, for example, came from the hippie movement, which they soon became disillusioned with and began to vehemently deny. Tallinn punks were absolutely identical to those from Stockholm and London. Moscow punks were for every taste, depending on their favorite bands and location of the party, and the punks of Leningrad (the first in the USSR) staged punk performances and led a bohemian lifestyle. The first punk in the USSR is considered to be the leader of the St. Petersburg group “Automatic Satisfiers” Andrei Svin Panov, who defecated right on the streets and in Boris Grebenshchikov’s front door, and also performed sexual intercourse with the exhaust pipe of a bus. He was one of the leaders of the St. Petersburg punk party, in which, among others, even young Viktor Tsoi was a member.

Punks of the country of the Soviets

Punk = hippie + a lot of aggression

Punk became an extraordinary response to the crisis of the hippie movement and to the “limp” music of the time, which moved away from the energy and rhythm of traditional rock and roll. They called themselves “children of the garbage dump” as opposed to the hippies - “children of flowers.”

The worldview of punks is quite close to that of a hippie; however, if the idea of ​​a hippie fits into the slogan “Down with money, the world is already infinitely beautiful!”, then for punks it is more likely “The world is still disgusting, so nothing will help it.” Punks, unlike hippies, are quite aggressive, and according to their political views they are considered anarchists (with the light hand of the “Sex pistols”, who released the cult single “Anarchy in the UK”).


The look of punks is always shocking: bright unnatural hair colors, mohawks, shaved temples, a lot of hairspray to make the hair stand up. By the way, the fashion for mohawks was introduced by the British punk band The Exploited.

Ripped jeans with chains tucked into heavy Dr. boots. Martens and Converse sneakers. The style of wearing sneakers was started by the Ramones group, and they adopted it from the Mexican punks - Latinos. The leather biker jacket was adopted by punks as an attribute of bikers from the 50s, when the motorcycle and rock and roll were inseparable from each other.

English designer Vivienne Westwood introduced punk attributes to the masses and the fashion industry. By the way, the fashion for punk looks has become extremely relevant in the last three years. Today, no fashion lookbook is complete without ripped jeans, black leather jackets, white or red Converse, and old-school T-shirts with punk rock band logos. And in the last couple of years, shaved temples have also come back into fashion.

Punk rock festivals

Despite the relative diversity of punk rock festivals, they all continue to exist for no more than two or three years. They gather no more than 150 participants. And punk fests are held mostly in the forest or in abandoned factories - a minimum of convenience, but a lot of drive and impressions: “Troika-fest”, “Varnak-fest”, “Horizontal”, “Hellsummer fest”, “Interesting punk aesthetic” ", Boyscout Fest.

Mostly, punks gather at gigs of punk rock bands - concerts without seats with the possibility of moshing and slamming.

Punks at a gig. Stage dive

Punks today

Most of today's adherents of the punk subculture say that they came to it thanks to the work of “light” pop-punk bands: Sum41, Simple Plan, Blink 182, Fall Out Boy. Even if you compare their songs with the songs of the same representatives of pop-punk creativity, the Ramones, the songs of the former sound much softer and poppier. Pop-punk is also distinguished by the absence of a political orientation, characteristic of punk rock in the first place, as well as by a general positive direction.

Today, punk as a counterculture no longer exists: now it is a 100% youth subculture, because the lifestyle, behavior, and political views of punks are not in opposition to the existing social system, political system or moral values. The appearance of punks has now become just a tribute to outgoing fashion.

A genre of fantastic literature that aims to reveal all the potential capabilities of a particular technology that dominated in a certain time period or in a certain civilization. The genre is represented by models that also include “timepunk” in the group (steampunk, dieselpunk, atompunk, cyberpunk, nanopunk, biopunk), as well as a hybrid subgenre of techno-fantasy, depicting a technically advanced civilization, but with the basic attributes of the fantasy genre.

Technopunk is very close to alternative history, but the fundamental difference is that this is a stylistic reconstruction, not a historical one. Technopunk is not looking for bifurcation points at which a small external intervention or other choice made by a historical figure could change the development of humanity. Typically, technopunk depicts an already established civilization, developing for a long time in the direction that led it to its modern state, and the reader can only guess where the divergence began, and in the case of techno-fantasy, he is deprived of this possibility.

(Timepunk) is a subgenre of science fiction that simulates a world at some other technological level, which most often implies different laws of society. This term is a general term for a large number of related areas of fiction, often derived from cyberpunk and steampunk (which itself originally appeared as a separate area as a parody of cyberpunk), and is quite close in meaning to the concepts of technopunk, techno-fantasy and alternative history.

Types of Timepunk:

(Stonepunk) is a genre of science fiction that simulates a world at the technological level of the Stone Age.

Bronzepunk(Bronzepunk) is a genre of science fiction that simulates a world at the technological level of the Bronze Age.

Sandalpunk(Sandalpunk) is a genre of science fiction that simulates a world at the technological level of late antiquity.

Plaigpunk(Plaguepunk), also Middlepunk(Middlepunk) and rarely Candlepunk(Candlepunk) is a genre of science fiction that simulates a world at the technological level of the Middle Ages.

Clockpunk(Clockpunk) is a genre of science fiction that simulates a world at the technological level of the Renaissance and Baroque eras: court engineers, courtesans, guardsmen.

(Steampunk) is a genre of science fiction that simulates a world that has perfectly mastered the technology of steam engines.

(Gasopunk) (Dieselpunk) is a genre of fiction that describes the technological world of the 20-50s of the XX century.

Atomicpunk(Atomicpunk) and transistorpunk(Transistorpunk) is a genre of science fiction that simulates a world at the technological level of 1945 - 1990.

(Cyberpunk) is a subgenre of science fiction that describes a world of the near future, in which high technological development coexists with deep social stratification, poverty, lawlessness, and street anarchy in urban slums.

(Post-Cyberpunk) is a genre of science fiction that developed from cyberpunk, which, like its predecessor, describes the technical development of society in the near future and the processes occurring during this (the universal penetration of information technology, genetic and molecular engineering, technologies for modifying the human body, etc.) , however, in contrast to “classical” cyberpunk, the main characters of the works actively strive to improve social conditions or, at least, prevent the degradation of society.

Types of Post-Cyberpunk (also included in the types of Timepunk):

(Nanopunk) is a trend in science fiction (a type of post-cyberpunk) dedicated to the social and psychological aspects of the use of nanotechnology.

(Biopunk) - a direction in science fiction (a type of post-cyberpunk), dedicated to the social and psychological aspects of the use of genetic engineering and biological weapons.

Spacepunk(Spacepunk) - a mixture of cyberpunk and space opera, differs from space opera not only in its cyberpunk surroundings, but often in a tougher and more cynical world.

(Splatterpunk) is a literary and cinematic genre on the verge of fantasy and horror, which appeared in the mid-1980s. Splatterpunk consists of short works with a cynical description of violence in large modern cities. Splatterpunk heroes are antisocial, alienated misfits. Antiheroes are serial killers, psychopaths and maniacs.

(Post-Apocalyptic) is a genre of science fiction in which action takes place in a world after a global catastrophe.

There are also a number of interesting areas close to this topic:

(Stitchpunk) (from stitch - “sewing stitch” and punk - “something useless, unnecessary; rubbish, trash”) - a direction of science fiction. A derivative of cyberpunk and steampunk, which considers an alternative version of the development of humanity or the material traces of its habitation, in a post-apocalyptic world, the main inhabitants of which, as a rule, are dolls, plush toys, etc. The stitchpunk style is more parodic and not as pessimistic as cyberpunk or steampunk, although it has similar features of social dystopia.

(Apocalyptic) is a genre of science fiction that tells about the onset of some kind of global catastrophe. The first works of this genre appeared in the era of romanticism at the very beginning of the 19th century, but the real heyday of the genre came during the Cold War, and therefore the classic plot of this genre tells of thermonuclear war.

(Dystopia) - a trend in fiction and cinema, in a narrow sense a description of a totalitarian state, in a broad sense - any society in which negative development trends have prevailed

(Alternative History) is a genre of fiction dedicated to depicting the reality that could have been if history, at one of its turning points (bifurcation points, or fork points) had taken a different path. This literary genre should not be confused with alternative historical theories, which propose that the picture of the past depicted by historical science is partially or entirely erroneous.

A genre of science fiction, a subgenre of fantasy, describing a world in which technology and magic coexist side by side. The genre has several variations of worlds.

A term that combines the concepts of “retro” and “futurism” (also futurology). Retrofuturism is how people imagined the future in the past.

Representatives of the youth gothic subculture are distinguished from the crowd by deathly makeup and black clothing. Fans of the rap style are distinguished by their flared pants and stylish cap. The punk sign in the form of a defiant mohawk on the head, an abundance of metal on leather jackets and on the body attracts the attention of the crowd. Youth groups with different interests, united by the search for the meaning of life and justice, were called informals.

History of the development of the punk movement

Punk culture originated in Western Europe under the influence of the works of The Beatles, Rolling Stones, and Sex Pistols. In their music they expressed the idea of ​​permissiveness and anarchy. Imitation of musical idols and denial of social norms, protest against government and society transformed into rebellious defiant behavior. The English word (punk), loosely translated as a lost person, trash, worthless, tramp, in the full sense fit the behavior of punks.

Excessive and demonstrative use of alcohol and drugs is also a characteristic sign of punks, as a form of protest against a healthy lifestyle. The desire to demonstrate personal freedom was manifested in the choice of anarchist symbolism in red and black.

Punk worldview

In the public environment, there is a strong negative opinion about punks, supported by the defiant appearance of representatives of this subculture of the world. Hidden behind external sloppiness and aggressive behavior is a persistent desire for self-affirmation and self-expression, characteristic of adolescents. What is the outward manifestation of protest?

  1. Cloth. A mandatory element is a short dark leather jacket with metal studs and red and black T-shirts with anarchist symbols, creating an image of liberated negligence.
  2. Shoes. These, of course, are bastards - bulky, heavy boots with a shaft and rough soles.
  3. Behavior. Demonstratively disdainful of government officials and public opinion. Breaking out aggressiveness and independence from stereotypes. Addiction to drinking and drugs.
  4. Hairstyle. They love bright hair colors, so they dye them in various shades of red, green, and purple tones. Particular importance is attached to fixing the hair in the form of a rearing militant mohawk.
  5. Music. It is distinguished by the sound of affirming rhythms, drive and expression.

What causes teenagers' interest in punks?

  • Firstly, because they are attracted by the loud, bright, completely reckless, non-standard behavior of this group of young people.
  • Secondly, the desire to express a personal attitude towards everyday instability through protest in the form of a denial of all norms and rules. This is also the reason for the imitation of clothing style.
  • Thirdly, why not? What better time to have fun and fool around in your youth, out of spite for “gray everyday life.”

In adolescence, it is difficult to demand a balanced attitude towards life. Every second person tries to join informal groups. Over time, views on life change, understanding of everyday standards comes, and growing up.

Musical style punk rock

Followers of the punk rock movement appreciate the rhythmic, aggressive tempo of performance. The lyrics, written in a hooligan manner, reflect the social problems of the youth environment. Short song compositions with 3-4 chords are well remembered and provide an opportunity for self-expression.

Some imitate the style of clothing, others believe that it is enough to be drunk and curse the authorities, while others demonstrate mohawks. But, first of all, punk is a life position and way of thinking.